SHOT 1: It hurts because it matters
Dedicated to:
Samapikagarg JayaSharma751 anudee02 misha017 Meera_Oberoi pinkisaha2020 pratichireads DivyaPal742 rutuja08 honeyrak08 shivikaismylove Amandannnbvggfdfvbhu HemasriG
#This story starts when Annika insults Om. I don't like the way Shivaay reacted and humiliated Annika. So this is my own concept on this storyline.
So here we go:
This scene is going when Shivaay was going to propose to her and the media was present.
Shivaay: Today in front of the whole world I Shivaay Singh Oberoi wants to ask something to my beloved wife.
Shivaay holds Annika's hands:
Shivaay: Annika today with lot's of courage I am standing here in front of you. You know me very well that I don't show my emotions to anyone. I always believed to keep emotions to myself only. There was only Om,Ru and Dadi who knew what was going inside my mind. But...But then you came like a hurricane in my life and everything changed in my life. You know at starting I loathed these changes. Why is this girl affecting me??Why ?? I was unable to understand. And then eventually I started liking these changes and I started admiring you,your cute antics and many more.
(Taking a pause)
I don't know Annika right now whether I am making any sense or not but in short and sweet words I just want to say that in our past I have committed so many mistakes that cannot be rectified. Maybe I can't change our past but we can at least start a journey for a bright future together. Annika even I want to say that now your naam khoon khandaan does not affect me only thing that matters is you Annika. Annika I want us to get married again.
Getting on his knees
Shivaay: Annika, will you marry me? Will you accept me as what I am Annika??
Annika's POV:
Oh My God!!!
Shivaay has planned such a sweet surprise for me and what I am going to do?? Breaking his heart??? No ,no Annika don't be weak you have to do. This is important or else Pinky aunty will say the whole truth to Shivaay about his birth and I won't let this happen. Sorry Shivaay for breaking your heart!!
Annika POV ends
Shivaay(whining like a kid): Annika reply fast my legs are paining!!
Annika(infuriating): What are you trying to do ha!!!, that you are accepting me even though I don't have any naam, khoon and khandan. But you know what you are not doing any favor on me. And one more thing I am not at all interested in this 2 rupees arrangement.
Shivaay: (not getting the meaning)Annika what are you saying??
(Getting up from knees)
Annika: Shh!! Shivaay!! Today you will be silent and I will speak. You humiliated me from starting why because I don't have naam, khoon khandaan. But you know what your very own and your lovely brother doesn't have NAAM KHOON KHANDAAN!!!! There is a video clip in which daima has confessed it!!!! And now I want divorce from you MR SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI!!! THIS IS ENOUGH FOR ME!!YOU ALWAYS CHOOSE YOUR FAMILY WHENEVER YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN ME AND FAMILY!!! THIS IS ENOUGH AND I DON'T WANT YOUR SO CALLED AND FAVOUR
Now speaking to media,
And here is the clip which I want to show to the whole world please have a look!!!!
She shows the video clip in which daima confesses tham Om is the illegitimate son of Tej.
Shivaay stumbles at his feet and seeing this Annika heart sanks because she knows whatever she will do will not only break their relationship but also them that too very brutally.
Shivaay:(whispering)What!!! How does she know about the clip??
Reporter 1: What?? Mr Oberoi is Mrs Oberoi is telling the truth??
Reporter 2: Is Omkara Singh Oberoi is illegitimate son of Tej Singh Oberoi??
Pinky(Hiding her evilness): Oh My Maata!! Shivaay!!! See I told you na she is so low standards. She put question marks on Om, I already warned you na she just wants your money. Such a money minded girl!!! Shivaay, she is a gold digger!!!
Listening to this Annika damn tears broke which she was trying to control for a long time and Om Rudra, Jhanvi and Tej turned their faces to control their anger, they never imagined that Pinky would stoop so low to make annika out of the house.
And this was enough for Shivaay....
Shivaay: OK enough!!! You all want the answers na so listen but before that Annika tell me from where you have got this video clip.
Annika: Voh!!Voh !! I got it from Tia
Shivaay called Tia
After sometime..
Tia: Yes Shivaay I have given this video clip to Annika I thought she is your wife and she will keep it safe and after all we both know that this clip is..
Shivaay: Ok Tia I got it , so now I will clear everyone's confusion Khanna!!! Bring that pendrive which I gave you a few days back.
Khanna: Yes sir
Khanna returns with a red pen drive. Shivay takes that pen drive and connects it with TV.
In the video:
Daima : Shivaay... Omkara ...and Rudra ....are like own....children....and Om is ....legitimate son of ......Tej and Jhanvi. I was.... Blackmailed to say ....lie that illegitimate....son....of Tej beta....sorry Shivaay beta....
Video ends
Shivaay: So this was the video about which I was talking. And this clip was recently sent to me by daima's son as she was so guilty for doing this. And the clip which Tia gave to Annika was not the truth. Even Tia knows about it but I think Annika has misunderstood the whole case. I hope I have given all the answers to your questions .Khanna please take our guests out.
Reporter 1: Wait Mr Oberoi once you said if someone will raise fingers on your brother then you won't spare that person and today your wife did the same so will you give her the same treatment??
Reporter 2: Yes Mr Oberoi please answer our question!!
Shivaay: Ok so you all want to know what I will do with Annika?? But now it is my question why shall I tell you?? Who all are you that I should give answers to you all?? Look whatever happened today is between me and Annika so let both of us solve it ourselves thank you for coming but now you may go!! Khanna Please!!!
Pinki(in mind): OH MY MAATA!! My plan is going to fail. I need to do something nahi toh this Annika will be permanants here.
And then she eyes one of the reporters to pour more oil in flames.
Reporter 3: But Mr Oberoi she is a gold digger and to cover this method is our job!!!
Shivaay(furiously): SHUT UP!!!
And Shivaay goes to that reporter with full SSO mode and catches his collar
Shivaay(roars): HOW DARE YOU!!! To lay fingers on my Annika's character Ha!!! HOW DARE YOU!!
Om and Rudra come to save that poor reporter from Shivaay clutches who was soon going to become a "late reporter" as Shivaay would have killed him.
Shivaay: How dare you raise a question on my Annika's character?? You don't know anything about her. And whatever happened is between us and even if she wants divorce from me so this would also be between us. You are no one to give her a character certificate. I repeat NO ONE!!
And once I said that Annika is Shivaay Singh Oberoi's respect dare you say against anything Annika as you will see the worst of mine which you may have seen right now.
Listening to this Annika was feeling so shattered that she just can't say anything about what a grave mistake she has done, today she lost SOORAJ of her life!! And now only darkness sustains in her life. While the media was clear and before any family member says something or Annika can react Shivaay holds Annika hand and takes her to their room...
Shivaay drags Annika to their room,
And shock was understatement for Annika when she saw their room....
Annika(whispers):Yeh sab.... (This)
Shivaay (with dry chuckle): Yes I have done all this for you. I ...I thought to marry you again and thought to say this. But you didn't even give me a chance to say anything.
Both of them were having tears in their eyes. They both very well know now what their destiny holds for them.
Shivaay again holds her hands and looked directly in her eyes and says,
Shivaay(with a heavy heart): Annika after thinking a lot I have decided something for us. Maybe we were meant to be together only for this much time and now the time came that we should go in separate paths.You know Annika I always felt that whatever I did with you was wrong and this thing was pestering me for so many days. I was not able to concentrate on anything. Then yesterday when you were drunk and was blabbering something. I felt it is the correct time to rectify my mistake so with lots of courage I planned this all for you thought to make you special.
After a few seconds pause he continued...
But ...but you destroyed brutally killed our future. At that moment I got so infuriated if I would be the old SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI I would have thrown those divorce paper on...your face and ..throw you out of house..But I can't you...know...why because I HAVE CHANGED I became ANNIKA'S SHIVAAY. You have changed me Annika...You have changed me ...but unfortunately there still remains a part of old SHIVAAY SINGH OBEROI who can do ...anything for his family.
Whatever happened downstairs I won't be able to forgive and forget you for this. Maybe I cannot hate you nor have the courage to ill treat you. But we cannot stay together. You have decided that we should get divorced OK we will be divorced soon but then remember one thing we won't be together as I won't let you take that decision. As this would be my decision!!
But before you leave for forever I want to say something so that I won't have any regret.
After a few seconds pause..
I wrote these lines for you especially. First time Shivaay Singh Oberoi wrote an art piece and that too for you Annika!! I only wanted to say this to you.
Shivaay keeps his head on Annika's head both of them closes their eyes to relive the moment.
After few minutes he moved back and turns towards the door, still facing towards the door Shivaay speaks,
Shivaay: You will soon receive the divorce papers Annika.
And he went away..
Annika was so numb to react that at that moment she fell down on her knees and started crying over her fate and screamed
Annika: No...... No..... Shivaay......... Shivaay!!!
Realizing her surroundings she realizes she is perfectly ok.And she is in her room she turns to her side table and takes the glass of water and gulps all its contain in one go. Then wipes the sweat bead. Then her sight went to the watch seeing the time she sighed again!!
Annika: Again I woke up at 4: 15
Annika comes out of the bed goes to the kitchen and prepared a cup of Americano.
And sits on the balcony.
Annika POV'S
Life has changed a lot...
It is going to be one year since me and Shivaay have been separated.
But ironically we are still not divorced. Neither Shivaay didn't send me those divorce papers nor he had moved on with any other girl.
As far as I know from Om Ru they told me he usually stays on business trips and whenever at home stays with dadi or pretends that he is happy in front of them.But he has changed a lot now he organises various charity programs I have seen few of the clips on social sites. In fact the most shocking thing is that last month he opened an orphanage and Om Ru told me he had decided to name it "SHIVIKA ORPHANAGE". And on it's inauguration day he was captured with a kid. He was looking so cute when he was pampering one small kid as if she was his own kid.
I miss him so much!!
But I don't have that courage to go back as it would be his decision when we will reunite and I agree with him. I know he got to know the whole truth 6 months back.
Pinki aunty.... sorry..... Pinky ma was unable to see Shivaay in broken state so with lot's of determination she told everything to Shivaay.At that moment Shivaay didn't react and he directly went to his room and then rest all we know that his phone became martyr.
Next day I saw Pinky aunty in front of my door and apologized to me and shared her insecurity with me. From that very moment we developed a daughter and mom's relationship.
That day I realized she never loathed me; it was just the insecurity which forced her to act like this.For a few days Shivaay ignored the presence of Pinki Ma but on inauguration day of the orphanage he forgave Pinky Ma and they were reunited. Now only I am left with whom Shivaay didn't talk.and the reason is unknown because he is saying something different and his actions are saying different things.
But the only question which disturbs me is why Shivaay didn't talk to me yet?? And due to which I was still not over the guilt .Was he angry over me?? Of Course he would be, Shivaay prepared everything for me and I destroyed it like a jerk.
From that very day I got the nightmare of that day and like this I always end here.
But I am very curious to know what is going in his head?? And why didn't he come here to meet me??
Anyways leave that as the answer of this question is only known to Shivaay Singh Oberoi.But one thing I can say this separation taught me various things and most importantly TRUST.
I should have trusted him but I didn't and today we both have become workaholic.
Well did I say both of them became workaholics?? I guess yes. After the one month of separation I decided to resume my event manager job. As after planning Shivaay wedding I got many offers but never got a chance to work on it. So after this as soon as I got one wedding offer I accepted it. And started working in it. Soon I got various offers and within one year I am the renowned wedding planner of Mumbai. And I always make sure to never come in front of Shivaay during my events as this would be an awkward moment for both of us.But I am pretty sure he is following all my actions and has my news too. Sometimes I feel his presence near my home.But not so sure. Well leave this.
But yes today I can say my life is sort of settled. Sahil is studying in a good school and currently he is in hostel as I don't want any effect of our relation on Sahil. And now we have our very own flat in a renowned society. In fact we got a car and I learnt to drive it.
And today I am leaving for Santorini as it is the wedding of THE MALHOTRA'S only son. So me and Shyra(my working partner and my best friend who knew everything about my past) will be leaving today with our team. While the groom and bride family will be coming after 2 days.
But I don't know why I feel something is going to happen. Maybe I am overthinking as it is my first international trip. So let see. And now it is 5:30 AM. I guess I should go and get ready as I have to be at the airport at 7:00 AM.As my flight is at 10:30AM
Annika POV ends
Annika stood up and went to get ready.
At the same time,
Alarm rang at 4:30 AM which was closed immediately. Shivaay woke up from his slumber and he quickly got freshened up and prepared his all time favourite americano and took his laptop and went to his study
In study,
He sat on the chair and then his sight went on the frame..
Shivaay: What??? Why are you staring at me, I know I am handsome, it does not mean you will stare at me
After a few times,
Shivaay: Annika I miss you. It has been a year and we have not met yet. I know I have to come to meet you as this time it would be my decision, but I can't??I am confused!!.
I know the reason why you behave so differently at that time.I know you are innocent and when I got to know the truth I was very happy that my heart was not wrong in loving you.You know when I got to know the truth at that time I was so upset with myself and I cannot believe mom did this.I was shocked but later with cool mind I think about it and found it was just insecurity and nothing else.So finally I decided to forgive her. But Ha I won't be forgiving you easily till I am not confident that you will not take such huge decisions of our life on your own.
You know even mom asked me when I know the whole truth and everything then why I am not reconciling with you?? At that moment I felt,"am I doing something wrong??". But what I felt maybe I need more time to think about it. I know I have already taken a year but this decision will matter our whole life and I still don't know the answer when I will talk to you. But I am sure I want you back in my life and I believe you also want the same. Because I know you care for me in fact I am damn sure you love me but I don't want this love after this both are left heartbroken Annika. I just want you Annika!!Standing with me in all ups and downs.
You know whenever I miss you na so I call Shyra And find about your whereabouts and then sneak at that place and stare at you till my heart is satisfied and then I go away. Wait, I just talked about Shyra?? Yup!! Actually I was the one who planned Shyra and your meeting. Initially I put Khanna on this work but that useless fellow was unable to get the whole information then I got to know that you have started working again I was tense for you. I know you have worked before also but I don't know why?? Maybe I love you. You would be going to different places alone.This was making me freak out and then finally that useless fellow gave me good news that you have decided to hire an assistant so I quickly decided to plan your meeting with Shyra.
I specially took interviews for this that ot myself and I decided to appoint Shyra for the assistance and explained the whole matter to her and my plan was successful and now you both are soul sisters and with the help of Shyra I get to know everything about you. In fact I know you are leaving for Santorini today. I am proud of you Annika!!
I know I know you will say I am such a chantomai!!
I am using your language right?? Don't know why but now I also adore your cute language and your adorable antics.
Suddenly his phone rang...
Shivaay: Shivaay Singh Oberoi speaking,
(Caller speaks something from there)
Shivaay: What are you mad Mishra?? How could you be so careless?? You should have told me yesterday that there is a problem in the paperworks of our Venice project?? Damn it!!! Means I have to leave today only for Rome and I cannot take my private jet as Bade Papa and Badi ma are going to SIngapore for a meeting that means I have to go in flight.
Ok Mishra, book the next flight for Venice.
Misha : Yes sir I have booked the tickets and boarding time is 8:30 AM sir.
Shivaay: I am leaving for the airport and yes bring all the business stuff from the office.
Mishra muttered OK and cut the call even Shivaay went away.
At Airport 7:45AM
Annika POV
Uff thank god!!! I am not late, still there is time for my flight and right now I am sitting here in the airport lounge while other team members and Shyra are having their breakfast in one of the restaurants. Everyone seems so happy and excited. I am also excited and don't know why I am so happy after one year. Maybe I am going to Santorini.
Annika POV ends.
Shivaay POV
Because of this stupid Mishra now I have to rush to Venice that too in so hurry and because of this Mishra I have to go to in flight not in my private jet.
I was cursing Mishra while Khanna and Mishra were moving behind me timidly. And then the scene I saw before was like OH MY GOD!!!
I saw her...I saw her ...Annika and..I just remembered that Annika... was also going.... to Santorini. Many things are changed like her dressing sense
No more champa or chinki not sure about the name and now I notice her new haircut too.
She was busy on her phone and had an unknown smile.
I don't know why I told mishra and Khanna to board the flight while I moved ahead to Annika.
All moments were revolving around my mind, the moments we shared together.
I am just standing in front of her.
Annika slowly looks at me and the moment stops for both of us.
Shivaay POV ends
Annika(mind): Shivaay..After a whole one year he was standing in front of me. I was so numb to react that I didn't know what to say.In fact I don't know when I stood and looked at him he had changed his dressing sense. He was wearing a sweater and then I realized we were colour coordinating.
Annika(awkwardly):Hi Shivaay... You...You.. here? I mean at the airport going somewhere??
Shivaay:Yes ..Yes Venice ..and you??
Annika: Santorini, Vihaan Malhotra and Aahana Birla wedding planner.
Shivaay: Oh even I am going for some paperworks. Actually we are opening our hotel, one of the branches in Venice, so few paperworks was left so I was going. ...By the way congratulations I guess... it is your first international trip and now you're one of the renowned event managers. I must say within a year you have achieved a lot.
Annika:Thank you, even you have achieved a lot. Even now you are doing charity work also.I read many articles about you in one year.
Shivaay: Oh thanks well how is Sahil??
Annika: Sahil is all good.
There was a silence as both of them don't know what to talk after few minutes of silence,
Shivaay: You have changed a lot Annika. As far I know you never stay quiet and now you are sitting here alone.
Annika: Haven't you changed Shivaay??
Shivaay:Yes I have, maybe it was circumstances or maybe it was US!!
Annika(directly looking into his eyes): Shivaay how long will you take to decide our future?? I mean it has been a year and now you are knowing the truth also so how long more?? I am tired of this??
Shivaay(without making any contact): I..I don't know Annika. I need more ...time
Before Annika says something
Mishra: Excuse me sir !!
Shivaay: Mishra you here??
Mishra: Sir it is boarding time we are getting late.
Shivaay: Oh yes I am coming, (looking towards Annika) Bye.. Annika!!
Annika:Bye Shivaay ..Have a safe journey.
Shivaay was turning but don't know what happened he moved towards Annika and took her in a hug and whispered "have a safe journey" and moved back.
Annika was beyond shock and after recovering from it Shivaay already went away but a smile crept on her face as this hug gave her the hope they will be reunited soon and now she knows the reason for her unknown happiness.
Later both of them headed to their respected journey
Around Midnight(Italy Time)
Shivaay has finished all the paperwork of hotel and decided to call it a day, but a call came
Shivaay: Shyra?? Why is she calling me??(picking the phone) Yes Shyra, what happened?? Everything OK?
Shyra: Sir, sir voh Annika ma'am..Annika ma'am
Shivaay: Shyra what happened to Annika?? Say it clearly Shyra.
Shyra: Sir actually our flight to Santorini was connecting flight. We all landed Athens, and our next flight to Santorini was after an hour, but then Annika ma'am saw a man who wants to go to Santorini it was an emergency his flight was after 5 hours as her wife was in labour in Santorini all alone so ma'am decided to exchange the tickets, and she took that flight....but..
Shivaay: But what Shyra??
Shyra: Sir during take off due to some technical issue the flight met with an accident and there is no news of Annika ma'am.
Shivaay: What!! Are you sure Annika boarded that flight?? And what is the situation there??
Shyra: Sir,ma'am has messaged me before boarding the flight and even we don't know the situation there as the flight had been crashed nearly half an hour and only this headline is released that the flight crashed.There is no news regarding the passengers. Sir what to do?? Shall we all leave for Athens .
Shivaay: No..No Shyra you don't worry...I am sure Annika will be fine you just stay there and do all the required arrangements as Annika had said and...... I will myself go to Athens you don't worry I will take this matter on my hand and will let you know if I get to know anything. You just send me the details of Annika's flight.
Shyra:Ok sir.
Shivaay quickly cuts the call and calls Khanna!!
Shivaay:Khanna!! quickly book a ticket to Athens, and if possible book a ticket for that flight which is leaving within an hour and call Mishra in my room right now.
Khanna: Yes sir
After few minutes Mishra came till then Shyra also send information of Annika's flight,
Mishra:Sir you called me??
Shivaay: Yes Mishra!! I want the number of the CEO of Olympic Airlines.Right now!!
Mishra:Yes sir!!
After few minutes,
Mishra: Sir here is the number and the CEO name is Mr Eros Costas.
Shivaay call Mr Eros Costas,
Eros: Eros Costas speaking.
Shivaay: Shivaay Singh Oberoi CEO of Oberoi Industries speaking.
Eros: Oh Mr Oberoi nice to talk to you, it is a privilege to talk to you, I have heard a lot about you. Well how can I help you?
Shivaay(with worry): Mr Costas I want the details of the recent flight crash. Actually my wife was travelling in the same flight and after the crash we are not able to connect to her.
Eros: Mr Oberoi actually even we can't say anything right now, rescue operation is going on, but as per my sources the situation is under control and soon we will provide the information and regarding passengers as all injured passengers are taken to hospital and soon I will get the list of the passengers who were injured.
Shivaay: Mr Costas I am leaving for Athens right now as I am in Venice right now so is it possible can I atleast get the details of the hospital only before I land in Athens.
Eros: OK Mr Oberoi I will try to send it to you, I will keep the phone, I have to reach Athens too as I am looking over the matter.
Shivaay: Ok.
Till then Khanna came,
Khanna:Sir we have got the tickets for Athens,but there is a possibility that flight may delay as sir an accident occured in Athens Airport.
Shivaay(roars):I don't want to listen to anything. I just want to go to Athens and try another way but I want to reach Athens and get it Khanna!!
After a few minutes Shivaay had become Beast Singh Oberoi, as he was not getting any way to get to Athens.
Shivaay(in mind):(He was pacing in his room) First time in my whole life I am feeling so miserable, I can't do anything, I don't know how I will reach there?? And Annika is OK?? OH God so many questions?
Then a ray of hope came,
Person 1: Mr Oberoi...
Shivaay turns back
Shivaay: Mr Romano??
(Mr Antonio Romano is Shivaay business partner in this Venice hotel. Middle aged man and a kind hearted )
Antonio: Mr Oberoi I came for some signature but mistakenly I heard your conversation with Mr Eros Costas and Mr Khanna, probably I can help you, if you want you can take my chopper and there is a helipad near Athens airport and it is within the distance of 45 minutes so it will be easy for you.
Shivaay: Thank you so much Mr Romano, You have done a great favour on me!!!
Antonio: Mr Oberoi there is nothing about favour and if you feel so then whenever next time you will come for the inauguration of the hotel bring your wife also this will make me happier.
Shivaay hugs him and runs away.
Shivaay chopper landed in Athens and he was going to the airport.
Shivaay: Yes Mr Costas, I am just leaving for the airport.
Eros: Ehh.. Mr Oberoi there is a bad news, as I currently got the list of all passengers and bad news is that as you told me that your wife was an indian and there were 5 indian passengers who were travelling in the flight and 2 passengers died on the spot and out of 3 which survived is a couple and there kid and out of 2 passengers one of them is woman, so probably she is your wife I am sending you the address of the hospital you may please check the body once,Mr Oberoi. I am sorry.(and he cuts the call)
Shivaay was so numb to react, he was unable to digest the fact that Annika is no more. He couldn't believe it, and suddenly a message came on his phone. It was the hospital's address with a heavy heart. He said to Khanna please tell the driver to take us to this location.
At hospital reception
All were pacing here and there as the accident was quite major. Even the media was there but Shivaay escaped the media easily. And went to reception.
Receptionist: Yes sir are you the family member of the flight crash victims?
Shivaay nodded in yes.
Receptionist: Name sir??
Shivaay: Annika,(after a few seconds) NO!! Annika Shivaay Singh Oberoi
Receptionist: Indian sir??
Shivaay: Yes!!
Receptionist: Please come with us
Receptionist took her to the mortuary and then a ward boy took him inside.
He was standing in front of a dead body covered with white cloth. He was not able to react what to do, but someone put a hand over him, it was his loyal guard Khanna, with baby steps Shivaay move towards the body and with trembling hands moves the cover and it was
Not Annika's body, Shivaay quickly moved back and was about to fall on the ground but Khannna held him and took him out not before saying she is not Annika.
Currently Shivaay is sitting on the bench as Khanna went to bring water to him as he knows Shivaay is not in the right state. If someone would see him right now no one can believe he is the mighty Shivaay Singh Oberoi as right now he is Annika's Shivaay who is searching for his love , his jaan desperately.
There was a doctor standing and then nurse came to him,
Nurse: Doctor according to the list there were 5 indians, but there is one more indian wearing a red colour top an indian woman.
Doctor: Probably there must be some end moment changes as I just got to know there was one exchange too but changes were not mentioned.
Nurse: Ohk Doctor.
Listening to this a ray of hope arose in Shivaay's mind, and he quickly went to that doctor asking about that patient.
Nurse took him there and now he is standing in front of the glass window ,and the scene made him relieved
that his Annika is alive but was injured and unconscious ,again fear was clouding in his mind.But before he could say something
Nurse told" Nothing to worry sir, she is fine luckily sitting on the safer side, after gaining consciousness you may apply for discharge too sir!! And yes sir, one week of strict bed rest. And you can meet her, rest doctor will tell you when she will regain consciousness"
Shivaay mutters Thank you while Khanna also came and was relieved Annika ma'am is fine, Shivaay told Khanna to call Shyra.
Shivaay went inside the room taking baby steps. The room was completely silent only the beeping of machines was heard. When he came near Annika he observed that Annika had an elbow fracture on her left hand, bandage on the head and a broken leg and a few bruises on her right hand. This made him frown but he had one satisfaction that she was at least fine and with him. The scene which he saw a few minutes back took his breath away. When he was removing the cover from the face of the body he was continuously praying "Please God!! this is not my Annika!! I....I promise you that if she will not be Annika I will ....reconcile with her ....I promise no no not promise pinky promise!!"
Once he was sure Annika was alive he got his breath back and now she is in front of him and he got his breath as well as his Jaan.
He sat on the stool and took his hand in which IV tube was attached and kissed her hand.
Shivaay(to Annika): Thank God!! Thank God!! Annika you are fine....I thought ....I lost you. When I heard that an indian woman died in a crash I was numbed and didn't know what to say, what to do. I...was completely blank at that time. Even when Shyra told about your crash I was so mad ...I was unable reach you...and ...there was a fear... that I will ...lose you...but a miracle...happened and I am here with you. But Annika these 5 hours were the ...most dreadful time of my whole life... and but these hours ...taught me something...which I will never forget..never.
He sat there for an hour waiting for her to gain consciousness.
After an hour Annika eyes flickered and tried to open her eyes but feeling pain in her whole body she groaned slowly and again tried to open her eyes. And when she opened her eyes she saw the most unexpected person sleeping on her abdomen and he was holding her hand as if she would leave him.
On seeing his face Annika understood he had cried a lot as there were dry tear stains on his face, and his disheveled hair showed how worried he was. A small crept on her face seeing his care.
She slowly called his name, and started caressing his hairs slowly and a smile crept on his face and he slowly opened his eyes only to see Annika looking at him and smiling at him. He slowly got up and was not able to believe his eyes.
Shivaay: Ann...Annika!!!
Annika(slowly whispered): Yes Shivaay
Shivaay: Annika you woke.... Are you ok?? Feeling any pain??
Annika nodded in no.
Shivaay: wait here... let me call ....the doctor..once to ..check ..on you.
Shivaay started going but Annika holded her hand.
Annika(slowly whispered): You know, even you can cry...I will not..judge
And that's it for Shivaay he again sat on the stool and started crying on her abdomen.Annika started caressing his hairs. All his suppressed emotions were coming out.
After a few times his cries turned into sobs.
Annika: Feeling better??
Shivaay looked to her and says
Shivaay: " This should be my question. You are in a hospital bed not me."
Then Annika wondered how she landed here?? And confusion was clearly written on her face.
Annika: Shivaay where are we?? And were going toVenice and I was in the flight and it ..was about to ..Ahhh it's paining (holds her head)
Shivaay: Annika...Annika relax I know there are so many questions in your mind I will answer all your questions but before that let the doctor do your check up ok.
Soon Shivaay calls the doctor. Doctor was examining Annika. And Shivaay was keenly looking at them.
Doctor: OK nothing to worry. She is absolutely fine and just needs a bed rest for a week. And I will suggest you don't travel for 3 days at least. And yes her belonging are there .(pointing to the tray)
Shivaay: OK doctor and what about the discharge procedures??
Doctor : Yes you may apply for discharge. No problem and yes what is madame's name??
Shivaay: Oh!! Annika Shivaay Singh Oberoi.
After the examination doctor went away and Shivaay sat on the stool and held Annika's hand and kissed it again.
Annika: Shivaay, now can you tell me how I ended up here??
Shivaay: Annika your connecting flight met with an accident. And you mad woman what was the need of exchanging the ticket. Ha?
Annika:Oh yes!! Now I remember I ...I exchanged the tickets as her wife was in labour and this time she needs her husband at this crucial point of life.
Shivaay(vulnerable): What about me?? Annika you don't know these 5-6hours were the worst hours of my life..when I saw ...that ...dead body lying in stretcher ....and was told that it is my Annika's body I was devastated....You don't know I feel....but now I have more running more running.
Annika:(Taking his hand):Shh!! Shivaay calm down!! Calm down I know that period was horrible and I can understand what you had felt. But now I am with you right??And you know I don't like this cry singh oberoi I want my tadibaaz bagad billa back. Ok??
Shivaay laughed at her statement and he was about to kiss her hand again and...
Nurse: Excuse me Mr Oberoi!!
Shivaay quickly leaves her hand and says yes.
Nurse: Mr Oberoi actually you have to feed these ice chips to Mrs Oberoi and here is the diet plan for the week, ma'am will be on liquid diet for next week and once your discharge is over you may leave.
Shivaay muttered thank you and took ice chips from her and helped her to eat.
Annika:Waise Shivaay you were saying something no more running?? From what you are running??
Shivaay again hold her hand and with determine look,looks at her face,
Shivaay: Annika you know a year ago I told you that you had decided that we should not be together so I will decide that when we should be together do you remember?
Annika nods her head in agreement.
Shivaay: Annika finally that day has come, I always believed doing things perfectly and with proper planning and execution but today I learnt something which 33...33 years of life have not... not taught me,..that..that life is so one knows what will happen next when I was told that you are not more and....I was sent to confirm ...I was praying to God... that this is not you, God forbids but if...if that would be yours I would..would have died in guilt itself.
So..I have decided that I have taken enough time Annika...But now I want you Annika...Annika I love you...I love you so much..and I want you back in my life again.
Annika was speechless, she didn't know what to say.
Shivaay: I know I acted as a jerk but I want this chance and I swear I won't let you down this time. Please Annika give me a chance!!
Annika: (shocked)Shivaay!!!
Annika(composing herself) (in slow voice): Shivaay firstly you stop crying (She tries to rub his tears) Shivaay why would I won't give you the chance??I was waiting for this day only...when you will come and say that..(taking a deep breath) Annika I want to give a chance in our relationship.
(Tears started brimming coming from Annika eyes)
You know I was waiting for you you but why you took so long ha ??(Hitting him with a fist)
Shivaay: Aah!! Arey you mad woman what are you doing ha you yourself on the hospital bed and now you want your husband to be on hospital bed to ha??
Annika: Oh really!! Achha!! leave this and now answer my question.
Shivaay: Ok (Shivaay again holds her hand and kisses her palm) Annika I will answer it. Actually Annika I ...I was scared ..I was scared to lose you!! When I got to know the actual reason you left I was furious that you..don't have trust in our relationship instead you believed mom...How could you Annika?? I know you did it for me but we both know that the decision you took was a blunder. Actually the day itself when I got to know the truth I decided to bring you back but fear of losing you stopped me. I thought if in future the same situation comes and you will leave me and I won't be able to bear it that's why I didn't talk with you for a year.
But after today's accident I know even I was making a mistake. But now I am clear what I want in my life.
(Shivaay stood up from stool and sat on his knees)
Shivaay: This time again I am proposing you Annika, Annika in our past we both have committed lots of mistakes and now the time has come to rectify them. Annika I love you a lot, and I want you back in my life I had said you before that
Annika started laughing to the same line when he tried to propose to her.
Shivaay took out a ring from his pocket
Shivaay: Annika, will you marry me again?? Once you are ok.
Annika nods her head positively.
And Shivaay took the ring and put it in Annika's ring finger and kissed her forehead.
Annika looks the ring and says
Annika: Shivaay this is wonderful!! When did you get it and you were carrying it here??
Shivaay: I got it from Japan. When I went on a business trip.
Annika: Shivaay can you bring my bag from there, that one which nurse brought it.
Shivaay got confused but got it for her. She start to look for something then She finally smiled
Annika: Shivaay close your eyes and bring your hand forward.
Shivaay does the same.
Annika: Now open your eyes.
Shivaay opened his eyes to see a ring
Annika: Shivaay I love you.
Shivaay: Annika(still in shock due to happiness)
After recovering, hugged her tightly. Later both got separated but there was a smile on their face.
Shivaay: When did you get this ring??
Annika: I got it from my first payment after we separated and thought to give it on our reunion day.
Shivaay: Annika promise me whatever happens in our life we will be standing together and will never leave each other. Promise me.
Annika: Promise
Shivaay forwarding his pinky finger
Shivaay: Pinky promise!
Annika entwined her finger with his and said pinky promise.
Annika( lightening the mood): Waise Shivaay we are so unique normally people propose in some romantic place and we are doing it in hospital bed.
Shivaay: We are unique Annika, and it is good to be unique. Tabhi toh we have a great fan following.
Annika: Hmm you have a point. Anyways don't you think we should inform the family about us.
Shivaay: What so hurry??
Annika: Even they have a right to know that we are together and I am damn sure they will be glad to see us together.
Shivaay: Ok wait let me call them.
Shivaay video calls Rudra.
Rudra: Hello Bhaiya!! You finally got time to call us?? By the way where are you and this beeping of machine?? Are you ok??
Shivaay: Yes Rudra I am totally fine in fact more than fine and currently I am in Athens and in hospital.
Rudra: Hospital??
Shivaay: I will tell you that later but firstly call everyone I want all of you to meet my fiancé who is with me and on hospital bed in fact we both got engaged too so I thought to share this news with you.
Rudra: Give me 5 minute I will call you back once I reach home.
Shivaay: Ok
After 5 minutes Rudra reaches home and started shouting
Rudra: O , chulbul bhabhi, choti ma, Dadi, come here.
Omkara: What happened Rudra?? Why are you screaming?
Rudra dramatically sat on the sofa and says
Rudra: Bhaiya got engaged with some foreigner and they are in Athens and in hospital.
Omkara: What??
Pinky: Oh my mata!!
Gauri: Kya!!
Dadi: Hai rabba!!
Rudra: And he told once I reach home and call him again.
Omkara: So why are you looking our face and call him.
Rudra calls him back and Shivaay picked it in first ring and what he saw was the foul faces.
Shivaay: Why all of you are giving me these looks??
Pinky: Shivaay you got engaged and didn't informed us??
Omkara: How could you Shivaay And you took such a big decision
Shivaay: Arrey meri baat toh suno
Dadi: Now what is left to listen??
Pinki: I won't accept her as my daughters in law
And everyone starts cursing Shivaay and his so called fiance.
Annika was controlling her laughter as she was sure her dear devar has misunderstood the whole situation.
So Annika decided to clear their confusion.
Annika: Pinky ma you will not accept me too??
Everyone sTops listening TO this melodious voice and says Annika!! together.
Shivaay: Exactly I was telling the same but you all were not letting me say anything here you go
Shivaay shifts camera to Annika's side and soon they told how they met and what happened all got Aww listening their story and congratulates them.
Pinky(with tears): I am so happy for you. Finally you are together and Mata Rani will forgive me too.
Rudra: Waise bhaiya we never no you would be so fast. But when you are getting married??
Shivaay: We will decide it once we are in India. And Waise bhi we are husband and wife.
Dadi: Woh Sab toh thik hai puttar but when are you coming back??
Shivaay: Dadi after 7 days as doctor has told strict bedrest.
Soon everyone nod their head in understanding and bids good bye to them for giving them more time.
Annika:Well Shivaay when I will get discharged?? I want to reach Santorini for Malhotra's wedding.
Shivaay(sternly): No you are not going we will be in Athens for a week then directly leave for India and you will be for a bed rest for a month.
Annika: No!!
Shivaay: Yes!!
Annika: No!!
Annika: No!!
Annika: No!!
Annika: No!!
Annika: Yes!!
Shivaay: NO!!
Annika: Yes I won!!
And both started laughing seeing their madness after all there will many instances where they will show their madness and love..
Sometimes we should not wait for the perfect time, because nothing is perfect in the world....
With this Signing off
Dia Jain
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