Together but never touching

Sean here was born with a rare medical condition, same with Mark. They couldn't be within 100 feet away from eachother, meaning one man could never be inside of a house while the other was outside the house, simple as that, except not quite. The condition made it so that they couldn't be without eachother but they also couldn't touch eachother. If you are asking the question to yourself "Well what if they become lovers, they have to be  able to have a little bit of contact?" and my answer to that is "Nope". If the men even bump eachother slightly they have to put on a special cream or they will endure copious amounts of pain from the hives they experience. So all in all not a good time.

Growing up the two boys were friends, one man always interested in they other mans accent and the way he talked, the other man always wanting to listen to the endless amounts of storys that he would write, always entranced in his voice.

By their second year of highschool they learned that they could be in seperate classrooms as long as one man sat at the back of the class and one sat at the front so that they could be as close as possible. By college they were able to be across campus from eachother, this proved to be very helpful as the men both had different ambitions. One man decided to go into hotel management but later quit to do theatre, the other wanted to be a biomedical engineer. What drove him to do that, no one knows. After Sean graduated he moved back in with his Ma, finding that he could be five miles away from the campus and only experience some shortness of breath, however for Mark it was a different story. The man had to run around with an inhaler and had to sit next to the window in all of his classes, the classes that didn't have a window he dropped out of. After Mark graduated he moved in with Sean as both of their symptoms had been getting worse and now they couldn't even be in different rooms without hyperventilating, until one day-one very fateful day-Sean got a call from his doctor, apparently they found a cure for whatever disease they had, Mark had been eager to take it but Sean still was hesitant, but to make him happy, he took the pill.

It was now three years later and Sean found himself laying in his death bed, in Ireland, Mark was in America. His Ma tried phoning the man but it didn't work, after an hour she got a call back, "I'm on my way to Ireland right now just send me the adress of your house and I'll be there". The doctors say that if Mark had been an hour late then Sean would be laying six feet under.

Sean never left the Koreans sight after that.

Mark was thinking to himself of all the ways the medicine could have stopped working. Sure the doctor had explained it to be like a vaccine but vaccines don't last three damn years, doctors usually don't lie either. The next day Sean accidently bumped his shoulder, both men had been wearing sleeveless shirts like the manly men they were, but when Mark got up to rush to get the cream he found that he didn't feel any burning, no stinging, no red marks, no swelling, everything was fine, so was Sean, "Do you know what this means?" "Yeah" "Well then what does it mean doofus" The Irish man mumbled under his breath as he leaped up out of his chair, "We can fucking hug" he said softly as the men slowly wrapped their arms around eachother, embracing eachother as it had been the first time that they had ever done it, "Dude! You're like a fookin' oven" the Irish man exclaimed "Yeah? Well you're an icebox. No wonder your always wearing those stupid hoodies" the Korean was quick to respond "I've taught you too much young doopus" "Doopus?" "New nickname fooker" the men laughed at the exchange as they slowly released their grasps from eachother, both of them looking down blushing at how long they had been in the hug. You can't blame them, they have been together for years yet have never touched without extreme pain that weaves up and down their bodies.

Years later they quickly realised there feeling for eachother and embraced the fact that they couldn't be apart by being together. It wasn't long before the Irish man popped the question, it also never really came to a suprised when he did. The two were madly in love and couldn't be seperated.

Together, like, a normal couple, felt wierd to them both, they were always used to saying goodbye to their girlfriends as they walked out the door, but instead with this relationship, the men never had to leave eachother, or rather they couldn't be apart. This resulted in many collabs for their youtube channels, the reason behind the youtube channels? They couln't be apart which means they would have to find a work force that suited BOTH of their professions, you know, the ones that they got in biomedical engineering and theatre.

Soon both of their youtube channels soared, they were doing what they love the most which is playing video games, and they got to do it on their own terms while people watched. But their were also down falls, the world didn't know they were together, romantically or physically. So after years of their fans building trust they decided to tell them.
Hell-o everybody my name is Markiplier and I'm back for another video. Todays video will be more serious as it has to do with an illness that both Sean and I have, it's called Pellis Numquan Tangit Numquam Sine or if you don't want to call it that long ass name you can call it P.M.T.N.S. or as we like to joke Pimp Teens. Basically what this means is that we can never be apart and we have been like this for years. But for a long time we couldn't touch the Irish man interjected and it has been hard, but since we swallowed a pill a couple of  years ago we were able to be helped for around three years. The Irish man looked at Mark signalling him to start speaking But some bad shit happened and I had to go down to the good 'ol drunkin' country known as Ireland to help this little mother fucker out The Korean man joked as both men shared laughs. But because we can never be apart we got so used to being together that we fell in love, and that's why we are making this video today. (I'm tired of writing little "The Korean looked at this fucker expectantly" or some shit so now Mark is Itallic and Sean is bold) We got married back around three years ago, honestly, I don't know how much time has gone by, it's hard to keep track when I keep getting lost in your eyes. Both men laughed as they wrapped up the video So I'll see y'all dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEOOOOOOOOO.

                    The men were happy, so were the fangirls it seemed as the whole comment section was full of all caps SEPTIPLIER AWAY.
And they lived happily ever after. The end.

About time I ended with something happy. anyways, thanks for reading and I will see you in the next chapter.

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