
(You know who's P.O.V it is cause he's the only one left... lol *sips earl grey tea evily*)


Oh God I can still hear his voice... A heart wrenching sob escapes my lips.

"Thomas!" His voice sings to me, taunting, yet soothing... I look up from his shoulder to see if Jemms really is calling out to me and it was all just my imagination...

Nope... There lies the body, unmoving.

I cry so hard for who knows how long, with dreadful thoughts of how James' death must've been the worst, suffercating, waiting for you love to save you... I let him down... He trusted me... Choked... I killed him. I killed James Madison!!

Bile raises to my throat, along with my heart.


I scream, why won't the voice let me go? Why can't I stop hearing him!!



I bolt straight up. I look around for the dead body of my used-to-be-soon-husband. I whimper, remembering how I was going to propose to him in his favorite garden....

Instead I'm greated my a warm arm around my chest pulling me back down to bed. I whip my head around to see who this arm belongs to.

"What the hell!?"

"Shhh, Thomas, calm down, it's okay."

"J-james? But I saw- You, you died!!"

"Hush, baby. You were having a bad dream." He seems a bit taken back by the 'you died part' but wipes tears from my face. "You called my name and you were crying."

"Wh-what happened??" This feels unreal... But it is. I know it is... It has to be.

"Well I woke up with a terrible coughing fit, remember that?" He continues with my nod. "Okay, well you left to get water and came back. My coughing started again, but stopped soon enough. We then went back to bed, after I drank enough water to fill several bathtubs."

"Oh." I pull him close to me, never wanting to let go. "My dream... I went to get water but there was none left, so I had to go get more. When I got back your fit was worse... Once I reached your side... You... You were dead..."

"Oh Tommy..."

I kiss him. Talking takes too much effort. And then I kiss him again. It reassures me that he really is breathing.

"I'm sorry I woke you, honey." I hold him so close to me, it's a possibilty he might melt into my body.

"No, Thomas, I hate to see you in pain or worry." He kisses my cheek.

Soon there is no more talking just gentle kisses and the soothing sound of his soft breathing. We both drift off soon enough, very much alive.


(Precious cinnamon roll's P.O.V.)

I wake again sometime around midmorning. Groaning, I roll over, just to realize the bed is empty. Groaning again, I sit up. I can smell a most delicious aroma wafting from the kitchen, however.

I haul my ass out of bed and tread over to the kitchen. "Wow, I didn't know you could cook anything other than macaroni and cheese!!" I come up behind Tommy and hug him, I am to short to reach the top of his shoulders, so I rest my head on his back. He loves when I do this, hugs from behind.

"Morning sunshine, and yes, I know how to cook other foods other than The Best Dish On This Planet." He informs me, turning around in my arms and kisses me. "I'm making waffles. Unless you want me to make The Best Dish On This Planet. Or, oh, The Beat Dish On This Planet on top of waffles."

"No, waffles sound great...By themselves please." I love waffles, but I also don't think I can go through another breakfast of macaroni... I'd puke. It's bad enough by it's self... But cold?? Hell no. Also, macaroni on top of waffles!? Together!? I gag at the thought, but turn around so Tomama won't see.

I sit down and Thomas follows soon after, setting a plate of waffles in front of my face. I grab the fork, and all the dinner table manners I have learned get thrown out of the window.

"Don't eat too fast!! You'll throw it all back up!!" He instructs me, as I eat the food greedily. He's right, not eating a lot of food for a while makes my body prone to shock from suddenly eating lots. I don't need to throw up. I slow down, not before sending a glare his way.

All he does is chuckle and sit besides me, eating too. "Mm, want coffee, love?"

"Coffee would be great."

We talk, sip coffee, laugh, smile. Ah, how I love it when he smiles. His genuine smile. Not the snarky one, but the one with passion in his eyes. Tommy hasn't smiled in a while, now that I think of it. I smile back. He's so beautiful.

Mornings like this continue, happy and cheerfull. I grow stronger and fully healed like I was before being shot and sickness. Thomas smiles more now, too.

(P.O.V Jefferboi's)

It's been sometime since James fell from a bullet and sickness. He is much better now, we both are. Weird, how a terrible event could make things better in the end, even better than the beginning before it all begun.

I believe it's a miracle. James is my miracle. He's alive, surely anyone else would have died.

I'm more than ecstatic my baby boy is with me today, other wise I wouldn't be able to call him my husband.


Ok, so I think I might make an alternate ending, but other than that, this is the end. I hope it wasn't too disappointing.

Anyway, thank you for reading!! Don't forget to vote fam... Sorry it's my encouragement... Proves to my low self esteem that people actually like my writing.


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