Chapter 31: Code Geass(AU) React 40k Nunally's past life

The Archangel summon the Characters of the Code Geass in season 1 as he wish some certain events like the death of Euphy and event known as the SAZ massacre as he took early like before Euphy announce it in Leleuch school as Euphy was there for suzaku only to reunited with her half-siblings

after he brought them in the theater he made them react as the event unfold including the ending of season 2

He transport Leleouch, Nunally, C.C, Kallen, Euphy, Cornelia, Suzaku, Milly, Shirley, Rivalz, Nina, Ohgi, Tamaki, Cicile, Loyld, Sayoko, Villeta, Tohdoh, Rakshatam Gilford, Anya, Gino, Xinke, Kaguya, and Tianzi

(In this AU, Nunally's will have a past life in 40k namely she is a daughter to my OC Thunder Warrior Primarch)

After he gathered and restrained some of them due to their bad blood between the Bretonnians and the Japanese as they suffered from the bretannians, after some calming them down along with revealing Zero's identity to everyone which was shocking discovery that made Cornelia realize in horror that she is practically hunting her favorite younger brother, which made her ashamed of her action well except of her conquest

The Black Knights needs some time before they have to accept Lelouch but they still some distrust especially from Kallen after seeing herself being geass by lelouch, Tamaki was the most vocal about it but he was quickly shut himself up after the collective commanders and soldiers have enough for his shits and silence him with their glare as they could not believe of how much of a thick headed he is and wishing to beat him up which Kallen was more than happy to do it for them

Nunally's eyes finally open revealing the most beautiful striking Azure Blue that everyone would ever see, that made nearly everyone to fall over heels to her, and something Nunally though was there is more than meets the eye of her eye color

The royal siblings still frowned and mourned at the death of Clovis though since it's still their brother and one of those they consider to be part of where they treated as full blooded siblings, Cornelia express her frustration at Clovis lack of military tactics which was made him an easy target by Lelouch

Then the SAZ massacre Lelouch receive a beating from Cornelia whom luckily was stop by Guilford as she was pulled away by the other Bretannians while Euphy could only Cry at herself seeing that she is doing the Massacre while the Black Knights could not fathom it, that they killed an innocent princess who is truly genuine of helping the Japanese people despite the possible consequence from their Father the Emperor even Nunally cried at the Death of her Sister as well as the public and history would forever saw her as the massacre princess everyone pay their respect to Euphy for her Effort even so far Tohdo would promise to make sure if Euphy would do it, then he will speak to his superior whom is dead because of Lelouch

Then they saw how the Charles Emperor of Bretonnia and Marianne have planned this which devastate the Royal siblings as they could not believe that even the gentle Marianne was all fake and never could believe that her smile upon the Ragnarok was more real than Lelouch or Nunally could remembered in their younger years

Which made them all heart broken with Lalauch have a hollow laugh and even have to question it to CC as she told them all they needed to know

Then they saw the Ending, which made Nunally and Euphy to slap Lelouch face as they could not believe that Lelouch would sacrifice himself for the Greater good and to Nunally as painted Lelouch as the Greatest Evil despite that, the stains to Euphy is still there and already written

Still many still hated Lelouch because of his action but considering how he so far have been leading them, they are at least for the better term give him a chance which the Archangel have promise them that this is a reason why he showed them the future so they could prevent it

After that, something is botherting them and they ask

"We all saw Nunally's Dream what of it?" Said Kallen with a shudder

"Ah the Dream" Said A.Ronan with a smile as he look at Nunally "Tell me Little Nunna how much often do you dream of this?" He said

Nunally was unsure has to answer it, because during their reaction she saw several times of her dream "Sometimes often sometimes not" Said Nunally was unsure

"But any of you recognize of her surrounding?" Said A.Ronan "Or at the very least feel as if..." He let it sink it

"As if i was there and familiar to it?" Said Nunally

The people to her with raise eyebrow in curisoity "Um that look like place where it should be in scifi movies?" Said Tamaki "I mean how are you in there??"

"Maybe it's her future self?" Said Kallen in guess

"Really? do we have to guess my sister's future?" Said Lelouch as he rolled his eyes

A.Ronan cut them off for that "What if i tell you, it's the opposite" he said

"Opposite what is that even mean to our sister?" Said Cornelia as she growled knowing now full well that this Archangel was even more powerful than the suppose god that her father wanted to kill, and by the looks of it he is more amuse at the attempt either waiting it to fail or to succeed which still made him quite fearsome and not to anger

"What if i told you, that's her past life" Said A.Ronan

Everyone was silent at that before they starting asking question

"It will be revealed all in time, but i will tell you that, she is from previous universe" Said A.Ronan "Where she live there as a princess and her name is..." He then snap his finger

Nunally gasp as they suddenly look to her "I---- I Remember" Said Nunally

"Now little one, who are you?" Said A.Ronan with a smile

"I---- I'am Paz Daughter of Ronan Belleza Lord of Primordial, High King of the realm of Primordia Primarch of the Thunder Warriors" Said Nunally now that she remembers her past self

"What?!" Said Everyone except Nunally and A.Ronan

"That's my previous life, i'am a princess of an powerful Empire one that would eclipise The Entirely of nations of Earth" Said Nunally

"And this Ronan Belleza?" Said Lelouch

"My Father... far better than charles would ever be" Said Nunally with bitter tone, it's been long ago that she accepted that their father would never accepted them because they banish them "I Would gladly return back to my Papa side if i could see him again"

Nunally then look to Ronan "Are we going to see my Papa?" Said Nunally

"Yes" Said A.Ronan as he snap his finger at the screen as they sat once more


The Hologram start with Group of Humans that are Praying, slowly the Camera Move upwards

"It is 41st Millennium for more than a Hundred Centuries, The Emperor of Mankind has immobile in the golden Throne" said the Narrator

The Camera stop on the Image of a Large Skeleton seating on the Golden Throne Menacing Rotten Corpse, looking directly in the Camera


"W--- who or what is that?!" Said Euphy in a shaky tone as she pointed at the Skeleton seating something of a Golden Throne

Even looking at the Skeleton unnerves all of them

"He has Many Names and Titles Throughout his Years, the Brat before you" Said Ronan as he Pointed at the Emperor Calling him a Brat as he Indicate that he saw the Emperor just a Mere Brat rather than a Full Grown adult man "This is the most common Titles and Names for him, he is a Conqueror, Lord of Legions, the Master of Mankind, the Lord of Terra, and most of all he is the God Emperor of Man as his Followers Called him as he is a god" he said

He then look at Nunally who frowned bitterly "My Grandfather" Said Nunally at first she does not recognize the skeleton only after the angel mention his name and title, then the soul crushing Aura that she was far too familiar despite not seeing it for a long time and to feel again was still the intimidating even more so if she admitted it herself unlike her father's who is at the very least gentle and benevolent and sometimes wrathful whenever she saw him that state in rare times

"Your Grandfather? Lady Nunally look...  he looks quite Creepy" Said Rahshata looking at the skeleton was quite intimidating and creepy even for an atheist and realist herself there was something off about that dead man "Not to mention dead"

"Would you believe me if he is not dead?" Said Nunally "And in between?"

"What do you mean? that this skeleton is still lives? where's the Logic in that?" Said Lloyd as he could not fathom it

"But how is it possible? that skeleton looked more deader than dead" Said Rakshata as she has to took off her pipe as she looked closely to the Emperor and agreed with Lloyd 

"Ms Chalkwa is right, where's the Logic in that?! That Skeleton looks like Centuries old" cecile Argued

"His Immortal isn't he?" Said CC as she was familiar with that concept, upon closer look, despite being skeleton she look way older than she is

"And his the Ruler of an Empire?" Said Tohdo

"Yes" Said A.Ronan

Nunally then remember the words "Wait, was it said about 41st M?" Said Nunally as she gasp in realization which the Angel nod "T--- That would mean i've been dead for 10 thousand years!" she said in shock luckily she remembers the date of her death

"Say what?!" Said everyone in shock upon hearing that

"You are correct, it's been 10 thousand years since of your passing, little Paz" Said A.Ronan

"My... papa? h-- how is he then? is he still alive?" Said Nunally in urgent tone, it would be not a good question considering it's 10 thousand years

"Yes... his still lives and currently the Defacto leader of the Imperium alongside with your uncles" Said A.Ronan

"Well this gets getting better and better" Said Kallen with a sarcastic tone

"Trust me you won't like to mess with them, especially her Father" Said A.Ronan purposely leaving to mention brothers


"He is the Master of Mankind by the Will of the gods and Master of a Million Worlds by the might of his Inexhaustible Armies " Said the Narrator


As Soon as they heard that the Emperor Rules a Million Worlds they are shock to hear that, such Claims was Impossible for any Organization and Faction to achieve that, Let alone being Ruled by a Single Ruler

"Did it Just Said about Master of a Million Worlds?" Said Gino and Rivalz as their jaws drop at the mention of ruling a million worlds

"Wait... Wait are you telling us that this empire truly controlled a million worlds?!" Said Cecile at the though of such Empire

A.Ronan nod "Yes... Yes, the Imperium of Man rules millions of world which have recently begun to increase it's size thanks to the primarchs" Said A.Ronan

"Like her father? and what are the Primarchs again?" Said Suzaku since Nunally hasn't explain it fully other than her father being the De-facto leader of the Imperium

The Prince and sons of the Emperor and Empress, you'll know them soon enough" Said A.Ronan

"And my uncles? how are they?" Said Nunally as she has a bad feeling about this

"Yes, but how could such a One Man could Rule a Million Empire?" Said Cornelia, knowing how the Britannia works as of recently their father have been handling the responsibility to schienzel and her brother explain that Charles saw this as mundane even the wars that they fought

"Because throu his vast experiance and loyal servants" Said Nunally as she answered it instead of the Angel "Trust me my father lead such an empire far more effective than how Charles and every ruler combined ruled their nations" she said it with a hint of pride in her tone

"You have quite a high opinion to your er... past father Nunally" Said Lelouch with the very least small smile, as he notice of how much his younger sister praise this unknown father is

"Because he maybe ruthless but in the end of the way he would make sure that humanity would never fall and go back to the dark age" Said Nunally

"How ruthless are talking about Nunna?" Said Kaguya to her friend as she feel shiver to her spine

"Something that would made Bretannia look like saints and even then he would not do it for the sake of conquest but rather reunification of humanity" Said Nunally

"Reunification huh?" Said Xinke "Your father was quite ambitious to think of that... what makes him so sure that everyone would kneel before him or to your grandfather?" he said

"Because he can, unlike the Britannians who would only look after Britannians and look down to every conquered nation, my people the Primordians are eager to unify the Entire Human race as one banner and one ideology and every human would be treated as equals and that's only before my grandfather found my father as my papa was in the process to conquer

in order to conquer he will always do the diplmatic option first and war is not always the answer and he was able to annex thousands of worlds when the Great Crusade have begun"

"Are you telling us, they have both the best and worst of Bretonnia?" Said Kallen with a gritted teeth

"I'm telling you, they are far more different than Bretonnia and certainly every Nation are pale in comparison to the Power of the Imperium that my father part of the Royal family" Said Nunally

"For how far they are ruthless than Brittiannia? I can't answer but definely they are even more" She added as it made them silence

"Great, your sister at least acknowledge that there is worse than Britiannia" Said Kallen

"Only Depends of who rules you, as well as are you ready to surrender and a be part of human Empire and would you be proud to call yourselves as humans? or just Japanese, chinese or Britannians? so which is which of it?" Said A.Ronan as again it made them silence


The Scene Change towards the Emperor as his Body was completely Mummified and Tubes Jutting out on his back

"He is rotting Carcass, writing invincibility with power from the dark age of Technology"


That Perk the more Science Minded in the Cast of hearing the Dark Age of Tech

"What's a Dark Age Tech?" Said Rakshata

"The Dark Age of Technology or simply known in that Time as the Age of Technology that Proceed the Golden Age of Humanity, it was during the 25th Millennium as Humanity have Made Many Great Technologies, Discoveries, Space Travel, Colonizing Countless Worlds among the stars and Making alliance with the Peaceful or Neutral Aliens that they have Encountered " Said Nunally

"It would seem you are quite knowledgable about this Mistress" Said Sayako with a pride in her tone at the girl that she have watch over

"Tell that to my history teacher, they shove every important history in our brains as possible" Said Nunally with a shudder, she likes history alright but also of how such huge was it especially that the Primordians have able to preserve it which she is lucky enough about the Golden age of humanity

"But because of a certain Event, the Imperium almost Lost Many of their Knowledge of that Time for that, the Imperium are it's Remnants" A.Ronan Added

Nunally know what he means at that, because of the Rebellion of the Machines, even then the records could never know how such a large scale revolt was brought all at once in multiple system and in the present before her death theorise it might be the forces of chaos that curropted the machines which in that time Chaos was already well known in the realm of Primordia

"Wait are you saying that the dark age of technology was the golden age of humanity" said Lloyd in interested tone as well as Rakshata

Nunnaly nod in confirmation at that "Yes, it is the zenith of humanity's technological power where we have few enemies and even fewer equal adversaries" said Nunally


"He is the Carrion lord of the vast of Man, for whom a Thousand souls that are sacrificing everyday so that he may never truly... Die"


Everyone is wide eyed in horror upon hearing that statement especially Nunally since it was her grandfather 

"That's inhumane, how could someone let that Happened!" Suzaku Yelled as he Grip his Armchair "They would kill Their People just so he can... can.... Live? Th--- That's inhumane!"

"W-- what happened to grandfather to commit such as this, this isn't like him" said Nunally in disbelief since she knows her grandfather could be an emotionless bastard but be would never commit this kind of action as far as she knew from her father that her grandfather cared about humanity and whatever made him do this was disturbing for the Daughter of the Lord of the Thunder Warriors "What happen after i died?" Though of Nunally

"I don't even think our father would be this cruel to have a thought such as this" said Leleouch and it felt strange and disgusting way to say it out loud 

"Why need such sacrifice to let him live?" Said Xingke as it disgusted him

"Why would they let him live? how many sacrifice of it just to let him live?!" Said Euphy as she was shaking and covering her mouth in horror

looking in chains are clearly humans and being going to be sacrifice so that their God Emperor would live, which sickens them "Here i though only the Britannians are bad it appears there's even worse" Said Ohgi in a whisper dread clearly this imperium no longer see nationality but racial pride which they would be proud to be called humans

"To sacrifice thousand everyday day just so he could survive? what kind of madness would resort such a thing?!" Said Cornelia she is maybe military and have done attrocities herself but never in a level such as this, this is madness

"The desperate  one" Said A.Ronan as he cross his arms

"Desperate?" Said everyone "What kind of Desparate?"

"You would know soon enough" Said A.Ronan

"And my father? does he allow this?" Said Nunally hopefully her father would see reason of not allowing this to happen then again her father was pragmatic man so she still hope he choose the right thing

"Yes. not out of love to his father of course but of Necessity and spite, you already know how much he hated the Emperor and Empress" Said A.Ronan

Nunally could only nod at that sadly even she dislikes the Emperor upon first seeing him, which her father agreed with her even at close proximity and he doesn't appeared to pretend to like her as his grandfather well except her grandmother was warm to her but hated her father with every her fiber of her beings well all of her uncles was look down upon by sailor cosmos

Gilford look to Cornelia who appeared to be worried "Your highness are you alright?" Said Gilford with concern

Cornelia startle a little before looking at him "I would be lying if i said no" She said "I mean whoever Nunally's grandfather is... is not someone to be trifled with, you can't maintain a million planet by being goody too shoes and this Emperor is not someone even my Father would dare to challenge, that skeleton is already a nightmare enough so you don't want to know what he is in life" She said in honest to scared tone

Guilford could understand that, upon seeing the Emperor for the first time felt fear in his time, the judging eyes upon them look like they are not worth to be considered in his eyes and are just cog in the machine that keeps the human race alive

"Still what is this duty you spoke of that even Nunally's past father did not stop this apart from being spiteful person he is?" Said Milly

"Well that's the problem of stopping it" Said A.Ronan "It's not about stopping it, it's more about the consequence of it, Though Ronan has the power to stop it but he choose not"

"if he has that power, should he stop it by now?" Said Shirly which they nod to her in agreement especially Milly

A.Ronan Chuckled Darkly at them before speaking "It's Complicated than the Ms,Finite the Golden Throne was not just a Mere Throne but a Key of Opening a Webway for the Humans to Use, but because of a Certain Cylcops haven't Breach the Psychic Barrier that Prevent the Forces of Chaos of Breaching it and If Ever the Emperor Remove himself from the Throne then the Consequence was Dire" Said Ronan

Nunally's head spun towards him, there is only one cyclops that she knows "What did Uncle Maggie do?!" Said Nunally as she could not believe that he uncle Magnus would do something like that, he was very nice uncle as nerdy person you could get whom the two have conversation about knowledge and history he even tried to teach her how to use her psychic which is never manifest

"You would know soon enough little Paz" Said A.Ronan

"Ho--- how dire was it?" Said Sayoko with a stutter as soon was followed her

"Trust me, you don't wanna know the Alternative and There is no morality alternative and you people who have begun to understands Emperor Charles ragnarok plan, and Trust me, it's even worse of whatever he could throw at you" Said A.Ronan

"Even worse Alternative than Charles?" Said Milly in horror

A.Ronan nod "Yes, and likely you would choose his than the alternative in his reality" Said A.Ronan


"Yet even in his Deathless State, the Emperor Continues his Eternal Vigilance"


"But why? Why does he have to suffer to Continue to watch Humanity even if he in Agony?" Said kaguya as she could not fathom to the man who would even dare to take this agony just so humanity can be protected

"Because Only in Death Does Duty End" Said Ronan "Especially it was Literally everyone as they Follow that those who Serve under him"

"And they follow it willing?!" Said Tohdoh he has a feeling that he could respect that, only if they do not follow such a tyrannical ruler

"Yes, a reason why Humanity still fights, because of the Emperor and those who sacrifice their life so that Humanity would fight another day and continue not to be put under the table" Said A.Ronan

"And there's even another one" Said Nunally

"Another quote?" Said Lelouch with a raise eyebrow

"Yes, to my brothers who have intered to the Dreadnoughts have a saying of "Even in death i still serve" Said Nunally

"Dreadnought?" Said Everyone forgetting to notice about brothers

"Someone that you should'n try to challenge, trust me" Said Nunally "I Believe he will show us them later" She said as they continue to watch


The Scene Change revealing many ships Opening fire their Weapons at the unknown Enemy "Mighty Battlefleets Cross the Daemon Infested Miasma of the warp, the Only Rout between distant Stars"


"What is the Warp?" Said Nina in curiosity

"Nunally if you would please?" Said A.Ronan

Nunally sight at that before speaking "is a hellish dimension beyond our reality, where demons as their home and ruled by the Chaos gods and is here where most of our FTL was based, our people literally travelled Hell to arrive at our destination" Said Nunally in a serious and grim tone

"Wait wait.... are you fcking kidding us right?" Said Tamiki with jaw drop "Because who is insane enough to travel hell?!" he said

"One does not have a choice and not enough technology to create their alternative FTL" Said Nunally and not to mention she knows her father was quite adamant of not sharing their FTL which is vastly faster and much more safer than warp travel even then they still use Navigators in case they have no choice but to travel in the Warp or perhaps to chase chaos forces which is again her father and brothers develop such doctrine to combat if they ever enter to the Warp and their Gellar field are being breach

Another Shock to hear it "Then why are they Traveling to the Warp when it was so dangerous?" Said Euphy  in a Worried Tone

"Well, they Travel their FTL Via Warp Drive it is safe as long as they are within Range of the Astronomican's light as long as it is still stands and most of all the Important of any Ships a Functional Gellar Field and you have to Turn it on all the time" Said A.Ronan

"And if it isn't?" Said Milly with a growing horror

A.Ronan Chuckled darkly "Then Demons will have a Feast a Gory one in that, depends of which chaos gods that they encounter of course"

Said A.Ronan "This is the Reason why they Need to sacrifice a Thousand Psykers Everyday why do you think that they Need it? and why your Morality would cause a Fate of worse than Death along with their Bloods in your hand?" He said with a smirk that which they Looked Down again as they Gritted their Teeth as they are having a Hard time to accept it

"Is this why even Papa would allow it?" Said Nunally in sad and horror in her tone understably again her father was pragmatic well he is also spiteful man as he take his grudges very seriosly any slights to him would be varies to forgive depending of what offense they do to him

"Yes, why do you think of Necessity? and out of spite?" Said A.Ronan

"This is Getting Darker in the Seconds" Gino and Rivalz Muttered, they do not like of what they are hearing right now

"You think? it was already dark the moment that this Emperor was keeping alive due to thousand of people being Sacrifice every day" Said Xingke as he does'n like this situation


"Their way lit the astronomican, the Psychic Manifestation of the Emperor's Will"


"Like i said, he is the only one who is capable of Doing that, apart from his Eldest son and the 15th Son" Said A.Ronan

upon seeing the Astromomican as well as the astropaths Nunally could not help but gulp there was something that she was missing here

"Did... did grandfather grown to be even more powerful than during his time in great crusade?" Said Nunally

"Yes... he become even more powerful for the past 10 thousand years battling the chaos gods even longer in the warp, and why do you think he was worship as a god?" Said A.Ronan with a smirk

"Uncle Lorgar succeed does he?" Said Nunally little happy and little did she knew after her death Monarchia was burn before frowning "If so, Grandfather despite all of his hatred towards religion his action says the opposite he never appreciate  Uncle's effort"

"If only you knew what it cost" Though of A.Ronan

"What's the Astronomican?" Said Ohgi

"Let's say it's a lighthouse where ships would know where to go" Said A.Ronan

"And how big is this Astronimican?" Said Tohdoh in curusity 

A.Ronan smiled "Almost as Big as the Entire Galaxy" Said A.Ronan which shock them

Nunally's eyes even more wider To think her grandfather would have level of power was quite shocking and horrifying, she remember her father's rampage she has faint memory of it since she was too young but it was only after the death of her mother and grandparents 

"I would never imagine he would be this powerful" Said Nunally


The Scene Change to the Vast Number of the Imperial Guards in their Billions Marching through the City waving the Banners of Cadia, Krieg, Catachan, Vostroya, Armagedon ETC "Vast armies give battle in his Name on uncountable"


The group looked in Intimidated at such a Vast Armies, Never before that they could Imagine Humanity would be this Massive, that Even Armies are now Eclipse the Entire Population of Earth, they doubt even if they are united they would never stood a chance against this kind of forces

"This is what Happens, when Humanity is United, this is the force of United Humanity, No army have raise Such Magnitude since the Golden Age of Humanity, not even your United Remnant could Compare to such armies" Said A.Ronan

"Such a vast army" Said Tohdoh, despite the different uniforms of the Imperial guard, he could tell that they are united for one purpose and one purpose only, is to destroy those who dare to challenge the Imperium

"And these are just foot soldiers Right?" Said Cornelia as she felt shudders in her spine upon seeing it, a united human army with no nationality but as a united species never she would imagine such forces would be possible exist

Nunally look several of the Guardsman regiment many of them she din't recognize though she recognize the Vostroyan first born, then of course her people's own regiment

"Yes, they are, and with some of them would make your Knights of the Round look like rookies" Said A.Ronan

"Did you just say that they could make us look like rookies?" Said Gino with a stutter

"I'm telling you, they can make the likes of Bismark, Suzaku and Kallen to be untrained soldiers, and that's only the basic soldiers of the Elite and well equip guard regiments" Said A.Ronan

"And though they are even Highly trained more than your so called soldier, and they fight in different doctrine than yours, so you would have a hard time to face even the weakest and most under equip regiment of the Imperial Guard" Said A.Ronan

"How hard would be their training?" Said Guilford

"Enough that some regiment doesn't care about the death of their own, which even if you killed 99 percent of their number, they won't care because they would simply send more men at you and those under equip regiment basic infantry would beat your elite soldiers with ease and that's only the weakest of them... so you don't want to fck with their more powerful regiment" Said A.Ronan

"Considering of the Threat of they face? i'm not surprise they din't standardize the doctrine due to the vast number of worlds that the Imperium has, even Primordia have to compromise just so we could have specifies units of our own" Said Nunally


The Scene Change towards the Imperial Fist Fighting (In this AU the Legion is still Exist even though the Heresy happens) their armor is carrying skulls "Greatest among his Soldiers are the adeptus Astertes, the Space Marines"

Then the Scene Change to a Golden armor that is even taller than the Space Marines who are fighting Multiple Opponents "and even The Mighty Legio categeris the Thunder Warriors Bioenginered Super-soldiers"

Scene Change as they saw the Thunder Warriors Charging at the Enemy


Again the Group both Looked in Awe and Fear at the Space Marines and Thunder Warriors of how Large and Powerful they are

"As you can there, this are the Space Marine Legions and their Predecessors the Ancient Thunder Warriors" Said Ronan "And Nunally? please refrain of speaking of your relation with them will ya?" 

Nunally nod at that as the others look to her in curiosity about her relashiop with those man "Sons of Dorn and Ronan the thunder warriors my Brothers" Though of the Eldest Child of Ronan for she is the 1st one to be born from him before even Arik Taranis was subjected of the Augmentation

"Once long ago, they almost Separate their Legions into Chapter, but with the Wisdom and Charisma of their Eldest Primarch, Lord of the Thunder Warriors, the Legions still stood as One" Said A.Ronan

"Who would try to separate them?" Said Nunally

"It would be the 13th himself because of that certain event" Said A.Ronan

"What did force to make uncle Robue to separate the Legions?" Said Nunally with sinking dread

"A kind that force them to check of their vast powers of their legion and should never be weilded by a single individual ever again" said A.Ronan

"They're Huge" Said Rivalz in Awe as well as Fear

"And fast" Said Suzako in disturbing tone, not that it was because they are fast because of their size, it's more like how fast they are, something tells him that this is just a slow mo he raise his hand up to the archangel "excuse me!" He called

"Yes?" Said A.Ronan with a raise eyebrow

"I have a feeling that this Space Marines and Thunder Warriors have difference with the thunder Warriors moves much faster despite being bigger, yet i have a feeling that you slow this video for a reason" said Suzaku

A.Ronan chuckled "Nice catch their young man, Yes... i porpusely slow the video so you could see how they fight" Said A.Ronan

"WHAT THEY'RE JUST SLOW IN THIS VID!!" Said Kallen with wide eyes

"Yes... they are very fast and very strong even with their bare hands they can tear the armor of tanks and even your latest knightmares, if they are piloted one even the raw recruit you would consider them combined aces in steroids" Said A.Ronan

Every knightmare pilot and aces felt shivers in their spine upon looking at the vid the refrex of this super soldiers was an unimaginable they doubt that even geass would affect therm much

"They have very strong will, they are outright immune to Leleouch command even if it fully evolve, their will and indoctrination as well as hatred to be mind controlled would win the day against Lelouch geass not even counting of their pride" Said A.Ronan

"If we fight them even in melee would still have a chance of winning against Knightmares?" Said Cornelia worried that they might going to be destroyed by some super soldiers who appeared to be proven threat, not to mention if the Imperial guards are stronger than their military then she doesn't want to imagine how truly powerful are this super warriors of the Imperium especially this Thunder Warriors she could not help but feel shudder in her spine as if there is some connection that she don't know where the dot is

"Highly they will win against your knightmares, unless you go in for flying but it would still not guarantee of winning against them" Said A.Ronan


"Their Comrades of Arms are Legion" The scene Change to the Cadian Shock troops Regiments as they are holding the Line against the Tyranids "The Imperial Guard, and Countless Planetary Defense force" the Scene Shows the Inquisition

"The Ever Vigilant Inquision"


"That one Gives me the Creeps as if he or She would simply Judge us Guilty whether we are Innocent or not" Said Rivlaz as he was disturb by watching the Inquisitor as Every Instinct tells him to get far away from the Person as far as Possible and most of all doesn't met them at all

"Being Called Inquisition can't even help either if you have Read Medieval History" Said Milly having live as such before and knows their ruthless and brutal method

"Sir Ronan why such Organization must Exist?" Said Tianzi

"Let's just say, they are the ones who would do everything Necessary to stop the Spread of Chaos, Corruption, Alien and Heresy in the Imperium, and they have the Authority to Destroy a Planet should it was Deem no longer be Save and Give one final Defiance against the Enemies of the Imperium" Said A.Ronan

They Cringe at that, Such Organization with Such Authority and Power that they could Even destroy a Planet? That which Made them Fearful for this People

"Who formed this organization?" Said Nunally she could name a few in the Imperium that would able to form such powerful organization and recognize authority with almost unlimited power

"Malcador the Sigilite" Said A.Ronan

Nunally was satisfied of that answer she won't be surprise for that, she at least likes him more than the Emperor, She always see Malcador more of a grandfather than the Emperor would ever be


The Scene Change to the Tech-priest who are Overseeing the Building of New Weapons of War as well as Searching for the STCs "And the Tech-Priest Adeptus Mechanicus, to name only a Few


"Eh? Wh--- What are they doing?" Said Rakshata being Disturb of how Much Machine bodyparts of this People

"The Adeptus Mechanicus or Mechanicus for Short, they are the Engineers of the Imperium, They're also doing Expedition to search and Collect Vast Quantities of the Dark Age Technology and Worship it, and yet for all their Search it was still not enough to Compete the Ancient Empire of Humanity" Said A.Ronan

"They Worship Technology? But why? Why should they Worship it when they could study and try to Re-engineered it?" Said Cecile finding whatever their doing was almost looking look some belief

"Because it's part of their Culture and Religion Ms Cicile" Said Ronan as he winked at Penny who blush at wink "They worship the Entity Known as the Machine god, for the Machine god holds Knowledge of the Universe as what they have Believe

to them to Learn and Build New would be Heresy in their Religion that which Building New Technology in the Imperium was quite Slow, because only Few and Rare Tech-priest has the Authority to do so"

"Never i would Hear Such a Religion" Said Kaguya in disgust to think someone would slow the progress was oppressive to her taste

"That's because they are not bad in my time or perhaps before my death or even more so before Grandfather was put on that golden Throne" Said Nunally with frown upon seeing this Mechanicus appeared to be less open minded hells even that it became worst than Primordia's Mechananicus who are at least willing to invent and re-invent technologies as long as they are careful enough not to destroy themselves

"It was because after the event of the Dark Age the Mechanicus could take no chances, that event was so catasthropic it made many human worlds  literally back to stone age" She added

"Your not joking right?" Said Lelouch to his younger sister

"No big brother, that's a fact, knowing them to be even worse which made progress to be even slower than before" Said Nunally with a frown

"But why would They see it as a Heresy? It is our Nature to Build New Things" Said Rakshata being a scitist herself she found it to be ridiculous of not inventing or re-inventing said technology

"Because, During the Dark Age of Technology it was the Zenith of Human Techolongy and so the Mechanicus find it Irrelevant to Create New Things, but to Relearn the Tech Nothing more because no Human in the Current Age could able to Create the Level of Dark Age Except in the Realm of Primordia Where the Eldest Primarch rules" said Ronan

"And like Nunally said, the Machanicus could not take chances to repeat such event ever happening again, only very small among their numbers are capable of inventing or re-inventing technologies with close watch in their research" he added

"So that;s the reason why?" Said Cecile

"Yes, a reason why they could not build new things because they considered the zenith of Humanity and so there's nothing to learn more but to relearn it again" Said A.Ronan

Though some of them find it ridiculous that they won't build new technology just because it was heresy, though some have a growing feeling of dread because they know how creating new technology too fast can be terrible


"But for all their Multitudes, they are barely Enough to hold of the Ever Present Threat to Humanity: The Aliens" A Creature Appear with Greenskin with Red Eyes and armed with Crude Weapons


The Group looked Disgust at the Greenskin

"Um... am not the only one who think of that creature right?" Said Milly as she lean forward and rub her eyes

"Correct, of what you are seeing are the Orks" Said A.Ronan

"And here i though they are just Fantasy Race, now we have a Space Orks?" Said Rivalz

"They look primitive, they would be easy to take" Said Cornelia

Hearing that made A.Ronan and Nunally laugh at that

"What is it?" said Cornelia little angry that even her younger sister laugh at her

"You don't want to undiristimate them Cornelia, they are one of the hardest to exterminate even my father mass xenocide of the Greenskin was not enough despite he destroyed such vast number they will return, yes they are primitive but make no mistake undiristimating them is the fastest rout to the grave and many commanders knew it too late" Said Nunally in a bitter tone towards her elder sister which made Cornelia gulp

"For all of Lelouch briliannce i don't think he would have a chance against powerful cunning Ork warboss because of their nature, like the power of believe" Said Nunally

"The power of Believe?" Said everyone in curiosity and some skiptism

"For  example if the Orks believe that there is still fuel in their vehicle despite that it's totally empty and with enough belief the Vehicle would still get running despite logic dictates otherwise" Said Nunally "Another example if they paint the Vehicle red it would go faster"

"Your Joking right? where is the logic and science in that?" Said Lloyd finding that very hard to believe and Rakshata agreed with it

"No one knows, but that's warp for you the power of imagination and belief in my past reality should not be close minded because of how things happen just because someone believe it and the orks is the prime example of it" Said Nunally


"The Heretic" they saw a Space Marine, instead of looking like the Previous one, this one is much more Sinister and Evil as it has Skulls on it's Belt and is wearing Red armor


They gasp at seeing such a Barbaric Warrior especially to Nunally

"This are the Traitor Legion, that Forsaken the Emperor's and Empress Light" Said A.Ronan "This are the World Eaters Sons of the 12th Primarch"

"NO!" Nunally denied and refuse to see it "NO NO NO.... your lying .... u--- uncle angron won't betrayed humanity!! he--- he is not that kind of person" She said as tears form in her eyes, she always felt sorry for her uncle and always cheer him up which Angron likes her like a daughter that he never had which Primarch is

"Sadly my dear. after your death the Primarchs your uncles are slowly but surely begun to take their rivalry seriously to the point of sabotaging which was enough for them to hate each other

Nunally could felt tears in her eyes because now her brothers and cousins are now enemies, knowing her brothers must felt hurt and betrayed of the actions of their cousins

"Wait sons?" Said Kallen in wide eyes as after Nunally outburst and hearing about sons which made them all wide eyed

A.Ronan smirk at her which bring a shudder "Every Single Space Marines and Thunder warriors are sons of the primarchs themselves and before you ask no they don't fck every woman they see but let's just say their augmentation would not only change them but also their appearance and DNA bringing closer to the primarchs thus they would be their father" Said A.Ronan

They then look to Nunally "Yes, every single thunder warrior that you see are my brothers and i'am the Eldest child which makes me their Eldest sister" Said Nunally

"So they're not related to you in biologically?" Said Leleouch

"No, but once they recieve the Gene-seed they will become my brothers and they are far closer to my father when it comes to appearance as some of them would be mistaken to my father" Said Nunally

"Well how do they treated you then Nuna?" Said Euphy

"They look up to me for guidance considering i'm older than the Oldest Thunder Warrior by a century" Said Nunally with a smile "If you think Lulu was very overprotective then you won't like it when they would see me in this state" She said with a little giggle

"How bad was it?" Said Cornelia with a sweat drop

"I do not want to imagine how would my brothers and father would do to my bitch aunt after my death, but i'll tell you that they're even worse than Lelouch not only Charles was uncaring father but also support darwanism which they despise, they would go on a rampage by which massacre Britannians just because they believe of the survival of the fittest which and which Uncle angron follows of this chaos god and Father despise that very notion for he won't stop until the very last drop of blood had spent of massacring innocent people" She said in grim tone at her last sentence

as she look to her fellow Britannians "Currently my uncle serve Khorne Chaos god of war at it's purest form, he believes in survival of the fittest something my father was greatly disagreed on even other planets has to obey certain rules when it comes to that kind of idealogy for it empowers Khorne and father believes only the military have that kind of mindset because he only concerns of how to win wars not to kill every weak they saw, they will them because they are the enemy as simple as that" She added

"If i have to face him, how would he be going to beat us?" Said Cornelia

"If you can't beat lelouch by our brothers standards would be below average what chance do you have against the lowest of low among my brothers? even against not tactically adept of my cousins you will find only destruction and death" Said Nunally

there was another silence

"Remind me not to piss her off" Said Gino as he whisper to Anya

Anya could only roll her eyes, honestly it feels good that Marianne was not with her as the Angel promise that Marianne won't know a thing of this meeting "I Doubt you would piss her off after knowing how she describe her brothers is" Said Anya


"And the Mutant" A Mutant appears his Chin Stretches downward to his Waist, his Eyes are non Existent, he has 3 arms on his back out from his neck, and more disturbingly it's stomach and arms looked like it was Degrade, his chest opened and you could see his Organs


"W--- What just happened?" Said Guilford as he Cover his Mouth in Disgust of seeing such Human so Disgusting in his Life

"I've seen Many things but this Ones Disturbs me" Said CC having seen many disturbing things in her life but to see this disturbs her due to how they looked even at she has limits

While others Vomitted

Nunally frowned at that, her father and uncles can be brutal towards the mutant at least depending to them if they are not loyal to chaos as they would find a cure for them


"And Far Far Worse" A Legions of Demos Appeared are Waiting as they are Growling and behind those Endless Legions, are Large 4 beings each one with Different Appearance with each different Aura


"Don't tell me, those 4 are the Leaders?" Said Xinke by loking at them they are straight from the bible

"They look straight and describe in the bible" Said Milly in horror

"Yes, the Chaos gods themselves" Said A.Ronan "In all of their Glory and all of their Power, this are the Rulers of the Realm of Chaos"

"At least we are lucky enough that they are not in our reality right?" Said Gino

that which many have agreed to him

"Is this how your brothers and father fight such enemies?" Said Kaguya as she felt disturb, she maybe not very religious but seeing this creatures made her rethink

even the scientist have to double take

"It appear maybe i should try to go to church" Lloyd muttered because the demons appeared to be too real to ignore as some make up believe fantasy of the religious people


"To be a Man of such times is to be one amongst Untold Billions" The Scene Change as the People are Fleeing as Traitor Legions are Killing them without Mercy "It is to Live in the cruelest and most bloody Regime Imaginable, These are the tales of such Times, Forget the Power of Technology and Science for so much had been forgotten never to be Relearned


Cecile looked to A.Ronan "How Much did they have Forgotten their Past and Technology?" Said Cecile in Sadness, the Words how the Narrator Spoke, it must have been that they lost so much that they even forgot about their Past

"Too Many, and Very Few that knows it" Said A.Ronan as he looked to the Emperor, Usagi and then the Perpetuals who have Lived before or During the Iron Man Rebellion

"Though there is still Many Records Preserves in the Planet Primordial and they share it to their Neighbors only their Realm of Course" Said A.Ronan

"Why would the Eldest Primarch do such a thing? does knowledge of the past are important so that the people could avoid it from happening?" Said Kaguya

"Because father doesn't believe that everyone should know the truth, as certain invidual would use it for evil something papa doesn't want to take his chances even our technology was hidden and jealously guarded outside of primordia and would only share the inferior ones we have" Said Nunally as much as she would disagree with her father and being a pacifist she could see the Logic in that, their civil war and the death of her mother was the answer of that


"Forget the Promise of Progress and Understanding" The scene Returns back to the Emperor as it is Slowly Fading Black


"But without it, Then we could be forever Close Minded" Said Cecil rtn sadness, to hear such a thing made her heart broken

"That's the Point in this Dark Age" Said A.Ronan "You could not Progress of what was Already loss"

"Then Humanity would doomed to be Destroyed in the future if They will not Progress" Said Rakshata sadly

"At least we won't be alive if that ever happens" Milly Muttered at least in her prayers would not came in their lifetime

"Better than to live that kind of future right?" Said Kallen as she looked at Ohgi

"Yes, better than that reality" Said Ohgi in agreement, as much as they would choose freedom he thinks it would be better if they would be under the rule of britannia at least that time won't come in their lifetime and united human race was still a long way before they ever considering to unite under one banner

"I Don't think i could live such a reality" Said Gino hearing it more and more made him depressed for that reality to think that such future exist made him shudder and also promise he won't be a murderer and hates charles for it because of his policies


"For in the Grim Dark Future, THERE IS ONLY WAR. There is no Peace amongs the stars, only an Eternity of Carnage and Slaughter and the Laughter of the Thirsting gods"


Silence, there was only silence when they heard about There is only War and they become depressed upon it

"Is--- is there hope in this reality?" Said Euphy in a hopeful tone

"There is, but Hope is the 1st Road of Disappointment and for that, they would Never Cling to Hope

and Peace is just a Myth for there is Only War in the future" Said A.Ronan

"But why? Why Such Wars needs to be the Only Way? Can't they just be Friends?!" Said Tianzi as Tears Formed in her Eyes

 "Because everything in this reality hates each other and wanting nothing but their total extermination but at least the forces of Order are the only ones who are at least tolerate each other and i would explain to them later" Said A.Ronan

"Can you tell me who are the Loyal and the Traitor and who struck down grandfather?" Said Nunally

A.Ronan listed those who she ask and speak "Horus warmaster of the Imperium is the responsibile who put the Emperor in the Golden Throne

Nunally slowly nod her head as she accepts that her uncles was no longer themselves

"And to think my father and others would suffer for an eternal war..." Said Nunally for at least felt relief and at the same time Sad, her father have done everything he can to make sheltered as she was not allowed to leave the capital system and most of all in the realm but he was always been assured that she would be safe and have visit terra and her uncles homeworld before


The Screen Return Back to the Emperor, now it was Animate, as the Camera Zoom Back, and Change it's Direction behind

There a Young Woman standing as Custodians in their Golden Armor and Guardian Spear Stood Guard with the Emperor, she is quite Short Compared to the Guards standing only in 5'0 feet tall but her Appearance can be Deceptive, as she is Generating Massive Power, that only the Emperor was bigger than Her


Many of them looked in Awe at the Woman's Beauty Especially the Man who some even have a Nose Bleed, they could not stop Staring at usagi, even some Woman could not help but feel attracted to her

"Who is this Woman?" Said Milly she could feel the Woman's Gentle Aura

"So pretty" though of Every Man and Boys, while some woman glared daggers at their men while other only shake their head as they mutter "Men"

Nunally bitterly look at her as much as Usagi was gentle to her, Nunally was opposite if her grandfather doesn't accept her father then would treat her that she deserves "That would be Empress Usagi Empress of the Imperium wife of the Emperor, mother of the primarchs and my grandmother" Said Nunally with hate in her tone

"You don't look like you like her Nuna" Said Lelouch worried for his sister

"Because she treated my father and uncles with indifference never caring about them just because they have been created for war... i hated her" Said Nunally with hatred in her tone which made some of them to be taken aback the gentle Nunally they know appeared to be have a hate in her heart

"You should no longer hate her Nunally" Said A.Ronan as Nunally look to him "After your death, Usagi begun to care for the Primarchs and treated as her sons"

"She did?" Said Nunally in hopeful tone

"Yes" Said A.Ronan leaving the part of where P.Ronan and Usagi are lovers


The Scene Change as Usagi was no longer in the Throne Room, but Rather in a Large Gathering of Space Marines and Thunder Warriors she was in the High Platform looking Down such a Vast Armies

The Camera Zoom Out as Usagi was not alone, but there is Multiple Gigantic Beings besides her, The Largest of them that Wearing a Golden Armor is the Nearest to her


Many gasp upon seeing the gigantic beings that stood beside with the Empress

"Would that be the Primarchs?" Said Lelouch as he stared at the largest beings that he ever seen

"Yes, those are my uncles and the Biggest of them all and wearing the Golden armor is my Father, Ronan Belleza firstborn, Lord of Celestial Thunder, Primarch of the Thunder warriors" Said Nunally with a smile and pride in her tone upon seeing her father for the 1st time for many years and she greatly missis him, oh she could not wait and do the daughter thing by crying at his shoulder and tell him every bad things happen to her, she could not help but smile albeit creepily which made some of those who are near her begun to step away even Lelouch who is sweating

"They're as big or bigger than the Knightmares!" Said Cornelia with a gasp and intimidated at their presence especially the largest one who have the same exact eyes as Nunally

"And they are quite almost unbeatable when they are engage in battle only a similar or very powerful  beings that could challenge and potential kills them" Said A.Ronan

"Are they immortal?" Said CC

"Biologically? Yes they are unless they are killed in battle same as their sons, except for extreme few who are called perpetuals this are the True Immortals as they are born with it rather than being granted artificially" Said A.Ronan

"So they have been at war for the last 10,000 years? That's crazy how are they still look sane for all their madness of their reality?" Said Kallen sad she could not imagine herself of not losing her sanity

"Yes. and they are created to endure such hardship" Said A.Ronan "At the very least your father would be grateful that you won't see it the fall and degeneracy of the Imperium" He said as he look at Nunally

"If only i could go there and cheer my father" Said Nunally with a frowned

"That could be arrange" Said A.Ronan

"Really?" Said Nunally

"Yes" Said A.Ronan with a smile


The Scene Change they are in some kind of a Chapel as Thunder Warriors are standing in Attention Except in the Front of them who is Kneeling at the Cross

"We are the Emperor's And Empress Finest" Said a Familiar Voice


Nunally gasp at hearing that voice, she still remember that voice

"Do you know who speaks Nuna?" Said Cornelia

"Yes... until further he expose his face i might still have suspicion" Said Nunally hoping to see that it was her husband


"Faith is our Shield... Hate is our Weapon" Said TW.Ronan as he Lightly tap his Sword at the Floor just with a Clunk due to his Force


They Blinked at the Amount of Force that he simply Displayed but not Threatening but they could feel that it could pierce their Armor with just that Simple Gesture

"That's one to put about Faith and Hate" Said Cornelia with a Cringe at the Sword plunging at the floor without actually piercing it, she have to give them about control


"We shall know No Fear" Said TW.Ronan


"Well that's kinda Big of a Boasting" Said Gino as much as he was an arrogant he is not that boastful

"It's because this Man before you have Literally have no Fear because they Conquered it, and they are Fear itself" Said A.Ronan

"They are?" Said Sayoko as she look at Nunally

"Yes... they are reforge to face and conquered those fears, my brothers does not even afraid to go to Hell and fight demons with the saying of Shits and giggles" Said Nunally as she giggled

Everyone sweat drop at that, they have to assume that Nunally died in her adult years which make sense of how mature she is despite of her young age


A skull Helmet begun to speak "Well Commander it is Time" He said

Then the Kneeling Man in front of them begun to Raise his Head and his Face Shock the Audience


"Ronan" Said Nunally with affection and longing to her face

"Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Ronan Son of Ronan, One of the Oldest of the Old and Greatest Soldier and General of the Thunder Warriors ever produce and one of the most dangerous man alive in the Imperium" Said A.Ronan

"Also my husband" Said Nunally without shame in her tone

"What?! Your married to your brother?!!!" Said Everyone

"What's wrong with that? i'm older than him in a century" Said Nunally with a shrugged "Now that i think about it... well... i think i'm feeling hot upon seeing him again" she said as she blush and felt her body getting hot and slowly move her hand to her cunt and chest as her body begun to sweat

Lelouch gulp at that, as he look at TW.Ronan "There's no way she could survive by that man... i mean how the fck his cock would even fit her cunt?!" Though of Lelouch as his mind works a million times until Suzaku has to snap out of him


TW.Ronan Ronan as he Turned around and looked to his Brothers "We are the Legio Categeris" He Activate the Power Field of his Sword and Power Fist along with it, His Servo arms Armed To the Teeth that he could be a Literal One man army

He then Put on his Helmet and the Scene Change as it's Lenses On as Ronan Walk alongside his Brother, he is Noticeable even Taller than them

"Ours War are Endless Our Crusade is Eternal


The Scene Begun to Zoom as Thousands of Thunder Warriors are being Deployed to a Single Planet


"They're so Many of them" Said Nina with wide eyes "They can conquer us without much difficult"

"Let us pray they would be at least merciful to the civilians who do not approve of Father policy" Said Cornelia for the 1st time that she is worried for her people

"I'm sure with Nunally vouching for them. they won't likely going to harm them big sister" Said Euphy in a reassuring tone

"Well prepare to watch another" Said A.Ronan as he snap his finger as the screen turn on again


And Done

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