Chapter 53:WHAOS X Warcraft
The ship of the Stormcast and their allies suddenly thrown to Warcraft at the ending days of the 3rd war
Ship and Units
(For reasons i choose this instead of my previous ship, well this is warcraft where the Drenai are so i choose this, but don't worry it will be nerf)
if you haven't know behind lore this is made by the Old Ones and they are currently active in my Age of Sigmar verse
The ship was Huge Measuring in 6.7 Km in Length,
3.5 KM in Height
Length 7.5 KM
and 7.5 in Width
230,000 Stormcast (Mostly from Hammers of Sigmar in 120,000, then 30,000 Tempest Lords 15,000 Hollowed Knights, 25,000 Celestial Warbringers and 40,000 Anvils of the Heldenhammer)
50,000 Ronan's Honor Guard Called the Aegis Guard, the 2nd Stormhost of the 1st Strike, Each one of them have been the Guards of Ronan Many of them are Ancient as Far Back as the World of Mallus with the Oldest of the Old are those who have fought against Chaos during the Very First Chaos Invasion, They are among the Greatest and Veteran of the Stormcast Eternal, They are Even much Harder to kill Due to Sheer Hatred and Determination not to Fail their King/Emperor when they have Died especially in Combat Before Age of Myth (To those who have born and Die in Mallus)/Chaos even more so than the Tempest Lords, as not just that, but because of Sheer Refusal to die and Wanting to Kill those who become the Enemies of their Liege and they are Ronan's Pride Sentinels and they would make sure that they would never ever Fail him no Matter the Cost, and Thus they are the Most Feared Stormhost in the Entire Realm
25,000 Stormcast to Defend the ship as well Boarding Action mostly Prosecutors who have Familiarized themselves at the Ship, and Constantly Drilling of how they could Defend it from Boarding Actions and Counter Boarding action, even then they also Trained the Other Stormcast, but they are the Ones who would mostly Defend the Ship, They are Called the
35,000 Azyr Ogres Ogres that have Fought for Order and was Granted to become a Stormcast, and some are Native to the Azyr and Loyal to Sigmar, and they are the least Hungry of Ogres and could Eat as Little as Possible without getting Hungry
1,350 Storm Giants, the Largest Gargants in the Realm, Even Larger than the Sons of Behemat with the Average Size of 30 Meters tall, they are Native to the Realm of Azyr and they are the Strongest Gargants of the Realm and could able to Use Magic o Azyr, the Largest of them are standing in 150 Meters tall, and they are all Clad in Sigmarite Armor, like stormcast they can be Revive
5 Slanns (Powers that Equivalent of the 1st Spawns Specifically lord Kroak When he was still Lived and would be Ronan's Advisors when it comes to Military or Otherwise that would Concern the Entire Order Faction as their Foresight are one of the Greatest that which would made even Kairos Fateweaver to have a Headache)
160,000 Temple Guards, Even Better Breed than the Temple Guards, They are equivalent of the Sunblood Saurus but Better in Every Way, thus they are much Harder to kill, and could be Commanded by Ronan if he so Wished
360,000 Skinks Breed to be the Engineers as they are breed to Maintain, Repair, and Manned the Ships Defensive weapons as well as Defending it thanks to their Wargear created by the Old Ones so they could defend the Ship with more Effective as they are Better than even the Blessed and Higher Ranking Skinks
They have their own spawning pool in the ship to replenish their numbers and would be not active when there's no battle due a possible of losing space in the ship only during battle or when they decided to build a settlement for the Lizardmen for future order forces to colonize in the near future
Then unknown Number of Mounts of the Stormcast, Ogres and Seraphon
With Addional from Sylvaneth, Sent by Alarielle to her Husband to help them for their Mission as well as the Representative of Gharan and it was much a Chargin to Morathi Ronan's 2nd Wife, that Alarielle could able to send her Own forces to help their Husband
75,000 Kurnouth Hunters
350 Treelords
50 Spirits of Durtho
300,000 Revenants
(Possibly Wonderers Aka the Wood Elves) Unknown number
Dryads Unknown number
Like the Lizardmen they also build Soul pod which they can replenish their number
Another from Kharadron Overlords whom Gladly Include some of their Greatest Sky Fleet and Lead by one of their Greatest Admiral
120,000 Arkonouts
500 Skyships
The Ship itself was Built by the Old Ones and use it to Travel Between Worlds, and It was Recovered by Ronan when he led a Massive attack in Chamon to Retrieve it, though it was a Secret than not even himself could know the Truth, but he notheless able to Recover it, but with Heavy Casualties on his Side especially to the Mortals but it was Worth it as the Forces of Chaos could not able to take it
Thanks to the Technology, Magic and Science of the Old Ones, they are able to make the Interior Larger than the Outside should have been, because of that, they could put every those on Board to have to have Room, Recreational Room, every Civilize People Need, also it has the Spawning pool of the Lizardman so that they could bring Forth an endless Reinforcement if need be
There is also a Reforging Chamber for the Stormcast Themselves, Though it was Smaller just able to Revive at least 25,000 of them, but the Good Side is, They could Reforge much Faster than the Chamber of Apothosis since they do not Need to Travel Long when they Die, and it would be Impossible for the Chaos to Take their Soul when they Die, even Be'lakor Mechanization could not Prevent them to Revive, That which it made the Ships to be the Top Priority to be Destroyed Whenever it was Sighting but Difficult for it is very Powerful ship and could both do Offense and Defense
The Ship only have Powerful Weapons, It also have Defensive Shields and have the Thickest Armor in the Realm as not even a Greater Demon or a godbeast could capable of Damaging it, it would Take a Very Powerful Being could Damage it, and it can Self-repair itself
for this kind of Reason, only the Very Greatest of the Great could Ever Command a Ship like this, For even to the likes of Other Greatest Strageies among the Stormcast only Rare Few have the qualification could Ever hope to Command such a Vessel
Notable Stormcast Eternals:
Ronan Belleza- 2nd Celestant Prime, Champion of Order and Blessed by all the gods of Order (Including Nagash as there is no Faction of Death and Stayed in Order) and Also a god
Nath- Ronan's Oldest of Old of his Friend and his 2nd in command, Known to be Loyal to his Liege
Astarion Belleza-Ronan's Eldest Son of all of his Children Same Rank and Power as Yndrasta, though he is a Commander of the Aegis Guard and Renown to be one of the Order's Greatest Champions even Archeon Knows to Fear him with only his Father was Higher
Maric Belleza- Ronan's Son a Lord Celestant in Extrimis Chamber of the Hammers of Sigmar
Ben Belleza- Strike Chamber Lord Celestant of the Tempest Lords
Aaron Belleza- Ruination Chamber Lord Vigilant of the Ruination Chamber of the Hammers of Sigmar
Dean- Lord Celestant of a Strike Chamber of Hammers of Sigmar
Dan- Lord-Aquilors in the Hammers of Sigmar
Valerian- Commander of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer
Jack- Lord Ordinator and the Chief Ordinator in the Ship
Joshua- Lord Catallant of the Tempest Lord
Storm Giants:
Landan- Leader of the Storm Giants in the Ark
Torold- 2nd in Command of the Storm Giants
Dollenhal- a Son of Durtho Eldest of his Kind and Currently the Leader of the Slyvanenth Contingents
Sternbark- Huntmaster of the Kurnouth hunters
Quex- Slann Leader of the Slanns that are Assign to the Dawnbringer
Zhul- Slann
Chakax- Eternal Warden and Alpha of the Temple Guards, and One of the Oldest, Lived during the Earliest Days in Age of Myth
Maq- Leads the Skinks
Kharadron Overlords
Thorek Silverfleet- Lord Admiral and Lead the KO Contingents
Alaric Ironstar- Admiral and 2nd in Command
Celestant Prime Ronan looked at the Realms of Order that have been Stand in Defiance against the Realm of Chaos and Destruction for Thousands of years, he had Live since the Creation of Humanity he was part of the 1st Generations of Humanity, he was Blessed by the Old Ones Since then he become an Immortal albelt with Constant Reincarnation, his Descendant even without his Guidance made a Prosperous Kingdom in Nehekhara, but it was him who have Lead them to the land who would become known as the Empire, Ronan have Lived Many Lifetimes as his People can live for 200 to 300 Years while the Bellezas the Royal Bloodline could live up to 600
He is Gazing at the Aetheric Void a huge Void of Made of loose unaligned magic his Vessel have been traveling for 1500 Years since Ronan have Found it, it was been 15,000 Years during the Age of Myth, another 500 Years during the Age of Chaos, and 10,000 Years that he have Battle the Forces of Chaos, and 8,000 Years since he have Lived to his Birth World of Mallus Where he have Guided his People to Greatness, he had Predated Every Human god after the 1st Chaos Invasion in Mallus, he is the Grandfather of Taal and Ulric before they had Become a god, Sons of his Firstborn Son of Astarille the Everqueen of the High Elves and Wife of Aenarion the Defender, She Named him Asterion who is now one of the top Commanders, he is tied with Yndrasel Rank but not in power as Astarion was born from both powerful parents and they are both as below of the Celestant-Primes
"You know how much i was surprise when i Heard the News that you become a god was quite Shocking you know Father" Said Asterion as he was Named after Both from Astarille and Aenarion that Ronan Honored both of them, he is the first Born of all of his Children he had Shared Many Traits of his Father Including his Stature, Azure Blue Eyes and Black Hair but he got his Mother's Fair Feature and Long Ears but Shorter than the Pure Elves,as well power magical potential in him
He is the Very First Half-Elf in History that which the History have Forgotten and his 2 Sons the 2ndand 3rd born Taal and Ulric become gods, he would Never have Though that his Children would become gods, Still Ronan was There When he Witness their Ascendancy of becoming a god Both of Which are also half-Elf when he Married His Sister's 2nd Born Daughter before Traveling to the Land of the Old World
That which for all intents and purpose they have Cement the Line of Ronan, Aenarion and Astarille that would continue the Belleza bloodline even to this age
"And you though that i hate Immortality correct Son?" Said Ronan
"Of course Father, still i would Never have Though that Malikith of all People would become this Evil we are Very Close along with my Half-Siblings Yvrain and Morelion" Said Asterion in Truth they all Treated Each others as Siblings Rather than being Half Siblings, Despite being a Half-Elf They Treated him with Kindness Especially Yvrain, and No Humans has Yet to be Discriminate Due to their Actions of Helping Defending Uthuan and have Sacrifice so Much that all they could do is to Let them Stay Before his Father have Decided to Finally Move themselves to their Birth place after staying for 250 Years in Uthuan
Asterion Looked at his Father who have begun to be Thoughful Once more likely having have Remembering his Old Memories
"What's in your Head this Time Father?" Said Asterion
"Hmmm, your Younger Brother When he Brazenly Left to the Realm that we once Transport to Another Realm that are Outside of our Own" Said Ronan as he Remember his Son with Alarielle some 8,000 Years ago, When his Son have Stayed Said Realm, it Left Alarielle Devastated and Hateful at the Particular Woman who have Stole their Son, and Wanted to Curse her
Astarion chuckled "And we return to it after for thousands of years and he continue the Line into House Stark and their bannerman as well as my Half-Sister who would marry Durran's godgrief after you won't allowing him to marry her
"Make sure Jon becomes the king and not his aunt and have him married to Tyrell Girl, unite all the realms against the Tyranny of the Lannisters and destroy the Night King once for all by our hands of course" Said Ronan
Before Asterion could Speak the Ship begun to be Shaken that which made them all Braze as they looked in front of them
"What just Happened?" Said Ronan as he looked at his Surrounding then in front of him, he haw a Familiar Portal appeared "What in the Actual Fck?" he said in Bewilderment
"Isn't that same portal that appeared to us?" Said Asterion with a Nervous Chuckle
"Well considering that Said Portal is the Reason Why we have been sent to another Realm Right" Said Maric as he looked to their Eldest Brother and Then Father
"Ah of cousrse we are going to have another Throw" Said Nath as he Brace himself
"Heh Heh We're in Danger then Lads" said Maric With a Nervous Chuckle
"Not this again" Said Thorek as he shake his head "I'll make sure our ships won't get damage"
"Well alright.... BRACE YOURSELVES STORMCAST, Syvaneths! AND SERAPHON" Said Ronan as he Yelled at his last Sentence before Bracing on his Throne
While the Slann Starmasters looked in Confusion but seeing the Portal in front of them, They also Brace by Lowering their Platform Hoping their Weight and the Temple Guards would stop whatever would Happened to them in the Future
While the Leading Son of Durthu looked in Confusion as well but Shrugged it off and Obey, even the Kurnouth Hunters Huntmaster Brace to whatever they could Grab since they could not Root themselves to the Ship's Floor
"Sorry we can't even able to steer the Ship away the Portal was Dragging us!" Said the Stormcast Ordinator
"Just like last time" Said Joshua with a Sight as he Hold on a Pillar
Not for long the Entire Vessel was Swallowed by the Portal
"And here we go again" Said Ronan with a Deadpanned Expression
Scene Change
Ashenvile Forest
A portal appeared and throw out the Order Ship, that which made those who are curious looked at the portal and eyes widen when they saw a massive object was thrown at their forest
Tyrande Whisperwind looking at the object in narrowed eyes, they already have a problem with the Green skin orcs that invaded their land,
"Shandris take a squad, i want you to look that object make sure it's not anything of the Legion" Said Tyrande to her adoptive daughter Shandris
Shandris bow her head "By your will Priestiess" Said Shandris before all of them feel the Shock wave added with an earthquake only in several seconds
"Go" Said Tyrande as they must deal with the pressing matters first, and she'll be here to coordinate with their forces
And Done
See you next time
The Alternate ship
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