Millionaires Little Maid - Chapter 3: Kiloni
I sighed as I stabbed my fork into the yummy orange chicken. Alessandro really likes the chickens from Panda Express and I guess deicded to try and make one of them. He did rather well with the chicken and sause. It even has a little more of an orange flavor so in my opinion it's better then Panda. Maybe Panda should start taking lessons from him. "What is up with you and not giving any details?" Alessandro grumbled to himself. "Because then he would know!" I answer before shoving the piece of chicken in my mouth. Mmm.... orange. I look at my plate as the sause is scattered across the chicken and now rice. "I'm not going to tell him, I don't even know the guy!" Alessandro exclaimed. I shake my head as I stab another chicken as I finish the one I was eating. I put the chicken to my mouth.
"You know him better then you think." I mumbled the sentance before I could stop myself. I quickly shove the piece of chicken into my mouth, hoping he didn't hear. Just great. Now my crush for him is back stronger then before. I mentally roll my eyes at myself for being so stupid to allow this to happen. "Is that so?" Alessandro asked, raising a brow. I froze. "Who is this guy? I don't know very many people... brown hair and green eyes huh?" Alessandro asked. I refused to make eye contact. "You know what this was a bad idea." I state to myself in a sigh. I can't actaully think this would work. What the hell was I thinking. Alessandro's eyes met mine and I automatically stared at my plate rather then him. "You have a crush on Mike?" Alessandro asked. I looked back at him and huffed. I'm starting to think this guy is blind. I pretty much told him exactly who I had a crush on. This works on my part though, I can play it off for about 2-3 weeks and then I can tell him the truth. No biggy.
"Maybe..." I mumbled. Truth is, I don't even know who Mike is. "Get your head together. He's a player. A cheater. Get over him." Alessandro pointed at me. "There's better people out there. Hell, I would be better then him. I don't go around having one night stands every night." Alessandro stated rolling his eyes. My face turned a shade of a light pink. "I.. I guess. He's cute though." I shrugged. If he has one night stands every night then he has to be pretty attractive. "And that's his little game. Don't fall for it Scarlett." Alessandro stated. "Okay... so how am I supposed to get past this? This crush?" I asked. "Go find someone else. Find someone better." Alessandro shrugged. "I can set you up with a lot of people. You want to try Kiloni?" Alessandro asked. "I... don't know who that is." I stated. Alessandro raised a brow. "The guy that Mike is with almost all the time." Alessandro stated. I am in so much trouble.
"Um....." I mumbled and shrugged. Alessandro sighed and nodded. "I'll have you meet him tommarow. Then maybe you can decide." Alessandro stated. How has he not gotten any hints here? Maybe I'm safe after all. I wonder how long it will take for him to realize that it's him. Oh well. I finish the white rice with the orange sause. It was actually on of the best combinatoins I've ever had! "Go get some rest, I'll clean up your plate." Alessandro stated. I nodded, heading up staris and getting ready for bed. Heading into the guest bedroom, I noticed that there was no pajamas I could change into. Is it really that much of a big deal? I could just change back into my other clothes for pjs I guess. I looked back at the bathroom. How improper, I just left them scattered across the bathroom. I hear the water start to turn on, letting me know Alessandro was wrinsing off the plates and silverware.
I decide I would just go down and see if he needs any help real quick... or just ask for clothes. Either way, I head out the bedroom and down the stairs. Alessandro glances at me. "Your not changed?" Alessandro asked. "I don't have anything to change into." I smile sheepishly. Alessandro gave a weird look. "Did you not see the shirt on the bed?" Alessandro asked. Wow... how stupid of me. "Guess not. Nevermind then." I wave off and head back upstairs. How embarssing. I sigh as I walk into the bedroom and there is in fact a white t-shirt on the bed. I sigh and shut the door. I take off the dress, and my bra sense I was sure that there wasn't one under the t-shirt. I slip the shirt over my head and it hangs almost like a nightgown.... a short nightgown. I grab the dress and the clothes that were scattered across the bathroom. I put them in a small laundry basket in the corner. Noticing I missed my bra I quickly put that in the basket as well. I walk out of the bedroom, heading down stairs to see if I can help with anything. I look over into the kitchen, noticing that Alessandro now was done with the dishes and drying them off.
"Need any help?" I asked as he finished drying the plate off, putting it down on the counter. "No. I just finished cleaning the dishes. You can head to bed." Alessandro glanced at me before his eyes stared into mine. My stomach turned and flipped as I froze. His emerald eyes seemed to see right through me. All my secrets, all my secret hiding spots would be exposed if he looked close enough. I gulped down my nerves and nodded. "Good night Alessandro." I said as I quickly turned away before he could see my blood rush to my cheeks. "Good night Scarlett." Alessandro answered, almost in a disappointed tone. I walk up the steps to my room quickly. Once I was inside I shut the door and let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I slowly let my knees give out from under me and slide down the door. I stare up at the ceiling, sighing in content. "Why haven't I gotten rid of this crush yet?" I asked myself in a whisper as I turned my head to look at the glass doors. I can't help but feel slightly special to be given this room, even though I know I'm not. This room is meant for someone eles I can garantee it. I sigh as I slowly stand back up, turning off the lights on my way to bed. I sighed as I sunk into the soft fluffy mattres, feeling myself sink into it. I lay my head on my pillow. The pillow is nice and fluffy, making it easy for me to fall asleep.
"SCARLETT!!" I hear my voice being screamed by someone near by. I groan in protest as I turn on my side. I hear a door being opened and a sigh of releif. "Scarlett its time to get up. We got work to do." I hear the voice more clearly now. I just hummed and waved the voice off. "Not now... I'm to tired." I grumbled and I can feel myself starting to doze off again. "Scarlett I let you sleep in an extra hour, it's time to get up. Your lucky I just let you sleep." I hear the voice agian as foot steps get closer. I ignore the voice as I can feel myself being consumed by the peaceful darkness of rest. "Scarlett!" The voice growled in warning. I feel the pillow being snatched from below my head and a whine escapes my lips. "Noooo..... it's to early." I open my eyes slightly and turn to the familiar voice to see green eyes staring at me. Blood rushes to my cheeks in embarisment. I snatch the pillow back and hide my face in it, hoping he wouldn't have noticed. Alessandro sighs and I can feel his weight dip onto the bed. "Scarlett how much sleep do you get each night?" Alessandro asked. I didn't answer and just rolled on my side, the pillow still shoved in my face.
"I asked you a question Scarlett, don't make me repeat myself." Alessandro stated. "I only usaully get about 3-4 hours of sleep." I answered quietly, my voice muffled from the pillow. "I can't hear you when your face is covered." Alessandro stated. I sighed and turned my head to the side. "I only get 3-4 hours of sleep usually." I repeated as I looked at him. He sighed and shook his head. "You can sleep in tommarow. Sense it's a weekend, but right now we've got some work to do. We're going to the mall." Alessandro stated. I groan in disapproval but slowly sit up. "But the mall includes walking." I whined to myself as I look around the room. Alessandro chuckled as he headed to the dresser, finding a peice of paper. I atempt to rub the sleep from my eyes, but it don't work to well. "Scarlett...." Alessandro mumbled. "Hmm?" I asked as I lazily crawled to the edge of the bed, getting off the fluffy and comfy mattress. "Who's 'Wendy'?" Alessandro asked. I gave a confused look. "Wendy....." I mumbled. God, I haven't seen her in years. She was my ultimate BFF in High School. She was the best BFF. "Wendy Parkin?" Alessandro asked. Yep, definantly Wendy. "She was my BFF... why? Do you know her?" I asked. Alessandro looked at me as if I was dumb and help up the paper. I smile sheepishly and take the papper.
Dear Scarlett,
Why would you disobey me? I have done nothing wrong to you or Wendy Parkin. Is it because you don't know who I am? I know who your true crush is and if I wanted, I could spoil it now. I'm surprised he didnt figure it out. He's quite the dummy... oh well.
X A Freind
"They know Wendy?" I whispered to myself. I stared shocked at the peice of paper for what felt like several minutes before Alessandro sighed. "From what it sounds like, they know a lot about your past." Alessandro stated. I glanced up at him and back at the paper. "How much did you read?" I asked. "All of it." Alessandro answered with a smirk.
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