In Love With A Zombie - Chapter Four: Morning

A bright light was turned on and I cover my face. "Leave me alone!" I complain. "Umm... Aph? It's 12:30. Maybe you should get up." I hear a deep voice say. "No!!" I yell. "Oh come on. You don't want to sleep the day away do you?" The voice asked, except this time it was closer. "Yes," I say. "Aph please." The voice begged. "Kiss already will ya!?" I hear another voice ask, this one seemed a little... off. Almost like... a girl's voice? But... deeper than a girl's voice. Like a girl got a terrible cold. I slowly open my eyes to see a black-haired, black-eyed, tan boy in front of me. "Shut up Dante!" He snapped. I looked over to see a blue-haired, blue-eyed boy with a blonde and a brownish colored hair boy. All the boys. "Oh... hi Aaron." I sigh as I slowly remember the four. Aaron looks at me and smiles. "Now get up, it's practically 1." Aaron stared. "Ugh," I mumble as I turn away from the light. "Come on, don't make me drag you off the couch," Aaron warned. "I can't feel anything anyway." I sighed. I feel Aaron touched my cheek and a soft spark zaps at my skin. I open my eyes. "Fine!" I growl and sit up. "Happy?" I asked. "Very," Aaron answered. "I thought I told you not to wake her up!" Silvanna yelled. "It's 12:45! She isn't sleeping all day!" Aaron stated. "Why not?" I asked. Aaron glared at me. "Your lucky I let you sleep this long. I almost woke you up at 11." Aaron stated. I rolled my eyes. "Alright. What are we doing?" I asked as I stood up. I stretched my arms above my head with a yawn. "You need to eat." Aaron pointed at me. "I'm already dead. I haven't eaten in like ten years." I stated. "Even more of the reason," Aaron said as he walked out of the room. He soon came back with a plate of white, round things with a yellow center. And some curvy brown lines. The brown lines had different shades of brown, there was a light brown, dark brown, a medium. "What's this?" I ask. "Eggs And bacon. Eat up." Aaron said handing me the plate. I think I'm okay. I can live without food." I smiled. Aaron's eye's turned red. "Eat." He repeated a scary tone in his voice. I didn't like it. The way he ordered in that voice, it sounded like you were going to be killed if you didn't do as told. I looked at the food. I sighed and started eating. "Why are you always scary?" Garroth asked. "I have my reasons." He answered. The white circles were so good, the brown line things were even better though. I think I might have eaten all that was there. But once I was done Aaron walked in. "Isn't that better?" He smirked. "Shut up," I stated as I put the plate down. I lied back down and closed my eyes. "Who said you could go back to bed?" Aaron asked. I opened my eyes to see Aaron kneeling in front of me. His face was like five inches away. "I did," I answered. Aaron shook his head. "Come on. Don't you want to see any old friends?" Aaron asked. Old friends huh? Won't they, I don't know, freak out? I was eaten alive and they saw it happen. Wouldn't that just set them off? "I don't know," I mumbled. He rose a confused brow at me. "You don't know?" He repeated. "I'm dead. Why would they want to meet a dead person?" I asked sighing. "Aph. That's not an excuse. Get up. We're going." Aaron says. "But I'm scary," I mumbled. Aaron sighed and dragged me off the couch. I groaned as I wanted to go lay back down. "Just let the dead rest in peace," I whined as Aaron chuckled at my statement. "Not happening." Aaron dragged me out the front door and across the street. "Who are we meeting?" I asked. "We are gonna meet up with everyone at the park. Katelyn, Lucinda, Kim, Kawaii~Chan, Nickole, Dante, Travis, and even Zane and Garroth will be there." Aaron responded. I whined in protest. "That's too many people. Why did I have so many friends?" I asked. "Because Friends are great," Aaron responded. We reached the park and waited for everyone else. I saw a bench and smiled. "So I can sleep in the park." I pointed at the bench. Aaron sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You can lay down until they get here. Why are you so tired?" Aaron asked. "I'm dead. The dead aren't supposed to be awake or moving around in general. A zombie's sleep pattern is practically 24/7." Aaron seemed to ponder my answer and nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense." Aaron nodded and we moved to the bench and I lay down on Aaron's lap. I fell asleep quickly. I was awoken by shaking on my shoulder and I slowly opened my eyes with a groan. "What now?" I whined. "Their here." I hear Aaron's voice from above me. "They can wait," I mumbled and turned to my other side. "Aph..." Aaron said in a warning tone. "Fiiiinnnnee... I'll wake up..." I groaned and sat up rubbing my eyes. My stomach growled and I could feel the major craving for human flesh... the worse part is, I was in the middle of a human security village. I could be shot and killed in seconds. "Umm..... I'm hungry..." I said and turned to Aaron. Aaron studied me for a second. "Alright... Let's get you some food." Aaron said. "Not that kind of hungry." I blurted out. I can see bodies stiff around us from the corner of my eye and Aaron did the same. "Okay... We'll figure it out." Aaron mumbled as he relaxed again. I looked around me to see some familiar faces and non-familiar faces. I could feel my skin getting cold so I looked away to prevent a cray-cray outburst. "Umm... Aaron?" I hear someone ask. Aaron looks at me and rubbed my back. The contact of a human just makes it worse, Aaron seemed to notice and let go instantly. "I don't know what to do," Aaron mumbled. My throat becomes dry and scratchy. The craving only grows to have the human flesh. I shake my head and try to rid the thought of the flesh from my mind. "I need to get somewhere isolated," I say. "There aren't places like that at this time. Guards are at every corner and alley. They leave in a few hours for a break. We just missed their lunch break." Aaron gulped. "Do they have pigs here?" I asked. "Not any that aren't guarded," Aaron said. "Let's go to my place and I can summon a pig." A girl with orange hair said. Aaron nodded and went to help me up but I backed away. I get up and follow the scent of the orange-haired girl, keeping my eyes closed so I don't lose control. "How do you know what way she is going?" I hear one of the male voices ask. "Her scent." I answered bluntly. She turns a corner and I take a deep breath, noticing she went right. "That's not creepy or nerveracking at all." I hear the Lucinda say. Soon enough we reach a house and the warmth of the home evolps me. I open my eyes and look around. They all seem to stare and a girl with glasses and brown hair gasps. I'm assuming that means my eyes are bloodshot and red. "I'll teleport the pig in the bathroom. I'll tell you when its ready." Lucinda nods and goes upstairs. I'll know when its ready becuase I'll smell the flesh from down here. I look at everyone and take mental notes. Guys: Yellow hair, Blue eyes, Black hair, Blue eyes, Brown hair, Green eyes, White hair, Green eyes, Blue hair, Blue eyes, and then there's Aaron. Girls: Brown Hair, Glasses/Brown eyes, Blue hair, Blue eyes, Pink hair, Pink eyes, Then there's Lucinda, the orange haired girl and orange eyes, and red haired and red eyes. Except its a dark red, almost a red velvot color. Aaron introduced everyone to me and me to them. "And the girl upstairs is-" Aaron started to finish. "Lucinda, I know." I inturrupted. Aaron seemed surprised. "She was the one of the ones that I last looked at before I was shot." I explained. Aaron seemed to nod in return. I don't know what happened to remember her name, it just came. Inastantly I can smell the pig upstairs and my eyes and skin goes raw. Throat goes dry again and everything goes white. I can barely see, I just move. Within seconds I can feel flesh in my hands and I hear a pig screetch. At least I know that I didn't attack anyone of the people around me. I hear a door closed behind me and all I hear are screetches and voices saying how they might puke. Sounded like Lucinda, she must have seen me dig into the pig. Soon the pig stops struggling and making noice. Skin of the pig tears and the blood spills everywhere. The blood down my throat and moisturizes it. Slowly the pig was devoured, and like every time I felt sick after. I was discussed with myself. Eating something raw, and... runny. It was just gross. Every time I feel like I'm about to puke. Sometimes I do... and I did today. I ended up puking in the bathtub as well. I hear a few calls from downstairs. "Aph?" I hear Garroth call. My stomach turned and twisted as more came back up through my throat. I hear the door open behind me. "That is so gross." I hear Garroth mutter. "Trust me, I know." I answer as I try and slowly sit down. I curl up in a ball to help my stomach. It don't help at all at first, but I know it will get better in a while. "I'll go get Aaron." Garron says and cringes as he glances at the corpse. He leaves down the stairs and out of sight. Soon I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and Aaron soon comes into sight. "Hey, you okay?" Aaron asked and I just shook my head, not wanting to speak. Aaron came over and felt my head. "On the bright side your skins not ice cold any more." Aaron stated. He looked at the pig and back at me. "You really tore that up... almost feel bad for the pig." Aaron mumbled but sighed. "Lets get you some real food and go downstairs okay?" Aaron asked offering me a hand to help me up. I shook my head. Aaron became confused. "I don't feel well after I do things like that." I explain. Aaron nods and kneels down next to me. "Come on, I'll help you get downstairs and I'll make you some stuff to help your stomach." Aaron said as his arms wrap around me. I nodded as he slowly and carefully picked me up. His body heat made my stomach turn and I thought I was about to throw up agian, but surprisingly it helped my stomach. It made it managable to move a little instead of being in a ball for eterninty. Aaron walked into the living room and everyone looks at us. "Did she at least puke in the bathtub or toilet?" Lucinda asked. Aaron nodded as he set me down on the couch. Katelyn handed me a large bowl and said that if I needed to puke again, to do it in there. I just nodded and said thanks. Aaron's body heat left and it was back to the don't move stomach turns. A small whine left my throat unintentinoally as Aaron went into the kitchen. He was out of sight, this home was slightly different. There was a spiral staircase that lead to the bathroom and probably some other rooms too. The kitchen was on the left and blocked off by a big wall. The living room was pretty big so everyone was able to sit down inside. That's all I could see from where I was at. Just several couches and chairs everyone was sitting on. Other then the table in the middle, it was a nice wooden table with nothing on it. Which I guess made it kind of nice, you don't have to move anything to use it like what I'm used to. I usually just throw everything on the floor because the place it was in was a mess anyway. "So..." I hear Kim mumble. "That was interesting." Nickole smiled. I just wanted Aaron back here. He made everything feel better. Everyone started making small talk around me and I just zoned them out. I was focased on me at the moment, I needed my stomach to calm down. Eventually Aaron came back into the room. Aaron slowly helped my up and his body heat started to help agian. Aaron sat down next to me and I leaned into him, wishing his heat could help more. He handed me a small bowl as everyone else flooded the kitchen. It was full of a liquid and some weird pale long things. "Chicken noodle soup usually helps the stomach." Aaron smiled. I nodded and took the spoon in the bowl and slowly started to eat the liquid and soft other things in the bowl. I was rather yummy actually, even if most of the food is liquid, it was rather filling too. Aaron placed his lips on the side of my head and for some reason it made my stomach turn more. I looked up at him in confusion. "What did you do?" I asked. Aaron's cheeks changed colors and I started to panic. "Please tell my your not choking." I blurted. Aaron laughed and shook his head. "I forget that you don't know a lot of things about the living." Aaron mumbled. Lucinda walked in and her feet stopped. "GIRLS AARON'S BLUSHING!!!" Lucinda yelled. "WHAT!? LET ME SEE!!" I hear a high pitched voice scream and Kawaii~Chan soon appears. "PICTURES!!!" Kawaii~Chan yelled. "Really?" Aaron asked narrowing his eyes at her. "I HAVE A NEW OTP!" She screamed. "What's an OTP?.... What's blushing?" I asked. Katelyn and the others came in and Lucinda gave a confused look before sighing. "Blushing is when blood rushes to your cheeks. A lot of the time it is caused by embarassement. In this case its safe to say Aaron here has a crush." Lucinda winked at Aaron. "Lucinda!" Aaron whined as his cheeks got brighter. "Ooooo... we have some drama here." Katelyn smiled. "Whats a crush?" I asked. "Don't. Answer. That. Question." Aaron warned. Katelyn, Lucinda, Kawaii~Chan, Kim, and Nickole giggled. Garroth and all the guys came in and started asking questions. "Aaron here has a crush on Aphmau and she don't know what a crush is." Lucinda smiled. Garroth let out a weird giggle of sorts. "Oooohh. I bet I could tell her." He continued to giggle. "I'm so confused." I whined. "A crush-" Laurence smiled before Aaron inturrupted. "Is nothing she needs to know." Aaron growled. "I think she has every right to know. She's involved." Lucinda smirked. Aaron looked at Lucinda and glared at her.

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