HorrorTale X Reader - Chapter Five: Explanation
Why are there so many skeletons? There have been new ones popping up left and right. I don't understand at all. How is this even possible? One soul makes several different universes? That don't make sense. How is that possible, not even a determined soul can make different universes, might be able to reset time, but not make different universes. Do far there are like 5 skeletons around. Lust, Ink, Blue, Horror... Or my Sans, and... Another Sans... And finally PJ. The other Sans has a blue jacket on and the hoody outline is furry, looks soft. His eyes are white dots but when he sommons his aura one eye turns a blue, almost cyan color. Sans has black shorts with a white stripe down the sides. He has pink slippers, something I wouldn't think someone would where outside, let alone in the snow. PJ is a black skeleton. He kinda looks like he is made of ink by the way his head is kinda shaped at the top. Its an interesting design, I dont really know how to put it into words. Other then a melted candle... or crayon or something, only, with no crayon or candle and the design in floating. Sans, or Horror is standing next to me, staring at all the others. Suddenly a handful of tiny skeletons, smaller then Blue pop up. "PJ!!! Horror broke Fell's crayon!!" One said, pointing at two skeletons that are fighting now. PJ sighes and picks the two up. "Now thats not friendly Horror. Fell, you shouldnt attack someone because of a crayon, there were several boxes of crayons you can take." PJ instructed. The two skeletons glared at eachother. I rose a brow in confusion as one of the small skeletons looked exactly like my Sans, or Horror. Except smaller. My eyes grow wide as I now realize how cute he is small. Even though he still has an axe and is pretty scary, this is the cutest thing I have ever seen. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" The bigger Horror asked. I just stared at the tiny Horror and he seems to notice because he looks over at me. "What are you looking at!?" He yelled at me. "That... is the cutest thing I've ever seen." I say to myself. I look over at the other skeleton who started laughing. "I am NOT cute!" Tiny Horror said. The other one has a golden tooth, its sharp like the rest of his teeth. He has a black and yellow jacket and black and yellow shorts to match. He has a scratch, or scar on his face. "You both are so adorible." I say to them. The other stopped laughing instantly and glared at me. "I AM NOT ADORABLE!!!" He snapped. Oh my god I'm gonna die. A little skeleton taps my leg. I look down and see a even smaller version on Blue. My eyes go wide as I kneel down to his level, or tried to. I can't take it anymore. I end up falling to the side, closing my eyes. "(Y/n)?" I here everyone ask. I don't answer as I have officially died from cuteness. I... have officially, and finaly am able to rest in peace. I feel big Horror kick my back lightly. "I am dead." I stated to everyone. "How? No one killed you." Small Fell asked. "I died from cuteness...." I stated. There was just to much cuteness to take in. "Kid, I think you got under Horrors and Fells skin." Sans jokes with a chuckle. I'm gonna die of puns too now. "SANS!!!" The two voices yell. I open my eyes to see a small version of the bigger Sans. The bigger Sans is wearing a smirk on his face as he looks at the smaller version of himself. "Okay, I have questions that needs to be answered now." I say and sit up. "How does one soul make so many Universes?" I ask. "G!!" I hear one of the small skeletons yell. Another one!? "How many universes are there!?" I asked. "That is a question we have yet to know the answer to. For all we know, and most likely, more then we can count." I hear a voice behind me. "Inffinity!?" I asked, turinging around to meet the new skeleton. "Indeed." He answered. This skeleton was pretty tall, way taller then the others I have so far met. He has a crack in his head like my father. It comes down onto his right eye. His eye glows of a yellow gold color, his jacket is leather with some sort of symbol on the side of his shoulder. Not gonna lie, he had that kind of bad boy look that made him intimidating. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. He had pants on instead of shorts like everyone else. A turtle neck sweater under the jacket. Is it wierd that he was kinda cute, yet kinda creepy at the same time? I feel a hand grab onto my elbow. I look over to see Horror glaring at G before glaring at me. I chuckle, looked like someone was protective. Never thought I would see that. In a place like this, I expected all but love and care. "So how are all these universes possible?" I asked. "Good question, I have no clue." G answered. "Huh? I thought you figured it out." Ink asked. "I thought I did. But as I was studying more into it, that theory was crumbled. I still have yet to figure out what Gaster did." He sighed, putting a hand on his skull. "What was the theory?" I asked. "Gaster had put some Pylomical chemical into Sans here. But that chemical might heve helped the process, but would have also destroyed it soon after." G answered. (Making up chemicals, pretty sure their not real.) "Ever thought something stopped that ending proccess, like another chemical?" I asked. "I have, but so far, nothing makes sense." G answered. "The closest chemical that can do that is the Tyfloid." G stated. "How do you know its not just more then 2? What if every chemical helped in the proccess?" I asked. G thought for a moment, thinking. "That might have actually worked." G mumbled. "Seriously G? You didnt think of that?" Horror asked. "Shut it Horror." G snarled. "Most of the chemicals were to make the soul." G added. Now thinking about it. Based of seeing so many of gasters papers, I think I know what did it. Ive had to skim through his papers and organized them, lable them while he did his work. Everything is making sense. "Bithomical...." I mumbled. So many of the papers had the word bithomical in it. "What?" He asked. Ive looked into it, its a chemical that Gaster had created. Mixing together Tyfloid, Nameran, Dionic, and a few others that I had read. "Thats it!! Its the bithomical!" I stated. All the papers skimmed through my mind like they were right in front of me. "Whats bithomical?" Sans asked. "He had been messing with several chemicals, I remember reading all of them when I was labling. He wanted there to be several dimentions, different univereses." I stated wide eyed. "Why would he want to do that?" Ink asked. "All the different gasters........" I mumbled. I glanced at Horror. "What about them? Most of them are forgotten." Horror stated. I shake my head. "One of your univereses have to have some sort of glitch. They all cant be perfectly made like most. There has to be a mess up somewhere." I stated. "Hes gonna use them to get them all out of their void." G stated. He knows where I am. He has a tracker on me. If I fail, he'll kill me. If I don't bring Horror to Gaster, he'll kill me. But if I do, he'll kill thousands, millions, in every universe. He'll kill Sans, all of them. Fear struck me as I began to realize what I was about to drag Horror into. All the little kids, all the familys, all the people..... would be dead. They would be expiraments..... I shake my head. I cant let that happen.... but I'll die. "Y/n? You okay?" I hear one of them ask. I shake my head. "I cant...." I started. They all looked at me. I guess some things are worth fighting for. I might even finally put at peace. "Kid?" Sans asked. "You need to go....." I try and say, but it comes out as a wisper. "What?" Blue asked. "Sorry human, I couldn't hear you." Blue added. "You have to go.... leave." I said a little louder this time. "I'm not leaving-." Horror started. "LEAVE!" I yelled and everyone fell silent, staring at me.
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