Murder Mansion

"Congratulations! You have been selected to be 1 of 10 to come to the Willowhood Mansion on Friday, January 13, 2017. When you arrive, you will be given a pseudonym based on your current occupation. I hope to see you there." Greta pondered over the letter that had brought her to this wretched place. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. She looked at her peers. She knew none of them prior to this event, but now she has to work together with them in order to get out alive.

-The Day Before-

Greta had just finished getting dressed. She had put on a red dress for this occasion. She grabbed her car keys on the way out of her house. Then pulled out of her driveway and began traveling to her destination.

"You have arrived" The GPS spoke. Greta stopped and sized up to the mansion that rested on a hill. She shrugged and began to drive up the lengthy driveway.

She reached the top of the hill and there ended up being several parking spots, around 10 or so. She pulled into a spot and shifted her car into park. Before she exited her vehicle, she reached to the other side of the car and picked a piece of paper from the floor. She reread the letter that she had been sent.

After turning off the car and exiting the vehicle, Greta inhaled. The air smelled good. She walked over to the mansion and rang the doorbell. It echoed throughout the house. A minute had passed and still no answer. She cracked open the door.

"Helloooooo?" Her hello echoed throughout the house just like the doorbell. She was going to go sit in her car until someone else appeared, however, something inside caught her eye. She noticed a sign that read "Welcome! Please pick up the name tag with the occupation corresponding to you." Greta pushed the door open and walked to the table with the name tags.

"Bartender, Youtuber, Nurse, Plumber, Musician, Cosmetologist, Psychologist, Pharmacist, Artist, and Hacker." Greta mumbled to herself as she read them. Suddenly, the girl behind her. A man holding a camera, recording himself, entered the building, followed by a guy similar to the first.

"And now we're inside the creepy house!" The dude with the camera said into the camera.

"Uh... Who are you talking to?" Greta asked.

"Shhhhh! He's vlogging and he shan't be interrupted." The second dude said.

"Smile for the camera!" The camera dude walked over to Greta and put his arm around her. Greta noticed herself on the screen.

"Uh let's not do that." She shoved the dude away.

"Woah there, feisty." The dude said.

"My name is not feisty. My name is Greta" Greta stopped herself. "I'm the nurse." She walked over to the table and picked up the sticker labeled nurse. She unstuck it and attached it to her dress.

"Sup. I'm a youtuber named Ash." The dude said. "This here is Paul."

"Hey, I'm the video editor." Paul said. He followed Ash to pick up his sticker. Ash grabbed the name tag with the appropriate occupation and stuck it on.

"Wait, there's none labeled Video Editor or Editor." The youtuber's partner said.

"Looks like you don't get one." Greta said.

"Darn." Paul said as the door flew open once more.

"Hello! I'm the psychologist named Kat!" A girl said as she walked into the mansion.

"And I'm a cosmetologist." The girl behind Kat. "My name is Kiana.

"So how are we all today? Should we discuss our feelings?" Kat said.

"I'll pass." Kiana said. "I'll be in the library if anyone needs me." She began walking away.

"Uh, I think I'll be in the library as well." Greta said. She immediately started following the cosmetologist.

The two girls entered the library. Kiana walked over to the shelf and scanned it. She grabbed a book and sat down. Greta sat down across from her.

After what seemed like forever passed, Kat came into the library to inform the nurse and cosmetologist that almost everyone was here.

"Darn, it was just getting good." Kiana said. She closed her book and set it on the table. Kiana and Greta followed Kat to the dining room, which was now full of people.

Greta looked around the room and scanned the people. She saw a female bartender, a male plumber, a female Musician, a female pharmacist, and a female artist. She counted in her head. "That makes four boys and six girls." Greta thought.

"Okay, since most of us are here, how about we discuss our names?" Greta's thought process was interrupted by Kat's voice.

"Yes, I agree." Greta said.

"Okay, I'll start." The psychologist said. "My name is Kat."

"Hey, I'm Kiana." The cosmetologist said.

"My name is Greta." The nurse said.

"I'm Chyna." The musician said.

"I go by Geneva." The artist said.

"Danny is what I'm called." The bartender said.

"Jim is my name" The plumber said.

"Yo, I'm Ash." The youtuber said, still recording.

"Hey, I'm Paul, Ash's video editor. That is why i don't have a name tag." The video editor said.

"I'm Jolene" The pharmacist said.

"That's all of them." Greta thought.

"My name is Yuri." An unfamiliar voice said. Everyone turned to face the doorway. There stood a guy with the hacker name tag on his chest.

"Glad that you could join us." Danny said.

"So, now that everyone is here, what do we do?" Chyna said.

"I guess we just wait." Geneva said.

"Let me fix everyone a drink." Danny said. He stood from his seat at the dining table and walked over to the mini bar. He began mixing the drinks.

"Can someone help me with these glasses?" He asked after mixing.

"I can." Geneva said. She stood up and walked over to the minibar. The two picked up the glasses and started passing them out. They gave a cup to everyone but themselves.

"We're two short." Geneva said.

"Darn. That was all of it. Don't worry though, I brought something special from home." He pulled a flask out of his pocket and poured it into the 2 cups. Geneva took hers and sat down. After Geneva went back to her seat, Greta noticed Danny dump his down the sink and fill it with water before he returned to his seat.

After a few hours of conversing, no host had still shown up.

"I'm just gonna leave." Jim said.

"Yeah, I agree." Jolene said. The two walked over to the door and twisted the door knob. The door would not open. Jim applied more force and the door still didn't budge.

"Looks like we're going out the window." Jim said, jokingly. He walked over to the window and tried to open it as well. The window wouldn't budge either.

"Are we locked in?" Kat asked.

"Why don't you try breaking the window?" Jolene suggested.

Jim grabbed a chair and threw it at the window. The chair had no effect on the window whatsoever.

"The windows must be reinforced." Jim said.

"Everyone try every window accessible." Jim instructed. Everyone in the mansion tried every window in every room they could. No window or door could open or get smashed.

"Looks like we're having a sleepover." Yuri said after everyone had met up to discuss the circumstances. Nobody laughed.

"It appears we are." Kiana said.

"I suggest that since we're staying the night, we each sleep in different rooms." Kat suggested.

"Yeah, I agree." Greta said. "No offense, but I'd rather not have to share a room with a stranger."

"While looking around earlier, we found out there's only 3 bedrooms though." Jolene said.

"Looks like some people aren't getting a bed then." Danny said.

"How do we decide who gets the bedrooms then?" Jolene asked. Geneva pulled out paper.

"We can draw for them." She said. "We each write our names on paper, fold them, and put them into a container. We draw and whoever is drawn gets to pick."

Everyone did so and they began drawing. Ash, Kat, and Jolene chose the bedrooms. Yuri chose the office. Geneva chose the game room. Paul chose the living room. Danny chose the kitchen. Greta chose the dining room. Kiana chose the library. Chyna chose the laundry room. Lastly, Jim got the bathroom.

It was around ten when all the events had passed. Everyone decided to go to their respective rooms for the night. Greta went to the dining room, and went to bed. She had a blanket and pillow from the extras in the bedrooms. She immediately fell asleep.

She was awoken by a scream. She quickly jumped out of her makeshift bed and ran to where the scream came from. The scream was from Kat. Greta ran over to Kat and asked what was wrong. She pointed into the living room. Greta looked and saw a dead body, Paul's dead body, laying on the ground. Paul had scissors through his torso. His chest was bloody and there was little blood on the floor. The scream caused everyone to wake up. Everyone was now gathering around the doors opening. Ash arrived last and when he saw the sight, he fainted. Murmurs were heard around the room.

"Everyone be quiet!" Greta yelled. The murmurs stopped.

"I want out of here!" Chyna yelled and ran to the door. Kat ran after her and grabbed her by the collar. "Let go of me!"

"No." Kat replied. "Someone in this house is a murderer so we can't just let anyone leave. Plus the door is probably still not opening. Someone call the police."

"There's no service here." Jolene said.

"The landline is also not connected." Geneva said.

"Darn." Kat said as she went back to the group with Chyna. Ash was awake but he was avoiding the sight.

"This... This isn't happening! This is just a dream." Chyna slapped herself to wake herself up.

"Looks like we have to find who the murderer is." Yuri said.

"Isn't obvious?" Jim asked. "Those are scissors for cutting hair." Everyone looked at Kiana.

"What! No! I didn't kill him! I'm being framed!" Kiana exclaimed.

"How do we know that?" Danny asked.

"It's simple." Greta said. Yuri agreed. Greta walked over to the corpse. "If Paul had died by being stabbed, there would be a lot more blood than there actually is. That means someone put the scissors in after he was already dead."

"Anyone could've taken her scissors while she was asleep so we can't do anything just yet. " Yuri stated.

"Thank you!" Kiana said to Greta and Yuri.

"Don't thank us yet. You're as much of a suspect as any one of us." Yuri said. "I suggest we each search every room of the house. Try to find something that can kill and not leave any marks. Let's meet back here at noon with our findings." Everyone dispersed and started searching the house.

About an hour into searching, someone yelled "No!" from the basement. Greta arrived in the middle of everyone else arriving and she asked what happened.

"I was vlogging as I was searching the basement and I stepped in a puddle of water. I accidentally slipped and dropped my camera. The camera landed on the concrete and its shattered and it doesn't work!" Ash stormed upstairs. "This is the worst day ever! First, I lose my best friend and now my camera breaks!"

"Why is there water in a basement?" Jolene asked.

"There's just a leaking pipe." Jim said.

"Wouldn't the owner of the house fix that though?" Geneva asked.

"Most likely." Yuri agreed. "That means that it happened recently."

"Interesting..." Jim said.

"With Ash's absence, I will continue searching down here. Everyone continue searching for anything suspicious." Everyone continued searching.

12 rolled around and everyone, but Ash, met in the dining room.

"So what did we find out." Yuri asked. No one said anything for around 10 seconds then Jolene spoke up.

"Uh... When we were searching, I went up to my room to take my medicine. However, I couldn't find it where I left it last night. I couldn't find it at all." Some people gasped. "I think someone used it make Paul overdose." More gasps could be heard throughout the room."

"Yes, that is possible." Yuri said.

"It is." Greta agreed.

"Are you sure you took them last night, and are you sure you brought them?" Yuri asked.

"Yes, I'm positive." Jolene replied.

"Hmm..." Yuri thought.

"While we're on the topic of last night," Greta started. "I saw Danny pour Geneva and himself a different drink than everyone."

"Yeah, everyone did." Danny said. "What's your point?"

"You dumped yours out." Greta retorted.

"What? No, I didn't!" Danny said. "I don't appreciate being accused."

"Yes, you did! I saw you!" Greta exclaimed.

"Where's your proof?" Danny asked.

"I- I don't have any." Greta stuttered.

"Maybe, now hear me out, Greta is trying to frame me because she committed the murder and doesn't want to get caught."

"What?" Greta asked, astounded.

"You did seem to know that the scissors were to frame, and that the medicine would kill if it happened to be overdosed."

"Greta, now's your chance to prove your innocence. Otherwise, we will have to accuse you of being guilty."

"I- I don't have any proof." Greta stated.

"Well, it looks like Greta is the murderer." Danny established.

"Actually," Yuri started. "Greta may have no evidence but I do."

"W-What?" Danny asked.

"Please, follow me." Everyone followed Yuri into the office. Yuri turned the computer on and he inserted the SD card of the camera. He went to the most recent files.

"When did you get that?" Greta asked.

"I acquired it when I was searching downstairs. I picked it up because it recorded the entire night and could have evidence. As it turns out, it did." Yuri clicked on the third most recent file. He began to fast forward until everyone was at dinner. Ash sat directly in front of the minibar. He, unintentionally, recorded all the events that happened during that time. As the video showed, Danny indeed did dump out his drink and fill it with water.

"So what?" Danny asked. "I don't like the taste."

"Let's take a look at this video." Yuri clicked off of the video and went to the next video. The video showed Ash saying goodnight to his viewers. The camera was propped on the table.

"See you guys later." Ash reached his arm over to the camera. He pressed a button and the screen changed.

"He accidentally turned on night vision instead of turning it off." Yuri began skipping the video into the middle of the night. At around 2:30 on the video, he stopped. Everyone watched as the video showed Geneva sleep walking. Most people gasped, including Geneva.

"Geneva, do you know if you've ever sleepwalked before?" Yuri asked.

"Not that I know of, no." She replied.

"Let's rewatch the video. This time, let's look at her hands." Yuri rewound the clip and hit play again. Geneva passed again. However, she was holding pills in her hand."

"What..." Geneva mumbled. "Did I... kill Paul?"

"It appears so." Danny said.

"I- I didn't mean to." Geneva said.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." Yuri fast forwarded an hour into the video. Now it showed Danny passing, noticeably not sleep walking. He was holding Kiana's scissors.

"Danny, you gave Geneva your drink so she would sleep walk and kill Paul. Paul had the only room without doors, so she didn't have to worry about creaking. She killed him with the pills, then you went to go frame Kiana. I don't know why you would do that, but you're caught now. You might as well confess." Yuri suggested.

"Or, I might as well kill all of you also!" Danny pulled out a knife and chased towards the group. They all ran out of the room and held the office doors closed.

"You can't hold this door forever!" Danny exclaimed. Suddenly, Ash came running down the hallway. He was holding a broomstick in his hand. When he got to the office doors, he shoved the stick between the handles of the doors. Danny kept trying to escape then he stopped.

"The police are on their way." Ash stated.

"That's good. How did you get ahold of them?" Greta asked.

"I was walking around the house, looking at photos of me and Paul on my phone. Then, I realized i had service! I quickly called 911 and explained the situation. Now we just have to wait for them to arrive."

Suddenly, the front door was kicked down. Some of the cops entered the living room and some went to the office. They removed the broomstick and entered the office. Everyone was surprised to see that Danny wasn't in there. In the back of the room, there was a window. The window was wide open and the curtains were flowing from the breeze. Danny had escaped and there was no doubting it.

"Do you have any information on the murderer?" A cop asked the group.

"No, he went by Danny and he was supposedly a bartender." Geneva said.

"Do you have an idea of what his last name might be?" The cop asked.

"Search Daniel Willowhood." Greta suggested. The cop went out to the cop car. Everyone followed. He opened the laptop and typed it in and a picture of Danny appeared on the screen.

"That's him!" Chyna exclaimed.

"Thank you for your service. We can handle it from here." The cop replied. "You may leave."

Everyone left the property and no one really saw each other again. They probably lived normal lives but they did almost get killed by a psychotic killer. An experience like that can really change a guy.

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading. Characters are all mine, but some names may be familiar.
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