"Wait Heim-lich like Jaim-e? They both start with an H sound." Mike noted.
"That wasn't a joke! I'm being serious!"
"Move out of the way please." Billie Joe said, parting the large mass of people to get to Jaime.
"Vic! Get a hold of yourself!" Mike yelled. "What's wrong with you?"
Vic only cried harder.
Billie Joe grabbed Jaime and propped him up in his seat. "Pete. Dallon. Grab his sides so he doesn't fall."
"NOT SO HARD! HOLD HIM GENTLY!" Vic screeched.
"Mike! Take your brother out of the room, please! He's hysterical!"
"Yes sir." Mike said, dragging his screaming brother out of the room.
Even with Vic gone it was still chaotic inside the diner. Joe was crying too and Patrick was upset to see Vic so sad. Gerard was running around trying to find a pen to make a song about this tragic event between two secret lovers. Well, who knew if Jaime felt the same way. Dallon and Pete were patiently grabbing Jaime, hoping they wouldn't be apart of someone's death.
Billie Joe wrapped his arms around Jaime's sides and got into position. He hiked his arms up firmly. Once. Twice. Third time is the charm. On the third try he coughed and the food came back up. He gasped for breath, his nose and eyes running.
"Jaime! You alright there buddy?" Pete asked, receiving a shaky nod from Jaime.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, glad that Jaime was okay.
"Jaime you friggin turtle!" Billie Joe shamed. "You scared the crap outta us! Chew your food next time, would ya?" he playfully slapped Jaime on the back.
"It's not that I didn't chew, there was this giant clump of cheese hidden in the nachos. It nearly choked me to death."
"Yeah we saw." Frank said.
"Hey it tasted good though." Jaime said.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he liked the taste, maybe he would forget that he almost died from their food.
"W-where's Vic?" Jaime asked nervously.
"He is outside with Mike. He couldn't handle the thought of you dying so he had to leave." Ryan answered.
Jaime blushed and tried to stand up to leave the room.
"Uh uh uh... You're too weak to leave. Let us get him for you." Billie Joe said, patting Jaime on the shoulder."
Mikey left the room quickly to retrieve the Fuentes brothers. But he only came back out with Mike.
"Where's Vic?" someone asked.
"He's uh... to embarrassed to come in." Mikey said cautiously.
Jaime's face fell. "What do you mean."
*awkward silence*
"Ugh I'll go get him!" Patrick said.
Patrick left the door and stepped on to the beach. He circled the building and found Vic on the West side of it, slumped against the wall looking sad.
"Vic! Vic, what's the matter?" Patrick asked, kneeling down beside Vic.
"Well clearly something is wrong, otherwise you would not be sitting against this wall here with your butt in the sand."
Vic smiled a bit. "I- I just... it's stupid..."
"No it's not. Tell me."
"I just feel so embarrassed. I spilled my heart out to Jaime in there a minute ago! I actually thought he was going to die."
"We all did. There's no shame in telling someone how you really feel. Plus I think he likes you back." Patrick said, smirking.
"Why would you think that?"
"Vic it's so obvious."
Vic sighed. "Thanks Patrick. That really helped. You're great, man."
Patrick smiled. "Glad I could help."
They stood up and stretched, ready to go back in.
"Hey, Patrick?"
"What made you an expert on this topic?"
"I'm not sure. I was really good at matchmaker in high school. Plus I understand how you feel. Believe me, I've had a crush on this one guy for waaay too long. It's bad." Patrick said.
Patrick looked horrified. "W-what? Why would you think P... Pete?"
"Just a guess. He's into you, you know."
"Why do you think that?"
"Like you said, it's obvious." Vic said smirking.
Back in the diner
"Okay okay everybody, reel it back in. Patrick and Vic are back." Billie Joe said, raising his voice. "Oh and Ray, to answer your question: deep fried pumpernickel toast on a Wednesday."
"Interesting." Ray said.
"Finish up your meals and let's move on to the judging process. Jaime, please chew your food this time."
"I did!" Jaime yelled, scowling.
The rest of the time crept by slowly. The band members observed as the judges ate every morsel of food. Finally they were finished. It was time for their last evaluation. If this went well, they could be safe and could continue living in the luxurious house with the help of Billie Joe. If it went poorly then Billie Joe would not help them anymore. They'd be back to sleeping around a burned out fire in the cold night air and climbing coconut trees for food while trying to escape.
"Vic. You judge first." Billie Joe said when they had finished eating.
"Judge or say my thoughts on the dish?"
Billie Joe shook his head, his black hair going all over the place. "You know what I mean."
"Okay so I really liked this food... NOT!" Vic said, laughing uncontrollably.
"Vic! Let's be serious, okay?"
"Sorry sorry. I liked it. The nachos were a great choice. The cheese could have been spicier b-"
"It wasn't spicy at all." Ryan said.
"Yeah I know. That's why it could have been spicier." Vic said, getting nods of agreement from Mike and Jaime.
"We weren't trying to make it-" Ryan was cut off.
"Ahem. Don't interrupt me while I am judging" Vic said, laughing. "But other than the plain cheese it was good. I don't know why Jaime had trouble eating them but I liked them. The cupcakes were good. I'm more of a cake kind of guy but they looked nice."
"And Mike?" Billie Joe asked.
Mike cleared his throat deeply. "It was awesome! The cupcakes were amazing! Slightly overdone but I like burned food. The lemon water was delicious. I would have liked a bit less lemon but it was still good and the nachos were perfect, minus the not-spicy part."
"And lastly, Jaime."
"I liked it too. I mean, the nachos tasted alright but let's not forget I was close to seeing Jesus tonight. Had Billie Joe not performed the Heimlich I would have been a Goner. Thank goodness I was able to catch my breath though. Though I am a bit weak and beaten down from that incident I'll let it slip because the cupcakes were really good. And the water was quite refreshing."
"Now it's time for judging. When I say go I want all three of you to hold up your score cards to the chefs. Remember, they must score a 70% or higher average in order to pass. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... GO!"
The go was kind of unexpected so they held up their cards at different times.
9.5 from Vic
8 from Jaime
10 from Mike.
"Hold on!" Billie Joe said. "Let me take out my handy dandy TI- 84 plus from back in high school. Oh gosh I hated algebra."
He fiddled away with his calculator for a whole three minutes. "Congratulations! You got a 92%!"
Then everyone was scream and cheering, hugging and each other and dancing around. Relief wasn't even a good word to describe how they felt. Everyone was so thankful they passed. One challenge down, two more to go.
"You have passed today's test and now you can move on to tomorrow's challenge! Rest up! I will be outside your door tomorrow at 11:00 A.M. sharp. I expect you all to be up, dressed, fed, and ready to go."
"How can we be well fed if you don't leave any food for us in the cabinets?" Brendon asked.
"Oh yeah. Um... we can work out a little something tonight."
Everyone cheered again.
"Now go! Go back to the house and I'll get you guys something to eat tomorrow. You deserve a break."
"Thank you!" they all yelled.
"Hey where did Vic and Jaime go?" Mike asked.
"Who knows." Billie Joe responded.
Everyone left the diner on high. They were proud of themselves and ready to head back to the house for some relaxing, rewinding, and maybe some partying.
Of course, everyone looked to their left. There to greet them was Vic and Jaime making out on the side of the diner wall.
"Wow." Mike said. "No big deal. Just my brother and my friend. Nope. No biggie. Wow."
"Get a room you two!" someone yelled.
Billie Joe smirked and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a room appeared on the shore. It had large windows on one side and by looking in the windows they could clearly see it was a bedroom.
"Eww come on Billie Joe! This is my brother and my friend we are talking about! Stop it please!" Mike whined.
Billie Joe laughed harder until he felt bad for Mike and made the room disappear.
Back at the house
"Okay so you want a waffle breakfast?" Billie Joe asked, notepad in hand.
"With lots of toppings." Ray reminded.
"With lots of toppings." Billie Joe repeated
"And don't forget the whipped cream." Ryan said.
"Don't forget the whipped cream." Billie Joe said slowly as he wrote down each word.
"I don't care if I get made fun of for this but you better bring a bowl of chocolate chips for toppings. Don't judge me." Pete said.
"Bring a bowl of chocolate chips..."
"And don't burn the waffles! Gerard always burns waffles when he makes them!" Mikey shouted.
"Don't burn them..." Billie Joe scribbled away. "Alright is that all?" He looked up from his notepad.
"Yep. That's all."
"Thank you!" the castaways yelled out.
"You're every welcome. Get some good rest and remember I will be here tomorrow at 11:00 A.M for your second challenge."
"Goodnight!" someone called out.
The door shut.
Nobody moved.
They listened to Billie Joe's footsteps.
They heard the crack of lightning.
He was gone.
Everybody cheered.
Except for Patrick who tore out of the room and ran upstairs.
"Is he... okay?" Mikey asked.
"He'll be fine." Pete answered, taking a sip of the drink he somehow already opened.
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