In Love With A Zombie - Chapter Two: What!?

Aphmau's POV


I see a blinding light in front of me, almost like a flashlight or street light. And not bothering to put my hands up in front of me, I start to cry. My crying went on hot hours and hours until a shadow crept up and blocked the light. And I realized, in this period, I was in my baby years, my young years. The shaded figure kneeled at my crying self, and said something in a soft, yet echoed voice. I couldn't tell what the figure said, but it sounded gentle at least. After the voice continued to talk, the voice became more clear. All I could manage was a few words. "It's Oka--... Shhhh..............." and so on. My crying started to settle down as I saw a man in front of me, or should I say... a teenager? Or a child? He picked me up and started to hum to me quietly, trying to calm me down. I looked up at him once my tears stopped. He had dark, almost pitch black hair that looked silky and smooth, bright red eyes that reminded me of blood. And when I reached out to examine him, I noticed something different in his mouth. Was it food? Or something he chewed on? Maybe it was that weird stretchy sticks that they make bubbles out of. Either way, when I touched his skin, he flinched. His skin was ice cold, it kinda excited me. So I laughed. I touched his face again and laughed when I looked at his eyes. I went to touch his right eye, but he closed it, a smile spreading across his face. I laughed and laughed as I explored the new figure. He set me down and started playing with me, in the light of a street light. He waved his hands around slowly as I tried to catch them. He chuckled over and over. Each chuckle for every time I caught his hands, causing me to make a coping sound, along with the following laugh. Excitement covered me in every way as I crawled up onto his lap. I reached for his face and touched his lips. I moved his lips out of the way and found two longer teeth, one for each side. I poked one of them and the male laughed. I poked it again, testing how sharp it was. It wasn't a good idea, because when I went to pile it again, a sharp, sudden pain struck through my finger and I pulled back. I started to cry again from the shock and fear of the sudden feeling. The male looked at my finger, and I saw a red liquid come from my finger. He smiled. "It's okay, look." He smiled and put my finger in his mouth when he opened his mouth again, the red liquid was gone and there wasn't any hole. "See! All the better!" The male smiled. "Numa?" I asked. He tilted his head in confusion. "Numa!? Numa!?" I started to yelp. "Mr, Aphmer... yo, Numa!?" The male still didn't understand. The vision became wight and I see a green backyard, the same male in front of me. Except for this time, he had almost black eyes. His sharp teeth still there. I giggled as I played with him. "What's your name?" I asked. "My name?" He asked confused. I nodded, "Your name." I smiled. He chuckled. "My name's Aaron." He mimicked. I giggled as I tackled him. "Happy Birthday!" I smiled. "Birthday? It's not my birthday you silly." Aaron smiled as he started tickling my sides. I squirmed and laughed, trying to get him to stop. A loud snap came from a tree as a tree branch fell towards us. Aaron quickly moved, to fast for a human speed. I looked up at him and saw his eyes were red again. I poked his cheek and giggled. He smiled at me. "AARON!!!" An angry voice yelled. I jumped and tears started to fill my eyes. Aaron held me closer. "It's okay, that's just my grumpy old dad." Aaron smiled as he poked my nose. "He scary," I whined as I clung on to him. "I know, but, once you get to know him he's not all that bad. He just gets worried easily." Aaron smiled, pulling my hair behind my ear. I nodded, trying to calm down as I hugged Aaron as tightly as I could. "AARON WE NEED TO GO! NOW!!" The voice yelled. I looked over to see a shadow, he had dark hair just like Aaron, and his eyes were a dark brown instead of black or red. "Why?" He asked. "The zombies! They've broken through the gate!" He yelled. Aaron's eyes widened as he heard rustling in the trees. Aaron picks me up and starts to head off when his dad stops him. "What are you doing!? Leave the kid here!" His dad ordered. "She'll die! Hell no!" Aaron retorted. "I'll take her, she's my responsibility anyway." A girl with black hair and a little grey walked in. She had brown eyes and wore a green shirt and blue pants. "I don't care but you're not taking her." The older man yelled. "Promise me I'll see her again," Aaron said, handing me to the girl. "She's my Miha, I'll do anything I can to protect her." The girl said. "Suzanne." I smiled as she took me. A slumped over man came from the bushes, his eyes brown but his clothes were torn up. "Go!" Aaron yelled. "I'll meet you there." And with that, this so-called Syvanna started running, and when we got out, there was a huge run. And that's when the nightmare came in. The president took me away from my mom, putting me on the ground and running into the gate with my mom. And the vision started again as security got everyone inside and my mom and friends yelling for me.

I wake up with a scream as I noticed my heart was beating. The man from earlier, Aaron, came running into the room. "Are you okay!?" Aaron yelled, quickly walking over to me. I rethinked about my dream, noticing the similarities the Aaron in my dream, and the Aaron that is here now. Both look the exact same, both had the name Aaron. I looked at his mouth to see two sharp teeth, one on each side. My breathing quickened as I realized my dream was from my past. Was he the Aaron in the dream, or did he have a twin? That's the real question. I looked away, focusing on why the hell my heart is beating. I feel my heart, Aaron noticing easily. "I'm..... a-alive?" I stuttered, finding my one voice that I never knew I had. Aaron felt my heart beat over my hand, my heart racing as I start to hear banging on my front door. I jumped and my eyes started to tear up. "What's happening to me!?" I practically screamed as I started to shake when I hear the front door be broken down. Aaron looked at the door, and back at me. "Stay calm, I'll take care of this." Aaron let go and walked to the door, opening it and closed it behind him. I hear ruffling behind the door and I start panicking more. I have to get out of here! I run to the window and open it up all the way. I look down to see millions of zombies surrounding the house. I looked at the size of the crowded group. I look and look, but couldn't find a end. I start to go crazy, the zombies started to climb up the house! I squeal and quickly close the window, locking it shut and stepping away. I'm alive! I'm alive!? How!? I am suppose to be dead! The Zombie noises from out the window come closer and closer, until I see a hand bang on the window. Tears filled my eyes as U remember my first death. Aaron bursts into the room and next thing I know I'm on the roof. He put a hand over my mouth, telling me to be quite as a tear rolls down my cheek. I nodd and wipe it off. Looking at the drop of water I start to calm down a little. "I'm... alive." A smile grows on my face. "I can have a normal life! I can go back home!" I smile standing up. "Hate to break it to you but once your out of the walls you can't go back." Aaron stated as he tried to figure out what to do. He looked around impatiently. "But I'm alive! I should be able to return!" I stand up. "Look, we can discuss this later! But if you keep arguing you won't be alive for long." Aaron finally looked at me, trying to stay calm. "Why are you so scared!? You can just run past them and they won't even see you!" I stated. Aaron growled. "I lost a little girl a long time ago. I'm not loosing you." Aaron growled. "You don't even know me!" I yelled back. "I don't have to! Now do you want to live or not!?" Aaron asked looking at a tree. I hand reaches the roof top and bends the shingles on the roof. "Fine!" I yelled and in a instant, I was on the tree, on Aaron's back. He jumped branch to branch until we came to the town with giant walls. "You want to try and get back in, go ahead." Aaron sighed. "I honestly don't know if it's going to work, knowing you didn't do anything wrong to get kicked out." Aaron stated. "What did you do?" I asked. "I fed off of some guy on a roof top. And my neighbor apparently saw and told the police." Aaron shrugged. "How are you so calm?" I asked curious. "Because knowing you'll be safe is the only worry I have. If your in danger I'll know. I'll keep watch as you try and reason with the guard." Aaron jumped us down and a male with a black uniform pointed his gun at us. Aaron put me down and looked into the field. A few zombies started to walk towards us. I looked at Aaron, feeling a little guilty. "Go Aphmau." Aaron ordered, noticing my hesitation. I looked down, the guilt building and walking to the guard. Maybe I can get Aaron in too. I thought and a smile formed to my lips. "Hold it right there!" The man yelled and I stopped. He looked suprized that I listened and slowly, and cautiously walked to me. He scanned my skin and noticed a soft tan in my suprizingly tan skin. He put the gun down a little and sighed. "What is your purpose?" He asked. I would like to return to the village." I answered. He shook his head. "I don't think so young lady. But... maybe I can talk to my boss. What's your name?" He asked. I thought of the times Aaron called a name to get my attention. "Aphmau." I answered. His eyes widened but shook it off. "Stay here while I get him." He sighed and walked away. Aaron walked behind me and hugged me. "Stay safe... okay?" Aaron asked, his words stopping for less than a second in between words. He pulled away and I noticed the same red eyes I remember. Tears slowly filling them. "Who said I was leaving?" I asked, noticing why he had been so sad. "What do you mean by 'who said I was leaving!?' Your going into the walls!" Aaron pointed to the walls a little frustrated. "Yeah, and your coming with me!" I yelled. "Why?" Aaron asked. "You saved me a couple times. I need to repay you." I sighed. "I only saved you once." Aaron stared, his eyes narrowing at me. "No, at least three times. There was when you found me. When you tried to bring me wth you, and when you jumped tree to tree. That sir, is three." I pointed out. "What are you talking about!?" Aaron asked a little confused. "The baby you found under a street light in the last village! The one you played with and laughed with! The one that you gave a home!" I screamed, tears now filling my eyes. Aaron eyes studied me for a minute, then widened. "That girl was lost long ago." Aaron frowned. "How long ago?" I asked, crossing my arms. He thought for a minute. "About... 10 years ago." Aaron answered. "And when was I put into this horrid place!?" I asked, waiting for him to click. "Many people get out out into this world every year Aph!" He yelled. "So how did I know you found the baby under a street light?" I asked. "You could be stalking me." Aaron crossed his arms. "What was the girls name?" I asked. "Aph...mau....." he seemed to click after that. He studied me as I smirked. "It actually feels nice to be right for once." I stated with a smile. Aaron didn't answer but froze and went into deep thought. The door opened and I looked over and saw a familiar man, wearing the same police uniform. "Aphmau?" He asked. "That's me." I stated. He ran up to me and looked at my skin, my eyes, my hair, and he checked my body temperature. He smiled and brought me into a hug. He looked over and saw Aaron, Aaron blinked many times and looked down. "Your...." Aaron drifted off, probably still speechless. "I can't believe your still alive!" The police officer yelled with a smile. "My 2nd in command told me everything about you! Man! I still can't believe your alive!" He smiled. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked. "Don't worry about it. You'll be safe here, I can garentee it." He smiled and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the doors. I looked at Aaron as he looked at me with still wide eyes. I pulled away and out of his grasp. Remembering that he saved me at least three times from some sort of disaster, I ran to him. "He has to come with me!" I yelled as the guard looked at me confused. "The vampire?" He asked. I nodded and held Aaron's arm closer to me. "Look kid, he can't come-" He started. "Then I'm staying out here! Thankyou for your time." I started to walk away, Aaron dragging behind me. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. Step. "Wait!" The officers voice yelled. I stopped and looked over my choylder at him. "Maybe I can talk to the president." He sighed. "Look, it's yes or no. Answer now. No waiting." I said, crossing my arms. "You can't exprct me to go up against the law! He'll throw me out here!" He yelled. "Not my problem is it. I'm walking away in five seconds." I stated, closing my eyes and holding out my hand. "Five." I started, opening my eyes to see his face full of panic. "Four." I pointed my thumb towards the center of my palm. "You can't be serious!" He yelled. "Three." I continued, tucking my pinky finger under my thumb. "Can't you just wait a few days!?" He asked. "Three." I tucked my ring finger under my thumb also. "Just wait for gods sake!" He yelled. "Two!" I stared at him blankly, continuing to count as his face turned to shock. "One!" I screamed, waiting for him to speak words. "If you won't wait you can leave!" He yelled. "Okay! Thanks!" I smiled and started to walk away again. Aaron trailing behind me, his head faced down as he followed. The man stomped back through the doors. I walked into the woords, finding strait, thick sticks and a sharp object. Wich happened to be a piece of broken glass I found on the floor near a borken, abandoned house. I had at least ten sticks and sat down on a broke down tree, grabbing the glass and one of the sticks. I started to carve the stick into a sharp spear. "Maybe I should do that-" Aaron reached out for the stick until I pointed the glass at him. "I can do this myself." I stated, and continued to work. "What if you cut yourself?" Aaron asked, sitting next to me. "You can heal me like you did when I poked one of your fangs or something." I shrugged. Aaron looked at me suprized. "How do you remember those memories?" Aaron asked. "It's why I screamed in the first place.... when I had the nightmare." I answered shyly. "You had a dream and you went off of it?" Aaron asked in disbelief. "Well so far it's true ain't it?" I questioned him. Aaron opened his mouth to respond by shut his mouth, coming up with nothing. "Thought so." I stated, taking another cut out of the stick. I went to take another strike when the glass slipped and cut my palm. I yelped and dropped the glass, the red liquid on the glass. I looked at the cut. I started to play with the blood. Aaron grabbed my palm, causing me to stop. I looked at him, and saw his red eyes. He glanced at my cut. "Can you please be careful?" Aaron asked, bringing my palm closer to him. "Sorry. It's been a while sense I've seen blood... especially my blood." I stated. He brought my palm close to his lips and licked the cut. I winced at the wierd thing gliding across the cut. He pulled away, last pled at the cut closely. He sighed, getting up and walking ever to a large piece of grass, picking it, and walking back to me. "What are you doing with that?" I asked. I brought my palm closer to me as Aaron kneeled down infront of me. Aaron grabbed my wrist and pulled it towards him. "Just stay still." Aaron stated coldly. Aaron took the piece of grass and wrapped it around my palm. I tried to pull my hand away but Aaron had a very firm grip on me. I struggled even more, and more, and more. To the point I was using him as a way to push myself away. Aaron growled and next thing I know he's on top of me, looking down at me. "Will you hold still!?" Aaron asked annoyed. I shook my head. "It's been forever sense I've seen-" I started. "I don't care! It's not healthy! Now hold still!" Aaron tried to get back to my palm but I reached as far as I could away from his hand. Only his arms was still half way bent when my arm was fully stretched out. "Leave it alone!" I yelled, squirming under him. Aaron rolled his eyes and pinned my wrists. "Don't. Move." Aaron growled. Bringing my hand to him as he continued to wrap it up. I started to stuggle again but he already tied it. He let go of my hand and I instantly started to try and untie the grass. "Aphmau!" Aaron growled and held both my wrist on either side of my head. I tried to reach for the grass to rip it br it was way to far. "It's itchy!" I complained, trying to find a excuse. Aaron narrowed his eyes at me. "You can deal with it." Aaron stated. I shook my head, not agreeing. Aaron got off and held me up, pulling my arms to my side. "Aphmau, do NOT make me tie your arms to your sides." Aaron warned. I whined as I looked at the piece of grass that was on my palm. "But it's so uncomfortable." I looked at him. He sighed. "Fine, hold still. I'm not dealing with your complaining." Aaron took the piece of grass off and I smiled happily. "Now hold still." Aaron growled, bringing my wrist to his lips again, and opening his mouth. I pulled away quickly. "What are you doing!?" I yelled. "It's either I bite you and it heals you quickly, or you wear that." Aaron pointed to the grass. "Will it hurt?" I asked. "It might feel like a pinch." Aaron admitted. I whimpered and looked at my wrist. "And what about the bite mark?" I asked. "It'll heal automatically." Aaron sighed. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked. Aaron gave me a confused look and chuckled. "I'll try not to. But your blood seems to have a different affect on me." Aaron smirked. "What kind of affect?" I asked. "Addictive, harder to stop, harder to let go, harder to do anything really." Aaron shrugged. "But you won't kill me?" I asked. Aaron sighed. "The mist I could do is make you pass out. Are you actually considering this?" Aaron asled. "Maybe." I answered, looking at my wrist. "But you won't kill me right?" I asked again, making sure. "No." Aaron answered. I smiled and walked over, sitting next to him, handing me my wrist. Aaron looked suprized and looked at me. "I don't care, just don't kill me." I shrugged, waiting for him to take it. He looked back down at my wrist. Taking it into his hands and bringing it back up to his lips, opening his mouth. He bit into my wrist and a winced a little as his fanges pearced into my skin. My hand went into a little ball before relaxing again. Aaron used his other arm and lifted me so I was on his lap. A faint blush creeping to my cheeks. I stared at him as I felt the blood drain from my wrist. As I heard and felt his gulps as he drank from me. His arm pulled me close and it seemed kinda awkward. Another gulp. Aaron's grip tightened as his eyes closed tightly. His jaw tightened, causing his teeth to sink deeper into my skin. He opened his mouth quickly before he could go any further and looked at me. His eyes a dark blood red. He looked at my neck and I stared at him. "I'm guessing your hungry." I stated. He growled, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. I looked at the cut and were the bite mark would be. The wounds were completely gone, as if it never happened. I sighed. "Well, why don't you try and find some animals or something and if you can't find any you can take my blood or something." I shrugged, getting off of him. Aaron grabbed onto my wrist. "You shouldn't have said that." Aaron warned and next thing I know I'm pinned up against a tree. "Aaron?" I asked as he stared at my neck. He leaned in near my ear and closed his eyes. "Your tempting." Aaron whispered in my ear. I sighed. "Maybe I was a little to forward." I mumbled. "You think?" Aaron sighed, stepping away. "You can't just say things like that. You'll make me go crazy." Aaron said. "Can you explain why?" I asked. "It's a vampire thing, there's only one kind of blood that can make us go absolutely crazy like you can do to me." Aaron answered. "So... what causes that?" I asked. Aaron's cheeks lit up with a bright red color as he looked away. I took that as it had to deal with love or crushes. I decided it was 'the one and only true love'. I sighed, "Well maybe one day." I walked past him as his cheeks impossibly brightened, knowing I knew what it was about. I layed on the ground, trying to get comfortable. I feel Aaron's arm wrap around me, pulling me close. "Aaron." I sighed. "You might get a cold." Aaron mumbled shyly. "Or is that an excuse?" I asked, turning over and facing him. His cheeks were a slight pink instead of a bright red. "Both?" He questioned. I smiled. "Fine, but nothing to weird, okay?" I asked. Aaron nodded and held me closer. "Why didn't you leave me to go into the walls?" Aaron asked. "As I said, I owe you. You saved me at least three times remember?" I asked. "That still don't explain it. Is that the... only reason? Be honest with me." Aaron asked. I thought about it. "I don't know, I couldn't just leave you though." I smiled. Aaron smiled back and kissed my forehead. "I love you... too much." Aaron smiled and wth that I fell asleep. Aaron soon following my lead.

Hope you all enjoyed, I'll be honest, this slow burn is driving me crazy. But I'm convincing myself one more chapter before Aph feels the same way. ONE MORE CHAPTER AT LEAST! Anyway! I love you all! Bia!


Words: 4139

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