He thought taking care of all these kids alone for the care home would be fun.They said they were sweet little ones,so Semi had no idea what to expect.All he knew was that there was seven kids that he'd be living with.He was payed to watch them at his own house all the time.

It's only to help the care home,who couldn't deal with these children.They belonged to people who used to live there.They were either put on the care-homes doorstep,since they didn't have orphanages in Miyagi,or they were kids who's parents had died in the care home.

"Hello,how can I help you?:the receptionist asked."Uh,I'm here to take seven kids home with me"Semi said."Oh,Semi Eita,if course,take a seat while boss comes to collect you"she smiled sweetly.Semi nodded and sat down.The wait wasn't long,five minutes or so,maybe.

He was motioned over so he followed.

"Thank you so much for taking care if these kids,Semi-San.We just couldn't keep them in this environment.We'll give you enough money to pay for food,their clothes,toys and your bills.Everything like that."The boss explained.

Semi nodded.

They were all stood with their tiny little rucksacks and in their cute little clothes.

"That's Shirabu Kenjirou,he's four"the boss said,pointing to the four-year-old that has his bangs cut diagonally,longer on his right side than his left.His hair was also a caramel colour.His sharp eyes matched his hair and he was wearing a coat over his blue shirt and black jeans.

Semi nodded.

"That's Goshiki Tsutomu,he's the youngest,only three years old."The boss said,moving his finger to Goshiki.

Goshiki had straight bangs and the rest of his hair fell into a bowl-cut type hairstyle.He is bits of hair that could be brushed behind his ears but weren't.He was wearing a purple jumper and some shorts,with small trainers.

"That's Reon Ohira.He's five"Boss said,pointing to a quite tall child.He had dark skin and his hair was shaved at the sides,leaving a patch of fluffy hair on his head.He was wearing a t-shirt and a coat.He also wore trainers and some knee-long shorts.He gave Semi a bright smile.

He pointed to the boy stood next to Reon."That's Ushijima Wakatoshi.He's five too"the boss smiled softly"he doesn't talk much."

Ushijima had short brown-green hair with olive eyes,he was looking away and appeared to be sulking but Semi could tell he wasn't.He was wearing a red t-shirt and had blue shorts on with white-socks and black trainers.

Grasping onto Ushijima,was a boy with red hair.It was in a cute lil' bowl cut and he was adorable."That's Tendou Satori,he's probably going to be the one you'll have a hard time with.He's five."the boss explained.Semi nodded and smiled slightly.

Tendou was wearing a white t-shirt and red shorts,he was tall,but not as tall as from or Ushijima.He also had tears in his eyes and was holding onto Ushijima like his life depended on it.

"That's Yamagata Hayato.Five years old too,he's quite rebellious and violent,but he can be sensitive so don't yell to hard at him."the boss said.Semi was quite intimidated by him,even though he was five.He had sharp brown eyebrows and the sides of his hair were shaved quite short,letting the top part grow quite long.He was wearing a cute little blue jumper and had black jeans on.He also wore black trainers.

"And finally,this is Kawanishi Taichi,he's four"boss pointed.

Kawanishi had spiky brown hair and seemed bored,he also had his index finger and thumb pinching part of Yamagata's jumper.He was wearing a cream coloured jumper and black shorts,he was wearing long socks and white trainers.

"Oh yeah,he has allergies,here's the list"boss said,handing Semi the list.

Semi smiled and folded up the list,shoving it into his back pocket.

He crouched down all of their height."My name is Semi Eita,Nice to meet you"he smiled.

Reon smiled back at Semi and said a friendly little"Nice two meet woo."

"I'll help you seat them in the car.Maybe come and help you get them in a settled?"The boss asked.

"You would?Thank you!I think it'll be nice for them to have someone they know with them to at least get them there.My car is an eight seater,though.We can't all sit in there,can we?"Semi asked.

"I'll put little Goshiki on my lap.He gets tired easily.Plus,the four will be going to school in a few months.You'll probably need to mentally prepare yourself for that"The boss laughed.

Semi offered his hands out.Ushijima took one and Tendou took Ushijima's.Yamagata took Semi's other hand while Kawanishi took Yamagata's.

"Do I have twoo howd hands?"Reon asked politely.Semi chuckled lightly and said"I think you're sensible enough.Just stay close,okay?Maybe you should help Goshiki to the car hmm?"

Reon nodded and re-adjusted his backpack,then took Goshiki's hand.

"Just rucksacks?"Semi asked,standing up,though,not completely as he had small children on each hand.

"Yeah,they don't own much.They've not got many clothes.I'll buy them some and drop them off tomorrow"The boss said.

He kept a close eye on Reon and Goshiki.As well as Shirabu who didn't ask to not hold hands and just went anyway.

They all piled into the car,all sitting on their car-seats.Apart from Goshiki,who sat on the boss' lap,sucking his own thumb.

Semi checked Ushijima and Tendou who were sat in the very back,Yamagata,Reon and Kawanishi who were in the middle,Goshiki who was on boss' lap and Shirabu who was sat in the middle of the front three seats in the van,that they were all strapped in.

He strapped himself into the car,shoved in his keys,turned then and started to drive.

Goshiki turned to the side slightly and tapped part of the door underneath the window.He began to suck his thumb again and watched the trees pass by.

Semi heard the slight chatter of the five in the back and noticed Shirabu staring at all the movements he made while driving.

Shirabu kept brushing part of his hair back behind his ear like a bunny would,using both hands,covering his face first.

Semi kept his eyes on the road and eventually they arrived at Semi's house.

Semi's house was expensive and he'd recently moved in.It had five bedrooms,one spare one was to be used as a playroom.It had an expensive kitchen downstairs and a bathroom in each bedroom,one in the kitchen and another in the hallway.Semi's parents insisted on paying half,once they found out how many kids he'd be tackling with,and offered to help when they could.

Semi had made sure to buy a cot for Goshiki,twelve bed gates to stop the kids from falling off of each side of the bed,six actual beds and a hell of a lot of toys as well as clothes that are the correct sizes since he found out what clothes the kids wore earlier.

Semi helped them all out of the car and into the house,making sure they were in pairs,apart from Reon who was allowed off by himself and Shirabu,who did whatever he wanted.Semi carried Goshiki in.Who seemed tired from the car journey.

Everyone took off their shoes.

Semi locked the front door-just in case-and began to show the kids around.

"Ok.This is the kitchen.You don't come into the kitchen without me.I have to be here when you come on here.I have to.Got it?"Semi said.

The question was responded by a series of nods from the children.Semi then showed them to the living room."You can come in here whenever you want apart from nightime.When I say bed you have to go to sleep"Semi explained.The kids nodded again and Semi hoped they understood.

He led everyone upstairs,still carrying Goshiki who had fallen asleep.He didn't mind though,Goshiki would constantly be in his sight anyway,he was the youngest,still only just turned three,possibly still in the mindset of a two-year-old.

"Okay,three bedrooms.You're going to have to share.Do you want to choose?"Semi asked.

"Ushima"Tendou said,holding on to Ushijima."Okay"Semi smiled."Kawanshi"Yamagata growled,protectivly grabbing Kawanishi.Semi nodded."Shirabu,Reon,are you okay to share?"Semi asked.They both nodded,being the most chilled out of the group.

Semi pointed to his room."This is my room.If you wake up in the night or need anything at nightime then come and get me,okay?"Semi said.Everyone nodded again.

Semi led them all to a big room full of children's books,toys and some pens,pencils and paper to draw on."This is where you can be messy and make a mess but after you play you must pick everything up,okay?"Semi explained,only to get nods again.

He led everyone down the stairs and to the back garden.It was a huge garden.It could fit at least one hundred people,maybe more."You guys ask me when you want to go out here.If you let yourself out here without asking me,you'll not be allowed out for the rest of the day"Semi said.

They all went back inside and into the living room.Boss didn't sit down,though."It seems you have a good grasp on this.I will take my leave now.If you need help you have my number,right?"Boss asked.Semi nodded and grinned.

Semi put Goshiki down in a comfy bouncy chair.It was slanted diagonally and when a baby is awake they would bounce around and wear themselves out in it.It may seem like Goshiki is a newborn but he is just a bouncy three-year-old and Semi was warned.So he took it up on himself and information from his mother about what energetic three-year-olds are like.He also made sure to get one specifically for toddlers,just so Goshiki could fit into it.

Semi waved his boss out of the door and sat on the sofa with an exasperated sigh."Man,they're all too cute"he smiled.

Semi stood up when he realised the kids had nothing to do.Yamagata and Shirabu were growling at each other while Reon was pointing to a painting and showing Kawanishi.Goshiki was drifting in and out of sleep.Ushijima was watching and listening to Tendou who was lying on the floor with him and pointing out patterns they could see on Semi's ceiling.

Semi looked into the top drawer and pulled out some paper,he also pulled out some pencils and rubbers.He turned back to the table and set them all down."Hey,who wants to do some drawing?"Semi asked.

All of the kids gathered around the table and started drawing.Ushijima was the one concentrating the most,Semi found.

After about ten minutes Goshiki started to cry.Semi wasn't warned about how much Goshiki cries.Semi picked Goshiki up and then moved back to the big coffee table in the middle of the room.He sat cross-legged and had Goshiki sat on his lap.Goshiki stretched his hands out and went to reach for a pencil.Semi tucked himself in and Goshiki grabbed some paper and scribbled on it.

Ushijima stood up and held out a piece of paper for Semi.Semi used one hand to take it."Wow!That's really good Ushijima!Are you going to draw some more?"Semi asked.Ushijima nodded and took the paper back.He sat down and began drawing again.He came back five minutes later and Ushijima showed him another picture of a volleyball.The second drawing of a volleyball that day."Woah,you're really good!How about drawing something other than a volleyball?"Semi asked.Ushijima came back again half an hour later with a picture of Tendou and his little bowl cut."Awwww that's really amazing!Why don't you give it to Tendou?"Semi asked.Ushijima's eyes brightened and he jogged over to Tendou happily.Tendou looked at the piece of paper and hugged Ushijima.

Semi smiled to himself and busied himself with Goshiki and the other kids,making sure he kept an eye on them.

A couple of hours later,Semi had finished cooking dinner,occasionally he had checked on the kids.He layed all the plates out and got some small chairs for the kids to sit on at their little table in the kitchen.They all gratefully ate their food.There was the ocaissonal"Semi-San,hewlp mwe cut my fwood pwlease"or"Semi-San,can I have a dwink?"but other than that,dinner went very well.

Semi took the seven outside into the the backgarden and showed them how to play a few games.They even started receiving soft balls.

Shirabu fell and cut his knee which meant Semi counted on the rest to watch Goshiki while he cleaned Shirabu's knee.Shirabu fought against Semi and cried and screamed;anyone would've thought he was being murdered.Even when Semi bandaged Shirabu's knee,Shirabu still cried.Semi had to sit in a rocking chair in the backgarden that used to belong to his grandma,and rock Shirabu until he had stopped crying."Do you still want to play?"Semi asked.Shirabu sniffled and nodded.Semi kissed his forehead tenderly and put him on the floor.

When Semi thought all of the kids were tired he ushered them into the house,making sure they took their shoes off by the back door.He helped Shirabu take his shoes off,since his leg hurt to much.It made Semi think 'I wonder if I overreacted that bad when I was little?'

Semi carried Shirabu and Goshiki up the stairs,even though Goshiki was making it very clear that he was,in fact,not tired.Semi brushed it off and let Goshiki wander about the rooms when he was helping everyone get their clothes on.It turned out everyone but Kawanishi and Goshiki didn't need help.Although,that night Shirabu did,since he had hurt his knee.Yamagata,being the attention seeker he was,demanded that Semi help him too.

Semi tried his best to put Goshiki to bed in his room but the three-year-old just kept going.Kicking,struggling,and yelling.Semi gave up and took Goshiki downstairs with him.Goshiki got some paper from the coffee table and began to scribble.Semi picked him up and said"Ah.Ah.Ah.It's grown-up time now.You don't do that now.You've got to sit and behave.No drawing."Goshiki pouted and hit Semi in the chest a few times."Mmmmnnn!Me wan' pway!"Goshiki pouted."No"Semi said firmly,grabbing Goshiki's hands gently.

So,after what seemed like an age,Semi finally managed to get Goshiki to sleep.It was ten O'clock when that happened,so Semi decided to sleep too.He sighed and said farewell to bingewatching Netflix on the weekend.

Semi was woken up at two in the morning to Goshiki crying and shouting"Sem-San!Sem-San!I'm dying.....I'm dying!"Semi heaved himself out of bed and hugged Goshiki gently,too tired to pick him up.Goshiki sobbed into Semi's chest.It took ten minutes for him to fall asleep.

Then,at two-thirty in the morning,he was woken up by Kawanishi and Yamagata at his bedroom door.They both claimed to have had nightmares.Semi let them both in.Then Ushijima and Tendou arrived later in the morning's.Then Shirabu and then Reon,who realised he was alone and didn't like it.

That morning,Semi awoke with Tendou's foot on his chest,Ushijima draped over his waist,Reon comfortably sleeping normally next to him,Shirabu next to his head,and Yamagata and Kawanishi curled at each corner of the end of the bed.

Semi lifted his head up,white-grey hair all messy,bags under his eyes,drool down his face and pains in his neck from sleeping funny.He heard little snores from the kids.

Semi gently lifted up Ushijima,so that he didn't get suffocated under the thick covers.Semi sighed in frustration and lay his head back down.

He decided to catch up on some sleep.Although,he only for half-an-hour because he was awoken by Tendou jumping about on his chest."Semi-San!I'm hungry!"Tendou yelled,waking up all of them apart from Kawanishi and Reon.

Semi sat up and held Tendou's back to stop him falling."Ok,Ok.I'll go and make you some cereal.You guys go back to sleep"Semi whispered."No,I want bweekfast!"Shirabu pouted.It was followed by a series of 'me too's' and 'me as weww.'

Semi watched as the kids munched breakfast.He had had no choice but to wake up Kawanishi and Reon.He promised the two a nap later on in the day.

He helped them all pour the milk and sit on the tiny chairs in the dining room.The only thought in his head was 'how will I deal with all of this and not get into trouble because of them?'


Most of you will probably come from my haikyuu oneshots book,little haikyuu things book,or my ask Suga book.

The next chapter won't be as long as this.

This was:2839 words.It won't be this long next time.Maybe 1000+ words.

I just had to make this long do everyone knew what was going on.I hope you enjoy this book.It won't have many chapters.Please check out my other books.

Thank you.


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