◌ Eighteen ◌

"Stop!" the voice repeated.

Brendon opened his eyes and shoved Dallon away, planning a fake story to convince Ryan "it wasn't what it looked like."

But it was. It was exactly what it looked like.

Brendon looked at the silhouette standing in the door frame. To his surprise and relief, it was definitely not Ryan. He was short and wore a fedora.


"What the flippin fedoras is going on in here?" Patrick stood in the doorway with his jaw wide open. He was absolutely speechless. What had he just walked in on? How much had happened before he got there?

"It's none of my business I guess but I'm just highly suggesting that you two do not do anything you will regret. Please? For me? We are all stuck here together. We need each other. If we can all work as a team then we can make it out of here alive. Please just... please."

Patrick left the room without waiting for an explanation. He kept the door wide open in hopes that the duo will come to their senses and leave. He climbed back into is bed and hid under the covers, trying to erase the image from his mind. They had only been kissing but if Patrick had arrived as little as five seconds later, who knows what they would have been doing.

Poor, poor Ryan. Patrick questioned if he should alert him of what went down or not tell him and hope Brendon admits it on his own. Ryan deserved to know. His eyelids became heavier the more he thought about it. Before he knew it, he was drifting asleep.

The next morning

Gerard emerged from his bedroom exactly at 8:30am. He was ready to start the day and dominate this challenge. He stopped in the bathroom for a few minutes to use the toilet and fix his hair before heading downstairs. In the bathroom he found Pete who seemed to be applying eyeliner.

"Pete you wear make up?" Gerard asked.

Pete took a deep breath and looked Gerard in the eyes before saying, "Make up is f****** great for a guy. Because it makes a guy look beautiful. And a lot of times, a guy is not beautiful. And I wanna change that. I want to make sure that everybody thinks that guys are beautiful"

Gerard just pretended he didn't hear what Pete said.

He washed his face and eventually, Pete left. Once he finished up, he went downstairs. Only half of the group was downstairs. Gerard was greeted by Joe who handed him a glass of coconut milk and half a slice of bread. The loaf of bread Joe found in his suitcase was running out quickly so they had to plan accordingly.

"Is everyone else asleep?" Mikey called from across the room.

"Yeah I think so." Gerard answered, nibbling on the end of the now stale bread. Some fool left the bag open last night. Gerard's bet was on Brendon.

He looked around the room. Mikey and Joe were chatting in the kitchen while Pete, Andy, and Ray were trying to learn the rules to Baccarat or, "Barakat" as Pete continuously pronounced wrong by accident.

"How did you guys get these coconuts open?" Gerard asked.

"Oh, we heaved them at the wall." Joe said, pointing to the wet dents on the wall behind the couch.

"What time do you think the challenge will begin? Gerard asked.

"I'm not sure but let's assume it's soon. We want to be fully prepared." Joe answered, fixing plates of breakfast for the remaining five people.

"Should we wake them up?" Gerard asked.

"Yeah sure. can you do that while I finish breakfast?"

Gerard nodded and stuffed the last chunk of bread in his mouth. He skipped up the steps, taking them two at a time. He knocked on a random closed door and heard a small "come in" behind it.

Gerard carefully opened the door to see Patrick who looked exhausted. "I'm coming."

"Good. We want to get ready soon so we can prepare ourselves mentally for Cook For A Day." Gerard informed him.

"Okay. Be down in a bit."

Gerard closed the door behind him and saw Ryan walking downstairs.

"Hey Ryan! We have to get ready quick for our first challenge." Gerard said, earning a nervous smile from Ryan.

Gerard turned to his left to open the next door but he froze when he heard a strange noise coming from further down the hall. It sounded like several heavy sobs. Gerard, not remebering who was sleeping in that room, cautiously tapped his kncukles on the door. A strained voice answered.

"Who... who is it?"

"Pete Wentz from My Chemical Romance."

"Hey! That's my joke!" The voice said, cheering up a bit.

Gerard opened the door to see Brendon, laying under the covers with tears streaming down his face. His pillow was soaking wet and his eyes were red and puffy from crying. He looked like a complete mess.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Gerard asked quietly.

"I... I..." Brendon broke down again, crying louder this time. Gerard shut the door to keep the volume down.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"No it's, it's just... I just did some... stupid, stupid stuff that I regret. Well I didn't actually do anything but I was about to. And I regret it."

Gerard was confused about when this event occurred but he figured Brendon did not want to talk about it. "Well there you go. You didn't actually do it. Don't beat yourself up over something that never happened. You did, or almost did, something wrong and you realize it wasn't the right thing to do. What matters is that you know not to do it again."

Brendon sniffed and thanked Gerard for his heartfelt words. He was making a big deal out of something that never happened. He was drunk, stumbled into the wrong room, sat next to Dallon and... and they kissed. It wasn't even a real kiss. Other than that it wasn't an issue.

But at the same time, it was. If Patrick never interrupted them, they would have carried on and who knows what would have happened.

9:00 A.M in the kitchen

Everyone was prepared for the first challenge. They were each fed and clothed and seated at the two kitchen tables waiting on Billie Joe to arrive. Moments later he did.

"Good morning everyone." He said, finishing off his sort from his big entrance from the sky.

"Good morning Billie." They responded in unison like a group of obedient students.

"Does everybody know what today is?" He asked.

Everyone nodded except Joe who said "Nope."

"Really Joe?" Gerard said confused. You and I had a whole conversation about it this morning!"

"Just kidding." Joe said.

It was awkward for a minute before Billie Joe some up and said, "Is he always like this?"

To which Andy replied with a curt nod and a "Yes, Sir."

"Okay! Moving on now. Let me repeat the rules of challenge number one: Cook For A Day." Once again, he passed out the little pictures of the challenge. This time, the back had all the rules written on it in sloppy handwriting.

"You will be making several meals for the members of the band Pierce The Veil. You can cook whatever you like it just has to have all the necessary components that are on a paper I will hand out in a moment. Pierce The Veil will then individually judge your food. They will rate it on a scale of 1-10. Then they will average their scores out and give you one final score. To win this challenge you have to stay above an 70%." He handed out four plastic trays and explained that at the end of the session, whatever was on the tray was going to be judged and scored whether it was complete or not. Next he passed out two pieces of paper and said if anyone had questions, just call.

"Hold on, I thought it was 80% at some point." Pete said.

"What?" Billie Joe said. "I never said that."

"I swear you told us 80%." Ray added. Several people nodded and mumbled in agreement.

"Um... I changed my mind!" Billie Joe said suddenly.

After a quick bolt of lightning, he was gone.

"Alright. Let's read the papers he passed out." Frank said, examining the paper before reading out loud. "It says first we need to cook up a delicious breakfast in bed for four."

"In bed? What beds?" Andy asked.

"Our beds?"

"Ew they better stay out of my room!" Ray warned.

"Let's hope not. I guess we'll find out." Frank said. "The dish must have a main food and a small side. The cabinets are currently stocked with all sorts of food items and utensils. You have until 9:30 A.M to prepare and everything must be completed by 10:30 A.M."

"So no drinks?" Brendon asked.

"Well it didn't say so." Frank said, nervous.

"Why? Were you planning on serving them alcohol with breakfast?" Ryan asked sarcastically, laughing.

"Well no but they better ask for drinks with lunch." Brendon said.

"Alright let's get started!" Mikey exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

They got comfortable in the living room seats. It was a tight space for eleven people, a few chairs had to be pulled over, but nobody seemed to mind. Frank ended up being the leader figure. He sat on the couch hunched over the small coffee table, scribbling ideas down on a scrap piece of paper they dug up.

"We need to do something simple. This is our first challenge of the day and we don't want to screw it up." Andy said.

"Okay how about Pop-Tarts?" Dallon asked.

"No! Not that simple! Isn't that kinda cheating?" Andy asked.

"Probably and what are the chances they happen to have Pop-Tarts in the cabinets?" Joe stepped in.

"Slim to none. They would obviously be in the fridge." Andy said.

"The fridge? You refrigerate your Pop-Tarts?" Ray said, shocked.

"Yeah you don't?"

"No! What normal person does?"

The arguing continued for another minute until another bolt of lightning filled the room. It was Billie Joe and he looked worried.

"Everyone, stop!" he yelled, before the smoke dissipated.

"What? What's wrong!" Frank said, worried they'd messed up before they even took to the kitchen.

"I forgot to give you something very important!" Billie Joe said, out of breath.

Whatever it was, it was clearly a big deal.

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