EchoTale Sans X Neko Frisk - Chapter Eight: Night
The sun soon came up and the light almost blinded me. I slowly opened my eyes. Wait... that's not a sun. Gah! Stupid lights! I growled at myself as I covered my eyes from the lights. "AH! Neko you're awake!" I hear Papyrus say. I open my eyes, adjusting to the light. "Papyrus?" I asked as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Yes?" He smiled. "How... did I get here?" I asked. "Oh! Grillby carries you here! Gaster was going to wake you... but I guess Grillby didn't let him." Papyrus answered. "Oh.... so why am I here?" I asked. "I don't quite understand that either... something about... different people? I think...." Papyrus then went into deep thought. After many hours of silence, Gaster came up to the cell. "How long has he been thinking?" Gaster asked, looking at him. "Ever Science the lights came on," I answered. Gaster let out a heavy sigh. "Come with me," Gaster said as he unlocked the cell. "Okay?" I stood up and walked over. "I'll send Grillby in later." He informed Pap as he closed the cell. "What's going on?" I ask.
"You'll find out later," Gaster answered as he came to a stop in front of another cell. I look inside to see Night sleeping. "Useless," Gaster mumbled. "I may be asleep... but I can still hear." I hear Night say. "Then you wouldn't be asleep now would you?" Gaster asked opening the cell. "Depends. Some days I have a hard time sleeping." Night shrugged. "You sleep during the day?" I asked. "I stay up at night. Hence my name. Sleep during the day, enjoy the stars. That's how I see it." Night answered. "But you can't see the stars." Gaster stayed. "Look, dude, we're getting out of here eventually. And when we do, I can see the stars again." Night growled. "The ones of the ceiling aren't stars. Their gems." Gaster said. "Maybe in your AU. My AU we see stars." Night said. "You are on the surface?" Gaster asked, his eyes widening. "Same as Mr. Upper, uppertale is probably more of what you imagine. But yes. I live on the surface." Night answered.
"What's the sun like?" Gaster asked. "I'm done answering questions." Night stated as he sat up. "Answer the question," Gaster ordered. "No! There's only a couple of Gaster's I'm afraid of, And you're not one of them." Night warned. "Then which one is it?" Gaster asked. "Horrortale, Nightmare Gaster's got to be one of the creepiest. Reapertale definitely. Unserfell Gaster an eh.. there's a couple." Night shrugged. How many AU's are there?" Gaster asked. "Not answering." Night answered. Gaster sighed in frustration, before leaving. I wonder what his plans are. It makes me nervous knowing that it's going to be painful. Soon enough Grillby and Sans walked with Gaster. Gaster opens the cell and pushes Grillby. He closes the cell and starts to walk off with Sans. I run-up to the entrance and start to scream at Gaster. I don't know what got over me. "What are you going to do with him!?" I screamed at Gaster. Sans turned to me, a little wide-eyed. "That's none of your business." Gaster answers.
"I'll be fine Frisk," Sans said, trying to reassure. But something in my gut told me otherwise. Sans was not gonna be okay and as they continued to walk I panicked. "Gaster get back here!!" I screamed, but he ignored me. As soon as he turned the corner and out of sight I started to try and get past the cell laser bars. "Frisk your gonna hurt yourself, he'll be fine." I hear Grillby say. I shake my head. "No, he's not!" I screamed. Frisk... You really care for him, don't you? Chara! I smile. Its been forever since I have talked to you. I just now realized just how long its been. Please, he's gonna get seriously hurt. I can just feel it. I pleaded. Yeah, yeah, fine. But don't do any weird lovey stuff while I'm here. Deal! I feel character legit my body and we work together to shut d9wn the lasers. "What the hell!!?" I hear Night ask. I wave him off as we struggle with getting them off. Characters gives me a bigger chunk of her part of her soul and she walks through the cell lasers.
I gape at her and she takes that part of her soul back. She starts to attack the hand scanner and eventually breaks it. The lasers shut down and I run in the direction Gaster went. I turn the corner and listen. I hear Sans' screams of pain. Characters absorbs back in my body and I run in the direction. I have wings out ready to fight and slam through the doors. "I said to come back." I snarl at him. He seems surprised. "How did you get pass the heat pointers?" Gaster asked. Sans is unconscious, bones have became fragile and weak. Some bones look like they are about to break. I rush to his side as Gaster growls at me. "Go back to the cell he's fine." Gaster stated. "No he's not!! You need some serious help!" I screamed ad I undid all the wires and patches. Gaster walked towards me, about to grab me but my wings flip up in a strong force, causing his arm to snap.
He growls and hisses in pain. I untangle Sans from the bed and undo the straps. I pick him up and do my best to get to the others. Chara, can you get every one else out? Now is our chance! I say. On it. She separated from my body and gets the others out. "Why you!!" I hear Gaster yell angrily. I head to the back door and into the woods. I look back at the door, Night and Grill by are running towards me. "This was a good call." Night looked back. "We have to go." Grillby added. "Not without the others." I shake my head. "We can't stay here. If they don't make it out then we get captured again." Night agreed. "Take Sans to safety. We will meet you back home. We can't stay in the woods and Gaster can't show himself in the town." I instruct. They nod and Grillby takes Sans. "Make sure he's okay." I add before I run back in to help. Gaster has them trapped and he starts laughing. "Hey glitchy. You better leave them alone." I say as I throw something at him.
Characters runs past him and runs into my body. Let me take control. Characters said. I let her take full control, knives are summoned and she throws them at him. He finally turns to us in anger. He runs at me, hands ready to use their strength. The others take the chance to run off and out the door. "No!!" Gaster yells as we make our retreat as well. We all run into the forest. "Head towards home!" I yell to the others as Gaster runs after us. We run and run for what felt like hours. Gaster got tired a while ago and stopped running. But we took no chances and kept going. We eventually can't run anymore, heats and souls are pumping like a fast beat to a song. We can't breath. It's night now, it was sun down when we left. Moon is starting to rise into the sky, light viable, just barely. "Let's.... Settle here.... For the night." Pap said. I nodded in agreement and we all fell to our feet, passing out instantly.
In the morning, luckily everyone was still here, and not in a cell. "Let's keep moving." I say. They all nod and we continue on. We are walking non-stop. I'm getting hungry and my feet are starting to hurt. But we are almost to the town. So we keep going. It's cold and I'm starting to freeze. 10 minutes later we finally get to the town. It's late. We slowly make our way over to their home, Grillby, Night are trying to comfort and calm Sans down. We are just outside. "HOW CAN I BE CALM!?" Sans yelled. "Sans she will be fine. She's on our way." Grillby comforted. "She could be going through so much pain right now." Sans sat down on the couch, hope is faded in his eyes. "Shall we go in?" I asked. They nodded and we head inside. As we open the door we flood inside. It's warm and I wrap my arms around myself to try to keep even warmer. My wings wrap around me in attempt of a heat source. Sans head snaps to us and he instantly relaxes. "Your okay." Sans smiled as he rushes to me, wrapping me in his arms.
I cuddle into him, using him as a bigger heat source then anything else I have. "Your freezing!" Sans says as he steps back and takes off his jacket, wrapping it around me. I shiver and try to pull the jacket closer. Sans has me walk over to the couch and holds me close. "I'm so happy your okay." Sans said as he kissed my forehead. I stiffen and my cheeks become pink at the action. The others smirk at us, I don't think Sans realized what he just did because he looks at them and told his head in confusion. I bury my face as my cheeks flush more. Sans looks down at me. "What's wrong?" He asked hesitantly. "You do just realize you just kissed her. Right?" Night smirked. Sans thinks for a moment before he realizes. "Oh...." Sans cheeks turn a faint yellow. "We'll let you two love birds alone." Grillby winked at us as I take a peek at them. My face is on fire as I go back to hiding. Sans gives a nervous laugh as they all leave. "Umm... Sorry about that." Sans said as they left. I shook my head, "It's okay." I say. "Frisk.... I need to say something.... Or... Confess something." Sans says.
I look up at him, my blush starts to fade a little. "I...." Sans becomes nervous and he sighed before blurting out the sentence. "I really, really like you." Sans cheeks turn a brighter yellow. My cheeks grow warm again as I stare at him. "Y-You mean.... Like... Like like me? O-Or?..." I became nervous. Sans nodded, confirming it. I can feel this urge, the urge to tell him I feel the same way. But I was speachless. I didn't have words. Oh my god Frisk just kiss him. I hear Characters giggle. I gulp and stare at his mouth. Sans turns his head to me. "You... Don't feel the same... Do you?" Sans asked. I can hear the fear in his voice, the nervousness. I couldn't help it. I kissed him. I leaned up and kissed him. He stiffened, shocked, but soon recomposed himself and kissed me back. Sans pulled me close and I melted into him. I couldn't help it. We separated and Sans and my face were bright and warm, almost overheating. "I.... Like you too." I spit the words out before I think to much. Sans places another soft, quick kiss on my lips before he smiles.
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