HorrorTale X Reader -Chapter Seven:
I wake up, only to find myself in the forest. I groan as my head hurts, everything hurts. I don't know what happened. "Hey kid..." I hear a familiar voice next to me. I turn my head in the direction if the sound to see Sans. I smiled a little, knowing I wasn't alone was comforting. "Hey Sans." I say as I turn back over. "Kid... We need to chat..." Sam's seemed nervous, I could hear it in his voice. I nodded and groaned a bit as I sat up. "I want to say I'm sorry." Sans said. I looked at him, he seemed ashamed. "For what?" I asked confused. "Your friend.... She... Didn't make it." Sans said slowly. And that's when it hit, I forgot we arrived there. I forgot about it all. My friend... Is dead... I gulped as I processed the information. "I tried... But... I was to late. I acted to late..." Sans started crying now. It wasn't his fault. It was Gasters... It was his fault. Not Sans. I instantly got up to hug him but my legs gave out again and I fell. Sans ran by my side and helped me back up. I can tell he was expecting me to push him away. That look of fear and sadness in his eyes. But I hugged him, and I refused to let go. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "Why are you apologizing?" Sans asked. "Because I know you blame yourself. And it's not your fault. It's Gasters. And it's my fault for bringing you along. You would have been happy if I never came to you. Deep down I knew he was a really bad person... But he was all I had..." I started sobbing, my voice was cracking. Sans sat down and I ended up in his lap. "Are you hurt?" I asked, trying to clear the tears that had started spilling. "No... Maybe a few bruises. But nothing bad. How about you?" Sans held me closer. "I think I have a headache coming on. But we need to get these things he put in me out." I started to panic. I'm sure he put a tracker on me. "I've already got them all out." Sans said sheepishly as his cheeks went red. I looked at him in confusion. "I had to cut open your chest a little to get them." He blurted out as his cheeks got redder. But then I realized why he was blushing. And it made me blush too. I take a deep breath and averted my gaze. "I had to get it out of you asap.... And Night went into the dark to go lead him somewhere else. He'll teleport back as soon as it gets done." Sans mumbled. I take a deep breath and nod. "Okay... I'm surprised I don't feel pain from it." I say. "I bandaged it up pretty well, and if it had the same pressure constantly it shouldn't hurt." Sans said, now looking at my chest. "Hey!" I yelled as my blush grew and I covered my chest. Sans eyes went wide and he looked away instantly. Sans face was going to be murdered by how much he was blushing. "Sorry..." Sans said. I narrowed my eyes at him as I can feel a slight pain on my chest from the sudden action I just made. I grumbled a bunch of nonsense and random syllables before leaning into him. To be honest he was adorable when he blushed. And it was hard to stay mad at him. I couldn't help but kiss his cheek as I muzzled into him. He was comfy and warm. Sans arms wrapped around me with a tight grip. "I love you." I blurted out as my cheeks warmed even more. I don't know why I blurted that out all suddenly. But Sans seemed somewhat surprised, he became stiff but relaxed instantly. "Awe..." I hear a voice say behind me. I look at the direction of the voice and saw Night. "Your okay." I smiled. "I am. Now don't leave her hanging Horror." Night winked before walking a little deeper into the forest. I gulped as I muzzled back into Horror, my nose brushing the neck of his spine a little. Instantly Sans stiffened, and froze. I was confused. I wasn't gonna bite him. But I realized his breath was hitched. His spine is sensitive. I smirked. "What's wrong?" I say in a seductive tone, trying to tease him. I brush my nose against his spine again and Sans closed his eyes. I can tell he is trying not to give it away. I giggled before pulling back. Sans watched me as I kissed his cheek again. "In all seriousness though... I want to have a funeral for her... She deserved to be at peace... And to be remembered." I say, frowning at the remembrance of her death. "Why are you not so hurt?" Sans asked, his blush becoming dead. "It's the way I cope with things. I block it from my memory until I feel like the time is right to let it out. Usually when I'm alone and when everyone's asleep." I respond with a sad smile. I'm trying not to show through, I don't want to cry right now. Sans seemed hesitant but nodded. "Will you tell her you live her back already!!" I hear Night yell from afar. Sans blushed once again. I smiled at the scene. "Actually... I wanted to ask you something..." Sans looked at the floor. He seemed nervous. I frowned as I had a feeling I wouldn't like this. "Okay." I say. Was there something else that happened? What did Gaster say? Questions stormed my head. "Would you...." Sans trailed off. He took a deep breath before meeting my eyes nervously. "Go on a date with me?" Sans asked. My eyes widened. I was expecting a lot worse. A smirk crossed my lips. "Only if you truly love me." I say, winking at him. Sans blush deepened ever so slightly. He could tell I was trying to get him to say it. Not exactly in a forced manor, but I wanted to hear it. I didn't want to be the only one to say it at this point in time, I will respect him if he still don't want to say it, if he's not ready, but the longer I wait the more nervous I am. Sans took a deep breath before looking at the floor. "I... Don't know if I'm ready for something quite like that..." Sans seemed ashamed. But I just smiled and nodded. Part of me was disappointed, but it was okay. I wasn't gonna push him. "Then let's get back to the village, and we can go on the date. Okay?" I say as I nodded. Sans looked at me and nodded. "Let's get some sleep." I say and lay down on the ground. I honestly was disappointed, but, I want him to be comfortable. Sans nodded and laid down next to me. "I'm sorry." Sans said. "It's okay. I want you to be comfortable more then I want to hear those words." I smiled. Sans nodded and pulled me close as we fell asleep in each other's arms.
When we got back to the village, it was getting close to dark. But Sans said he had a idea and a good place to go for that date. He wanted to go on the date before we went to bed. Sans was getting more comfortable with me, the morning after I confessed he was a little uncomfortable touching me. It hurt, but I know he didn't mean to. He's been trying to get more comfortable and he's slowly going back to how he was. He even gave me a few kisses every now and then. I think the three words just set him off a bit. But he got back quickly. Took an hour before he started to hold my hand. So it was nothing really bad. I wouldn't have even noticed if he didn't tell me. Sans had dragged me off instantly, as soon as we got back to the village. "Someone's excited." I teased him as my smile grew. Sans just glared back at me for a second before continuing to drag me wherever we were going. Sans had dragged me off into waterfalls. There were a lot of echo flowers around. But it was beautiful. He stopped as he took a deep breath. "There's something I need to say." Sans said, turning around and facing me. Well... Okay then. Not even let me enjoy the view for a moment. I thought to myself as I nodded at him. "I love you too..." Sans face was red. "Truth is I wasn't fully lying. But I did technically lie... I do love you... But I'm not comfortable saying it in front of other people... I don't know what they'll think if I was telling you that I loved you as love is hated here and by others." Sans blurted out before I could respond. My eyes went wide as I smiled. "That's okay. I understand." My cheeks started to become warm themselves. Sans smiled and pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me and placing his lips on mine. I melted right then. I loved that his arms were around me, I loved that we were alone, and that he said it back. I love him. I pulled away fro a quick moment. "You could have let me see the view before you go on and jump to things." I winked and giggled. Sans face became brighter and he just gave a sheepish smile. I just ended up giggling more at this. "Your cute." I say bluntly as he rolled his eyes. "I carry around an axe, have sharp claws, and have a hole in my head. I wouldn't call that cute." Sans chuckled. "Your right. Your flat out adorable." I giggled more and more. I smiled as I pulled out a drawing pad. "You draw?" Sans asked. "Yep. I draw when I was bored and alone. Kept my mind off of things. I always keep it with me. And I may or may not have drawn you when you were asleep." I said sheepishly. "May or May not have huh?" Sans smirked. I nodded as I flipped to the picture I drew. It was more cartoons, but it was to prove my adorable point I made. I handed him the sketchpad as Sans looked at the picture. "See. Adorable." I giggled. Sans started flipping through the notebook and I started to panic. I drew more then one pic of him. (Found these on internet. NOT MINE!!)
Okay they were really embarrassing. My face blushed bright as he was looking through them. He showed me the last one I drew to me. "I'm cute huh?" Sans was clearly gonna make fun of me for that one. "Do you want me to ve nervous and shy like this picture screams?" Sans smirked as my face just became brighter and brighter. "You were fun to draw!" I tried to defend myself. "Is that so..." Sans walked closer to me and leaned in so he was next to my head. "Because it seems to me that you enjoy drawing things with a lot of blush." Sans whispered against my ear. I gulped. Okay... Yes he was fun to draw but he is also adorable when he blushes. I couldn't help it!! I covered my face as Sans chuckled and laughed at my misery. Sans kissed my cheek and removed my hands from my face. "Your really good at drawing though." Sans smiled. I peeked up at him, trying to avoid eye contact. "Awe... Are you shy?" Sans smirked. "N-No!" I answered to quickly. Sans laughed and pulled me into him, lifting my chin and kissing me. To be honest, I didn't need anything else on this date other then him. If we could just hang out, right here, in each other's arms forever, I would be the happiest person in the world.
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