The Shipping Sleepover | Part 2
Nevaeh practically dropped everything. She stood there for a second looking around at all of us. Morgan and Gareth, Kyla and Jason, Reese and Presley, and lastly me and Jacob. Morgan squealed, ran over, and hugged Nevaeh. Nevaeh then turned to Presley and Reese. Them both smiling back at her. Kyla and Jason came up from their hiding spot. Kyla and Nevaeh exchanged a quick hug, like sisters would. Jason then also gave Nevaeh a quick little side hug.
I jumped into Nevaeh's arms taking my present with me. I gave her a big bear hug and wished her a happy birthday for the second time. This time it wasn't as festive. I look back to Jacob who is giving Naveah a nice nod, and handing her a small card.
"You didn't have to get me anything guys!" Nevaeh claimed holding all the gifts she had just received carefully. Not setting any of them down.
Well, tell that to everyone and the giant pile of presents over there," I said tilting my head over toward the giant pile of presents.
Nevaeh stood in awe of all of the presents. She looked happy. I was happy for her. With the stress of school, sports, musical, and other things we all had going on we all didn't smile that much anymore. We were just so stressed about everything. So seeing Nevaeh so happy made all of us feel better.
"You guys," Nevaeh whimpered tearing up. She turned back to me giving a tighter hug. She was trying to hold the tears in, but she couldn't. She cried silently. All of us were silent as well. Her back in an attempt to get her to feel better. I didn't mind her crying. I was happy that she was so happy.
"It's okay, shhh," I assured. I looked over to Jacob who was giving me a thumbs up. His hair fell into his face above his blue eyes. I tried to conceal the fact that my face was practically a tomato red. But I couldn't I smiled at him. He smiled back.
It took a few minutes but Nevaeh calmed down. I made sure she was okay before I let her go. She just stood there. Her lips were moving but no words were emerging from them. So instead she just smiled at all of us. She looked truly happy.
"Happy birthday Nevaeh," Caleb said smiling and handing Nevaeh a little box. She took it smiling back at him and setting it on the counter right in the middle of everyone else's presents. When Nevaeh was putting the box down Caleb wiped a card out. From the front it looked like just a standard white envelope, but when he flipped it over to show Nevaeh she gasped. He had drawn little cartoon faces beside his name. A kawaii cat face in front of the "C" and a Pikachu waving to Nevaeh after the "B". Nevaeh smiled and blushed.
I was surprised by someone covering my eyes with their hands.
"Guess who?" A kind voice said. I smiled, I knew who it was.
"Hmmmm, let me think," I started "It can't be Nevaeh she is talking to Caleb, plus I think Nevaeh's voice is a little higher then yours. It can't be Presley, Reese, Morgan, or Gareth, I hear them all talking."
"Well then who do you think it is then?" The voice said again.
"Hmmmmm, Jacob?"
"Yep! Good job Nici!" Jacob announced taking his hands off of my eyes.
"Thanks," I bragged smiling and giving him a little nudge in the arm.
We walked over to Presley and Reese who were arguing about the type of music that was going to be played.
"Maroon 5!" Reese yelled.
"Ed Sheeran!" Presley said through gritted teeth.
Those two were so cute! Neither of them could be mad at the other. They exchanged a laugh before Nevaeh came over.
"Having a hard time there you two?" She asked looking from Presley to Reese several times.
"Nevaeh!" Squealed Presley giving Nevaeh a hug, "Quick, who do you like better: Ed Sheeran or Maroon 5?" Nevaeh thought about it for a second.
She answered with, "It depends what song is on?"
Presley played "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5, then "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran.
Nevaeh thought for a moment. "That's a hard decision, I like both of them, it doesn't matter to me what we listen to, so see what other people think."
Presley and Reese shrugged and put on a mix of the two bands. Glad to see they worked out that little side argument. Nevaeh headed over to talk to Morgan. I stayed with Jacob and talked with him.
"How long have they been together?" Jacob asked tilting his head over towards Presley and Reese.
"I think just over a month now... I think. I haven't really been counting the days," I answered tapping my chin.
"Ah, I see," he said. I looked up to see him smiling down at me. He's just a bit taller than the me. Perfect. I look back up at him and smile. He wraps his arms around my waste. I lean back into him still smiling. I shut my eyes. All the voices fade out. All I can hear is my breathing. I re-open my eyes to see his are shut. My face is red, really red. I can't help it. We lock eye contact. This is perfect. Everything is well in the world. Everything. I loved it. Him. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I was with my best friends, their best friends and him.
I opened my eyes again. He let go of me and we started talking again. Our faces both rosy. I don't think either of us could help it though.
"How do you know Nevaeh?" He asked looking down at his toes.
"Oh, that takes me back a few years. You know years years not school years," I paused he looked at me again,"I actually started out as her assigned guide at the beginning of the school year last year. Mrs. Elban assigned me to her because we had almost all the same classes. We started talking and became really great friends. I figured out that she knew a bunch of my old friends including Morgan, and these other girls names Olivia and Jordan. We also ended up having a lot in common. We both are super nerdy about things like video games and animes."
"Oh, that's really cool! But you know what?" Jacob added looking me straight in the eyes.
"What?" I questioned letting him look.
"I find nerdy extremely cute," he smiled. I smiled back. I started to blush even more.
"S..stop it," I managed to get out. I looked down at my feet my hair falling into my face. I couldn't believe that someone as amazing as him would say something like that about me. I didn't deserve him. At all. He knows what he is doing, then me. Me on the other hand. I feel as though I am getting pulled through life. I don't know about school, college choices. My whole future is a big blur. I have something that I want to do but... it seems impossible to me. My thoughts were interrupted by Jacob placing his hand on my shoulder. I jerked up.
"Are you okay?" He asked me looking worried.
"Yeah, just got caught up in my thoughts, that's all."
"I see."
Morgan squealed. I hadn't the slightest idea why. The whole room went silent. I looked over to Nevaeh who was beat red and shushing Morgan. They were looking over toward Caleb. He was standing in the kitchen talking to another guest. Did Nevaeh like him? Did he like her? I had the idea that they both felt the same way toward each other. Awe. The thing was they both kind of are very shy towards each other. It took Nevaeh forever to work up the courage to talk to Caleb. It took him a while to talk to her back.
"What do you think that was about?" Jacob inquired looking towards Morgan and Nevaeh.
"I might have an idea," I said tauntingly.
"Tell me!" Jacob demanded laughing.
"No! You can't make me!" I joked back.
"Wait, do you not trust me?!"
"Hmmmmm... If you want to find out you're gonna have to catch me!" I wailed. I ran and hid behind the kitchen counter. Jacob not far behind me. As soon as I saw him I covered my eyes.
"If I can't see you, you can't see me!" I announced. I heard Jacob take a deep breath and laugh. His laugh was so... so... I can't describe it. He walked around asking whoever he could this question:
"Have you seen a girl? She's about yay high and has this awesome smile. She also has long kinda curly reddish to blonde hair. She's also extremely nerdy and cute. Have you seen her?"
I broke down and got up out of my spot, uncovering my eyes. I looked around, where was he? I couldn't see him anywhere.
"What the...?" I started, I was interrupted by the surprise of someone grabbing me from behind. I looked back, there he was, smiling. He started to shift his weight from right to left over and over. I did the same. I put my hands on his, my face is burning up.
There we were: rocking, smiling, blushing, saying nothing.
"Can you tell me now?" Jacob whispered. I nodded.
"I think Nevaeh might like the guy she invited. Caleb. I mean, she always talks about him."
"Oh, has she told him?"
"I don't think so, why do you ask?"
"Because Caleb and I are friends, and guess what?"
"He will not stop talking about her."
"Awe! Why won't he tell her that?"
"Well... he's awfully shy around girls, especially Nevaeh."
"The same reason you were shy around me at first. You liked me, I liked you too. We both made each other nervous. We had trouble starting conversations. Oh god we were so awkward."
I laughed,"Yeah I remember that. Caleb and Nevaeh just need a good place to start."
"That was what I was thinking!" Jacob marveled.
"Well you know, great minds think alike!" I said. Jacob looked up at the ceiling.
"Nicole, what am I going to do with you?"
I stayed silent. I took a deep breath. We stopped swaying. He let go of me. I turned around so I could talk to him face to face.
"Should we help them out?" He asked.
"Caleb and Nevaeh."
"I honestly don't think we should. If we force it on them it won't be as enjoyable. Plus things go the best when they happen naturally."
"True, and yeah now that I think about it I agree."
"Funny though isn't it?" I wondered aloud.
"What's funny?" Jacob questioned.
"How comfortable we are with each other, and to think. We were right where they are."
Jacob didn't say anything. Though he nodded. His hair fell into his face while he nodded.
"Oh crap," he joked. I looked over at him his hair all in his face.
"Here," I said, then I used pointer finger to part some hair out of his face.
"No problem."
I looked over to Nevaeh who was watching. She gave me a thumbs up and a smile. Next she put her hands over her heart. I laughed a little. I looked around for Caleb, he was talking to Nevaeh's mom.
I heard knocking on the door, we all did. Everyone went silent as Nevaeh went to go see who it was. Jacob and I exchanged looks, then both of us looked back to Nevaeh. She answered the door. It was her really good friend A.J. Presley, Morgan and I have declared that A.J has a crush on Nevaeh based on the way he acts.
Tensions grew in the room. Caleb finished his conversation with Nevaeh's mother.
"A.J...." Nevaeh started.
"H... hey Nevaeh, happy birthday!"
"Thanks." Nevaeh smiled. We all could tell that she was in an awkward spot. Caleb walked over and stood beside Nevaeh.
"Who's this?" He asked tilting his head to the right a smidge, narrowing his eyes a little as well.
I swear I saw lightning bolts go between their eyes. This was going to be more interesting than I expected.
Hai bees! Lemme just say... KAWAII DESU MOMENTS!!! Okay anyway. Sorry this part was a little shorter! I have a lot to write right now! I am working my tail off to try and get chaper 3 out of Butterflies for a Stranger. It would REALLY help if they let me use my computer while PARCC tests are going on. I COULD get chapter 3 out A LOT SOONER! But we can't be on the WiFi at all. I guess that makes sense. But you know... I WANNA WRITE!! Lol. Anyways, as soon as Discoverieshappen gets part 3 out you can expect a part 3 from me! And I promise that CHAPTER 3 HOPEFULLY WILL BE OUT SOON!!
- Nicole :3
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