In Love With A Zombie - Chapter Three: Venom

Aphmau's POV

I wake up, a arm wrapped around my waist. At first, I was about to panic but the small breaths behind me told me who was holding me. Aaron's chest rose up and down slowly as I focused on a way of getting out of his arms without waking him. I looked at how his arm was positioned, his arm was wrapped around me while his hand was practically under me. His grip started to tighten around me as I feel his breaths quicken. Looks like it might be better to wake him up. A low growl came from him as his grip became tighter and tighter. I quickly turned around while his grip was somewhat loose on me. I grabbed his shoulder and shook, only causing his grip to get tighter. I shook him tighter as Aaron's eye's squeezed shut, as if trying to block something out. I shook Aaron harder and Aaron's eye's flew open, and sat up. His eyes a bright red, brighter then I've seen before. Aaron's breaths didn't decrease as his breaths quickened. "Aaron?" I asked. Aaron looked at me, the bottom half a pitch black as the middle faded into a bright red at the top. "D-Did I hurt you?" Aaron asked. I shook my head as I sat up. Aaron sighed and his eyes started to pace quickly, telling me that he was trying to figure something out. "Aaron? Are you okay?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder to confort him. "Y-Yeah.... just a nightmare." Aaron started taking deep breaths, closing his eyes in attempt to calm himself down. His deep breaths caused me to hug him, hoping that the hug will help a little. Aaron eventually calmed down, looking at me, and taking me in his arms, and hugging me tightly. "Aaron? What was the nightmare about?" I asked. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." Aaron answered, petting. My hair softly. I soft, faint spark shoot through my nerves right under where Aaron was touching the skin of my neck. I shiver went down my spine as I soon froze from the suprize. Aaron stopped once he realized that I was frozen. "A-Are you okay?" Aaron stuttered, worry in his voice. "What... was that?" I asked, still suprized. "What? Is it something I did?" Aaron asked, his voice now filled with nervousness. "T-That spark... what was it? How?" I asked, still confused. "Oh!" Aaron chuckled, relieved. "It's a... well... kinda like a werewolf mate bond, but for Vampires, and isn't that strong." Aaron explained, taking my hand as the small sparks filled every nerve in my hand. My eye's widened. "Wait! What!? Like a werewolves mate bond!? Werewolves exist!?" I practically screamed. Aaron's eye's widened. "Well... uh..." Aaron let go of my hand and rubbed his neck, looking away. "WOW!" I yell in amazement. "Do you know one!?" I asked. "Well... no... but I've seen one." Aaron answered, looking away. "What Color was the fur!?" I asked. Aaron looked back at me. "White... can we change the subject!?" Aaron growled. "Awe... is the cute vampire getting jelly?" I asked in a baby tone. Aaron growled again, but then his eyes widened. "Did you call me cute?" Aaron asked, his upset expression fading to a excited one. A faint blush crept to my cheeks as I rethought the words I said. "Huh... I guess I did." I mumbled to myself. "Aha!" Aaron smiled. "So you do like me." Aaron leaned into me. "I didn't say that!" I stated as my cheeks became more flushed with the color pink. "Mmmm.... No, but you called me cute." Aaron wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. "Okay what's gotten into you?" I asked, the blush fading a little. "I'm happy. Can I not be happy?" Aaron asked. "Why are you happy?" I asked. "You called me cute!" He smiled happily. I laughed at him, seeing his smile grow. "That's sweet and all. But I can't lie. You are kinda cute." I smiled. Aaron nuzzled into my neck, bringing me closer. "I do have to ask though... do you know my mom?" I asked. Aaron pulled away, looking at me. "Sylvanna? Your adoptive mom, or your actual mom?" Aaron asked. "The one that took care of me most of the time." I answered, unsure of which one I saw in my dream. "Sylvanna then. Yeah, she and I aren't on good terms right now. But yes, I know her." Aaron said. I smiled. "Do you think you can take me to her? I want to meet my mom. Please!" I begged. Aaron thought for a moment. "It could be dangerous, and I rather not put you through that risk." Aaron stated. "Please! I need to see my mom! She needs to know I'm a okay! Besides, I've wanted to meet her my hole zombie life! C'mon! Give me some slack!" I continued to beg. "Mmm.... But what if they catch you?" Aaron asked worriedly. "I don't think they can out run a speedy, strong, handsome vampire that's protecting me." I smirked. "Now your just buttering me up." Aaron stated, narrowing his eyes at me. "Is it working?" I asked, admitting to his statement. Aaron took a deep breath in. "Yeessss." Aaron breathed out. I smiled. "Yay!" I hugged him tightly. Aaron hugged back. After we pulled apart, Aaron stood up. Aaron held a hand out to me, offering help up. I took his hand, the soft sparks going off as he lifted me up. Aaron smiled and guided the way back to the walls. Once we got there, Aaron stopped and looked at the top of the wall. He looked at the two doors that we tried to get through once. "So What was your nightmare about?" I asked, looking at the camera's that was stuck to the wall. "Uh... what?" Aaron asked, confused by the random question. "You has a nightmare. Do you always get nightmares?" I asked, focusing on Aaron. "Uh... no. What brought this up?" Aaron asked. I looked at the camera's again, Aaron following my glances. "Your camera shy aren't you?" Aaron asked, trying to connect the pieces. "M-Maybe a little." I answer, slouching a little. Aaron smiled, holding meand looking back at the wall. "You like physical touch don't you?" I asked, realizing how many times he held onto me that morning for the past few hours. A groan comes from behind us and we both turn around. A yellow haired, blue eyes, tan male crept toward us. Aaron narrowed his eyes as I hid behind Aaron, not wanting to die again. "Really Garroth?" Aaron asked. The zombie stoped and looked at Aaron, He stood up strait and smiled weakly. "What? I've learned that if you pretended to be a zombie they won't attack you... wait a minute.... there's no zombies around... huh." The male rubbed the back of his neck, looking around. I slouched more behind Aaron as the male looked back at us. Aaron froze and looked at Garroth. "Why are you here anyway!?" Aaron asked. "You see, Laurence, Dante, and I kinda started yelling at the police officer for getting mad at you, and after a while a police officer punched Laurence... and it was hell from there. So they kicked us out!" The male explained in a sheepish way. Aaron sighed. "Where are the other two?" Aaron asked. The male turned around and yelled out a scream that sounded like pain and fear. Two other males came running out yelling "GARROTH!!" And when they saw the male was okay, witch I recalled was Garroth, they stopped and narrowed their eyes at him. When they saw Aaron though, the two's eyes widened and they ran over. My eye's widened as I remembered what the living did to me, standing in front of Aaron and taking battle stance. The two froze once they saw me. "Uh... who is she?" A blue haired, blue eyed man asked, pointing at me. "Oh yeah... um... can I have a word for a second." Aaron smiled. The three of them held there hands up and walked a couple yards away. "Aphmau, it's okay. These guys won't hurt anyone." Aaron put a hand on my shoulder and I growled, ignoring Aaron as I watched the three males. "Aphmau... can you please look at me? Or do I have to block your view?" Aaron asked. I ignored him again, watching as the three new males started chatting. Aaron walked in front of me, blocking my view so I moved a step to the side. Aaron put a hand around my waist, pulling me in the same spot I was in, blocking my view once again. "Aphmau." Aaron said calmly, to calmly in my opinion. I finally looked up at him. "Their okay, they are a few friends I had when I was in the walls." Aaron smiled. "I don't trust them... their.... fishy." I stated. Aaron chuckled. "I know what you mean. But calm down on the hole battle thing okay?" Aaron asked. I growled again, not liking that idea. "Please." Aaron added. I took a deep breath in and sighed. "Fine. But they try anything and I'll tear them to shreds." I warned in a low growl. Aaron nodded, called the three over. I crossed my arms stubbornly as the three approached us. "Garroth, Dante, Laurence... this is Aphmau. Aphmau, this is Garroth, Dante, and Laurence." Aaron introduced. I leaned on one leg, causing my hip to come out more. "Aphmau Huh? So this is the girl!" Garroth said. I looked over to the one guy I haven't identified, Laurence, I think it was. He had dirty blonde or a light brown hair color with green eyes. He was wearing a green and wight striped shirt, as Dante wore a red jacket, with a wight t-shirt, and black pants. Garroth wore a blue and wight plaid shirt with blue pants. "Hi!" Laurence smiled. I narrowed my eyes, studdying him closely. "Uhh... is she okay?" Dante asked, unsure. "She's okay... just.... observant." Aaron answered. "So... what does she know?" Laurence asked, looking at Aaron. "What do you mean?" Aaron asked back. "With all your... personality." Laurence worded carefully. "Oh! You mean that. She knows... maybe... half of it." Aaron answered. "There's more!?" I exclaimed, not watching him. "Uh... well... a little more..." Aaron rubbed his head. "Wow! Your anctualy nervous! Man! You must really-." Dante stated, being interrupted by Garroth elbowing him in the stomach, causing Dante to fall on his knees. "Dante!" Garroth yelled. "Ookaaay... I'm going to go inside now. C'ya!" I waved goodbye as I walked backwards. Turning around and walking to the main door. I looked at one of the camera's again and my stomach turned as I realized the camera was following me. I took a deep breath, relaxing myself. I walked to the main door, a load beeping sound filled the air. I covered my ears and looked up to see a senser, so I stepped out of it's way and it stopped beeping. I watched the senser. A load growl roared through the air as a bunchj if zombies started walking our way. I walked back to Aaron. "I forgot noises attracted zombies." I mumbled, "How did you forget!? You were one!" Aaron exclaimed. "Ya! A zombie that couldn't remember anything!" I yelled back. Aaron thought of my comment then nodded. "True point." Aaron gave in. "Wait! What! You were a zombie!?" Dante exclaimed, his voice going a little pitch. "Eh." I shrugged. "Look, you guys take cover... I'll... drive them away." I planned. "What?" Aaron asked confused. "Ugh! Just go!" I yelled. Aaron chuckled. "You think I'm going to leave you here? That was a terrible joke." Aaron's voice and expression went hard and cold in the matter of seconds. My skin started to turn pale and ripped, my eyes turning blood shot red. Garroth, Dante, and Laurence screamed in fear as Aaron just stared in shock. I pointed into the forest, as I walked over to the group. I lead them the opposite direction then where they were. After they started to spread out, I walked back over to the group, Aaron waiting at the edge of the forest. Garroth, Laurence, and Dante yelling at him. I walked over, Garroth freezing, Laurence climbing up a tree, and Dante screaming. Aaron looked at me completely confused. I narrowed my eye at him. "Can you even turn back?" Aaron asked. I shrugged dense I forgot how to talk... again. Aaron face palmed as I looked at Garroth. "Garroth run!" Laurence yelled. I rolled my eyes. Jumping on the tree and with 2 jumps I was on the same branch as Laurence. Laurence screamed and I smirked, amused with the terror on their faces. I jumped down, Aaron laughing as he saw the gigantic smirk on my face. "Don't eat me!" Laurence yelled as he fell to the ground. Aaron picked Laurence up so he was on his feet. "So your afraid of a zombie, that you can easily get away from. And your completely fine with a vampire? You crazy dude." Aaron chuckled as Laurence glared at him. I nodded in agreement. Garroth laughed along with Dante. "You too! Dante, I swear you scream like a little girl." Aaron chuckled. "HEY!" Dante yelled offended. "It's true." Garroth smiled. "And Garroth just freezes so he would instantly die." Aaron nodded. Garroth nodded. "I'll accept it." Garroth smiled proudly. "Let's see if we can get you back to normal." Aaron sighed, taking my arm and pulling me away from the three. "Hey! Wait! You can't leave us! What if there's zombies out here!?" Laurence called. "You'll be fine! Just stay quite!" Aaron called back. "What are you doing anyway!?" Garroth asked. Aaron ignored them and continued until we were out of sight. Aaron let go and started to stress out. "How did you turn normal last time?" Aaron asked. I shrugged. Aaron sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Alright... um..." Aaron started pacing. I watched him as he paced. Aaron paused, his eyes widening. I gave him a confused look. "My venom could heal you." Aaron mumbled. My eye's widened once the words processed. Aaron looked at me. "No... I can't do that." Aaron started pacing again. I tilted my head, asking why. "Because it would cause a lot of pain, and I might turn you." Aaron explained as he continued to pace. I walked over to him. Aaron knew well that I would do anything to see my mom again. And I was this close. "No." Aaron ignored me. I widened my eyes so they look like a little puppies. Aaron looked at me and growled. My eye's just widened with adorableness. Aaron narrowed his eyes at me. "Aph... no." Aaron co tinted to growl. "Look you'll see Sylvanna Alright! But I'm not bitting you!" Aaron stated, grabbing my shoulders. I didn't give up and moved closer. Aaron sighed, closing his eyes. "I can't put you in danger like that Aph." Aaron looked at me. I narrowed my eyes, my eyes goin back to normal. Aaron gave me a confused look. I gesture to my eyes, along with my torn up skin. Aaron seemed to understand what I'm doing. Aaron breathed heavily, looking at me deeply. "Are you sure? I don't want you to crave the same things I do." Aaron pulled me close. I rolled my eyes, nodding. Aaron seemed hesitant before leaning down, his eyes turning red and his fangs coming out. Aaron's lips brushed against my neck, a sharp shock taking place. Aaron bit into my neck, closing his eyes as he pulled me closer. I held onto him tighter as I felt a thick liquid flow through me. My heart started to beat again and Aaron pulled away, still holding me close. I could feel Aaron's eyes on me as he kept his head near my ear. My heart pumped faster until it was at a normal pace. Aaron pulled away, causing me to stumble a little. Luckily Aaron caught me and I regained my balance. My eye's turned a dark brown as I looked up at him. Aaron had a worried expression as I stood up fully. "I'm okay." I smiled. Aaron's expression didn't change. "By the way. I already crave the things you do. In fact, I crave more than you do. So don't even use that excuse against me." I crossed my arms. Aaron didn't say anything, but didn't change anything either. "Aaron c'mon! At least move, it's kinda creepy with your just staring at me like that." I complained. Aaron's eyes shifted away and his stance changed. I hugged him tightly. "Thankyou Aaron." I whispered, smiling. "Aph, promise me you won't make me do that again." Aaron hugged me tightly. "Promise." I answered. "You really like me don't you?" I added. Aaron froze, his grip loosening. "Uh..." Aaron practically hummed. "I appreciate it!" I laughed. I pulled away and look up at a pink cheeked Aaron. I smiled and we headed back to the three annoying, bazar, idiotic boys. Garroth, Dante, and Laurence watched me as I came closer. My skin normal along with my eyes. My cloths still slightly ripped, but it's okay. Aaron wouldn't let anything to bad happen. "So... what are you?" Dante asked, studdying me. "That's none of your business." I crossed my arm. "I do if it affects my life and death history!" Dante yelled. "I am none of your consern. I can control myself Thankyou very much." I stated in a sarcastic tone. "Okay." Garroth smiled. "Why are you smiling?" Laurence asked. "Because why be upset if there's nothing to be upset about!" Garroth explained. "Thankyou! See, he has common sense." I pointed at Garroth. "Your welcome. And Thankyou!" Garroth continued to smile. I smiled sweetly back at Garroth. "Now! How do we get back in?" I asked, turning to Aaron. "I can climb the wall and get through, only problem is the camera's." Aaron said. "I can take care of those." I smiled. "How?" Laurence asked. "I was kicked out when I was five and tackled by a bunch of zombies, I'm pritty sure they think I'm dead. Plus, I don't think they'll recognize me." I shrugged. "YOU WERE THROWN OUT WHEN YOU WERE FIVE!?" Dante yelled. I rolled my eyes. "Duh! Why do you think I'm so cautious around you!" I growled. Dante opened his mouth to speak but closed it realizing there was nothing else to it. "What did you do wrong?" Garroth asked. "Nothing." I answered. "They wouldn't through out a young girl for no reason." Laurence commented. "I was bait!" I yelled, anger filling me. "Alright! We had to go to a new town and with the zombies right behind us they used me as bait! Happy!?" I continued, crossing my arms and turning my back to them. My breathing was rapid and harsh. I took many deep breaths to calm myself down when I realized they had shut up. "C'mon... I think that's enough drama for today." Aaron sighed, putting a hand on my shoulder and walking in the direction of the wall. I didn't move, causing his arm to fall back at his side as he continued to walk. "You guys coming or what?" Aaron called. I hear Laurence hesitantly leave, Dante soon following. After a while I hear Garroth breath deeply. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean for you to get angry. I just didn't understand. But... we're not all like that. I hope you can forgive me and my two friends." And with that Garroth walked away. I stood there, in able to collect myself. After maybe half an hour, I sighed, walking back to the wall. When I got there the main door was burst open, the door off it's hinges. I ran through the door, worried about Aaron and the others, mainly Aaron. "AARON!? LAURENCE!? GARROTH!?.... D-DANTE!?" I screamed as I ran through a building, running outside to see the four sitting on a wooden seat. I ran over. "Guys don't ever scare me like that!" I yelled running over to them. Garroth looked at me with swollen eyes. Something inside told me that it was a sign. A sign of tear shred. "Garroth?" My voice calmed down, worry taking over. Garroth looked away, blocking my view from his face. "C'mon Aph... let's go find Sylvanna. Give them some space." Aaron wrapped a arm around me and guided me away. "O-Okay." I stuttered. We walked through the roads, cars flying by until we came soon a neat, actually fixed house. Aaron walked up to the door and knocked. Soon the door opened up to see a black haired, brown eyed female with a dark, yet light green shirt and blue pants. "Aaron." Se growled lowly. "Sylvanna... this is Aphmau... Aphmau... this is Sylvanna." Aaron took several steps back. Before pausing and walking to the gate, leaning in the entrance. "A-Aphmau?" Sylvanna asked. I stayed quite. "Uh... hi?" I answered in a unsure tone. Sylvanna tackle hugged me, causing me to be taken back by suprize. And just by Sylvanna's streangth, my breathing stopped. Aaron seemed to notice as he quickly unwrapped Sylvanna's arms from me, causing air to flow through my lungs. Sylvanna glared at Aaron, but then ignored him and her eyes went back to me. "I'm sorry..." Sylvanna smiled as tears filled her eyes. I smiled back once I was able to breath normally. "H-How are you alive!? I saw them... I saw them tear you to shreds... how?" Sylvanna continued to cry. "Uh.." I mumbled, rubbing my neck. Sylvanna paused for a minute. "Aaron..." Sylvanna growled deeply. I looked up at her astonished. Sylvanna turned to Aaron completely. "YOU BIT HER!?" Sylvanna yelled tackling Aaron. Aaron's eyes widened as she tackled him. I took a step back and once I composed myself, I ran to Sylvanna. Sylvanna formed her hands into tight fists when I pulled her off. "Mom! Stop!" I yelled as I continued to push her back. "No! LET GO!" Sylvanna yelled as she pratically was leaning toward. I shrugged and let go. Causing Sylvanna to fall to the floor. I smiled weakly. "Sorry... I'm not good at this." I apologized. Sylvanna growled as she stood back up. "But you know... I asked Aaron to, also, if he didn't... you wouldn't be able to see me right now." I crossed my arms, as Sylvanna started to run at Aaron again. Sylvanna froze once the sentences left my mouth, absorbing the words. Sylvanna took a deep sigh. "Fine! I owe you. BUT! For now... let's get some rest." Sylvanna walked into the house. Aaron sighed in relief. "You go... I'm going to check on the guys." I stated as I started to walk away. "Aphmau... you can't go alone." Aaron caught up. "We'll be back Sylvanna!" Aaron called and smiled at me. "Why not?" I asked. "You think I'm the only Vampire in this town?" Aaron smirked. I rolled my eyes, obviously not thinking of that. "Alright fine." I sighed, walking back i the guys. By the time we came into view the guys seemed to have calmed down a little. "I can't believe it." Dante whispered. "Hey... Uh... we found a place we can stay." I said happily, trying to lift the mood. "T-That's great!" Garroth smiled, whipping his tears away. "Look... Uh... I'm sorry that I... snapped on you guys earlier." I apologized, rubbing my neck. "It's okay! We're friends right!?" Garroth looked at me. "Yeah! At least... I hope so. I probably won't do well with this hole... friendship thing." I stated. "What do you mean?" Dante asked, starting to calm down. "You see... being a zombie for most of your life really blocks off memories... and I don't know how these friendships go." I smiled weakly. Laurence chuckled, and wiped his tear away from his cheek. "Technically, there is no wrong way to go about it. Just make sure you that you don't become bossy and yell at us all the time. That's the only way to make the relationship go wrong." Laurence smiled. "C'mon... we should probably get back." I said. And as soon as I said t the guys stood up and walked with me and Aaron to Sylvanna's house. "I thought you two were enemies." Garroth chuckled. "We are... but I think we've cleared up some." Aaron mumbled. "That's good bro!" Dante smiled, walking in the house. "Wowowowo! Hold up! Who are you!?" Sylvanna pointed at the three. "C'mon Mom! Please! Just a few nights!" I begged. "Aphmau I didn't like this idea!" Sylvanna warned. "You won't even know their here. C'mon!" I smiled as I walked upstairs. Ignoring my mom's calls. "You are such a teenager." Aaron chuckled. "Thanks! I'm going to sleep on the couch or something." I smiled as we walked into a random room. "Alright. Goodnight Aph!" Garroth smiled. "Night guys!" I waved as I walked to an empty couch and fell asleep.

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