The Shipping Sleepover | Part 3
The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Nevaeh slowly walked back into the entryway with AJ and Caleb right behind her. She looked as if she had just seen a ghost. I couldn't blame her. It was a battle between them. Caleb vs. AJ. They were battling for Nevaeh's love. She only liked one of them like that, and I knew which one.
We had a classic situation: A love triangle. On one side there was Caleb. Athletic, average height, shy, nerdy, has only known Nevaeh for a little bit. On the other side stood AJ. Tall, religious, very open, has known Nevaeh for a long time. And in the middle we had poor Nevaeh. Beautiful, nice, kind, sweet, talented, and has no idea what to do.
Nevaeh liked both of those boys, but in different ways. She was stuck and I had no idea what to tell her.
Nevaeh walked over to Morgan, leaving AJ and Caleb starting each other down. I couldn't hear either one of the conversations from where I was standing.
"What's going on?" Jacob said from behind me.
"World War III is about to start," I said looking over toward Caleb and AJ.
"You really think so? What about?"
"I know so, and you see those boys over there?" I asked pointing toward Caleb and AJ.
"Yeah, what about 'em?"
"They both really like Nevaeh, and she only likes one of them back."
"Ah, I see. So you think that they are going to be battling it out to make Nevaeh like one of them more?" Jacob questioned while moving his eyes around for more emphasis on what he's theorising.
"How, do you know me so well?" I smiled looking up a little at him.
"Cause I just do," he smiled looking back down at me.
"Hey, time for food everyone!!" Nevaeh's mom called from the kitchen.
We all scrambled into the kitchen and to the table. There were too many of us to just fit the table chairs. A few of us had to pull over a few ottomans from the living room. After a few minutes we were all settled and ready to eat.
We all sat in pairs. Morgan and Gareth, Presley and Reese, Kyla and Jason, and lastly me and Jacob. Nevaeh was sitting right in the middle of Caleb and AJ.
We all started little mini conversations.
"This pizza is SO good!" I told Jacob while nibbling on a piece.
"I know right? I could eat pizza for every meal!" he exclaimed.
"Right?" I agreed.
I looked over towards Nevaeh, Caleb and AJ. No words were being said. The three ate in complete silence. Not even looking at each other. Nevaeh was taking the smallest bites I had ever seen her take. She was nervous, anxious and scared. I wanted to help, but I didn't know what to say nor do. I saw Caleb tap on Nevaeh's shoulder and ask her if they could talk.
"Oh boy," I muttered under my breath. I watched them leave the room and walk down the hallway.
I looked back to AJ who was watching Nevaeh and Caleb exit as well. He looked frustrated, mad almost. He gritted his teeth and then looked down at his pizza.
"Why is AJ so tense?" I looked back to see Jacob with his head tilted a little bit to the right.
"Do you see Nevaeh or Caleb anywhere?"
"Ah, now I get it!" he chuckled.
AJ then got up and left the room, following the way Nevaeh and Caleb had gone.
"Uh oh, that can't be good," Jacob mumbled.
"Yeah, I think I might go check on Nevaeh in a little bit," I said
"Good thinking Nici." Jacob complimented me. He put his arm around me and I leaned into him. He was always there for me. I could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge me. He always would make me feel 100 times better when none of my friends could talk. Not to say that my friends and I never talked. We did just they had their things to do as well as I did.
I closed my eyes.
"Nici, there's something I have been meaning to ask you," Jacob mumbled.
"Yeah? What would that be?" I asked opening my eyes and looked up at his face.
"I... I was... wondering if... maybe... you'd want to..." Jacob stuttered.
"Yeah...?" I questioned.
"I wanted to know...if we could talk alone?" Jacob spat out really fast.
"All that for just that question? Uh, sure!" I said that a little louder than I expected myself to. The whole table went quiet. Everyone stared at Jacob and I. We both sat up really straight and waited for everything to resume as it had before. Everyone started talking again and we took deep breaths.
We both got up and walked into the other room/office area that was a little shut off from the kitchen.
"That's not what I wanted to ask you back there," Jacob said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Well, what did you want to ask me?" I asked putting my hand on top of his.
"Nicole there's something that I've been hiding from you, and it's really important to me," Jacob whispered. He looked really serious. It was very strange, especially for a very bright and positive person like him.
"Yeah? Are you ok Jacob this isn't like you." I asked looking worried.
"I'm fine, all good. This is just a little nerve wracking for me."
I squeezed his hand, "You know that you can trust me. I won't judge you for anything you do or say."
"Okay, here it goes," his hand shook in my grip, "Nicole Olivia Jaydenn I have known you for a while now, you always know just what to do when I'm not in the mood. I feel like you know me better than anyone else. I love spending time with you, So when you asked me to this, there was no way I was going to say no. What I'm trying to get at... is... Nicole, will you please consider going out with me?"
I had no words. This all coming from the bright, funny, calm, cool and collected guy that Jacob was. He had put a lot of thought into this I could tell.
"Jacob, of course!" I said
His worried look turned into a look of pure joy. His smile got bigger and bigger until he was grinning from ear to ear. He took me in his arms and I let him. I rested my head on his shoulder. I was smiling as well.
When we both loosened up on each other he kissed my forehead. I blushed.
"We should probably get back to the others," I said looking up into his big bright blue eyes.
"You're right, let's start heading back," he responded.
We walked back to the table. Nevaeh, AJ and Caleb still missing. Where were they?
"Hey, I think I'm gonna go check on Nevaeh," I mumbled nudging Jacob.
"Okay, be careful and good luck," he muttered back.
"No problem."
I got up from the table and slowly walked into the dining room. All the conversations from the kitchen slowly faded into silence. I could hear nothing but the pitter patter of feet pacing.
I slowly started up the stairs to see Caleb pacing back and forth in front of Nevaeh's door.
"Caleb? You all good?" I asked. He was breathing heavily.
"Not really, AJ is in there doing and saying who know's what to her," he accused pointing toward the door. "I hate to say this, but I'm really scared what he might be saying. He could be saying anything about me, you, any one of us!"
I had only known Caleb since the beginning of this school year. We hadn't talked that much but I had heard a lot about him coming from Nevaeh. When we did talk it was simple and short, not much was said. It looked like he really cared about Nevaeh.
"Caleb I'm going to ask you something and you have to promise me to be honest with me about the answer, " I said trying to keep eye contact with him.
"Okay, fine, whatever," he kept pacing he had a very angry look on his face.
"Do you like Nevaeh?" I asked. He stopped pacing and his head lowered. A bit of silence.
"Of course I do. She's smart and beautiful and talented. I love when we talk. I'm just too shy to say anything to her."
"Why don't you tell her that?"
"I would but AJ is trying to make sure that he is the only one talking to her."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Whenever I try to talk to her alone, he either comes in and interrupts or races me to ask her to talk. Does that make sense?"
"Kind of. So he is not letting you talk to her alone, or is he does it's only for a short time?"
"Well if I were you I would tell her what AJ is doing when you get to talk to her next."
"Okay thanks Nicole," Caleb said raising his head a little more.
"Don't mention it," I clarified. I headed back downstairs to see everyone talking as usual. I sat back down next to Jacob and started to eat my pizza again, Just to be nudged by Presley and Morgan.
"Nici, is something you want to tell us?" Presley asked in her really kawaii voice.
"What do you mean?" I questioned looking interested.
"You know what we mean," Morgan said tilted her head in the direction that Jacob was.
"Oh... him," I mumbled my face getting pink.
"Yeaaaaah, hiiiiiiiim," Morgan squealed putting a very devious look on her face.
"Ok, fiiiiine," I gave in, "Okay so what happened was, do you remember when he asked me to talk a little while back?" I asked leaning closer to the both of them.
"Yeah?" They said in unison.
"Well over there, he kinda maybe asked me out...?" I said quietly.
Morgan and Presley then broke out into a vey NOT quiet fangirling scream,
"It's about time!" Presley said with some sas.
"Yeah jeez, we were wondering when he would!" Morgan yelled putting her hand on her hip.
"Alright, okay, just keep it down guys!" I giggled.
"What's going on here?" Jacob questioned poking his head into the little circle Morgan, Presley and I had created.
"Nothing you have to worry about mister!" Presley answered putting her hands on her hips and giving a look of strength.
"Yeeeeeah! You stay out of this!" Morgan then said crossing her arms.
"Okay, okay I'll stay out," Jacob agreed. He went back to his conversation with Gareth and Reese.
I smiled to myself. Everything seemed good. I just hoped Nevaeh was okay.
Hai bees! I am SO sorry for not updating more! I have been really busy with a lot of stuff. I know it sounds like I am just making up excuses but I'm telling the truth! I am really gonna try to update more! Also sorry for this part being so short. I really didn't want to have too much in one chapter.
- Olivia :3
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