The things I never knew.
I slept in, and that was one of the worst mistakes ever. Today was the second to last week of school and everything was on the line grade wise. All of the teachers were all pissy about "getting to school early" and "finishing strong". And on the other hand I was all about "sleeping in" and "I'm officially in summer mode".
My name is Luna. I have darker brown hair and bright blue eyes. I stay inside a lot so I'm really pale. As you can tell, school is a least favorite of mine. I like the social aspect of it, just not the whole learning part. I know we have to know these things for the future, but I'm still waiting for someone to pull me over and quiz me on the "rules of exponents".
But I do enjoy a few things about school. I love the awesome girl and guy friends I have met this year. Especially this guy named Christopher. He has lighter brown hair then I do, and his eyes are really dark brown in the middle and then fade into this dark blue. His hair is just a little bit longer. He and I have been friends since the beginning of pre school. He and I share so many common interests. For example: we both hate school in a lot of ways and we both are very secluded. He's basically the only guy I ever really tell anything to. As a matter of fact, today I am going over to his house tonight. As well as us, our parents are also very good friends. That's something I can look forward to. I have something to think about during school. Cool.
Despite my whining, my grades are actually decent. I only have one C. And that's in Math. But I hate Math, with a burning passion. I have never understood it. I think the teacher just over complicates everything we are s'posed to be learning. But in my other classes all A's and B's are what's in the grade book.
*Time switch to lunchtime*
My morning consisted of, waking up late, a bumpy bus ride with the annoying younger grades, ALA (not that bad), UGH Math, Boring Spanish, and 2D Art (also not that bad at all). But now it was finally Lunch. I'm not one of those people who likes to squish into those really crowded tables. But the lunch tables at our school are really small. So basically I am squished my whole lunch time. Unless the doofuses that sit at our lunch table decide to move. That will be a glorious day.
Basically the only people that I like at my lunch table, are my really good friends, and Christopher. He's the only guy that's not a complete perv, and knuckle head I know. We talked a little bit...
Christopher: "Hey are you excited for tonight? We haven't hung out in a while."
Me: "Yeah, actually, I am. But I'm also excited to get out of this school for the weekend."
Christopher: "As you always are."
Me: "Oh shut up."
I gave this little smirk and he did the same. The bell rang, and everyone started shuffling back to class. Now I had all of the classes I couldn't stand. Great.
*Time skip to the end of the school day*
Science took forever to end. Our teacher is really nice, but she drags directions out way too long. She also assigns crazy amounts of work and very little time to finish them. But all that aside, I'm just glad the day is done.
My backpack is so heavy it's not even funny. I have so much work, paper, and notebooks that are required for school, but we never use them. So they basically just take up space and add extra weight. I finished packing up my backpack and headed out toward the busses.
It was nice outside. The sun was shining, there were no clouds in the sky. Summer had finally come! I could wear shorts again. That's new. It has been cold for so long and the weather has just been bad lately. Though I love rain, I still love to see the sunshine again.
I got on the bus and grabbed the first empty seat I saw. My bus gets really crowded really fast so it's first come first serve. It's a typical seating chart: quiet people who are on their phones. (That's where I sit. Not to say that I'm always on my phone, I'm not. I just like something to do while I'm on the bus.) The people who like to socialize but they will respect other people's space. These people aren't that loud and they don't get all up in your face, those people sit in the middle. Then there are the kids that have absolutely no respect for anything that you or your friends are doing. I will be sitting in my seat on my phone and then this random kid would come upto me and just start touching my phone. Like, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?
I am the second to last stop on my bus, so it's kinda fun to see what all happens after different kids get off. By the time it's my stop I can actually hear what music is playing through my earbuds.
I got off the bus and started to walk up the hill to my house.
Me thinking: '" What am I going to wear tonight? Who all will be there? Will it just be my family and Christopher's? Why do I care so much what I wear? Christopher's just my friend... "'
I continued up the hill. It was really pretty the way the sun shone through the trees. I had pine trees around my house, and a lot of them. Finally my house came into view. I ran onto the driveway opening the garage with the keypad. I went upstairs and threw on a light baby blue big sweatshirt. Though it had no pocket and no hood. It was just a plain baby blue sweatshirt. I also put on some black shorts. I slipped on some light gray Converse All Stars. All that was left to do was hair and makeup. I left my hair down and wavy. I had these natural beach waves, that were usually frizzy, but not today. I just went over my make up. I added some more eye shadow, and went over my mascara a time or two more. I also added some more chapstick. I was ready to go.
I walked downstairs to see everyone getting light jackets on. I grabbed one myself. I was then handed a plate full of really good brownie cookies with powdered sugar sprinkled over the top of them. By far my favorite dessert ever. They had plastic wrap over them so I presumed we were taking them with us. We all scrambled into the car and then rode to Christopher's.
I plugged my earbuds in and listened to music the whole time. I looked outside to see the sky getting darker as we drove. Stars started to appear in random spots in the sky. The moon awoke rising higher every time I looked up.
The next thing I know, we are in the driveway of Christopher's. We got out and knocked on the door, me still holding the plate of delicious desserts. Christopher's mother Angela answered the door. She greeted with hugs and then occasional "It's so good to see you!". I hugged her and put the plate on the island in their kitchen.
Me: "Where's Christopher?"
Angela: "He's upstairs hanging out with his cousins."
Me: "Cool, thanks!"
Angela: "No problem sweet pea!"
I walked up the stairs. I could hear the noise of boys of all ages coming from the next floor up. I got to the top of the stairs just to be hit on the cheek with a Nerf bullet.
Me: "Ow! What the...?"
Christopher: "Wait! Cease fire! Luna are you okay?" he gets up and walks over to me putting his hands on my shoulders as I was holding my cheek.
Me: "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for stopping them."
Christopher: "It's fine."
I looked up to see four boys hiding behind a door leading into another room. One was very young, he looked to be about 4-5 years old. The one next to the young one was what looked like to be a very tall and about 17 year old boy. He had his Nerf gun in his hand and was slowly lifting it up to his eye to shoot. I could have sworn I was seeing double. Next to the 17 year old, there stood two identical twins both holding their guns toward me. They looked to be about 8-9. I was going to be the only girl in this sea of boys. Great.
The young one: "What is a gul doin' heow?"
Twin #1: "Yeah Chris, why is there a girl here?"
Christopher: "Guys this is Luna, she and I have been friends since we were really young."
Twin #2: "So are you guys dating or something?"
Christopher and I: "No!"
17 year old: "Great, now we know her name is Luna, and that you're not dating her. That still doesn't explain why she's here."
Christopher looked over toward me. Then he looked back toward his cousins.
Christopher: "She's here because her parents and my parents are very good friends, and have been for a long time.
The young one: "Ok, anywayes let's pway! No mowe bweaks! Fiowe!
17 year old: C'mon Luuuuna, can you even fight back? Laaaaame!!
I was trying to dodge bullets every 2-3 seconds, I didn't have time to respond to his remarks.
Twin #2: "Dude! She's such a wimpy giiiiiiirl! Let's only shoot at her!"
Twin #1: "Yeah dude!"
The young one: "I agwee! Let's do dis!" he pumped his fist up in the air.
17 year old: "Sounds good to me."
Christopher: "No! Guys don't!"
Me: "Please...!"
I was interrupted by the sound of those foam bullets popping from the mouths of the toy guns. I was first hit in the stomach, then the arm two times, then finally right in my eye. I held my eye. I looked to the boys to see them high fiving and grinning. They were proud of themselves.
17 year old: "What's the matter? You gonna go cry to your mooooommy? She's right downstairs so I've heard. Your good for nothing! You're just a wimpy GIRL!" He cackled after.
The twins: "Yeah! Are ya?" the both crossed their arms.
The young one just stood there laughing and pointing. What rude kids.
Me: "No I am not for your information! I cannot believe how you guys are acting right now! Forget it, I'm out!
Christopher: "No! Wait Luna..."
I was already running back down the stairs. What unbelievably rude people! My eyes started to tear up. I wiped them away with my sleeve. Christopher lives near these woods of tall Aspen mixed with fir and spruce trees. Ran down into the basement and out the back door.
The moon hit my face straight away. I looked up at it. It was so pretty so simple it was glowing giving me just enough light to see. Tears still streaming down my face I kept running. I ran until I didn't know were I was. I sat down and cried. I could hear leaves rustling around me. I thought it was just the wind. Though it wasn't windy.
Me mumbling to myself: "Why did they do that? Why did they say those things? I just freakin met them! Ugh! Why...?"
???:" I don't know but I can assure you that those things are not true."
I looked up to see Christopher peaking through the bushes.
Christopher: "As long as I've known you, you've always been there for me when I was feeling sad about anything. Now it's my turn. "
Me: "What do you mean?"
Christopher: "Can I show you something?"
Me: "Sure."
He reached out his hand. I looked up at him and then took his hand.
Christopher: "This is going to blow your mind."
He pulled me up onto my feet.
Christopher: "You and I share something very special. And we are the only two that have it. No one else."
Me: "Christopher, I love you, but not like that..."
Christopher: "I'm not talking about that, and same about you, I love you like a sister. I'm talking about this..."
My heart started beating a million miles per hour. I looked down to see my heart, glowing though it quickly faded back to normal again. It looked like there was a firework shooting out of my heart. I felt my feet leave the ground.
Me: "What the?! Christopher what are you doing??"
Christopher: "You're going to be just fine, trust me..."
I looked up at him, he was smiling. I knew that he wouldn't let anything happen to me. I trusted him. He and I have known each other for as long as I could remember. I slowly stood up straight. My feet were still a little wiggly.
Christopher: "Are you ready?" He smiled.
Me: "As I'll ever be." I smiled back.
We started getting higher off of the ground. I looked down. The trees got smaller with every second.
Christopher: "You've seen all that before, the real treasures are up."
He pointed up toward the sky. I looked up to see the moon. That amazing piece of art was bigger than I could've ever imagined. It was beautiful. Christopher and I stopped, he let go of one of my hands, still gripping the other.
Me: "Where are we going?"
Christopher: "Anywhere you want to."
We took off toward the moon. This is who I was. I had no idea I had this in me. I guess it was just a matter of time... And Christopher had this too. What made us so special? These were all the things, the things I never knew .
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