Into The Field

"There we are.." said Zanna, as the group stopped in front of the Training House. "Narina, the coach is going to make a briefing, but he's already agreed to let me tutor you in the gym.."

"Tutor me?" said Narina. "Here?"

"Why yes.. I believe with regular training you will be able to progress as a fighter far faster than any other student in this school." said Zanna. "Oh and by the way, I've made a few modifications to your Shock Therapy suit.."

"Modifications?" Narina said.

"Oh great!! It's because of that strange fetish you have for mecha stuff isn't it?" said Ezra with a roll of her eyes.

"Mmmm.. yeah.. I remember." said Nue. "Your fetish.."

"It's NOT a fetish!!" Zanna stammered, suddenly becoming uncharacteristically flustered. "I.. just.. erm.."

Zanna's eyes turned round, cute and sparkly. "I REALLY LOVE MECHAS!! Teeheeheehee!!~💗"


"Mecha Mecha Mecha Mecha!!" Zanna said. "Mecha Anime is the best!! Mecha is life!! MEEEECHAAA~💗"

"Zanna likes mechas apparently!" said Bella.

"Yeah.." Narina muttered. "I noticed.

"It is most apparent from her infatuation with the modifications she makes to the training and battle suits." said Bartholomew. "My I am thirsty."

"Stop trying to drink things!! AND THAT DOESN'T QUENCH THIRST!!" Narina roared as Bartholomew poured a steaming cup of coffee onto his head. "Hold on.. wait, Training Suit and Combat Suit?"

"Yes." said Zanna. "The Training Suit you used the other day, while customized, cannot be brought out of the Training House, and it's systems make it so that it's high endurance and strength enhancement effects only work within the Training House. That is because when a student graduates, the Nanofiber material of old suits are then recycled to make new suits for new school arrivals. 

"Hand-me-down material." said Ezra in response to Narina's confused expression. "The Combat suits on the other hand, are suits that you will keep after you graduate. You can design it on the Training Room's terminal. They become your iconic super hero costume, and people recognize you for wearing it."

"Aha! I guess I'll finally be able to make myself something that's not so skimpy!" said Narina.

"ACTUALLY!!" Zanna flung her arms out, her eyes sparkling more than ever. "I already designed it for you!! And I made it...teehee.  EXTRA MECHA~💗"


Later, in the changing room, it turned out Narina was right.

"WHY!?" Narina stammered wrapping her arms around her combat suit in embarrassment. "Why do I look like I belong in a mecha harem anime!?"

The Combat suit was no different from the training one, except instead of blue areas, this had purple circuits running over it, and the thunderbolt markings were on her thighs not her chest. transparent purple Nanofiber on her armpits and stomach revealed her skin partially underneath.  And apparently, for aesthetic style, there was a purple rose made of nanofiber in her hair.

"MEEEECHAAA!!" Zanna sang cheerfully. "Mecha.. Mecha.. Mecha.."

"I think it's great Narina.." said Ezra. "Allows you to really strut your stuff in front of guys."


Nue walked out of her changing pod, now dressed in a black sports bra with white tiger stripes on the neck area. She had black braces on her wrists, and wore long, form fitting, Nanofiber pants with glowing white circuits on the outer thighs. 

Strangely enough, her hands and feet were bare, and there was a ring-like hole on the back of her waist. 

"Neh?" said Narina. "Why the bare feet?"

"My fur feels uncomfortable in shoes.. mmmm.." Nue murmured, as always, in her 'head in the clouds' tone.

"Plop!" Nue suddenly plopped her face into Narina's chest again. "You smell like extra roses now... sniff.. sniff.."

"STOP DOING THAT!!" Narina smacked Nue's head aside with a backhand. 

While usually we do classes in the training room." said Zanna. "Sometimes, we don our Combat Uniforms on Field Trips..  where we go out into the field to observe professionals at work.. and during the weekends, the government will give us Monitored Assignments."

"What are those?" Narina asked.

"They give us a mission, like going to take down a robber or something." said Ezra. "But they send in people to supervise us during missions..  it's for hands on experience."

"Today however,  will be a Field Trip.. lucky for us hmm?" said Zanna. "I will be a supervising tutor.. so be sure to choose my group..  MECHA-CHAN~💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗...... 😍!!"


"I just think you look cute as a Mecha-chan!"

The "Zanna-Crush-itis" quickly took infection in Narina's mind, and she blushed. "Eheh.. well.. I guess I look good...  W-W-WAIT! What am I saying!?"

"Pheromone levels are once more increasing on this one." said Bombar. 

"I WILL SCRAP YOU!!" Narina roared at Bombar.

As soon as they all entered the main room of the Training House, Ezra waved goodbye, to get to her next class, and Zanna went off to the other end of the room to join the tutors.

The Instructor, a tall and slender woman with dark skin and a tuxedo who went by the name Friz, nodded at the class. "Welcome.. now.. before we go on our little field trip.. I want to set a few ground rules. Firstly, you stick with your partners and follow your leaders to the letter... any disobeying of these rules will be met with severe consequences.. am I clear."

Everyone in the class spoke out in agreement.

"Very well." said Friz. "Now.. you are all to form into a 3 person team. Select carefully, because each 3 person team will be working with each other on group projects for this class and field trips for the rest of the semester. Androids don't count among the number, you may have as many androids join you as you like, but there must be three HUMANS!! I'm tired of having to specify that every year.."

"Mmmmm..Can I join your group?" Nue asked.

"Sure, why not?" said Narina. 

"NARRRIIIIINNNAAAAA-CHAN!!!~💗" A voice cried out.

"Damn.. another heart emoji!" Narina said. "Which.. means.."

Narina slowly turned around to see Greg running towards them, running at her One Piece Sanji style with hearts pumping in his eyes, wearing a combat uniform identical to his training one, as Yuki followed close behind.

"Oh look! It's Greg! Hi Greg!" said Bella, waving cheerfully.

"NO!! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!" Narina made to run, but Bella grabbed her master by the arm and held her still, forcing her to face Greg.

"Narina-chan! Some day! You're going to have to get married, and have a family! But that's not going to happen if you continue to express a fear of romance!! FACE YOUR FEAR NARINA-CHAN!!"

"I DON'T WANNA!!" Narina stammered, struggling against Bella's iron banded strength.

"Look at him!!" Bella yelled. "He may not be your true love, but he's a boy!  He isn't scary!"

"NAAARRIIIINNNAAAAA"!!! Greg's heart eyes grew to the size of basketballs, and drool flew from his mouth.


"Okay.. that IS pretty scary." Bella admitted. "But.. if you face your fear now.. the world can see you for who you truly are!"

"Which is?" said Narina.

 "You know. That you're the kind of girl who likes to take her motorbike out, all her tires on fire, a burrito in each hand, a cape on her back, ready for Valhalla!!!"

"That does sound pretty cool.." said Narina. "BUT THAT IS NOT ME!!"

"FACE!! YOUR!! FEEEEAAARRR!!!!" Bella roared, as Greg skidded to a halt in front of Narina.

"Oh Narina.." Greg got on one knee. "Please.. accept this request!"

Yuki took out a violin and began playing romantic music as Greg held out a bouquet of roses. "Please.. let me join your group!"

"Sure.. okay." said Nue before Narina could even open her mouth.

"THANK YOU!!" Greg sang, the hearts in his eyes being shot with arrows.

"After classes are done." said Yuki, giving Narina a bow, and handing her a purple envelope. "My master humbly requests that you join him at Burger Burners for dinner."

"No." said Narina. 

"Fine.." said Yuki, standing up.

"Plop!" Nue plopped her face into Yuki's chest.

"Smells like Strawberry Ice Cream." said Nue. 

Yuki just stared at Nue. "Is.. this normal of humans?"

"M-might I say?" said Greg. "Narina-chan. Your outfit is just.. just.."

Blood exploded from Greg's nose.

"YOU'VE SAID ENOUGH!" Narina stammered.

"Mmmm.. we have our three person group." said Nue. 

"WHAAAAAAAATT!!?" all the guys in the class cried out in dismay "NOOOO!!! GREG YOU LUCKY SCHMUCK!!"

"We'll be taking the trip outside of Varus City, so be sure to not miss the Airship when it leaves to come back.." said Friz.  "Now each 3 person group will form a bigger group of 2 groups and pick a tutor!"

The Airship, was actually just a bus on magnet pads, like any other car at first. But upon closer examination, one could notice the retractable wings near the roof, and the jet propulsion systems near the back, the front, and the sides of the magnet pads.

Overall, this would be Narin Jousuke's first time ever leaving Varus City. He had been born here.. and had never set foot outside.

After all.. the world was a dangerous place ever since the end of World War 3. 

While every city in the world matched Varus City in technology and living conditions, Varus City was the safest out of all of them due to it's automated Android Security force made of Tank, Bella, and Stacy models. (All of them have blue hair to distinguish them from the school series Bella). 

While pretty and nonthreatening in appearance at first, the Stacys and Bellas were all incredibly formidable, each one rivaling a squad from the Royal Army of the King himself.  And Tank Models, being giant armored androids with tank treads and mounted cannons that fired miniature super rockets, could dispatch an entire raiding force of Mutants or illegal Super Humans in a second..

Rumor was, that the original Tank model Android was designed by the 21st century hero White Mask himself.

But out there.. despite technological supremacy existing in all the formerly separated, but now united countries, cities were constantly fending from vicious dangers.. as a result, Heroes were dispatched from Varus City and the Sky World Capital on a regular basis.

When the Airship took off, carrying the students inside.. Narina pressed her face against the window excitedly, and watched as a shimmer appeared in the blue holographic sky, showing a hatch opening for the Airship to enter into the REAL sky outside the Trunk.

The ship shot out.. leaving behind the massive shimmering tree of Varus City, the metropolis of the Roots splayed out below like a patchwork quilt.

"Quite a beautiful view isn't it?" said Greg with a grin, who had been lucky enough to snag a seat right next to Narina, while Nue occupied a seat near the front with their androids. 

Narina sweated a little. "Eh.. right.."

"You're from the Roots huh?" said Greg. "Bet you don't get to see this everyday.. no.. wait.. you see something much better in the mirror every day don't you!? Because I'm seeing a great view myself!! Narina-chan! Feel free to lay your head on my shoulder during the trip! I will guard you as you slee-WHAAAM!"

Narina punched Greg in the head, knocking him out cold.

"Noww." said Narina picking up an in flight magazine from the pocket in the chair in front of her. "Let's see.. what to do for 3 hours.. a catalogue? Sounds fun." 

Narina picked up some headphones and plugged them into her seat, activating the in flight music box as she began to flip through the magazine..

An hour later, clouds were floating by, as Narina was scrolling through the internet on a Holo Laptop.

(Holo Laptops are basically just a very flat keyboard with a glowing touchpad mouse. When activated. the end of the keyboard activates a flat hologram as a screen that extends out of the end of the keyboard. the holoscreen has a touch screen function, and the ability to change the rate of transparency for those who want to see something behind their screens while doing their work. It also has it's own built in router with a Type B signal drive, allowing it to function at maximum speed without interfering with other signals, or being interfered with. In 2091, the B signal allowed laptops to become usable in Airplanes, however, it also made underground criminal internet activity to become much tougher to track. )

The Holo Laptop was apparently a standard issue for students, coming in the bottom desk drawer of every dorm. Having never owned something so high tech before, Narina was enthralled with it. After joining her first free online game and playing a little bit, she closed the laptop and began looking at catalogues again.

However, most of the Catalogues were uninteresting since they had noting but woman's products. Like perfume and underwear.

As somebody whom was originally a guy, the perfume held none of Narina's attention, neither did the jewelry. As for the lingerie, Narina was sure wearing something so scandalous was illegal, and as somebody who was more interested in functionality rather then sexuality, she would never buy anything more then an ordinary bra... after all, considering her situation, ordinary was embarrassing enough. Her sister was probably going to laugh her head off when she found out how her big brother had messed up this time.

Narina yawned. She found nothing else she wanted to do.. might as well take a nap.

Narina had what you call.. a Jurassic Park dream. Basically she woke up in an empty Airship..

Everybody was gone.. until she felt a presence right next to her.. she looked over next to her and Bella was sitting there, wearing a Velociraptor Costume.

"Alan!" Bella said. "Did I say it right?" YAY! Movie references!!"

"WHAAGH!!" Narina woke up with a start. And the moment she woke up, she knew something was off.

Her head.. was laying on somebody's shoulder.. and that somebody.. had his arm around her own shoulder too!!

Narina fearfully looked up, to see a smiling blushing Greg, looking down at her.

"Hello Narina-chan.. had a nice nap?"

"WHAMMMM!!!" Narina punched Greg full in the face, breathing hard.

"OOOWWW!" Greg groaned, clutching his face. "Narina-chan! Your punches are like a symbol of how you're such a strong woman!!"

"Go to Hell!" Narina growled as she shivered. "Trust me.. I'm the LAST 'girl' you want to go out with. What if I have a bad secret? Like what if I'm actually a cross dressing boy?"

"EVEN IF NARINA-CHAN ACTUALLY TURNED OUT TO BE A BOY!! I WOULD STILL GO OUT WITH HER!!" Greg exclaimed, hearts exploding from him. "All he would need is a sex change!!"

"Oh crap I hope that's not true.." Narina muttered.  "Wait.. SEX CHANGE!? OH GOD YOU ARE SICK!!"

"Attention class." A voice came over the intercom of the Airship. "We are making our final descent into El Dorado."

El Dorado.. One of the 7 Subcapital Cities of the world and located in Mexico.  It was named for the mythical city of gold thanks to the rather successful gold mining business that this city supported.

It wasn't Narina's first choice on visiting the wide world. She actually wanted to see Akihibara, back in Japan, the center for all entertainment nowadays, replacing Hollywood from the 21st Century.

(In this era, Anime is the most popular form of entertainment. And old classics like Naruto or One Piece can still be bought in stores.)

But hey, it was his.. or.. well.. her..  first time out of the city! Might as well enjoy herself right?

Airships, were reserved for schools only. Slower and larger Airlines were taken by nonstudents at airports. So the Airship here was to land directly in the Los Noches Academy for growing Business Graduates.

"Since it's Sunday." said Friz when she addressed the class at the head of the vehicle. "We can afford to stay the night. Toiletries have been provided to you, but your combat clothes are to remain on, other then shower time, you are NOT allowed to wear anything else.. understood?"

"Yes Sensei!" everyone exclaimed.

Nue and the three androids joined Narina and Greg as soon as they dismounted the bus, and Narina had to say.. she was blown away by how different everything looked.

The landing deck for the Los Noches Academy was inside a gold painted room full of sliding doors and decorative tribal masks on the walls.

In the center of the room, was a statue of a large dragon-like serpent, covered in feathers.

"There you are!" A man entered the room, grinning ear to ear. He had messy windswept red hair, and a red vest over a Nanofiber armored chest and combat pants and boots. his Nanofiber chest plate had a large L on the front.

"This is Liquid Man." said Friz, as the man approached. "He's one of the members of the Powers Society, an independent government funded organization designated with various tasks around the world involving super humans. His actual name is Garett Mass."

"Nice to meet you all.. I was rebirthed into the hero Googantula!" said Garett with a cheerful wave. "It's good to meet some of the new generation! Haha! I remember when I was taking my own fieldtrips in the Academy! But enough about me! Today, you're here to learn how to catch Criminals. And not just any kind.. Illegal Superhumans. Can anybody tell me why?"

A girl raised her hand. "Because 50 percent of humans have the potential to gain super powers, however, because of the law banning non rebirthed heroes in 2120, these people aren't allowed to exploit the potential."

"good! Yes, 50 percent of humans have a gene called the X-Gene, there's half a chance you all had it even before you rebirthed! Each gene can develop a unique power in each person, no two are completely alike, though some might be similar. " said Garett. "However those who choose to develop their gene through contact with dangerous substances, or with operative machines, become super humans illegally, and tend to use their powers to commit criminal activities. This is because if they gain their powers through rebirth, the government has them on registry and it's easy to track any crimes they do. But if they have unregistered powers, ergo, illegally developed super powers, then they can perform criminal activities without too much restraint."

"So what do they do about illegals then?" Narina asked.

"Easy, they send in us, the Powers Society, to take care of them." said Garett. "So.. you kids ready to see us in action?"

Everyone nodded eagerly.

"Well then, let's get moving!" said Garett. "I'll show you what Powers Society is capable of!"

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