Millionaires Little Maid - Chapter Two: Office

I take a deep breath, not knowing if I feel comfortable being seen in this dress as I stare at the door. I let the breath out as I knock on the door. "Come in." I hear Alessandro respond from behind the door. I crack the door open, poking my head in. I can feel my face blush as I step inside, Alessandro glancing up at me. A black desk was in the center of the room. Two leather chairs in front of his desk. 2 computers were situated to the side, you know, like a office you would see in a movie. A large window behind him that gives such a beautiful view as shelves of books covered one of the side walls. A chair near the painting along with a small desk. The desk is a black like every other thing in this mansion. On the other are pictures of a ocean and lighthouse on a bay. I gulp down my nervousness and look down at the dress. But all I can really see is what the push up bra did and how it effected my appearance. This dress made me look more skinny then I have ever felt in my life. "Do you like it?" Alessandro asked. I looked up at him and gave a sheepish smile. "I've never really been in these kinds of dresses." I answer sheepishly. He nods and turns back to his work for a few seconds, grabbing a desperate piece of paper and writing something down. "Well, I think you look lovely." Alessandro complimented as he looks back at me. My face becomes a darker shade of red and I can feel my stomach turn. "T-Thank you." I mumble in a soft voice. This is making me really uncomfortable and I'm just about to walk out and go change. "Do you like how it fits? Or is it a little much?" He asked. I ponder his question. Do I? I look at the floor, now confused. I have to admit, the dress is really pretty. And I do feel more complimented in it... now that he thinks I look nice. But I feel kind of uncomfortable. "I'm... not sure sire." I answered, looking back at him. "Well, you can get used to it and when you know give me an answer. And there's no reason to call me sir." Alessandro shook his head. "I didn't." I smirked, he gave me a confused look. "I said 'sire' not 'sir'. I added an 'e'." I say with a giggle. He chuckled at my weirdness and shakes his head. "There's no reason to call me sire or sir. You can call me by my name." He corrects himself. I just slowly nod. "Is there anything I can get for you?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No, but I wanted to go over something with you." Alessandro answered. "What is it si-Alessandro?" I asked, correcting myself almost immediately. "There's been a break in almost 2 hours ago. I don't know who and the camera's only show a shadow. I want to ask if you knew anything." Alessandro replied. Instantly I think back to the note... the note definitely was from the person that broke in. It had to be. The next thing is weather or not to tell him. Technically speaking, they didn't say I could or could not tell him about it. But I can only imagine that he don't want him to know. I look down slightly, trying to decide. "You know something." Alessandro stated. "I do yes....... but I'm confused." I sigh and turn my head to the side so I don't look at him. "What is it?" He asked. I bit my bottom lip before taking a deep breath. "I'm... not sure." I answered. "Do you know who it was?" Alessandro asked. I shook my head side to side, telling him no. "Did you see him?" Alessandro questioned. Once again, I shook my head. "Well?" Alessandro pushed. I sigh. "He... or they... left me a note. From the handwriting, it kinda looks like it's stressed... I think the pencil broke a couple times, but there was no evidence. But, I guess a female could do that too." I answer sheepishly. "Where's the note?" Alessandro asked. "In the guest bedroom. I found it there and... it says that their a friend." I answer. "People can lie, let me see it." Alessandro answered. I nodded and turn back around to go get the note. Once I got it I brought it back, rereading it a couple times. "Scarlett." Alessandro said, holding out his hand. I slowly hand it to him, not sure what to do or think. He grabs the paper and reads it. Raising his eyebrow at the letter a few seconds later. "Well, their right on one thing, they can only break in so many times before I figure out who they are...." Alessandro looked at me. "Their asking for your help. So why show me this? Aren't you curious?" Alessandro asked. "I may be curious.... but I don't like lying. Plus, I don't even know them. How am I supposed to trust them." I answered. He looked back at the letter, seeming to understand. "I appreciate your honesty Scarlett. Now... back to the original topic." He sighed, placing the note down. "Main topic?" I asked. "Yes, I didn't ask you to come in my office a few minutes before this happened." He answered. "Right..." I answered. "You'll be in here with me, theres a seat and some books if you get bored. Or you can be on your phone. But, if I ask you of something you respond immediately, no "hold on"s, no "just a minute". Right then and there. I don't care what your doing and I don't want to know. Am I clear?" Alessandro asked. "Of course Alessandro." I answer, making sure I don't say sir or sire this time. "I want you to come up with a different name. Something that you feel comfortable being called. With the breakthrough, I want to be able to call you with out them knowing it's you. That and it should help you feel a little better with the sudden new job." Alessandro added. "Do I come up with it right now?" I asked. Alessandro shrugged. "I want it by 3 pm. And one more thing." Alessandro answered. I nodded and waited for him to continue. But he just stared at me for a moment. "If any more of these shows up, I want you to tell me. You be honest with me, and I'll be honest with you. If your threatened we'll get the police on this. It can be hard but it will only get worse if you hide it. Do I make myself clear?" Alessandro asked. "Crystal clear." I answer. "We'll keep the threat to ourselves if needed." Alessandro added. I nodded in response. Alessandro sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. "Is it true? Are you hiding something?" I asked. Alessandro shook his head. "I have nothing to hide, other then personal family problems. But any plans I'm willing to share." Alessandro answered and looked at me. I nodded and decided to sit down. He continues to do paper work and even gives me a few to do myself. But nothing to bad. Hours go by and soon I'll be off heading back home. "You'll be staying here tonight. We'll go get your stuff first thing tomorrow." Alessandro stated, almost reading my mind. Or not, guess I'll stay here then. "Very well." I answer. "You'll be staying in the guest bedroom. If you need anything I'll be next door.... now, what would you like for dinner?" Alessandro asked, completely changing the topic. "I'm not much of a picky eater." I answer with a shy smile. "I wasn't asking if you were a picky eater." Alessandro stated, standing from his seat as his computer screens when black. "No, you didn't." I answer looking at the books on the shelf. "So?" Alessandro asked. I think for a moment. I'm not really in the mood for any salads, or sandwiches. Not really in the mood for hambergurs or any pork. Not in the mood for any stake either. I sigh as I just decide to go with some sort of chicken. "Chicken, you can decide wich kind." I answer, getting up myself. Alessandro shook his head in amusment as I walked to the doors. Alessandro started to follow when I opened the doors, holding them open like a polite person would do. Alessandro stopped and looked at me, a brow raised. "I can open the door myself." Alessandro answered. "Fine, I won't be polite." I sigh and let go of the door. Alessandro shook his head, stopped the door, and walked out as I walked passed, going down to the kitchen. Alessandro followed close behind. "So what kind of chicken?" I asked. "It's a surprise." Alessandro smirked. I stopped and gave him a confused look. "I thought I was cooking." I stated. Alessandro shook his head. "My place, my kitchen." He answered as he walked pass me. I shrugged. "If you say so boss." I teased as I sit down on a black wooden seat at the large island. Honestly, today has been really boring. I think I might be going back to the maid.... I'll give it a couple weeks. See where it goes. Alessandro is washing his hands as I try and decide if I should bring this up now. It is only my first day and I don't need to seem like I hate it already and be disgraceful. I silently let out a sigh as I question my next actions. But decide to go against my gut and do it anyway. "Alessandro?" I start as he drys off his hands. Alessandro looks at me, as he grabs some raw chicken from the fridge. "Yes?" He asked. "If I don't like this job, can I take the old one back?" I asked. Alessandro studies me. "You would go back to the original paying hours." He answered. "I understand that. But, I don't like doing nothing... and I have a hard time holding still." I answer. Alessandro raised a brow. "Why not give it a few days. It's only your first day. I can find you things to do if I need to." Alessandro turned back to the chicken, grabbing a kitchen knife to cut open the package. I nodded. "I was going to give it a couple weeks." I admit. "So... um, will I be sleeping on the couch?" I asked. Alessandro shook his head. "In the guest bedroom. There's no need for you not having a bed. Plus, this place has several rooms." Alessandro stated as he cut open the package. "Which guest bedroom?" I asked. "The main guest bedroom. I will hire a new maid in a little bit." Alessandro glanced at me as he grabbed a pan and sprayed it with some oil. "What if I cleaned too?" I asked. "That way you don't have to get a maid. I would be like a maid and your personal assistant." I suggested. "What is up with you and cleaning?" Alessandro asked, raising the temperature on the stove. He turned to me, waiting for an answer. I don't respond as I look down at the counter. "Why do you like to clean so much?" Alessandro repeated. "It helps my nerves." I answered as I tried to find another topic to talk about. "Your nerves with what?" Alessandro asked, his eyes narrowing, almost studying me. I stay quiet and look around. Acting like I didn't hear his question. "Scarlett." Alessandro growled. I looked back at him. "Yes?" I asked. "What are you so nervous about?" He repeated slightly angrily. The medical bill. I open my mouth to reply but shut it soon afterwards. I look to the side. "I don't really want to talk about it." I answer in a shy voice. My voice actually cracked in the middle of my sentence. "I don't believe I gave you a choice." Alessandro stated. I look back at him. I don't want him to know about this. I don't want anyone to know about this. This is my problem. No one else needs to take pity on me. I take a deep breath... I have to say something else. I have to tell him a different truth. I glance at him and he's waiting with his arms crossed against his chest. I know how to lie, but with that gaze and my honesty it feels very wrong to do so. I sigh as I glance away. "I... um..." I started as I was trying to come up with something else. Crushes... that's a perfect reason to be nervous, right? "I have a really big crush that I don't know how to deal with." I answer. And I'm not lying. I've had a crush on him for almost a year. Alessandro raised a brow. "And it's making you nervous 24/7?" Alessandro raised a brow. I just nodded in response. "This must be a pretty big crush." Alessandro stated, turning back around. "And who is this man?" Alessandro asked. I bit my lip and looked away, my cheeks turning pink. "I-I rather not say." I answered. Oh my god I can't believe I just stuttered. This is so embarrassing. I'm trying to get over this stupid crush not go further into it! I'm scolding myself to the point I didn't hear what Alessandro Sa'id next. "Huh, sorry. I zoned out." I apologize. Alessandro shook his head with a sigh. "If you won't give him a name you can at least give me some details." Alessandro stated. "Why? Why would you care anyway?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "Scarlett, if you haven't noticed, but I grow fondly of trying to play Cupid. It'll be fun. I could set you up on a date." Alessandro chuckled. My face just then went bright red. Him... and me.... on a date!? My eye's went wide at the thought. "No no! That's okay!" I quickly decline. "Come on. I bet he likes you." Alessandro chuckled. "I doubt it." I grumbled. "And why is that? Does he not know you?" Alessandro asked. "He knows me... but I don't think he sees and feels the same way about me. I don't think it'll happen and he probably has a girlfriend with his looks." I shrug as my chest aches from my own comment. "You know. A lot of people say that and it ends up not being true. What's his last name?" Alessandro asked. "Not saying. To much information." I answered. "Okay, hair color?" He asked as he started to put the chicken on the pan, making the oil sizzle. I bit my lip. "Come on Scarlett, it can't be that bad." Alessandro rolled his eyes. I sigh. "He has dark brown hair." I grumbled as my cheeks calmed slightly. Alessandro hummed and thought for a moment. "Where does he work?" Alessandro asked. I looked at him, where did he work? Well, bigger question is, who does he work for. He works at home.... huh, that's a good answer. Lots of people work at home. That's okay information to give away right? "He works at home." I answered. "Who does he work for?" Alessandro rolled his eyes. "I.... I don't know." I answer sheepishly. If he ever finds out that it's him he's going to flip. He's probably going to fire me too! Oh my god! I just put everything I have at risk! What was I thinking!? I mentally facepalm at myself. "Okay, eye color?" Alessandro grabbed a some salad tongs and started flipping the chicken over and over, making sure it's even on both sides. After a minute he stopped and let it cook. "Well?" Alessandro asked. I gulped... he'll find out! He's the only green eyed guy with brown hair that I know! "Um..." I mumbled. "Come on, spit it out." Alessandro said encouragingly. "Green." I whispered, almost out of breath. "Hmm.... green huh?" Alessandro asked. Shoot! He heard me? Why do I have to be so stupid! Why am I answering these questions to begin with!? Oh my god! I'm going to die with my parents here in a little bit! "How many people do you know with green eyes and brown hair?" He asked, a brow raised. "I'm not answering that question!" I stated, my face bright red. "Alright. What's he like? Personality? Is he strong?" He asked. He was like a teenage girl finding out her BFF lost her virginity, my god. His eyes were actually sparkling, like an anime character. Like Kawaii~Chan from Aphmau. And if you haven't seen her, you need to get your life together. I gulped and looked to the side. "Details Scarlett! Details!" Alessandro said excitedly. I let out a soft whimper, making sure he couldn't hear. "H-He's pretty strong.... I-I haven't seen him do any lifting but he's p-pretty well built." I stuttered. Alessandro pauses, thinking. Oh god. He knows!!! "Is he big?" Alessandro asked. My eye's went wide as I literally choked on my own air and started coughing. "What the hell!? How am I supposed to know!? Why would I even ask that!?" I yelled as my lungs tried to breathe. "Just asking sheesh." Alessandro rolled his eyes. I got up and grabbed a glass of water, forcing some down my throat. "So... I'm going to assume he's big." Alessandro stated to himself. My water is forced out of my mouth as I hurl over the sink and spit it all out. "What the hell!? Can you stop with that!?" I yelled. Alessandro shrugged. "Just curious. I have a friend who's been trying to get rid of his virginity. Do you know if your crush is gay?" Alessandro asked. "Stop! I'm not answering anymore questions! That's enough!" I wave my hands in front of me as a shiver runs down my spine. "Just tell me if he's gay or not. Seriously." Alessandro answered. "No! He's not gay!" I answer. I can tell my face is bright red from the questions he's asking.

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