Jungkook pov
I sat on a stone floor. I was in the middle of the building. I don't now where here is, all I know is it doesn't have windows and things. I grew up here learning things. I had a picture book in my hands. I liked the pictures in it. It showed people playing a game. I couldn't read very well, but we were learning that stuff today and so we got a book, I knew a few words but not many.
"Kids" I said and pointed to the small people. The teacher nodded. He just sat infront of me. "Tr- no, uh.. cloud?" I said pointing to the fluffy thing in the sky. He nodded again. I pointed to the thing they were standing on. "Dirt?" I said quietly.
"Close, grass, which also has dirt" he said and pat my head. I smiled. Then someone was dragged into the room. He was very tightly tied up and had a thing in his mouth. He was on the ground and looked annoyed as hell. He was trying to get out of the things around him. He thrashed around and kept growling threw the thing in mouth. I was scared to day the least, but wasn't going to show it since I was always yelled for doing so. I lookes at him. He broke the things holding him.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUC-" the person who was dragging him said as the person lunged at him and- jesus fucking Crist what the fuck?!?!? I got up and backed away. He was eating them! I felt sick. Then more people ran into the room and put darts with liquid in it in him. He calmed down and passed out, still on the half eaten person. The teacher came up to me and pulled me out of the room. I looked at him.
"Its okay, he just does that sometimes" he said. I nodded slowly. "Lets continue here okay?" He said. I held up the book and he nodded. I opened it to a different part. I pointed at an object. I tried to say somthing but I couldn't get it out. "Cup" he said. I looked at him.
"Cup?" I said. He nodded.
"Yep, that's called a cup, you drink from it" he said softly. I smiled. "Okay, whats this" he said pionting to somthing.
"Table" i said. He nodded.
"Good, we can do more later, till then I have to go to another student and help them, your a fast learner, they are somewhat but not as good, so I'll see you around" he siad. I waved him goodbye.
"See you later teacher" i said. He waved and left. I roamed around the buliding. I found myself in a room I didn't know. It had people in uniforms? Yeah that's the word. They looked at me.
"Jungkook you shouldn't be in here" one said.
"Wait" the one at the board said. "Jungkook come here" he said. I slowly went over to him. Once I got to him he helped me up on the tall stand he was on. "Want to help us?" He asked sitting me on his leg while he sat in a chair. He bounced me like a kid and it found it nice.
"What is we doing?" I asked tilting my head.
"Trying to figure out where someone is, and it's what are we doing, not what is we doing okay?" He said softly. I nodded.
"I want to help" I said. He smiled.
"Okay, so we have checked the areas in red and we have people in the yellow looking now, if it turns red that means he isn't there" he said. I nodded. I pointed to a town.
"It has people so they might blend in, but he might be under a building to stay safe, he might be running around in that forest though, so look in both?" I said looking at him.
"Good idea kook, now if he isn't in thoes places where should we check?" He asked. I looked at the map. It didn't show things. I started to see blue dots running around in the yellow areas. I looked more and then I saw a group of red dots going around the blue and where doing somthing, waiting?
"Bad people near good dots. They are waiting" i said softly.
"Dots? There aren't dots on the board..?" He said.
"Bad dots going to hurt good dots" i said looking at him with big eyes.
"Okay, guys send back up, kook, where is it at?" He asked. I got up and pointed to it touching the board. I heard people talking and things. I messed with the board and it showed more area. Its touchscreen. I looked around and saw an ×. It was moving.
"Bad man" I said. And touched it. I kept following it with my finger. "He moving lots" I said. I heard people moving around. Someone started to pat my head. I looked and saw it was the person who let me come in here
"Good job, you may have just found the man we have been looking for for years, and you may have found him in under 30 minutes" he said. I smiled softly. I kept my finger following him. After a while the blue dots surrounded him and the × was taken hold of. I put my finger down. I looked at the person next to me. "Good job" he said softly and patted my head. He grabbed my hand. "You should rest now" he said. He walked with me till we got to my room. "Now have a good rest, ill see you around" he said. I waved as he left and sat on the ground. There was a puzzle. I put it together. It showed a unicorn. It made me hapoy and calm. I got up and got on my bed. I lifted my pillow and saw a piece of candy. Every time I left my room and came back there was one there. I happily opened it and ate it.
How do you like it so far?
I'll post every time I finish making the chapter :)
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