A paranormal phenemon

Ninjagos history is a long and complicated one. A group of teenagers protect the city from evil forces who want to take it over and destroy the peace the first spinjitzu master had created. Blah blah blah the story is too long honestly, although it only seemed like yesterday one of the most important life changing parts happened.
We finally found the tomb of the first spinjitzu master, conquering puzzles to find our way down here. I solved most of them though so clearly, I am the best at this whole finding a tomb thing.
Though we didn't expect Morro to be there, holding Lloyd at sword point. The poor kid would be on the ground if Morro wasn't holding him up. With some negotiating I decided to give Morro the realm crystal....though not exactly willingly.
Gaining our powers back I heated the bottom of the crystal up and threw it to him
Dropping Lloyd and catching the crystal, Morro cried out in pain and dropped the crystal. Lloyd kicked the sword of sanctuary out of Morros hand only to be blown back and pushed into the water. He was saved by me luckily...if I hadn't been there Lloyd wouldn't be here.
We walked to the entrance of the cave, I held onto Lloyd wrapping his arm around my shoulder walking slowly, Lloyd was shaking either from the cold or from fear though I honestly couldn't tell. His face was wet too either from the water or from the tears he was trying to hide from me.
It was a day I think I'll remember forever, I reassured the kid that I promised I'd watch over him. He was my brother and brothers look out for one another.
Though a phrase like that is not to be taken lightly. It means so much and the bonds you share with your brothers are different then brothers who are related. It's similar but in our case we aren't restricted to loving them no matter what. We choose to love each other no matter what.

"Come on Lloyd, pick up the pace!"
Lloyd punched faster and kept trying to get the high grounds on Cole. He punched at the padding Cole had strapped to his hands harder and faster than before taking Cole's critique.
"You can do better than that kid, come on!"
The blonde sweeps his leg under Cole's only to have Cole do a bit of foot work not only to dodge but to tangle Lloyd's feet up and knock him down with a thud.
Kai, Jay and Nya wince watching the blonde fall, feeling lucky it wasn't them hitting the ground.
Cole huffed out a breathless laugh and rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand "You did better this time. Getting used to your body again is going pretty well honestly" Cole took the padding off his hands and reached his right to help Lloyd up.
Lloyd sat on the ground breathing heavily to catch his breath looking up at the hand Cole reached out, taking it and being lifted to his feet.
"I can't really tell if I'm getting better or not. It's still weird getting to think and feel freely rather than hearing and seeing someone else's thoughts and movements".
Cole nodded "You're getting there though, of course it's going to take time but we should have that before the next fight! We knocked Morro off of that pedestal he thought he had so we are one step ahead" his tone was proud while putting his hands on his hips.
"Speaking of that.." Nya leads and catches the boys' attention. "We worked hard recently and got Lloyd back. I was thinking it was time for a day off".
"Do we actually get those?" Kai asked, tilting his head.
Lloyd sat down next to the brunette and took the towel he had handed to him to dry the sweat from his forehead, along with a water bottle.
"I mean of course we do, I think as ninjas we deserve more breaks than anyone!" Jay chirps up with his attention laser focused on the idea. "Where should we go anyways. An arcade?".
Nya looked at her boyfriend "no we're not going to an arcade"
"How about a bar for some drinks and pretty ladieeesss?" Kai asked,getting a collective 'no' from most of the ninjas.
Zane chimes in sounding like he was reading from an article "What about a festival? On our current course we are close to the town of ironclad. They hold an annual festival to celebrate their town's founding with a showcase for the iron mines they have around their town along with weaponry and forgery talents they show off. They also bring a traveling carnival with games and good food. To finish the night there is a firework show."
The ninjas looked at each other smiling in a silent agreement. "Well it's settled then, and this starts tomorrow right?" Cole asked, looking at Zane.
"No, it is the third and final day of the festivities which is why there will be fireworks. I am quite thrilled to see what kind of weapons they can create!"
"Wow we got lucky then. Now we just have to go" Nya says standing up "I'm going to get some good training in before then so I don't have to worry about it at all tomorrow". Jay follows after her "I'll help you!".
"I think I'm done for the day, me and green bean kicked ass in our sparring session" he nudged Lloyd's shoulder receiving a startled yelp from the boy catching the attention of Kai and Zane.
Cole quickly backed off of him "Sorry Lloyd! Didn't mean to scare you. Are you ok?".
Lloyd chuckled nervously "yeah I'm fine...just catching up is all". The other boys shot a look at one another.
"Lloyd, I've been meaning to ask. What was it like being...possessed...I only know what it's like to be a ghost but to be possessed seems so different" Cole asks curiously, lifting the weight off his chest from how long he's been wanting to ask that question.
Lloyd tensed up and looked down "I'm not sure how being a ghost feels like but it was hazy. Every moment spent thinking was mixed with morros thoughts and I couldn't move. It was so restricting to not feel my body it just felt like I was drowning. Kai snapped me out of it for a moment on that ship, sled thing. My body just felt like sludge though I hardly remember what I ended up saying" Lloyd held his hands in front of him staring at them "but I do remember watching him hurt you guys...it was worse than being possessed in the first place".
"Oh Lloyd..." Kai trailed off and hugged the blonde "you're home now, we're never letting you go again". Cole joined the hug and Zane placed his hand on Lloyd's head. Lloyd smiled and leaned into the touch. "Thanks you guys, that means a lot to me. It's really good to be back". The feeling was shared throughout the other ninja, having their brother back really put them at ease even if ninjago was in immense danger as they speak. They could take care of that later.
As the day went on the group slowly wandered inside and got ready for dinner. While walking to the kitchen from his room Kai suddenly grabbed Lloyd's arm pulling him away from his path. It startled him and Kai saw the scared look in his eyes
"It's just me! Do you have a moment?" The brunette asked and the blonde nodded.
The brunette guided him back onto the deck and leaned on the railing.
"You really don't remember what happened on that sled ride?" The red ninja asked. Lloyd stood still staring at Kai for a moment and then nodded "yes. I remember seeing you and telling you I couldn't fight him anymore but that's about it. Why?"
The brunette tensed up and Lloyd watched as he stood up straight. Kai's shoulders relaxed after a moment and he turned to Lloyd. "It wasn't important anyways! Let's go eat the feast Zane and Jay prepared tonight! Zane said he tried this new recipe for his pasta" Kai grabbed his hand pulling him inside distracting the blonde from the previous conversation. As long as Lloyd didn't know what he had said that day he could stop worrying about it and focus on the mission ahead. Besides he probably was too out of it to mean it so it didn't count if he truly felt like that.

The sound of footsteps ran down the hallway " come on guys it's time to go!! We have to get there early if we want any prizes from the carnival" Jay shrieked with excitement. Cole stepped out of his room and grabbed hold of Jay's shoulder as he ran past pulling him into a hug and just to keep him still. "Jay calm down, let them get ready. We are perfectly on time!
"Ughhh I know, I'm just so excited! Aren't you excited?" Jay looks up at him.
"Yea I am but I'm not running up and down the halls to show it" Cole laughs at Jay's excitement.Jay laughed with him and Nya ran over to join the hug laughing as well. "Group hug!" She cheered.
The three filled the hall with laughter as Zane walked over, joining them. Kai smirked watching the group, noticing Lloyd's missing presence though he raised a brow and walked to the green ninja's room knocking before he entered.
The lights were off with the sunset peaking through the blinds in Lloyd's room. It was messy and an even messier sight was seeing Lloyd laying in bed half asleep instead of getting ready.
"Lloyd what the heck! Jay has been running around too much for you to almost be asleep" he argued and laid on top of Lloyd getting a groan in response.
"I deserve some sleep Kai come on ... .besides I woke up five minutes ago" the sleep deprived ninja says yawning.
"Well I'm going to steal all your candy then" Kai threatens.
"You wouldn't dare.."
"Would I?"
Kai sprung up and ran to the candy stash with Lloyd trying to follow behind albeit instead hearing a thud as the kid got wrapped up in his sheets and fell over.
"Take it easy Greeny, you only woke up 5 minutes ago" he mocked Lloyd's previous comment leaning down and pulling Lloyd onto his feet. Lloyd groaned "when did I get so clumsy..I don't think that's something that comes with possession" he joked.
"You know you really should be taking it easy, after everything that's happened you. We've all been worried about you ya know" the fire ninja puts a hand on the boy's shoulder, Lloyd looked up at Kai curiously then rolled his eyes.
"I'm fine Kai I'm not a little kid anymore I can take care of myself you know" Lloyd says confidently and knots his shoe. Kai gently grabbed his face and made him look at him. "I promised I would look after you even if you are grown up now. Brothers look out for one another Lloyd" the brunette gave a gentle smile making the blonde let a small sigh escape along with a smirk. "Now come on, Jay can barely keep his excitement contained anymore" Kai ruffled the blonde's hair, gaining a cry of protest while the brunette escaped before he could be harmed.

"Oh I just love it here! The lights are beautiful and everyone looks like they're having so much fun" Nya clasped her hands together with a glow in her eyes.
"I know haha. It's just amazing! What are we even going to do first?! Get cotton candy, carnival games?!" Jay looked back and forth "OOOO I see ring toss!" Jay speeds off.
"Hold on Jay, we're coming with you!" Nya cried out running after him grabbing Lloyd's hand in the process making the boy kinda freak out at first, looking back at the other three getting a shrug from them. The blonde laughed nervously and went with Nya and Jay.
"I hope he relaxes tonight" Cole states.
"His scenes are heightened from the last time I scanned him. I too hope he can relax, his stress levels have been over his normal limits" Zane says reciting his findings.
Cole and Kai looked at each other worriedly, all they could do now is hope the night goes smoothly.
"Well what are we waiting for, let's get to relaxing"

"Come on Jay, it's a matter of life or death...you have to do this the world depends on it" Lloyd was on Jay's right looking ahead of him and then glancing at Jay.
Jay's focus was lasered onto what was in front of him.
"This is your last chance Jay, you'll win it all if you get this...do it for me or even mr.cuddly whomp" Nya who was on Jay's left also cheered him on. The situation was dire and he needed to focus. Taking a deep breath and then exhaling he moved forward and with one flick of the ride in the right position...."
An alarm blared shouting 'winner' ' winner' 'winner. Lloyd and Nya laughed and cheered, Nya hugged onto Jay as the blue boy was handed a very large dragon plush. He had gotten all 20 rings on the bottles in front of him
"That was amazing Jay!" Lloyd said, astonished "How did you even do that?!"
Jay laughed and hugged the dragon " I'd like to thank my mom and dad and sensei wu for this accomplishment" he said pretending like he was crying while accepting an award making the three burst out in laughter.
Jay felt a hand on his shoulder "Heyyy what are we missing out on? You three seem like you're having a good time" He looked up to find Cole looking at him.
"Look at this cool dragon I won! It's huge!" He exclaimed excitedly
Kai grabbed it "whoa!! This is sick!" Jay quickly grabbed it back "yeah and it's mine ok? Go win your own" he laughed
Kai rolled his eyes wrapping an arm around Lloyd as Cole spoke up "alrighty me and Kai are going to check out a couple more games then get a good spot for the fireworks. Come find us in an hour ok, we will most likely be by the hill if we can".
The others nodded in agreement while Lloyd looked up at Kai and Cole "Can I come with you guys?" Cole and Kai looked at each other then nodded.
"Oh and Lloyd's with us! Meet you guys there!" Kai shouts, waving to Nya, Jay and Zane as they stroll away.
"What? Did you miss us greenie?" Cole asked Lloyd, who was sandwiched between him and Kai.
"Hmmm maybe. It's also just getting late and Jay wants to do other things than I do" the blonde chuckled "I can't believe he got that dragon though, you should have seen it".
"That was crazy. I wish we could have been there. I can imagine how it went though so I'm not missing out on too much" Kai explains. "Now since Jay went to what he wanted to do, is there anywhere you want to go to?"
Lloyd thinks for a minute looking to his right at a small booth. He quickly nodded and walked over to it.
"This is one of those wishing things, right? When I was little I'd hear it from townsfolk from places I visited. It's a thing most places do too" Lloyd asks with a sparkle in his eye as he looks over the colored paper.
"Yea so you write a wish on one of the papers that you want to come true for the new year, you should write something kid" Cole says handing him a piece of green paper and a white pen. After some thought and while Cole and Kai were writing theirs, Lloyd wrote down a wish he wanted more than ever and quickly stuffed it in his pocket.
"Well hang those up when we get home ok kid?" Cole, being amused by the boy's action, huffed a laugh.
The three walked together in the crowd with not a care in the world, they pointed things out to one another and laughed. Stopping for Lloyd to check out a couple of booths. Even getting a candy apple along the way.
The three made their way to a more secluded area where there weren't too many people yet and sat down.
"The fireworks should be starting soon and I'd say we have pretty good seats'' Kai states, laying back into the grass. With his arms behind his head and his legs crossed.
"It's pretty comfy up here, not too many people. The view is good. It's perfect" Cole says as he stretches and then sits down next to Lloyd once again sandwiching him in the middle.
Lloyd felt like he didn't need to say anything and honestly his thoughts were too over the place for him to say anything. He started to think back to his childhood, how the townsfolk talked about family and traditions, celebrations and fun. He never believed he would get to experience any of that and accepted it. Now that he's come so far, what does he do now? There's so much to take in....take in.....take him....
"Lloyd?" Kai asked startling Lloyd out of his thoughts "Are you ok?"
Lloyd looked around at Kai and Cole as they stared at him "what yeah I'm fine! Just a little tired from walking is all" Lloyd makes the excuse making Kai and Cole glance at each other with worried looks. "For real guys I'm fine so drop it, let's just have a good time" Lloyd pleaded. A firework suddenly boomed in the sky catching their attention.
They stopped talking while watching the lights sparkle in the night sky. A sense of awe surrounded the three until Cole broke the silence.
"Lloyd, if you don't want to talk to us then that's ok. We need you to know we are here for you and always will be ok? No matter what's happening we will be here to guide and assist you like we always have been" he says in a calm manner still staring at the sky.
"Yea and if Morro ever decides....." Lloyd's hearing got fuzzy. "Show his face....well......" Lloyd felt his breathing pick up pace, his sight followed along with his ears becoming fuzzy.
"Ll.....oyd?...Lloyd?" A voice called out to him. His thoughts swarmed back to that night at the museum exhibit where he was kidnapped..er more like possessed napped? Lloyd couldn't stop thinking about Morro grabbing him with the statue and telling him that he is the thing Morro wanted.
He flipped through his memories and landed on the one where Morro had him tied to a chair at a long dinner table where the ghosts around him feasted and would shove food into his face but not let him eat anything. They cheered and fooled around having a good time while Morro sat next to Lloyd talking in his ear the whole night. He would never be able to escape, he was betraying his brothers by even sitting at this table with him. He couldn't get it out of his head. His voice played over and over and Lloyd couldn't take it anymore. He heard a voice reach out for him so he sprang up onto his feet almost losing his balance.
"I'm going to go find the others!" His voice cracks, taking a step back and then bolting. Kai and Cole yelled after him but Lloyd didn't stop, his legs wouldn't stop he should say. He ran back into the big crowd of people mistakenly and tried to slide through the crowd, he didn't know where he was going for sure but he just needed to not be there.
To not be in his mind anymore thinking.... Lloyd slowed down as he was bumped and shoved, the crowd got dense. He kept being bumped or bumped into someone and would turn around to face them apologizing breathlessly, he was running out of air at this point.
After a couple more bumps he felt an arm around his shoulder pulling him away. Such a strong grip like one he's felt before in the exhibit being grabbed by that statue. Like Morros' grip when he pinned him down after Lloyd got his strength back and tried to escape.
Lloyd shook as the figure he couldn't even make out at this point shoved him along. He was being taken again, he couldn't! He didn't want to be his slave again, he wouldn't be able to be free or see his family. He wanted to so desperately cry out for help but couldn't mutter a word, he could only be pulled along to the side of a tent where he was finally let go of. Lloyd stumbled back and faced the figure. It was really him, he was here and was taking him back. "No.." he whispered, backing away.
"Oh shit you aren't Collin...sorry man! That is one hell of a crowd and you look exactly like my friend from behind" Morro says out of his normal character. Lloyd sits there frozen, shaking with fear and sudden coldness. He suddenly grabbed at his chest and started panting, backing away even more from Morro.
"No! You can't take me again!".
He had him alone in a corner where no one could see him be taken again. The man suddenly walked forward "whoa, are you ok dude? You look like you're going to puke" he asked yet Lloyd couldn't understand a word. All he saw was morros hand reaching out to his face to grab him yet again. To take him back to that mind prison.
His fear response kicked in and suddenly Lloyd was falling onto the ground out cold, The blurred image of Morro smirking and going to grab him.

"Where could he possibly have run off too? He couldn't have gone that far!" Kai started looking around the large crowd with Cole by his side.
"He can be slimy sometimes so I would believe it if he was home already ya know?" Cole stated not seeming as worried.
"I wouldn't doubt that but Lloyd has been off ever since we got him back. He hasn't had much balance so he's been tripping over things. I swear he is also paler. Not only that but just now he looked like he was going to cry or even just throw up." Kai looked around as he spoke, keeping an eye out for the blonde. Cole sighed "I just know that Lloyd can take care of himself, we'll find him...and with the others help" he waved to Nya, Jay and Zane as they came into view.
Explaining the situation they started a search party scanning every inch of the area they could. They met back up where they first started with no results. Splitting up again Cole and Zane took to the side of the festival Lloyd had first run off into suddenly Zane getting a phone call. Cole stopped with Zane and panted slightly after all that running/walking. Zane sighed with relief "it's Lloyd!" He picked up the phone "Lloyd where are you?" Zane asked not even letting the boy speak, though it was not Lloyd's voice on the phone that answered back.
"Oh I see...ok we will find you stay put, elevate his feet and do not move his head. Give us two minutes tops" Zane says, hanging up the phone. "A man by the name of Daniel explained he has Lloyd but he passed out and I was the last person Lloyd had called. He doesn't seem hurt but he said Lloyd looks sick".
Cole nods and Zane guides him to where the man explained he was, stopping in front of the opening between two tents, where they spotted two guys, one was wearing a black hoodie holding Lloyd legs up and the other was pacing next to him. He had blonde hair just like Lloyd's and in a similar wavy style on the sides. He spotted Zane and Cole and gasped "oh you must be who we spoke on the phone with right?!" The man holding Lloyd's legs up turned and looked at them.
"I thought he was my friend Collin so I dragged him out of the crowd and when I got here he looked at me like he saw a ghost and after asking if he was ok he just passed out! I promise I didn't do anything!" The man explains and moves so that Cole and Zane can take over.
"There's no need to explain, we trust your words. After all you called someone rather than moving him" Zane explained while scanning Lloyd and looked up at Cole. "He has no head or neck injuries and is only asleep, we can get him back to the bounty just very carefully. He also has a rising temperature". Cole sets Lloyd's legs down gently and then scoops up Lloyd with Zane's help onto his back.
Daniel and Collin waved as the two took Lloyd and went to find the others.
"They looked exactly like Morro and Lloyd ... .that was kind of freaky honestly" Cole states with a shiver. Zane nods "I too saw the resemblance. That could be why Lloyd passed out, it could have been an anxiety attack".
Cole sighed "this was supposed to be relaxing for him and now look at him"
"I don't think Lloyd would agree with you. I believe he would tell you to 'shut up'" Zane looks to Cole who gives him a small smile.
"Yeah you're right..he just better be ok" Cole stated glancing back at the sleeping boy on his back.

The fever only spiked higher and Zane stayed in the infirmary with Lloyd. He hooked Lloyd onto some tubes for hydration and kept an eye on his fevers and vitals. He wrote down Lloyd's odd symptoms. His under eyes were becoming green and his face was a ghostly white color, he was also cold and yet still spiking a fever.
No matter how many blankets Lloyd still shivered under them. The cough Lloyd was producing along with his very short breaths concerned Zane the most.
Sensei wu walked in with the others to receive an update.
"How is he Zane?" His sensei asked.
"He is stable but not for long. His fever is rising and here are the other symptoms I noticed" he handed sensei the clipboard with Lloyd's information. "Sensei I have never seen something like this before and I'm not sure how to medicate" Zane stated looking curiously at the teacher.
Sensei gave a frown "His symptoms are ones I have never collectively seen before. My theory is that Lloyd's body may be catching up to the land of the living. Everything is out of order from having someone else occupy the space he normally has. His body may have detected Morro has some sort of virus and it only affected him once he was out as if it was a parting gift from my old student.."
"That's insane sensei!" Jay called out "How is that even a thing".
"I never said it was factual, it is just my theory. Though I have an old friend who would know exactly what this may be. My friends recipes though can have very strange ingredients I'll need help with"
Sensei stood and went to the door. "Cole and Kai, you stay here and monitor Lloyd's conditions. We do not know how this will affect him so feed him small amounts of food and keep him warm" Sensei says sternly to the two boys receiving a 'yes sensei' from them.
"Jay, Nya and zane, you shall accompany me on this journey. Let's hurry now, there is no time to waste. We will be back in three days time" Wu receives a 'yes sensei' from the three and heads out the infirmary door looking back at Lloyd one more time lowering his head and finally leaving.
"This is all happening so fast..you'll get better soon kid I promise" Kai whispers to Lloyd running his fingers through his hair.
When returning home from the festival Lloyd's fever had gone up. His body grew cold and the under bags of his eyes were green? It was strange. He developed a nasty cough and couldn't stop seeing things the others couldn't. He was in and out of consciousness talking to himself. It was scary, to say the least

The day continued on with Cole and Kai in a rotation. One would look over ninjago and steer the bounty while the other watched Lloyd and make sure his vitals were still stable. It was a time consuming task but for their brother they'd do anything. Kai was on shift when Lloyd woke up officially instead of just being awake for a moment or two. A whimper escaped the boy and Kai shushed him, running his fingers through his hair again. "You're safe Lloyd, I've got you" he reassures the blonde. A nasty cough came from the boy and suddenly he grabbed Kai's hand "K...Kai...what happened?".
Kai frowned and squeezed his hand "you took a small tumble kid, but you're here now and you're going to get better" he reassures, more of himself than Lloyd.
"Oh yeah...I ran from you...I'm sorry" he frowns and Kai huffed a laugh.
"All that matters is that you are okay Lloyd. We're taking good care of you alright?" Kai was still playing with Lloyd's hair as the boy nodded and moved close to Kai shivering.
"I'm so cold Kai. Like when I visited the venimary tomb as a kid. It was so cold there...I couldn't feel my hands" Lloyd states sadly, Kai felt bad for him and kissed his forehead. "You'll warm up soon kiddo just hang on".
"Am I going to die, Kai?" The blonde asked getting a horrified expression on Kai's face in response"
"Not on my watch green bean...not on my watch" he held his hand tight. Lloyd nods "I was scared, I'm sorry".
He was still apologizing? Kai thought to himself and just shook his head "Lloyd it's ok. Me and Cole could see how freaked out you were. Do you remember what made you panic?"
Lloyd shrugged and held Kai's hand back with a light grip "I don't remember..".
"Well that's ok buddy. Just get some rest ok? Maybe you'll remember when you get better" Kai leans his head on the bed looking up at Lloyd. Green eyes met amber, the two continued to stare at each other's eyes until Lloyd's started to shut again.
"Goodnight greenie" Kai whispered and closed his eyes as well.

Cole and Kai switched off until it was eleven pm, they were both exhausted so they decided to sleep in the living room so they could each keep an eye on Lloyd. His symptoms weren't ideal but they hadn't changed at all since sensei left so they were in the clear for now. It was around three when Kai awoke to the feeling of his head being hit, causing him to jolt awake and grab his sword.
In his state of panic he locked his tired eyes with Lloyd who was on the couch where they had left him earlier, up right and shaking.
"Nightmare?" He spoke in a calmer tone to not spook the boy. His caution was met with failure as Lloyd whipped his head around staring at Kai. It was a sharp movement which caused Lloyd to let out a groan and a cough.
Kai got up and sat next to the blonde, putting his sword on the table in front of him. The brunette's right hand slid across the blonde's back in a circle motion to comfort him.
A mumbled 'sorry' came from Lloyd while at the same time,moving his head to lean on the red ninja's shoulder.
"It's ok bud. I'm here to help you, there's no need to apologize anymore you hear?" Kai spoke softly, continuing to rub his hand in a circular motion on the boy's back. Lloyd relaxed and started drifting asleep again when Cole stirred awake from the noise. Sitting up, he looked around with his eyes half open, falling on Kai and Lloyd on the couch.
"What's going on?" Cole also kept a gentle tone naturally getting up and going in front of the two curled up on the couch.
"He had a nightmare I think" the brunette raised his head up looking at the see through ninja.
With a nod Cole put his hand on Lloyd's head startling the blonde who shot his head up at him with a fearful expression. "M-Morro?!" He cried out and suddenly started scooting back into the couch.
"What no Lloyd, it's Cole" Kai argues with Lloyd.
"No no no no! Leave me alone Morro!" Lloyd started crying again and fought against the grip Kai had on him.
Cole quickly grabbed Lloyd's face making him look at him "it's me Lloyd, I am definitely not that creepy bastard". Lloyd stared at him and his breathing slowed down. "Cole....Cole yea.." Lloyd's voice cracked "I don't know what happened...I'm sorry" he apologizes again.
Cole nodded and joined the hug "You're alright green machine". Lloyd finally settled down and started mumbling looking around the room like he had done early when they first arrived at the bounty. Kai and Cole's concern grew knowing it may be getting worse if Lloyd was now hallucinating.
He just seemed to be talking to himself and whatever he was seeing at this point forgetting Kai and Cole were there. The boys held their shivering brother tight and fell back asleep letting Lloyd talk as much as he wanted.

That next morning they got Lloyd up but he was dead on his feet. He didn't eat too much like sensei suggested but his cough was just getting so much worse than before. The hallucinations luckily weren't as bad after a night's rest. Lloyd was tired but interacted with Cole as he took his shift monitoring the kid.
"Do you have any....fives"
"Go fish"
"Damnit" Cole states, grabbing another card. Lloyd smiled at him "I'm just too good at this cole, just face your defeat". The two were staked out in the living room still and were playing gold fish. Lloyd leaned on the huge dragon Jay had won at the festival and Cole was cuddled up in a large blanket. It was just a relaxing time for the two of them.
"I wonder when my uncle will be back. You said three days but what if it takes longer" Lloyd doesn't look up from his cards as he looks over the hand he has "oh and do you have a two".
"How do you know?!" Cole handed him the card taking another "I'm sure he will be back in three days. You know the guy, he's mysterious. Wait, do you not like me and Kai being around?" He teased and Lloyd's face turned a light pink.
"Of course I want you two around! I just feel bad, you know? You two are stuck here taking care of me and we don't even know what I have" Lloyd coughed a couple times and Cole looked up at him instead of his own cards.
"Sensei may have voluntold us to stay with you but me and Kai would've offered to watch you in a heartbeat. Like we've been saying, we care about you and want to take care of you alright? So stop worrying about how we feel and worry about getting better" Cole looked back at his hand leaving Lloyd to look back at his as well.
"I know. I've heard you both say it so many times in the last day" the blonde argues "you don't deserve it and what if it's contagious! You could catch it too you know".
Cole suddenly sat his cards face down and got up going to Lloyd. He gently pushed Lloyd's torso and got Lloyd to where he was laying down now staring up at Cole.
Cole caressed his face while Lloyd laid there not protesting to any of it. The earth ninja leaned down and kissed the blonde making it long and passionate.
Cole nibbled on Lloyd's lip and then pulled away "if I catch it so what".
Lloyd suddenly jumped a bit and looked at his surroundings. He wasn't on the floor and the cards were put away?
"Dude the kid is way too good at that game. He beat me like five times in a row" Cole's voice sounded from the hallway growing closer.
"I bet you're just bad at 'go' fish. I could easily beat you" Kai said challengingly. The two walk into the living room and Cole makes eye contact with Lloyd. Lloyd's face instantly becomes red.
"Hey greenie! Have a good nap?" He asked.
"Uh yeah. When did we put the cards away?" Lloyd rubbed his eyes trying to get the blush away nonshalontly. Cole was now in his ninja uniform ready for his shift, Kai was in sweats and sported his normal red hoodie. Kai walked over to Lloyd and plopped next to him.
"Mmmm I think the fifth round you just stopped talking and when I looked over you were asleep" Cole thinks back to their card game a couple hours ago.
"Uh..did we...never mind" Lloyd gave up figuring it was for sure just a dream.
Lloyd couldn't believe he had a dream like that. It was so wrong for him to think of Cole like that.
He remembered the first time him and Cole actually bonded when he was younger.
They had just found out Lloyd was the green ninja. Safe to say he was overwhelmed and upset about the whole situation, he was going to have to fight his dad soon after all.
A younger Lloyd stared at the place his father used to stand. How was he supposed to fight him one day? How could he fight the only parental figure he looked up to. Now he has to follow the path of light instead of dark and be some sort of savior.
It felt like the world was closing in on him. Save ninjago, fight his dad, discover his true potential..it was too much.
Lloyd ran out the room and found a crate on the front deck with training equipment to hide behind. He was small enough where no one could see him behind them and he had another one to his side so they couldn't see him that way either.
He sat behind it and pulled his legs to his chest. "Evil masterminds don't cry" he whispered to himself sniffling and rubbing his face with his hoodie sleeve. "But I'm not evil...".
"Do you want any sort of snacks Lloyd? I bet your stomach can handle it now" Cole spoke from where he was in the doorway.
"Oh um im not sure. I don't really have an appetite. How about you surprise me?" He asked not wanting to get a lecture on how he needs to eat and they'll choose for him.
"No problem greenie, one surprise coming up. I'll see you guys later" he waved walking out receiving a wave back from the two on the couch.
Cole had seen Lloyd fall asleep after their card game, so he picked him up and laid him on the couch. He watched the blondes chest rise and fall, his lips slightly parted. Cole thought back to the day when he finally got to know the kid and understand him, and for that he was grateful.
Cole walked on to the deck as the sun fell behind the clouds. He stretched his arms up and groaned. Everyone was taking a break from the events that happened earlier. Lloyd's the green ninja, Kai discovered his true potential and Garmadon took off. Though speaking of the green ninja Cole hadn't seen him since he went after his dad. He didn't like the brat really, he was constantly just causing trouble. Even if he was going to be the green ninja it doesn't change his mind. At this point he kind of wishes Kai was the green ninja instead so he didn't have to look up to the kid as their leader. Cole was the leader even if Kai thinks that's his role it's always been Cole's. They can't even get the kid to train with them so how is he supposed to save the world from darkness? He was suddenly broken out of his thoughts when he heard a quiet sob. Cole tensed up and looked at where it came from. Some of the crates of training equipment had come in the other day and they just haven't gotten to unpacking it all yet. He walked closer to it and peeked over only to see a small back of black curled up against the side of one of them.
"Lloyd?" Cole asked.
A small broken voice came from the ball "Go away". Cole frowned and didn't take the suggestion, moving over to sit with the kid.
Cole hesitated to speak or even just reach his hand over, it took some pep talk in his head for him to gain the confidence to just put a hand on the kids back.
"What's wrong kiddo?" He asked in a quiet voice. Lloyd shook his head "you won't care if I told you! Besides, it's just stupid".
Cole's heart broke a bit and a frown formed on his face. "Hey no I promise I won't find it funny. Your feelings are important Lloyd. If you don't want to talk it's fine, I'm here when you need to let it out though". Lloyd looked up at him, his face red and his eyes puffy. Tears slid down his face still and Cole's heart just broke even more until Lloyd suddenly launched forward and hugged onto Cole crying. Cole froze for a moment, what am I doing he thinks to himself, only to ignore it and wrap his arms around the smaller boy holding him tight.
"I can't be the green ninja! I don't care what destiny says!" Lloyd argues in between sobs.
"Destiny can be unfair, but it always tends to be right in the end. It's a strange phenomenon but we can also take our destinys and turn them into our own image. Everything happens for a reason" Cole rubbed Lloyd's back.
Lloyd scooted away "But what if I just say no. Why was I chosen for this?". Cole sighed "ya know what kid, I don't think there is an answer for that. There's not really an answer as to why the sky is blue or why it was mine, Kai,Jay and Zane's duty to protect the green ninja and ninjago. Why were the four of us chosen?".
"Well that's easy, it's because you guys are strong. I'm just a kid from a boarding school" Lloyd hugged his knees to his chest resting his head on them.
"It's not that simple Lloyd. We weren't the same when we first started being ninja and we all have stories to tell! I'll tell you the story from my perspective though. You can get the other pieces from the guy's"
Cole smiled a bit continuing the story "I lived in this small village with my mom and dad. Dad was a 'royal blacksmith'-" he was cut off by Lloyd. "Isn't that what Kai does?" He asked. Cole let out a chuckle "no no they're different. That was the name of his quartet. He's a dancer". Lloyd huffed stubbornly facing away again pretending not to be interested in the story. "So my dad danced and my mom did too. They were always playing music around the house. It was so lively and I would even end up dancing and singing along even if I wasn't that great at it. But one day my mom came into the house. I was sitting on the couch when she rushed in and slammed the door behind her, locking it. Once she saw me she ran over, grabbed me and locked me in a closet. She hugged me tight and said she loved me, she told me to stay here until my dad came for me and to not make a sound. I heard gunshots and feet running around, screaming and crying. I had no idea what to do. Well later on my dad came home and found me locked in the closet, he asked what happened and I of course had no idea. What I didn't know is that my dad found a note". Cole stopped talking and looked at Lloyd who had stopped crying. He was so Intrigued with the story now and Cole had the kids full attention.
"What did the note say?" The kid asked curiously.
"It said 'the master of earth is officially taken care of', my dad sat there and just sobbed for hours. I had to drag him to the couch...he ended up sending me to a performing arts school where I lived full time and wouldn't come home until the holidays. With mom being gone my dad couldn't handle seeing me or even taking care of us both. He got better though and we got closer. Of course until I left the school to become a ninja. The very first as well". He said proudly.
"I wish your mom didn't die..." Lloyd said, looking up at him. "Me too kiddo but this was my destiny. I wouldn't be here today without the good and bad events. You wouldn't be sitting here with me if we could change our destinies. It's going to suck don't get me wrong but it makes us who we are and guides us through our time here" Cole got up "and our destiny is to train you to defeat your father. Are you going to go in blind and loose or are you going to prepare and take on your destiny?" He held his hand out to Lloyd.
Lloyd's eyes shimmered in the light. He took Cole's hand getting up with his help.
"I'll be ready!" Lloyd says with confidence. "That's the spirit kiddo! Come on let's get you to bed, it's getting late". The two walked inside still holding each other's hands, it was comforting to know they weren't alone in this world. They had each other no matter what.
Lloyd smiled fondly at the memory, it was the advice Cole had given him that let him become who he is today. Kai and Lloyd said goodbye to Cole waving as he left the room.
"Well kid, do you wanna show me your go fish skills?" Kai asked, looking to Lloyd for an answer. Lloyd blushed all a sudden and shook his head "nah nah I'm good! Let's watch a movie or something". Kai chuckled and tilted his head "ok whatever weirdo".

They thought Lloyd was getting better. Over the past couple hours his cough and fever were going away. They got him to take a bath and got him to eat more than he did the day before. Things were really looking up for them. Though what Kai and Cole didn't know was that Lloyd was hallucinating more now than he was before. Every time he looked around his room he would see his dad or Morro. Sometimes he would see his mom and uncle and he couldn't tell what was real anymore. Lloyd had stayed in his room most of the day trying to just stay in one spot instead of moving around or watching a movie with Kai. That would only make him hallucinate more. Lloyd's hallucinations took a turn though, they started talking to him.
"Lloyd come eat!" Cole yelled from the kitchen. Lloyd rubbed his eyes and got out of bed walking to the kitchen. Kai was taking a break since there weren't really many emergencies in town at the moment, he was grateful to get to spend time with him and Cole.
"Wow it really looks like it's going to rain" he glanced outside before sitting next to Kai.
"The forecast said it's supposed to thunderstorm in a couple hours. Kai's gonna have to take over my shift" Cole said with a sigh. "Sorry to make you do that Kai".
"Hey don't worry about it, we're not letting you die because of some rain ok?" The boys chuckled at Kai's comment. They feasted on the homemade pizza Kai cooked luckily and talked about how their days were going, the usual. Lloyd listened to a low rumble of thunder and looked out the window to the left of him at the dark gloomy sky, he wondered how long it would rain for and if his uncle and friends were going to come back sopping wet. His uncle came to his mind next as he remembered the hug him and his dad shared that day he was no longer evil. The worst part is that it came in a full circle when he had to sacrifice his dad to the cursed realm. It was one of the hardest days of his life, the final battle had nothing on it. His dad whispered to him to keep fighting no matter what and that he would always be with him, Lloyd couldn't handle the pain that sentence came with. The gloomy clouds outside matched the ones that opened, sucking his dad away from him. Those stupid clouds...that stupid snake...that...dad? His eyes glued to the deck where his father stood looking back at him. Truthfully it did scare him but once he knew who it was,he stood up abruptly scaring the two boys who were just enjoying their food.
"Lloyd? Are you ok" Kai asked. Lloyd blinked and shook his head looking back at where his dad used to be, he was gone now.
"Oh uh yeah...yeah I'm ok" he frowned looking down "im gonna get some air..well I need a breather!" Lloyd ran out of the room.
"I'm going after him, I'll be back" Kai said, getting up after Lloyd.
He met the kid on the deck looking off into the clouds in deep thought.
"Something on your mind?" Kai stood next to him.
"I just...my dad, Morro...it's all so much. I'm still so weak and here I am sitting on my ass waiting for my uncle to make me better. I'm grown now! I have so much power and strength, for ninjagos sake I'm the green ninja. Yet here I am".
"Sometimes I think you forget where you came from and what it took to get you here" Kai chuckled. "You were just a kid when we took you in and even though you look older you gotta remember mentally, you are still a kid".
"But I've proved that I'm not! I'm more than that!" Lloyd argues.
"Hmmmm yeah true, you know.." Kai turned Lloyd around "if you're so grown up you must know everything then" he put his hands on the railing on either side of Lloyd.
Lloyd looked up at the brunette curiously "what are you-" Kai leaned closer to the blonde. "When you became the green ninja I was so overwhelmed. The thing I had waited to become for so long was stripped away from me in one afternoon. But the moment I saw the fear in your eyes I just knew it was going to be you. Something just clicked and everything changed. Then your childhood was stripped away and you fought your father, I couldn't believe how strong you were getting. Even with a broken foot you still won! Now you're sitting here telling me that you're weak and can't do anything but sit still, ninjas need time to heal too you know" Lloyd stared up at Kai listening to every word that comes out of his mouth with curiosity. "Trust me when I say taking a break is not the end of the world ok? You need rest and help and you're going to get it alright?" Lloyd nodded and Kai suddenly kissed his forehead.
Lloyd blushed and Kai quickly swooped up Lloyd into his arms. "Come on let's get you to bed". Lloyd gasped and grabbed onto Kai's neck, he trusted him but he's not used to being held like this. "Put me down, I can walk on my own Kai!"
"You can but I literally just said you need rest and I'm going to help you" the brunette smiled and brought him inside and into bed tucking him in. Lloyd let out a yawn not even realizing how tired he was. "Goodnight Lloyd, we're always going to be here for you kiddo. I'm so glad we got you back " the brunette ruffled his hair and stood up, turning the lights off and leaving.
Lloyd got a warm feeling in his chest and his cheeks were still bright red. He must have been hallucinating again, Kai would never have kissed his forehead.

The storm grew dense. It was rocking the bounty like there was no tomorrow. Kai came back from his patrol knowing the storm wasn't gonna let up anytime soon. He sat on the couch after getting out of the shower. Although it was quick since he just got a shower outside.
He had originally thought Lloyd and Cole were asleep though when the kid walked past he chuckled a bit thinking he probably just needed a glass of water or something. He yawned and watched the power flicker. This was getting bad. Suddenly Cole ran out by him "Where's the kid?! I just had the creepiest dream and if I know anything about dreams from sensei is that they can be real". Kai looked at him weirdly "uhh I saw him wander to the kitchen earlier but he didn't really say anything or see me". Cole cursed and ran the way Lloyd went. Kai grew concerned and went after him. "Cole, what is going on?" he asked the see-through ninja.
"I had a dream that Lloyd walked off the edge of the bounty tonight. He just casually stepped off and died. He isn't in his room or in the kitchen" Cole said as he peeked into the kitchen. "He better not be outside" Cole and Kai ran to the door flinging it open and low and behold there he was. The kid fell to the ground as the bounty rocked and rolled over to the side where an opening was in the railings, the wind picked up and easily pushed the kid off. "Kai go!" Cole yelled and Kai rushed out to Lloyd just as he slipped off the side.

Lloyd shot up in his bed panting and looked around his room. He was safe thank goodness but he was cold and thirsty. Lloyd rubbed the cold sweat from his forehead and carefully got up. Looking at his door where his dad was. Lloyd looked at his father "Dad, you're back" he ran to him though the man left into the hallway. Lloyd walked after him confused as to why he'd be here and why he keeps running!
Lloyd caught up to him flinging the door open and going to the middle of the deck where his father stood. "Dad! Please stop running away, I just want to talk to you". His dad stopped and then he did too. Staring at each other Lloyd smiled and made a move forward only to have his dads face morph into morros. "No! Give me my dad back! You aren't real and I know it, I'm just hallucinating!" He screamed at Morro who lunged forward and kicked him down.
"Oh I'm not real? How's that for real" Morro says, laughing evilly.
Lloyd groaned and sat up only to be kicked to the side again, using the power of the wind to push Lloyd more to the edge. "No no no!" He cried out as he fell off the edge.
He felt someone grab his hand and pull him back up. There his dad was again though he still has Morro's face . He was still trying to take him?!
Lloyd yelled and fought against his dad. He kicked him off and scrambled to get up. He activated his powers and shot at his da-Morro. "You're not taking me this time. I'm stronger now! You can't take me this time". Lloyd ran at him giving Morro a nice punch to the face. He stumbled back but while Lloyd thought he was victorious he was proved wrong as Morro tackled him pinning him to the deck.
Lloyd squirmed and fought against him. "Lloyd, Wake up!" His dad and Morro yelled. He kept fighting and was able to hit Morro again, being able to lay on his stomach to crawl away. Morro just grabbed his shoulders pulling him back into a hug. "Lloyd, you need to wake up! Wake up Lloyd!" His dad and Morro sounded a lot like Kai all a sudden. Though he still fought against him thinking it was just a dream. "Let me go! Just let me go!" Lloyd sobbed and pleaded not being able to move now. As he cried things started getting weird all a sudden. He realized how wet he was and he realized there was a warmth around him.
"Wake up Lloyd", Kai said behind him.
"Kai?" Lloyd asked desperately. "Is it really you?".
The brunette sighed in relief, holding Lloyd tighter and kissing the side of his head "I'm so happy you're awake. You put up one hell of a fight kid" Lloyd was suddenly being scoped up into his friend's arms. Lloyd shook and hugged onto Kai's chest "Morro was here Kai! He was here" Lloyd gasped and panted, his cough coming back. "He wasn't here Lloyd I promise you. It's just us" Kai got him inside where Cole wrapped two towels around them and led them to the couch. "You two have got to be freezing" Cole said and held Lloyd's face in his hands "you are burning up though..". Lloyd sniffled and shook as Cole hugged the two of them.
"It's ok Lloyd. Morro won't ever get you again you hear me? He's not a threat anymore" Cole said "that fight you were having was a hallucination or you were dreaming or something".
Lloyd nodded and looked at Kai and gasped "when did you get that bruise by your eye!" He reached up holding Kai's face.
"That's from you kiddo. Like I said you put up one hell of a fight". He realized the implications of Kai's words and hugged him tight "I'm so sorry Kai". Kai only smiled and patted his back.
"I love you both so much I'm so sorry" Lloyd said with tears in his eyes. Kai pulled him back to look at him, Kai and Cole suddenly kissed both his cheeks. "You have nothing to be sorry for greenie".
Kai and Lloyd got into new clothes and the three found themselves curled up on the couch comforting one another by giving small kisses and snuggling. Lloyd figured that this time wasn't a hallucination and it was actually happening. He couldn't hide the blush that spread across his face, ratting him out that he was enjoying every second of the attention. Once the rain stopped though Cole figured it would be best for someone to get to patrol so he took his leave.
Kai continued to hold Lloyd, keeping him as close as possible, harrying his face in the crook of the blonde's neck. Lloyd was so relaxed and warm even as he coughed and was having trouble breathing. Kai started pecking at his neck making Lloyd squirm in response letting out a small whimper. "Aww that was adorable" Kai chuckled. "Honestly I didn't know how you would react to that. Sorry kid" Kai smiled and harried his face back into the crook of Lloyd's neck.

"Pick up the pace kid!" Cole said as Lloyd went at the padding on his hands.
The other four ninja watched as Lloyd started getting quicker with his punches. Cole was actually starting to fumble back as Lloyd's punches got harder.
"Good now make sure your form is still good! Don't get distracted" Cole critiqued the boy's stance which made Lloyd fix it, soon Cole was on the ground and Lloyd smiled at him.
"I think you're back in business green ninja" Lloyd reached a hand down and Cole took it with a proud look on his face.
"I think I'm even stronger than before. Whatever that tea was that sensei got it really just fixed everything. Even my legs don't hurt anymore". "Why would your legs hurt Lloyd?" Jay asked and Lloyd tensed up realizing what he said.
"Ah, just because I was sore from that illness. It really left me weak, you know?" He blushed and Jay looked at him not really believing him.
"You are ready Lloyd. We're taking the fight to Morro now" Zane says with a smile.
"Good, I feel ready. He can't do anything to me now as long as I have you guys with me. Along with our new water ninja" Lloyd says, causing Nya to smile.
"We're going to stop Morro with everything we've got" Lloyd says confidently looking into the sky. He was finally free from that nightmare, nothing could stop them now.

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