Holly hell 851 words... Lol that's nothing... BUT I MADE THE SKEWL PLAY YAY! sorry this is so late ugh.
I apologize for the medical inaccuracies, I am no doctor...
James is sick. And it's all my goddamn fault. How could I forget to give him the medication required? How could I forget to change his bandages? I'm such a dumbass! I-
"James? Your awake? James??" I reply to the weak voice coming from my bed. He had been out cold for the last few days. He had waken up briefly in and out of nightmares and raging temperatures. God, it was terrible... I had cancelled all current debates and meetings to watch over my Jemmy.
"Sh-sh-sh I'm here love, it's okay." I whisper into my baby's ear as I sit on the bed and pull the bundle of blankets onto my lap. "Your fever has broken, lovey." My heart was pounding, worried that this was just another one of my dreams...
He let out a little whine, which is all I needed to know, my Jemmy was back with me, and not truly dead. "Oh baby I missed you..." My chin quivers and tears slide silently down my face.
"Tommy I'm okay..." However, Jam-Jams isn't to convincing himself when he's crying as well.
"Oh my sweet jam on golden wheat toast, I love you, you're amazing and I don't know what I would do with out you I think you're beautiful... Honestly I'd probably would have committed murder by now if it weren't for you and I-"
"Tommy... shhh..." He struggles to sit up and I help him, pulling him up so he's still sitting on my lap, his legs wrapped around my waist.
I cup his face an kiss him slow. I feel deprived, like I haven't kissed this man in years. I'm needy, I want to claim him, to- But no. I pull away. I pull away from the lighter that sparks fire in my heart.
"Thomas, I love you so much..." He rests his head on my chest, arms drapped around my neck. "But, sweet jam on golden wheat toast?? You can be such a cringy kink meme I swear!" He laughs quietly, but it turns into a small coughing fit.
"Shhh... Breathe, baby, breathe..." I rub circles into his back, trying to soothe.
With some shuddering gasps he asks, "C-can you get me some water, please?"
"Of course, love."
I help him lay back down comfortbly, then fetch him his drugs (medication) and a tall glass of water, even though he already has me.
(James P.O.V)
I've been laying in bed most of the day, reading, walking around a bit, letting Tommy mother hen me. I still have coughing fits and sneezes, but it's much better than the "hotter than the fires of hell temperature" as my man tells me.
"Hey, babe." Thomas hugs me from behind, yawning. "Are you ready for bed?"
Exhausted, I nod. It's only eight... But-
"T-thomas! This has got to stop!" I squeak, for again he has picked me up bridal style and is carrying me to bed!!
"Never." He says simply
Once we are tucked in bed I snuggle up with the macaroni lover.
He takes my hand, "I'll love you forever, babe... I'm glad your better..." He says half awake.
"Me too..." I hum, putting my free hand into the jeffy fluff.
We drift off into a peaceful slumber arm in arm.
(The macaroni fuccer's P.O.V)
I wake up to the sound of raspy coughing.
"Jemmy?" I look over to see my love sitting up, gripping his chest, gasping for air.
"James!!" I move besides him, as panic floods my veins. He can't breathe! He's choking on his own panic!! "James!!!" I urgently rub is chest as I hold him close. Where did this come from? He was doing great!! Oh, God, please don't let this be a relapse fever or something!! I whisper soothing words to him, to help him and me, stay calm until this is all over.
What seemed like hours, the coughing horror was over.
"Thomas..." His eyes watered from the dry pain that stabbed at his throat.
"Sh, sweetie. Imma go get you some water." His voice was much too weak and raspy for my liking. I gave his hand a gentle squeeze before I left.
As I hurry to get more water, but as I reach for the pitcher, I realize it's empty. Swearing, I hurry off for more liquid.
I pretty much sprint back to the kitchen. I can hear Jemms coughing again. It's worse. Much worse.
"Fuck it!!" I yell and run back to my hallway bed with the entire pitcher.
"James!!" I scurry over to the bedside. The coughing had suddenly stopped. "James!!" I panic, set the pitcher down, and crawl to my love of my life.
"JAMES!!" He won't respond! His chest isn't moving!?!? Pulse, pulse, check for the pulse... Nothing!!!
"JAMES MADISON WAKE THE HELL UP!!!" I scream tears running down my face. He's gone. He's gone, he's gone, he is gone!!!
I sob and drive my head into his shoulder. Nothing. No reaction. My baby, my baby is dead.
Next chapter will probably be last chapter.
Sorry for probably the thousands of grammar errors that plague this chapter....
Go check out Oatmillie he is a hella good writer
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