
The battlefield- frontline. It's the literal definition of hell on Earth. Never sure if you'll live another day with all the guns, explosions, screams, smoke and fumes. I struggled to keep my focus on the letter I currently scribbled down as a bomb went off somewhere near by, shaking the atmosphere and causing screams to echo for a second before they were drowned out my the sound of more violence.

'Dear mama,

It has been hard here. I'm one of the few females here and I'm often frowned upon by the other soldiers. But it could be worse. I'm still alive and fighting as hard as I can for our country. I'm not sure how long this letter will take to get to you, but if I'm not home by then, will you tell me how you and papa are doing? As well as Willa and Kinrick. Hopefully this war will be over soon enough and we can head home and I will be reunited with all of you.'

My handwriting was somewhat scraggly and messy but it was legible. The paper I had written on had dust and ash on it's already grey-toned color that was a lighter shade where it was creased. I folded the paper and turned back to my partner who was definitely ready to switch out. I took place, peering through the strong fog as I realized no one was shooting and no one was shooting at us from the other side. Clearly we were not visible to them and they were invisible to us as well. We couldn't risk any ammo so we were forced to wait.

Suddenly a wall of soldiers appear through the fog, charging at us. The guns go off and men start falling, some from other guns and some even from my own. A good portion fell, but they had sent so many it was inevitable that they made it over and entered combat with us. Some had guns, and others had swords, similarly to us. One of the warriors armed with a gun aim at me from a short distance away. I ducked behind the edge as to dodge. Another second and that bullet would've gone strain through my head. They came up to the edge, allowing me a chance at them with the sword I wielded. They yelled as I stabbed them in the stomach, leaving them unable to do anything at all in their dying moments.

Before I could even shift, I heard my name yelled from somewhere. An instant pain Pericles my shoulder, followed by my opposite leg. I looked up to see my shooter fall to the ground, about three rounds in his chest. But one of hums comrade was coming at me, a sword in hand, and a gun the other. I grappled for the knife I had on my hip hoping I could snag him with it. But before I could he was already on top of me, pushing me against the ground. I grabbed his gun from his hand and attempted to shoot at him, just grazing his forearm. He knocked it away, leaving both of us with only our blades.

"Fucking Jekoan" I hissed as I flipped and pushed against him.

"Hey, that hurt, take it back!" He huffed with a hit of smugness on his face as he threw my off, sending pain jolting throughout my body that was barely functioning.

"A girl eh? Didn't know they allowed your kind to fight in the war, since you're weaker and all.

"I'm just as strong as you." I growled as I got to my feet, ignoring the hair and dirt that stuck to my face.

"Oh? Prove it." He challenged.

It was a wonder we weren't even shot at the point where he dove for his gun and managed to hold me at gun point. My mind flashed back to ma and pa, my sister and brother. I shit my eyes and held back the tears that formed.

'Sorry ma. Guess I won't be going home.' I thought to myself expecting death right then and there. But what I felt instead was a strong hand holding my arms behind my back and a gun to the back of my head.

"Do you surrender?" The man asked.

"You're not going to kill me?" I questioned opening my eyes finally.

"Nah. We were ordered to take prisoners. Now come on, time we go."

I was yanked to my feet and dragged in defeat to the other side of the battle field. I only recognized a few faces as I was tossed into a truck and driven away to whatever place the People of Jekon kept their prisoners in. I had expected a run down place made of cold stone that was revolting and filled with small rodents and bugs. But i found that I was ordered for, whatever reason unknown for me, to be taken to some room. It was small but had at least a bed and desk in it. The metal doors definitely screamed prison, but the rest of the place didn't feel like it. I had also expected a cell mate but found no extent of my expectations.

After a while the male I had been captured by came in, a small girl followed. I was able to see him clearly now- tall with brown hair, intriguing amber flaked-brown eyes. He was surprisingly handsome I admitted to myself. The girl had black hair and pale blue eyes that made her seem young when given her stunted height.

"What is your name." He asked bluntly. I didn't feel like answering.

"Okay then. I'll just call you Nancy then. Nancy, this is Mai-"

"Julia. My name is Julia." I huffed, not in the mood for his attitude.

"Now, Julia, was that so hard? Anyways, this is Mai. She will help you with any requests you may have."

"Why?" I asked.

"Sorry?" He questioned.

"Why am I here and not in a cell like the others?"

He simply shrugged after giving it a minute of thought.

"Don't know. I would've simply thrown you in the dungeons myself if I was in charge. But Queen's orders."


"You were expecting a king weren't you?" He anticipated.
"Well outlet royal is Queen Cherlese. King Jake married into royalty. But enough of that. I will leave you and Mai to get you cleaned up. And one last thing. Try to escape, death will be your only reward."

On that sinister note, he left, leaving Mai standing in the corner, definitely frightened of something. Probably me.

"How old at you?" I ask, taking not if her appearance of 12 or 13. She swallowed then spoke.

"I'm seventeen." She answered.

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