Semi stood there,biting his thumb,tears in his eyes,waiting for the doctors to emerge with news about Kawanishi.

His boss came quickly and found Semi scratching at his hands.His boss,who should probably be named but won't be,took Semi's hands in his own."Hey,are you okay?"he asked softly.Semi sobbed and looked to the floor"I'm sorry...."Semi choked,tears slipping down his face."Listen,when we find out what's happened,I'll make a decision on wether you should be able to keep the kids or not,ok?"he said.Semi nodded,more tears spilling down his face.His boss sighed and wrapped his arms around Semi and hugged him.He put a hand in Semi's hair and kept muttering"It'll be ok...It'll be ok.."over and over into Semi ear.

They ended up sitting down and waiting for what seemed like days but I'm reality was only five hours.

The doctor came out and the two followed him into the room where Kawanishi was.Semi couldn't look.It was heartbreaking.

Wires were strewn about the place,each one connected to bags or machines.There was the bloody t-shirt over by the sink and Kawanishi's eyes were glued shut.He also had stitches on his neck as well as a brace.

It was the boss who asked first"How did this happen?"The doctor smiled gently and said"he has had stomach ulcers for over a month now.One of them burst and caused him to regurgitate the blood he needed rid of.He'll be perfectly fine.Although we mostly perform this on adults,he's fine.He'll need recovery medicine but that's fine"the doctor explained.The boss nodded."I'll leave you two to talk"the doctor said softly,walking out of the room.Semi bit his lip and waited for the boss."You've only had the kids two weeks....Sorry,our neglegance to the kids has put you through this.You can keep them,for sure"the boss smiled.Semi hugged the boss."It's been a long night.It's one in the morning,go back,I'll stay here and sort everything out.It's my fault,after all.""Are you sure?"Semi asked.The boss nodded"yeah."

Semi drove back home and entered the house.All the lights were on and he heard noises in the living room.Semi looked in."You're back"his mother smiled.All of the kids were downstairs.Yamagata jumped up and yelled"Where's Kawanishi?!Where?!Where?!Where?!"Semi picked Yamagata up."Hayato,Kawanishi is...well in the hospital....He'll be better soon.I promise"Semi reassured."Are you sure?"Yamagata asked.Semi pushed his nose to Yamagata's forehead"I'm Sure.""Now,everyone,to bed.I want all of you to be rested so we can see Taichi tomorrow,ok?"Semi asked.Everyone nodded."Mum,will you be staying the night here?"Semi asked."No,I've got to go back to your dad.He gets grouchy,without breakfast,you remember?"Semi's mother asked,laughing.Semi nodded and smiled.

He saw her out and took everyone up to bed,tucking them in.He tucked Goshiki in and then tried tucking Yamagata into bed.Yamagata kept kicking the blanket off."No!"he pouted."Hayato.Behave."Semi said sternly.Yamagata started to cry"I-I...*hic**sniff*..Kawan*sniff*ishi...I want*sob**sniff**wail*....."Semi pulled Yamagata into his chest."Do you want to stay with me tonight?"Semi asked softly.Yamagata nodded into his chest.Semi tucked Yamagata in next to him and kissed his forehead."Go to sleep.It's 2 in the morning now...ok?"Semi whispered.Yamagata nodded and fell asleep.

Semi woke up at around noon,not hearing his alarm on his phone.

He powered downstairs,worried about the kids,and,forgetting about Goshiki.

Shirabu was reading,Ushijma,Tendou,and Reon were drawing,and Yamagata was sat in a corner,hugging his knees to his chest.

Semi sighed a sign of relief."Ok you lot,I'll make breakfast"Semi said."Goshiki"Reon said blankly."Ah!Thanks,Ohira"Semi sighed.He made everyone cereal and then went upstairs to get Goshiki.He was screaming and crying."Sem-Saaaan!Sem-Saaaaaannn!"he cried,drool and tears running down his face.Semi wasn't sure how he didn't hear Goshiki.Semi picked him and and sighed"I'm sorry.Sorry,sorry."Semi sat Goshiki on the toilet seat and wiped his face with a wet flannel (cloth).He went downstairs and sat on the sofa,Goshiki sliding off his lap as he sat down.He checked his phone he had brought down earlier,and checked if he had any messages.He dialed his boss and put the phone to his ear,waiting nervously.Even the kids could sense the tension.


"Hey,boss.I was wondering if there was any news on Kawanishi?"

"Uh...yeah...he's awake,delirious,confused,but awake.He wants you...I think.Bring the others,ok?I'd like to see them."

"Um...ok.Let them finish their breakfast,I'll get them ready,uh....and we'll come and see you,ok?"

"Ok....I'll see you later then,bye."


Semi hung up and smiled."We're going to see Kawanishi later,ok?

They all nodded.Tendou had figured out how to turn the tv on and had hogged it while Semi was on the phone,him and Goshiki were now fighting over the tv remote.Reon intervined,of course,and pulled Goshiki away from Tendou.Goshiki started screaming.Semi stood up and picked up Goshiki."Be quiet.You aren't having the tv on."Semi said sternly.Tendou laughed"Ha ha!""Neither are you.Ohira,Wakatoshi,Hayato,of Kenjirou are allowed to have tv on.You two are banned from it."Semi huffed,taking the tv remote from Tendou.Tendou sat next to Ushijima and sulked,tears at the corner of his eyes.Semi sat down again and let Goshiki run free.He tilted his head to the ceiling and closed his eyes.Shirabu was sat on his lap within minutes."Can I wead?"he asked.Semi smiled and nodded."Sure"he said in a soft voice.

After an hour,Semi got all of their clothes out for them,only helping Goshiki get dressed."Are you all ready?"Semi asked."Yes!"they all said in unison."Okay"Semi smiled.He helped them all into the van,strapping each one of them in.With a smile Semi set off.Shirabu and Goshiki in the front with Semi,and the other four in the back.

Semi laughed as Shirabu turned on the radio,trying to sing songs he'd never heard before.Ushijima,Tendou,and Reon were playing eye-spy. (Classic game)While Yamgata was sat in the very back,just playing with his shirt,sadly.

They arrived at the hospital and Semi got them out.He picked up Goshiki and told them all to put hand sanitizer on their hands,so they didn't become ill.Semi lead them all to Kawanishi's room,where they saw Semi's boss and Kawanishi,who was finally awake."Yamagata!"he smiled,sitting up a bit more.Yamagata tried to jump onto the bed,but it was too high.The boss lifted Yamagata up and he instantly hugged Kawanishi."Kawanishi!You are woke?"Yamagata asked."Yeah!I am woke!Now that Yamagata is here!"Kawanishi said as he hugged Yamagata back.Everyone smiled and laughed.

Semi told his boss to go home and rest,while he would take care of the kids."So,when do you think he'll be able to come home?"Semi asked the doctor."He'll be allowed home by tomorrow,just make sure he doesn't irritate his stitches and help him with everything.Only feed him soup and give him just water to drink"The doctor said.Semi nodded and turned to the kids."Taichi,will you be alright here by yourself for a little bit?"Semi asked.Kawanishi nodded gently."Okay,I'll take these home,and then be right back,okay?"Semi asked.Kawanishi nodded.Semi tried to pull Yamagata from Kawanishi but he started screaming."No,Hayato,stop screaming"Semi hissed.So instead of screaming Yamagata began crying."Ok,ok...I'll take you back and then we'll come back.Are you sure you don't want to see nanny,though?"(thats what they call Semi's mum).Yamagata nodded."Ok then,let's go guys.Bye bye,Taichi.I'll be back soon,ok?"Semi said,kissing his forehead gently."Okwe"Kawanishi replied.

So,they got into the car again and drove home.Semi got them all safe and in the car,before starting off.They arrived home and Semi got them all in."Shall I make lunch?"He asked.Tendou grabbed a strong hold of Semi's leg and said"fuck!"Semi looked down at Tendou and shook him off of his leg.Semi crouched down,and lightly tapped Tendou's hand,making him know he had did wrong."Don't you ever,ever say that word ever again,ever!"Semi said with a serious tone and face.Tendou teared up and nodded."Hey,hey,don't cry.I'm sorry for being mean"Semi said softly,brushing his thumbs over Tendou's eyes,brushing away the tears."Just promise me you'll never say that word again?"Semi asked."I pwomise"Tendou said softly."Okay then,go and play"Semi smiled.Tendou ran off to Ushijima.Reon and Goshiki were playing with Lego,Reon occasionally stopping Goshiki from eating some.Semi made them lunch and called his mother over.

"Hey,Eita.I'm so glad I can babysit again"his mother,Anne,said,giving him a kiss on the cheek."Yeah,thanks mum"Semi smiled."So,any news?"Anne asked.Semi shook his head"He'll come home tomorrow,other than that,no.I'll take Hayato with me,he really wanted to stay.I've put some food out for their dinner,if you don't mind making it?""Of course I won't mind,I'll see you later,then"Anne smiled."Just so you know,Tendou has picked up swear-words,Ushijima likes drawing,Reon and Goshiki often play together,and Shirabu will want to read to you.Anyway,Bye,mum,please be careful."Semi said,kissing Anne on the forehead.He helped Yamagata get his shoes and coat on,since it was about to rain.Semi also had a bag full of Kawanishi's pyjamas and clothes for tomorrow.Yamagata held Semi's hand gently,his arm held fully up,Semi crouching down slightly,to hold Yamagata's small hand.Semi watched as Yamagata managed to get into the van with ease."Semi gave Yamagata the seatbelt and he strapped himself in.Semi was surprised when he found that Yamagata could do most of the stuff the others needed help with by himself.

Semi arrived with Yamagata and made sure he sanitized his hands again.When they got in,Yamagata was watching a tiny tv."Ah!Yamagata,Yamagata!"Kawanishi smiled.Yamagata jumped up on a chair and then onto the bed.Semi smiled.All of the tubes had been removed and the stitches healed.Yamagata hugged Kawanishi gently and watched tv with him while Semi sat on the chair.Semi fell asleep for awhile,the two colouring,watching tv,and Yamagata took Semi's phone from his pocket and played games with Kawanishi.When Semi did eventually wake up,it was late in the evening.Yamagata and Kawanishi were laying next to each other,asleep.Semi smiled and then realised his boss was there."Ah!Mr-I mean boss!When did you arrive?"Semi asked."Oh,not too long ago,you're pretty cute when you sleep,haha"the boss laughed.Semi blushed"T-Thanks...."(I ship Semi and his boss.Jk it hard-core ship SemiShira but In this story it doesn't exactly work.Should I make them date in the end or not?They are the same age,btw....)His boss laughed again and then asked"How are the others getting along,I saw them,but never asked."Semi sighed and smiled softly"Well....they've all taken to volleyball,Tendou picked up swearwords that I'll definatley get him out of saying,Ushijima likes to draw,Yamagata can do things for himself a lot now,Shirabu tried to read a big book on war and racism that I take off of him practically everyday,and Reon plays with Goshiki,often making sure he doesn't eat anything he shouldn't.It's sweet."His boss laughed and smiled"I bet it is.Your mother is enjoying the babysitting,I presume?"Semi nodded softly and said"Yeah....she is.A lot more than I thought,too.Where's my phone?Oh god did I leave it at home?""It's in Hayato-Kun's hand.""O-Oh....thanks"Semi smiled nervously.Semi called his mother.

"Hey mum,are the kids okay?"

"They're fine,just eating dinner,now.Tendou swore again but he didn't get away with it."

"That's good to hear....Oh is it okay to leave some food for Yamagata out and wrapped in tinfoil or something?He hasn't eaten yet,I will be home in an hour or so,I think."

"Got it.I'll make you something,too."

"Thanks mum.I have to go,bye."

And with that,Semi hung up,smiling gently at his boss."Thanks for coming when you need to work...It must be hard...juggling these things about..."Semi said softly."Its fine,Eita-Kun.I don't mind it.You're raising these kids miles better than I thought you would"He smiled.Semi laughed nervously and looked to the sleeping boys.He picked Yamagata up and cradled him in his arms."Can you watch him for awhile?Just while I take him back for dinner and bed.He's never going to miss his bedtime,ever.As long as I live"Semi grinned."Of course I will"his boss smiled."Thank you"Semi said,leaving the hospital.

When Semi got in he collapsed onto the sofa with a sigh.Shirabu was reading the huge book about war and racism again.Semi took it off of him."You can read it when you're older,Kenjirou,okay?"Semi smiled.Shirabu pouted and went to read a book about dinosaurs.Tendou was watching Ushijima draw with an intent smile on his face.As happy as they all seemed,despite their past,Semi knew that they knew they weren't brothers.That broke his heart.Kawansihi would be coming him the next day.That was enough to brighten anyone's spirits.They could finally be back onto the right track.After at least three days.

Hey,so,I was wondering...should Semi date his boss,in the end.I hard-core ship SemiShira,but,it won't work in this book,because of the pretty much 17 year age gap.I also want to thank everyone that reads this and is patient enough to wait for a new chapter.I wanted to enter this in the watty's but it needs five parts....(;-;).

I was meant to say something else but I forgot.Meh.I am gonna draw now.

Later crew~Fleet.

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