Ciento seis - 106

Nobody ever thinks about the time they graduate college.

It's always the thought process of leaving home, but leaving the place that has shaped you and grown you has a different feeling. A feeling of what is now and what is next.

A feeling of what will become, where to go.

For some it's to make history is to be a part of it.

For some people it's to be successful.

Others its returning home

And for others leaving what's behind and walking forward to what is new.

I'm not ready to graduate. It came too soon.

Slumping my shoulders down, I reflect a smile in the mirror. Zipping down my red graduation gown reveals the white dress Mamà sent a couple weeks ago. Abuela perfectly stitched it together in love. My novio is going to go loco and want to sneak his hand up the slit on the side like a slithering snake with his scaly hands.

Today is the day.

I never thought I would be graduating college at this moment. As a little girl, I had so many dreams and ambitions. For starters, I really thought I would be successful making dirt conchas and dirt and rock enchiladas for my outdoor restaurant with Isabela for Conor and all my stuffed animal friends.

It was a busy life. Mateo really loved eating the dirt concha's, until Mamà shut it down due to breaking a code.

I glance back, smiling at Conor on my stripped empty bed. Then I wanted to be an astronaut in a smoke-free environment to actually be a real hero, a nurse.

The gold pin glistens in the bedroom light. Jaylan hollered and whistled so loud last night at our Florence Nightingale pledge pinning ceremony. I think my cheeks were as bright as Professor Khan's pantsuit. Mi novio is so supportive.

I love him.

Lightness fills my chest thinking how he romantically got me red roses just like the kind from my first day at my old job now. He was being a sneaky pants and finally confessed his secret.

In less than a month, I will be a nurse... an ICU nurse... a Cardiac ICU nurse at University of Maryland Shockley Trauma Center in Baltimore.

The most known Trauma center on the east coast.

As much as I wanted to stay here where I worked, Ximena, my preceptor, helped me find a greater opportunity with even better co-workers and a smaller unit. It's Lizzie-sized, with six beds for extremely sick patients. It's going to be scary but the motivation is because of Papà.

I'm going to be a Cardiac Intensive Care Nurse.

Imagine that.

I can do anything, according to my giant puppy with his slobbered kisses on my cheek.

Clifford has been such a good boy, keeping his distance while I'm studying. He's focusing on basketball, doing promotion job offers... He got a Cheerios deal.. Go figure, considering he is a health freak. I really hope he gets a Captain Crunch or Lucky Charms deal in the future. But knowing him he would change into the multi grain.

I am so proud of Jaylan lately. It's like he is a brand new man. The radiant glow on his beautiful brown skin shows. Even though he was a pleasure to be around, it's different for him.

He is growing.

And it looks good on him.

Lightness spreads across my chest when I think about how he has been speaking up more about how he feels with his grief. He is even going to counseling to work through his pain.

Granted, it hasn't been easy for him but he is trying his best in finding positive coping strategies. He was being a stubborn mule when I told him to color but I finally got him to find a basketball mandala coloring book. He is in it every night.

I even got him to start journaling in his sudokus.

Jaylan working through his grief encourages me to continue to face reality with my parents divorce. It still doesn't seem real but my helping gigantic hand is guiding me every step.

I love him.

My phone buzzes on the empty dark oak dresser with his name. Weird. He probably has some kind of sixth sense that I'm thinking of him.

Mi Novio 🦕💖: Aunt Lisa said your family can ride with them to our house so your mom can start cooking.

Our house...

I still can't believe that!

There is so much work Jaylan and I have to do, but it's still special in its own way. Every weekend, Jaylan and I have been up there moving little by little. It's really starting to become a home.

Our home.

We're making it that way, from doing handprints on our new mailbox, which Jaylan's hand covers one whole side, to having our entryway with a photo of us professionally taken by Lexi at the National Harbor with cherry blossoms. On Jaylan's healthy side of the refrigerator, with his yucky kale, is lots of lettuce. My side is edible.

My favorite part is our new bed. It's very jumpable for Jaylan. It's a California king because I think he is having a growth spurt. I told him not to eat so much green beans the other day and he didn't listen.

Crinkling my nose, I swipe the dust on the top part of my mirror. I swear I got all of it before-


Turning around Mamá comes walking in with her pretty french floral creme lace up split sling dress. She has on my light brown wedges that click on the carpet.

"Si, Mamà." Adjusting my serape that won't stick, I grunt and furrow my brows.

Mamà smacks her lips softly as she stands behind me. "Aquí, déjame ayudarte (Here, let me help you.)," she coos.

A smile spreads across my lips as Mamá adjusts Abuela's handcrafted sarape sash with so many colors. Mamá rests her chin on my shoulder at my clean body mirror. I wiped it down at least ten times before she got here.

"Gracias, mamá."

She pats my shoulder, her grip caressing my nerves. "No puedo creer que sea tu día especial. (I can't believe it's your special day.)"

"Yo tampoco puedo creerlo. (I can't believe it either.)" I hum.

Just to think, how I followed a national cleaning week for the last couple of weeks, from Jaylan and I's house to here. Max is still mad she had to get on her knees to scrub the carpets. Lexi said she should be used to being on her knees, and then I had to separate two of them and make both clean the carpets.

They are really going to miss each other.

And I will too.

Taking a deep breath, my lips curl up, reflecting myself with Mamá in the mirror. Her face is relaxed and glowing bright. Up Close her makeup is light and her shining engagement glistens reflecting in the mirror. It's a good look for Mamá and I'm really happy for her. Mamá eyes were always tired and sunken throughout my childhood and now they are formed and have no wrinkles. I'm literally looking at myself in twenty years.

"Mija," she says softly and touches my curled hair one last time.

"Estoy tan orgulloso de tú. (I am so proud of you)." She squeezes tight on my shoulders.

My eyes soften at her engagement ring as she makes fists by my shoulders. "Gracias, Mamá."

"De Nada." She plants a soft but wet kiss on my cheek. "Será mejor que nos vayamos, no quiero que llegues tarde." (We'd better go, I don't want you to be late.) She pats my conga drum.

A moment like this I feel like is a lifetime. Mamà is here, here in America. My heart spun in circles when I saw her come out of the terminal Thursday night. It still feels like a dream right now and I don't want it to end but another hard reminder is they leave Monday morning.

But this moment and Thursday night will be a memory I want to keep.

"Look, here comes a crowd now." Jaylan points to the crowd coming down the escalator.

Standing on my tippy toes, the crowd is so big. My heart pounds with nerves and excitement. Chatter surrounds the silence between Jaylan and I but the emotions spoke for itself.

Where are they?

"I don't see anything, Jaylan."

Jaylan's big fins squeeze my vibrating hand as my eyes search the crowd. My family is here in America.

"Here." Jaylan lifted me by my waist to sit on his chest so I could see better. Wow, he can see the view of the top part of the terminal.

"See them?" His voice heightens a bit. I know Jaylan is anxious too.

"No." I sigh.

Jaylan lowers me down and I use my tippy toes to see again. Twisting my lips, I hold on to Jaylan's big paw until I see Mamà holding on to her purse tightly. She is here... my family is here... Mi familia. The person next to her is too close but a jumping Isabela bounces up and down, waving.

Our eyes meet and immediately my vision becomes blurry as I let go of Jaylan. Rushing through the crowd, my heart completely stops when I see Mateo pushing a wheelchair with Papà. Señor Ricardo is by Mateo, holding an airplane neck pillow.

"Papà!" I exclaim.

Papà smiles for the first time since I saw him as he opens his arms up. "Nenita." Papà. softly rubs my back as my face presses against his shoulder. Cold tears stream down my face. His warmth makes my skin warm up too.

"Oh Papà.," I muffle into his shoulder and suck in air. "Estás aquí (you are here)."

"Estoy aquí. (I'm right here)." His warm hand goes up and down my back.

Silence swirls between us because the last time I saw Papà. he was lying in his bed in the worst way. The comfort of his warm left hand makes all the stress of him coming leak right on his tan shirt. Mamá coos and her hand finds my back too.

Isabela greets Jaylan, along with hand connections from Mateo and Señor Ricardo.

"¡Guau! el es tan alto! Vea lo que hacen las verduras cuando las come. (Wow! he's so tall! See what vegetables do when you eat them.)" Mateo teases, making everyone snicker. I grunt and Jaylan's smile widens.

Looking up at him, I translate, "They said you were tall and it's because of eating vegetables."

"Seeee" His smile twinkles brightly.

"It's just a myth." Grunting softly, Isabela and Mateo snicker.

Pulling away from Papà, I look back at everyone. Stepping back next to Jaylan, I hold his big whale fin. "Estamos muy contentos de que estés aquí. (We are so glad you are here.)"

Jaylans big finger traces over my knuckles. "Todos, este es Jaylan. (This is Jaylan)"

Everyone's lips curl up into a smile that makes my heart flip on a trampoline.

"Hola, Jailin." Papà's left hand shakes. I bite the inside of my cheek as Jaylan lets go of my hand and connects it with Papà's. Mamá's head tilts to the side as she holds Señor Ricardo's hand. Papà pulls, well, tries to pull Jaylan into a hug and Jaylan laughs, hugging him.

"Hola," Jaylan tries to emphasize the O. Mamá and Papà's eyes wonder at the both of us, sharing a smile before confirming they are okay with Jaylan.

I will never forget this moment.

It will always be in my heart.

Shutting the bedroom door one last time, I walk down the white winter moon walls, painted exactly how we had it. I have to admit that Max, Lexi, and I did pretty good. I think we are going to get our security deposit back.

Oh, this place is filled with memories.

"Ugh, I hate wearing white... It's so cliché." Max pulls up the middle part of her dress. It's definitely Max approved, showing all her coco-

"Mucho mejor ahora (much better now)." Mamá comes over with an extra safety pin and pins together the middle. Lexi's giggles bounce off the walls and Max inverts her lips, hiding her smile. "Gracias."

"De Nada." Mamá pulls Max's nose like a baby.

"Maxy!" Maxine's Mom, Miss.Connie's prestigious voice echoes from the living room.

Bouncing my shoulders, we walk out to see Miss Connie holding Noelle's hand. Max walks over and kisses Noelle on the forehead.

"You look so pretty, Mommy." Noelle beams, rocking on her pretty shoes Max got for her. "You too, Tia Lizzie and Aunt Lexi."

"Tìa, very good." I pat her head and she tries to catch it.

"I can't believe this graduation is four hours long, good thing I have my lucky flask." Max pulls out her golden rhinestone flask out of her top and the corner of my eyes and Mamá's stretch big.

"Maxine Nicole, give that to me." Miss Connie snatches it and Max whines. Noelle giggles and holds on to Max's long legs. Max bends down, holding on to her and kissing her on the head.

"Mom, relax. It was just ginger ale."

I furrow my brows at Max because she never drinks ginger ale. She said it's a lifeless beverage that doesn't cure tummy aches. Yet, it was helping her this morning when she was vomiting nonstop.

I never have a break being a nurse.

Max says she ate something bad. I don't see how we had pizza last night, by the request of Noelle and Jordy.

"Hmmm, Ginger ale?" Lexi arches her brow at Max, whio pretends to slice her neck at Lexi.

"Maxy, does your stomach feel better? I have tums" Miss Connie hands her a rolled pack.

Max stops with a nervous laugh. "I'm fine."

"Max, it wouldn't be a bad idea" I added.

"I'm fine." She grits her teeth.

Mamà remains quiet in the corner with her hands folded in front of her. She is shyer than me. This country, language, and people are so new to her and it can be a bit overwhelming.

"Well, are you ready?" Lexi's mom, Mrs. Lori's voice travels from behind us. She has on her finest black sleek wrap dress shifts like waves as she approaches. Gold accent jewelry glitters over her dark skin. She smiles and touches the side of Lexi's face.

"Ugh, more than ever." Lexi applies clear lip gloss to her lips

"You can say that again, I'm sick of this lifeless apartment." Max rolls her eyes and glances at all the spring decorations I struggled to take down.

At least they're up at my house now but... I'm not ready for this.

My chest tightens as we all walk to the door and my feet are cinder blocks. The room squeezes smaller and everyone walks out before me.


Whimpering softly, Max and Lexi look back at me as my hands cover my stomach. I hear them whisper, 'just a minute,' and they shut the door.

"What's wrong, Lizzie?"

"This is our last time here," the painful words come out of my mouth.

It's hard to even think or imagine this moment, considering I didn't want it to come so soon. I never thought I would have even been so close to them like I am right now. I was so consumed by homesickness, wanting to be with my family but I have come to learn that I have family in America and in Mexico.

The way Lexi and Max opened their lives to me and their families made me feel so special. Like the time Lexi invited us all to her house for Thanksgiving in our sophomore year because she was afraid to face her family alone without Derek. Or when Max invited us to celebrate Christmas in our junior year because she wanted to make sure Noelle had the best Christmas ever unsupervised. Noelle and I ate so many cookies that night, we didn't really leave Santa any.

Max wasn't happy about that.

I can't express most of all how they introduce me to Jaylan. Unexpectedly.

Max coos, wrapping her arms around my body and Lexi comes behind me. "I know. Remember, together forever."

I sniffle, hitching my breath. "I didn't think it would be this hard."

"I know what you mean." Lexi rests her head on my back.

My throat burns like fire. "I'm really going to miss you both.,"

Lexi blinks tears from her eyes. "I'm really going to miss you both too."

Max wiggles her body to try to overcome her emotions but her green eyes light up like the sea. "Don't do this to meee."

"We have each other and, like I said before, guys, no matter how far we are, we will have each other in our hearts." Lexi's voice rasps so low, it's almost a whisper.

"No matter what," Max and I say in unison.

Holding each other tighter and sniffling, silence swirls around us. Weight still comes down on me. I thought packing was hard for me the last couple of weeks and cleaning out underneath my bed... that took four days. But this is painful. This is a piece of me that I'm moving from my present into my memories.

With us departing, it's almost like I'm growing my butterfly wings and flying on my own. Even though we will be having our girl time this summer and future events, it's still not the same because they aren't under my nose.

Max is going back to Boston to face her past and Lexi is going abroad to find her future. They both need this and I know they will find peace in what they are doing. As for me, I have a big dinosaur to take care of and many, many citizens of Baltimore.

I always wanted to have friends like Lexi and Max growing up. Because it was just me, I never understood from the outside back in Mexico when everyone was crying during graduation and being apart. But now I feel everything in the moment like they did and the heavy heart of the unknowns.

"We can do this. This isn't the end," Lexi reminds.

I can do this... I think.

Pulling away from them, we clasp each other's hands, walking out together.

"Just think, at the beginning of school, Lizzie. You wanted to go home on the first day." Max bumps into me.

It's true, I didn't even unpack. It actually took a month for me to unpack because it was so hard.

Dipping my chin down, Lexi huffs. "Let's not forget, Maxine said she wasn't going to get in a relationship, especially not Marcus Greene."

"Shut up." Max bumps into me and collides with Lexi's bouncing arm. "How about we not forget Lexi vowing she'll never hook up in the-"

We stop as our mothers await for us outside with raised eyebrows. My stomach drops to my feet, hoping Mamà didn't hear what Max said. Last thing I need is Papà finding out about my last couple of telenovela episodes, especially the one in Jaylan's car last night.

"Alright, let's get you all going," Lexi's mom says.

Turning around and looking at our lifeless balcony with no decorations... or condom wrappers, I shut my eyes, remembering the same twist of emotions when I got here four years ago. How tightly I clinged on to my suitcase. I remember watching Max having movers move her things into our tiny dorm with all her belongings. It actually took five days to clean out her room this time around.

This is it.

"Mija, Vamos." Mamà's hand connecting to my conga drum draws me out of my memories.

Pressure increases in my chest as we load into the campus shuttle. Everyone fills in the seats in their gowns next to their parents or family members. My eyes shift as I observe unfamiliar faces. To think, about nine thousand students are about to graduate. It's crazy to me. And, out of those nine thousand, I fell in love with one who I want to be with forever.

I bet he's the tallest.

When we had dinner with my family when they arrived, Jaylan made sure he sat next to Papà. Mateo sat by too to translate while whispering. I couldn't hear between the snickers and giggles, with Isabela showing him my baby pictures on her phone.

I don't see what was so funny. Jaylan and I would make cute-

Furrowing my brows, I relax them as Mamà places her hand on my lap. She's opened up to Jaylan so quickly and even sparks conversation, despite mispronouncing his name over and over again.

I'm so glad they are here.

I've dreamt about this moment for a long time. However, I won't be returning home with them. In the beginning, I didn't know the outcome because I didn't really have vision outside of the bookshelf walls or live mannequins. I knew I wanted to be a nurse but there was so much more.

I learned there is a beginning to and end in mind.

"Mamà, ese es el edificio de la escuela de enfermería (Mom, that is the nursing school building)." I point at the brick building owning so, so many hours of my college life.

Mamà curls up her lips, revealing a tired smile as she pats her hand on my lap. My eyes glisten at her sparkling engagement ring.

Mamà and Señor Ricardo want to get married this August in Cozumel. Mamà wants Isabela and I to be her bridesmaids, along with Tìa Alma. Isabela made a big fuss about it and said no.

I really hope it gets better.

Isabela has already been talking about even trying to stay with Aunt Lisa and Uncle Steve. It hurt Mamà's feelings a lot. I see how Isabela is feeling, but she has to know things don't turn out the way we want. Partially, it's my fault for the negativity towards Señor Ricardo. I was hurting, but sometimes bad things are meant to turn out to be a good thing. I mean, Señor Ricardo didn't have to come and help Papà, but he knew how much it meant to me for him to be here.

That means a lot.

I just want what is best for Isabela, even if she ends up living with Jaylan and I. I think Jordy would appreciate her staying. He stole half her pizza to see if she would notice.

Isabela always notices when her food is missing. She is not a picky eater like me.

I totally saw heart eyes between the two. But Isabela is still young... and I think Jordy is still interested in that Sports Agent, but she keeps leaving him on read.

The bus slows up to the auditorium and people begin to rise. My heart flutters. It is almost time. Lexi and her mom stand in front of us.

The nerves in my tummy electrify from thinking about all the possibilities after I walk across the stage.

Knowing this is going to be the last day I'll see Lexi until August makes me so sad and happy for her. To think how far she has come from taking over my closet portion in our dorm, sleeping in my bed to cry because Derrick was really mean, or when she was sad about her decision Stephen.

They'll be back together, I just know it.

I focus my eyes near Stephen at a distance, smiling and talking with the basketball team. His side glances at Lexi give away he's still in love.

"There you are! " Isabela's voice draws my eyes back.

A large shadow blocks Mamà and I's vision before I could scold Isabela for being impatient. The softness of Jaylan's lips meet my forehead. "Aunt Lisa has a spot for your family."

His gentleness throws me off, he really must want three hundred tickets. It's actually been a big hit because I've made it harder. Surprisingly everyone is on a ticket system, even Coach Tyree. His wife thinks it's a great hit.

Bouncing my shoulders I lean into Jaylan watching Coach T gather around the basketball guys as if they were still playing again.

"PARKER!" Coach T blows his whistle and Jaylan breathes a chuckle on my head. I guess Coach T isn't worried about the tickets at the moment.

"Be right back, babe." A quick, wet peck goes on my face as Jaylan strides over to the guys as they gather one last time.

Just thinking about it makes my heart sink that everyone is going their separate ways, but for the better. Marcus is going to Boston... I hope.. And Jordy is staying here, surprisingly, with his parents because he hung up on his sports agent friend. Stephen... Well, he is going to keep working on his project in Pennsylvania and the rest of the team plans to endure their futures.

Thankfully, Jaylan and I made a planned fun day for the team to come over once a month, even though Jordy came over the other day with his XBOX setting up his room. And Marcus comes over to eat our bacon and leave.

It was expected. He counted how many of his slices we ate.

"Finally!" A familiar exhausted voice said behind us.

Turning around, my heart rattles seeing Papà., Mateo and Señor Ricardo coming to a halt through the busy black gowns. My heart sinks more as Papà. eyes meet mine, watering as he scans up and down at my gown and my sashe. He motions his hand over for me to come over to him and my feet feel like cement but I keep walking. He pushes himself up and leans down to hug him. His warm hand runs down my back and kisses the shell of my ear. "Estoy muy orgullosa de ti mi niña." (I'm so proud of you, my little girl.)

I suck in the air as I breathe in his scent of wood and I feel Mamá's connection behind me. "Estamos tan orgullosos de ti (We are so proud.)."

My body shakes as I feel my sister and brother latch on too and tears are staining my face because this moment means more to me than ever waiting for this reunion more than the airport just to feel like family. As we finally pull apart. I wipe the last ear from my eye. Mama pulls and looks at me brushing the strands in my face and kisses my forehead. Papà lifts up his hand to say something until a megaphone echoes through the crowd.


Slumping my shoulders, I come up to Papà and he takes my hand and kisses it.

"Oh, here you are," Aunt Lisa's voice travels.

Aunt Lisa is in a pretty, long, red summer dress as she clasps on to the programs in her hand with Malachi twisting his hand to be independent. Uncle Steve has on his best UMD polo shirt and crisp khaki pants that Jaylan helped him pick out a few nights ago on facetime. Mamá's eyes travel to look at Aunt Lisa's modest dress, probably loving the material. A pair of big fins attach to my waist as Aunt Lisa steps closer.

"Aunt Lisa and Uncle Steve, this is my family... My Mama, Pilar, My Papà, Carlos..." I make the effort to acknowledge that because I didn't want them thinking Senor Ricardo was in his well dressed black and white striped dress shirt and black pants, compared to Papà's simple Black shirt and drawstring pants. It's the only thing he wears right now because it's hard for him to get dressed after the stroke.

His motor skills still haven't improved but he is getting there little by little. I definitely made sure he did some of his exercise the rehab facility back in Mexico told me to get him to do. He really didn't like that much but he was not as sloutched as he was when he got here.

Twitching my lips at him, I look back at Aunt Lisa and Uncle Steve, who release hands with Mamá's hands.

"And this is my hermana and hermano, Mateo and Isabela."

Isabela eagerly waves as Mateo gives a quick wave as his eyes avert to two familiar blondes taking a photo together.

"And this is Señor Ricardo, my Mamá's fiance." I finish as my lips twitch again to him.

Señor Ricardo smiles and gives a quick handshake to Uncle Steve.

"Mamá, Papá, estos son la tía y el tío de Jaylan." I sigh, relaxing my shoulders.

Mamá continues to observe them both and before she is able to open her mouth, the megaphone alarm goes off.

"Well we have seats together and we can mingle." Isabela beams.

I shift my eyes at her and Jaylan chuckles, tugging my arm.

"La veremos después de cruzar el escenario. (We will see you after you walk across the stage.)" Mama assures and hearing her words makes my heart tug that this is it.

As Jaylan's family and my family move away from us I watch as Isabela engages in conversation with Uncle Steve, probably giving her the whole plan about moving out here and helping Uncle Steve with his car washing business.

"She really loves him already."

"She's just planning," I groan

Jaylan snickers. "Just let her have her time."

Why does he always say the right things?

Jaylan and I move through the crowd as I still try to spot Maxine and Jessica because they are in our group too but they are too busy Instagramming away. The smile radiating from Maxine glows so brightly or maybe it's something else inside? Is it love... I think so but she would strangle me if she heard me or even think that.

Jessica's normally tired, resting, uh female dog face, she likes to call it is uplifted as she smiles directly at Max. Those two have been through a lot and I know their journey is going to continue as they both return to Boston this fall.

Jaylan's big body playfully knocks into me, knocking me out my thoughts. "Doc McStufins, what is going through your mind?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, furrowing my brows and craning my neck up at him. As we move down the sidewalk with the crowd, he smiles.

"You're off in outer space." Grunting, he softly touches under my chin. "Thinking about me?"

"No," I say, looking down at the concrete ground.

"Man, babe, you really know how to bruise my ego."

Bouncing my shoulders, he wraps his arm around my neck. "Just didn't think this day would come so soon."

Jaylan takes a deep breath and tugs me closer. "I know what you mean."

"I didn't think this would happen so fast like this." I blink a few times to clear my blurred vision.

"It did come up fast, but you met me." Jaylan beams at the end.

"I know." Dipping my chin down,my lips curl up thinking about how throwing the penny in the Omicron fountain actually made all my wishes come true...half true...

I still don't have a waffle maker, it's on my Amazon wish list. But just thinking about the night before Christmas break after finals, I was so beside myself of where I wanted life to be after nursing school. I was at a dead end with my accomplishments. I didn't really think about myself personally, no matter how much I wanted my life to be like a telenovela... Which it did in the beginning, fighting for love for this big sea monster.

My eyes shift to Ava as she poses with her friends, doing that perfect instagram photo posing with their hands on their hips.

"Does it bother you, not seeing anyone?" I clear my throat.

"Of course, babe. My team are my brothers and it's going to kill me not going to gym and seeing Xavier make another tik tok or Hollis with a shirtless pic or Jordy groaning about his arm workout." He laughs at the end.

"I didn't prepare myself," I quietly admit.

"I didn't either Lizzie, and you know what.. I think that's the beauty of letting things be unexpected to prepare us for the next chapter in our lives."

Looking up and meeting his syrupy brown eyes, my chest warms up from not knowing our next chapter but it will be a good one. "I guess you're right."

"You guess!" He wiggles his fingers into my sides and giggles slip out loud as my eyes meet the sight of the first of our last name initials.

"I'm kidding I'm kidding you're right!" I giggle in agony of his large warm like fingers pressing into my sides.

"I'm always right, especially in nurse math," he boasts as I furrow my brows, but lightness fills my heart because he did help me with my dosage calculation test until twelve in the morning last week during finals.

"Especially in nurse math" I hum and lean on to his arm.

"This is our stop, I'll see you at the end for your Pinterest photos." He meets my lips.

Whether he wants to admit it or not I think, he likes being posted on Pinterest. He even made one for himself. I saw 'Photos I like to take with Squeaker' on his board! One had a Disney photo with Mickey hats and my piggyback ride in front of Cinderella's castle. I will say he has good taste in photo posing ideas.

I'm not sure what his obsession with Disney World is lately.

"Okay." I giggle, watching him walk away greeting some guys. I'm not sure who they are but they seem warmed up to Jaylan. I guess he is a celebrity now, considering the draft is weeks away.

"Lan.... Lane... Lake.... Landon........ Lowry....... Lucas................ Lucero." One of the campus faculty calls my name and I move up. My stomach is dancing like a ribbon dance as we line up.

This is it...

The time where no longer will be in school but the real world is so close. It's a weird feeling knowing I'll actually being doing adult things. You never really imagine it until you actually get to this point. I always thought that, at this moment, I would still feel like sixteen-year-old Lizzie whose only main focus was to become a nurse and take care of her father but opening my eyes to see that what has been done is not my responsibility, I can live freely in that.

Shifting my eyes, I see Spencer as he walks forward heading to the doors of the Xfinity center.To think we were sitting in Biology talking about going to Honduras and Nicargaua and even Kenya to use our Nurse degrees to help those with health disparities and backpacks too. It sounded like a good plan, considering I was able to make the plan on a graphic piece of paper and calligraphy, writing Lizzie and Spencer's Future Adventures. He was so excited about that. I wonder if he still has that paper?

Our eyes catch and he twitches his lips before he enters the door. Looking down at my cream-colored flats, thinking about how he was so kind to help me through this whole big campus and celebrate my silly holidays to end up where we are just trying to understand each other again.

The line continues to move and I'm close to the door hearing the graduation music played by the band. My palms dampen as I inch forward. The Xfinity Center is transformed into millions of plastic black chairs and so many people here. The jumbotron highlights a few familiar faces and as they remain standing as we continue to walk in. One face is Ava's, premadonning in the jumbotron.

Will she ever learn?

Averting my eyes, I keep walking following Lauren Lucas, an engineering major who was always in the library just as much as me in nursing school, and enter the row we are supposed to sit in. My eyes scope to the crowd hoping to see if I could see my family but nowhere in sight.

I'm so glad they are here. I hope later today at our house... will bring us together.

The crowd erupts in cheers as the camera focuses on Jaylan who is a showboat boating his hands in the air. Giggles and cheers as he enters next to a few guys around him in his row.

We are working on humility.

As the last student comes in, President Pines comes to the podium.

"You may be seated."

Here we go.

Edited by the lovely still_just_me!

Please be sure to check out her stories! You won't regret it especially I Hate Football Players Series!


Grab your tissue boxes because we are on the end train! One more chapter and the Epilogue for Jaylan and Lizzie!

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