I'm Bringing Home A Baby Snakey Thing
"It's true.." The Feathered Serpent said sadly. "I am a custom android made by a lonely toy maker.."
"Stop overreacting." Narina said. "This isn't an anime."
"Yes it is." said Nue.
Everyone stared at Nue for a minute.
"Ooookay?" said Narina. "Well, what's up er... ms. Snake?"
"I am called Izel." said the Serpent. "My master made me to oversee cultural festivals the toy store would host every year for different kids. However, it got kind of strenuous leading the thing year after year, and my master had a panic attack, and.. well.. the doctors couldn't help so.. well, not with the kind of money he made.. so he died, and I couldn't afford to buy food to continue fueling myself, and the entertainment industry is so harsh on entertainment Androids, they say we have no acting skill, that only a human can perform the job.."
"So you've been robbing banks." said Zanna. "That explains why they thought Super Humans were doing it. Androids are pretty much capable of some of the same feats, even the ones not designed for combat. "
"But how did you do that clothes.. er.. spitting thing?" Narina asked.
"Well." said Izel. "My Master had a daughter who died of cancer.. I used to dress her every morning. I have an extensive wardrobe stored in my body."
"I have defensive systems in my body, I was also designed to protect my master." said Izel. "I... I guess I went overboard.. so.. I came to apologize and turn myself in.."
"I see." Garett had just entered the room, apparently come to check what the commotion was about. "So it was you all along..? Very well.."
Garett walked over to Izel. "I appreciate that your creator programmed you with enough sense of duty to turn yourself in."
"What's going to happen to her?" said Nue. "mmmm?"
"Well, we're going to take her back to an android manufacturer to reset her systems. She'll be back in service in no time.."
"NOOO!" Bella screamed, she ran over to Izel and held out her hands protectively. "You're not going to do that!"
"Eh?" said Garett. "Hey, what's the big deal?"
"I'll tell you what the big deal is!, resetting an android.. is the same as killing it!!" Bella roared.
"Silly!" said one student. "You can't kill an android! They're not even alive!"
"YOU'RE WRONG!" Bella roared angrily, her eyes glowing bright, as her fiberoptics spun with rage.
"Bella?" said Narina. "What do you mean?"
"Shutting down an android, then turning it on with a new personality, is the same as killing a human, and giving it the brain of another human. Izel wouldn't be the same Izel, just some imitation using her body!! The real Izel will have been killed the moment they completely shut down her systems and wipe her!!"
"That would imply that androids have souls." said Garett.
"AND WHY SHOULDN'T THEY!?" Bella growled. "It's not like you know for sure whether humans have souls right!?"
"This is an issue for philosophers, not Android Specialists." said Garett. "I'm sorry, but it's out of my hands. As far as the authority of the government is concerned, androids are merely imitation humans, not humans in general, or in Izel's case, an imitation feathered serpent.."
"Th-then we'll take this to court!" Bella exclaimed.
"Androids don't have court rights Bella." Yuki said softly, trying to gently lead Bella away, with a little help from Bartholomew. "Let it go.. it was tough for us to accept it the first time we were constructed as well."
"The first time we were BORN you mean!" Bella growled.
"I broke the law, I must face the consequences." said Izel. "I thank you for defending me Bella Unit. But my ride is over.. perhaps the next version of me that uses this body will have a happier life.."
"Come on.." Narina whispered to Bella, guiding her away with a hand.
Bella made to speak, but then saw that everyone had already made up their minds. Narina felt bad now. She didn't know how to classify or comprehend the situation on whether or not Androids could truly be living things, but she knew that Bella was never programmed to feel remorse or pain, no Bella unit was.. In fact, the question of how Androids developed the ability to create other emotions was a complex question in the major Android Manufacturers of the world, yet, these 'extra features' hadn't yet caused any problems, and so far they gave androids the ability to make decisions on a moral level, so they weren't seen as a problem, and therefore, weren't researched.
It was a tough shuttle ride back to Varus City. Narina couldn't even bring herself to look at Bella the entire trip, even though Bella had kindly decided to sit next to her in order to keep Greg away. Of course, when thanked, Bella would simply state that it was her programmed duty to look after Narina.. but Narina could tell she did have a deep sense of motherly care.. "
"You are alive, you know that right?" said Narina, when the airship was only 12 minutes from it's destination. "I do think that.. You have a unique personality I've never seen in another android.. You are an individual, and if they ever try to reset you, I'll fight like hell to protect you."
"I know." said Bella, giving Narina a cheerful smile.
"Hmm? You seem to be taking this better now." said Narina, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, let's just say I heard a particularly good bit of news recently." said Bella.
As Bella said this, the airship suddenly shook, as if in a bit of turbulence.
"What the hell?" said the pilot from up front, over the intercom. "Folks, either we have some weird wind here, or something's bumping around in the cargo hold!"
"Eh?" said Narina.
"Probably wind then." said Bella, gaining a mysterious smile..
Narina had to admit, the side of her that was Narin Jousuke handled the next 2 weeks of school like a trooper.
It began to be like a routine. She would get up, get dressed.. well as best she could anyways, and then eat breakfast, she would then go to her homeroom class, before having lunch with Zanna, Ezra, and Nue, and then going to Gym Class, where they would start out with laps and ordinary physical exercise before switching out their gym clothes with their Training Suits and engage in battle matches with each other. She would then go to her other classes before going to take a bath, and then go to bed.. or if it was Wednesday, first going to the Bakery Club then going to bed.
Zanna never showed Narina her powers, which frustrated her a little, since she was so looking forward to seeing the powers of Fate Rider in action, however, she did tutor Narina in her hand to hand combat, showing her martial arts moves developed by other cultures, from Kung Fu, to even MMA Wrestling techniques.
After a while, it wasn't her development as a student hero that had Narina impressed with herself, but rather how she had gotten used to embracing her now feminine body. She finally managed to put a bra on all by herself after the second week's Thursday. After 3 weeks, she was able to take a bath without getting a nosebleed from looking at herself, or other girls (Though she was still nervous and edgy around them.) And she had learned to endure the feeling of how WRONG it was that guys kept asking her out or that the school's magazine kept requesting she pose for a swimsuit issue.
Perhaps her inner Narin had spent so much time banging his head against his mental wall of 'WHAT THE F*CK!?' that eventually he had numbed to the pain.
One thing that still hadn't happened though. She had still not felt any interest in guys. By far, Narin Jousuke's crush on Zanna was still going strong in Narina Yukata. She wondered if the rebirthing process, since it didn't usually change sexes, had messed up her hormones somehow. She was wrong of course, it was merely the brain of Narin still liking girls.. while the hormones of Narina, had not yet found 'the right one' to even be remotely attracted to. As much as Narin /Narina would deny it, truth was, ever since he was little, he was a VERY picky person when it came to romance, and Narina had inherited that pickiness.
Anyways, things were pretty normal until one day, after 4 weeks at the Academy. On that day, Narina and Nue were sitting in Narina's bed in front of the television working on homework for a specialized class called Power Usage. It was a class that had courses specialized to each individual student depending on what kind of power they were using.
Of course, that meant it was near impossible for two students of this class to help each other on homework, but they both liked to use the homework as an excuse to hang out together.
"Question 22.. in your own words, describe how your ability to use feline hearing and smell can assist in determining your route upon rooftop jumping and stalking... mmmm.." Nue murmured.
Those who didn't know Nue would think she was some sort of android with a broken Personality Transponder, the way she spoke so emotionlessly. However, her spontaneous actions, and tendency to do the weird would quickly dispel that notion.
"Okay.. " said Narina."Here's my two cents. Being able to smell your target and where he's heading would let you think of the best way to approach him.. I think.."
"Mmm.. good answer." said Nue, quickly scratching down an answer with her pencil. "Your turn."
"Alright, question 23 for me." said Narina. "When using your self invented Magnet Art.. what allows you to adhere the metal to your skin to increase your physical capability without instead, weighing yourself down the weight of steel?"
"I couldn't say.." said Nue.
"Neither can I.. I mean, I know no other electric power users have ever done what I've done with metal.. and I sort of invented Magnet Art." said Narina. "But.. honestly I wasn't calculating or compensating things when I did it... I just... er.. did it.. and I was instinctually successful.."
"Ms. Kampfry said to look at that book on the study of solid material absorbing powers.." said Nue, taking out a large textbook.
"OH COME ON!" Narina stammered. "That thing's like a dozen bibles!!"
"Rrmmmmblle ttmmmblle" The two of them were interrupted from their work by a tumbling sound coming from the closet.
"Eh?" said Narina."Don't tell me Bella just woke up.. I mean, when did she last power down last night?"
Narina walked over to the closet.., but Bella ran into the room, obviously not in the closet, and blocked Narina off. "WAIT!! D-don't go in there! I-it's a mess!!"
"Don't be ridiculous Bella.. you keep all your stuff in the living room cabinet, wait a sec.. "
Narina narrowed her eyes. That means.. there shouldn't be anything in here.. Bella.. Are you hiding something?"
"NO! hahahaha! Of course not! Why would you assume that!?" Bella stammered.
"mmmmm.. androids are terrible liars.. mmmmm.." said Nue.
"I'm not lying!!" Bella said.
"Move aside.." said Narina. "That's an order Bella."
Bella pouted, she couldn't disobey an order from her master. "Hmph, ordering me around when she's the one who keeps leaving her underwear lying around the house.."
Narina blushed. "H-hey! I'm not the neat type alright!?"
Narina opened the door... and.. she jumped back, screaming.
There was the head of a giant Feathered Serpent looking down at her.
"Wh-WHOAA!!!" Izel lost her balance, and the large coils of the android snake that had been stuffed in the walk in closet tumbled down on top of Narina.
"WHAT THE!?" Narina stammered as she tried to pull herself out from under the large dragon-like android. "What the HECK Bella!?"
"I might.. have snuck her back to the academy after our first field trip.." Bella squeaked in a small voice, sounding guiltier by the minute.
"B-BUT HOW!!!?" Narina roared, before suddenly, a memory entered her mind.
As the group got set to board the airship, Bella pulled behind her, a massive bag, a tremendously huge one in fact, that only she was able to carry thanks to her massive strength.
"Eh?" said Narina. "What's all that?"
"Oh.. I just got so enthusiastic buying souvenirs I couldn't buy just one." said Bella.
"HOW THE F*CK DID I FALL FOR THAT!!?" Narina roared, clutching her head.
"You're kind of an idiot...mmmm.." said Nue.
"I DIDN'T ASK YOU!!" Narina exclaimed, pointing at Nue furiously. "AND FURTHER MORE! HOW DID YOU EVEN GET IT THROUGH SCHOOL SECURITY!?"
"Well.. while we were landing, I dropped the bag just outside the school." said Bella. "I had to use my blowtorch finger to carve my way into the cargo hold while nobody was looking to do that, and then after I went outside, it was just a matter of driving him in through the parking lot, since there's no security there.."
"That explains the pile of wrecked cars, the yeti, and the airplane stuck in the clock tower down south.." Narina muttered. "BUT WAIT! You were sitting next to me the whole time!"
"Not the entire time, I told you I had to go to the bathroom." said Bella.
"Oh yeah.. WAIT!! ROBOTS DON'T POOP!!" Narina exclaimed. "HOW DID I FALL FOR THAT!?"
"Idiot... mmmm." Nue said.
"JUST STOP IT ALREADY!!" Narina said, pointing at Nue again.
"I-I'm sorry miss." said Izel. "I-I was just so scared of being Reset.. and Bella-senpai was kind enough to help me.. I.. I.. "
Tears began to fall out of Izel's ruby eyes. "I don't want to die.."
Bella got on her knees and clasped her hands together in a gesture of begging to Narina. "Please.. Narina-chan.. don't let her go back.. "
Narina took a deep breath, then sighed. "Fine.. but, we're going to need to find a better place to keep her than my closet."
"You're doing this because you want a dragon pet.. aren't you? mmmmm.." said Nue, shaking her head.
"You better not tell anybody.." Narina said.
"I'm okay with this.. mmmm." said Nue. "But you must give me something in exchange.. mmm.."
Narina groaned. "Fine.. 12.. uninterrupted minutes, starting now.."
Nue smiled. "Kay."
"Plop!!" Nue plopped her face into Narina's chest and began sniffing.
Narina glared at Bella. "Just remember how much you owe me for this sacrifice.."
"Would you like me to sniff Nue's breasts in compensation?" said Bella.
"Please don't put that picture in my head.." Narina muttered.
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