UnderNight X Reader - Chapter One: The Magical Flower Field

(Hey guys! Thanks for giving this book a try! And your still on the surface. NO IMAGE I USE ARE MINE! I'll let you get strait to the story now! See you at the end!)

I was walking through the woods, There were so many tree's around. Well duh! It's a forest. I face palmed. I got lost while playing Hide and Seek with a friend. I saw them go home, due to dinner. I decided to explore. Then I got lost. "Ugh, which way did I go!?" I growled at myself. A red flower field poked out of the forest and caught my eye. "Hmm." I walked towards the red flowers as it came to view. "Why is this in the middle of a forest?" I asked myself. I looked around the small, yet gigantic field. To explain, the field seemed small, but, I couldn't see the end to it. "Interesting..." I mumbled. "I have to get back home, maybe the flower field edges lead to the end of the forest." I added. I kept talking to myself from there. I know there wasn't an end to the way I just came, so I went to the next section and walked a little, luckily I was able to navigate my way back every time. But there was forest all around. I was quite dirty to. "Hmm... maybe someone's in the lake." I walked over to the lake and saw no one. I looked to where I had come from to walk back, and instead of meeting a forest, there was a giant rock wall, leading to a sparkling rock ceiling. I was surrounded by rocks. "What the?" I asked myself. I looked around again to see someone just across the field. The person looked at me, a wide smile growing on his face. "Excuse me! I hate to bother you! But do you know where I am?" I called to him, walking to him. And before I could get his identity, he disappeared. "Ookkay! This is creepy." I started to back away from the spot he was in. No, what if he's in the flowers? I started to walk towards the same spot and looked through the flowers. "I didn't see any flowers move." I thought to myself. I turned back around and there stood the same person. How on earth did he get from here to there? I hesitantly started to walk towards him again. "Hello?" I asked a little quieter, still calling to him. He turned his head evilly to look at me. His head was extremely tilted, as if a murderer just realized you were there. "Uh-... I don't mean any harm." I announced. He didn't respond, but just stared at me. After that my body rejected me and just froze. He smirked, then disappeared again. "H-How is he?" I stuttered. A hand grabbed my shoulder and I yelped. I jumped away, turning around quickly to see a really pale man, a hole in his head, axe in his other hand. The axe has so many blood stains on it, he wore a black jacket, with some kind of gym shorts. His fingers weren't round, they were sharp, clawed. His eye's weren't filled with eye's, they were filled with darkness. I could still tell he was staring at me though. I stumbled back, my arms going down catching myself before my head hit the ground. I quickly crawled away, backwards. "Heheh." He chuckled. His voice was the darkest, deepest, creepiest voice I've ever heard. He took a step towards me, my heart skipping a beat. He clenched tightly onto his axe, taking another step. "P-Please! I don't mean any harm!" I begged. He ignored my request and took another step. I stumbled back trying to stay away. This repeated until I hit the closest rock wall. My back leaning into the rock. He took another step. No no no no no! I-I can't move! He'll catch me! I started freaking out from there. I kept pressing up against the rock, my nerve points sensing the pressure and sending pain signals to my brain as fast as my heart was beating. While I was panicking he was already directed infront of me. I closed my eyes. But nothing happened. I opened my eyes slowly. He was still standing. He kneeled down, I flinched and prepared for impact. "Heheh." He chuckled again, putting a finger under my chin and lifting my head. I willingly allowed him, hoping he wouldn't hurt me. I could tell that he leaned into me, his face almost touching my cheek. "Why don't you open your eye's kid?" He whispered, sending so many chills down my spine. I hesitantly opened my eyes. His eyes had small wight dots in the middle of them. "Heh. You seem startled." He smirked. My heart started to settle down a little. "Y-Your.... not going to hurt me?" I asked. He looked at me shocked, than realized why I would think that. "Na, I've done that to many times." He chuckled. "WHAT!?" I screamed. He covered his ears. I covered my mouth quickly. "Geez! I've heard people scream! But man!" He removed his hands and looked at me. "My names Horror... what's yours?" He asked, standing up and offering a hand.

I took his hand and he lifted me up. "(Y-Your name)." I answered. "I really did scare the living daylights out of ya' haven't I?" Horror asked. "Your fault!" I growled. He just laughed. "Can I ask if Horror's your real name?" I asked. "No, it's not. My real names Sans, Sans the Skeleton." He held out his hand. "S-SKELETON!!!" I screamed. He covered his ears again. I didn't even pay attention. I started to feel a little dizzy. "Will ya' stop screaming! Your hurtin' my ears!" Horror growled. He's a skeleton! That thought repeated in my head, over, and over, and over. I remember the room getting dark. "You okay kid?" Horror's voice rang. The room then went completely pitch black. I hit the ground of flowers. "Kid!?" Horror yelled. Then it was dark.

Many hours later

"HORROR WHAT DID YOU DO!?" A angry voice yelled, it was definitely a friendlier person.. "I just scared her a little! And introduced myself! THAT'S IT!" Horror answered. "HOW MUCH IS LITTLE!?" The same voice yelled. "Uh.... from the worst I've done from 1 to 10.... maybe... 3." Horror answered. "Or 4." Horror added. "HORROR!" The voice growled. "GUYS SHUT IT! YOUR GONNA GIVE THE GIRL A HEAD ACH!" A deeper voice snapped. "Ugh..." I groaned, moving my head a little. "YOU CAUSED THIS!" The friendlier voice yelled. "I'M SORRY FOR MY LOVE OF SCARY THINGS!" Horror yelled back. "YOU TWO SHUT UP! SHE'S WAKING UP!" The deeper voice yelled. I couldn't help but wonder who it was. I opened my eyes. "Nngh." I rubbed my head. I tried sitting up, a hand landed on my back and helped me up. I looked at the three and realized they were skeletons too. "AHH!" I jumped to my feet, tripping over myself and falling on my back. "Just 3 or 4 huh?" The friendlier voice asked. I looked at them to see Horror bonk another on the head. He had a giant paintbrush on his back. A ink spot below his right cheek. He had a belt of paints and some other art supplies to it. One of his eye's was a star, a yellow star. The other a blue circle or oval.

"DON'T HIT ME!" He yelled. "And who's going to stop me?" Horror smirked. I looked at the one who helped me up. He had a blue jacket on, like the one wrapped around the arty ones waist. He had slippers on too.

The other two didn't have a hole in his head like Horror did. I stood up and backed away slowly. The one with paint noticed. "ONLY 3 OR 4!!!" He yelled. "OKAY FINE! MAYBE 5! HOW ON EARTH AM I SUPPOSED TO KEEP TRACK!!" Horror confessed. "YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO WOULD KNOW!" He yelled. "GUYS! BREAK IT UP WILL YA'!? YOUR NOT GOING TO HELP!" The blue one said. "Sorry about that. I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton." The blue jacket one held a hand out. "Skeletons can't talk! Right? I'm just dreaming. I have to be dreaming! Skeletons can't move alone. Skeletons can't see, or hear, or move, or talk..." I trailed off. Sans took his hand away. "R-Right?" I finished. "Poor kid." The artist rubbed his head. "I'm Ink by the way. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but this isn't a dream. How did you get here anyway?" Ink asked. "This isn't a dream?" I asked. I thought about the comment I made. "I didn't mean to hurt your guyses feelings! But I've never seen a live skeleton before. From where I come from... they don't move, or talk, or anything." I hated myself for saying those things. "Have... you ever heard of monsters?" Ink asked. "No... well, yes. But I was grown up to learn they weren't real. The monster under the bed wasn't real, none of them where real. I'm sorry." Tears started to build up in the corner of my eye's. "That's why I scared you so much. And that explains why she fainted." Horror rubbed his head. "Sorry bout' that. I didn't realize you've never seen one of us before." Horror added. "You shouldn't be sorry... I should be." I answered, tears were about to fall any second now. "Kid?" Sans asked. "I hurt your guyses feelings... I convinced myself that it was a dream when it wasn't." The tears fell down my cheeks. "Kid!? It's okay! Really! I get it." Sans rushed to me, wrapping me in his arms. "Ya', I can see why you would think it's a dream. I would too if I was you." Ink smiled. Horror nodded in agreement. "C'mon, let's get you under a roof." Sans smiled. I nodded slowly and hesitantly. "Witch one?" Ink asked. "Lets get her to my place, Papy's not home and she can take a shower for now." Sans instructed. "Yeah, my place wouldn't be a good idea, and Ink has to many ego supplies there." Horror chuckled. "Ego supplies?" Ink asked, raising an eyebrow. "Ya', all of your art things!" Horror answered. "You might get a little dizzy, is that okay?" Sans asked, letting me free. I nodded, wiping a tear from my cheek. Sans smiled and snapped his fingers. I lost my balance and almost fell, luckily Sans was able to catch me. "Sorry about that, why don't you get ready for a shower? I'll get you some clothes you can have, or at least borrow." Sans asked. "Uh... o-okay." I answered. Horror and Ink appeared behind Sans. Sans lead me up the stairs and opened a door. It was a nice, comforting room, a bedroom. The bed was nicely made and the walls were a wight. The floor was soft and fluffy. "You can stay in here if you need to. I'll be right back." Sans instructed and walked off to a room close to this one. I looked around the room and felt the blankets. They were soft and silky. The pillows looked like they were made of the same material too! I heard a a drawer open. I looked over to the dresser and noticed some flowers. The drawer closed and Sans came into the room. "I see your making yourself at home." Sans commented. I jumped at his voice. "Sorry kid." Sans walked over to me. "It's okay, I'm just... have to get my head around it." I answered. Sans handed over some spare clothes and I took them. "We'll be downstairs when your done." Sans waved and walked out. "By the way, bathrooms right over there!" Sans pointed to the corner of the room. When I looked back at him he was gone. I got in the shower soon after that. When I got out, I started getting dressed when I heard someone yell. "WHO'S IN THE SHOWER!?" It sounded angry, yet... something else. I couldn't figure out what though. When I got dressed I walked into the room and poked my head out of the door way. There was another skeleton. He had a short shirt with a purple jacket. He wore the same kind of gym shorts as the others. "Are all monsters skeletons?" I asked, coming out of the room. "No. There are others." Sans answered. "Aaanndd who is this?" He asked, getting more and more suspicious. "Your going to kill her if you keep doing what your doing." Horror warned, more into a growl. That's when I realized that the new skeleton had Purple Heart eyes, instead of wight little dots. He also had some black, fingerless gloves on.

"What why?" He asked. "She's... uh... new." Sans answered. "What do you mean by 'new'?" He crossed his arms. "She's never seen a monster before, so if I were you, I'd back off!" Ink growled. "She's stressed? Right?" He asked. "Yeah, well what about a message?" He added. "N-No, I'm okay." I answered. "Hmm..." He turned to me. "You seem so tense though." He complained. Why is he complaining about it? "Okay! (Your name) this is Lust, Lust, (Your name)." Ink rubbed his skull. "Lust?-uh... oookkkaay." I understood why he complained about the message. "I'd keep your distance." Sans laughed. "HEY!" Lust yelled. "It's true!" Sans smiled. Lust boncked Sans upside the head. "Ow.." Sans rubbed his head. "That's what you get!" Lust crossed his arms and shunned Sans. "Heh, I deserved it." Sans put his hand down. "Aaaanyway. What time do you go to bed?" Sans asked me. "Uh... 9 or so." I answered. "Great! What time is it for you?" Lust smiled at me. I took out my phone and looked at the time. "7:00" I read. "Someone go get him." Sans instructed. "I'm to lazy." Sans added. "Who?" I asked. "You'll see." Lust smirked. I'm scared. I thought to myself. Lust disappeared. "Don't worry, Lust is just trying to freak you out. It's not that bad." Sans put a hand on his shoulder. "Not that bad huh?" Ink crossed his arms. "I'm trying to keep her calm geez!" Sans rolled his eyes, if he had them. "What's going on?" I asked. "I've been thinking, there's a friend. His names Night." Sans started. "Another skeleton? Right?" I asked. Sans nodded. "He can give you a peaceful sleep... buuut, he has to be cuddling you for it to work." Sans smiled weakly. "What?" I asked. "And it's up to you, but with this all happening, I don't think your getting any sleep tonight otherwise." Ink agreed. "Okay what-.... what's going on?" A skeleton with a blue jacket, the design had little stars here and there too. He had blue slippers, blue socks, black gym shorts, and some sort of orange chain on his side. His eyes were round like the others but he had a crescent moon above his right eye.

"We need your help. But first! (Your name) this is Night, Night, this is (Your name)." Lust punched Night into me. Night bonked Lust on the head, harder than Lust did to Sans, or Horror did to Ink. "OW!" Lust rubbed his head. "My apologies, he don't know manners." Night glared at Lust in discuss. "I noticed. It's nice to meet you!" I held out my hand and he nodded, shaking my hand in return. He smiled at me sweetly. "Okay, to the point." Lust smirked evilly. "I'm scared." Night mumbled. I didn't answer to Nights comment. "The poor girl needs to sleep well tonight." Lust leaned up against me. Night looked at him in confusion. "You know, your ability." Lust rested his head on mine. "Okay I should have pushed you off to begin with." I moved a step forward, causing Lust to loose his balance and fall. I looked at him, laying on the ground. "What was that for! I didn't do anything!" Lust rubbed his head. "For leaning on me for one." I crossed my arms. "Savage." Lust sat up. "You held still until I rested on you." Lust looked up at me. "That's what caused it." I shrugged. Lust rolled his eyes. "Girls, I don't get em'." Lust stood up. "If you don't, no one will. But I get why she made you fall." Sans smiled. "And what's that. Cuz' I have no idea." Lust questioned. "One! You just met her! Two, remind me what you do?" Sans answered. "Okay! Okay! I get it!" Lust out a hand up in defense. "Suuure you do." Ink grabbed his brush. "Where are you going?" Sans asked. "I have to let Papy know I'll be gone for a while." Ink answered and rubbed his brush on the floor. A wight mark appeared and Ink jumped through and disappeared! "WHAT IN THE WORLD!" I yelled. The wight mark never went away and Ink poked his head in. "I could here you scream from inside!" Ink came through. The wight mark went away and I just stood there. "Well, I have a lot to learn." I announced. "Yes, yes you do." Ink nodded. "Back to topic!" Lust smiled. "Greeeaaat." Night groaned. "Can you? She won't be able to sleep tonight if you don't, no pressure, whatsoever." Lust asked. "No pressure huh? I sense otherwise." Night crossed his arms. "I don't-" I started. "Shush kid." Lust put a finger to my lips. I froze and didn't say anything else from there. "Night, she needs sleep tonight. It's been a long few hours!" Lust begged. "What exactly is stopping her from sleeping?" Night asked. "Horror scared the daylights out of her, plus, she's known monsters to be fake." Ink glared daggers at Horror, then looked at Night. "How bad was it this time?" Night asked. "Eheh, well, she screamed when she realized that there were two new skeleton's around when she woke up." Horror rubbed his skull. "When she 'woke up'?" Night asked. "Yeah, when I told her what I was she fainted." Horror answered, putting his hand down. Night sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I... don't know." Night answered. "It's the only way she can sleep!" Lust complained. "And sleeping next to, not to mention with a monster? I don't even know if that's going to make it worse or better!" Night commented. "Should we get Science on this?" Lust growled. "DO THAT AND I'LL KNOCK YOUR HEAD OFF YOUR SHOULDERS!" Horror yelled, axe in hand. "What do you have up against him!?" Lust asked. "You. Have. NO IDEA how annoying he is!" Horror growled. "Okay okay, but what are we going to do?" Lust asked. "I'll think about it, but have you made sure it's okay with her? This is crossing the confert zone. BY FAR!" Night asked. "Uh... we told her about it." Ink mentioned. "Well would you rather stay up all night? I wouldn't?" Lust asked the group. "You guys are lazy! All you do is sleep!" Night growled. "True point." Sans smiled. "So?" Lust asked, facing me. "Uh..." I thought for a moment. "I don't know." I answered. "See what I mean?" Night asked. "Yeah yeah shut it!" Lust ordered. Night rolled his eyes. "What time is it?" Sans asked. "For her." Sans added. "Should be about 8." Ink answered. "What time does she start getting tired?" Night asked. "She said she usually go to bed around 9 or so." Sans answered. "Hmm..." Night looked down. "Go ahead! You just touch her waist or something like that." Lust shrugged. "Easy for you to say." I mumbled. "What?" Lust asked. "N-Nothing!" I answered quickly. Lust leaned into me and studied me. "Hmm..." He hummed. I took a step back. "What did you say? You can tell me." Lust grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him, giving me a hug. "Get off!" I pushed away. "Fine, I'll stop... maybe." Lust dropped the mumble I had said. "Lust take a break will ya'?" Sans asked. "For now, if Night won't help her, I'll try to help!" Lust smirked one last time. I face palmed. Night rolled his eyes. Sans and the rest just stared at him like he was dumb. "I can't believe you just said that." Horror commented. "Why?" Lust asked. "I have no idea, maybe after the fact we said that you just met her!" Horror answered in a sarcastic tone. "Fight me Horror." Lust growled. "That could be arranged." Horror summoned his axe in his hand. "YOU TWO QUIT FIGHTING!" Ink yelled. Horror and Lust looked at Ink, then put there weapons away. "Thankyou." Ink breathed. "Now can we focus?" Ink added. "By all means!" Lust shrugged. Ink sighed. "That means you have to back off for the rest of the night!" Ink covered his mouth. "Pffft!" Sans chuckled. I smiled at the pun. "It's okay, we all know this would happen sooner or later." Night shrugged. "I'll give you guys a free time for now." Sans smiled. "Was that a pun?" I asked. "Maybe, maybe not, I'll behave." Sans smiled. "Sooo?" Lust asked. "I'm still working on it don't rush me!" Night growled. Lust disappeared. "Oh c'mon." Lust's voice came from behind me. I jumped at it. "What. On earth. Did. That. Happen?" I asked. "Oh boy. Night, think on it, the rest of us will explain." Sans instructed. "So, lets just say... instead of Determination, we have magic." Sans shrugged. "Magic?" I asked. "I thought... nevermind." I answered. I had one secret ability due to magic, I can shape shift, anyone I shapeshift into, I get their abilities as long as I'm in their form. It's a little complicated. Now that I know it's not normal, I'm lucky nobody clicked. I thought for a moment. "You okay?" Sans asked. "Yeah... I get it now." I smiled. I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT EXPLANATION! I yelled at myself. "Seriously? That was fast." Ink raised an eyebrow at me. "Magic is magic, anything could happen with magic. So what is it?... Teleportation?" I asked. Sans nodded. "Cool, I wish I could teleport!" I smiled. "Well, that's why you felt dizzy when you got here." Sans explained. "Interesting." I answered. "You should sit down." Lust pushed to the couch and plopped me down. "Well, no need to push." I teased. "You shush! You should try and rest while Night tries to decide." Lust smiled. "Uh... what?" I asked. "Try to sleep!" Lust rolled his eyes. I took out my phone and read the time. "It's only 8:05." I announced. "Do it anyway." Lust insisted. "Oookkaay... I guess." I shrugged. "But what are you planning?" I added. "Nnnoooothiiin'." Lust sat down on the other side of the couch. "Hmm." I hummed. "Sleep." Lust assured. I looked at him and shrugged. I closed my eyes, and got comfy. By that I mean I roll up in a ball. "Lust what are you planning?" Sans mumbled. "What?" Lust asked. "Guys, lets give her some time... it takes a while to go to sleep." Ink suggested. "Agreed, but you couldn't bring her to her room? I would say to bed, but your going to take that the wrong way." Sans asked. "No, I want her in sight." Lust disagreed. "Whatever, I'm going to Grillbz, Cya' later." Sans announced. I heard a door open, then shut shortly after. "We'll let you be." I hear Ink announce. There was a undescribable sound. "HEY!" Lust yelled. "WE'RE LEAVING!" Ink growled, whispered. "PUT ME DOWN!" Lust yelled. "In your AU I will." Ink answered. The wierd sound came back again and it was silent from there. I heard a sigh and a deep breath. Okay, good to know I'm not alone. I thought. There was wight on the spot next to me. "You still awake?" Night whispered. "Your going to do it aren't you?" I answered with a question. "Only if you want me to. I would never do it without someone's permission, unlike Lust." He answered. "Mm..." I went into thought. A pair of arms lifted me from the couch. I opened my eyes slowly. To see Night carrying me. "N-Night?" I stuttered. WHY IS MY STOMACH TURNING!? I growled at myself. Night started to walk up the stairs, not answering. He opened the door leading to the spare room, and set me on the bed. Pulling the blankets over me. My face grew warm. Night looked at me and smiled. He sat next to me on the bed. He looked away and out the window. "Where am I?" I asked. "Snowdin, a snowy biome in the underground." He answered. "Underground? How is there snow in here?" I asked. "Magic." He answered. "Right, forgot magic was down here." I looked away nervously. "Heh. Must be different at the surface." Night smiled. "Surface? You mean, where all the humans are?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah... it is." I answered. "Are the stars bright?" Night asked. "Stars? You've never seen em'?" I asked. He shook his head. "And boy do I want to." He whispered. I sat up, causing Night to look at me. His sweet smile made my heart skip a beat. "Heh." He chuckled. Why do I get so wierd? I asked. "Why did you chuckle? Just out of curiosity." I asked. "Won't lie, it's interesting how your already flustered." Night looked away, back at the window. "I'm blushing?" I asked. Night looked at me. "Yeah, now more than before." Night smiled. I've never blushed before. Why am I blushing? What is he doing to cause this? I'd on't get it! I thought. "You seem... confused." Night tilted his head. Omg... I froze. I came back and blinked. "I've never blushed before... a lot of people have tried, and I've never blushed." I admitted. "Maybe because your alone with someone?" Night suggested. I thought for a moment. "I guess... that's possible." I shrugged. "You should lay down. Do you want me to? Or do you need more time?" Night asked. "I stayed silent for a moment. "More time?" He asked. "I.... I don't know, I know the answer I'm going to end up saying, but I'm to nervous to say it." I mumbled, hoping he didn't hear the last part. "Why are you going to end up saying yes? Why do you think that?" Night asked, obviously hearing every word. "Because when I get tired, I'll do anything to go back to sleep. I alwase do, no matter how hard I try." I answered. Night scooted closer and gave me a hug. "I know what it's like to have that. Heh... I can wait till your ready. I'm not 100% sure myself." He whispered. I hugged back tightly. "For someone who's never seen a monster before, let alone known them to be fake all her life is taking this rather well." Night smiled. "I just want to know I'm not alone." I answered. "And your not. I'm sure Horror scared you badly." Night let go, and so did I. "You sure your okay?" Night asked. "I'm scared. What if I never see my family again? People that climb Mnt. Ebbot never come back..." Tears formed in the corner of my eye's. "You figured it out? Or did they tell you?" Night asked. "I figured it out." I answered. "There has to be a way back." Night assured. "I know there's a way." Night added. "Lay down, seriously." Night smiled. I layed back down a looked at him. My eyes were a little heavy, so I tried to sleep. But couldn't, it was hours of trying to sleep, still no revuelve. "Ugh." I growled. Night walked on the otherside of the room. I didn't pay attention because I kept trying to find a way to sleep other than relying on Night. There was wieght behind me. I sighed. A arm wrapped around me. "I hate to rely on people." I mumbled. "It's okay. Just this once, anyway." Night smiled. "But, don't you feel... off?" I asked. "Yeah, but I'm willing to do this to help you." Night answered. "What about anyone else?" I asked carefully. "Depends... why they need me to. If it's just because they want me, that's a no no. If it's important, than... it depends on how important. Sleep is one of the things you need, and can't make up." Night answered. "Really?" I asked. "Yep. You can sleep during the day, to try to make up a late night. But it never works. You can only sleep when you need to. It's like asking to make up a assignment, but it was due last year. Your not getting that assignment done." Night chuckled. "I... didn't know that. Maybe that's why I'll do anything to sleep when it comes to a sertain point." I mumbled. "Most likely, speaking of sleeping, why don't you get some." Night requested. "What about you?" I asked, turning my head to face him. "I'll... fall asleep eventually." Night smiled weakly. "I don't know, maybe I'll just stay up until you fall asleep." I teased. "That's not going to work. You need to sleep, so I know when to start." Night assured. "If... you say so. Promise me you'll get some sleep." I begged. "Why? Why do you care if I get sleep?" Night raised a brow. "I... I know I've only been here a day-or a few hours. I care about everyone." I answered, looking down at Night's arm that was wrapped around me. "Do you want me to move it?" Night asked, noticing my gaze. My face grew warmer. "H-Honestly... n-no." I answered. Night looked shocked at my answer. Then a warm smile came to him. "You like me don't you?" Night asked. I froze. "I-I don't k-know what your t-talking about!" I crossed my arms stubbornly. Night pulled me closer. "You sure?" He asked. My stomach turned rapidly. "You do. I can tell!" Night smiled. I grabbed the blankets and pulled them over my head. Night laughed lightly at my reaction. I curled up into a little ball. "I'm sorry, that was mean." Night apologized. "Mmm...." I tightened up my little ball unwillingly. Night wrapped his other arm around my waist. I don't know how he got his hand under me, but he did. He pulled me closer until my back was touching his chest. I straitened slowly. When I was almost fully strait, Night pulled me closer, so my back was up against his chest. Butterflies fluttered around my stomach uncontrollably. "Why don't you sleep." Night suggested. With out responding I closed my eyes, the last thing I heard was. "Goodnight my little moon." From Night, and then the darkness swept over me.

The Next Day

I feel something behind me, and something around my waist. What? Oh, that's right... Night. I thought. Do I like him? Man, my dad's going to kill me. (Dad's right? 😂) I added to my thoughts. I opened my eyes slowly, Nights arms was still around me and I was still in the room. "Psst! (Your name)." Someone whispered. I looked up a little more. Lust was there watching me. That's creepy. I thought. "Why didn't you two kiss last night?" Lust whispered. My face turned red. "Leave her alone Lust." Night growled. I jumped a little. "Sorry kid." Night apologized. "It's okay, just a little jumpy." I answered, making hint to the pun I made. "No more please." Night begged. "Okay." I answered. Night rolled over. "Why didn't you two kiss?" Lust repeated. "Lust... I will beat you." Night warned. "Hmm... fine, everyone's waiting downstairs." And with that, Lust disappeared. Night rubbed his head. "You okay?" I asked. "No... Lust knows. Anything like what happened last night you don't want Lust to know about." Night answered. "Oh... then we're in trouble, aren't we?" I asked. Night nodded. "Ooh boy." I sighed. "I'm going to go hide myself in the kitchen, have fun!" Night disappeared.  "Ugh." I growled. I got out of bed and made the bed. When I was done I took a deep breath and walked out. I came down the stairs and Lust appeared next to me. "Sooo... how did it gooo?" Lust leaned on to me. "Back off!" I pushed him away, or tried to. But he just appeared on the other side. "Na-a-ah! Not this time!" Lust grabbed both of my wrists and pinned me to the wall. "I want to know everything." Lust smiled. "And what are you going to do if I don't?" I asked. Lust leaned to my ear. "You really want to find out?" He whispered. "Get. Off." I ordered. "Then tell me." Lust pulled away. "What do you want to know?" I asked. "Hmm... first off, why didn't you two kiss?" He started. "Lust that's enouph." Sans commented. "I'm just getting answers. That's all. Promise." Lust answered, not bothering to look his way. "I can't stop him easily, so if he goes to far call me okay." Sans looked at me. "Thanks for the offer, I've got this though." I smiled. "And what are you going to do?" Lust asked. "Only what I need to." I answered. "Hmm, you didn't answer my last question." Lust replied. "I'm not kissing anyone, I'm not ready." I answered. "So your a vergin?" Lust asked. "I hate that word." I mumbled. "Okay, did anything wierd happen?" Lust asked. "Remember what the answer to the last question was?" I asked. "Wierd things can still happen! Without those things." Lust backed himself up. "Like what?" I asked. "He could dig into your neck without kissing you, and then you could have stopped him before anything else." Lust set out an example. I looked at him in disbelief. "No, nothing like that happened, the most that happened was that he pulled me closer." I answered. "Did he call you any names?" Lust asked. "Why would he call me names?" I asked at him confused. "Nicknames (Your name), nicknames." Lust looked at me as if I was dumb. "Oh... umm... let me think." I announced.


"Goodnight my little moon." Night whispered.

End of flashback.

"Yeah, it was something like... moon? Or something. I can't remember his exact words. But it has something to deal with a moon." I answered. Lust stared at me, then an idea popped in his head. I could tell because he evilly smirked. "Did he call you... his little moon?" Lust asked. "Yeah! Wait, how did you know?" I asked. "NIGHT!" Lust let go and ran to the kitchen. "What?" Night asked. "GIVE ME ALL THE DETAILS!" Lust ordered. "WHAT!?" Night asked. I grew curious and walked to the kitchen. Night was cooking some pancakes on the oven. "OO PANCAKES!" Lust yelled, forgetting what he was about to do. Night sighed in relief. "There almost done." Night breathed. "Did you make them for her?" Lust leaned up against Night. Night pushed him off. "I guess you can say that. This is her first day here, so don't think I'm doing it for any other reason." Night growled. "Oooo.... suuure." Lust stood up again. Night sighed silently to keep calm. "Or do you like her?" Lust asked. "I don't know what your talking about!" Night answered. I would do the same. I thought. "Aaareee yoou shooore?" Lust asked, getting close. "Lust back off." Night demanded. "Hmmm... I'll find a way to get to you! Even if I have to use my ability." Night froze. "Heh, looks like I've gotten your attention." Lust smirked. "Hmph." Night flipped a pancake. "Why don't you go get everyone else, the pancakes are done." Night suggested. "We'll talk later." Lust winked at me and walked past me. Night sighed again. "Did I tell him something that I should have kept quite?" I asked. "Depends, what did you tell him?" Night asked. "I just answered some questions." I answered. "Hmm..." Night hummed. "We'll see." Night added. Everyone walked in the kitchen. "I didn't know you made pancakes in the mornin'." Sans announced. "No ones been to my place in the mornin'." Night answered. "True." Ink smiled. "My Papy will be making lunch, maybe dinner." Night announced. "He knows?" Sans growled, more of a question. Night froze. "Who?" I asked. "How did he find out?" Sans walked up to Night, anger filled him. "HOW DID HE FIND OUT!?" Sans repeated angerly. "I told him." Night turned to Sans. "I told him in his sleep." Night looked ashamed. "How?" Sans asked, calmer. "I was having a bad day, when Papy came to support me, he fell asleep. And I accidentally fell asleep shortly after." Night explained. "YOU DID WHAT!?" Horror yelled. Night ignored Horror. "We should explain everything to (Your name)." Sans changed the subject. "HOW COULD YOU LET THAT SLIDE!" Horror yelled. "There's no need... I told her everything in her sleep, she knows, just... hidden." Night interrupted. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Horror yelled, standing up. "Horror calm down!" Lust begged. "What age?" Sans asked. "..... I was 5 at the time." Night answered. Horror appeared behind Night. "Don't!" I begged. Night noticed my beg, but ignored it as best as he could. "Ink, you know what to do." Horror stomped out. "Don't, we all were getting used to our abilities at that age. I almost did it myself. I'm sorry I yelled at you Night." Sans apologized. "I should have told you." Night put more pancake batter on the pan. "I wouldn't have." Sans admitted. Night looked his way a little bit. "I would have done the same." Sans finished. "INK!" Horror yelled. "Sorry Horror, Sans orders." Ink apologized. "SERIOUSLY!" Horror yelled. "YOU WERE GETTINN USED TO YOUR POWER AT THAT AGE SO YOU BACK OFF!" Sans snapped. "HMPH! I'm going to my place!" Horror growled, than disappeared. "He'll cool down, we all know how easily Horror gets angery." Sans put a shoulder on Nights shoulder. "What did you tell her?" Sans asked. "Everything, except the season. (I will alwase add the season, 1 because it gives me time and a little more time to come up with idea's, 2 it happens. It's life, so please deal with it. Thx!)" Night answered. "Season?" I asked. "Don't worry about it." Sans assured. "Okay, if you say so." I shrugged. "You know, Papy has been dying to meet you guys." Night smiled. "Than he shall." Sans smiled. "Really!?" Night asked, stars in his eyes. "Really." Sans smiled. "HE'S GOING TO BE SO HAPPY!!!" Night shook Sans. "Easy there!" Sans chuckled. Aaawwweee!!!! I thought. WHY IS HE SO CUTE! I growled, yet fangirled. "I'LL GO GET HIM!!" Night yelled and disappeared. "You didn't." Horror appeared in the room. "I did, besides. We can't keep a secret forever, the truth alwase finds it's ways out." Sans shrugged. "This is true. (Your name), why don't you help Night out, besides. You need to see it for yourself." Sans put a hand on my shoulder and I became dizzy. "I'll meet you back at my place." And Sans disappeared. Night came out of the same house I'm assuming was just in. "(YOUR NAME)!!! I WANT YOU TO MEET MY BRO PAPYRUS!" Night dragged Papyrus over to me. "HELLO-... A HUMAN!? WOW! I APOLOGIZE, I'VE NEVER SEEN A HUMAN BEFORE!!" Papyrus had a star on his forehead in the center. The rest was some sort of costume, I think.

"Hi! Sans said that I should help you out? But I think he just wanted me to meet Papyrus." I announced. "Yeah, probably." Night answered. "C'MON!!" Night grabbed my wrist and snapped his fingers. I felt dizzy again and, yet again, almost fell. This time Night caught me. "Awe!" Papyrus awed. "I KNOW RIGHT!!" Lust teleported between the both of us. Night rolled his eyes and pulled me up. "KISS ALREADY!" Lust begged. Night bonked Lust upside the head again. "OWW!! You don't have to keep doing that!" Lust rubbed his head. "I've already told you to stop so many times before." Night answered. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME-ER... NICKNAME!?" Papyrus asked happily. "Wow, you weren't kidding, see that Lust, you have a chance." Sans smirked. "Uh... that's going to change soon..." Lust admitted. "And why's that?" Night asked. "HE'S JUST SO COOL!!" Lust bounced. "Wait.. so your name is what again?" Papyrus asked. "Lust, my names Lust!" Lust answered, holding out a hand. And without hesitation Papyrus shook his hand. "AND WHO ARE YOU!?" Papyrus turned to Sans. "Sans, the original." Sans answered. "I'M SO HAPPY YOU LET ME MEET YOU ALL!!! EVER SENSE I FOUND OUT, SANS-BROTHER HERE HAS BEEN TELLING ME ALL ABOUT YOU GUYS!" Papyrus rubbed his head. "Oh? Has he now?" Horror came out of the kitchen. "HORROR!" Sans yelled in a warning tone. "Uh oh." I mumbled. "What exactly does he tell you?" Horror asked. "U-Uh... H-HE T-TELLS ME L-LOT'S O-OF THINGS!" Pupyrus answered. Horror threw his axe at Nights feet. "You've gone to far." Horror growled. I have a chance to stop him... but, that would show out my secret... What do I do!! What if he kills Night! The thought of Night dying haunted me beyond belief. "Y-You can't!" I screamed. "And who's going to stop me!?" Horror growled, he brought his axe back to him. "I will do whats necessary!" I promised to myself. I have to try and talk to him. I thought. "Why so much hatred!?" I asked. "It's in my nature." Horror smirked evilly. "Kid you don't know what your doing!" Night warned. "HAVE YOU EVER CARED FOR ANYONE!?" I screamed. That ticked Horror badly. He threw his axe towards me but I dodged. He brought his axe back. Night watched fearfully. "Yeah, and they left me!" Horror answered. "Left you? What do you mean left you!?" I asked. "Sensitive subject!" Sans warned. "My brother!" Horror answered. "Your brother left you?" I continued. "Stop this conversation before it's to late!" Night begged. "I'M USLESS TO HIM!" Horror yelled. "NO YOUR NOT! HE JUST DON'T WANT TO OPEN UP! JUST LIKE YOU!" I yelled. "I CHOOSE WHAT I WANT TO!" Horror through his axe at Night. I grabbed the axe before it hit Night. "Kid? Run! No one touches his axe!" Ink warned. "If you want me." I tossed the axe to his feet, causing it to slide to him. "Come and get me!" I finished. "Oh, my best scare yet!" Horror smile was full of evil and idea's. I walked to him. "We're not doing it in the house. We're taking it outside." I ordered. "That's the worse idea you'll ever say!" Lust pitched in. "Gives me more privilege." Horror shrugged. Disappearing outside. "You guys stay here." I ordered. "HE'LL KILL YOU!" Night yelled. "There's one thing I've been keeping from everyone. And if I have to use it. I will." I answered. By the time I put my hand on the doorknob, Nights hand was on my shoulder. "Please... don't do this. Your walking into strait death!" Night begged one last time. "He can't beat himself!" I smirked. "What?" Night looked at me confused. "You can watch if you want, but you can't interfere." I turned the doorknob and walked out. "He's goin' to kill her." Night whispered over and over and over again. "Alright Horror, I'm open, so give me all you got." I yelled. An axe flew to my head and I moved out of the way. "How about' a hotdog kid?" Horror asked. Head dogs. A voice rang in my head. She knows, there just hidden. Night's words came to me.
(Horror sings this.)

Horror's words told me something. He's not going to give up! I'm going to have to use it if I don't do something and fast! Horror disappeared and his axe came flying here and there. "Horror! You don't want to do this!" I warned. "And what makes you think otherwise?" Horrid voice came from all around, and no sign of him anywhere. "I know your mad! But killing is not the answer to everything!" I answered. "No, I'm not mad, I'm pissed." Horror answered. "Don't make me show what I am! I don't like what I am and I hate to use it on you!" I begged. "What you are? Now this has gotten interesting." Horror put his axe to my neck and pressed lightly. He had my head up against his chest. "Horror, this is my last warning." I anounced. "I'll pass." Horror chuckled. Why? I promised I would do what's necessary! After me, he's going for Night! I closed my eyes and took Horror's form. Horror fell back in shock. "I told you I didn't want to use it up against you. You have to stop this!" I begged. "You just have my form! You don't have my ability!" Horror growled. I summoned a copy of his axe. "Please Horror, calm down!" I begged. Horror noticed the axe. He looked at his to make sure I didn't take it. "Do you have my abilities?" Horror asked calmly. I didn't answer. "DO YOU!?" He yelled. "....... yes." I answered. Horror put his axe away and so did I. "Does Night know?" Horror asked, growling at the mention of Night. "No, no one does, unless there watching right now. Horror closed his eyes, then opened them. "No ones here, or watching. How long have you had that ability?" Horror asked. "Can... you sense them?" I asked. "Yes, and only them. But there the only ones that you should be worried about." Horror answers. "Now, answer my question." Horror ordered. "I've known of it sense I was little. But I think I've had it sense I was born." I answered, I formed back into me. "Do you still have my abilities?" Horror asked. "No, only when I'm descized as someone. That's the only time I can mimic their ability." I answered. "Ability? You can only do one?" Horror raised a brow. "Abilities. But if I run out of magic, I stay in that form until I have enough to turn back." I answer. "(YOUR NAME)!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!" Night yelled. Turns out, Horror teleported me and him in a forest. "I won't tell. And I apologize for loosing my temeper." Horror looked ashamed. "You know, Sans let Night get away with one thing, I bet I can get everyone to letting this slide." I winked. "You have no idea how much I like ya now!" Horror laughed. Night came from a bush. "(YOUR NAME)! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Night examined me. "I'm fine." I answered. Night looked at me, tears in his eyes. "SANS! GET OVER HERE! I NEED TO TALK TO EVERYONE!" I announced. "I'm... going to go on a walk." Horror announced and walked into the woods. Horror... I thought. "KID! YOUR OKAY!" Sans ran up and hug tackled me. "BROTHER WHAT'S GOING ON!" Papyrus asked. "I want to give Horror another chance, and I want you guys to do it too." I announced. "Fine by me!" Night smiled. "Really? I thought I would have to put more words in it." I asked. "I'm just glad you got to him. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt!" Night smiled. "Well, if it's okay with you and Night, it's okay for everyone!" Sans looked around. "Where... is he?" Sans asked. "He went for a walk." I answered. "I'll go find him." I added and walked off. When I got a certain distance from the group Horror appeared  leaning up against a nearby tree. "We need to talk. Just a few questions I have." Horror started. "Okay." I answered. "What age did you find out?" Horror looked at me. "Around... 6, maybe 7." I answer. "Is anyone in your family a monster?" Horror asked. "Well... not any one that I've meet, but..." I trailed off. "But?" Horror waited impatiently. "But there is my cousin, I've never meet him. I was told, he died before I was born." I continued. "Do you know his name?" Horror asked. "No, they never talked about him." I answered. "You sure he's a male." Horror double checked. "Well when we did talk about him, we never said her." I shrugged. "Hmm." Horror thought. "Do you know how you got it?" Horror asked. "I've been thinking about it. Not even my mom knows... witch is a little rare. But being born with the ability is the only answer I know of!" It freaked me out that I didn't know 100% of where I got it. "Really? That's interesting... does any one else know?" Horror asked. "Other than you? No, I don't think so. And I'd like to keep it that way." I looked down. "Why?" Horror asked curiously. "If Night finds out... how would he react!? He might be scared of me!" I exclaimed. Horror looked at me then sighed. He bounced of the tree and walked up to me. "You really like him? Don't ya'?" Horror asked. I slowly nodded. "Heh, I'll tell you one thing. Night don't leave anybody just because he's scared of them. Trust me on that! And I've scared him soo many times." Horror chuckled. "But if you want to keep it secret, I can't argue. Like Sans said. The truth alwase finds its way out." Horror shrugged. ".... What would the others think?" I asked. "Science would be all over you, he might be able to tell you how you got it. Sans and the others... I'm not sure. I know Night will help you though, no matter what happens." Horror answers. "Really?" I asked. "You talking about a guy who instantly forgives me for almost killing him! Not to mention you!" Horror crossed his arms. His comment made me smile. "Just... do what you think is right. I'll meet you with everyone else." Horror disappeared, leaving me to my thoughts. After a while I decided to head back to the house. When I opened the door I noticed that everyone froze. I looked at them curiously. Did they hear me and Horror's conversation? I asked myself. "(Y-Your name). What's up!?" Sans smiled. "Uh... what's going on?" I asked. "N-Nothin'!" Lust answered. "Uh... okay?" I looked away and tried to keep my mind off of it. "LUNCHES ARE READY!" Papyrus screamed. I walked in and the other's followed afterwards. We all sat down to eat. For lunch we had sandwiches and some berries. After that I wanted to explore the underground. "I'm going for a walk!" I announced. "Okay! Do you want anyone to come with you?" Sans asked. "Na! I'm good." I answered and walked out the door.

Night's P.O.V

While (Your name) went on her walk, Lust started to lean on me. "So.... when?" Lust asked. "Will you stop bugging me about it!?" I growled. "But it could turn into something more!" Lust complained. I glared at him. "That's unlikely..." I said. "There's still a possibility!" Lust crossed his arms. "I'm going to cancel it if you don't shut it!" I threatened. Lust froze. "That's what I thought." I turned to Sans. "Okay... I think we're on schedule!" Sans smiled. "YAY!" Lust jumped. "Why am I doing this again?" I mumbled to myself. "Because Lust caught you and you made a deal in the past remember?" Ink answered. I rolled my eyes. "I regret it." I growled. "Well deal with it!" Lust laughed evilly.

Your P.O.V.

I was walking around when I noticed a big building with the name 'Grillby's' on it. I tilted my head. Is this a restaurant? I asked. I walked to the doors. These doors remind me of the old cowboy bar doors in the movies! I giggled to myself and walked through. Everyone froze and stared at me. My stomach turned. Yep, just like the cowboy movies. I added. I calmed myself and walked up to a music box. Everyone started whispering. I looked to the side of it and saw a bar table. This... is a bar. That makes sense! I thought. I looked back at the music box and noticed something black on it. "Hmm..." I thought. I left it alone for now, but by the time I turned around, there was a red-orange fire man staring at me. "AH!" I screamed. I realized he wasn't doing anything and calmed myself. "You sure do like you yell don't you?" He asked. "U-Uh-no... not really. I'm just the jumpy type." I answered. I couldn't really see his expression but the movement from his glasses gave it away. He smiled at me. He wore a black tux too.

"You seem lost. Can I get you anything?" He asked, setting a plate of food and drinks on a table. "N-No, I'm good. Thanks though." I answered. "You know, you remind me of a girl that I used to know." He turned to me. "Uh... is that a good, or bad thing?" I asked. He chuckled at my question. "It's a good thing. We grew quite close." He walked to the bar table and nudged his head, telling me to follow him. I walked over to him and he walked into a room, past the bar table. I followed him. He stopped at a fridge. "Are you friends with Sans by any chance?" He asked, raising a brow. "Sans? Yeah. I know him." I answered. "Well, I'm glad you found this place." He smiled. "Oh? Really! You don't even know me!" I exclaimed. "Your (Your name) right? I'm Grillby!" He held out a hand. "Your not going to burn me are you?" I asked. He laughed at my question again. "Well, depends." He pulled his hand back. "I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful by anything I say, but can I ask what you mean by 'depends'?" I asked. "Well, it depends on weather you have a crush already." He smiled. "A crush? Why are you trying to find out if I have a crush? Isn't that an invasion of privacy?" I asked. "Yes, it is. But I'm doing Sans a favor. He told me to stall you until he comes and gets you." Grillby poured some brown drink in a large cup. "Why?" I asked, tilting my head. "I dunno, he told me he would answer that question when he had the chance. Seemed urgent." Grillby shrugged, than walked out of the room, and through little doors separating the wall and the bar table. That's weird. I thought. Grillby put the cups on a table of monsters. "So... I guess all I can ask is, is there anything I can do to help?" I asked. "Hmm... you could clean the bar table if your willing." He answered. "Great! Where are the supplies?" I asked. He walked back into the room and I followed. He came out with a damped rag. "You sure?" He asked. "I'd love to help." I smiled. He handed me the rag and I got to work. "Do you have a crush?" Grillby asked. "Yeah... I'm a little nervous about telling him some things. I don't know how he'll take it." I answered. "What things?" Grillby asked. "Personal things." I answered. "Mind being pacific?" Grillby asked. "I'd rather not." I answered. "Grillby!" Someone yelled. And Grillby walked over. After a while of doing chores, Sans came through the door. I didn't pay attention to it due to so many monsters coming and going. "She's a hard worker Sans." I heard Grillby compliment. I looked up and saw Sans and Grillby talking. "Find anything out about her?" Sans asked. "Other than that she's a hard worker, all I know is that she does have a crush." Grillby answered. "Thanks Grillbz!" Sans smiled. "Any time!" Grillby went back to the room and Sans walked up to me. "C'mon kiddo." Sans smiled. "Okay." I put everything away and Sans waited outside. I walked outside and Sans started walking. "Where we going?" I asked. "Somewhere." Sans answered, I asked things to try and get hints, it never worked. "Is it a house? Store? Park?" I would say. "Maybe, maybe, maybe." Sans answered. That's all he ever answered. "Are we almost there?" I asked. "Maybe." He answered. I face palmed. "Your not going to tell me are you?" I asked. "Yep." Sans kept walking. I sighed. We stopped at a few places. "Why don't pick out something nice?" Sans asked. "Nice? Are we celebrating a holiday?" I asked. Sans sighed. "Just pick something out." Sans answered. I walked around and found a few nice dresses I liked. Sans had me try them on too. What has gotten into him!? Was all I could think. I ended up going with a flower dress.
(You can add everything else if you want.)

Got to admit, it was really cute. "Alright lets go!" Sans walked out the door. "Don't we have to pay for this?" I asked. "Already did!" Sans answered. "You got to be kidding me." I mumbled and caught up with him. "What's gotten into you!? Your acting like I'm missing something!" I exclaimed. "You are." Sans smirked. "What!? I need to know! I'm going to feel so bad please!" I shook Sans. "You'll see kid. Besides, you've only been here a day." Sans winked at me. "Yeah, witch is why I need to know!" I exclaimed. "Again, you'll see." Sans put his hand on a bush nearby. We've been walking through the woods for almost half an hour. The bush was like a palace wall! It was at least 15 yards high! Sans pushed the bush, causing the bush to cause an entrance. "What's this?" I asked. "Like I said... you'll see." Sans smiled at me. I walked through. There was a nice playground in one side of an open green space.
(Pretended it's in the underground!)

When I saw the field I was amazed it was even down here. "Wow..." I awed. There was a blanket in the middle of the flowers, next to the closest section of water. There was a picnic basket there too. "I... d-don't understand!" I looked at Sans. But he wasn't there. "Sans!?" I called, but no response. "Okay..." I thought to myself. "(Your name)..." Night's voice came from behind me. I turned around. "N-Night! W-What's going on!?" I asked. "C'mer." Night instructed. I did what I was told and walked to him. When I reached him, Night grabbed my arm, pulling me closer.  And before I could do anything about it, not that I wanted to. Night wrapped his arms around my waist. "N-Night! S-Seriously! W-What are you d-doing!?" I asked, my face warming up. "I made a deal with Lust when I was little." Night answered. "WHAT!?" I screamed. Night looked at me confused from my sudden outburst. "It's not that bad..." Night promised. "W-What was the d-deal?" I asked nervously. "If I called anyone my little moon I would have to have a romantic picnic with them." Night breathed. "Uh..." This is my fault... dang it! I thought to myself. "Is he... w-watching?" I asked. Night sighed. "When is he not?" Night answered. My face only warmed up more. "You okay?" Night asked. "Y-Yeah..." I answered. SAAANS!!! WHY!!!?? I thought angerly. Due to my thinking I looked down. "You seem upset." Night looked at me curiously. "I'm not upset! I'm just...... flustered. And I don't know if it's a good or bad thing!" I didn't bother looking up at him. Night removed one of his arms, puting a finger under my chin and lifting my head up. "I think it's a good thing." Night smiled. "That Lust is involved in this?" I asked. "That part I'm not fully sure of." Night laughed. "You hungry?" Night asked, looking deep into my eyes. "Y-Yeah... I could eat." I answered. Night let go of me partially, the only thing he was still holding was my hand. He guided me to the picnic blanket. It was a really big blanket too... suprizingly. Night and I sat down next to one another. "What do you like?" Night asked. "Of what?" I titled my head. Night looked at me and smiled. "Hmm... what's your favorite music?" Night asked. "Umm... (Favorite Music) and (Second Favorite Music). What about you?" I asked. "Hmm... can't say I know that much music to know." Night answered. "Oh... really? I thought music would be so common here." I answered. "Well... not... professional music." Night chuckled. "Maybe I can pull some up!" I grabbed my phone and went to Spotify (Spotify is a real music app! Check it out! It's on both App stores.) It didn't load, there wasn't very mush service here. So I went to my down loaded music and pressed play. It started and Night and I listened to the music. Night stared at me most of the time though. "What?" I asked looking down nervously. "Heh. You noticed huh?" He smiled. "It's really hard not to." I answered. Night disappeared. "Night?" I asked. A pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. "What would you like to eat?" Night cooed. My face became the warmest I've ever experienced. "Hmm?" He added. "Uh... I-I don't know.... I-I'm g-good with anything really." I answered, trying to ignore his position. "Hmm..." Night hummed. I couldn't help but gulp, weather he heard or not was a different story. "Heh... nervous?" He asked, resting his head on my shoulder. The picnic basket glowed a baby blue highlight around the edges. while the center of the glow was a clear blue. The Basket was brought closer to us and the lid opened. Wow... I watched as Stawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Grapes, Cherries, Pinaple, and a few other fruits came out of the basket. The color of the glow fascinated me, the highlight was at thin as a thin cardboard! It didn't fade into the center, it was like a sting of yarn! I couldn't help but try and find a name for it! But what would you call it? Night chuckled at my awed expression. The glow faded and disappeared. I couldn't find a name for it and it was irritating me!! "You seem amazed." Night chuckled again. "Wh-... H-...." I couldn't say anything. I was speechless. "Hmmm...." He nudged his head into me. That only caused my shoulders to lift up out of embarrassment and nervousness. "Awe..." Night complained in a whisper.  "Night..." I mumbled. "Wanna play Truth or Dare?" Night smiled. "Okay..." I answered. "Truth or Dare?" He asked. "Truth." I answered. "Have you had your first kiss yet?" He asked. "Does this have anything to deal with what's happening?" I asked. "That's not an answer. That's a question." Night smirked. "No, I've never kissed anyone." I answered. "Truth or Dare?" I asked. "Truth." He sighed. "Was that question based on what's happening now!?" I growled. "You seem upset." Night answered. "So that's a yes!?" I asked. "Yes that's a yes." Night smiled. I growled under my breath. "Calm down! I wouldn't do it without your permission geez." Night lifted his head. "Truth or Dare?" Night asked. "Truth." I answered. "Do you sing?" Night asked. "Yes, not in public though." I answer. "Truth or Dare?" I asked. "Dare." He smirked. I smiled, "I dare you to try and get Lust out here without talking to him." I smirked. "You do realize what you just dared me to do correct?" Night leaned down and got really close to my ear. "Yes I know what I dared you to do. But I soooo want to slap him." I smirked evilly. "Heh, if you say so." Night bit my ear. He did it again, and again. He repeated it until he got down to my neck. He slid of my ear and went under my ear. "You sure about that Dare?" Night asked, then went back to the Dare. "I'll have my revenge." I grinned. "You really are savage." Night smirked. "I have my moments." I smiled. "YYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSS!!!!" Lust yelled. I smirked. Night stoped and looked up at him. "That was easy." Night let go of me. "LUST!" I growled angerly. Lust froze in his place. "I'm in trouble aren't I?" Lust asked. Night nodded. "TELL ME WHY SANS DRAGGED ME HERE!" I yelled, standing up. "Heh... oh boy." Lust rubbed his head. "It was a deal I already told you that." Night answered. "That's. Not. What. I. Mean. Sans brought me to a clothes store and bought me this outfit. You said nothing about keeping it a secret! AND! You never said I had to dress up!" I growled. "Oh... yeah I'm confused on the hole secret part, not going to lie." Night agreed. "You dared him to do that so I would come out didn't you?" Lust asked. "You didn't answer my question." I stated. "Alright fine! You win." Lust crossed his arms. "You did it because you wanted it to become more? Or did you just do it because you wanted to?" I asked. "Both, win win." Lust answered. "Lust? What am I going to do with you?" I asked, shaking my head. "That was it? That's all the questions you had?" Lust looked at me suprized. "Yeah, my curiosity got the better of me." I shrugged. "Really? Wait a minute..." Lust looked at Night. "What?" Night asked. "I need a private talk." Lust grabbed Night. "You saying that makes me curious." I stated. "Fine, why aren't you questioning this?" Lust asked Night. "I'm not following." Night shrugged. "Your not saying anything about it. Did you want it?" Lust's eyes turned to excitement. "I meant I'm not even paying attention." Night answered. "We'll talk later. You two... do." Lust disappeared. Night sat back down lazily. He was definitely tired. I smiled. Night sighed and rubbed his head. I sat down behind me and put my hands on his shoulders. Why am I doing this? I asked myself. Even though I already knew the answer. Because you like him (Your name)! Geez! Why do I keep talking to myself like this? I asked. Because your wierd.... ya shut it. You can't-GRR!! I really need to stop doing that! I growled at myself, inside my head of course. (Have you ever done that? I have! It's a lot more entertaining than you think. You can make yourself mad because of it! LOL 😂!) "What are you doing?" Night asked, snapping me to reality. I looked at him, he was looking over his shoulders at me. "You seemed tired... I was going to try and get you some sleep... but then I realized that massaging isn't really going to work out as well as I thought." I answered, puting my arms down. "It's that obvious huh?" He turned back to the water. "Yeah..." I answered. "What's been keeping you up?" I added. "Just... thinkin'." Night did a sly smile. "About what?" I asked. "Everything." He answered. "You should sleep." I smiled. "Yeah, I know." Night sighed. "Hmm..." I thought. "Are you going to be okay?" I asked. "Yeah. I'll be fine." Night chuckled. "I dunno...." I smiled at him. He turned to me. "You coming up with some evil plan or something?" Night asked. "No." I answered. "Truth or Dare?" Night asked. "Truth." I answered. "Did you like it?" Night asked. "Like what?" I asked. "The way I got Lust out... I'm curious." Night answered. "Uh....." I didn't exactly answer, he waited. "Maybe." I mumbled. Night layed down and smiled. "C'mer." Night padded a spot closer to him. I tilted my head in confusion. "Don't question it." Night instructed. I shrugged and went over to the spot. "What's your favorite berry?" Night asked. "(Favorite Berry) of course!" I smiled. "What's your favorite fruit out of the ones we have?" Night asked. "Ummm.... (Fruit)." I decided. Night smiled. "Why?" I asked. "Just learnin'." Night shrugged. "What's yours?" I asked. "I like the cherries most." Night answered. I nodded. I smirked. "What's that for?" He asked. I picked up a cherry and took the stem off. I balanced the cherry on his mouth. He opened his mouth and ate it. I laughed, witch I'm assuming that made him smile. "Stop stealing my idea's kid." Night complained. "What?" I asked. "You heard me." Night answered. "You we're going to feed me?" I asked. "Maybe." Night answered. "Well maybe I'll steal your idea's more often." I smiled. "Now that's not fair!" Night complained. "Life isn't fair." I smirked. Night glared at me. Night sat back up. "Your turn." Night said. "Truth or Dare?" I asked. "Dare." Night answered. "I dare you to sleep." I smiled. "Can I dare you something before I do?" Night asked. "Fine, what is it." I answered. "I dare you to sleep with me." Night smirked. "I'm not tired though." I complained. "But you agreed to the dare." Night smiled. "Kinda..." I shrugged. "You said fine. That's still agreeing." Night held his arms out like he was asking for a hug. I think he's been brainwashed... I stared st him. "Have you been brainwashed?" I asked. "Kinda... I made an agreement with Lust." Night answered. "Why?" I asked. "Because I was dumb, that's why." Night answered. I rolled my eyes. "C'mer..." Night added, impatient. "Why are you so impatient today?" I asked. "Because I'm tired." Night answered. I rolled my eyes and gave up. Night wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. "That's not really sleeping." I turned my head towards him. "Honestly I just wanted to hold you." Night smiled. Okay, I think Lust gave him alcohol or something! When does anyone say that after knowing them for only two days!? I asked myself. "Luuussst!" I called. Lust appeared infront of me. "Yessum?" He smiled. "Did you give him something?" I asked. "What?" Lust tilted his head. "Did you give him some sort of drug or something?" I clarified. "Maybe." Lust rubbed his neck. "LUST!?" I growled. "Okay, okay! It wasn't that much!" Lust smiled. "Are you seeing this?" I asked. "He's fine!" Lust assured. "Lust... I'm gonna kill you." I threatened. "Eheh... weelllll...." Lust shrugged. "When did it kick in?" I asked. Night looked at his wrist, he suprizingly had a watch on. "About a few minutes ago." Lust answered. "Does he know?" I asked. "No..." Lust smiled weakly. "HORROR!" I yelled. Horror teleported next to me. "Wow.... how'd it go?" Horror asked, than noticed Lust was here. "How did what go?" Lust asked. "The time she was free from his arms." Horror answered. "Can you beat Lust for me?" I asked. "Why? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to. But why?" Horror smiled. "He made Night high without him knowing. And then can you help me get Night back home?" I asked. Horror's eye's went dark. "You did what? Lust! You know how Night feels about drugs!!" Horror's axe appeared in his hand. "I know... but look how cute they are! Plus, I need pictures." Lust took out a camera. "No... na-a! I'd rather die!" I growled. Horror's axe went through the camera. "HEY!!" Lust growled. "That's what happens when you get Night high." Horror smirked. "Now come here I need to give you the rest of your punishment!" Horror growled. "Nope!" And Lust disappeared. "IIIII'llll be back." Horror smirked. I sighed as Horror disappeared. Night nudged into me. "This is going to be a looong day." I mumbled to myself. "Why's that?" Night asked. "I dunno, your on drugs, Lust just tried to take a picture of me, I need to get you home-" I started. "Heh... what about home?" Night asked, pulling me as close as he could. "And this isn't even you..." I finished, sighing and closing my eyes. "Heh, there's a funny thing about drugs. When you want to know something about them... like if they liked someone or not, all you have to do is get them in the same place." Night smiled. Where is he getting at? I asked myself. "Ookaaay?" I took a (Fruit) and ate it. Night tightened his arms around me. Horror came back. "That was fast." I commented. "With Lust it don't take long. Let's get him home." Horror put his axe away. I nodded and tried to get out of his grip, but Night only tightened it. "Oh boy." I mumbled. Horror thought for a moment. "I got an idea." Horror stated. A red glow surrounded me and Night. Horror teleported to Night's room. I looked at Horror confused. "Hold on." Horror smiled. I sighed and a giant my size grizzlybear stuffed animal came out of the closet. Horror slowly replaced me with the grizzlybear stuffed animal. Horror put me down. Horror held a finger up and snapped his fingers. "Okay, now you can talk." Horror smiled. "I owe you one." I stated. "No, I owed you one. You talked to them after the fight remember." Horror looked at me. "Yeah, but you kept the secret." I crossed my arms. Horror shrugged. "I hide a lot of secrets. What's your piont?" Horror elbowed me jokingly. "Still." I said. Papyrus came through the door. I put a finger up to tel him to stay quite. "Okay. Dinner's ready! Should I get Night?" Papyrus asked. "No, he needs rest. When did you learn to call him Night?" I asked. "When you were on your walk." Horror answered. "Oh. Okay then." I looked at Papyrus. "Foods over here, take as much as you like." Papyrus smiled. "Thanks." I thanked and started eating. Soon I was in bed, thinking about weather or not to tell Night about me. I fell asleep soon after.

(So I'm going to try to wright 2 days each chapter. We'll see how it goes, it might just turn to one day chapters. Oh well. Cya' in the next chapter! Thankyou for reading! BIA!

-Jaylyn Nathan)

Words: 12364

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