In Love With A Zombie - Chapter One: Introductions
Aphmau's POV
It's been years since I had a meal, I guess the living world just wants us to suffer more and more each day. The price to pay as a member of the dead is difficult. Barley any food, barely any friends. I was starving, and don't even bother asking how we live so long without food, I have no idea! I'm dead! Either way, my so-called family, whoever they are, where ever they are, are most likely somewhere else. I've been alone for 10 years, my age, 15. I was thrown out here in this miserable place for sacrifice. My life, for all the others, so they can close the gate. Basically... I was bait. I hated living ever since. The last few memories I had of my living self were a bunch of hideous, terrifying, craving basterds slowly making their way towards me as I tried and run to my family or group of friends. I knew they fought and tried to help me, but a dumb gunshot was heard and the next thing I know I feel massive, savvier pain in my shoulder. My mom cried along with all my other friends. And that's when the creatures went wild, they smelled my blood, my body tissues... my brain. They tackled me, running at me at full speed, starving, craving monsters. And now... I'm one of them. My skin filled with scratches and showing bones, the bullet hole that was left on me when I was 5 was still there. The bullet was still there to, because me being a dumb Zombie, I can't get it out because I'm so stupid. And over the 10 years, I've been in this hell, I've learned I wasn't a normal human. I have a deep secret that I plan to keep from everyone, even though they couldn't think. But if word somehow, magically got out due to whatever technology they created on the other side of the wall, could bring me to immediate death. I'd be dead forever, not one little drop of blood left in my body as I'm put into a body zombie shredder. They call it the BZS, huh, I wonder why? And we call it the ZLS. The Zombie Life Saver, knowing we all don't want to go through the dumb pain, we keep to ourselves. But do we wish they would just end our misery? Which is why I keep tempting to go there and do it myself. Somehow I remember this information as most zombies won't even know how to read. I guess I have my secret to thank for that. But there was always one thing that I was attracted to from that living world. I had a group of people, people who cried when they saw me. I want to believe they were my friends and family at a time. But I have little memory. We look like normal humans, only our eyes are bloodshot red with pale skin and barley any blood. We can run, we can play games, but we always forget the rules, so we don't. It's no fun if they explain the rules and the next second you barley remember the person or zombie. I can remember the rules for no longer than a minute. That's it. We live in a world full of darkness, loneliness, confusion, and pain. Nothing but pain. And I despise all the living humans because of it. My life is the worse you can imagine, and I can only hope, for it to get better. Until then... I'm a lonely, brain craving, blood craving, idiotic, stupid, terrifying, dumb zombie.
Aaron's POV
My dad, the one who is so strict and won't let me be near anyone. Yells at me because I ran off, disappearing on top a building as I wait for my victim to come to me. But, I was not able to get the one girl that saw what happened. She lived right next door and she was absolutely terrified of me. I... am a vampire, a blood craving creature that blends nicely into the living world. Sadly, there are very few, and I can't eat as much as I want otherwise the government would find out. My life has been a starving hunger, and with the dead life, I can only imagine how hungry they felt. But there is no way I can even get over there without being eaten, and turned into a vampire-zombie. No thankyou! "AARON YOU NEED TO CONTROL YOUR HUNGER!" My father yelled at me as I walked in, blood dripping from my mouth and forgetting to wash it before I went back down stairs. I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him. "AARON LINCON! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!?" He yelled. Next thing I know I see red and blue flashes of light going through the windows as a loud voice came from outside. "Aaron Lincon please step out side, I will repeat, Aaron Lincon, step out side." It was obvious that it came from a police officer. I walked upstairs and quickly rinced off the remaining blood. Walking back downstairs as I open the door. A bunch of guns were pointed to me as I looked confused. "What can I help you with officer?" I asked walking towards him. "This girl says that she saw you eating a human bean on a rooftop." He answered aggressively. I looked over to the girl and she hid behind a officer. "I see... well, I can assure you I did not mean any harm, it was simply self defense." I answered, trying to get away with this situation. "You bite people for self defense?" The police officer narrowed his eyes at me. "I do, it's kind of been in my religion. You see, when I was little I was almost killed and sense I didn't know better, I bit him. From then on, it's been my biggest defense." I explained. The police officer seemed to understand more. "He was drinking the blood of the victim from the neck!" The girl screamed, hiding more behind the guard. This girl just don't know when to quit. I thought to myself. "Aaron? Is this true?" The officer asked, holding up a little box, a lie detector. I rolled my eyes. "Isn't that a little unbelievable?" I asked back. I wasn't lying, if I heard someone say that to me I wouldn't believe them. "Answer the question." The officer answered. "Hmm... you seem quite strict. But yes. I was." I answered sternly. The lie detector showing a green checkmark on the screen. He looked at me with shock and suprize. "Anything else you would like to know?" I asked. "What are you?" He asked. I smirked and bowed, "The one and only." I answered. "Now, if you'll excuse me my dad has a lecture to give per say. Even though I hate it, I think it's a bit better than being around police." I said as I walked away and back into the house, but when I reached the door a bullet shot went off and I moved with my speed out of the way out of reflex. I looked at the bullet hole in the door. "Hmm... I see we're not done yet then?" I questioned as I looked at the male who shot the bullet. "You dodged it..." The male looked beyond suprized, beyond shock. "Natural reflex." I answered with a shrug. "Aaron you are to come with me to discuss the matter at hand." He ordered. "Mm... what if I don't want to... I don't like cages." I crossed my arms looking at the head police officer. "I'm afraid you have no choice." He answered. I hummed in response as I walked back over to him. I looked at his name tag that read: Marcus. "Very well." I answered. "AARON!!!" My dad's voice boomed through the door as the door was broken down. I rolled my eyes. "Don't mind him, he just has a few anger issues." I whispered to the police officer so called 'Marcus'. He gave me a wierd glare as my dad stomped over to me. "I HEARD THAT!" He yelled as he reached me. I smirked. "You were supposed to. Meaning CALM THE HELL DOWN!" I yelled back as I smiled back at the officer. "Now, before he goes on a major rampage, we should probably go, or I'm not leaving until a week later." I stated as I got in the back seat of the police car. I plugged in my skull earbuds and played one of the best songs. The Cave, by Mumford and Sons, one of my favorites. Soon we were off and I was headed to the death world I was assuming. You might be asking why I came so easily, one, I want to get out of this place, I hated the living world, they always kept you in one place. Two, I like a challenge, I could move around freely, adventure. Three, I know my love is out their in that hideous world, I've already tried with every girl here and I have no interest with males, except for blood. Four, I wanted to be free from my family, my dad never let me make my own choice, until I had no choice but to choose. He chose my clothes, the food I liked, wether I actually liked it or not was another thing. But I find those few reasons many reasons. Those few were a big deal, and even though I had partial safety here, I could easily outrun the rest. Plus, more food from animals in the forest and such. How do I know? Well, I've bought a dog from a pet shop and put it out there for a few days. And it hasn't died, didn't move, didn't get hurt. Those zombies are only for human blood, human brain, and human flesh. Nothing else. I see a few of my friends watch as the police car drove by, knowing I was in it. The few friends I had were all males, I even warned them about my existence, but luckily they didn't mind to mush as long as I didn't eat them. There was Laurence, Garroth, and Dante. All pritty chill guys, but they fight a lot to see who could get what girl. I was way out of that. By the time I was at the police station, I was thrown out of the car and dragged to a empty room with a table, two chairs, and cement. A police officer walked in as he held a closed jar of a dark red liquid. And just by the sweet smell of this I knew what it was. Blood, fresh... blood. I looked at him confused as he opened the jar, making the smell stronger on my end, putting it out on the table. He watched me as I was so confused on what they wanted. "Why are you giving me that look?" I asked after a minute. "You going to take it?" He asked. I looked at the jar and picked it up, looking at the red liquid. My sharp long fangs came out as I looked at the delicious liquid. I set it back down and shrugged. "Depends, what do you want?" I asked, my eyes slowly turning red from how close this meal was to me. Soon they were blood red and the guy seemed confused. "Your not refusing to participate." He stated, observing my actions. I smiled. "Because I want out... I want out of this dreadful, tempting place." I answered, playing with the jar out of boredom. "Why?" He asked. "Imagine this, your in a town full of food, easy targets, and you haven't eaten in almost a year. You tell me." I sat back in the chair. "That's the only reason?" He asked sitting down. "Na, I have a few others." I answered, looking at him. "And what are those?" He asked. "Do you want all of them?" I asked, raising a brow. "Yes." He answered. "Very well, but before I begin, what's your name? I'm sure everyone here knows mine." I asked. "My names Mike." He answered. I hummed. "So your named after a candy?" I asked. He growled lowly and I put my hands up in defense. "No disrespect! Just trying to remember the names, I have trouble with it." I smiled weakly. He sighed, relaxing. "Answer the question." Mike growled. "Alright, alright. You already know one reason, but my dad is a million times controlling. Hell, I can't even pick out my own opinion. Plus, I've been stuck in one place, kinda want to go out and find what's out there. Another reason is what's the point in living if your love isn't anywhere in the living borders. And finally freedom, I can hunt as many animals as I need out there, be easier on me anyway." I shrugged as I listed them off. "Alright, do you know what kind of blood this is?" Mike asked, pulling a folder from his inside jacket pocket. "B Positive." I answered plainly. "You didn't even taste it." He rose a brow. "Don't have to." I shrugged. "How does it smell?" He asked, taking notes. "Sugar sweet, that's how it was an obvious give away." I crossed my arms. "Were did you get the blood from?" I added. "A criminal." He asnwered. I hummed in response. Two other guys came in with different containers of blood, by the time they were set down, there was at least thirty new ones. "I'm going to give you a quiz. Each jar hold a sertain blood type, and I want you to sort them out. He grabbed a pile of sticky notes and wrote something down. "B Positive will go here." He started, going to top right corner of the table. He wrote down on another sticky note. "B Negative will go here." He put it on the top left corner of the table. He wrote again, sticking it to the bottom left of the table. "A Positive goes here." He continued. Wrote on another, and stuck it to the bottom right. "A Negative here." He continued to write. "And finally, there is one unnatural one here in these jars, that one, will go here." He instructed, placing it in the middle. "If I do this can I get out of this horrid place?" I asked. "That depends on how well you do." He answered. I grunted with a eye roll and looked at the jars. I already knew that one was a B Positive so I put that one on the top right corner. I picked up another jar and focused. The smell was sweet, but not strong like B Positive. It had a hint of sour to it. I put that one in the A Negative, bottom right corner, and I grabbed another. It was pure sour, so I instantly put it in the bottom right corner, A Positive. I took another, B Positive. Another, A Negative, and the process continued. When I had five more left, Mike grabbed one of the jars and opened it. The sent was powerful. It was sweet, and a little hot. It made my mouth water as it hit my nose. And I instantly knew what that meant. There was only one body that blood came from that would make my mouth water this much. "Who's blood is that?" I asked a little upset. "A little girls." He answered, that only made me even more sure. "In a prison cell?" I asked. He shook his head. "She was opened to the death world 10 years ago." He answered sliding it across the table to me. I looked at the blood. "Do you remember her name?" I asked, trying to get as much info as I could. "Hmmm.... I think it was..... Amau? No.... Apher?" He continued shaking his head as he tried to remember her name. "Something that started with an A. I can't exactly pin point it." He shrugged. "Would a scare help you remember?" I smirked. I have to know her name! Mike froze and growled. "Why does it matter!?" He growled. I looked down at the blood as I tried to focus. "She's in the death world." I mumbled to myself. "What?" Mike asked. I looked back up at him. I dipped my finger in the red, thick liquid. I rubbed it with two fingers as it spread. The bloods so... soft? Silky even... that don't even make sense. "You going to try it?" He asked looking at me confused. I looked at him. "Seriously what is her name?" I ordered, starting to get angry. The door slammed open as Laurence, Garroth and Dante barged in, a police officer following. "I tried to stop them sir! They're were to many." I stood up, pacing back and forth, ignoring the four new bodies. Starts with an A... there are a million names that start with A! "Do you have her files?" I asked, stoping and looking at Mike. "Yes, but-" Mike answered and a yes was all that I needed. I disappeared, taking the jar with me. I ran as fast as I could to the file room and was there within seconds. It took me a little longer to find it as I smelled the jar of blood to pick up the sent. I walked down a few isles, before stopping at the 5th one. I walked down it and started following my senses. The blood became stronger with every step. I was almost out of the hallway when the sent started to become behind me. I put the lid on the jar to make sure I it wasn't that. It wasn't. I looked to one lonley file on the right of me, and stared at it. Mike and the others slammed open the door, yelling my name. But I ignored them and grabbed the file. I opened it up as I read the name. Aphmau Phoenix. They came into view as I looked at her picture. It was a picture of when she was.... 7, maybe 6. But people seem to be a lot younger on pictures, so she could have been 3. The file was snatched from my hand and I growled lowly, taking it back. I looked at the information that was on it. Hieght: 2.4. So from my guess she was about 5. Favorite colors: White and Purple. Age: 5. Called it. Hair Color: Black. Eye Color: Brown Blood Type: Unkown. I looked at that one word... amazed. It was obvious! Her blood type was the same one I had. P Positive. It was a sertain kind of blood, meaning she was once not fully human either. But... that means, she could still be alive! She could be hiding in that dreadful world, disguised as one of them and she wouldn't even realize it! She could be a shape shifter... or a vampire.... or a natural zombie, hell! She could be a angle, devil, mermaid, Neko, werewolf! She could be anything! She could even be a freaking goblin! My eye's went wide as I thought of the possibilities she could be. "Aaron?" Garroth asked. I continted to read, ignoring as police officers that tried to take me down. "Ugh! You guys are so weak!" I growled as I pushed them off with ease. I looked back at the file. Gender: Female. Health: ???. Strength: 10/10. Weight: 10 lb. "Aaron? Are you listening?" Laurence asked. I ignored them as I read the last information that was here. Personality: Kind, Caring, Thoughtful, angle like, Sweet, fragile, but can be violent and harsh. I smiled. She sounds beautiful. But why was she in the death world? I looked at the jar I didn't even realized I put down on the shelf. I took it and looked at it. "Angle." I whispered. "What?" Mike asked. I looked at him. "Her name was Aphmau." I replaced my answer. "Glad you figured that out AGAINST LAW!! Now..." Mike took a deep breath as I looked back at the file. "Why did you need to know so badly." Mike added. Dante smirked. "Ohhoho! I think I know!" Dante said in a flirtatious tone. "And what would that be?" Mike glared at him. "He has the L virus." Dante leaned onto one of the shelves. I growled as a slight, light pink flushed to my cheeks. I looked back at the jar I was holding. "I... need to find her." I whispered. "Awe! That's so cute! A romance adventure! A quest!" Garroth smiled proudly, clapping his hands and jumping in such a childish way. I honestly thought Garroth didn't like it when it came to love for others. "That's romantic." Laurence agreed. I growled as I looked at them. "You three are so annoying!" I growled as I kept the file and jar and walked out of the isle. "HEY! YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT!" Mike yelled. "I can't? Well I just did. Deal with it!" I growled back as I continued walking, not sparing them a glance. Mike ran to me and blocked my way. "You can't take it." Mike growled. "Watch me!" I pushed past him, making him fall over. Next thing I know I smell blood... Mikes blood. I growled. "Next time, stay out of my way." I growled lowly as Mike looked at his blood with horror. My three friends watched as my eye's became even a darker shade of red. I was so hungry, if I didn't get out now, he would be dead. And based that he knew about Aphmau... I need him alive. So I controlled my thirst, my eyes faded and my long fangs turned to normal teeth. I picked him up and dragged him back to the room were all the jars were. I quickly moved them as I locked the door from the outside, shutting it and pinning him to the table. He was terrified, his heart beat sped up rapidly. "How old was she?" I growled. "F-Five." He answered with a stutter. "What the hell did she do to go to the death world!?" I yelled, getting off as I hear the door trying to be broke down. What they didn't know is that I had the keys, AND I quickly locked it from inside as well. "S-She didn't do anything! The president used her as bait for the rest of us to live." He answered, frightened as he sat up. I growled lowly as my fangs tried to come out. "Where is she?" I asked, trying to calm myself. "I-I don't know." He answered shakily. I paced back and forth as the banging became more frequent. "Who were you that to her?" I asked, stoping and looking at him. "I was her doctor." He answered, watching me carefully. "Her... doctor?" I asked. He nodded in response. "How come your a police officer than?" I asked. "I didn't agree with the presidents choice, so as punishment I lost my career and had to choose something else." He answered. I watched him carefully. I started pacing again, his eyes following my every move. "Would her blood type help you figure some things out?" I asked. "It would yes, but I'm not going up against the law like you!" He growled. I stopped and looked at him. I sighed in disappointment. "Fine, then tell me how to do it." I said. "No!" He yelled. The door was knocked down and next thing I know Garroth ran into the room. "Of course you would break the door." I mumbled. "Aaron? How would this help you find her?" Garroth asked. "The more information the better, did you know her?" I asked. Garroth nodded, following with a sigh. I watched him, waiting. "She was one of the smartest and kindest girls in this place. She got feisty when someone affended her though. She can be a handful. She was also one of the strongest girls I know. We were childhood friends, but I can't remember anything else." Garroth spoke. "She's out there... I just need to find her." I walked out the door, after putting the jar and file in my inside, secret jacket pocket. One of my most trustworthy jackets. I could walk through a metal detector with nothing but metal and glass or anything and it wouldn't go off. Not even with the metal zipper. The glass didn't break, even if I landed on it from a 100 story fall. I walked out and walked to the door leading to the death world. "You can't pass." One guard warned. "If you don't let me pass I'll kill you both." I growled lowly as my eye's and fangs became very visible. The watched me carefully. And I started walking through but they stopped me. "Sir please don't make me hurt you." He begged. "I won't be the one that's hurt, you will be." I looked at him, showing my fangs even more so. As soon as he saw them he jumped back in fear and I walked through.
Aphmau's POV
It was starting to get late so I headed back to the little house that I lived in. The house wasn't too far away, and it was quite an okay size. Sometimes others will be in my house and I eventually tear them to shreds. It's my house for a reason! Luckily this time though, I didn't have to. I walked in and went up to my bedroom, locking the door, and cried. I always cry at night when I'm alone. Because every night, I recall my memory. And sometimes new ones accrued. But that was rare. All I saw was a group of people yelling and screaming the word 'Aphmau'. I assumed that was my name, but wasn't quite sure. I was running away, looking back as ugly creatures crawled after me. I was so small, I kept tripping and then before I know it, gunshot. I was bleeding. And I was dead. I went to sleep trying to think of why they had thrown me out. But I couldn't. And fell asleep. Next thing I know there is a loud bang on my door, and the door shuts. I hear something wandering in my house, the steps sounded normal. I smell... blood. I got up and ran to the door. I opened it and saw... a human. It was male, he was tall and had pitch-black hair. He looked towards me and his eyes widened. His eyes were dark, almost black. I think they were black anyway. He had tan skin and I watched him as he disappeared. I was confused. He was right there! I walked over to where he was, but no sign. I took a shaken deep breath, freaked out. I shake my head and walk back to my room. Up the stairs, and there he was, in my room looking at an old picture of me. It was the only one I could find out here, it was right outside of the gates were my life was taken. It was the first thing I saw and I took it, thinking of how beautiful the girl was. It wasn't until I was 8 when I realized it was me. I growled and snatched it from him, putting it somewhere else. Anywhere hidden really. "Aphmau?" He asked, his voice deep, and a hint of hope was in it. I froze, he knew that word. The word sounded familiar. So familiar. And I had the vision again, but I kept the tears back, knowing that he was here. I ignored any thought that came to me and put the picture in a little sliding outbox. The hight of it went to about my waist, it had many other open, sliding boxes and I find it easy to keep clothes in. I hid it in one little box that didn't have anything in it. Shutting the box and I looked back at him. He had two different items, one I craved, but it was in some weird container that I don't exactly know how to get it out. And another looked like a thin piece of paper. He set the container down and opened up the paper. I looked at him weirdly as he pulled out a small cut paper. "Is this you?" He asked, showing the picture to me. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him. I was this close to tearing him apart, but when his eyes widened, it wasn't from fear. I was curious, even though I won't most likely remember later on. I took the picture and saw the same little girl that was in the picture I had. The pictures seemed identical. I walked back over and grabbed the picture that belonged to me. They were the same picture, same place, same age, same girl. I looked at him as I put my picture away and put the other picture on top. He walked over and picked his up. I started pacing. "Can you talk?" He asked. I stopped and shook my head no. "But you can understand me?" He added. I looked at him with a dumb expression. And I thought Zombies were dumb. He held his hands up in defense. I thought for a moment and got an idea. I didn't know how to talk, but I knew how to write. I walked out of the room as he followed me. I grabbed a small black plastic pen and wrote down one question I wanted to know. What's your name? I handed him the paper and he read what I put down. He smiled at me... he smiled at me. "I'm Aaron." He answered, still smiling. People never smile out here. If we do, it wasn't visible. But he smiled. Aaron... Aaron... hmm... I wasn't sure how I would remember the name, but I was going to try. He gave the paper back to me and I started pacing again. "Are you Aphmau?" He asked. I didn't listen as I tried to get his name glued to my memory. After two minutes, I still remembered and thought it was enough to focus. "Is your name Aphmau?" He asked again. I grabbed the paper and wrote an answer. I recognize the word. Don't know if it's my name though. I gave the paper back to him and his face lit up with joy. He smiled even wider at me. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my room. Shutting it with a loud thud. And this time... I had a dream.
(Edited. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I have many more ideas to come! I love you all! Bia!!!)
Words: 5135
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