HorrorTale X Reader - Chapter Two: Day Two

(Y/n)'s POV

     I wake up, still a little dark. At least. Grillby was talking to Sans on the other side of where the fire was. I sit up and rub my eyes. Sans and Grillby stop talking and look at me. I streatch my arms above my head. I open my eyes fully and notice Sans staring at me, Grillby as well... but Sans stares are more affective. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Grillby looks at Sans and notices. I blink.... once... twice.... three times. "What?" I ask. Sans sighed, then grabbed his axe. "What was that about?" I ask. Grillby smiled with a shrug. I gave him a questioning look but he ignored me and turned to Sans. "We going or not?" Sans asked. I nodded. "Wait where did that dog go?" Grillby asked. "Mina has to go back to Gaster by morning. Probably left as soon as I layed down and started heading." I said. "Don't it take 3 days to get there?" Sans asked. "If we walk, eat, and sleep yes. But if you run, don't eat, and have no rest you can be there by the next day or night." I answer. I started walking through the woods. On the way I gathered some ingredients. Spices, berries, herbs. That kind of stuff. I found a rabbit and got that. I ate a little, I offered some to the other two but they didn't want any. Maybe because it wasn't cooked. I'm not sure. But it was energy for me. So I won't complain. That was going to be my breakfast. "What time do we need to be there by?" Grillby asked. "Midnight. We might be a little early if we keep up the early routine." I say. They nodded. We continued to walk. I kept trying to get answers out of Sans about his crush. But I can't get anything. It has been about an hour and I had to stop for a minute. "You okay kid?" Sans asked. I nodded as I sat down on a boulder. Grillby walked off... must had to do something. Sans was quite so I tried again. "So what's her name?" I ask. Sans growled, not answering. "Fine.... at least tell me one thing about her." I beg. Sans looked at me. 3 seconds.... 8 seconds.... 15 seconds.... 20 seconds.... 30 seconds.... 45 seconds..... 55 seconds.... 1 minute. "If I Do will you stop bugging me!?" Sans asked. I nodded quickly excited to hear something about her. "She has (E/c) eyes." Sans said as I smiled. "So you do look her in the eyes." I smirked. Sans face turned a slight pink and I giggled. Witch only made it worse. "And here I thought you were grumpy all the time." I tease as I elbow him softly. Making sure not to hurt him. He looks at me. "I'm stronger than that you know." Sans stated. "I'm sure you are. But Dad told me to not hurt you... even if it was an accident." I said. "Huh?" Sans asked. "I'm saying that I don't want to hit you to hard. Dad would kill me, even if it was an accident." I specify. "Me and Grillby have been thinking..." Sans started. "What about." I asked. "That maybe.... we could get everyone out of there.... finish Gaster for good." Sans said. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask. "Because you seem to be the one person who cares about him. Even if it's small. Paps was the same way... but eventually turned against him. And I don't need you trying to kill me or Paps." Sans said. "You think I care about him?" I ask. Sans looked at a tree in the distance. "Maybe a little." Sans answered. "Is that why Grillby left. So you could talk to me about this." I ask. "Yeah." Sans answered. "You can kill him, I won't care. I lost trust and hope for him the day he killed them. Count me in." I say. Sans seemed shocked. "What!?" Sans exclaimed. "Count me in. It... will give me a chance to avenge my friends. If I can even call them that. I was way to weak to even lay a hand on him that day. I think I might be able to distract him now. Give you a chance to kill him or something." I repeat. "I ca5 let you do that!" Sans says. "Why?" I ask confused. Sans stops what he was saying. "I just can't. I can't risk you getting hurt." Sans mumbled. "Why would you care?" I ask again. Sans eyes went dark. "I'm the one that got you into this... I'm the one that came and got you. So why would you care?" I asked. "Because your his crush." I hear Grillby say as he comes to view. Sans stiffened. "What? Sorry I don't... think I heard that right." I answer, putting a hand to my ear. "You heard me." Grillby said. "That's it your dead!" I hear Sans yell as his eye flamed. Grillby's eye's widened as he starts running and screaming for Sans to stop. Then maybe a little later he started screaming for me to help. Sans was over there chasing Grillby with his axe, his bones, and some head thing's I never seen before. I started laughing, the way they looked when they were running around made me think of chickens getting their heads chopped off. Just watching their bodies running around like stupid people being attacked by robbers. I hear them stop running and I fall off the boulder. I couldn't help but hold my stomach. "I think I killed her." Grillby said. I laughed and laughed, the picture of chickens running around with their heads on the ground still stuck in my head. "You guys act like chickens with their heads cut off." I say between laughs. I hear Grillby chuckle. "We Do kinda act like that don't we?" Grillby agreed. I hear Sans chuckle too, which I find as a good thing. I was soon able to sit strait at least. Sans was still mad at Grillby. "Why don't we just stay here today? Mina will be back, and we can escape with her. It also means we can come up with a plan." I smile. Grillby nodded in agreement as Sans didn't answer, he was leaning on a tree, trying to hide himself from me. Or that's what I assumed. Grillby noticed I was looking in Sans dirrection. "I'll be right back." I whisper. "Go get him tiger." Grillby cheered me on. My wings spread and I flew quitely to a branch above him. Sans was still blushing, it wasn't as noticeable, but still blushing. I smirk to myself. I jump down, landing in front of him as my wings block his way. His eyes widened as I smiled. "Come on we can't make this plan if your not going to cooaperate." I say. Sans glared at me, But didn't respond. Instead he looked away. My heart sank at that moment. I get closer to him and wrap my arms around him. "Do you need a hug grumpy?" I asked in a baby voice. A low growl came from him as he didn't respond again. "Or do you want a kiss?" I ask with a massive smirk on my face. I feel his heart skip a beat when I said the word 'kiss'. I look at him as my arms hook around his neck. "Sans look at me." I say. Sans ignores me. "Please look at me." I beg. Sans still doesn't answer but doesn't completely ignore me either. He glanced in my direction, but not at me. "Sans." I say as I lead his head to face me. He closed his eyes, refusing to look at me. I sigh. "Sans I'm sorry Grillby told me... but that don't mean you should block me too." I say, pain in my voice. I let go of Sans and he opens his eyes slightly. A soft sigh comes from him and I wait for an answer. "I'll give you more time. But we still need to make this plan." I say and start to walk away. Before I can get pass him fully I feel a hand grab my wrist. I get pulled back behind the tree and Sans brings me in a hug. Gotcha. I smile to myself. I hug him back. "I rather you stay out of the plan kid." Sans whispers. I smile wider and nuzzle into Sans. "But then I can't make sure your okay." I whisper back. Sans pulls me closer. "Please.... I can't have you hurt." Sans begged. "I'm already hurt Sans. I'm brocken. Maybe you can fix me.... but I still need to help avenge my friends." I say. Sans rested his head on top of mine. "And if you leave?" Sans asked. "I won't. I promise." I say. "Don't make a promise you can't keep kid." Sans warned. "It's a promise I can and will keep. I'm not leaving." I say as I lift my head a little. Sans tenses. "Kid...." Sans says. I smirk as I realize my head is in line with his neck. "Your easy to fluster." I mumble. Sans growls. "So!? What if I am?" Sans says, letting go and teleporting behind me. Sans face was red, but it was quickly fading. I start to sway. "Let's get this plan going!" I cheer and skip to Grillby. Sans soon joined and we started making a plan. After that, it was almost dark. "I'm going to go hunting." I say and get up. "Wait! Don't go! Sans might kill me!" Grillby cried. I laughed.

The Plan

I will be the distraction. I will have to play along at first, do what I am supposed to. Once Sans can get his friend to come over. Grillby is to try and get as much information out of Gaster as possible. And hopefully he will give us information we can use against him. Or at least confuse him. If we give him something to think about, we can use that and continue asking questions. Gaster will eventually leave to clear his head. But if we can't get him to become confused, that's where Sans' friend comes in. Sans says that he will make Gaster confused for sure, can make him go back through some research. But he won't tell us who this friend is. Just to trust him. Once he leaves, we will take Mina, and get out. I will remove the tracker from Mina and me and leave them outside. At the front door. After that we have to make a plan to get rid of Gaster. That still is a mystery. But we are getting there.

"You sure you won't tell me who this friend is?" I ask. "Kid it's an old friend who want revenge on Gaster to. Nothing more to it." Sans answers as we continue to walk to Gaster's place. "I thought we were staying there." Grillby said. "Well That was before I realized tomorrow is the last day to get there." I answer as I glance at him. "Oh yeah..." Grillby said. I nodded. It was starting to get dark once again as I soon come to a stop. "We can camp here fore the night." I say as I kneel down and start up a fire. "I'll go get some food this time." Grillby said, walking out into the tree's. I grab some sticks and some of the logs we had spared last night. A flash of light came across the sky. A loud voice of thunder roared through the woods. I try to stay calm, sense I am terrified of thunder, and even more scared of lightning. Thunder and lighting are one, if not my biggest fear in history. I'm more scared of thunder than I am of Gaster. That says a lot. Lighting.... don't even get me started. "You okay kid? You tensed up." Sans said. I didn't realize I tensed up until he said I did. "Yeah... I'm fine." I said. Boom! Another thunder noice. It was much louder too. I almost jump but instead I start shaking. "Are you scared?" Sans asked. I ignore his question and start the fire. The sparks were slow, but sense I had to start a fire from rocks, it took a while to actually get it going. By the time the fire started to grow, Sans was sitting next to me, staring. His stare was strong and I felt like I was going to melt knowing it was me he was staring at. I slouched a little more, trying to stay together. "(Y/n) are you scared?" Sans asked again. The first time I hear him say my name. My heart sped up and I tried to think it was the thunder, but I know I am wrong. I once again didn't answer. "Answer me Kid." Sans said in a more firm voice. "I'm scared of thunder." I mumble as quite as possible. Sans raised a brow. "Trying to keep it from me isn't going to do anything." Sans said. I sigh. "I'm scared of thunder..... okay?" I ask in a more clear voice. I refuse to look at Sans and just stare at the fire. I don't know what he's doing, or what his expression is. But honestly... is it okay to be scared of thunder? Thunder won't strike like lightning will, But the noise. The flash is what scares me. The flash makes me think of the light that Gaster uses when doing some studies on me. The noise just scares me. Sometimes it reminds me of when Gaster drops a tool or if the tool is really load. But the noise isn't even close to the ones I've heard. So I'm just scared of the thunder. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me as I feel Sans hug me. I freeze up as another load noise and flash comes from above. Sans brings me closer to him as I just give in. "It's not a bad thing to be scared. You know that right?" Sans asks. "It's embarrassing." I mumble. "You know what I'm afraid of?" Sans asked. "What?" I looked at him. "I'm scared of going back to face Gaster, I'm scared of loosing Paps." Sans said. "Well yeah, he's your brother." I shrug. "I'm also scared of ticking Grillby off." Sans added. "Huh?" I ask. "Trust me, you don't want to see Grillby mad. He's terrifying." Sans said. "He seems to be scared of you." I state. "We're scared of each other." Sans smiles. Another flash of light and a loud noise comes from the sky. I jump in Sans pulls me closer. I cuddle into him making him blush a little. I eventually turn my body to face him in his lap and rest my head on his shoulder. My hands are at my chest as I'm curled up. "Are you mad at Grillby?" I ask. "Because he told you? No... why the hell would I be mad?" Sans growls. I smile. "Because then I wouldn't be so open to you." I say. Sans glances at me. "If he didn't tell me I would be up against the plan to." I say. Sans now looks at me. "Why?" Sans asked. "It hurts to upset him. I don't like to go against him and would probably tell." I say. "I... guess I can understand that." Sans sighs. Another thunder noise and I cuddle into Sans more, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck. He tensed, causing me to smile. More thunder and at this point there's no more room between me and Sans. I was for once not that scared. "Frisk... I would appreciate it if you moved your head." Sans said, trying not to move. I moved my head so my forehead was to his neck instead of my whole face. Sans sigh d and rolled his eyes. "Not exactly what I meant but I guess it's close enough." Sans said.

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