Short Story 4: Forced to Play the Part
So! Hi!
Okay... done with freaking out. Actually no I'm still freaking out, but whatever. You didn't come hear to read my screaming.
So! This story is set in South Korea, but it will also have a Swedish character! :D
Writing Prompt(s): "You were supposed to stop me!" The villain cried, cradling the hero's lifeless body. "You were supposed to save the day! You had everything you needed to bring me down! So why," They choked, "Why am I still here? What went wrong?" Their voice trembled as tears began to fall. "Please, wake up! I can't do this alone!"
Alright, hope you enjoy! I feel like I was pretty creative with this. :)
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
Aron Bjorklund was always seen as a very powerful person, with a superpower that seemed more powerful than anyone else. So, it would be natural for him to become a superhero.
The thing is - he never wanted to.
Being popular around the city of Busan, despite being Swedish, his superpower was known to everyone - after all, only twelve people in each country had superpowers, so whoever was known to have one would be pressured into revealing their power.
Aron's power was manipulation of natural disasters and weather. Since he lived near a fault line, he could easily tone down the earthquakes to a level where it couldn't be felt, but no one seemed to understand this, and just thought he completely stopped the earthquake. It made people think he was even more powerful, and the pressure on him to become a superhero increased.
As Aron was walking down Haeundae Beach, he knew that there was bound to be someone who would recognize him and ask for an autograph, maybe even ask for their ideal weather. But he wanted to go here because it was perfect for taking pictures.
Yes, he had always wanted to become a photographer - to not just capture the most beautiful parts of a country, but the worst parts as well, to have a balance, whilst also having a special charm to his captures.
But no one seemed to care about his dreams - and slowly, Aron had started to crumble and waver, as if a dam was starting to give way to the water pounding on it.
If he was going to be idolized, then he was going to be idolized for a reason. So, begrudgingly, Aron had made the decision to become a superhero like the whole country had pressured him to.
He sighed as the wind blew his messy, beeline honey hair out of his crystal-like blue eyes that matched the ocean in depth and beauty.
"Hey, Aron."
Aron was startled, and fell to the sand of the beach. As Aron had gotten startled, his grip on his powers loosened and the sky grew darker. And seeing as he didn't see anyone nearby to have whispered in his ear like that, his fear spiked.
"Why are you so jumpy? It's just me, Aron." The voice was female, and in front of his very eyes, a girl with similar looks materialized from thin air.
"Sorry, I forgot your power was invisibility." Aron said, the sky slowly getting back to its original brightness.
The girl was his older sister, Frida. As most older sisters, she loved to tease him, but she was always jealous of his powers and fame. She had worked hard to become a hero too by working her butt off, and then saw that her little brother had achieved what she didn't by just existing. That must have been a hard punch, so Aron never really bothered her about it.
"Oh, right. It must've been so easy for you to forget amidst all your fans. I get it." Frida said in a sarcastic tone, pulling him up to his feet. A tone Aron was all too familiar with.
But he realized that he was going to have to tell her the truth sooner or later... so he decided saying it now would be better than her hearing it from the news.
"Frida... I've decided I should just let the public have what they want. I'm going to become a superhero." Aron blurted out. He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for his older sister's shock, anger, disappointment... but there was nothing.
He opened his eyes and winced. Frida was giving him her usual poker face, so he couldn't tell how she was feeling. And he hated the unknown.
"Oh..." She put on a forced smile. "I'm so happy for you!" She said through gritted teeth.
"...Really? Because you don't sound happy for me." Aron replied, looking down at the sand on the beach. "Besides, I never wanted to be a hero-"
"Don't waste your chance. Become a superhero. If you want me to actually be happy then be the superhero I was never able to be." Frida snapped. She took a deep breath. "Okay?"
Aron nodded. But inside he felt a twinge of disappointment. He'd been hoping that maybe Frida would do something to make him unable to be a superhero - but no. Instead she wanted to live her dreams through him.
"So... the actual reason I came by to talk to you was because I want to introduce you to a new friend of mine. Come by my apartment at seven p.m. so you can meet her, okay?" Frida asked.
"Um... okay..." Aron said. He wasn't usually invited to meet her friends, so he was a little surprised. But he went with it.
"Alright. See you there!" Frida said, turning invisible and running away, footprints appearing in the sand.
"I should probably get somewhere private before someone asks me to change the weather." Aron muttered to himself, following Frida's lead and walking out of Haeundae Beach.
Heading back to his own apartment, he kept thinking about his decision to become a superhero. Did he make the right decision? Should he really give up his happiness for others? Should he really go through with this?
If you want me to actually be happy, then be the superhero I was never able to be.
Frida's words echoed in his head, and he sighed. A dark part of his mind began to whisper:
Frida is using you to make herself happy. You should do what makes you happy. She only cares for herself.
Aron shook these thoughts out of his head. Even if Frida was doing that, surely they could work it out in a better way. Aron knew communication was an important part of any relationship.
He opened his apartment door to see his room bathed in orange glow, filtering in through the clear glass of the windows. In the places that weren't lit up, there was dark shadow. The off-white sofa was laden with colorful patterned cushions, with a contrast to the dark wood of the coffee table with magazines and the TV remote.
The TV itself was a gift from a fan - it must have been very expensive because it was of very high quality. Aron felt a little bad that someone paid so much money just to make him happy, but they brushed it off and insisted he take it.
The walls had paintings, yes, but they were few and far between, and often dull. Aron liked it that way - simple, and not needing so many pops of color. The sofa's cushions were distraction enough.
He went to the kitchen, with its black marble countertops and birch wood cabinets, an off-white rug of similar make to the sofa was set on the ground in front of the sink, which had another window that let Aron gaze out at the city of Busan. He missed home - but life in South Korea was still quite exhilarating.
He walked past his kitchen to his room - and there wasn't much to describe. It was mostly shades of grey. The only color in the room came from the window, as the room was swathed in the light of sunset, like the living room.
Aron shut the door and collapsed on his bed, resting his chin on his pillow.
He was tired of everyone pressuring him.
Wow! You have an amazing power! You should become a superhero!
With a power like that, a job as a superhero would suit you.
You're so strong! You'd make an awesome superhero!
Become a superhero! Everyone needs you!
Be the superhero I was never able to be.
Aron clutched his pillow tight and threw it across the room, fighting the tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to be a superhero. He didn't want to have to deal with all of this.
But he had to. That's all he's ever been told. Be a superhero.
He felt like it was the only path he could take.
He hadn't realized that lightning had struck outside. Only when the thunder came a few seconds later did he look out the window and see what he'd done.
The one time he'd thought it safe to let out his frustrations had turned out not to be. He wiped his tears away and took a few deep breaths, calming himself down.
The storm slowly softened, fading away back into the sunny day.
Aron sighed with relief and fell back onto his bed. Maybe he should have a nap until it was time.
*POV Change*
Gi Sueng-Hyun combed her expresso colored hair and tied it back into a ponytail. She was going to meet up with her friend Frida in her apartment, and so naturally wanted to look presentable.
Just then, her mother walked in. Well, her stepmother. Gi never felt like she could accept her into the family after her original mother had been so much better at parenting - but that was probably because she was a therapist and had a lot of empathy.
Her stepmother was a forty year old woman with greying hairs and a permanent scowling expression. Although she was a very kind woman, she wasn't that good at parenting and has trouble taking care of Gi's three stepbrothers. She often wondered if her stepmother even cared about her, since the stepmother had been neglecting her while taking care of the boys.
Sometimes she wondered if her stepmother had even glanced at her in days. Certainly not anymore now that she was an adult.
Gi sighed and headed to the kitchen. She lived with her grandmother in her house, since her stepmother had been planning to send her to a cheap apartment building to save money. This only worsened their relationship.
So now she lived in a vintage house. So it would be perfect for Instagram photos.
She loved taking photos, adding effects and filters, and posing for the camera. It was just her specialty. But she had to be born with a superpower.
She tried to hide it, but her family knew, and her family told everyone else. So now the whole world knew. And she was pressured into being a superhero like everyone else with powers.
Frida had strived to be a superhero, actually listening to the public's demands - only few of the people with superpowers actually did that. So Gi had befriended her in the hopes of understanding her reasoning for this.
Although she hadn't gotten her answer, she didn't care that much about it anymore - she had a friend with whom she talk with. She had her grandmother too, but she preferred talking to someone her age.
"Gi! Can you help me carry these for me?" Her grandmother called from the kitchen.
"Coming!" Gi called, running out of her room and heading towards the kitchen.
...And her grandmother also tended to call for help as soon as Gi was about to do something important, like going out to get groceries. Gi didn't really like that convenient inconvenience, but she beared it.
As Gi helped her grandmother carry a few bags of groceries and putting them in the fridge, she thought a bit about her powers.
Her powers weren't particularly strong, but she was very creative with it and could even set up a bunch of traps with them if need be.
Gi had the power of teleportation. More specifically, she could make an infinite number of portals. But the more portals she makes, the more exhausted she grows.
Most people with superpowers have some sort of weakness in their power - exhaustion, a limit to how much they can use something, etcetera, etcetera. But some people have a genetic malfunction and their power can have no limits. But those powers make up for it by being closely related to their emotions.
And all of the people with that genetic malfunction became superheroes. Except one...
Aron. Frida's little brother. Who Gi was about to meet at her apartment. She had to admit, she was a little excited and nervous. Somehow his name felt familiar to her, though...
After putting the groceries away, she turned to her grandmother.
"Hey, halmeoni, I'm gonna meet with a friend. I'll be back in an hour. Make sure to take your medication, okay?" Gi said.
"Don't worry olin-i, I can take care of myself for an hour. Go see your friend. We can watch your favourite movie when you come back." Her grandmother said with a warm smile.
"Okay." She gave her grandmother a kiss on the cheek. "See you!"
Then she walked out of the kitchen, grabbed her car keys, and walked outside.
*Time Skip*
The lights of the tall buildings lit up the night sky. While Gi was waiting at the red light, she gazed at her surroundings in awe, disbelieving of how beautiful her country could be at night as it is in day.
Beep beep!
The red light had turned green and the cars behind her were honking their horns. Gi snapped out of her trance and drove forwards quickly. Gotta pay attention to the road.
Soon, she arrived at her destination , getting out of her car and entering the apartment building.
"If I remember correctly, her room was... 403?" Gi mumbled. "Okay, fourth floor. Where's the elevator?"
Then she spotted it - but a bunch of people were crowded around it. They were all whining about something... was the elevator out of order?
Gi sighed and decided to just take the stairs.
Four staircases later, Gi was panting, taking a moment to breathe before she found Frida's apartment. After a bit, she was okay, and when she looked up, she saw it.
Jogging towards it, she made sure to be as quiet as possible so she wouldn't disturb any neighbors.
Then she knocked on the door. The door opened immediately.
"Gi! Good to see you!" Frida said, giving her a hug. "You're just in time. Aron arrived a few minutes before you."
Gi walked inside after Frida beckoned her inside, while she closed the door. The apartment wasn't bad. It was like a much smaller and more modernized version of Gi's grandmother's house.
Then she saw Aron. As soon as she saw him, she recognized him.
"Aron...?" Gi muttered with wide eyes.
"Gi...?" Aron said with eyes just as wide as Gi's.
Frida was confused. "You two already know each other?"
"We were friends in kindergarten! I can't believe I still remember, or even that you still remember!" Gi said with a smile.
"Don't get me start on the stuff I used to think about in middle school." Aron joked. Gi and Aron laughed a bit, with Frida being a third wheel.
"Y'know what, how about I make some smoothies? I only have bananas and strawberries, so I'm gonna make banana strawberry smoothies. Heard it's good for weight loss, too!" Frida said, walking towards the kitchen and leaving Aron and Gi alone in the living room.
Gi snorted, a memory surfacing in her head.
"Remember that one time where you were gonna throw sand in my eyes, but you got some in your own eyes before you could throw it at me? Karma before the thing even happens!" Gi said, and the two of them laughed.
"I remember another time when we have these spontaneously urges to just tickle each other, and sometimes we'd do it in the middle of class." Aron said, both of them laughing even harder.
"Those were some good times." Gi said, wiping a tear of joy from her cheek.
They continued to chat about funny times during their childhood, laughing about how stupid they were as kids.
"Yeah... back then we didn't have a care in the world." Aron said with a sigh. But his face turned into a frown.
"What's wrong?" Gi asked, concerned.
"Well, it's just... I was so carefree and happy back then. And look at me now... being pressured into being a superhero for an entire year, and then finally giving in to it." Aron said. "I just feel like a failure."
"You're not. I'm getting pressured too, and I don't want to be a superhero either."
"But you're not the one who's giving up and bending to the pressure."
"That's because my power isn't as powerful as yours, so I'm not receiving as much pressure as you are." Gi replied. "You're not a failure for being worn out and giving in. You've just been enduring the pressure for too long and it's made you exhausted, so much that the pressure on you is a howling wind pushing you over the edge of the cliff."
Aron gave her a sad smile. "Thanks."
"No problem. Anyway, I should get going - I have a movie to watch with my halmeoni." Gi said. She knew that Aron didn't speak Korean, but it was funny to see him confused.
"What is... Halmani?"
"It's halmeoni. It means grandma." Gi said.
"Oh." Aron said, embarrassed.
"Anyway, got to go!" Gi said. She oped the front door just as Frida came back with the smoothies.
"Come on! I just made these!" Frida said with a pout.
"I'll just take it to-go, thanks." Gi said, taking the smoothie and heading out the front door.
*Time Skip*
Gi parked her car in the garage, taking a sip from her smoothie. It was pretty good. Frida's smoothies were always good, to be honest.
She got out of the driver's seat and headed inside the house.
"Halmeoni! I'm home!" Gi said, walking into the living room.
She gasped and dropped her smoothie, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her grandmother was collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily.
"No, no no!" Gi sobbed, getting on her knees beside her grandmother. "This can't be happening! Stay with me, grandma!"
"Gi Sueng-Hyun. You are a brave girl... always remember that I'm proud of you..." Her grandmother managed.
"No, this can't be goodbye! I thought we had more time together! I..." Gi choked, hugging her grandmother tightly. "Please don't go... I can't do this without you..."
"I'm sorry, but it's my time to go." She said. "Just remember... I'll always be by your side. Stay strong. I love you."
And as she took her final breaths, she gave Gi a smile. Her head fell to the side and her skin grew cold. Gi couldn't feel a heartbeat.
Staring at her grandmother in disbelief, Gi wiped her nose from the snot.
"No... this isn't happening... she isn't dead... she can't be..."
She shook her body.
"Halmeoni, wake up!"
She shook it again.
"Wake up! You have to still be in there! You have to!"
And again.
And again.
But her efforts were useless. There was nothing to be done.
Gi slowly got up from the floor, wiping her tears and she pulled out her phone and called her parents.
*Time Skip*
It had been a few days since the incident. Gi was gazing out at the city on a rooftop, thinking.
If I hadn't gone out to meet Aron and Frida, then maybe I'd have been able to save grandma, maybe help her. It's my fault that she's gone... I'm the one to blame.
It took everything in Gi not to cry. Aron and Frida didn't know about what had happened, but now she was going to tell them, and she didn't want them to know she was crying. She wanted to listen to her grandmother's words and stay strong.
She pulled out her phone and called Frida. While she waiting for her to pick up, she tried to imagine what she would say to explain.
Frida, I have something important to tell you, she thought. My... my grandmother passed. In front of me. A few days ago. I just... wanted to let you know.
Frida picked up. "Hello? Gi?"
All of what she had planned to say had gone out the window.
"Gi? Is that you, or a zombie? C'mon girl, what's going on?"
Gi couldn't hold back the tears. "Something terrible happened, that's what!" She cried.
"Oh no, Gi, what happened? Why are you crying? Do you need a moment to let it all out first?"
"Yes, please."
While Gi tried to calm herself, Frida whispered soothing words to her to try and comfort her.
"It's okay, you can let it all out."
Finally, Gi was able to speak.
She told Frida about how she'd arrived at her house, how she'd seen her grandmother lying on the floor breathing heavily, and how she was now dead.
"Oh gosh... I'm so sorry... Gi, I-"
"I don't want to hear it!" Gi snapped. "I don't... I don't want your sympathy. I don't want your pity."
There was silence. "Gi..."
The silence ensued.
"Look, I just need to be alone right now. I just wanted to let you know the funeral is next week Friday. Bye." Gi hung up.
She looked up at the sky. The sky had been dark and cloudy ever since she woke up that day. She knew it was probably because Aron still felt weak about giving in to being a superhero.
Gi sighed. She felt weak herself, trying to distract her to avoid the pain of losing her grandmother.
After a few moments of self-loathing, she felt a rain droplet plop onto her hand. Then there was a flash of light, closely followed by more rain droplets, and the sound of thunder came moments later.
Gi pulled her hood over her head and headed inside the building to shield from the thunderstorm. Frida must've told Aron about what had happened. At least Gi knew Aron's feelings were guaranteed to be true. He wore his heart on his sleeve... or on the weather, in this case.
Someone walked past her on the way down the stairs and recognized her.
"Oh, hey! You're that teleporter power girl, right?" They said. Gi stopped in her tracks.
"Yeah." She replied simply. She was about to continue walking down the stairs, hoping that they wouldn't tell her to be a superhero so she wouldn't have to smile through and lie about thinking about it.
But of course, they never did that.
"Well, I think you should become a superhero! You could be famous with those powers, save a lot of people, and have fans all over the world! Plus, your powers are super cool-"
Gi turned around with a vicious scowl.
"That's it, I've had it! I've had it with you guys pressuring me into being a superhero! I don't want to! But nobody cares about my own desires. I guess being a song artist is too much to ask for, sorry, my mistake." Gi snapped. "Because you guys oh so dearly wish for me to be a superhero, how about I become the very opposite of what you guys want, to teach you a lesson!"
She stepped closer to the person, who stared at her with fearful eyes.
"I WILL BECOME A SUPERVILLAIN, BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE PRACTICALLY ASKING FOR IT!!" Gi screamed, thrusting her hand out at the floor underneath the person. A portal was made under them.
Knowing what was coming next, the person tried to walk away from the portal-
"Too late."
She created a portal above the person, and they began to fall for eternity. Then, once she felt they were falling fast enough, she clenched her fists.
"I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!" Gi yelled, removing the portal on the ground and watching as the person fell onto the stairs in a gruesome turn of events.
And that's when she gasped, horrified at what she'd done.
"I... I killed someone..." She covered her mouth with her hands. "I... I don't have a choice. I have to go through with this. There's... there's no turning back now."
She took a deep breath, making a portal to her home in front of her. "What's done is done."
Once Gi walked through, she closed the portal behind her and ran into her room, throwing her pillows across the room and flinging her blanket over her head, wrapping her arms around her body and bawling her eyes out.
But she wiped her tears, forcing herself to stay strong and carry out her plan.
*POV Change*
It was enough that Aron felt weak for giving in, but finding out that Gi had lost her grandmother on the very same day they had met, was too much for Aron to handle.
It's my fault she's dead, he thought. If I hadn't distracted Gi from her grandmother, maybe she'd still be alive.
"Aron, are you okay? You haven't come out of the bathroom for an entire hour." Frida said. "Have you even looked outside? You're terrorizing everyone."
Aron didn't hear her. He was too lost in his own thoughts.
When there was no response, Frida opened the door. Aron was gripping the sink tightly, staring into the drain without really seeing. Sensing that he was hurting inside, she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a warm hug.
"It's not your fault, Aron. It was just a coincidence. She isn't dead because of you." Frida said.
After a while, the storm outside died down as Aron's grip on the sink weakened. He slowly wrapped his own arms around his older sister to return the embrace.
After a few moments of comfort, the embrace faded away.
"I'll go add the final touches to your suit. You won't need a mask since everyone will recognize your powers anyway." Frida said with a sad smile, walking out of the bathroom.
Aron sighed, staring at himself in the mirror with his frowning face. Things might be hard for now, but he had to push on.
*Time Skip - A Few Days Later*
Fully dressed in his sweaty superhero suit, Aron was perched on a rooftop. His smooth, light blue suit was supposed to represent rain, and the yellow zigzags were supposed to represent lightning. Aron didn't like it much, but Frida had insisted.
He was shocked, but acted quickly, sending out clouds towards the people. The clouds got condensed along the way and the water from the condensed clouds brought the people on the ground safely on their feet.
"Everyone evacuate the area now!" Aron yelled, identifying a girl wearing a purple suit with jetpack boots as the one making people fall from the sky.
She held out her hand in front of her and disappeared. Aron couldn't see clearly from so far away-
Suddenly he kicked onto the ground from the building he was on. Turning around, he saw the girl had made a portal behind him.
Then the girl looked shocked at seeing his face. "Aron...?"
Aron quickly grabbed a streetlight and slid down on the ground like riding a fireman's pole.
"You know me?" He asked. Either they knew his power was... well, powerful, and were fearful of him now - or it was someone he knew in his personal life. He assumed it was the former.
"Of course... I should've known... you told me yourself that you were going to become a superhero, why am I so surprised that I'm facing against you...?" The girl said.
"Oh, so you're someone in my personal life?" Aron was confused, but he couldn't stay and chat. He made a gust of wind blow from under him so he could fly up, above the girl, and try the kick her as she had did to him.
The girl quickly made a portal in front of him that sent him into the ocean nearby the city.
He quickly made an air bubble for him to breathe in by moving the water away from his head with his powers.
He concentrated as hard as you could, spinning around in the water rapidly.
As he slowly rose out of the water, he still spun, creating a tornado in the middle of the sea. The shore of Korea was far enough that the tornado wouldn't cause any harm to the citizens, but was still in sight.
He noticed the portal was in the middle of the tornado, though, and reach his hand through to grab the supervillain into the tornado.
The portal closed behind her, and Aron let go of her arm. She was sent spinning around in the tornado, screaming. But she quickly activated her jetpack boots and flew in the air across from Aron.
"So, you going to tell me your supervillain name or what?" Aron asked.
"I'm not a creative type, so excuse me if it's cringy." The girl muttered, catching her breath. "Name's Teleporter, but you know me by my real name. Figure it out."
Aron was confused, but he didn't have time for this. Wasn't a good superhero supposed to get the job done quickly and with ease?
So he didn't respond, but instead tackled her. She moved out of the way, and quickly stopped himself from flying out of the tornado.
"Aren't superheroes supposed to say some witty and playful banter?" The Teleporter said.
"I just want to get the job done." Aron hissed.
"Aron, think! Who's voice does mine remind you of? What about my powers?!" The Teleporter insisted. She kept pressing on him figuring out who she was, and not do whatever she was originally doing. What kind of supervillain was she?
He tried to think of who she could be... and then it clicked.
"Yes!" She said, taking off her mask and revealing Gi's face.
"But... but why? Why are you a supervillain?"
"Because I'm so sick and tired of being forced to be something I'm not! So out of spite I'm retaliating by becoming the very thing they don't want me to be! A supervillain!" Gi yelled. "You know how infuriating it is how everyone is pressuring us, right? Even our own parents and family!"
Aron didn't want to admit it... but what she was saying was true. It was all true.
"I get what you're saying, but we can't retaliate like this! We can't just wreak havoc on them! Some of them did nothing wrong!" Aron replied.
"Oh, so you want me to be like you?! Giving in to them, and being weak?!"
Aron felt hurt. Gi felt guilty.
"Aron, wait-"
"I know that I'm weak. I know that I'm too weak to fight back. I know that I'm too worn out." Aron said.
"Aron, that's not what I meant-"
"But it's the truth. And who's ever heard of a weak superhero?" Aron looked at her dead in the eyes.
"But Aron! I had this plan set up! For you to defeat me! For me to be taken to prison! For you to live out your life! From the moment I realized I wasn't fighting just some random superhero, I was formulating a plan to end my short reign of terror!" Gi yelled, salty waterfalls erupting from her eyes.
"But why?! Why this sudden turn into a supervillain? I get that you're fed up with all the pressure, but why do such drastic measures need to be taken?!" Aron could feel his heartbeat getting faster.
"Because I lost my grandmother, the only person who wasn't pressuring me! That's why!" Heartbeat growing faster, abnormally fast, as all of Aron's emotions starting bursting out-
"You're lucky you had someone's who wasn't pressuring you in the first place-"
Then... Aron couldn't move. Couldn't speak. His chest had a big, bulging, sharp pain as his heart was beating faster, faster. He began falling to the ground as the tornado moved away from them, getting stronger, to reveal one of the biggest natural disasters the world had ever witnessed.
A huge lightning storm, a tsunami, and an earthquake at the bottom of the sea. The sky grew dark as Aron fell to the sea, suffering from a heart attack.
Gi flew towards him with her arm outstretched. "Aron!"
Everything seemed to be a blur. He felt something cold against his back, across his whole body now, pushing itself into his mouth... water. Cold, ocean water.
He heard a splash. A lot of swimming. He felt a tug at his arm as he was lifted out of the water. Held in Gi's hands, he felt weak - in both ways.
"Stay with me, Aron... I already lost someone important in my life... I can't lose you too!" Gi cried.
Aron smiled at her with great effort. "It's okay... I deserve this..." He heaved a deep breath.
"Just remember... ignore what they say. You know what I mean. Live out your... life..." And the world grew black for him.
"You were supposed to stop me!" Gi cried, cradling Aron's lifeless body. "You were supposed to save the day! You had everything you needed to bring me down! So why," She choked, "Why am I still here? What went wrong?"
Her voice trembled as tears began to fall. "Please, wake up! I can't do this alone!"
But her efforts were useless. As the storm raged around her, she succumbed to the eternal darkness of pain.
The rain malfunctioned her jetpack boots, and she fell to her doom, to drown into the dark depths of the sea.
・・・・★・・・・★ ・・・・
Well, that was very dark and sad.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! I was very stressed because I was having writer's block, and I couldn't seem to cut off the story - I kept writing, trying to bring it to an end, but...
Yeah, I failed... it got to 5000 words XDD
Anyway! I hope you enjoyed it, and hopefully I managed to get to the next round, because this was hard for me to pull off! ;^^
Bye! Stay safe and well, and have a great day/night! <3 <3
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