EchoTale Sans X Neko Frisk - Chapter Three: Sudden Feeling?

          (So I'm going to add music to every chapter, some could be related, some are random, be warned though, I am mostly a pop person, there are a few classic rocks, and county, but mostly pop. And I am sorry for the late update, the school has started and I've been getting ready for a while. Talking about school, I want to know your opinions on school and what grade you're in! Let me know and I will also answer those two questions! Love you all!)


          I walk into Frisk's room, turning the light on. "Get up, paps made breakfast," I ordered as she rolled over to block the sudden light. I walk out and close the door. I'll check on her in half an hour. I walk down the stairs and past the living room. I go to the small kitchen we had, Paps cooking the only thing he seems to know, spaghetti. "BROTHER!? IS THE NEKO UP!?" Paps asked. "She should be down here soon," I answered, sitting down at the table. "WELL, LETS HOPE SHE LIKES SPAGHETTI!!!" Paps smiled cheerfully. "I'm surprised she came back," I mumbled to myself. Why did she come back? Could she have been separated? Lost? Maybe they left? Or maybe she really did just come back for her armor? The questions wandered but were soon interrupted when a plate of spaghetti was plopped in front of me. "Do you think the Neko's scared?" Paps asked in a worried voice. "Why would she be scared?" I asked back, looking at him. 

          "The Neko is in monster territory, monsters and humans are up against humans, unlike us, humans have started to accept monsters." Paps eyes grew soft and sad as he spoke. Realization hit me as he explained his worry. I looked down in the same worry Paps had. "I donno..." I answered softly. Humans have started to accept us, but, no ones ever started to accept Neko kind. No ones accepted Neko kind, if I was in a place that I'm being wanted killed by every creature there, I don't know what I would have done. Frisk don't even know what we could do to protect herself enough. All monsters are different, but, I'm the one that she keeps talking to, I think she already knows Paps wouldn't hurt her. He did bring her here after all. I sighed, knowing Frisk gave all information I needed for me to kill her. Let alone Chara, who knows what Chara's yelling at her for. Probably everything she gave me. She pretty much just gave her to me, giving any information I ask, other than home information so far. 

          Yet I give none, what am I thinking!? She's a Neko! Neko's are our worse enemies, why would I care!? Why do I care? Did she put some spell on me? I don't remember any magic from her. "Why did you bring her home? Sorry it's blunt." I asked, waving off the fact I changed the subject. "She was scared, Strike found her, she was begging him to stop, she kept apologizing, saying she was in the wrong territory by accident. Strike was going to kill her because she made a simple mistake, it's like killing someone for getting a math problem wrong. I couldn't let that happen." Papy had tears in his eyes, trying to hold them back. I watched as he looked down at his plate. I did the same, not wanting him to go back on to many bad memories. "You and I both know how that is, we should go check on her." I stood up, as Paps nodded. He stood up and followed me as I walked up to the room she fell asleep in. I knocked on the door, slowly opening it afterwards. Frisk was up, staring at me and Paps. "Neko? Are you okay?" Papa asked worriedly. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Frisk asked with a smile plastered on her face. "You sure?" I watched her, studying every move, making sure she was telling the truth. 

          "Yeah." She repeated, her eyes looked away for a second. "Do Neko's look away when they lie?" I asked, leaning against the door frame. Frisk stiffened, her eyes shooting at mine. I smirked, taking that as a yes. "N-No!" Frisk looked away again, turning her back and looking out the window so I couldn't see. My smirk grew I saw a few glances coming my way every once in a while. "I don't think that's helping." Paps crossed his arms, watching me. I nodded in agreement, I pushed myself off and walked up to her. "You can talk to us, we're not gonna hurt ya'." I said as I walked up to her. I saw her body physically relax, not so sure on mentally though. "AGREED! I SHALL NOT LET ANY MONSTER OR CREATURE HURT YOU OR ANY FRIENDS THAT COME BY!!" Paps smiled at himself happily. I hear a small giggle come from Frisk, causing me to smile as well. "Thanks Papyrus." Frisk whispered, as I see a tear drop fall from her cheek causing game to become confused. Is she relieved that we won't hurt her? That she's safe? Did something happen when she came back? Did they leave? Did something happen in the past? So many questions filled my head, and for some reason, I felt the strongest urge to ask them. 

          The strongest urge to hug and comfort her, yet I didn't. Why? What is wrong with me, she's a Neko, she could try and kill us at any time. Would she even do that? No! She- I barely know her, what am I doing? I came back to reality, noticing Paps hand on my shoulder as we both share confused looks. "Neko? Are you okay? You seem sad." Paps stated. Frisk looked at us, looking at our confused looked faces. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Frisk smiled, her eyes looking away again. She'll talk when she's ready. I nod and walk out, "Hope you like spaghetti." I said as I walked out. Papyrus looked at me shocked as he swapped his eyes to me and Frisk. Pap shook his head after a while, running after me in the kitchen. "What are you doing!? She's not okay! She has something on her mind!" Pap whisper-yelled at me. "I understand you want to help, but we can't force her, she'll talk about it when she's ready." I shrugged, knowing Paps would ask her himself if I didn't give a good enough reason. Paps opened his mouth to speak, but closed it realizing I was right this time. 

          Paps sighed, giving up and walking back to the pot of spaghetti, making another plate and putting the rest in a container, and in the fridge. Frisk came down slowly, peaking her head through the doorway and walking in shyly. I look up at her as she sat down in front of the plate of spaghetti for her. I finished up eating and put everything away. Paps watched me suprizingly as I washed it. I smirked as I peeked at him, his suprized look disappearing into a frown. "Don't even dare." Paps growled at me. "What!? I'm in-" I smirked. "SANS STOP!" Paps interrupted. "The..." I waited for his next words. "SANS!!!" Paps growled. "Heat of the moment." I finished with a chuckle as Paps growled and stomped out of the kitchen. Me and Frisk hear Paps stomp upstairs saying "NOPE!" The entire way, until he shuts his bedroom door. "Does he alwase do that?" Frisk asked in a whisper. "Usually." I answered, the smirk still on my face as I put the plate down, leaving it in the sink as usual. "Why? Is he mad?" Frisk kept getting quieter and quieter with every question. I shrugged, "Not really, I think the word annoyed is more like it." Frisk watched me as I sat down next to her. She nodded slightly, taking a bite of the spaghetti. 

          Her eyes sparkled as she chewed, I didn't even realize they could sparkle until now. She sabores every fast as she swallowed and took another bite. "So, I don't mean to be a bargain, but why are you here again?" I asked. She looked up at me, "To get my armor." Frisk answered. "Wouldn't you have left already? I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but you are in monster territory. Do you plan on leaving?" I asked. Frisk seemed to think the question over, taking another bite in the process. After a few bites the plate was almost gone and she shrugged. "What do you mean by that? Yes or no kid?" I asked, pushing on. She took the last bite and stood up, walking to the tall sink. She couldn't even reach the top of the counter, causing her to go in deep thought in how to get up. I smiled, my eye flashing as I surround her with the familiar golden glow that I had, lifting her up so she can put the dish in the sink. 

          "I don't know." Frisk whispered as I set her back down. I gave her a confused look in response. "I just need a place to stay for a while." Frisk looked away from me, walking out the kitchen. I stood up and followed her, she looked back on me. Her eyes meeting mine. The brown eyes almost looked like they were trying to ask something. I studied them further, trying to figure out what it was she needed to ask. She stared at me back, a faint pink tint coming to her cheeks. What is that? Did she use magic to die her cheeks pink? I wondered to myself. I walked up to her, as the pink slowly became more visible. "W-What!?" Frisk stuttered, not taking her glance off me. "You have a question on your mind, don't you?" I asked. Frisk finally looked away, seeming she was trying to decide to tell me or not. She seemed to be nervous? I wasn't quite sure to be honest. She looked back at me, her eyes digging into mine, all I gave was a confused look. "I do..." Frisk answered. I waited for her to continue but all she did was stare at me. "And that is?..." I urged on. "Uh....." Frisk mumbled. "Is it about the hole needing to go home thing?" I asked. 

          She pulled up her hand, waving it side to side, giving me a symbol, saying kind of. "I... got kicked out." Frisk mumbled. My expression changed back to normal, but in my mind I was freaking out. Why the hell would they kick her out!? Did she do something wrong!? What is up wight that!? What the hell!? Do those bozo's want monster and human kind to find out Neko's exist!? Sending her out would put them in even more danger! And that's just flat out wrong too!! Why am I getting so defensive? Ugh! Whatever! I need a talk to those dumbzo's. "Why?" I asked, curiously. "I... they..." Frisk corrected. "Thought I was being followed by a monster, or someone." Frisk eyes began to water. "Where?" I asked. "I can't tell you." Frisk looked away. "Frisk." I growled. Frisk froze to a halt, her breathing increasing. "You don't have to tell me where they are, just bring me to them." I urged. "They'll kill me if I do that." A tear rolled down her small cheek. I grabbed her head with my hand and whipped the tear away with my thumb. "Frisk, I wouldn't let them hurt you." I said in a calmer voice, hoping it would help. "P-Promise?" She stuttered. A small smile came up to my face. "I promise, just take me to them. 

          I need to have a word." I begged again. Frisk seemed to put it in thought after maybe a minute she nodded. "Don't tell anyone, your going to recognize the place so there's no point in taking you blind folded." Frisk pointed a finger at me. I put both my hands up and nodded as she sighed. "Skeletons honor." I said, putting my hands down. She signaled me to follow her. "Paps! I'm taking the kid out." I called as I followed. What if she's leading me to the wrong place? Would she even do that? I don't even know the girl. I'll just have to keep my guard up. "This way." Frisk walked to a nearby forest and started to climb. "We couldn't do this on ground?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her. "You can, but you better keep up." Frisk smirked as she looked back at me. "Alright, fine." I walked over to the tree and started to climb. When I reached Frisk she smiled at me. "Keep your head down, if either one of us get caught, we're both dead." Frisk ordered. "You sound like some sort of guard geez." I rolled my eyes at her, when I looked back, her eyes were narrowed at me. "What?" I asked confused. "I am a guard." Frisk growled. "Not any more." I growled back. She groaned and moved on to the next tree. I followed close behind, keeping my head down and making sure not to be seen very much. 

          We started following a river. I was assuming it was The Gamber River Paps was talking about. She kept fallowing it until we reached the enchanted forest. She continued into it and I stood there, confused, worried?, afraid, like, what if I never see Paps again. Frisk turned to me. "C'mon, the guards will be scouting the area, so shush!" She whispered to me. I slowly aloud myself to follow. Why the hell am I following this girl! This forest is dangerous! At least I know how to teleport out and back home. Maybe that's why, because I can easily teleport back. I dunno, and right now, I need to focus. I kept my head and body narrow and Frisk lead the way. We kept jumping tree to tree until we came to a little village in the middle of the forest. "Yeah, I definitely remember this place." I whispered to Frisk. "I know, this is where you attacked us, we just built a large forest around it." Frisk whispered. I nodded, even though I didn't like the memory, Paps almost died that day. Damb Guy just had to hit him one last time, I almost killed him that day, Paps was right there and I didn't even care. I was lucky he had stopped me, along with that damb cat. He was lucky I hadn't finished him off. 

          "Who do you want to talk to?" Frisk snapped me out of thought. "The king." I answered plainly. "Are you crazy!? We'll definantly die!" Frisk growled at me. "I told you I wouldn't let you get hurt, do I have to repeat myself?" I asked. Frisk growled and sighed. "Follow me." She stated, a hint of anger in her voice. She jumped down and I did the same, everyone froze and stared at us. "I thougught you were leading." I whispered. "I am." Frisk growled, she started to walk and I gave her a confused look. "You coming or what?" Frisk turned her head to me. "Alright, alright." I sighed and followed. "A monster!! Theirs a monster! And Frisk lead them here!!" Some high pitch scream yelled. I covered my ears, or where my ears are suppose to be. Her scream was going to make me go deaf. "HALT IN THE NAME OF NEKO LAW!" A guard jumped down and put a weapon up to Frisk. She summoned Chara's knife and sliced the weapon in half. "Get me the king, or citizens will be the price." Chara's deep growl caused the Neko to shiver and run off in the right direction. After a few minutes he came back with another Neko, wearing a what looks like a expensive robe. 

          "Frisk! Chara! What the hell!!" He yelled. "I hate to disturb your lovely seafood dinner." Chara growled. "But Sans here needs a word." Chara signaled to me. The Neko looked at me, his eyes widening. "YOU BROUGHT A MONSTER HERE!!!?" He yelled. "So? Not like it's my life anymore, you kicked us out, your problem. Not mine." Chara turned her back to him. "GUARDS KILL THE NEKO AND THE MONSTER AT ONCE!" He yelled. My eye sparked up as I surrounded the so called 'king' with my bones, gaster blaster, and lifted him up a little just in case. All the guards froze in place, noticing the situation immediately. His robe fell off and his ears and tail showed. Aaron... my eye glowed brighter, recognizing him right away. I brought him close to me. I towered over him. "What's going on?" Frisk asked. "You little b-" I started when a spear came right in between us, causing me to step back a little. I looked at who threw the spear to see a pink Neko. "Put my king down!" She ordered. I narrowed my eyes. "Or what?" I asked. 

          "Or in the name of law you will be executed on spot!" She answered. I smirked, the 'KING'!? "This is your king!? HA! Don't make me laugh." I growled, throwing him against a tree, holding him there. "I would rather see him die." I added. "You said you needed a word with him." Frisk crossed her arms. "I didn't know who he was then." I looked at her. "You know him?" Frisk asked. I nodded, "The damb guy almost killed Paps! How could I forget!? Let alone, killed Gaster." I growled. "That dush was weak, just like you." Aaron smiled proudly. "Is that so? I don't see you getting out of my hold." I narrowed my eyes at him. A pair of regular bird wings appeared from his back and he used them to fly away from me. I didn't even try, after all, it would be a grate shock once I bring out the real me. No one could get out of my hold easily, and sense he has been sitting around, doing absolutely nothing, after all, Frisk had to go get his food. "Your weak." Aaron landed in front of me. "Mhm... keep telling yourself that, bud! You were lucky last time!" I pushed him away angerly with my finger pointing at him. He came up close and I stayed put. "Cat got your tongue?" He smirked. I smirked as well, knowing he didn't like puns to a point he would hear them nonstop. He hated it when I made my little game, his smirk faded and he gave me a confused look. "No not really, I got this cat in the bag." I shrugged.

          He realized what he has caused and he growled. "After all, your just a little kitten! You don't even have your claws yet!" I added. Frisk covered her mouth, to stop from laughing. "Gua-" Aaron started. "Guards! Guards! Help! Theirs a monster! My god Aaron can you get any more dumb and annoying? Now that I have that said and done, I can scratch that off the bucket list." I smiled. Frisk let out a small chuckle, trying to keep her composure. The rest started to smile as I was so winning this war. "I shouldn't have ever-" Aaron stopped. "I'm sorry, what was that? If your referring to the time you almost killed Paps, Damb right you never should have even tried. I could care less than Gaster, me or Paps never really cared." I shrugged. "Kitties got claws." Frisk chuckled. I smiled at her. "Don't push me, you don't want to know what happens. Now, Aaron, if everyone will excuse us, we'll be back." I grabbed him by his cat ear tugging him into the forest. We got far enough to stay out of view. "What?" Aaron crossed his arms. I punched him, causing him to yelp in pain. "That. Was for kicking Frisk out of the group." I started, he looked at me, rubbing the spot I punched him. I summoned my golden glow, forming around him and throwing him into every tree I saw, some I might have done multiple times. Last I smashed him I to the ground and blood spread all over. "That, was for Gaster." I growled. 

"I thought you didn't like him." Aaron coughed. "I don't, I'm just giving you the idea of what I'll do to you when I bring my brother up." I smiled evilly. He shot his head my way, looking at me in fear. "You said that both of us would be back." Aaron growled. "I didn't say you would be alive when we returned." My grin grew. "You didn't say you would kill me either." Aaron snapped. "Hmm... guess I should change that huh, I'll do that once I'm done." I picked him up, throwing him in a tree and strangling him. He gasped for air as I tightened my grip. "I want you to listen very... very closely." I started, getting in his face. "The next time you abandon a Neko out of their home town, I want you to remember what that caused you." I growled. I let him go and he gasped for air as he hit the ground. "Next time?" He choked. "Yeah, in your next life. After all, cat's have nine lives right?" I shrugged. He choked again, "You didn't actually think I would let you leave alive this life did you?" I smirked. "M-Maybe." Aaron answered in a whisper. 

          "Well, think again." I threw him at a tree. His back hitting the wood and falling to the ground, he landed between the tree and me. "And here I thought, cat's alwase landed in their feet." I growled. Aaron lost it, his wings forming a protective barrier, a few animals coming and surrounding us. "You think your dumb nature form is goin to help you, let alone your wind form?" I chuckled. My bone stabbing through one of his wings, sticking it in the ground, making it in able to move. He screamed in pain and his other wing expanded. I instantly caused the same thing to happen to the other. He screamed again, and again, and again. Over and over again, my satisfaction was unbearable. "Have fun in hell." I growled, I finally put him out of his misery striking a bone right through his head. I'm weak, pfff! Yeah right. He barely even fought back. The bones, gaster blasters and everything else faded. I dragged him back to the village. Throwing his dead body in the middle. They all gasped except for Frisk when they heard the thud and looked. They all looked at me. "Anyone else?" I asked, everyone shook their head no. "Good. Than take this as a lesson, you never abandon anyone. 

          Not a friend, monster, human, or Neko. And if you hadn't learned from his mistake, I can assure you, we'll meet again in the future." I growled. They all nodded and studied the holes in his wings, head, stomach, knee, arm, there were pretty much everywhere on him. "What did you use to create those holes?" Frisk asked. "Nothing unusual." I shrugged. "You said that he would come back." A girl stated. "I had the same conversation with him in this, and I'm going to say the exact same thing. I never said that he was going to come back alive." And with that I faced Frisk and she looked at me, after watching the body. "You staying here? Or are you coming back to Paps?" I asked. "I'll.... come with you." Frisk whispered. "Okay then." I put a hand on her shoulder, everyone watching me. I rolled my eyes and teleported back home. "Thankyou." Frisk whispered, her voice was quite, shy, maybe even scared. "Don't tell Paps? He would kill me." I asked. Frisk only nodded, not snapping out of a stance she was in. "I'm sorry you had to see that, I'm sure out of his death wish, he was a good king." I hated to say those words, mostly because I believed otherwise. "No, your right, he was a jerk. He never really cared for anyone now that I look back on everything." Frisk finally snapped out of her gaze and looked at me. "Still not right." I shrugged. "I honestly would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes." 

          Frisk shrugged. "Well, I guess we got that cleared up, how about some Grillbz?" I asked. "Are you asking me out?" Frisk smirked. "W-What!?" I exclaimed a golden tint warming my cheeks. "Well you seem to be the guy who only cares about the ones he loves, yet, you cared enough to push me until I would take you. Let alone kill him. Even though it was for different reasons." Frisk shrugged. She's right, why am I helping her? WHAT THE HELL!? G SNAP OUT OF IT! If I don't... Lust is going to get to me. Ugh. I cleared my thoughts and focused on the important part. Frisk was waving her hand infront of my face. I slapped her hand away. "Bout' time you responded to something, you dozed off for five minutes!" Frisk growled. "Uh... what? Either way-" I shook it off. "Do you like me?" Frisk asked. "Is that why you helped me? Healed me?" Frisk asked. Now that she got me thinking about it... she is one of the most beautiful creature I've ever seen... maybe it's a crush? No, this is definitely not a crush, it has to be more... love? Lust is going to get all over her. "I don't know... I'll be honest, your cute, other than that, I don't know much." I stated and walked out the door. I turned to Frisk, her cheeks pink again. "You coming?" I asked.

          She ran up to me, catching up. We headed out the door and headed strait to Grillbz. She didn't seem to say anything, I noticed she got closer a couple times when monsters watched her. I don't blame her either, she was almost killed by a devil. I felt really bad for her, but why? I never feel bad for anyone... so why her? "Hey!" Some one yelled, I looked over to see... oh boy. "Speak of the devil." I smirked. "You going to give her back? I was the one that found her." He growled, to be honest, I keep forgetting his name, he was so annoying that I just didn't care. Whenever I really needed to, such as now, I just called him D. Frisk grabbed onto my arm for comfort, her grip was actually stronger than I expected. It almost felt like handcuffs... not that I know what that's like.... okay maybe I do. Either way, for being that small and skinny, it suprized me. Luckily my suprized expression didn't show through. "Who said I was giving her back?" I asked. "Sans! I found her!" D pointed at himself angerly. "You almost killed her, I think I won this argument." I crossed my arms, Frisk instantly hiding behind me. "I'm a devil for hells sake!" He pointed at his horns and tail. 

          "Yeah, and how do we know your not human? Just because the humans and monsters are slowly coming together does not mean I like you." I argued. "I'm a monster!" He combat. "Really? Because you just look like a human with devil parts, that does not make you a monster." I raised my eyebrow at him. He seemed to actually be quite for a minute. I smirked, knowing I got to him. "Your just a normal human, waiting and wishing to be what your not. So face reality, and go back to your territory." I growled harshly. "So why didn't you tell anyone?" D asked. "Because everyone knew. You think, that just because we don't say anything about it, means that we just don't know? King Asgore had to calm down the monsters for you to stay." I answered. "And why did he let me stay?" D continued. "One, because we can send you back and gather information in case of war. Two, if we did any harsh moves you might bring the human race against us and start another war, at the time, we were almost extinct. Three, you had information that we needed, you knew where every territory was, monster, human, and Neko. Let me remind you, you brought the humans to the Neko territory along with us, saying that you found something worth time. Neko territory was a bad idea and if you think that I haven't blamed you for Paps close death. Think again. Do you need any more reasons, because I got several." I glared at him in hatred. 

          "So... your the reason we're hiding?" Frisk whispered shakily. D didn't answer, just stared at me. His expression was full of shock and hatred. "How come I didn't know about this!?" D growled. "Because we didn't care to tell you, c'mon, lets get some food in ya'." I changed the subject and walked Frisk to Grillbz. D stomped over to me, continuing the argument. "That don't change the fact that I found her first." He growled. "And that don't change the fact that your not getting her back, what's your point?" I asked confused... ish. "Give her to me." D growled. I could feel Frisk eyes land on me, begging otherwise. I shook my head, "If you want her back, your going to have to kill me first." I looked at him with a blank expression, causing him to freeze in place. I stopped and faced him after walking a few feet. "And one more thing, watch your back, I don't like people you tried to kill my brother." I warned as I turned back and continued. D didn't move, froze in place from what I'm assuming my threat. After we got out of view, Frisk let go of my arm. "Thankyou." Frisk whispered. "Eh, I alwase wanted to threaten him sometime in my life. That basterd just don't know when to quit." I shrugged. Frisk looked at me, her eyes narrowed. "Can't you just take a simple Thankyou?" Frisk asked. I looked at her once we got to the entrance. "Alright, your welcome. But I have some rules unless you want to stay with someone else." I stated. Frisk nodded, waiting for me to continue. 

          "One, you can't leave my sight, I don't care if you go across the room but I have to be able to see you easily." I started. Frisk nodded in understandment. "Two, you can't tell anyone any personal information, you can't tell them that your a Neko for example. You would be putting yourself in danger, so basically be careful on what information you give." I added. "But I can't really hide them." Frisk tilted her head. So damb cute. "That's why I'm doing this." I held her ears down, a golden glow appeared and faded, when I let go, her ears were gone. "What did you do!?" Frisk asked, felling her head and searching for her ears. "I hid them, now you can hide them, I would do your tail... buuuut... one we're in public, and I don't know how you would Fell about that." I shrugged. "Okay, let me hide my tail then." Frisk hid her tail under her shirt. Frisk nodded again, understanding. "And number three, if you need any help with anything, let me know." I finished. "Wouldn't I do that any way?" Frisk asked. "Well some people get nervous, embarrassed, that sort of thing when they ask something." I shrugged. (So me... I'll let you get back to it.) 

          "True." Frisk nodded. "You agree to all the rules, because that goes for everywhere you go." I stated. "I agree." Frisk smiled at me. I sighed and held the door open. Frisk walked in slowly, I followed and let her look around as everyone stopped and looked. She froze in place, looking at everyone. I put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, guiding her to the bar stand. Everyone kept staring except for Grillbz. "Alright that's enough! Get back to what you were doing." I growled turning to everyone. Everyone instantly started to whispe. Frisk looked at me and I sat down. Frisk followed my lead and sat down as well. "Anything I can get for you two?" Grillbz asked. "What do you want kid?" I asked, looking at her. She looked through the menu. "Can I get the fries?" Frisk added. Grillby nodded, "And I'm assuming you want the norm." Grillbz guessed. I nodded in response and he walked off. Before going into the kitchen, he turned around and winked at me. My head shot in that direction sense I only saw it from the corner of my eye. I kept staring in that direction until Grillbz came out with the fries and a few bottles of katchup. I watched him as he walked over to us, him laying the fries down and Frisk dived in. I stared at him as he set down the bottles. "What?" Grillbz asked. I growled at him. "It's obvious." Grillby added, his glasses falling a bit. I glared at him, I finally looked away and surrounded a gold glow around someone's cup of water, dumping it on Grillby. Everyone paused and watched. His fire went out so fast and his suit was soked. I smirked at him, amused. His head looked like a skull when his fire was out. (That is not my idea, kinda, I got it from Handlates!) 

          His head shot up at me, staring at me. "It was obvious." I chuckled a little. Grillby growled, clearly angery. "You knew that would happen Grillbz don't give me that." I watched him as he gave in and nodded in agreement. "Yeah... sadly." Grillbz said. "So don't blame me." I said. "You just HAD to do it didn't you Sans!?" Grillby crossed his arms at me. I nodded, "Shouldnmt have winked at me." I shrugged. "Woooow!!! So your a skeleton that's on fire!?" Frisk exclaimed, a smile playing on her face. "I guess." Grillbz shrugged. "So cool!!!" Frisk jumped. "If I touched the fire would it burn me?" Frisk asked, her head tilting. Grillbz eyebrow rose. "Uh....." Grillbz was. Being swarmed with questions and I could tell he didn't like it. It was kind of entertaining to watch. Soon his 'bones' where dry and he went into the kitchen to change. When he came out he was in a wight tux instead of a black one. His flame started up and covered his body. At the time we left it was about 1:00. I'll be honest, it kinda bugged me when she kept asking Grillbz all those questions... I don't know why, but everything.... felt wierd. Her being so excited and entertained, just, made me want to do something. Something.... to make her happy? I don't get it. We walked out, walking the same path we did to get there. "Mind explaining?" D was waiting for us the hole time? Or did he just get here? "I don't have to explain anything." I answered. Frisk jumped to me, once agin holding on to me. A gold glow surrounding him and I sent him flying into the woods, at least a mile... at least! "I hope he gets lost." I mumbled. "M-Me too." Frisk whispered. 

          Frisk was still clamped into me, so I just ignored it and continued walking. By the time we reached the house Frisk was still on me. I opened the door with my one hand and walked in, Frisk walking in with me. I walked over and sat in the couch. Once again, she didn't let go and sat on the couch with me. I looked over to her, her eyes were almost mesmerizing, so beautiful and unique. Brown, with brown hair, cutest thing I've seen so far. I looked away and back on the TV. Paps must have fixed it and forgot to turn it off, oh well, makes it easier on me. I continued to stare at the TV, waiting for Frisk to do something then stare at me. It was kinda uncomfortable, but at the same time.... satisfying? I don't know... it was really weird. Usually I hated being stared at, I would even tell Paps to stop, but so didn't. This girl has me wrapped around her little finger and she don't even know it. I should probably fix that before she figures it out. I looked back at her after maybe 20 minutes, meeting her soft brown eyes. She didn't look away, she didn't even move. I could have sworn that her breath quickened though. I looked down at my hand were she had grabbed onto when we ran into D. "You going to let go?" I asked, looking back at Frisk. She looked down at our hands and pulled it away quickly, the pink tint that was on her cheeks before was now a bright red, almost neon. Her hands were now up to her chest, holding them their like her life depended on it. "You okay kid?" I asked, reaching up to her head. 

          Maybe the red and pink are signs of sickness? Her head was burning and I had to pull my hand away before I burnt myself. She looked at me. I looked at her shocked and worried. I quickly got up and headed to my room to grab a rag. I poured some cold water on it and ringed it out so it wasn' dripping. I teleported a bucket to me and filled it with freezing water. I quickly headed back downstairs and she was luckily still on the couch, looking down, tears in her eyes. I kneeled down next to her and her head shot up to me. "Lay down." I ordered. "W-Wha!?" She squeaked, the red increasing. "Lay down!" I repeated, my voice more stern. She did as told hesitantly. She turned her head to me and watched me. I put the rug on her head. She yelped when the rag hit her head. I pulled it back, giving a confused look. "W-What are you doing!?" She screamed at me. I narrowed my eyes at her. I shook me head and put it back on her head. "It's cold!!" She complained. "Stay here." I ordered, as I got up and headed to get a thermometer. Maybe it's a cold? Or a fever? Why didn't she tell me? Did she even realize? How could she not realize? Was it me putting her ears down? Is it my fault? I walked I to the bathroom, clearing my mind and getting the thermometer. I walked back out my room and to Frisk, she was sitting up, the red gone and replaced with a pink. I growled to myself and kneeled down. 

          "Sans! I'm okay! Really!-" Frisk smiled at me. "Lay down." I ordered. "I thought I told you not to move." I added. "I'm still in the same spot." Frisk said confused. "You sat up, that's moving." I said, narrowing my eyes at her. "Sans I'm okay! Really!" Frisk put her hands up to calm me. I reached for her head. Her head did cool down, I wonder if it's from the rag. She looked at me, waiting for me to say anything. Her cheeks turned a bit more pink and that worried me. Is she allergic to me? Maybe it's my clothes? Maybe she's allergic to leather or wool? Or both? What is wrong with her? Unless.... it wasn't a sickness? "Sans?" Frisk asked, snappinbme out of my train of thought and the temperature of her head came back to me. It wasn't as bad, but still warm enough for her to be really sick. "What?" I asked, standing up. "I'm okay. Really." Frisk gave me a sweet smile. "Why is your head warm?" I asked. Frisk froze, looking at me. So she was trying to hide it. "Lay down, you need rest." I sighed, walking into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and poured Frisk a glass of water. I wasn't sure if milk was the right thing for illnesses, so I just went with it. By the time I turned around to walk back to her she was in the door way, walking to me. "What did I tell you?" I asked angerly. "Sans I'm fine!" Frisk exclaimed. "So tell me why your heads warm." I ordered. She opened her mouth to talk, but then closed it. "That's what I thought." I said as I picked her up with my golden glow and set her in the couch, while I put the glass of water on the coffee table next to her. "Sans listen to me!" Frisk screamed as I held her down, she was trying to get back up but my aura was far to powerful to let her go. Scan. I ordered and the gold glow turned to green, basically scanning for any injuries or to much of one thing. It was kind of like a medical donctor, that can see through you. Frisk's wings came out, and honestly that just helped the scan. It made it easier to scan her back. Scan complete. The voice rang in my head. Blood pressure is high, and cheeks are pink. It waited for my response. Why? I asked. For blood pressure: The patient is angery... For cheeks: Flustered. The green glow turned back to gold and the shock was almost to much to handle. Flustered? Why the hell would she be flustered!? I let her go and she got off the couch immediately. "Why did it turn green?" Frisk asked angerly. I didn't answer. She was flustered? Was because she didn't let go? Did I embarrass her? Was it something I did? Eventually the shock covered my eyes, but nothing else. Frisk waved her hand in front of me, bringing me back. I swatted it away and she put her hand down. "Why did it turn green?" Frisk asked. "Simple." I answered, I turned back to go to my room, walking up the stairs. I did something didn't I? What did I do? Was it bad? Frisk teleported infront of me, stopping me at the top of the stairs. "What?" I asked. Frisk crossed her arms, glaring at me. "You know what." Frisk answered. "Look, I'll explain later, right now I just need a moment to think." I said, punching her back so she wouldn't fall, but I wouldn't hurt her either. I walked past her and headed to my room, opening the door and walking in. Luckily Frisk left it at that. Questions swarmed my head, I didn't know what I did. I couldn't figure it out. The only reason I could think of was the fact I asked if she was going to let go. But it happened before that. If she was flustered what caused it? I don't know how long I've been in that room, sitting on my bed trying to figure things out. A knock came from the door and I snapped my head up. Frisk was at the door, the door open and her hand still on the handle as she watched me. I sighed in relief, trying to control my thoughts. "Can you answer the question now? It's almost 8." Frisk asked. I looked at the click that read 7:55. I walked in here about 2:30, I've been in here that long!? I sighed in response, does she want me to know about it? Should I even tell her? Frisk was sat down next to me when I looked at her, I almost lost it then, I almost jumped on her. She was so cute, looked so fragile and sweet. I don't know how long I've been staring at her, but I looked away eventually. I had to look away before I kissed her... was I flustered now? "Sans?" Frisk asked. I hummed in response. "Why did the glow turn green?" Frisk asked. Of course, she had to ask the one question I didn't know weather to tell her or not! I didn't realize that I had tensed up until Frusk scooted a little closer to me. Even then, I tenced up more. If she got to close I would loose it in seconds. "Why?" She reappeared calmly. "It was... scanning you." I answered. "What do you mean by that?" Frisk asked. "For injuries, sicknesses, that sort of thing." I shrugged. Then it was Frisks turn to tense up. Her cheeks went red... dark, red. "W-What did it say?" Frisk asked. "Your blood pressure was high." I answered, bot wanting to tell her yet. "A-And?" Frisk asked. I looked at her, wrong move, she was closer than I thought and I could just reach out and take her. Mark her, her neck was right there and usually I don't think about this thing. What is wrong with me!? I can't! She'll go crazy! Then she'd never go near me again! That lady thought made my invisible stomach turn and knot. It also made it easier to control. "What makes you think it said anything else?" I asked. "I can tell when it tells you something, it tightens for a second then goes away, it happened twice." Frisk answered, narrowing her eyes. Shoot. I looked away, not being able to look at her. "What did it tell you?" Frisk repeated, her voice was actually more stern this time and it almost sent chills down my spine. "It... told me that" I trailed off, looking at her, then looking away. Frisk waited patiently. "You were flustered." I finsihed, looking towards the wall so J don't even get a glimpse. If I saw her more flustered it would definitely send me over the edge. "O-Oh...." Frisk stuttered. "Are you mad about it?" Frisk asked. I whipped my head to her, her cheeks a neon red and I couldn't help myself but hold her. So I grabbed her waist and pulled her to me so she was on my lap, Frisk let out a little squeak in the process. What am I doing!? GET HER OFF! I yelled at myself but I couldn't, my arms were locked and my own parts wouldn't listen to my brain. Frisk looked at me, wich made it 50 times worse for me to stop. Her blush was almost to her neck at this point, witch just made me want to mark her. "Why would I be mad?" I asked. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!? Frisk looked away. Thank god. But once I thought that, she looked at me again. For hella sake. Why did I throw D out!? He could save me! "Because... maybe.... you didn't like me." Frisk whispered. My hand held her chin and I put my forehead to hers. Frisk was so flustered and it was so adorible. "S-S-Sans!?" Frisk asked. My body started to finally listen and I put my arms down, loosening so she could get off, and pulling my head away. I couldn't handle this, I would loose it, go to far. Frisk watched me as I waited, trying to keep it under control. "I'm assuming Paps home." I changed the subject, hoping she would just go, but I didn't want her to go, I wanted her to stay, so- before I could even process what happened next I had to catch myself from falling over. My elbow had luckily caught me and I started to focus what was happening. Frisk, the Neko... was kissing me! I couldn't, I know I couldn't kiss back because I know I would go way more farther than that. She broke it and her eyes flustered open, she was on top and I was to shocked and fighting myself I didn't do anything else. I've honestly never wanted something this badly in my life, I wanted to kiss her more than wanting to kill Aaron! Like, WHAT THE HELL!? Aaron almost killed Paps! And killed Gaster! He killed a lot of the monster and almost killed me! And everyone knows how overprotective I am with Paps! I would kill someone if they just broke a small bone! Frisk smiled at me, and my body was starting to refuse my mind again. "F-Frisk?" I asked, trying to gather everything up. "Hmm?" Frisk asked. "Y-You...." I gulped, looking at her lips. "Y-You need to." I gulped again. "At l-least g-get off." I warned. Frisk gave me a confused look, trying to figure out what I was saying. Damb she looked cute when she was confused too! It seemed Chara explained it to her because her cheeks went impossibly 2 times redder. "N-Now." I finished. She climbed of quickly and I scooted to the wall as fast as possible, taking ragged breaths and Frisk watched me. "I-I'm s-so sorry! I-" Frisk start panicking. "Frisk." I interrupted. "Just... give me a minute." I finished. My breaths were beyond lost and I had to keep reminding myself how to breath. Frisk nodded and sat down on the floor. Maybe about half an hour, my breathing was finally under control and I could think again easily. I crawled back over to her, holding out a hand to help her up. She took it and I pulled her up. She lost balance or tripped on something and started to fall, only it was towards me and she just ended leaning on to me. Her cheeks blazed and I took her head and smiled at her. "Calm down, it's okay." I assured. "Sans? I'm really, really, really sorry about-" Frusk looked down. "Frisk, it's okay. I just... didn't know what to do." I interrupted. "Still." Frisk looked back up at me. "C'mon, I'm sure Paps is making dinner." I looked at the door and realized the door was closed. "Did... you close t he door?" I asked. Frisk shook her head. "You closed the door with your magic when I kissed you." Frisk answered with a confused tone. As she answered my question I froze up. "I-I... did!?" I asked. I looked back at Frisk, she nodded. I turned back to the door, opened it up, and left the room. Frisk followed closely behind. I walked into the kitchen and found no one. "Stay here." I ordered and walked back up the stairs. I walked to Paps room and knocked on the door. "Paps? You okay?" I asked. I waited a minute, no answer. "Paps?" I ask again. Nothing. I walked in this time, no one. Maybe he's staying at Undyne. I pulled my phone out and called her. She picked up on the third ring. "Sans? What's up?" She asked. "Is Paps there?" I asked. "No, Insent him home at lunch." Undyne answered. I froze, "At lunch?" I asked, anger slowly forming. "Yeah, is he not home?" Undyne asked. Store? "Did he say anything about going to a store?" I asked. "Yeah, he said he needed to go grab something." Undyne answered, a worried tone in her voice. A wave of relief washed over me. "Any chance he said how many items?" I asked. "He said he needed to go grab some spaghetti sauce. One item." Undyne answered. I froze again. "I got to go!" I almost screamed. "Sans! Tell me what's going on!" Undyne begged. "He's not home!" I said, running down the stairs. "I'll look for him in the Hotlands and Waterfalls!" Undyne sounded like she was running as well. I grabbed Frisk and pulled the door open. "Meet me at home when your done!" I screamed. "Right!" Undyne hung up and I ran around Snowdin. "What's going on!?" Frisk asked in a panic. "Papyrus was sent home at lunch, he should have been home before we got there!" I answered calling Paps. The phone rang. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the phone paused. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr it paused again. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr another pause. Rrrrrrrrrr-"Hello?" Some picked up. "Thank god! Paps were are you!?" I started to panic I realized it wasn't Paps voice, Pap alwase screams, he was actually talking. I hear Frisk sigh in relief. I started thinking if people who would hurt him, Aaron was dead, D would have gotten back by now. "Ah! Sans, ain't it a surprise." The voice teased. I stopped, Frisk watching me. "D?" I asked. "No, I'm much more horrifying than that pathetic human." The voice growled. Before he said anything else, I called Undyne, linking the two calls together so she could hear in. "Who are you?" I asked before Undyne could say anything. "Well... I'm your worse nightmare." The voice growled. "Where is Papyrus?" I asked. "Ha! You think I'm going to give it to you that easily! You have to find me first. I'll give you a hint. I'm around." And with that he hung up. "That wasn't even a Damb hint." I growled. "I'll get the king!" Undyne growled. "No!" I growed back. "No?" Undyne asked. "If you do that I won't be able to kill him." I growled. "Sans this is a life and death threat!" Undyne insisted. "No! Besides, if he knows that we got Asgore included he might kill Paps! To be honest, how do we know for sure if he hung up or not?" I asked, calming down. "Okay, okay. You got a point. Call me if there's anything else." Undyne hung up. I put the phone down. It's not safe for Frisk... I need to get her home. Or somewhere safe. I sighed and started walking back. When I got the house in view after a half hour my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID: Paps. Oh god. I hesitantly answered the phone. "I want the Neko." The voice said coldly. "NO! THE NEKO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS-" Paps yelled in the background. "SHUTUP!" He yelled as I hear a load slap and Paps said nothing. My anger boiled as I knew exactly what he was doing. "Bring the Neko, and your brother won't get hurt." He growled. I growled back angerly. Why can't I protect someone? "NO!! BROTHER DON'T!! *slap* KEEP HER SAFE!" Paps yelled. "SHUT THE HELL UP!!" He yelled as Paps finished his sentence. "Where do I meet you?" I asked. Frisk froze. "Human Territory, on the edge of the enchanted forest." He answered. "The enchanted forest is huge, be spacific." I ordered. "There's a sushi store called Summorito. Big red letters can't miss it. You bring the Neko, I'll bring your brother in trade." He answered. "NO!-" I could hear Pap start to cry. "You will be quite, or I'll cut your head off." He growled. "I'll meet you there." I stated and hung up. Frisk let go of me, backing away slowly. I looked over to her, tears flowing down her face as her face read fear all over. I made sure the call was over and sighed. "I need your help." I sighed. "So now your going to trick me into it!" Frusk yelled. I looked at her, hurt was now seen. "No, you know what's going on, but you know I can't let Paps get hurt! You haven't seen him mad. Please... help me make a plan." I begged. "What was your original idea?" Frisk asked, whipping a tear from her cheek. "I was thinking we could use you as bait, act like we're going through with the deal, once he hands Paps over, I'll hand you over, and before he could do anything, I kill him right then and there." I explained. "Okay..." Frisk sniffles. "But we need a back up plan. What if he can teleport?" I asked. Frisk nodded, "I got an idea." Frisk smiled. "BUT!" Frisk pointed at me. "You have to promise that your not going to send me over." Frisk growled. I nodded, what's the plan?" I asked. "Just follow through the idea, give me to him, I'll take care of the rest, if I need your help, I'll nod to let you know." Frisk ordered. "Promise me you'll be safe?" I begged. "You mean we'll. I promise me and Chara will be fine, after all, we were the top guard." Frisk smirked and started walking. She messed up her hair, scratching her head wildly to let her ears come out. So-nope! I followed as she let out her tail too. A few animals started to gather around, not crossing the tree lines, following her as well. And a purple mist surrounded Frisk as she walked, purple footprints filling her footprints in the snow. I followed more closely. "What is this?" I asked curiously. "Psychic and nature form." Frisk answered. "You can mix?" I asked. "Sort of, just uses more power." Frisk shrugged, the animals ran off and the mist and purple foitprints faded into nothing. "What time?" Frisk asked, stopping and turning to me. "Uhh... I dunno. But do I really have to call him? That basterd is a handful." I complained. "For your brother?" Frisk watched me carefully. I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I let out a deep breath and called it. The phone rang and he immediately picked up. "Come to change your mind?" He asked in a growl. "No, what time?" I asked. "By midnight tonight. You have four hours. Make it quick." He hung up. "How long does it take to get there?" I asked turning to Frisk. "If we want to be safe... 8." Frisk answered. I growled, that damb guys trying to mess me up! "But, if we fly.... it will take 3. If we do it the dangerous way, it will take 6. I think flyings the best option. "SANS!" Undyne called. I turned around, seeing her come to a solid stop when she saw Frisk. "What?" I asked. "Any thing on Paps?" She asked, completely forgetting about Frisk. "I'm on my way now." I answered. "Great! Where is he?" Undyne was urgent. "I can only carry so many." Frisk said in a soft whisper. "What?" Undyne snarled at Frisk. "Your not coming. She can't carry both of us. And he's my brother." I growled. Snap! We all shot our heads in the direction of the sound. "Get back home Undyne. It's not safe out here." I mumbled. "I'm the top royal guard, I can handle myself." Undyne growled. "Well then you better back off. You tell no one. We'll be back before afternoon tomorrow." I ordered. "But!-" Undyne took a step forward. "Undyne! I'll call you if we need help, and I'll give you the location. Stay here. Alphas will be scared if you leave anyway. Give the girl some relaxation here." I said. Undyne seemed to think about this, at this point I know I won the fight. "Fine. Promise you'll make it back with Papyrus." Undyne asked. "Promise." I answered. Frisk's angel wight wings grew from her back. "Your flying?" Undyne asked. "We have to be there in 3 and a half hours. A fly there will take 3 hours, so we got to go." I nodded. "Fine. Be safe." And wth that Undyne walked off. I looked at Frisk and she nodded at me. "So? How are we doing this?" I asked. "Magic, duh!" Frisk rolled her eyes and a purple mist formed. "I fly, you... follow." Frisk expanded the huge wight wings. A purple mist surrounded me and I was lifted from the ground. God I hate being held like this. I thought to myself. Frisk flew up and I was dragged along. It was like that the hole way, I have to admit though, the view was really cool. When we go to the meeting location, Frisk had us land on the side of the sushi place. It was 11:50. She put her wings away along with the purple mist. Thank god. I landed on the ground and Frisk and I walked behind the place. Frisk froze, and sense she was the first to look, I was assuming it was bad. I walked out to see what was going on. Paps.... was so bloody and broken. His legs, his arms, his chest was cracked, his neck was bad, his outfit was demolished, I couldn't think of one thing that wasn't ruined. Kindness. No, pretty sure that was ruined too. "Brother?" Paps asked, tears in his eyes. Even his voice sounded broken. "Oh god." I answered, before anything else I ran to him, trying to stop the bleeding. He'll be okay, he'll be okay. Everything is going to be okay. I repeated those two sentences in my head to stop myself from crying. I hear a evil chuckle but choose to ignore it. I had to heal Paps, he would die at this stage. One more fracture or cut and he's gone. Aaron was not this far and I was worried to much to pay attention to the guy. My eye flashed a brighter golden color as I worked on healing Paps wounds. I worked on his arms, then his chest, and before I could do anything else the guy threw some sort of knife at me. I had to teleport away in order to make it out alive. I shot deggers at the attacker, finding him a male as expected, holding a knife to Frisk's throat, making me freeze. "You don't know when to quit do you?" He asked, his hair was dark, maybe a black. His eyes were blue, tan skin covered him and black shirt and pants to wear. I'm going to kill him. I growled. "One wrong move, and the girl gets hurt. Paps started to try and stand up, my head shot in his direction and before I could do anything Paps eye glowed. Causing my other to glow a orange. Paps knew when I was pissed off, he knew when it was time to cut it short, but I didn't expect this. Our glows together made us stronger and we shared health, witch would make it easier to help him, witch I had no problem with. The problem I did have, was Paps and I now have the same mind. Same feeling for everyone else. That was my problem, I think of everything but mercy unless I have no reason to violence. With Pap in my head, he was going to hear a lot of bad things and he knew that. He knew I had a short temper and he knew I would kill this badgered for what he did to him, and now what he's doing to Frisk. "What's this?" He growled. I turned my head at Frisk, she had tears in her eyes and she didn't even fight back. Well screw that plan. I almost shrugged. What plan? Pap literally growled, I looked back at him, his face full of anger and... hatred. I was going to panic if it wasn't for this situation. I might have to call Undyne after all. I responded. Undyne would have to use Undyne the Undying. He is a Neko. He as every form, I've seen him use them. Pap was going crazy. Why don't I help you out? Me and Pap both growled out load, we hated that voice, we knew he was going to get in volver when were linked like this. Oh, great, now I have to deal with this basterd. Pap sighed, Or you could let this... Frisk die. Gaster said. FINE! What do you suggest? "HEY! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING!?" He yelled. "Uh.... no? Why the hell would I listen to you!? Plus I kinda dozed out. I have no memory of what just happened." I shrugged. You need to create a distraction, P-2 will have to do that. Cause him to take his focus off you and to P-2, then S-1 will teleport behind him, I'll turn you into a glitch for a short period of time and you will be able to use my abilities. Be wise though, think everything through. Gaster planed. I guess we're doing this. THE NEKO MUST BE SAVED!! That's the Paps I knew. What if your lying to me? I asked. Have I ever lied to you? Gaster asked. The first thing that came to mind without even think is: yes. I hear Gaster growl and Paps started to chuckle. The guy gave me and Paps confused looks. "Look I'm sorry, can we have a minute, someone's trying to get me to do something here." I narrowed my eyes st him. "Who?" He asked. "That's personal." I answered. It's a Neko! I need one for studies. Gaster answered. Your not touching her. I growled. But she knows where there's more. I could vision the evil grin he had on his stupid face right now. Fine. But how the hell is Paps supost to distract him? I asked. Fish, seafood, sushi, there is a sushi place right next to you, a ball of yarn, yarn, a cat toy, mouse- Gaster continued. Okay I got this! Uh... I just need to go get one- oh... thanks! I grabbed a mouse from the forest and teleported it into Paps hands. "Mouse? That's your distraction?" He growled. "Mouse!" Frisk exclaimed and teleported next to Paps, waiting for him to put the creature down. The male Neko looked at her like she was the dumbest creature in the world. Paps looked at her, then at the mouse, then at me. I shrugged, he handed her the mouse and she squealed. I almost had to cover my ears so they wouldn't pop! The guy did have to cover his ears, I don't know how sensitive those would be, so I can imagine it hurt a lot. She started playing with the little mouse as it squeaked at her. She ran into the forest, I was about to run after her but Paps put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him in confusion. We need to get home, she knows the way. Paps smiled at me, his eye fading away. I looked at were the man was and growled, only, he wasn't there. Frisk! I started to freak out. "Brother?" Paps asked. I looked at him. "Why did you trade... the Neko for me?" Paps eyes watered. I looked back in the forest. "Your my brother Paps... I wouldn't let anything happen to you." I answered. "But you love her... I can see it! The way you look at her. The was you protect her, the way you thought when he had her captive." Paps continued. What was I thinking when that happened? I didn't even realize I was. "What was I thinking?" I asked. "How you had to figure out a different plan. How you needed her, how you loved her. How much you loved her. What you would do for her.-" Paps stopped himself, him realizing that I turned away and looked back at the forest. "Sans, she'll be okay! She has Chara!" Paps smiled but I ignored him. "But, if you want to go get her... at least heal me, please!" Paps begged. I looked at him. "Okay." I sighed, Paps sat down as I made a call, it might take a while for him to relax. I called Undyne. "OKAY WHERE ARE YOU!?" She yelled. "Human Territory, there's a sushi place called summorito, hurry." I answered. "Already half way there!" Undyne yelled I to the phone before she hung up. By the time I was done healing Paps, Undyne almost ran into me. "Take him back home." I ordered. "WHAT!? BROTHER NO! I'M COMING!" Paps yelled. "Go!" I ordered again, walking into the forest. "Sans? W-Where are you going?" Undyne stuttered. It was obvious she didn't want to loose a friend. "Brother you can't!" Paps started to cry. "Go, I'll be back before dark. You know I can teleport." I smiled warmly, hoping they would let it go. "Sans people have died in there!" Undyne growled. I looked at Paps, his tears seemed to become bigger. He nodded and pushed Undyne back home. "I promise." I mumbled before walking in. I wandered around, yellowing her name until I heard a scream. I shot my head in the direction it came from and teleported. I looked around but before I knew it something landed on me. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked at what landed on me. Frisk was above me, her wings held against her body. "Why didn't you just fly?" I asked. Frisk pulled her wing out a little bit, making a stick viewable. The stick was stabbed through her wing, so close to the bone, one wrong move, her wing would have broke. My eye's widened as I looked back at Frisk. "It's fine really." She shrugged. She sat up so I wouldn't be laying on the ground. She ended up in my lap and I we were so close, AU could practically just straitened and I would have kissed her. "C'mon, Paps is waiting for us." I said. "You... came looking for me?" Frisk asked, tiltigbher head so it just made it easier to kiss her. "So?" I asked. "This forest is hudge! You could have gotten hurt and killed! You could have gotten lost!" Frisk growled. "I can easily teleport back home." I shrugged. "You can't teleport that far, and you don't know what direction to teleport to!" Frisk exclaimed. "Okay fine! I might have gotten lost but why would I care!?" I snapped. Frisk looked at me shocked. "What?" I asked, confused. "You... risked yourself... to find me?" Frisk smiled. I froze... not even thinking it like that. Frisk had a light blush appear on her cheeks. God it just made me want to kiss her again. It's like she read my mind, because the next thing she did was lean in and kiss me. I kissed back this time, expecting it more. I wrapped my arms around her waist, her arms wrapping around my neck and pulling me closer. Pain shot through me and I pulled away, taking her arms off and rubbing no my neck. "W-What? D-Did I d-do something!?" Frisk asked. I shook my head. "No, I don't think so." I answered. I felt my spine as I realized one of my disks snapped out of place. For god sake! I growled at myself. "What?" Frisk asked. "Just a disconnected disk. That's all." I shrugged, a little pain flowing through me. "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know." Frisk apologized. "It's okay, c'mon, let's get back home." I tried lifting her up but her wings widened and it made me stop and look at her. "Can't we just stay here for a while?" Frisk asked. I tilted my head. "Why? You need medical help and I promised Pap I would be home before dark." I answered. Frisk kissed me again and made sure not to touch my spine, holding my shoulders gently instead. When we parted frisk was way out of breath. "C'mon Fisk." I sighed, teleporting as far as I could with the two of us. We were actually almost home, luckily it was the right direction. We teleported standing so I started walking and Frisk followed. When we got home, I opened the door and Paps ran into me, hugging me tightly. His hand covered my neck and I almost yelped in pain, luckily Frisk noticed quickly and moved Paps hand to my lower back. I hugged back, hopefully he didn't notice. Undyne joined in the hug, hugging my neck and this time Frisk couldn't stop her. Alphas, Grillby, even Metatton hugged me. I really had to hold in the pain there, hopefully not showing it. We all separated, THANK GOD!!! And everyone started asking question until they saw Frisk. That is, whenI grabbed her and headed to the bathroom. "Who was that?" Alphas asked. I guided her to the bathtub and had her sit in the edge. I dug into the cabinet to find some bandages and ointment. Hopefully this will be better, I used all magic on Paps and teleportation I didn't have enough to heal her. I walked over as Undyne, Alphas, Metatton, and Paps all watched. I looked at her, waiting for aproval. She nodded her head a bit before stretching out her wing. When it came to view I hear Paps and Metatton gasp. I took it out quickly and she screamed in pain. I took her wing, trying to ignore her pain. The stick left at least a inch hole. At this point I'm trying to decide if it was a branch. "Brother!? Is she okay!?" Paps asked. I stood up, walking back to the cabinet. "She'll be fine, just need's some sleep." I answered. I grabbed a needle and a shot, filling it with some numbing ointment to help the pain. When I turned to Frisk, she was staring at the needle. She hates needles... I can't blame her. "WHO THE HELL IS SHE!?" Undyne asked. I ignored her and helped her up, helping her to a room, making sure her wing didn't touch anything while she walking in front. "SANS TRUE LOVE OF COURSE!!" Me and Frisk continued to walk, pretending not to hear. My cheeks stained a hint of gold as I opened the door to the room. She walked in and laid on the bed. She pulled her wing close to her as I sat down next to her. She watched me, mostly the needle as I put a hand on her shoulder. I gave her a reassuring smile. "TRUE LOVE!! I WON'T BELIEVE IT UNTIL I SEE IT!!" Undyne growled, I could tell they were in the door way watching me. I rolled my eyes and Frisk let out a small, barely hearable giggle. I took her wing and I could tell it tensed up. I put the needle in and same with the numbing ointment. I pulled it out and she watched me. "Get some rest, I'll bandage it later." I said, standing up. "I-Is it bad?" Frisk asked. "It should heal so you can fly again if that's what your asking. You'll be fine. Sleep, I believe we might have to come up with a training schedule." I answered. Frisk nodded slowly. "G-Goodnight. Thankyou, for everything." Frisk whispered. "Get some sleep." I tried to ignore the comment but sent back the kind of look that said 'goodnight' and 'your welcome'. I left the room and Undyne, Metatton, Alphas, and Paps followed. "SO!? I SHOULD MAKE HER SOME SPAGHETTI FOR TOMORROW!!!" Paps smiled. I sighed, my blush fading quickly. "Okay Paps." I shrugged. "Brother? Did something happen? Other than her wing, but you seem.... different." Paps asked. "I'm fine." I answered. "He's right Sans... your acting strange." Metatton agreed. "It's nothing, just trying to put my mind at ease." I answered softly. "Is P-Papyrus telling the t-truth? Do you l-love her?" Alphas asked. I didn't respond, there eyes staring into my back, the longer I waited. Maybe that's why I'm off... because I can't make up my mind. Frisk is a Neko, monsters are not supposed to to fall in love with other kinds, especially a Neko. I could get killed for it! But I don't want to let her leave my sight... "SANS!" Undyne yelled and I jumped a little. I shot my head at her, and she stared at me. "You do lover her... don't you?" Undyne asked. "Why the hell would you think that?" I asked. "Drammmmaaaa!!~" Metatton sang. "Sans... it's been ten minutes and you didn't answer the question." Undyne answered. I stiffened, looking away harshly. "She's a Neko, monster's can't fall in love with any other creature's, let alone a Neko." I growled. Paps took a step forward but decided to let it be. "That d-don't change it." Alphas pointed. I looked at her. "Why would it matter to you anyway!? If I am in love with her than I'll be executed on the spot." I crossed my arms. "So you dooo love her!!!~" Metatton smirked. "I didn't say that." I growled. "But your e-excepting it." Alphas said. "What makes you think that!?" I growled. "You said 'if'. If is a huge word and it is used when you except a event or feeling." Alphas smiled happily at her scientific explanation. I looked away again, at the floor this time. If Frisk was listening in, would she be hurt that I won't except it? "Darling tell me all about it!~" Metatton cheered. I sighed. "I'm going to sleep." I growled and teleported to my room. I plopped on my bed, sighing and rolling over. "He's SOOO in love!" Metatton exclaimed. "Metatton you made him freak out!" Undyne growled. "It takes time to accept to live someone Metatton! You pushed him to far!" Alphas agreed. Sometimes I swear Alphas alwase choose Undynes side, no matter what. "Sans only met her a few days." Paps clarified. "A few days!? Then why is he in love?" Metatton asked. I groaned. "Ever heard love at first sight?" Undyne growled. "It is possible, but you can't rush these things." Alphas agreed again. They kept chit chatting and yellingn at each other about it. Sometimes I wish I were dead. "AAAHHH!!!" I hear Frisk yell. I shot up, getting up and running to her room, not caring if the others saw. I slammed the door open to see Frisk sitting up, her wing bleeding more. I ran over and tried to stop the bleeding. I looked at Frisk to see if she's okay. The others ran up the stairs and to the room by the time she hugged me, her grip was tight and scared. I hugged her back for comfort. "What happened?" I asked. She started to cry... she actually started to cry! "Oh my..." Metatton gasped. I continued to ignore them and focus on her. "Frisk?" I asked. I eventually got the blood to stop and the hole wasn't bigger, but it had an extra line, it must have gotten caught on something when she sat up. Maybe from a nightmare. She hugged me tighter and got in a position that she was on her knees so she was crying on my chest. "Hey... calm down." I shushed her. I sat down on the bed, her crawling on my lap. I couldn't do much with this, I couldn't really push her away, especially now. Even then, my body wouldn't let me. She turned her head so it was on my shoulder, and cried and cried and cried. After about maybe three hours she started to breath normally. Paps went and got her a drink of water. The other three didn't do anything but watch. Sometimes it irritated me, most of the time I didn't care. She started to finally speak, but it were words so soft I could barely hear them. "I-..." she choked on a sob. I looked at her, waiting for her to say more. "I h-had a n-night-m-mare." She cried. As expected, I hugged her tighter, hoping it helped. "You should get some more rest Frisk. That wound won't heal well without it." I said, starting to stand up, but Frisk wouldn't move off my lap. I couldn't really force her, it might make it worse. She eventually got off and got under the covers. I stood up and watched her for a while, before turning away. Before I got far, I feel her grab onto my jacket and try and pull me back. I looked back at her, her eyes swollen and red. "P-Please.... d-don't g-go." Frisk was to cute when she stuttered, it was impossible to say no. I had her let go of my jacket and I left the room. I had to push past the little crowd at the doorway. They all watched me as I went into the bathroom, grabbing some magical meds so I could help prevent the nightmares if they continue. After all, we all know how lazy I am. I grabbed two bottles of water, some more numbing ointment, a needle, shot, and a few other possible things we need. Undyne and Metatton stopped me at the bedroom doorway. "What?" I growled. "Are you?" Alphas joined in. "I don't have time for this." I growled as I teleported next to Frisk. I put everything on the table next to the bed. "So you are!~" Metatton sang. I surrounded the bedroom door with my aura, slamming it shut and locking the door. Frisk pulled me I to her, I literally had to catch myself before I hurt her wing. Frisk smiled at me. "Frisk? Has something gotten into you?" I asked. Frisk shook her head, "I need to get that disk back into place." Frisk reached for my neck. I I scantly stopped her and she gave me a confused look. "Is that what this is about?" I growled. Frisk shook her head. "No, it's just a nother reason." Frisk shrugged. I sighed, "You shouldn't touch my spine." I warned, rolling over to the other side. Frisk instantly rolled to her side, scooting closer and cuddling into me. "Mind telling me what happened?" I asked. "Sans?" Frisk whispered. "Do you.... hate me?" Frisk asked, tears rolling down her face. Gaster... I growled. "Why would I hate you?" I asked, trying to keep a reasonable tone. Frisk looked down. "I... saw someone.... he told me that you.... were just playing with me." Frisk paused every time and it made me want to kill Gaster. I sighed, causing Frisk to look at me. "If I hated you, would I have went I to the forest to find you?" I asked, looking for any signs of disbelief. "Or kiss back? Let alone be here with you now? And heal your wing? And protect you?-" I started listing things off. "Okay okay I get it!" Frisk interrupted. "I'm sorry I doughted you... thanks." Frisk some how hugged me closer, witch I didn't know it was possible. "Don't let him get to you Frisk." I hugged her back. "Do you know him? He was tall, and had cracks in his skull like you do." Frisk lifted her hand and traced her finger across one of the cracks in my skull. "Yes, that basterd doesn't know when to quit." I answered, closing my eyes as he hand went near them. Frisk then did the other crack. "Did he do this to you?" Frisk asked. "Isn't that a bit personal?" I asked, opening the eye that she wasn't tracing around. She smiled, "Don't do that." Frisk giggled. I opened both eyes, giving her a confused look. "Do what?" I asked. "Look at me with one eye..." Frisk answered. "Why?" I continued. "Because your already to cute. When you do that it's like looking at a baby cat!" She answered, her ears twitching. "Your ears and tail don't move much do they?" I asked, remembering they were there. "No... not really." Frisk shrugged. "Go to sleep Frisk, you have a long day tomorrow." I whispered. She nodded and cuddled into me, soon falling asleep. It wasn't long before I fell asleep myself.

(Sorry it took a while to upload this! The internet at home is down and broken so I can only upload during school hours until it's fixed. But in return I made it extra-ish longer! Hope you enjoy! BIA!!!!)

Words: 13949

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