
Lee Beyol, the woman who gathered the little girls. The previous leader of Savannah kingdom.

She was caressing the little girl's hair who was no older than ten years old. "So, every kid had their own mommy and daddy?" Asked little Y/N, sleep slowly entering her eyes. But she was fighting is off. She wanted to listen to Mothe Byeol's story. Or more like telling her about how life used to look before the deadly disease took over earth.

"Yes, sweetie. Everyone had a house and in it they lived with their mom and dad." The woman explained.

"Did I have a mom and dad too?" Y/N asked, he full of hope eyes twinkling like little stars. Byeol's heart ached for the little girl. Knowing her sad pat filled her eyes with rage and tears.

"Yes, baby. You had mom and dad too." She answered the little girl.

"Then where are they? Why didn't they come to hide with me?"

Beyol sighed. How was she to tell this little one about her parents? How can she tell her about something so heartbreaking without breaking her heart?

"Your mommy went to heaven, my dear one." She tried to explain.

"Heaven? The place you told me about?"

"Yes, the one I told you about. The one that is filled with pretty flowers."

"Then what about daddy? Is he there with my mommy too?" The little girl asked.

Lee Beyol sighed yet again. "It is late, Honey. You should sleep, you have training tomorrow."


"Mother Byeol." The 15 years old Y/N called her leader, "Are you ready for the training?" She was standing in front of the door of the leader's room. When she heard no response, she knocked again.

But again, there was no response.

Y/N frowned. Their leader was never like that. Every day, by the time she reaches her room, she is already waiting outside for her. They together go the arena where they do combat training as well as other stuff that Byeol taught them all like any mother would teach her daughter. And Y/N had other training since she was selected to be the next leader. She was strongest and most confident out of them all. So, she was suitable for that position.

Y/N opened the door, and she froze on her spot.

The window of her room was shattered, and the items were thrown around as if someone had used to them to defend themselves. However, that was not what made Y/N freeze. It was the sight of her leader, tied down on a chair in the middle of the room.

A cloth was stuffed into her mouth and tears had soaked her cheeks. She was shaking her head no aggressively, trying to tell Y/N something.

But Y/N failed to get what she wanted as her breathing quickened, panicking. She saw that someone else was the room. It was a man, based on how Byeol had described them. But he was no ordinary man.

He was infected. He was a Rondirik.

He had red and blur veins all over his face, some parts looked like they were bitten off by wolve. And some parts were rotten and filthy. And he smelled like absolute shit. Maybe even worse than that.

He was Rom. Rondiriks leader.

He was known for his aggressive filthy acts. Destroying whatever came in front of him. When Beyol told Y/N about him, she wished she never knew about him. She was envy of her friends who never learnt about him. But Y/N had to know about him. She had to learn and know about everything.

"So, this is the girl you stole from me, Beyol." Rom spoke as he stood up. He turned to Byeol, and pointed at Y/N. "So, this is my daughter."

Y/N watched, confused.

Now she understood why Beyol never told her about her father. Now she knew why she always closed any topics regarding her father.

Because her father was not a father. He was ruthless, he was unforgiving. Everyone hid themselves from him. No one wanted to see him.

Her father was a monster.

Rom started laughing out loud. Y/N looked at Beyol who was now crying harder and looking at her with guilt feeling her eyes. Y/N wanted to tell that it is okay, that she understands. That she isn't angry at her for no telling her about her father.

She took a step towards her, but Rom noticed immediately.

"Don't. Don't even think about it you bitch."

Y/N's eyes widened with disappointment and disbelieve. "What did you just call me?" she asked him. She didn't care that he was her father. No one could call her names. And she didn't even consider him a father. He didn't deserve that title.

Rom scoffed as he looked into her soul. "Just like your bitch mother. You look and sound just like her. That was exactly why I killed her." He said with a smirk, fully knowing that Y/N didn't know bout that he had killed her mother.

"Now it is time for me to kill Beyol too, your filthy aunt." He said as he took his gun out slowly.

All the alarms went off in Y/N's head. Tears filled her eyes as she consumed the new information. Her father is Rom. Her father killed her mother. Beyol is her aunt.

She wanted to cry; she wanted to go to her room and drown in her thoughts. But now was no time for that. Beyol was in danger. She calmed herself down a bit.

She quickly reached for her gun and aimed it at Rom, but it was too late.

He fired the gun at Beyol. Right at her chest.

"NO!!" Y/N screamed as she looked at her leader, blood rushing out of her chest.

Y/N fired the gun at Rom, one, two, three times. He missed two of them, and the other one hit him the arm. He ran to the window and Y/N fired at him two more times, but she wasn't sure if they hit him or not.

Her mind only screamed, Mother Beyol.

She ran to her and untied her and took the cloth out of her mouth. Beyol was breathing heavily. Y/N put her head on her lap, tears streaming down her face. "Beyol. Please," She cried, "Breathe, okay? try to stay with me, I will take you to Mill right now."

She tried to stand her up, but Beyol stopped her. "Y/N- s-sweetheart-" She struggled to breathe. "I-I'm so s-sorry that I-I didn't tell you a-about-"

"No. No, It's okay. Just try to stand up, okay?" 

Beyol coughed out blood, trying hard to catch her breathe. She shook her head and smiled at her. "It's okay. Y/N," She took a short intake of breath, "Take c-care of the girls. Don't l-let the Rondiriks lay their h-hands on them."

Y/N shook her head as more tears came out of her eyes, "Don't say those words. You are going to stay with us! You are going to stay with me!!"

"I l-love y-you, honey. P-please take care..." And she closed her eyes.

Y/N let out a loud cry. "NO! PLEASE NO! MOTHER BEYOL!!"

Her leader was gone. Y/N felt a deep loneliness taking over her.

When she calmed down a little, she took her body to the shower with struggle. She cleaned all the blood off of her body and then wrapped he wound with a gauze. All the while shedding tears.

She placed her on her bed, kissing her forehead one last time.

She then called the others, telling them that their leader was dead. Mill insisted on analyzing her body to know the cause of her death. But Y/N didn't let her, telling her that she had been sick for a long time. And that she was already dead when she entered her room today.

"So Rom is your father?" Jimin asked Y/n as they both were walking towards what seemed to be Rom's house.

"Was. Or he was never." Y/N said as she looked down at her steps. "When I found out that he had killed my mother and killed Beyol in front of my eyes, I decided that I never had a father." She looked up at Jimin and flashed a little smile and his guilt filled gaze.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, Baby." Jimin said.

"No don't be. Now I'm going to get my revenge and kill him."



Today is the day.

The day I have been waiting for since I was fifteen.

The day when I am going to get revenge for my mother and my aunt. The mother I don't even remember, the woman who gave birth to me, but because of my monster dad, I never got to experience her love and care.

My aunt Beyol, who was more like a mother figure for me, for all the other girls. The woman who did all her best to change our lives for better. Who prevented our lives from getting ruined by gathering us all and taking the difficult duty of leading us through our childhood.

I am going to kill the man who stole the two most important women in my life.

Both me and Jimin were hiding in back side of the huge, but old house that belonged to Rom according to what that man told us before we killed him. There were some voices coming from the front, but soon enough they grew lower and lower, indicating that the men were going away and leaving the house.

"I'll go and check if it's clear, you get ready." Jimin told me and while crouching down, he took fast but careful steps towards the front of the house. It didn't take him long before he was back, and he nodded at me.

I nodded back. "Jimin," I said, "You stay here, I will go by myself and do it quick-" I tried to explain but he cut me mid-sentence.

"Are you crazy?" Jimin asked in hurried whisper, his eyebrows furrowed and looking at me as if he was searching for any sign of craziness in me. But I only said for his own safety, I didn't want him to come with me in case there were other men inside and tried to attack us. In that case they will end up touching Jimin, and that will infect him immediately.

"I don't want you to get infected, Jimin." I said, kind of feeling weird by expressing my wordiness about him. I wasn't used to these things. One of us were, but Jimin was a little better than me.

"Y/N it's okay, I will be careful-"

"No, you never know what those monsters will do. We have to put our safety first."

"I can't let you go alone, Y/N." Jimin tried to explain, I could feel how worried he was from his voice but his chance of getting infected was way higher than me getting hurt. I was prepared for this. But they could touch a fraction of his skin while fighting and he wouldn't even realize it.

I stepped toward him, not even sure of what I was going to do or what I was gonna say but I knew I had to make him rest assured so that we could get this done and go back home.

I stopped in front of him when there was no more space between us, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to a hug. He was quick to wrap his arms around my waist too. He felt warm and all kinds of comfort was what I felt while hugging him.

He was like a warm home you would like to return to in a cold winter. He was like a refreshing cold breeze in mid-summer. He was all I ever needed.

"Promise me you will use the walkie talkie if you sense any kind of danger. I will get inside immediately." Jimin whispered in my ear, one of his hands caressing my braid. "I would rather die infected than live alone without you." He said and pulled back from the hug.

He then cupped my cheeks and pulled me into kiss, setting the butterflies on fire in my stomach. It was a short kiss, but he always managed to put all his feelings and meanings into such small things.

He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes, "Go and end this quickly, don't make me wait long. I want to hug you all night in my bed." He said with a small smile.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Then I might take as long as I can. Don't want to be hugged in bed all night." I said as I backed away and checked that back of my belt to make sure I had my gun and all the other things I wanted.

I looked back at Jimin and saw his red cheeks and flustered face looking at me. "Woah..." He cleared his throat, trying to look unaffected. "Well, Um- No. Don't take long." He stuttered his words out.

I chuckled and patted his shoulder, "Try harder this time, mister. Practice more."

I entered the house, and the first room was a large, empty hall. I walked further into the house when I was sure that there was no one and I came upon a set of stairs leading up to the second floor. Mu pistol gun was ready for anyone in my hand, and I carefully walked up the stairs, making sure my steps didn't make any sound.

The second floor had a few rooms and upon hearing a grudged old voice from one of the rooms, I knew it was the room of Rom. I neared it stood next to it. His voice was the only voice that was heard, and I figured he was alone. Maybe talking to himself? Because apart from his voice, it was dead silence. It was like no one else was breathing in that house except him.

I tried to listen and understand what he was talking about, but his dialect was odd and strange. I have heard different dialects from the girls when I was younger, but they all faded as we grew older and all of us used the common language without any dialect.

I didn't understand what he was saying.

I decided that it's the best If I go inside right now and take advantage of him being busy an out a bullet through his skull and leave. So, with that being in my mind, I opened the door and stormed into the room with my gun aimed forward.

I saw that my gun was pointed right at Rom who was sitting on a couch in the middle of the room. He fell silent when he saw me, but he quickly hid his surprised expression. I heard a few other surprised gasps and yells, but when I wanted to turn and see who they belonged to, Rom yelled in his dialect and the next I knew I was being tackled down to the floor.

I let out a grunt. Four hands were pressing my shoulder on the ground. "Well, well. Look who is here." Rom said as he stood up. I couldn't see him, but I could hear his steps nearing me.

I tried to reach my hand to the walkie talkie attached to my belt at my hips, but it was hard doing that without getting noticed. "My little mouse, you finally decided to give your father a visit, huh?"

The two men holding me down stood me up to o face to face with Rom. Oh, how bad I hated this man. "You are not my father, you bastard." I seethed at his face.

He let out a laugh, "That is not for you to decide, daughter."

His voice, his face, his words. Everything about him made my blood boil. "Fuck you, I would rather die than consider you as my father!"

And a slap was landed on my face. My head veered to side at the impact of his slap. My cheek stinged, but I didn't any sign of hurt to be shown on my face. The two men holding my made it hard for me to move, or else he would be dead by now.

My hands couldn't reach nothing, but I had to do something. I kicked Rom in the balls, and he doubled over with a loud shriek. One of the men ran to him, and that made me an opportunity to turn and kick the other man's leg hard. He fell to the ground, and I reached for my gun.

I shot the man on the twice first, and he stopped moving immediately. When I turned around, I saw that the other man and Rom were both looking at me. I fired once at Rom, but another bang was heard, and it wasn't from me.

A hot feeling, not a pleasant one, spread in my abdomen. I looked at the other man and he had a gun in his hand pointed at me, I guess he shot me but before he got a chance to do it again, I shot him, and he died right away. They are rotten already so one bullet is more than enough.

When Rom realized that it's only me and him in the room now, a scared expression took over his face. "It's only you and I now," I said. The pain in my stomach grew stronger, but I ignored it as much as I could.

I pointed the gun at him and took slow steps towards him, and with each step I took forward, he went backwards. I let out a small chuckle but immediately regret it. Even breathing made the pain worse.

But that was not going to stop me, I have come very far to stop.

"Tell me, should I kill you a fast and painless kill?" I asked, venom dripping from my words. I put all my hate, all my pent-up hunger in my words. "Or should I make you stand on the edge of death for as long as I please?"

I wanted to take him back to the kingdom and torture him, drain the life out of his body slowly. But he was a big threat for the girls, a bigger one for the boys too.

I wanted to take my time with him now too, but Jimin was waiting for me, and the pain in my stomach was getting worse and I was losing blood.

Rom was now against the wall, and only a step was between us. I reached my arm out and pressed the gun on his forehead. I pressed it harder against his rotten skin and he groaned in pain. "You bitch, killing your own father, huh. That's how uneducated and ungrateful your mother and aunt were too. I wanted to infect you too, like how I did to your mother. But that aunt of yours came and stole you."

He wanted to infect me too...

As if the pain in my stomach was not strong enough, his words made me want to die. If he wanted to infect me, means that he had wanted to rape me. That is the only way to infect a woman.

With my other hand, I punched his stomach, and he doubled over, but I pressed the gun harder on his forehead, not letting him move. He yelled out in pain.

"You fucking asshole, raping your own kid?" I yelled at him, "How much, more bad things you planned to do, you fucking beast?!"

He laughed, "Infecting that pretty boy of yours was definitely one of them. If you want me to cont-"

And that was it. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I fired my gun. And he fell on the ground. I fired at his body until no bullets were left in my gun. I didn't realize I was crying, not until I heard Jimin's voice calling out my name.


I turned around and saw him in the doorway. I didn't say anything, nor did I move in my place. I was just glad that he was here.  "Y/N, I heard a lot of gun shots, and I couldn't wait any longer-" his eyes landed on the blood coming out of the bullet wound on my stomach. "Fuck, you are bleeding." He rushed toward me and was inspecting me wound. "I told you to not go alone, I told you let me come with you. Shit, I didn't want you to come with us in the very first place-"

"Jimin just take me back home, please, I don't want to be here anymore." I said in a low tone, having no energy to talk loudly or hear him nag at me. My head was throbbing from the loss of blood.

And the smell of the men's rotten skin was making me nauseous. The sight of Rom's dead body not leaving my sight. Even though I had waited for this day for ages now, it still wasn't easy for me to kill. Even though I was happy that I had killed Rom, the newfound information of him wanting to rape me as kid hurt a lot. Or maybe it was because of my wound. I didn't know.

I just wanted to go home.

Jimin looked at me. "Okay, I will take you home. Just hold on to me."

And with struggle and more pain we made our way down and out of the house. We tried to walk as fast with my injured body as possible, but we were seen because we were almost reaching the tunnel house when we heard several voices shouting, "Intruders! Kill them!"

"Shit, shit, shit. Run faster Y/N, we are almost there." Jimin hurried.

But no matter how hard I tried, the pain got worse and slowed me down more and more.

But the nightmare started right after Jimin's words. Gunshots.

And more pain that was now in my left shoulder.

I screamed as another bullet hit me and I fell to the ground. "Y/N!" Jimin cried out. "Y/N, oh my god!"

"Jimin hyung! Y/N!" It was Jungkook running towards us, and behind him ere Tae and two other boys. I am not sure who, but they were all firing at the Rondiriks who were firing at us too. Jimin had managed to take me behind a car.

Jungkook reached us and the first thing he did was gasping while looking down at me. "She was shot twice?! Hyung where were you??"

"Jungkook it's not time for that, take her back to the tunnel and tell Namjoon to do something as soon as possible." Jimin told Jungkook, "I will stay with the guys-"

"No-" I wanted to talk but the pain only worsened. "Y-you all- are c-coming b-back-"

"Y/N, we will kill a much as we can while Jungkook takes you back. I will be back in no time."

And Jungkook stood me up, but I only took a few steps before everything became blurry and,

everything went black.


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