UnderNight X Reader - Chapter Two: Revenge

The sun was up and shining, light somehow was piercing through the window. It was a wierd day yesterday. I yawned and got up. I got dressed in the dress Sans got me yesterday because I only worn it for a few hours. I rubbed my head as I walked out of my room. "UGGGH!!" Night groaned from his room. Poor Night. I thought. I waited for Night to come out of his room. When he did he stumbled to the railing. "You okay?" I asked. Night just groaned. "I'll take that as a no." I decided. Night couldn't keep himself up completely. He put a hand on his head. "Why does my head hurt so badly?" Night asked. "Why don't you sit down?" I suggested. "You know why don't you?" Night asked, he turned my way but instantly screamed in pain. I'm going to kill Lust!! I growled. "Yes... I know why your head hurts." I answered calmly. Night had to collect himself, in order to walk that is. "What is it?" Night asked. "Umm... well, you see-" I started. "Just tell me." Night interrupted. "You were high." I put a hand on his back. "What?" Night asked. "I don't know what you were high on, or how much you had. But you were drunk." I explained. "WHA-AAAH!" Night stopped screaming. "You should sit down." I repeated. "No, I'm okay." Night assured. "If you were okay, you would be able to walk." I helped him away from the railing. Papyrus woke up and came out of his room. "BROTHER-" Papyrus started. "AAAH!" Night screamed in pain. "D-Did I do something?" Papyrus asked nervously. "No... he just has a bad headache." I answered. "Oh... I'm so sorry brother! I'll get some ice!" Papyrus rushed quietly down the stairs and to the kitchen. "How?" Night asked. "How? You mean... how you got drunk?" I asked. "Y-Yeah... I don't remember taking anything." Night couldn't remove his hand from his head. "I'll get Horror and Lust." I walked towards the door. "Why?" Night looked in my direction. "Cuz... I can't tell you alone." I answered. He looked at me like I was wierd. "I'll be back, please, try and get to the couch." I begged and went down the stairs. I walked to the door and turned the door knob. I opened the door and walked outside, closing the door behind me. "Horror! Lust!" I yelled shortly. "What is it kid?" Horror appeared infront of me. "You okay?" Lust appeared next to Horror. "Come inside." I instructed. We walked inside and Night was at least half way down the stairs. I rushed to his side and helped him the rest of the way down. "Yeah... y'know what, I just realized my bro has practice going on and he wanted me to cheer him on or join him or somethin' like that. C'ya!" Lust started to back away but before he opened the door a red glow brought him back. "Your not going anywhere." Horror growled. Night and I were at the bottom of the stairs when Night almost fell. "Careful." I pleaded. "Thanks." Night thanked. We got him to the couch. Papyrus came in with a bag of ice and handed it to Night. "You going to be okay brother?" Papyrus asked. "I'll be fine, thanks." Night took the ice and put it on his head. "I'm going to go to the shop, I'll be back soon Night." Papyrus left leaving me, Night, Horror, and Lust alone. "Can someone please tell me what happened." Night begged. I sat down next to him and looked at Horror and Lust. Horror looked at Lust. "Whaaat..." Lust slyly smiled. Horror put him down and blocked the way to the door, and the stairs with a row of bones. "I'm not sure!! What about you Lust?" Horror growled his name. "Heh... uh-" Lust started sweating. "Why are you guys staring at Lust?" Night asked. "Okay, I'll tell him! Lust made you high!" Horror growled. "What!?" Night growled angerly. "Why don't you explain the rest." Horror asked. "I don't know what your talking about!" Lust crossed his arms. "Lust... I have a very important question for you." I stated. Lust looked at me. "Do you want to die today?" I threatened. "Wait, wait, wait! Lust? How on earth-..... oh-ho-ho! I'm going to-AAHH!" Night held his head. "Poor Night." Horror drooped. "Should we get Grillby? Do you think he knows how to help it?" I asked. "Maybe. I'll go get him" Horror offered. "He'll freak if he see's you! AH!" Night said. "True, I'll get him." I walked out the door. "No. Yelling." I pointed a finger at Lust. "Why are you pointing at me!?" Lust asked. "Because your the one that caused this mess!" I growled and left. When I found Grillby's I took a deep breath and walked in. Just like last time, everyone stared at me. I ignored it and went up to the bar. "Aren't you a little young to drink?" Grillby came out of the room. He was purple this time. He had a black jacket on over his normal suit.
(Just pretend. There is no UnderNight Grillby. So we're using this one for this story.)

"Grillby, I need help. Advice really." I begged. "What about?" Grillby asked, giving a monster a cup of light brown liquid. "Sans has a massive head ach. Can you help?" I asked. "Sans has a head ach? How bad?" A monster near by asked. "It's difficult for him to walk. Grillby, please." I begged. "We're coming too!" A group of monsters ordered. "No, it's not-" I started. "We're going!" They interrupted. Oh no. I thought. They all started to head out. "Wait please!" I tried to run after them. "You won't be able to stops them... let me take a look." Grillby followed behind the group with me. Horror teleported me sneakily to Night. "What's going on?" Lust asked. "The hole bar is coming. They won't listen to me!" I answered. "Calm down, this is important." Sans appeared next to Night. "What?" Lust asked. "In sertain constantes like this we need to be by his side. We have no choice." Sans stood up. "Really? They'll kill us!" Lust exclaimed. "Night needs healing and he is not in a stage that (Your name) will be able to handle them alone. Not to mention all of the ruckus! We need to keep them down. She can't do that on her own! They won't listen to her!" Sans explained. "True... but if we can pull it off, what do we do?" Horror asked. "We'll figure that out at the time." Sans instructed. There was a soft knock on the door. "Sans... you okay?" Someone softly called. Night clenched onto his head. "He's to sensitive." Sans added. "Lust, open the door." Horror said. Horror put the bones away and Lust went to the door and opened it. "Sans... you look... different." Someone said. "Come in... but be quite!" Lust growled. They all came in. Sans was rubbing Night's back softly. "AH!" Someone screamed at the sight of Horror. "AAAHH!" Night screamed. Lust bonked the monster that screamed. Sans and I glared at the monster as he rubbed his head. "What happened to... him?" The monster pointed at Horror. Horror turned to look at the monster. The group took a step back. "Heh... your all that scared of me huh?" Horror asked. Grillby came to the front of the group and saw us. "What's going on?" Grillby asked. "Grillbz, my man! What's up?" Lust asked. "It's not your-" Horror reminded. "I know I know geez." Lust growled. A wight streak came up in the center of the room. Ink came through and the wight streak disappeared. "I came as soon as I could. Is there anything I can do?" Ink asked. "Can you make some long lasting ice or something? Anything that can help with a head ach really." Sans answered. Night groaned. "Lust, I want you to know, that I'm going to help Horror and (Your name) plan a revenge." Ink growled. "Understood." Lust answered. "Hmm... what about... I can create some pain killers. They won't last as long though. Sense he already has ice. "The ice is mostly melted." Sans corrected. "Got it, just give me a minute." Ink pulled out a small note pad and a pencil. Ink started doing something and after he was done, he grabbed a colored pencil. I looked at the pad and saw a drawing of a ice pack and a bottle of some kind of medicine along with a wet rag. Ink colored in the three drawings and put the pad on the ground. Ink grabbed his brush and swiped it over the drawings, soon, the drawing came to reality. "Let's get these in you." Ink grabbed the bottle of medicine along with the rag. "Rag first?" Sans asked. "As far as I know yes." Ink answered. Night's eyes were closed. He was leaning back on the couch when Ink put the rag on his head. "You think it'll die down?" Horror asked. "I don't know, I'm hoping so. If magic can't help, we need to get to either Science, W. D. Gaster, or Alphas." Ink sighed. "I call either Alphas or W. D. Gaster." Horror announced. "We'll do W. D. Gaster first. He knows the most." Sans looked at Horror. "Okay, witch one?" Lust asked. "Uh... I would say the original... Night hurts to much to get him... aaannd... I think the original would know more." Lust shrugged. "Fine, I'll be back. Keep them down." Sans disappeared. "Keep them down? What does-.... oh..." Ink turned around to face the group. "Uh.... oh boy. Okay, what are you guys doing here?" Ink added. "Who are you?" Grillby asked. "Not important right now. Can you help him?" Lust pushed Grillby over to Night. "Hmm... What exactly happened?" Grillby asked. "This dude over here got him drunk!" Horror growled. "Drunk? But he never drinks." Grillby looked at Horror. "I'll be regretting it soon anyway. But can you help him?" Lust shrugged. "Hmm... lets see." Grillby put a hand on Nights forehead. "He's not that bad, he's actually the best I've ever seen." Grillby stood up. "I would say just rest, but I have a feeling he's going to need more than that." Grillby turned to Ink. "Now, why don't you introduce yourselves?" Grillby suggested. Sans came back with a taller skeleton. He had long black clothing on. His head had cracks going on opposite directions starting at the eye's. And also holes in the palms of his hands.

He froze when he saw the others. "What?" Horror asked. "I'm Ink." Ink held out a hand, ignoring the tall creature. "Grillby." Grillby shook his hand. "We all know your name, there's- ow!" Lust rubbed his head. "You tryin' to freak him out? Talk about stalker alert!" Horror growled. "He has a point." Sans agreed. "You know me?" Grillby turned to Sans. "Well... yes. And no." Sans rubbed his head. "There are... more of you!" He yelled in excitement. "OW!" Night growled. "What's up with this one?" He asked, leaning into Night. "Get any closer and I'm going to kill you." Night growled. "Calm down, Sans... you kept this from me?" He turned to Sans. "I had every good reason too. Now will you help him or what?" Sans shrugged. "Yeah yeah. Let me get my things." He disappeared. "That's Gaster, by the way." Ink smiled. "I see." I answered. "We couldn't just get Science? At least I trust him!" Night growled. "Science was going to bring Gaster anyway. Might as well try and get him to help before Science gets involved." Lust answered. "Great." Night took the rag off and sat up. Gaster came back and had a black bag with him. "Alright, lets see what I can do." Gaster put the bag down and opened it up. "I can't believe I'm listening to you Lust." Night sighed. "Me neither." Lust shrugged. "Hold still." Gaster instructed, grabbing a needle. "I'm not letting you stick that thing in me." Night growled. "Do you want it to go away or what?" Gaster asked. "I rather wait it out." Night answered. Gaster sighed. "He's just like you." Gaster summoned a few hands. "No!" Night's eye flamed, a small portion around his moon turned to a galaxy, like design.

I stared in awe. "If you would only cooperate it wouldn't be as bad." Gaster mentioned. "I'll pass." Night growled. "It won't hurt, at most it will feel wierd." Gaster assured. "I said no! I'm not changing that answer." Night disappeared. "Where did he go now?" Gaster disappeared as well. "Welp, I better try and talk to Night before Gaster pisses him off even more." I said. I walked to the door. "What did you call him?" Grillby asked. "I'll be back." I answered and walked out the door. A hand grabbed onto my arm and pulled me to the side. "What is Gaster doing here!?" Night growled. "Sans thought he could help sense he knows most about Sans or something like that." I answered. "You okay?" Night asked. "Why wouldn't I be?" I answered. "Just stay out of his view! Who knows what he'll do if he gets a hold of a human." Night warned. "I already noticed her." One of Gaster's summoned hands grabbed onto Nights jacket and pulled him off the ground. "Will you cooperate now?" Gaster asked. "No... no I will not." Night answered. "Will you put me down!?" Night added. "No... no I will not." Gaster repeated. "And who are you?" Grillby asked. Gaster turned around and looked at him. "What happened to him?" Gaster asked. "Gaster your thinking of the wrong one..." Night mumbled. "What was that?" Gaster asked. "Nothing of your consern." Night growled. "What is your name? Is it Sans too?" Gaster asked. "If only I could reach you." Night sighed. "Gaster! Put. Him. Down!" Sans growled. "I want you to be honest with me Sans, how many of you are there?" Gaster asked. "You've got to be kidding me." Night face palmed. "Give him to me." I said. Gaster looked at me. "You think your going to tell him?" Horror asked, walking out of the house. "If I have to... beside's. I think he'll be amazed if I just showed him." I smiled. "Put Night down before I give you a lesson." Horror growled. "Why are you all ganging up on me again?" Gaster asked. "Cuz I'm on a rescue mission." Sans answered. "And who are you rescuing?" Gaster asked. "You, keep him up there like that and your as dead as a door nail in the next hour." Horror answered. Gaster put him down unsure of their answers. Night landed on the ground softly. Night had to take a step forward a little so he wouldn't loose his balance. Gaster stuck the needle in. "AAAHH!" Night screamed in pain. Soon Gaster took the needle out. Night shook his head to keep his eye vision clear. Gaster than walked up to me. "Who are you?" Gaster leaned down to me. "Does it matter?" I asked. "I wouldn't get to close." Lust warned. "Oh? And what are you going to do? What's your name anyway?" Gaster looked at Lust, standing straitly. "I'm Lust. And why? Because no one messes with my ships!" Lust's eyes turned dark. "By ship, you mean like a shipping shrine sort of thing?" Gaster walked up to Lust. "Correct. Now back off." Lust answered. "Wait, wait, wait! You ship me!?" I asked. "Duh! I ship Sans with Frisk." Lust answered. Sans sighed. "And who do you ship the girl with?" Gaster asked curiously. "Night! Duh! That's why I haven't done anything to serious. Night and her are SOOO CUTE! Have you seen them together-" Lust started fangirling when he was swung up against the wall. "OW!" Lust yelled. Night walked up to Lust. "You what!?" He growled. "Oh, your head aches all good! That's good to know! Can I go now?" Lust asked. "I think I have to have a word with you." Night growled. "I didn't think I put that much in ya'! Honest! Pluuusss... Horror, Ink, and the kid's after me." Lust got back up. "Your okay!" The hole crowed yelled. Night froze. "I've got this." A skeleton appeared next to Gaster. "NOOO!" Horror plopped into the snow. "Someone has to find a mind erase antidote! So I called Science on the job!" Lust shrugged. He had a wight lab coat, with glasses on.
(Just pretend, plus! I really wanted to show you the picture! 🤣)

"THERE'S MORE!!" Someone from the crowd yelled. Science took out a bottle of a blue glowing liquid. "Let's get this done." Science smiled. "Horror move out of the way, I don't want to have to rexplain everything to you." Science added. Horror teleported behind Gaster. Science threw the bottle on everyone, turned out, the liquid absorbes into the monster's. "They'll forget in the next minute. Everyone go home. C'ya later." And with that he disappeared. Everyone disappeared but Sans, Night and me. "C'mon Gaster, let's get you home." Sans put a hand on his shoulder. "NO! I REFUSE!" Gaster yelled. "You want to stay here, you have to mess with me!" Night growled. "Ya, you don't want that." Sans teleported them back to their home and it was just me and Night. "Let's get you inside, with that dress on would assume your freezing." Night held out a hand. I took it and he helped me up. "AWWWWWEE!" The crowed looked at me and Night. My face warmed up a little. "Night, I need to talk to you." I pulled him I to the house. "OOOOOO!" The crowed smiled. "What's going on?" Night asked as I shut the door. Here goes nothing. I thought. "I'm not the same human you think me to be." I answered. He looked at me wierdly. Horror popped up next to me. "You got this!" He smiled and disappeared. "What... was that about?" Night asked. "I'm not the same as any other human." I continued. "Your right... your way more." Night smiled sweetly. "No, I mean... I, uh..." I tried to think of the right words. "You are you." Night finished. "Let her talk Night." Horror sighed. Night glared at Horror. "I'm a shapeshifter..." I said plainly. "Shapeshifter? Hmm... is that how you got Horror to stop?" Night asked. "Yes, that's how that happened. And also? Are you just telling him?" Horror asked me. "I want to gain trust from everyone first." I answered. "So... you took Horror's form? That's it?" Night asked shocked. "Not exactly. But mostly." Horror answered. "When I take a form I get their abilities for a certain period of time." I answered. "As long as I'm in their form, I get their abilities." I added. "Hmm.... so you could turn into me, and use the sleeping ability I have?" Night asked. "Yes... I could have, but you were in the same room as me last time." I answered. "Now all we have to do is make sure no Gaster knows." Night smiled. "You know..." Horror leaned up against Night. "She was scared to tell you because she thought you would leave her." Horror whispered. "HORRROR!!" I screamed. "Heheheheh." He chuckled evilly. "Just wait till Lust knows, than he'll go crazy." Horror added. I glared at him as if he just signed up for a death wish. "Why are you lookin' at me like that?" Horror asked. I didn't answer. "I think she's mad." Night answered. Horror nodded in agreement and disappeared. I crossed my arms. "You'll get him later, what's the plan with Lust?" Night smiled. I looked at him shocked. "What?" Night asked. "N-Nothing... umm... I was thinking about making a copy of the angle of death... that would scare him pritty badly." I smiled. "Angle of Death huh? Say you and Horror teamed up." Night agreed. "Ink could change the involvement to a dark black." I suggested. "Why tell me though? Won't Ink need to know?" Night asked. "You and Horror will be the only one who will know in this scare. You will be with me and Horror. We'll figure it out from there." I answered. "I like this idea." Night nodded. "What if we had Ink bring out a bunch of the Angle of Death's minions!?" I jumped. "You would have her ability, you could do that without Ink." Night reminded. "Right... you do what you think will over load it. I will get my revenge." I smirked. "I do have a question." Night states. "Yeah?" I asked. "I can't remember much, what did I do?" Night asked. "At the picnic?" I asked. "Yeah... what did I do?" Night asked. "Weeeellllll...." I started. "I remember you saying something like 'A fascinating thing about drugs is that you can get people to answer questions easily. Like if you wanted to know if that person liked someone else, all you had to do was get them in the same place' or something like that." I answered. Night face palmed. "Anything else?" Night asked. "Yeaaahh.... heh... after Horror went after Lust about the hole drunk situation... he came back, so I tried to get out of your grip..." I paused. "I was holding you?" Night asked, unsure of what to do. "Yeah... you wouldn't let me go... aaannd when I tried to get out, you just tightened your grip on me. So Horror replaced me with a giant teddybear." I answered. "I owe Horror one." Night sighed. "When do we put the plan in action?" I asked. "Tonight, I want it to be almost pitch black for him." Night answered. "Okay, what can I do?" Ink appeared next to Night. "We need you to make a black box, trapping me, Lust, Horror, and (Your name) in it." Night answered. "Do I need to create any affects? Or do you guys have it from there?" Ink asked. "We'll take care of the rest." Night answered. "Alright glad I could help, when?" Ink smiled. "Tonight." I answered. "Sounds great!" Horror smiled. "It's about lunch, we should get eating. I'm having lunch with Cross today, so I'll see you later." Ink announced. "Awsome, see you later." Horror smiled. Ink disappeared and Horror put a hand on my shoulder. "Shall we have lunch then?" He chuckled. I glared at Horror. "Okay, your still mad." Horror sighed. I formed into him and summoned a axe in my hand. "Okay! Okay! No need for a fight!" Horror took a few steps back. I could tell my skeleton eye was flaming, due to the anger that went to it. Night looked between me and Horror. I sighed and went back to my normal form. "I'll still get my revenge." I warned. "Eheh... soooo, lunch." Horror changed the subject. "I'm going to make sandwiches, does anyone want one?" I asked. "I'll take one." Night shrugged. "Eh, sure." Horror answered. I smiled to myself as I walked I to the kitchen. I made the sandwiches and gave them one each. We ate and I went and grabbed a bucket of water. "Heheheh." I giggled to myself. I filled the bucket up and put my plan into action. When Horror stood up, finished with his food, I formed into Science. "Horror! You won't believe what I found out!!" I mimicked Science's voice. Horror pulled his axe out. "You see this axe Science?" Horror asked. "Yeah..." I answered. "Continue, and it'll go through your neck." Horror threatened. "Buuut! Check this out! If you add magic to the water-" Horror put the axe up to my thought. I rolled my eyes and teleported behind him. "The water will become a monster!" I finished. I used some magic of mine to put in the water. The water rise up and looked around. "SCIENCE I TOLD YOU TO STOP!" Horror yelled. "And if you take it away!!!.... It turns to normal water!" I took the magic away and it turned to normal. Horror threw his axe at me. I teleported behind him again. Once I did I formed back to my normal self and dumped the water on him. He turned around and saw me holding the bucket. "Gotcha." I winked, then giggled. Night had to cover his mouth. Horror sighed in defeat. "I. HATE. You!!" Horror growled. "I know." I smiled. I put the bucket on a near by table. Horror's jacket was soaked and cold. Ink teleported in and saw Horror's wet jacket. "Pffft... what happened here?" Ink chuckled. "I got my revenge." I smiled evilly. "I deserved it though. I'll admit." Horror chuckled. "Yes, yes you did." I grabbed the bucket and walked to the kitchen, putting the bucket away. By the time I got back, Horror's jacket was all dry. "Hmm... I guess you got a dying magic or something." I said. "Kinda..." Horror answered. Must be from Ink's drawings. I thought to myself. When it was time for Lust's punishment, me, Ink, Night, and Horror teleport to Lust's AU. Lust was sitting outside of the house. "Ready Ink?" Night asked. "Ready!" Ink answered. "Make it creepy!" Horror smiled. "On it! Walls up!" Ink smiled. A black, liquid like wall formed. Lust looked at it confused. Lust walked over to the wall, and touched it. "It's solid?" Lust asked. "I thought they were all liquid." I said to Ink. "That's my special ability. Lust don't know about it either!" Ink winked. I did a small chuckle to myself. The black wall then started creating a roof. Lust looked up at the substance. "What the?" He asked. The room was complete. "Now the floor... I'll wait outside of the box, you know how to get to me." Ink disappeared as the floor turned black. Lust watched as the black substance slipped under him. "Ready kid?" Horror took his axe. "Ready." I formed into the Angle of Death. She had beautiful black wings, a really... well... interesting black outfit. And I had black chains at my hands.

When I looked at the outfit my face warmed up so much. "Don't focus on it. It'll help." Horror looked at me. "Beside's, Night went to a different part of the box." Horror added. "Okay..." I took a deep breath and my face cooled down. "There you go. Now your not blushing, you ready?" Horror smiled. "Oh, your asking if I'm ready? Hah! That's a funny joke." I smiled. "Okay then, let's do this." Horror looked back at Lust. I smirked. I threw the chain that was in my arms all around him. The chains didn't hit him of course, but blocked him from going to the other side. Half of them were a few feet left, the other half was on his right. They were all scattered too. "WHO'S THERE!?" Lust yelled, his eye glowing. Horror and I came out of the darkness, how? Well, I summoned a bright light above us. Lust covered his eye's from the light. "Horror? What are you doing here- ohhh.... is this my pumishment thingy?" Lust asked. "And it's a good one!" Horror shrugged. "And who's this? I thought the kid was helping." Lust looked at me. "She had something better to do." Horror shrugged. "Okay, who's this?" Lust repeated. "Have you ever heard of... The Angle of Death?" Horror growled, eye's going dark. "Well... y-yeah... I didn't think she was r-real though." Lust stuttered. "Heh... you've been proven otherwise." My eyes turned a dark blood red color. "Yeah, I realized." Lust shrugged. I smirked. A bunch of dark creatures came out of the black ground like they were zombies. Lust looked at me. "If I remember correctly... don't you have to get permission to kill someone?" Lust asked. I froze and the creatures got out and stood up strait. That's right... danget! I growled. The creatures walked towards me and got behind me and Horror. "Hmm.... that plan failed." Horror mumbled. "Got to admit, it was terrifying, but you do have to get permission if there time's not due." Lust admitted. "Well... I guess this set's the punishment off. Besides, Night still has his. And I've already been after you to much. C'mon, we'll let Night have his turn." Horror started to walk out. I walked out with him, the creatures went back to the ground and I turned the light out. "Now I can't see." I hear Lust mumble. Me and Horror watched from aside once our eyes adjusted to the dark. When Night was done, we all went home, Night had more of a talk than a prank. "How'd it go?" Horror asked. "Eh, he promised he wouldn't do it again." Night shrugged. "Thank goodness." I mumbled. I formed back to my normal form before I got in sight a while ago. "Sooo.... now what?" Night asked. "Sleep." I answered. We all went back to Sans AU to at least visit for a minute. Don't know why, we were pretty bored, I guess. "Well, I better get goin' bro's gonna freak out soon." Horror chuckled and disappeared. "My bro's sleepover with Undyne ends tonight, I don't think the kid could stay over tonight." Sans announced. "Okay, she'll stay with me. Papyrus would like to get to know her some more anyway." Night nodded. "Hurry! Papy is just outside." Sans warned. "C'ya later Sans!" Night smiled and snapped his fingers. My head started to turn. "Easy with the teleportation will ya?" I asked. "Heh... whoops." Night put a hand on my back, helping me sit down. When the dizziness started to fade, Papyrus walked in. "Is the human okay? Are you okay brother?" Papyrus asked in a soft tone. "I'm okay now, thanks, the kid just got a little dizzy." Night answered. The dizziness cleared up and I was able to focus. "Are you using the shortcuts?" Papyrus asked. "Yeah... I did it a little to hard." Night answered. "You think?" I asked, glaring at him. He made a sly smile at me. "Heh.... do you need help getting to the spare room?" Night changed the subject. "I think I can get up there on my own." I answered. "You 'think'?" Night asked. "Maybe..." I corrected. "Does Night still have the head ache?" Papyrus asked. "No." Night answered. "What about her?" Papyrus asked. "I don't have a head ache no." I answered. "THAT'S GREAT! SHALL WE GET YOU TO YOUR ROOM THEN!?" Papyrus yelled. "I can walk." I said, standing up. "OKAY THEN!! GOODNIGHT HUMAN!!" Papyrus went to him room and shut the door. I walked up to my room and put my hand on the door knob. "Hey..." Night said. "Hmm?" I hummed. "Sleep well." And with that Night went into his room. I really need to get a place of my own. I thought to myself. I opened the door and layed down. I started to think of what Horror said about telling Night. I kept feeling like it was a dream, and he doesn't actually know. I had to keep it hidden when I go home to, otherwise they'll trap me in a science tube or something. But most importantly, where did I get it from? Was I born with it? Was I cursed? Did something bite me or hit me to give me this ability? The questions kept me up all night. "AAAHHH!" Someone yelled from one of the bedrooms. "That sounded like... Night?" I mumbled to myself. I walked out of my room, Papyrus was up to. "Was that you human?" Papyrus asked. I shook my head. "Night's having another nightmare, stay here." Papyrus instructed. Papyrus walked into the room, a bright blue glow came from inside. I didn't really want to barge in on their conversation, but it was really hard not to. "NIGHT IT'S OKAY!!" Papyrus yelled. "Night!!! Calm down! We're all okay, everyone's okay!" Papyrus softened his tone. "P-Papyrus?" Night's voice sounded broken, scared. He sounded like he just experienced terror. "Night... everything's okay. We're all okay." Papyrus added. "Where's the kid?" Night asked. "She's right outside of the door." Papyrus answered. "I woke her up didn't I?" He asked. "Well... yes, but I'm sure it's okay! Besides, she's worried." Papyrus answered. "Damb it." I heard Night mumble. He's okay. Phew! He really had me there. I thought to myself in relief. "Are you okay?" Papyrus asked. "I'm fine... just, shooken up." Night answered. How bad was that dream? I asked. As I waited outside of the room, I decided to go look at the time. I took my phone out and looked at the time. "6:30" I read. I put my phone away and looked at the door to Night's room. Night came out slowly, his jacket and shirt was all burned up! Like he was on fire? "Night? Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine." Night answered. His eye was glowing bright and powerful. The jacket and shirt filled in the holes? Like a wound was being quickly healed. I watched in amazement. "How did you sleep?" Night asked. "I... it was okay." I answered. Night sighed and leaned up against the railing. "You hesitated." Night noted. "Uh-well... it wasn't the best I've had." I confessed. "Was it from me yelling?" Night asked. "No... I was thinking about some things." I answered. "What things?" Papyrus asked. "It's nothing Papyrus. I'm just confused." I smiled. "Hmm..." Night hummed. "Well, I'm going to get some sleep. You two should too." Papyrus walked off, and into his room. "What are you confused about?" Nights asked. "Something that Horror asked... that's all." I answered. "What did he ask?" Night continued. "Lot's of things... he asked me what my name was-" I answered. "Don't try and get out of it." Night interrupted. "It's nothing! Really." I assured. "If it was nothing, you would have slept better." Night looked at me, his eye started to settle down a lot more. I looked at him and got lost in his galaxy design around his right eye. I didn't exactly hear what he was talking about, why? Because not only did I get lost in his galaxy like design. But I got lost in his eyes as well. Soon the galaxy like design faded. I snapped back into reality, aaannnd Night was closer than he was just a second ago. I blushed lightly. Night was only a foot away from me, literally! Did he teleport? I asked myself. I tried to look in different places, witch at the most only lasted 3 seconds before I looked back at him. Night out a finger under my chin and smiled. My blush grew. "Your cute when you blush, you know that?" Night asked softly. My blush covered my cheeks fully, Night's clothes were back to normal by now. Night smiled sweetly at me, puting his hand down. I immediately looked away, looking down. "What? You can't blame me. If you saw yourself blushing you would think the same thing." Night assured. "N-Night!" I growled. He lifted my head back up and studied me. I formed into the Angle of Death and covered my face with my wings, causing Night to let go. "I'm sorry for waking you up." Night apologized. "I never really went to bed." I answered. "So what was the question Horror asked?" Night asked. "He wanted to know where I got my ability." I answered. "Wheren't you born with it?" Night asked. "I think so... but I'm not sure." I answered again. "Oh... so you don't know where you got it?" Night asked suprized. "No clue." I opened my wings a little bit. "Hmm... we could get Science on that too, if you want." Night suggested. "I'll pass, for now." I smiled, forming back to normal. "NIGHT!! I FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET THE KID HOME!!" Science appeared downstairs and ran up. "How!?" I squealed. "The pond! When you came here, it was around the pond correct!?" Science started. "Yeah." I answered. "The pond has a magical chemical that teleports anything that goes near it. I have NO IDEA how I didn't know about this before! All you have to do is get wet. Your shoe must have shocked up some of the water near the pond! That's how we get you home!" Science explained. "I CAN SEE MY FAMILY AGAIN!!!" I shook Night. Papyrus came running out. "GREAT!! LET'S GET YOU HOME!!!" Papyrus smiled. Science teleported us all to the same flower field. "Night, you need to go with her." Science added. "Oh... I forgot, I'm not going to see you guys again... am I?" I asked, my happiness disappearing quickly. "Night has to go with you." Science said. "Why?" Night asked. "Her parents are going to freak! You need to get them to calm down. They can't be to hard on her." Science answered. "Right... I'll be back." Night took my hand and smiled. "Tell everyone I said goodbye!" I smiled, even though, tears threatened to form in my eyes. "GOODBYE HUMAN!!!" Papyrus waved. "We'll see you again, I'm sure of it." Science smiled. "I hope so." I mumbled. "I'll be back soon." Night waved goodbye, along with me. We both got wet, and just like Science said, we were back on the surface. "(YOUR NAME)!!!!!!" A familiar voice called. I looked behind me, and saw my mother. "MOM!" I screamed. We came into a hug, tears falling down my eyes. I don't want Night to go! I thought. "WHERE WERE YOU!!!? WHO IS THIS!!? HOW DID YOU GET HERE SO FAST!!!?" My mom kept yelling so many questions at me. Night put a hand on my shoulder. "Mom... this is Night... Night.... this is my mom." I tried stalling as much time as I could. "Nice to meet you!" Night smiled. "You didn't do anything to her did you?" Mom growled. "No! No! I would never!" Night answered, putting his hands up in defense. "WHO. ARE. YOU!?" My Dad's voice growled from behind me. Night and I turned around. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!?" Dad yelled. "I didn't do anything. I came to make sure she returned safely. And to get you guys to calm down." Night answered. "Why do you have a moon above your eye? No affence." Mom asked. Night chuckled. "It's a birth mark." Night answered. "No birth mark is yellow." Dad crossed his arms. "It is, I'm not what you think I am." Night smiled. "Oh yeah? What are you then!?" Dad growled. "Man... are all dad's this mean?" Night asked me. "Well... I have been gone for almost three days." I answered. Night thought about it then nodded in agreement. "True." Night added. "What are you then!?" Dad repeated. "I am a skeleton. My real names Sans, Sans the skeleton! It's nice to meet both of you!" Night answered. "Skeleton!? What are you a monster?" Dad asked. "Exactly! Or was that sarcasm?" Night asked. "That was sarcasm." Dad answered. "Oh... well than... this got awkward." Night shrugged. "HEYYYAAAA!" Lust appeared from the lake. "Lust? What are you doing here?" Night asked. "I wanted to see how this would turn out. Horror's practically killing Science though." Lust answered. "Seriously? What about Papy?" Night asked. "He's trying to break up the fight, like usual. I already told him that you would kill him if he hurt him so I covered you there." Lust looked at my mom. "Don't. You. Dare!" I growled. "Whaaaat? I wasn't gonna do anything! Maybe think a few things, but not do anything!" Lust put his hands up in defense. "WHAT THE HECK!" My mom yelled. Lust froze. "Did I say something wrong? As far as I remember I didn't say anything." Lust asked. "You.... really are skeleton's." My mom was wide eyed. "Looks like-" Lust leaned on Night. Night summoned his soul and put him back in the water. "HEY!" Lust yelled when he returned. "What? Check yourself before you reck yourself Lust." Night warned. Lust thought about the sentence he was about to say. "Oh... yeah. I do don't I?" Lust put his hand on his chin. "Yes, yes you do." Night answered. "I'm not doing it this time though! Na-a!" Night added, crossing his arms. "Don't worry, your good. My mom is obsessed with skeletons." I smiled. "Oh is she now?" Lust smirked. Night bonked him. "OWWW!!!" Lust growled. "say anything like that again, I'll make sure the Angle of Death is allowed to kill you." I growled. Night looked at me suprized. "Alright alright! I got the hint!" Lust rubbed his head. "What does that mean?" Dad asked. "Who is this?" He added. "Dad... this is.... Lust-" And before I could say anything else my dad was already yelling. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He yelled. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Lust put his hands up. "WHAT WORLD DID YOU COME FROM SICKO!!" Dad growled. "Okaaay, this has gotten tense." I mumbled. "Yeah you know what? My bro wanted to join him for practice. C'YA!" Lust jumped into the pool. Dad followed and I face palmed. "He's going to die with Horror on the loose." Night looked in the water. "C'mon mom. Follow me." I answered. My mom followed and Night went in last. We came back to the Underground. "WHERE AM I!?" Dad yelled. "CONTINUE YELLING AND YOU'LL REGRET IT!" I yelled. Dad looked at me shocked. "Awe... thanks kid!" Horror smiled. "Kid!? I never thought you would say that!" Lust leaned on me. "Get. Off. Of. Her." Dad growled. Lust got off. "What's up with him?" Lust pointed to Dad. "Dad's up there are EXTREMELY protective." I answered. "Oooohhhh!!! That makes sooo much more sense." Lust nodded. "I apologize! My world has it the other way around." Lust smiled. "What do you mean, other way around?" Dad growled. "HEY SANS!! Can my bro know yet!?" Lust asked. "FINE! WILL YOU STOP NOW!?" Sans yelled. "YAAAY! I'll be back." Lust winked at me. "I'm going to kill him." Dad huffed. "Don't worry! He hasn't done anything to extreme-" Night tried. "SAY ANOTHER WORD AND YOU'RE DEAD!!" Dad yelled. Horror summoned his axe. "No one yells at Night except me!" Horror growled. "HORROR! Axe. Away." I warned. Horror looked at me from afar and huffed, putting his axe away. "OOOH!!! WHO'S THIS?" Lust returned with his brother. "This... is (Your name). That's Horror, Night, the kids parents, Sans, and Science!" Ink came through. "And Ink." Lust added. "They... look like you." Lust Papyrus mumbled. "And that's Night's bro. Papyrus." Lust continued. "WHAT!? THERE'S ANOTHER ME!?" Lust Papyrus yelled. "HELLO!" Night Papyrus waved. They started talking. "To answer your question, I come from a world where all we do is 'lust'." Lust answered. "You sicko." Dad growled. "Don't worry! I would never touch the kid. Beside's, I have a ship that needs to sail." Lust shrugged. "Ship!?" Dad was getting angrier by the second. "DAD FOR THE LAST TIME I'M NOT A KID!!" I yelled. "I think you are." Night smirked. "Yeah... your his kid." Lust smiled. Night summoned a hole bunch of bones. "Woops..." Lust slyly smiled. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Dad charged at Lust. "HORROR A LITTLE HELP!?" I asked. A red glow surrounded Dad immediately. "That's enouph! Let's get you three back home." Horror growled. "WHAT THE!?" Dad screamed. Horror brought him away from Lust and to me. "See what happens when you yell?" I asked. "I just want to know one thing." Dad confessed. "What's the most you've done to her?" Dad looked at Night. "Oh boy." Horror mumbled. "Weeellllll......" Night shrugged. "It don't matter. We need to get home." I answered. "It does matter." Mom agreed. "The most I've done is help her sleep..." Night answered. "What do you mean by that!?" Dad asked. Horror put him down. "Dad it was-" Dad put a finger to my lips. "Not now." Dad instructed. "Well.... eheh..." Night rubbed his head. "When Night cuddles someone in their sleep it helps keep the bad things out." Lust answered for Night. "LUUUUSSST!" Night growled. "You did what?" Dad asked more angery. "Is it true?" Mom asked. Night sighed. "Yes it's true. NOW COME HERE SO I CAN BEAT YOU!" Night yelled. Night appeared behind Lust and bonked him harder than I've seen so far. "O-OWWWW!!!" Lust yelled. "You let him!?" Dad growled. "Guys, you better get going, the teleportation chemical don't last long." Science warned. Water started to form in my eye's. "Kid? You okay?" Night asked, teleporting next to me. "I'm going to miss you." I hugged Night tightly. "Aaawwee... even I'm touched." Horror smiled. "I'm in fangirl heaven." Lust squealed. Night hugged back. "I'll see you again. Don't worry. I'll be back." Night assured. Mom put a hand on my shoulder and I let go. I looked at him and jumped in. My parents followed me soon after. And we all went home. Luckily my home wasn't far from the flower field, so I watched the water, waiting for them to come through ever sense.

MANNNNY years later

I was starting to loose hope, Night never came out of the pond. It's been 15 years sense I've last seen him. "(YOUR NAME)!!!!" Mom yelled. My eyes were filled with tears, as they fell uncontrollably. "I HAVE GREEAAAT NEWS!!" She yelled. At the time I kept thinking it was a dream, but the same flower field was there. My mom and dad remember it, we never told anyone, I've spent most of my time here, waiting. "What is it?" I asked. "Actually... nevermind." Mom went back inside. "When?" I would mumble to myself. I was now an adult, I've never moved out due to the flower field. I've wanted to see Night again so badly, I've even drawn him. I drew him so many times I could do it with my eye's closed, and it would still look good. I sighed and walked up to the pond. "Please don't be fake, please be real." I begged to myself. I sat down far away from the pond. This was the closest I got with out tearing up and crying. It was still about 10 yards away though. I was heart broken, my dad, and mom noticed a year or so after I said goodbye. I would act different... depressed, upset, heartbroken... heck, I even had a sister by now. They adopted her to see if she could help, she did, but she never believed me. That's only when I would talk to her. Her name was Lilly. She would see the pictures I drew of him and add a comment like, "He's hot!" Or "Man!! What boy are you chasing!? I might steal him." She would never actually, she just wanted to see me smile, but it never worked. "Hey... this is the closest I've seen you yet." Lilly came up behind me, trying to cheer me up. Once again. "I guess so." I answered, water filled my eyes. "You know, I heard that being in a relationship helps with a broken heart. Maybe you should get a boyfriend... I've never seen you happy." She suggested. "I'll pass.... thanks anyway." I answered. "Try eating chocolate or something." She assured. That was another thing, I've never eaten chocolate sense I came back. I felt so bad leaving him, and yet, leaving my family. I couldn't stay with them... and I couldn't have both. "No thanks." I answered. Heck, I forgot what chocolate was. All I know is that it's brown. And I miss Lust, Lust of all monsters. I miss the way he would tease me and Night, the way his rotten mind would come up with all of these dumb possibilities to whatever we would talk about. It could be really funny too. I miss Horror's temper, his axe always in hand. I miss Sans terrible puns, and his calm, conferring tone. I miss Ink's art tips, how he would just draw all day. I miss Mighth most of all. His galaxy like design when he was mad just made my heart flutter, his eye's were like Sans, Ink's, and Horror's, but seemed so different. His stary jacket around him looked so warm and comfy. The glow he had was amazing, heh, I still can't find a name for it. The picnic with him was the best day of my life, that is until Lust ruined it. I miss everyone. There was a rustle in the bushes. "What-...." Lilly turned around. "O M G... You weren't lying!" Lilly mumbled, she mumbled the last three words, so I couldn't really hear her. I was to busy thinking about Night's and I's picnic anyway. "Lilly! Come here." Mom called. "We'll let you two be." My mom whispered. I stayed silent. Dad, I'm not in the mood. I thought to myself. A tear fell down my cheek, a whiped it off with my sleeve. A hand rested on my shoulder. "Dad... not now." I begged, tears falling down more. I felt him stare at me. A set of arms wrapped around me. I looked down at them. My eye's widened. Those aren't human arms!!! I screamed at myself. I looked at the person who was holding me. "NIGHT!!" I tackled him into a tight, big hug. "K-KID!" He responded, holding me tighter. Tears flowed down my cheeks, just like a waterfall, if not, my eye's were filled with water so much it was like a ocean lived there. I started to sob. "I missed you to." Night smiled. "A-Are the other's..." I trailed off. "Yes, their here too." Night answered. I started to sob more due to my happiness. "IT'S BEEN 15 YEARS NIGHT!" I growled, punching him away a little angerly. "I know I know!" Night said. "This was the closest time, unless you didn't want to see me until 50 years later." Night smiled. "We were supposed to come to the surface on the 20'th year. Luckily I could get here sooner." Night pulled me into his soft embrace. "I thought it was all fake..." I sobbed. "I started to..." Night admitted. "And my ships back on schedule." Lust's voice came from behind em. I looked at him. "LUST!!!" I growled, but at the same time I was soooo happy to see him. "What?" Lust asked. I stood up and hugged him. "I missed you." I answered hugging him tightly. He seemed shocked by the hug, but hugged back anyway. "Awe... shucks kid." Lust smiled. We parted. "Don't cry." Lust added. Night wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. "The hole underground is free by the way, turns out, Mnt. Everest was keeping the AU's separated. So now everyone knows about the AU's." Science said. I smiled. "Where's Horror?" I asked. "I'm right here kid." Night let go. I walked up to him. "What are you doing?" He asked. I didn't answer and gave him a hug. Horror hesitated, shocked, and unsure. But hugged me back. "O-Oh! Horror's got a crush? Man, she could have been my pet." A dark voice announced. "She's not my crush, she belongs to Night after all." Horror answered, letting go. I looked over to the new voice. There was another Sans, he had a sharp, golden tooth and red glowing eyes. He had a black and yellow jacket on. Same clothes, except yellow and black, with some red.

"Seriously though! She would have made a great pet." He smiled at me. He walked up to me, putting a finger under my chin, and lifting my head up roughly. "Continue, and you'll have to deal with me." Lust growled. Night rolled his eyes and tugged my arm, causing me to lean into him. He hugged me tightly. Lilly came up to us. "You weren't lying. Wow, I feel uncomfortable now." Lilly laughed. I remembered about what she said about the pictures I drew of Night. I laughed. "What?" Night asked. "Don't. You. Dare!" Lilly growled. "No, I'm curious! What!?" Night smiled. "N-Nothing Night." I answered between laughs. Night held me tighter. "Tell me." He growled. "NO! DON'T!" Lilly yelled. "I think I can get her to talk." Lust winked. Night smirked. "What idea did you give him!?" I growled. Night but into my neck softly. I froze. "What is it?" Night asked again. "FIIINNEEEE!" Lilly rolled her eyes. "She drew some pictures of you, and I thought you didn't actually wxsist and started saying compliments about you." Lilly confessed. "What compliments?" Night asked. "Hehehe... she said you looked hot." I giggled. Night looked at me. "HEY!" Lilly yelled. "Pfffttt." Horror smiled. "What are you laughing at!?" Lilly growled. "The look on Lust's face." Horror answered. We all looked at Lust. He had a purple tint on his cheeks. He looked at us, noticing that we knew, the purple tint turning into a bright purple. "Wha-a-at.... you guys know how I think." Lust chuckled awkwardly. Night looked at Lilly. "So, what's your name?" Night asked. "I'm Lilly. (Your name's) sister." Lilly answered. "I didn't know you had a sister." Lust exclaimed. "WHY WOULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM US!" Lust added. "Look, Lust's on a rampage." Horror chuckled. "No, no, no. I'm adopted, I beae her sister almost 10 years ago." Lilly answered. "What's adopted?" Lust asked. "It's when someone has a child, but they don't want them. So they bring them to a place were they can stay. People who want children, but don't want to go through the process, go to that place and bring a child home for free. Easy." Lilly answered. "FREE!? You are NOT free!" Lust exclaimed. "It's so that way more children could have a home." Lilly explained. "My point still stands." Lust said. "I agree." I smiled. "So, I'm assuming, your Night." Lillyguessed. "Such a wild guess!" Night answered, full of sarcasm. "And what are your guyses names. She's mentioned some names, but never drew any of you." Lilly asked. "I'm Horror." Horror evilly grinned. "I can see why they call you that." Lilly stared at him. "I'm Ink." Ink appeared behind Lilly. "INK!" I yelled and gave him a hug. "Hey kid! Any improvements on your art?" Ink asked. "I don't know, you tell me." Lilly pulled out my best picture of Night.

I blushed heavily. "Wow." Ink took the picture. "How did you do this!?" Ink asked. "E-Easy..." I answered. "What?" Nightly asked. "N-NOTHING!" I yelled. Ink teleported next to Night and showed him the picture. "I-INK!" I yelled angerly. "Awe, you draw me?" Night smirked. "Who's being lustfull now?" Lust asked, crossing his arms. "It's not being lustfull. I'm just teasing her." Night chuckled. "GRRR..." I growled. Night sighed and teleported behind me. He hugged me again. "She has definitely improved. And she didn't even have a picture of you!" Ink smiled. "I-It's n-not that good..." I stuttered. "Not that good!? Seriously!? What is good to you?" Ink asked. I stayed silent. "So, your back." Dad walked up to the group. "Another pet? Ha! I'd like to see this." The skeleton smirked. "What is your name again!?" I growled angerly. "Fell." He answered. "Well, I'm going to give you one warning before I give you a beating." I threatened. "See, what did I tell ya'? Savage." Lust shrugged. "I'd like to see you try." He smirked. "No! No you don't!" Horror smiled weakly. "She's good." Night added. "You two are weak." Fell chuckled. "Weak, HAH! You should look in a mirror." I laughed. "Look who's talkin'." Fell growled. "BROTHER!" A voice called. "Hey! Boss!" Fell dropped the hole thing. "WHAT ARE-.... HUMAN? HMM...." A mean looking Papyrus came out of the forest. "I was just going to teach her a lesson." Fell smirked. Okay, I thought he dropped the hole thing. "MWAHAHAHAHA!! Good luck! You'll need it!" I crossed my arms. "IS THAT A CHALLENGE!?" The new Papyrus yelled. He had gaged teeth, and the same costume, but red and black. He had a scar on his right eye too.

"For Fell yes, yes that was." I smiled. "All Papyrus' have the same ability. Just to let you know." Horror smirked. "Horror... what am I going to do with you?" Night face palmed. "I'll teach you a lesson if you don't shut it!" Fell growled. "Like I said, good luck." I shrugged. "Okay that's enouph!" Ink said. "And who are you!?" Dad growled. "Temper I see." Fell smirked. "Don't get on his bad side." Night warned. "I'm not weak like you guys are!" Fell growled. "Well, here's the thing Fell... you get on my dad's bad side, you get on my bad side, and you won't like it." I warned. "Try me, I don't like anything." Fell crossed his arms. "Guys! Let's try and make this a happy day!" Sans growled. "Fine!" Fell snarled. "Why?" I asked. "One, we haven't seen each other in 15 years, two-" Sans started. "YOU KNEW HER! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!" Fell yelled. "Yeah! Because we all know what you would do." Ink crossed his arms. "Let's all get along." Sans reminded. "Right, I'm (Your name), it's nice to meet you Fell." I smiled. "Hmph." Fell shunned me. "Oh well, I tried." I shrugged. "C'mon, I want to show you something." Night, grabbing my hand, twisting our fingers together, and dragging me. "Where at ewe going!?" I asked. Night didn't answer, dragging me through the forest. There was another gorgeous flower field, a pond as what seems like alwase, and a nice pritty view of the mountain.

"Wow..." I said in awe. "I thought... maybe we could try that picnic over again?" Night asked hopefully. My eye's watered up. "I'd love to." I smiled. Night brought me into a hug. "So, out of curiosity... how many pictures of me did you draw?" Night asked. I blushed a crimson red. "It's just a question." Night said, noticing my blush. "A-A lot.... to many to k-keep track of." I answered. "I wanted to come up here, mainly because I wanted to tell you something. But I'm a little nervestruck to do it." Night whispered, taking a deep breath. "You can tell me... I can wait to, even if my curiosity gets to me." I whispered. "But, if I don't do it now, I never will." Night answered. "Oh... I'm... not sure how to help you then." I looked up at him. "It's okay.... I wanted to say that...." Night's cheeks turned a baby blue color. "I love you (Your name)." Night continued. "I love you too." At this point, my face was a neon red, AT LEAST! Night lifted my head softly. "M-May I?" He asked. That's the first time he's stuttered! AWE!!! Sooo cute! I thought. "D-Depends if my d-dad's around." I answered. "Even if he is, I'll calm him down! PLEEEAAAASEE!!!! I've been dying to see this happen!!!" Lust begged. "I-I g-guess... it wouldn't hurt." I answered. "Are you comfortable with it?" Night asked. "Y-Yes... Just n-nervous." I answered. Night leaned down to me, pressing his lips softly up against mine. "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" Lust yelled. I felt Night smile during the kiss. I smiled too. When we seperted, Lust just barely ended the one word he yelled. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Dad came running. "N-Nothing dad." I answered. "You two kissed didn't you?" Dad asked. "Even if they did, be happy that she is happy! She's been depressed for 15 YEARS!!!" Mom exclaimed. "Seriously? I don't believe that. Your alwase happy." Night smirked. "It's true, I've never seen her smile." Lilly joined. "Hmm... maybe I'll have to make you happy more often." Night smiled, lifting my head again, and kissing me. Night's arms wrapped around me as he pulled me closer. I stood on my toes to pull him closer, but instead, it made the kiss more passionate. We soon separated and my Dad sighs. "Your not gonna kill me are ya'?" Night asked, looking at my Dad. "No... I won't kill you. But I'll kill anyone else." Dad answered. "What's your name anyway? You know my name." Night asked. "It's (Dad's Name)." Dad answered. "Cool name! What's your name?" Night asked, turning to mom. "I'm (Mom's name)." Mom answered. "That's a unique name." Night smiled. "C'mon, I have a gift for you two." Mom said. "Fine!" Dad groaned. "C'mon," Mom signaled. Me and Night shared glances at each other and followed. We followed mom to the house and inside. Night looked around a little as he followed. She then guided us to my room and opened the door. "Make yourself at home Night." Mom smiled. My face turned warm. "I'm confused." Night shrugged. This is the first time (Your name) has been happy for 15 years... we want you to stay with her." Mom explained. "Uh... okay?" Night answered unsure. "I can just come and visit." Night assured. "Do you have a place to stay?" Mom asked. "No, but I can't leave my bro out in the cold." Night answered. "He can sleep on the couch!" Mom barked. "I don't know..." Night rubbed his head. "Okay, this is going to be rare from me. But at least stay." Dad begged. "Fine... if you say so." Night shrugged. "Great! Where's your brother?" Mom asked. Night walked outside and into the woods. He soon returned with him. "BROTHER I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!" Nigh Papyrus said. "Well... I found the kid." Night shrugged. Night Papyrus looked at me. "HUMAN!!!" He yelled, running to me and picking me up. He instantly hugged me like a brand new stuffed animal. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" He smiled. "I missed you too! Do you mind not yelling so much though? Your kinda hurting my ears." I begged. "Oh, sorry human! I'll keep my volume here!" Night Papyrus looked at my dad and mom. "Hello!! I believe I've seen you before?" Night Papyrus tilted his head. "Yes... I remember." Dad crossed his arms. "Wow! It's been a long time!" Night Papyrus smiled. "What are your names anyway?" Night Papyrus added. "(Dad's name)." Dad answered. "I'm (Mom's name). It's nice to see you again!" Mom smiled sweetly. "What magnificent names!" Night Papyrus complimented. "Thankyou!" Mom answered. "Wait... Night, you said you had some news?" Night Papyrus asked. Fell walked up behind me. "This... is your brother Night?" Fell asked. I growled under my breath. "Hello!" Night Papyrus waved. "You have something against that?" Night asked. "He-" I elbowed him in the stomach hard. "You want to continue that comment?" I warned. He held his stomach. Then teleported next to Night, standing up strait, hands in pockets. "What has gotten into the pet?" He asked. "Don't call her pet...." Night face palmed. "If you want a pet, Go to the pound." I crossed my arms. Thing is... I've been hiding my dog in my room. And now that I think about it..... she's free. "GRRRRR!!!" My dog came out of a bush. (Just imagine your dog. If you don't have one, think of any animal, just replace dog with that animal. I'm still not sure if it will work for all animals, but please go with it.) "HAH! That thing can't do anything." Fell smirked. "Don't underestimate her." I warmed. "Ain't that right baby!?" I held my arms out and my dog came running to me. Jumping on me. "Yes I know! You adorable little thing!" I snuggled into her. "AAAWWWWEEEE!!!" Night Papyrus screamed. Night Papyrus joined me on the attention for the cute creature. "That's... the cutest thing I've ever seen." Night admitted. "Whatever you say. It's cuteness won't even effect me." Fell chuckled. "It's not the cuteness you have to worry about. Isn't that right my little baby girl!" I smiled. She liked my cheek sweetly. "Awe... I love you to!" I bopped her nose playfully. "Bark!" She barked. After that she glared daggers at Fell. "I hardly dought-" Fell started. My little dog tackled Fell. "GA!" He yelled, loosing his balance. The dog started chewing on him. "PPFFFFTTT!" I covered my mouth. My little dog was alwase super protective of me. Worse than my dad. "GRRR!" She growled. Fell shook his arm to get the dog off, but she wouldn't budge. "You were saying." I smirked. "Still not doing anything." Fell stood up. "HAHAHAH!!" Fell Papyrus laughed. My dog dropped and growled at Fell Papyrus. "Okay (Dog's name). That's enough, come here!" I squealed. She took one last glance at Fell and his brother and skipped to me. "Toy? Where's your toy girl?" I asked. She walked back up to Fell. "That.... is the best thing I've seen a dog do. Wise choice." Night smiled. "No, no, no. Where's your ball?" I giggled. She tilted her head. Stars formed in my eyes. "Ball?" She tilted her head to the opposite side. I alwase had her ball, and she knew it. I took it out and her tail wagged rapidly. "I know! Your so cute!" I answered. I threw the ball and she chased it. "BARK BARK!" She grabbed it, shaking her head playfully once it was in her mouth. "Come here!" I got up and chased her, pretty much playing tag with her. She pounced here and there. I grew extremely tired and layed down. (Dog's name) came up to me and licked my face. "No!" I laughed, covering my head. When she was done Night helped me up. "What a cute little thing." Night smiled. "I know." I smiled. "BARK!" She jumped up onto Night's leg. "What!?" He chuckled. "She want's you to pick her up." I clarified. He smiled and knelt down, picking her up. She licked his face. "Hey! That tickles!" He complained. I laughed. She stoped and looked at me. Night looked at me too. "Alright! WHO THE HELL IS THIS!?" Dad pointed at Fell Papyrus and Fell. Fell Papyrus scoffed and rolled his eyes. I walked over, Night following with my little dog. "Dad, this is Fell, and his brother." I answered. "About time someone answered me." Dad crossed his arms. "Sorry dad." I laughed. "I've been buisy keeping track of the little one." I added. "I see that." Dad crossed his arms. "So, is it Night Papyrus? Should I call your brother that? Or N Papyrus..." Mom asked Night. "He waon't mind any of those. Just let him know, and your good." Night shrugged. "You can call me anything you want!" Night Papyrus smiled. "He sure is a keeper isn't he?" Dad asked. "I never thought I would hear you say that." I smirked. "He makes you happy, I'll have to deal with it." Dad growled. "Well... depends. Have you seen his bad side?" I said. "No." Dad answered. "Neither have I..." I laughed. Dad joined in as Night walks up. "What's so funny?" Night asked. "Just talking." I answered. "You know you can't keep it from me." Night crossed his arms. "Yeah I know... Dad complimented you, and I asked him if he's ever seen your bad side." I started. "I said 'no', and she answered." Dad continued. "Neither have I." I made a small chuckle. "Well, my bad side don't really show much." Night shrugged. "I can tell." I answered. "So why were you two talking about me?" Night asked. "It don't matter now. You know... we were planning on going to Lagoon soon, want to come?" Dad asked. My eyes turned to stars. "LAGOON!!!" I yelled excitedly. "Lagoon? Huh?" Night asked. "It is one of the FUNNEST PLACES!!" I exclaimed. "You get to go on rides! And you can swim! OH MU GOSH THE CANNIBAL IS SOOOOO FUN!" I shook Dad. "Well... she's excited." Night chuckled. "YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BLAST!" I promised. "I'm sure I will. But maybe you should calm down." Night suggested. I nodded. I calmed down a while later. "Hey (Your name), we're going to the store, want to come?" Mom asked. "Sure!" I smiled. "You wanna join us Night?" Dad asked. "I... guess." Night shrugged. We all started walking. We got to our car and jumped in. Night didn't question it and followed. "Interesting..." Night mumbled. "You do know what a car is right?" Lilly asked. "Uh... no not really." Night answered. "We're have you been?" Lilly asked. "Lilly... the underground don't have technology. All they have are TV's and phones... that don't have any games on them." I explained. "Oh... sorry Night." Lilly apologized. "It's fine. I'm sure I have a lot to learn." Night smiled. "You sure do. I'll start explaining everything." Lilly said. Lilly explained everything to Night while me and Dad had a conversation. When we got there I turned to Night. "Night, I don't think the monster's have gotten this far, so if there's any trouble, come to me." I said. Night nodded. "Awsome! Your the first monster there going to see!" Lilly exclaimed. We walked out and went into the store. Night stayed by my side and told a lot of jokes. "Have any jokes other than skeleton jokes?" Lilly asked. "Yeah, a skele-ton of them." Night chuckled. "Cool!" Lilly smiled. "So, the lord said unto John, come fourth and you'll win enternal life. But John came fifth and won a toaster." Night winked. "Hahaha!" Lilly laughed. "That was good." Dad smiled. "Thanks." Night smiled. "I got to admit, you act differently than I expected." Mom shrugged. "I have my mean moments. Lust would understand that." Night chuckled. "Yeah, yeah! I got it." Lust appeared next to Night. Night looked over at him. "Your fault!" Night crossed his arms. "It was a one time thing!" Lust complained. "Yeah, at the time you almost showed my hole AU of your guyses existence. Remember?" Night asked. "Yeah, they were going to find out anyway!" Lust growled. "We didn't know that at the time now did we?" Night growled. "No... but the kid knew!" Lust said. "That's because we didn't know what AU she was supposed to be in!" Night answered. "Yadda-yadda-yadda. Same thing." Lust crossed his arms. "Actually they are extremely different! Human's are known to use determination, monster's are known to use magic." Science corrected. "See." Night glared at Lust. "What are you!?" Someone asked from behind us. "HADLEY!" Their mother growled. "It's okay. We get that a lot." Science shrugged. "What? Look at their hands! They have line holes in them." The kid complained. "Heh." Lust said. "We'll be just down the alley if you need us." I smiled. Me, Lilly, Mom, and Dad walked towards the chips. Night, Science, and Lust had a huge conversation. A crowd was starting to form. I even saw Night bonk Lust a few times. Silly. I thought. "KID!?" Night called, I'm assuming he noticed the big crowd. I walked over and punched my way through. But it wasn't because of the crowd, Gaster stood there leaning into Night. "A little help?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head. "Alright Gaster that's enough." I said. He didn't listen. Instead Gaster picked him up. Night's eye flamed angerly. "Put. Me . Down." Night growled. "I want to see what you can do Night." Gaster shrugged. A Gaster blaster formed behind him, except, it had a body? It had a black zig zag on it's right eye, a blue glowing tail and claws. (I just cropped it, still not my work.)

"Last chance G." Night warned. The Gaster Blaster huffed, causing steam to come out of it's nose and mouth. Gaster slowly turned around. "You think that could hurt me?" Gaster asked. "GASTER PUT HIM DOWN!" I yelled. Gaster looked at me. An axe flew through Gaster's arm, causing it to glitch and let go of Night. Night landed. "Not at the store G." The Gaster Blster was put away. "Don't. Call. Me. G." Gaster growled. "Your not my dad. Besides, let's make a good first impression. First day on the surface, and with this attitude your going to send us all back down there." Night growled, his eye calming down and fading quickly. "I heard a monster was-...." I froze, shocked. It was the PRESIDENT!!! WHAT!? I looked at Gaster, than at the others. "Uh... hi, we didn't mean to cause mischief." Night apologies, smiling. "Y-Your.... YES!" He yelled, doing a little dance. Night looked at me as I walked up next to him, separating him and Gaster. "Gaster, go back to the other'a will ya'?" I asked. "No way!" He growled. "Gaster... like... the famous W. D. Gaster!!! The royal scientist Gaster!" Science asked. "Sense when did I become famous?" Gaster asked. "OMG! He's talking to me! EHEHEHEHE!" Science laughed evilly. Horror slowly walked up to us. "You know, I warned you about 15 years ago remember?" Horror chuckled. "It's you again." Gaster sighed. "Yeah, and if you don't leave him alone your about to get a beating." Horror growled. "Now your talkin'!" Fell smiled evilly. "Horror! Fell! I literally just had a talk with him about first impressions." Night sighed. "Fine fine." Horror shrugged, putting his axe away. "That's one way to take the fun away." Fell growled. "Another one huh?" Gaster asked. "I hate you." Fell growled. "BROTHER WHO-.... WHO... ARE YOU?" Fell Papyrus asked. "Hey Papy? Why don't you go distract Fell Papyrus?" Night asked. "COME ON!" Night Papyrus dragged him. "By the way boss, hurt him I'm not helping you." Fell smirked. "WHA- LET GO!" Fell Papyrus growled. "YOU GUYS ARE REAL!!" Mr. President here was going crazy.  "Calm down Mr. President!" A guard begged. "President? What on earth does that mean?" Night asked. "A President is a man who takes care of people in a state or nation! It's like a king. But in the surface." Science answered. "Oh... okay then." Horror shrugged. "What kind of monster are you?" He asked. "Uh... I thought it was obvious." Fell commented. "Heh... don't listen to him, he's just selfish and has anger issues." Horror chuckled. "DO NOT!" Fell boncked Horror on the head. "You just proved my point." Horror rubbed his head, after that outing his hand in his hole. "That's creepy." Someone said. Horror put his hand down and looked in the direction of the voice. "It's supposed to be." Horror turned back to the President. "We're skeletons." Night answered. Ink came out of the same wight mark as alwase. "Cross wants to come ovvvveeer...... uh... what's going on?" Ink asked. "How did you do that?" The President asked. "Hey guys! We're done with the store! I'll come get you guys when everything's in the car." Mom hugged me. "Okay." I answered, before I could hug back Mom skipped out of the store. "What was that about?" Horror asked. "No idea." I answered. "Okay, do we trust Cross not to take anything?" Ink asked. "I think we can if the kid's here." Horror mumbled. "I guess." Sans appeared by Ink. "How do you guys appear and answer when you weren't even here to know the conversation?" I asked. "Magic." Science answered. "Oh... well that's specific." I crossed my arms. "Don't let him continue." Horror growled. "I feel hatered coming from you Horror." Science admitted. "I wonder why." Horror answered sarcastically. "Hmm... but why?" Science asked. "Because you keep asking questions!" Horror answered. "Oh... oh well." Science shrugged. "Skeletons huh?" Me. President asked. "Yeah, there's a skele-ton of us." Sans winked. A few people laughed, and some groaned. "NO!" Fell yelled. "Thankyou!" Someone from the crowd commented. "Tough crowd." Sans complained. More laughed. The President looked at Sans. "Your a funny guy! You know that?" He asked. "I'm sorry, what's your name?" Sans asked. "Bill." He answered. "I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton." He held out a hand, I saw a rubber band wrapped around his hand. Bill shook his hand. Pfffffffffffffffffffffft. A sound came from them. Bill laughed. "I love that trick." Sans sighed. The crowd laughed with Bill, I possibly chuckled a little bit. "SANS!" Grillby yelled from behind the crowd. Sans looked to where the voice came from, while Grillby came through. "WE ARE ACTUALLY ON THE SURFACE! But how!? No human came down!" Grillby asked. "Why are you asking me?" Sans asked. "Because your a sentury correct!?" Grillby answered. "Yeah, but you know I don't really do my job." Sans shrugged. "Hmm... you would think you would at least listen." Grillby thought. "I'm listening. But I wasn't informed on how we were able to get up here. If I hear anything I'll let you know." Sans shrugged again. "Thank's Sans... I'll see you later." Grillby waved goodbye and walked off. "C'ya Grillbz!" Sans waved. "So you don't do your job?" Bill asked. "Well... kinda." Sans turned to him. "So, do you know this girl?" Bill put a hand on my shoulder. "The kid? Yeah, we know her." Night answered. "How come you didn't say anything? You've been here for a while last I checked." Bill asked. "Well... it, was a hard time for me." I answered. "HONEY!! WE'RE READY!" Mom called from the entrance of the store. "Don't she know not to yell in stores?" Night asked. "Apparently not." I chuckled. "C'mon, we'll meet you guys at her place again." Night announced. "We'll be there sooner." Sans winked. "Yeah I know." Night teleported on the otherside of the crowd. "How did you do that?" Bill asked. "I'm out! He's all yours Science!" Horror disappeared. "Let me explain it to you." Science started. Every one but billy and the crowd left. Me and Night walked out and got back in the car. It was noon. When we got home we ate dinner. "So, Night?" Mom asked. "Yeah?" Night answered. "Would you like to sleep with (Your name) tonight?" Mom asked. "MOM!" I complained, my face warming up. "Or would you like us to set up a place for you to sleep out here?" Mom added. I glared at her, as she ate. "Uh..." Night looked at my Dad. "I'm not going to intrude." Dad laughed. "It's not that... but, why trust me now? We've only known each other for a day." Night asked. "I trust my daughters judgement." Dad smiled. "I trust you, you took care of her while she was missing." Mom answered. "HE SAY'S HE'LL SLEEP WITH HER!" Lust yelled from a open window. We all looked at him. "What?" Lust asked. Night sighed. "So it's settled!" Mom agreed. "Wait what?" Night and I asked. "Now off you two go! Go go!" She shooed us away. I stayed still in the chair. Mom stood up and dragged me and Night to my room, locking the door from the outside. "MOM!" I yelled, my face red. "Well... that just happened." Night said shocked and confused. "Your not the only one confused." I said. There's-... nevermind." Night sighed. "What?" I asked. "I was going to say that there's the window, but it's nailed down." Night pointed. I face palmed. "What about teleport?" I asked. "One I'm almost out of magic, two... there's a magic barrier that's blocking any teleportation magics." Night answered. "And who had that ability?" I asked. "Hmm.... Cross.... it's Cross." Night answered. "Hey you figured it out!" Someone teleported in. He had a red zigzag on his left cheek, and a wight and black jacket. He had a giant Knife with him, two pieces of fabric that crossed his chest, and a golden locket around his neck.

"Really Cross? Why did you have to pitch in?" Night asked. "Because otherwise I wouldn't be able to come here. You know how bonley it is in my AU." Cross answered. "Fine! I get why you agreed..." Night rolled his eye's. "Have fun you two." And he disappeared. Night turned to me. "Yep, we're stuck in here." Night shrugged. "Now what?" I asked. "I can sleep on the floor." Night suggested. I thought for a moment. "Unless you want me to." Night shrugged. I blushed hard from the comment. "Well..." I started, while Night hugged me. "I... want you to..." My blush grew. "Than that's that." Night shrugged. Night separated and brought me to the bed. I layed down and Night followed. "I love you Night." I said. "I love you too." Night wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep.

(That was a little longer than the last one but oh well. Hope you enjoyed! C'ya in the next chapter.)

Words: 13435

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