Prompt #2 (Story A)

Prompt: Write a story about two characters who like each other but don't get a happily-ever-after.

Genre: Fan Fiction

Rating: T

By BCHunter426

The sun shone down on Shady Folks retirement village. Elderly witches and demons milled about on the lawn, enjoying the cool fall air and practicing their sleight of hand to steal snails from their fellow retirees. Walking up the path is a family of five, mother and father struggling to keep the young twins from pestering those who live there. The teenage daughter walks solemnly toward their destination, seemingly in her own world. Once the twins were under control and they'd all caught up with their daughter and sister. The mother knocked on the door.

"One moment, just finishing my set." A few moments a dull thud was heard and the door opened to reveal the sweaty face of Willow Park, her grey hair tied in double braids.

"Hi mom, sorry we're late. We were caught up in the antics of hurricanes Izzy and Carly."

As if summoned, the twins barreled past their mom and hugged each of their grandma's legs. "Gramma Willow!" The girls said in unison.

"Hello there little hurricanes." Willow said affectionately. "Where's my oldest granddaughter? Quit hiding behind your parents and give your grandma a hug."

Lark smiled and stepped forward to envelop her grandmother in a tight hug. "I wasn't hiding grandma."

"Mhmm, sure. Maybe not behind your parents, but you looked like you were hiding in your thoughts."

"How do you do that?" Lark asked with a laugh.

"When you get to be my age you learn how to read your family. Come on, sit down and we'll have a chat." Willow turned to take a step toward the couch, but discovered a new pair of giggling shoes had appeared on her feet.

"Come on kids, get off your grandma's feet."

"Rosewood Park Evermore, are you feeling okay? These are my new shoes. Do you not like them?" Willow posed her legs as best she could with the new weight. "I think they're quite dashing."

Izzy and Carly giggled harder as their grandma hefted them along toward the couch. "Gramma it's us! We're not shoes!"

"Oh my goodness! It is you." She beamed down at them after the illusion poofed away. "You're getting good at those illusion spells."

"You have no idea." Rose said and hugged her mother. "Still training everyday I see." She gestured to the weights in front of the couch.

"Of course, you never know when a slitherbeast is going to make a move." She winked mischievously and flexed her not inconsiderable biceps. "Plus I've got to be in shape for the Bonesborough Brawl next month. You're coming right? Your brother will be there too. I need my cheering section."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Rose said with a loving smile. "It'll be nice to catch up with Rowan. How's he doing these days?"

"You know Rowan. Constantly building his witchitarion empire. His newest cause is getting housing built for disenfranchised demons. Tinela Nosa has been a big help for him. I tell you, that woman doesn't seem to age. Other than a few crow's feet she looks the same as when I was Lark's age."

Rose chuckled. "Where's dad?"

"He'll be along soon. He was finishing up a Palisman for a student when I called him." She grabbed the collar of her son in law's shirt. "Don't think you can sneak past me young man. I may be old, but I'm still sharp as a tack." She pulled Mavris into a bone crushing hug.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He said breathlessly. "I was just going to set down the twin's bag."

Willow released him then looked down at the twins. "Get along you two. Grandpa and I put up a new swing set for you."

With ear piercing cries of joy the twins were off. Willow turned to her remaining granddaughter. "Now, are you going to tell me what's on your mind or am I going to have to guess? Do I have to break someone's legs? Because, I'll do it."

Lark smiled at her feisty grandmother. "No one's legs need to be broken. It's just stupid friend stuff."

"You're in luck, I happen to know a thing or two about stupid friend stuff." She said. "Tell me what's going on."

"Well..." Lark hesitated. "There's this guy, we've been friends since we were in the baby class at Hexside. When we were nine we made a promise to marry each other when we were grown up, but now he's going after the popular girl and hanging out with her friends. It seems like we're drifting apart. I know it was a stupid little kid promise, but it meant something to me. Maybe I should let it go, it was four years ago. I really like him though, Grandma."

Willow smiled sympathetically. "Did I ever tell you about my first love?"

"Yes Grandma," Lark said with a roll of her eyes. "you and grandpa saved the Boiling Isles from the Collector and Belos after being teleported to the human realm and fell in love after Belos was destroyed. It's one of my favorite stories, but I don't see how it applies to my situation."

Willow chuckled. "It is a good one, but not the story I was going to tell."

"Grandpa Hunter wasn't your first love?" Lark asked in surprise.

"Nope." Willow smiled. "My first love was when I was a bit younger than you. I'd say we were eleven when I realized it."

"I've gotta hear this!" Lark said, turning toward her grandmother with her legs crossed in the couch.

"It all started at my entrance test to get into Hexside..."

Willow nervously shuffled her feet backstage in the auditorium. Her dads were talking with some of the other parents as she awaited her turn. When she turned nine, she knew this day was coming, but her nerves failed to quiet. The boy ahead of her looked almost as nervous as she did. This only proved to increase her own anxiety. She quickly left the line.

"I have to use the bathroom!" She said as she passed her dads.

She rushed down the hallway to the restroom

And slammed the door open. She opened one of the stalls and sat on the toilet. She fought back her tears by clenching her fists on her legs.

"Come on Willow, you can do this. You've been practicing with papa for weeks now." She took a deep breath. "Just stick to the ice spell. You're good at that. You'll get into the baby class at least."

Just as she was getting ready to leave, the door opened. She pulled her legs up, not wanting to be seen.

"I won't be long mom." Said a girl's voice.

"See that you aren't. We don't want you to be late." A stern voice said from the hallway.

The door closed and the new comer paved the restroom, checking under each stall before standing in front of one of the mirrors.

"Calm down Amity. You're a Blight. Blight's don't show weakness." She said with a shudder in her voice.

"Are you nervous to perform magic in front of the principal too?" Willow asked.

Amity let out a yelp and fell to the floor. Willow rushed out to help her back up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

"Where did you come from? I checked all the stalls!" Amity said loudly.

"I was... hiding." Willow said, grinding her toe into the floor out of embarrassment.

"Lucky you." Amity said glumly. "My parents would never let me hide. They always have an abomination guard follow me wherever I go. So I lied and said I had to use the bathroom to get some time alone."

"Were you giving yourself a pep talk too?" Willow asked.

"Is that why you were hiding?" Amity smiled.

Willow smiled back and extended a hand. "I'm Willow. Willow Park."

"Amity Blight." She took Willow's hand. "Are you trying for the advanced classes too?"

"My dads would like me too, but I can only do one spell regularly." She made a circle in the air and an icicle formed. "My dads tried to help me learn the light spell but it's fifty-fifty if it actually works."

"Can I see?" Amity asked.

Willow blushed and made another circle in the air. A small faintly flickering ball of light appeared in its place. A moment later it blinked out of existence.

Amity stroked her chin thoughtfully. "I think I know what's wrong. You don't care about a light spell."

"Of course I do." Willow said, flustered. "It's the most basic spell. Everyone can do it."

Amity chuckled. "It's okay Willow. What spell do you want to learn?"

Willow looked down bashfully. "Plant magic. My dads say it's too dangerous, because I can't control it. I've studied plant books, but I can't get it right all the time. I get closer with it than the light spell."

"Show me." Amity grinned.

"Okay." She gulped.

She made a circle above the ground, her anxieties tearing up again. The tile shook and a small flower with eyes on each petal and a mouth in the middle sprang up and roared.

Amity shuffled away from the small carnivorous plant. After the surprise wore off she let out an uproarious laugh. "You should do that for the principal!"

Willow smiled and let out a laugh of her own. Suddenly the door burst open. A woman with light green hair stood in the doorway with a stern expression.

"Amity Blight! What is taking- why are you sitting in this filthy floor?" She shouted.

"Sorry, mom. I met a new friend her name's-"

"Get up, your turn is coming up soon." She pulled her daughter off the ground.

"Bye, Amity." Willow said uncertainly. "See you at school."

Willow stood and brushed herself off. "I guess I should go take my turn."

Willow returned to the auditorium and took her spot back, waving shyly to Amity on her way. She waited patiently for the few kids ahead of her to present the spells they knew. Before she knew it the principal was calling her name.

"Willow Park, please come to the stage." Principal Bump called.

She walked out and took a deep breath.

"And what spells will you be performing today?" Bump asked.

"Um an ice spell and..." She looked over to her dads who were giving her four big thumbs up. "A plant spell."

"Very good, you may proceed." Bump nodded.

Willow repeated the ice spell she'd done for Amity. This time making a pillar of ice sprout up from the floor. With another deep breath to steady her nerves she caused another slightly larger carnivorous plant bloom up and through the ice.

"Very good!" Bump said with a grin. "You've proven enough aptitude to be placed in the advanced beginner track. "Next up we have Skara."

Willow smiled brightly and rushed to hug her dads, passing by the dark skinned girl holding a harp who was skipping her way to center stage. Her dads embraced her and congratulated her on passing the exam.

"We're so proud of you Willow!" Her dad, Gilbert said.

"I thought we agreed no plant magic though." Harvey, her papa, said teasingly.

"I tried practicing the light spell papa, but plant magic just comes easier for me." She smiled.

"Regardless, you did it! Let's go celebrate!" He hefted his daughter on this shoulders and began heading toward the exit.

Willow spotted Amity and waved excitedly. "Thanks for the advice, Amity! See you in the advanced track!"

Amity beamed at her and congratulated her on her way out. It wasn't until school started that Willow would see Amity again.

On her first day at Hexside, Willow clung to the straps of her backpack. She anxiously looked around at all the older kids walking around in their clumps of friends. She smiled in their direction hopeful that she'd be like them soon enough. She looked at her class schedule. Her first class was potions followed by universal spell casting, where she would begin learning the basic spells that every witch was allowed to use even after joining a coven.

Potions was easy enough to get through, she was always good at memorization, but the sheer amount of things she'd need to remember was daunting. As she stepped into her next class she saw a familiar face.

"Amity!" Willow said suddenly.

"Willow?" The brown haired girl looked up from her book. With a smile spreading on her face she moved forward to greet her. "We have a class together!"

"It's like having a built in friend!" Willow said with her own smile growing.

"Exactly!" Amity said and grabbed Willows hand. "Come sit by me!"

Willow blushed slightly when their hands met, but followed happily. The two girls talked excitedly as the class waited for the bell to scream, signaling the beginning of class. Amity suddenly perked up and grabbed the book she had been reading.

"Have you ever read The Good Witch Azura?" She held the book with the cover facing her friend.

The book's cover showed a brown skinned witch with green hair wearing robes and a hat of pure white. She was holding her staff in a triumphant manner. She was flanked on either side by a dog-like creature and a woman in red robes standing a bit behind her.

"I haven't. Is it good?" Willow asked.

The floodgates opened and Amity gave an in-depth lore dump on the series. Amity had apparently read the series multiple times already and was starting it once more. Willow smiled the whole time. She thought it was cute how excited Amity was while talking about her book. As her crash course was reaching a fever pitch the teacher called for the student's attention.

"Alright class, settle down." The teacher, a blue rhinoceros-like demon wearing a powdered wig. "Welcome to your first class of basic magic. These are going to be incredibly important to learn for you to learn in order to be a functioning member of society."

From that day on the duo was inseparable. They played together every day they could, always worked on school projects together, they even occasionally played hooky from class and summer camp. Two years later, on the day they were caught at camp when Willow's invisibility spell made their fort disappear but left them visible, the pair were forced to sit out of the next activity. They were sitting at one of the tables in the mess hall with one of the councilors supervising them.

"I'm sorry, Amity." Willow said, downtrodden. "I thought I had that spell down."

"Don't worry, Willow." Amity reassured her. "I had so much fun! I always have fun with you."

Amity placed her hand on Willow's. "Let's make a deal right now. Let's get married when we grow up and always have this much fun."

Willow blushed profusely. She'd grown to like-like Amity, but was too afraid to say anything. "Are you sure? That's a pretty big commitment. I mean we're not even dating."

"We pretty much are." Amity smiled, a blush creeping into her own cheeks. "We spend every day together and I'm pretty sure we love each other. Maybe not like girlfriends, but there's time for that. I like you, Willow. I always want to be a part of your life. What do you say?" Amity extended her pinkie.

Willow beamed at her and locked pinkies together. "Yes! When we're older we'll totally get married!"

They locked eyes, still smiling. Moments passed and they slowly leaned in toward each other. Just before their lips met, a loud snore made them jump. The camp counselor had dozed off at some point. They laughed nervously before pulling their pinkies apart.

"You're coming to my birthday party next week right?" Amity asked.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for anything!" Willow responded.

Just then, the door to the mess hall opened. "Alright girls, you can join in the next activity."

"Be right there!" Amity responded. After a moment's hesitation, she leaned forward and kissed Willow's cheek. "See you out there."

Before Willow could respond Amity was walking away, mumbling to herself. Willow gently touched her cheek and smiled broadly.

"A week later, Amity's parents forbade her from being my friend." Willow said with a sad sigh. It was hard not knowing her parents were the cause for our abrupt ending. We eventually made up thanks to your aunt Luz's shenanigans, but by that time she had already started falling for Luz. I tell you this story because sometimes promises are too big to fulfill on in the end. Especially at your age." She ruffled her granddaughter's hair. "But the essence of a promise can still mean something. You may not be able to get married. Life has a way of throwing an angry slither beast into the best made plans. But if you both truly care about each other you can fulfill the promise by staying in each other's lives."

Lark was silent, pondering everything she'd just heard. "I just can't get over that you had a thing for aunt Amity."

Willow pinched Lark's side, causing her to laugh. "You stinker. Do you understand what I'm saying though?"

"Yeah, I think so." She smiled.

The front door opened to allow Hunter to enter. "I'm home honey! Are the grandkids here?"

"Besides," Willow stood to greet her husband. "something much better that you weren't expecting might come along later."

"Did I miss something?" Hunter asked with a chuckle.

"Just a grandma-granddaughter talk. Nothing you need to worry about."

"Does grandpa know you loved Amity too?" Lark asked.

"What was that?" Hunter asked.

Willow chuckled nervously. "He does now."

Lark watched her grandparents have their silly squabble with a hopeful smile on her face. "I hope to have that some day." She thought

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