Slade [Written with SBurtch]

On May 8, 1980 a woman by the name of Fleur Gentry fell hard for a male by the name of Ahmet Sorell. And then 9 years later on October 20th a baby boy was born. Neither of the parents could decide on a name. Fleur wished to name her son Tristan. Ahmet preferred a strong name such as Slade, so the two compromised by naming their son Tristan Slade Gentry Sorell. The two tried very hard to raise their son with as much love as they could, but it was hard. Since the two didn't seem to agree on much of anything after that.

Ahmet was the Commander of an army that his forefathers had put together called the 103rd Striders Contingent. Fleur being a small town girl with a free spirit believed in no violence. When the two met there were plenty of people who did their best to break them up. Once Tristan was born, though everything changed. Ahmet left his life as a soldier to work as a coal miner and help care for his son. He was ridiculed for his decision and the army suffered, but his wife showed him that there was more to life than fighting. He wanted to believe that, but it never lasted long. In the back of his mind was fighting. It was in his blood to be the best, so when he was drafted into the Army once more and sent overseas he didn't once hesitate. This left his Fleur devastated, though he knew it was what he was meant to do. 

Meanwhile, Fluer took on a part-time job as a writer for the local gazette to pay the bills, while she raised Tristan on her own. It wasn't long after Tristan's 13th Birthday, that they got the call that Ahmet was killed in Active Duty. This caused Fluer to lose her cool, and she panicked. She was unsure of how she would raise up a boy, without a father. Tristan took his father's death hard, but knew that he had to help keep himself and his mother afloat. He worked hard in school as well as taking his father's place as a coal miner for a year, but once he graduated high school he joined the army. He wanted to fight. He had all of this pent up anger and remorse, so what better way than to enlist. Only when he filled out the paperwork his name went from Tristan to simply Slade Sorell in memory of his father. Slade's mother took this news even harder than the death of her husband, 

"Tristan, was I not a good mother? Why are you leaving me behind, for the same lifestyle that cost your father his life?" Slade knew he was hurting his mother, by choosing this life over the life of a lowly coal miner, but the army simply called to him. He felt as though he was finishing something that his father was unable to execute. It was in his bones. It was in his blood. His father had filled his head with the stories of war. He had driven him to want to be something more. A protector, a fighter, a real man. He figured that once he was a soldier he would be better able to protect his mother from darkness. Slade worked his last shift and said his goodbyes, before taking off for the army base. He was filled with all sorts of emotions. Though, the one that took him over the most was anticipation. He was ready. He was ready to be something more. To prove to everyone who ever doubted him, or his abilities. And he did. He fought hard and was heavily rewarded. He soon took over the position of Commander, just like his father. But this power eventually got to his head and became too much for him to handle. Shortly after becoming such a high rank he was dishonorably discharged and left to fend for himself in Western Europe. 

Feeling ashamed of what he had done and not knowing anything about his surroundings. He decided to drown his sorrows in a bottle and books. He lived off the grid in Europe for several years. Working odd jobs and saving up, so that he could one day return home to his mother. He didn't know who he was anymore. He didn't know what his purpose was, until he met a female by the name of Avaline Rifkind. Avaline was a simple American girl who was backpacking across Europe, when the two met in a small pub, she brightened his life and made him feel something he hadn't felt in ages. Love and acceptance. He and the girl he called Ava fell in love and were inseparable. He taught her how to break free from her shelteredness and she taught him how to not take everything so serious. Her child-like qualities intrigued him. He wanted more, but would never be able to pursue her. What Ava didn't know was that Slade was being hunted. A male from Slade's regiment caught wind of the fact that he was living off the grid in Europe, instead of returning home right away. He worried that Slade had become a traitor, so he was ordered to return to Europe and take him out. About a week before Avaline was to return to the states she went to Slade's home, if you could even call it that to say goodbye, only to find the he was missing. Everything was gone. It was as if he didn't even exist. This broke Ava's heart and left her feeling as though he had abandoned her. Only she knew deep in the pit of her gut that he was not the type to simply pick up and leave, so she reported him missing,

"Something is NOT right!" She screamed, when she was told repeatedly that Slade Sorell does not exist. And with that Ava was forced to leave Europe without any answers.

Several weeks later, right after Slade's 22nd Birthday He re-reemerged only this time he was in Russia.

"Wa-wha?" He was abruptly cut off by a fist to the face. Slade's vision was blurry as he came to, a quick blink and look around sorted that out and told him that he was in a dungeon, ‘Captive?’ He asked himself, ‘But, why?’ He looked around only to be struck once more. This time he was able to see his assailant's face, A woman? Yes it was a woman, a woman he would later come to know as Zoianna Dragunov.

"Why are you trespassing on Dragunov Property?" She asked in a thick Russian Accent. Slade blinked,

"Dragoonof?" And with that he yelped as his ankles were knocked out from beneath him, 

"Hah... At least you can take a hit. It is pronounced DRAG-UN-OV, like the rifle." She hissed. Slade threw his hands up in surrender. 

"Listen lady... I don't know who you are and I'm sorry that I trespassed." He said rubbing his cheek. Zoianna nodded in silence, as she circled him. He didn't like this feeling, it felt as though she was a vulture stalking her prey, "Can I get up, now?" he asked in a highly agitated tone. Without waiting for her response he began to get up off the ground, using his elbow to push himself up before being slammed down by a brutal foot to the sternum. Slade heard a subtle crack in his rib cage and let out a low groan, his vision blurred again as a sudden wave of pain came over him.

"Did I say yes?" she asked in a stern tone.

"Damn, lady who taught you how to fight?" He asked, after willing himself the strength. Zoi knelt down next to the man's writhing form, sinking a quick jab into his rib as she did so, breaking another couple of bones.

"My father." She said, before standing up and crossing her arms, "If you can manage it now... you can get up, but I'm not done with you. I want to know who you are." Slade groaned and coughed up a wad of blood at the woman's feet before shakily standing up, his right arm held his ribs tenderly as he looked her dead in the eyes. 

"Slade... Slade Sorell...” Just saying that small amount caused him more pain. Breathing did the same, yet he tried not to show any weakness. Zoi nodded silently as if taking mental notes.

"Nice to meet you, I suppose." She said her blonde hair falling in her face slightly, "Sorry for hurting you, but I don't take trespassers lightly, especially here." As much as he wanted to know why this dreary place was so important. He was just lucky the female didn't kill him.

"C-Can I go, or are you going to use me as your human punching bag some more?" he asked as Zoi chuckled lightly. 

"You are free to go, but first." she held up her index finger, "Let me get you some help. I feel that I owe you that much, but nothing more." Slade nodded silently not sure how to respond. He simply followed her out of the dungeon his body aching with every step. 

Zoi led him into a room that was very bright compared to the last. Everything was white. The walls. The floor. Even the man who was standing on the other side. The only color that was truly noticeable was the blood on the male's white scrubs.

"Dr. Blood. I have a new patient, for you." Zoi said, as she motioned to Slade. Slade blinked as the male turned around his eyes wide. It was almost as if he hadn't been able to work in ages. He seemed pleased. Maybe a little too pleased. Zoi's laughter suddenly filled the room, "He is not an experiment, Blood. Just heal him up, so I can let him go." Blood frowned and nodded in silence. His eyes working Slade over.

"Sit." Slade arched a brow, but did what he was told. He then winced heavily, but before he knew it the pain slowly subsided.

"Hey, how did you do that?" He asked the male who now looked highly disappointed. The male shook his head.

"Get this pathetic human out of my sight, Zoi." Blood snapped causing Slade glare.

"Excuse me?" but before he knew it everything had gone black once more. When Slade came to once more he was outside and on the other side of the Dragunov gate. He rubbed his throbbing head and looked around. He jumped seeing Zoianna staring straight at him.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" She hissed.

Slade grumbled, "I am not just some pathetic human! I was once a Commander!" He growled. Zoi blinked.

"You...” She snickered, "A Commander? Of What? Rough tough cream puffs?" Slade grumbled, before bellowing out. 

"No, of the 103rd Striders Contingent." Zoi gasped lightly

"S-Striders...” She muttered, before taking a step back. "I'm of the 113th Regiment." Slade blinked.

"Well, shit...” Time seemed to stand still for a brief moment, before he knew it he found himself sitting in a coffee shop with a fellow soldier. The two talked for hours and she helped to fill in some of the blanks spots in his memory. He told Zoianna of Avaline and how he never got to say goodbye.

"I don't remember how I got here, Zoi...” Slade whispered. Zoi simply nodded before she explained everything she knew.

"You were stumbling around the city drunk as a skunk. I remember you distinctly. Another man came up behind you and the two of you fought. It was quite distracting." She admitted to him, before sipping on her coffee. Zoianna continued to tell him of how he and this male had battled in an alleyway not far from the road that led to her manor. Apparently this male was part of his regiment and believed him to be a spy for the Russians. All Slade could do was laugh. Zoi also explained that she caught him trying to climb over her gate and that's why she had beaten the ever living tar out of him. Slade now knowing all the facts realized that his troops were on a man hunt for him, but they were wrong. He decided he had to go back and set them straight, but first he would go find Avaline and tell her of what had happened. Unfortunately he would never find her and his men would never believe him. All he had in the world were Zoianna and the mysterious Doctor Blood.

Zoianna helped Slade learn what he needed to know about Russia, in order to survive. She also helped him search his mother online, only to uncover that his mother had died not long after he joined the Army. She also introduced him to the place he now calls home. A mysterious city... It was a dreary place, fitting of the creepy feeling it gave off indeed, but it was everything he could ever want, or need. During his time in the City he learned lots of new things. An example of this would be that the creatures of the night such as Vampires and Werewolves do indeed exist.

Slade with the help of Zoianna was pulled from his slump. He felt like he had a purpose once more. It was to figure out who he was as a person. To this day he wanders around the City helping to keep the area as safe as he can given his training. He visits with Zoi when she comes into the area, but still craves the kind of love and acceptance his parents has once had.

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