The Rivals

Narina awoke in the morning feeling unusually normal.. because, as usual, Nue had snuck into her room that night and had her face pressed against her breasts, sniffing them,  and as usual, the telltale smell of delicious breakfast made by Bella was wafting through the air..

Only several differences. The moment she woke up.. Ezra was suddenly at her side, fussing extensively over her.


"E-easy Ezra.." Narina moaned as Ezra hugged her tighter. "You're crushing me.."

"Today I'll skip classes, they won't care, I've got some of the highest grades in my class, they won't mind one day!!"

"Y-you don't need to.."

"I'll cook you some food! NOTHING BUT CAKE!!"

"C-CAKE!?" Narina's eyes sparkled. "O-okay.. maybe you could-"

"NOOOO!" Bella skidded into the room, holding a tray of breakfast. "NARINA NEEDS HEALTHY NUTRITIOUS FOOD!!!"

"Why can't we spoil her!?" Ezra said.

"Because spoiling isn't good for her!" Bella said. "i have a nutritious egg, and toast breakfast for her right here!!"

Bella and Ezra began arguing with each other, like overly concerned parents.. as a confused Narina just lay there with Nue sitting on the foot of her bed.

"What are they talking about? mmmmm.." said Nue.

"Beats me.." Narina said. "Wanna just sleep in today?"

"Sure.." said Nue. "Should we tell Ezra it's Saturday? Mmmmm.."

"Eh.. she'll figure it out eventually." Narina muttered.

Nue and Narina pulled the covers over their heads as Ezra and Bella continued to argue.

Meanwhile, unknown to the girls. 3 boys were hiding out in the back of the Girl's dorm.. creating a plan of attack.

The first boy, had combed back yellow hair, and wore a black jacket with a yellow lightning bolt on the front pocket..  His name, was Sora Nathan..   also known as the Human Battery.

The second, was a small, skinny boy with black hair and glasses. Gin Gisu, the Tech Master. He was actually only 12, around several months younger than Mizo, who had gotten in the Academy early like Mizo thanks to his incredibly high IQ.

and the third was a boy with dark green short hair, black shades, a mischievous smile, and a floral patterned aloha shirt that was open to reveal his rather ripped muscles.  he wore slippers too.

Lars Gevin. The Gator Boy.

"Alright!!!" said Sora, grinning widely. "Finally guys! This is this it!! Weeks of planning!! And now, it's time!"

"I believe this might be a foolish venture." said Gin, his glasses flashing. "While I crunched all the numbers correctly, and the odds of failure are low, the punishment we might receive if failure is achieved.. are quite dire.."

"Aww.. come on.. don't be such a bore Gin!" said Lars with a mischievous grin. "Just imagine what happens when we succeed!"

Gin went pink. "Eheh.. o-okay.."

"Today, is the girls annual pool party trip.." said Sora, steam gushing out of his nostrils, stars appearing in his eyes. "Which means all the girls will be dressed in their most revealing swimsuits!! Fan Service paradise gentlemen!! Gin! Run through the plan! Quick!!!"

"Our task is simple." said Gin, taking out a strange looking Holo Laptop with multiple mechanical arms attached to it. "We are to sneak onto the girls bus without them realizing it.. then blend into the beach crowd upon arrival so as to pretend that we are there by coincidence, and prevent these girls from realizing  it... now... you all got your cameras?"

"You bet!" said Lars, pulling out an old camera.

"My computer possesses a high quality frame by frame capture." said Gin.

 "Right! I'll be using my phone." said Sora. "The next phase of our plan, will be to take memorable photos of the three beauties!!! Zanna, Narina, and Ezra!!!! The three hottest girls in school!! Narina being the prize shot of course!! Alright.. let's call who we get to take pics of..."

"I call Narina!!" Gin yelled.

"I call Zanna-chan!" said Lars.

"I call Nari-.. wait.. AW COME ON!!" Said Sora. "Pfft.. whatever.. I don't need Narina-chan.. Ezra-chan is just fine!!  I-I don't even like Narina-chan that mu-"

Sora was cut off as he accidentally dropped his phone.. and when his phone skidded out into the open, this is what Lars and Gin saw..

"Would you like to trade?" Gin asked.

"Y-Yes... thank you.." Sora muttered, blushing as he picked up his phone.  "Alright.. first order of business.. we can't get into the beach shuttle unless we have the school IDs of girls. So we'll take the cards of some choice girls, so that Gin can make counterfeits, then we return the real ones so that it's like nothing happened.. good?"

"Sounds fine!" said Lars. "Let's call which girl's card we'll.."

"I CALL NARINA-CHAN!!!!" Sora roared, before smashing through the window of the dorm, whooping. "HAAA! TOO SLOW NOW!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"He does know I already hacked the back door security right?" Gin muttered.

"Don't tell him, let him feel like he accomplished something." said Lars with a  shrug.

Back in Narina's room, Narina was alone this time, packing things like sunscreen, and towels. Of course, today was the day of the Girls trip to the private beach resort.. one of the few weekends in which they had Sunday off. Normally, Narin loved the beach..

But the prospect of having to wear a bikini in front of people again was positively terrifying. Guys didn't like wearing speedos right? From a guy's perspective, you only wore a speedo if you were an athlete or overly sexual.

A Girl's bikini, was pretty much a speedo, only with something extra to cover your breasts. only it was sometimes worse, especially with the string bikinis.

Where clothes were concerned, oddly enough, Narina realized girls had it pretty easy. They could wear ANYTHING they wanted and still look good. Shorts and a T-shirt? Jeans and a jacket?  Kilt and a poncho? Dress? Pajamas? Whatever, Girls wouldn't be judged no matter what they wore. However, put a guy in a dress, and instantly he was laughed at.

However, this went out the window where bathing suits were concerned. Girls always needed to wear something that revealed the legs. Even the least revealing girl's swimwear, the one piece, showed off the thighs.

It was maddening to Narina. She was definitely going to be one of those girls who hung out in the sidelines while the others had fun.

"Grrrooorrrr.." Narina was pulled from her thoughts by a familiar little silver dragon leaping onto her bed.

"Astralis.." Narina said. "What is it?"

Astalis pressed a paw against a magazine that Ezra had left out for her.. It was the catalogue for School Swimwear. Unlike normal school uniform swimsuits, the school provided any style of swimwear for the girls who went on private trips.

"N-not now.." Narina muttered.

It was strange how Narina felt about Astralis. She'd only known her since yesterday, but ever since Astralis came home with her, the more time Narina spent with the dragon, the closer she felt to her.. as if she were bonded to her.. or something... it was hard to describe.. as if something metaphysical were connecting them against their will..

Astralis snorted and rolled her eyes. And she turned the page of the catalogue with her tail, and then prodded something with her claw..

"What are you getting a-" Narina's eyes widened. Then she grinned. "Astralis! You're a genius!!"

Astralis blinked and smiled a little , blowing a bit of steam from her nostrils.

It's almost like you understand me so much!" said Narina happily. "Well, howabout when we get back I feed you some eels? You like those ri-? Wait.. how the heck did I know that you like eels?"

Narina looked at Astralis. It was strange.. it was almost like she understood her now..

Narina shrugged. Coincidence right?

In any case, when Nue entered Narina's room, wearing a t-shirt, shorts and carrying a bag full of beach supplies, she found Narina looking at her self in the mirror, wearing a black bikini and swimming trunks.

"BEHOLD!!" Narina said, striking a pose. "Check it out! Bikini swimming trunks combo!! What do you think?"

"Hmmm. feminine enough.. yet not too embarrassing for somebody not used to female swimwear.. ingenious." said Nue. "Mmmmm.. I approve. Well you coming down now? The Beach Safety briefing is about to start.."

"Why do we need a safety briefing?" Narina muttered. "We're a bunch of girls with super powers.. if anything, the potential predators and kidnappers out there need their own safety briefing.."

"You don't want to go down because Violet is a chaperone.. correct..? Mmmmm." said Nue.

"I'm currently going through training to be able to fight with that psychopath.." said Narina. "And I'd prefer to not have fight her again until I'm ready.."

"She'll be on the bus too. you know that right?"

"I know." Narina muttered. "But.. er.. just give me one of their safety pamphlets.. I'll meet you downstairs later. Bella and Bartholomew are shopping for sports drinks and food right now.."

"Okay.." said Nue. "Here, I got you a Sun Hat.."

Nue tossed Narina a sun hat, which she put on. "Huh.. this hat looks fine on me.."

As Nue walked out of the room, Astralis stuck her little dragon head out from under Narina's bed. "Grroorr?"

"Yeah.. Nue's pretty nice. I'll introduce you two later when we've got time." said Narina.


"Well.. it's not too bad being a girl.. it's just something I've been learning to get used to. It's not at all like what they make out to be in those weird perverted Gender Bender anime.  In that freakish stuff, its always about the fan service, and guys fulfilling their sick dreams of becoming sexy teenage girls..  but.. it's not like that at all... being a different gender.. isn't a sexual, beautiful, or even sick.. it's.. just.. "

Narina shook her head, " why am I even talking about this with you?"

"Grrrroorr.. grrrror.." said Astralis, tilting her head.

"AND HOW DO I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR'RE SAYING!?" Narina stammered with sudden realization.

Narina's revelation was interrupted by a thumping sound.

"Huh?" Narina muttered. "Hey Bella! Are you back already?"

No answer.

"Odd.." Narina muttered.

"Grrrrrrrr..." Astralis began to growl. ("Careful Narina, this isn't a scent I recognize.. this person feels it's hiding..")

"I see.." Narina muttered. "Well then.. stay back.. kay? Don't want people I don't know seeing you.."

Narina clenched her fist and electricity began to run down her arm... she slowly walked over to her closet.. and wrenched it open... to find..

"UAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Sora charged out of the closet, barreling past Narina, holding Narina's student ID in his hand.

"STORM ART!! ELECTRON CANNON!" Narina sent a lightning blast at Sora.

"ZAP BLASTER!!!" Sora thrust out his hand, and a similar electric blast, only yellow instead of blue, exploded against Narina's blue lightning.

"Neh!? An Electric User!?" Narina said.

"HAHAHA!! Escaping scot free!" Sora said, laughing.

Suddenly Astralis jumped out in front of Sora, blocking his path. She began to growl, as her body glowed, and she grew massive, her back and wings extending so they barely fit within the large dorm room.. allowing her to tower above the bewildered boy.

"HOLY WHAT!!!?" Sora screamed, right before Astralis's paw slammed against his chest, and pinned him against the floor.

"Good girl!" said Narina brightly, patting Astralis's snout.


"Who are you..?" Narina said. "Why are you? Wait... is that my student ID?"

Sora looked away. "Er.. maybe?"

Narina stared at Sora.. then, she began to chuckle. "I get it now... Let him go Astralis.. we're looking at a guy in the prime of his youth.."

Astralis snorted with hilarity, as she suddenly realized what Narina meant. She instantly returned to her small size, and jumped onto Narina's shoulder.

"Uh..." Sora blinked as he stumbled to his feet. "Aren't you going to kick me out?"

"No.. cause I understand exactly what 's going on here." said Narina. "Back in my old school at the Roots, my best friend Stoor and some of the other guys in our class always pulled off the same sneak on the girl's bus stunt at around Beach Trip time.  He liked to drag me into it too.. "

Sora blinked. "Umm and you're okay with it?"

"Are you trying to get a glimpse of girls in swimwear? Or girls in the bath?"

"Girls in swimwear.."

"Then why would  I care?" said Narina. "Honestly, we're going to a public beach anyways, it's not like  people won't be looking at us. And... you're staring at my  breasts aren't you?"

"Eh? Wha-!?" Sora looked up hastily. "Sorry.  That swimsuit looks good on you.. it's  not too sexual, but it's cute.. and pretty cool."

"That  is the intent.." said Narina. "Anyways, what's your plan? Sneak on the bus? Stay out of sight? Then pretend you came to the beach on your own free time?"

"Pretty much." said Sora, looking stunned by how easy going Narina was about the situation.

"Alright." said Narina. "You're free to go.. but if I catch you trying to peek in the baths, I'll disembowel you.."

Sora grinned. "Heh! I like you Narina! You're alright!"

Narina shrugged. "I just understand boys..

Suddenly, the door to Narina's room slammed open, and Astralis scurried under Narina's bed hurriedly.

"Oh crap.." Sora muttered.

Ezra was holding the scared looking Gin by the scruff of his neck.. and Nue had the grinning Lars pinned to the ground with a foot.

"Never thought we'd catch the notorious Triple Jerks trying to go perverted on Beach day!!" Ezra growled. "Oh! Narina! Guess you caught their ring leader!!"

"N-neh?" Narina said. "Uh yeah.. but.. who are the Triple Jerks?"

"My  calculations didn't predict this degree of failure." Stammered Gin.

"Say hello, to our rivals in the Male side!" said Ezra.

"Mmm.. yes.. these three were former members of the Student Council before the rise of the Three Emperors pushed them out of office." said Nue. "Among the girls, us three, you, me and Ezra are the three highest scoring grades in our years.  Zanna doesn't count, because, her grades are slightly behind mine, and it's actually her skills with her powers and strength as Fate Rider that ranks her higher than us as a member of the Student Council.."

"Those guys.. with the exception of Reaper and Rezo.. Are the three best honors students among the boys." said Ezra. "Nue and Lars are the best  Beast Type users in the entire school.  Me and Gin  have the best grades in math and computer science... and you and Sora.. let's just say as the two only Electric users in the entire school, people are already getting ideas about you both.."

"I see.." Narina said. "So.. they're our rivals eh?"

"Yep... mmmm." said Nue. "So.. shall we feed them to piranhas and hang their skulls over the fireplace?"

"Jeez, you are dark."  Ezra muttered.

"Nah.. let them come along." said Narina simply, as she walked on out of her room, picking up her beach bag.

Ezra and Nue stared after Narina. "What!?"

"J-Just what is this girl?" Sora stammered.

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