UnderNight X Reader - Chapter Four: The Kiss

"Night...." I mumbled. "Kid please." Night begged. I didn't answer, Night's needs was growing impatiently. "Night... I don't think-" I started. "Please!" Night begged again, interrupting me. I was growing to soft, it was killing me. "Night... err... fine!" I growled in defeat. Night smiled and waited more patiently. "Jake gave me some pictures... of the people around. As you look at them." I umfolded the pictures. "They all have red eyes." I finaished I found Jake in a corner. "Even Jake." I pointed at him. Night looked at the pictures closely. "Okay... how do they hide them?" Night asked. "I'm assuming color contacts. They can change their eyes to any color they want with those." I answered. "Color contacts huh?... what else did you find out?" Night asked. "I think their a bunch of Scientists, and their good at finding information." I answered. "Is that it?" Night asked. "So far..." I answered. Night then squinted at the photo's. "Great... I have a science girl on my tail." Night sighed. I laughed, "We just have to be extra careful on what we do." I said. "Should we tell Horror?" Night asked. "I don't know... do you think their going to try and get to him?" I asked. "Who knows... I think we should just in case though." Night nodded. "Okay... but not to much information." I agreed. "C'mon, let's go find him." Night said. I nodded, folding up the pictures and putting them back in my pocket. We walked out of my room and my dad, mom, and sister where in the living room. "Okay (Your name)... where is the knife from the cupboard!?" Dad growled. "I'll answer that later, I have things to do." I answered and turned the door knob, opening the door. "(YOUR NAME)!!!" Mom yelled. I sighed and looked at them. They all had worried and scared, yes angery expressions. "I said I'll explain later." I growled harshly and walked away. Night was already outside. I shut the door behind me only to have it swing open. "YOU ANSWER RIGHT THIS MINUTE YOUNG LADY!" Dad yelled. "No time." I answered and started walking to the forest. "No time huh?" Night asked. "I need to come up with a excuse..." I mumbled so they didn't hear. "Tell them your training me to use it. Even though you... well, you won't be lying." Night suggested. "Good idea... but I still have to do it later." I said. Night nodded in agreement. "(YOUR NAME) (YOUR LAST NAME)!" Dad yelled again. "I'm so grounded." I growled to myself. "We can deal with that later. But we also need to find an excuse for such a hurry." Night commented. "Yeah... I agree. But I have an idea for that." I smiled. "Uh... kid?" Night asked. "Yeah?" I asked, not bothering to stop. "Your eyes are... red...." Night answered. I stopped to look at him. "What do you mean their red?" I asked. "Like the ones in the pictures... your eye color is red." Night answered. I processed the information slowly. "Hmm... maybe I'm not the only one with abilities." I mumbled. "C'mon, we'll have to explain to Horror." Night dropped the situation and walked into the forsest. "HORROR!!" Night and I called for at least 10 minutes before he showed up. "What's up-..... kid?" Horro stared at me. "Don't ask about them." I shrugged. "Okay... what's up?" Horror asked. "We have a few problems... there's a gang of human... ish... people that are trying to get ahold of the kid. They know what she is... just don't know who." Night explained. "Heh... you know it's really easy sneaking knifes out of the house." I chuckled. Night and Horror froze and looked at me. "What?... I'm under stress okay." I growled. "Okay. So... who are these people?" Horror continued. "We don't know. A man named Jake gave me a warning. And if he know's who I am, and what I'm capable of. I need you to be careful in who you trust." I said. "I see. That would make sense of the emergency... but how are you going to get those eye's back to normal?" Horror asked. "I'm a shapeshifter, I'll figure something out." I smiled. "True... is there anything I can do?" Horror asked. "I don't think so... just be wary." Night answered. "Alright. You two stay safe." Horror nodded. "You too." I said. "Me? Be safe? Hah! That's the best joke I've ever heard!" And with that Horror teleported away. "ALRIGHT (YOUR NAME)! THAT'S ENOUGH! STOP RUNNING OFF AND TELL ME!" Dad came from the forest. Damb... I almost lost him. I growled at myself. I took a deep breath, closing my eye's so they wouldn't see them. "The answer to the missing knife is that I was teaching Night on how to hide it. And pull it out without cutting him. Two... there was an emergency meeting I had to have with Horror, Night, and myself." I answered, taking deep breaths. "And what is it about?" My dad growled, now more calmly. "It's secret. If they wanted you to know we would have added you into it." I sighed. "You are MY daughter! Whatever this situation is about I should know!" Dad assured. "Dad this is something you won't understand. It's a magic thing." I shrugged, still not opening my eyes. "Hmph.... fine. I'll let this slide. But for future notifications, at least tell me there's a meeting." Dad begged. "I will. Now, me and Night need to do somethings. Will you go back to the house?" I asked politely. "Don't be to long. Dinner's going to be ready soon." And Dad walked off. A few minutes passed. "You can open your eyes now." Night assured. I opened them, "Okay... now. We need to find out why Dante wants me." I said, turning to him. "Dante?" Night asked. "That's their leader." I explained. "Gotcha... maybe they want to know if your eye's turn red too." Night shrugged. "No... Jake said that they wanted to do something bad... but what?" I asked. "Hmm... should I get Gaster to hack into their system?" I asked. "Witch one?" I asked. "Mine would be safer... but I don't think he can get in. I think Digi-Tale would be best." Night said. "Digo-Tale?" I asked. "HEY DIGI!?" Night yelled. And a computer like skeleton came up.

"Yees?" He asked. "We need your Gaster." Night answered. "One moment." He said and disappeared. He came back soon afterwards, with a tall Digi-Tale Gaster. "I heard you needed help..." He sounded bord. "Yeah... can you hack into a... company?" Night asked, finding the right words for the correct words. "Hmm... what company?" Digi-Gaster asked. "Uh...." I looked at the papers. There was a website, luckily. "It's a secret company, they want something from us... but we Donny know what." I answered. "Hmm... alright." He shrugged. A computer popped up in front of him. "Type in the website." Gaster instructed. I looked at the website, it read: www.secressywork.com. I typed it in and backed away. "Hmm..." he started thinking through the process. He started typing in a few things, little boxes popping up everywhere. He read them and took in the information. He smiled and typed in the user name and password. He pressed enter and it loaded. He was in. "What's the login?" Night asked. "Username is Studdies. Capital S. Password is Redeye359. Capital R... redeye is a strange password though." Digi-Gaster thought. "Huh... I dunno. Thanks." Night shrugged and teleported off, bringing me along. "Do you have a computer?" Night asked. "Yeah... give me a minute." I said, walking to my bed. A knock was heard from the other side of the door. "Night? (Your name)? Are you two in there?" Mom asked. "Are my eyes still red?" I asked. "Yes, somehow... your eyes turned back to normal instantly when Digi came." Night answered. "Maybe they turn back to color in a presence you don't want them to know?" Night suggested. "That don't make sense." I whispered. "Nothing makes sense." Night shrugged. The door open and I closed my eyes, turning around. I sat down, laying my head on the bed. "Is she okay?" Mom asked. "Yeah just... upset." Night answered. "About what?" Mom asked. "No, no, her stomach is upset." Night corrected. "Oh... well, I heard something and wanted to check on you." Mom smiled. "We appreciate it." Night nodded.  "Well... if you need anything let me know." And with that the door closed again. "You can open your eyes now." Night said. I opened them and went strait to the computer. I lifted up the mattress and took it out. "Why is it under your mattress?" Night asked. "Because I like to keep it hidden." I answered. I typed in my password and pressed enter. And as a wall paper was a picture of Night, one of the drawing I drew, but full screen. I quickly popped up the web, hoping Night didn't see it. I typed in: www.secressywork.com. It loaded and I typed the password and username in: Username: Studdies
Password: Redeye359
I pressed enter and it loaded, letting me in. "I'm in." I stated. "Great!" Night said kneeling down to see the screen of the computer. I searched the website. In the corner read: experiment. I clicked on it and a hole bunch of boxes came up. I searched them, until I found a file that read: Mysterious Ability. I clicked on that one and popped up a video. The man had red eyes, a black tuxedo. It was Dante. "We know your ability, and we know what you are. I know you hacked into this website." He paused for a minute, Night and I looked at him strangely. "So... what's your name?" He continued. I looked at Night hesitating. I looked back at the screen. "Wowo wait... is this live?" I asked. The man grew a smirk. "Yes, we hacked into your computer... sense you hacked into ours." He answered. "Makes sense." Night shrugged. I glared at him. "What? It's bad news yes, but it still makes sense." Night glared back at me. I rolled my eye's, "Really? You really are lazy aren't you?" I asked. "Always will be." He answered. I hugged in response. "What are your names?" Dante asked. "Tell me what you want, then I'll decide if I tell you." I growled. "No need for temper here. But, you will give the information I need, or Jake get's the punishment." He smiled evilly. "Jake?" I asked. "We know he warned you." Dante explained. "Oh, well then I'll just have to beat you to get my point across." I answered. "Beat me? How are you going to do that?" I asked. I thought for a moment. "I know how." Night stared. I gave him a curious look. "Digi's extra special ability is that he can go through screens. So... if you formed into him... you can go through and meet him on the other side." Night continued. "Oh... that... actually matches him really well." I thought for a moment. "What do you want?" I asked again. "Your name, identity, where you are, even though we can track you." Dante answered. "Har har. I'd like to see you try." As I did a over exaggerated laugh I went to my WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, and Maps and shut them all down. Leaving them with nothing. "Sir! We lost the signal." A voice panicked. Dante looked to the left of the screen and back. "Very clever." He stated. "Like I said... I'd like to see you try." I smirked. "We will find you. Bring him in." Dante ordered. A group of red eyed people dragged Jake in the room, just so the camera could see him. My heart skipped a beat seeing him. His eye's almost dark red. He had bruises and wounds all over him. Scratches covered his skin, blood leaking from his head. Dante looked back at me. I felt my eyes burn in anger as I saw him. He was even limping. "What did you do to him!?" I growled angerly. "What he deserved." Dante answered in a growl. I formed into Digi, going through the screen and running to Jake. "LET GO OF HIM!" I yelled at them. They did what I said and he fell. I caught him easily, a matrix like glow surrounding him. A bunch of arms started to grab onto my arms. I teleported easily away from them. I looked at them. "You know... threatening a friend comes with consequences." I smirked. "But first." I smiled. I grabbed Jake softly and teleported to Night. I teleported back and formed into Horror. "I'm going to have a fun time teasing you guys." I smiled. They all started to grab weapons. "Ha! Weapons aren't going to help you." I laughed. "Are you sure?" Dante asked. He grabbed a knife as I summoned Horror's axe. "I'm sure." I chuckled. I summoned a few Gaster Blasters. They charged at me, I teleported behind them and hit their back with the handle of the axe. I smiled from his screams of pain. "Man? You tired yet?" I asked. "You broke his back!" I'm assuming a friend of his, yelling at me. "He charged, he could have stayed put." I shrugged. "Kid you sound just like him." Night's voice came from the camera. "Thanks..." I said. "I don't know if that's a good thing." Night face palmed. "Well... just imagine what I would do if he hurt Sans, or you, or Mina?" I suggested. "If they hurt them you wouldn't give them a chance." Night said. "Exactly." I smiled. Another one charged at me, this one tried to block the hamdle but didn't succeed. "You guys are weak. And pathetic. You think I'm going to let you hit me after hurting a friend of mine?" I growled. "I'll kill you for hurting them!" Dante yelled. "HAH! I'd like to see you try!" I laughed. He charged at me but I kept teleporting away. "So... I do have a question." I stated. Dante looked at me. "Why is everyon's eye's red? Why are my eye's red?" I asked. "Your eyes?" Dante asked. I formed back into my normal form, still aware of what he was doing. "Your... eye's are red." Dante thought for a moment. "Is this your normal form?" Dante asked. "Give me a good reason to tell you." I growled. "Because if you see me you can change forms in a alleyway and walk right past me." He answered. I thought for a moment. "Is that your normal eye color?" He asked. "Hey kid? Food's ready. Why don't you come back and eat?" Night suggested, taking me out of the situation. I smiled. "Is that your normal color?" Dante repeated. "Dante... I don't want to talk about it." I lied. "I can tell your lying." Dante growled. "Then deal with it. But I do want to ask you this." I said, walking towards him. "What?" He asked. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "Hmm... if I tell you... you tell me what your natural color is." Dante suggested. "Fine, deal." I said. "We want your power, your ability to use other's ability." He answered. "My eye color is normally (Eye color). But when I found out about you guys... my eye's turned red." And with that I disappeared to Night. "Why did you tell him that?" Night asked. "We made a deal." I answered. "I need to know where I got it..." I added. "We know where you got your ability." Dante said, looking at the camera. I sighed, breathing deeply and slowly. "We can talk about it later... right now I feel to ashamed to discuss it." I growled, forming back to normal and walking out. I made sure my eye's were normal in view anyway. I walked out of the room, Night stayed in the room finishing things up. "There you are! I hope your stomachs better." My mom smiled at me. I did a weak, fake smile back. He know's how I got it... that was keeping me from staying in reality. I ate in silence, Night, Dad, Mom talking to me but I wasn't listening. I kept staring at my plate, eating slowly until Night lifted me up, siting down in my seat, and setting me on his lap. I still didn't pay attention to it to much. I noticed it though. My mom was fangirling along with my sister. My dad was waiting for my reaction. But my face was emotionless. I didn't feel anything at the moment. I was a blank piece of paper. "Kid?" Night asked, whispering in my ear. Barley load enough for everyone to hear. I didn't respond, my eye's started to become filled with worry, terror, curiosity, wonder, and so much more. "Kid!" Night turned me to him, but yet again. I didn't pay attention. "Is she okay?" Dad asked. "I... don't know. We'll be right back!" And Night teleported us to a different environment. "Kid? What's wrong?" Night asked. I didn't answer. Night brought me into a hug. "Tell me." He begged. I finally snapped out of Fantasy and to reality. My eye's started to look around my surroundings, we were in the woods. "Please." Night whispered. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "W-What do you mean?" I asked. Night sighed in relief as he heard my voice. "Tell me what's wrong." Night answered. "He know's where I got my ability... he is the only one that knows." I whispered softly. "That's why you dozed off... I promise, next time we see him. We'll get a answer out of him." Night hugged me tighter. Hmm... it's funny... we hug and sleep together... but we don't kiss that often. I thought to myself. I looked up at him, him turning his head to look down at me. Maybe, I can change that. I smiled. He smiled back at me. I pushed myself up so I was on my tip toes. "K-Kid!?" Night asked, a bright blush coming from him. "C-Can I?" I asked politely. Night didn't say anything, but put a hand on my neck, and pulling me to him. He kissed me passionately, almost like he's waited for a long time. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck without even thinking about it. I felt Night's hand rest on my waist as the other pushed my neck more towards him, deepening the kiss. My blush at this point was beyond neon. I started blushing when I starting thinking about it. We soon separated for air. Night's blush was covering his cheeks as mine was almost covering my HOLE face. "You know..." Night chuckled, his hand trailing down the side of my arms. "You look really cute when you blush." He finished, his hand holding on to mine tightly right after twisting our fingers together. I blushed easily as he smiled at me. "T-Thanks." I stuttered. His smile grew. His other hand was somewhat rested under my chin. He lifted my head again, leaning down. I closed my eye's and did the same, another kiss was being placed in time by the two of us. Night's hand backed away from my chin, letting it free, and going to my side. The kiss lasted longer this time. When we separated Night backed away a little more. "We should probably get back." Night said. "Yeah... probably." I smiled.

Sorry it's short! But I hope you liked it! I'll see you in the next chapter! BIA!

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