Chapter 5: Rescue the Gessen Squad

At the woods outside of Tokyo we see Y/n and his team training as they swing their Katanas as hard as possible with Y/n in front training along side them. After some intense training they stop for a break.

They all sat around pulling out their foods and digging it down as they are enjoying the peaceful moment.

Akira: So Y/n?

Y/n: Yes Akira?

Akira: I was wondering about those shinobi girls? You find them attractive don't ya?

Y/n: I suppose they are.

Akira: I mean come on, any guy would love to be approach my a few attractive girls.

Hinata: Still their shinobi outfits are a bit.....revealing?

Kotoha: Can't really complain. If that helps them move around or other things then that's fine by me.

Mako: Same.

Hinata: If you say so? But in serious topics, let's talk about that mysterious Gedoshu. The one who is a skull samurai.

Akira: Yeah I do wonder what side is he on. More importantly do you think he'll return for a rematch.

Y/n: That is why we are trying. We still need to be ready no matter what. Anything may happen and we must master with all of our skills to face the challenges ahead.

Kotoha: (smile) Right.

Mako: (smile) We keep on training no matter what.

Hinata was about to respond when he heard something behind him. He turns around which the rest notice and turn to hear the sound getting closer and closer.

Seconds later a young teenage girl step out of the forest looking injured with her clothing a bit torn and ripped as she looks up at them and mutters.

???: Help....them....please.

She then collapse and passes out in front of them.


(Sometime later)

At the Shinkenger base we find the teenager girl laying on the bed then she woke up then immediately sat up from shock.

She looks around seeing she is at an unknown place when the door opens and Y/n walks in.

???: Who are you?! Did you kidnap me?

Y/n: No. You were injured and passed out when you found us. We took you here so you can be healed. My name is Y/n L/n, I'm the leader of my clan.

???: Clan? A shinobi clan?

Y/n: No. A samurai clan.

???: A samurai clan? Wait, Asuka told us about you and your clan.

Y/n: You know Asuka?

She node then tries to get off but felt a sharp pain which Y/n stops her.

Y/n: You're too injured to leave your bed. What is your name and what happen to you?

Yumi: My name is Yumi and me and my team were in the forest when we discovered a weird temple deep in the forest. It looked evil so I warned my team but they go in to check it out. I follow them only to be jumped by those monsters. We tried to fight back but they were too powerful....especially this large monster who must be their leader. I've managed to escape but couldn't go back to save my team so I ran.

Y/n: Then you found us and passed out.

Yumi: Yes.

Y/n: The rest must be captured by the Gedoshu.

Yumi: I must rescue them.

Y/n: Like i said you are too injured. Allow us to find your team and rescue them.

Yumi: Are you sure?

Y/n: Of course. Just tell me where is this mysterious temple and we will go there and find them.

Yumi: Okay.


The Shinkengers return to forest and with the help of Yumi they make their way through deep within the forest all awhile keeping an eye on this temple.

Soon Mako notice it in the distances which she points at the temple. They make their way over and it looks really old but Y/n can tell this isn't a human temple but rather a Gedoshu temple.

Hinata: I thought everything about the Gedoshu was gone, including their temples?

Y/n: Same would to survive. This might not be the only one.

Akira: So what does these temples use for?

Y/n: Bases, treasure vaults, powerful relics and so much more. But this one......looks like a place for the Gedoshu to live in.

Akira: Guessing they are trying to make it as their own once again.

Y/n: Not on our watch.

They then enter the temple and when they walk to the middle they immediately sense a trap.

Y/n: Swords up!

They each draw out theie swords just as the Nanashi came down from the darkness above and begin their assault. They block their attacks and begin battling them.

They cut them down all awhile sticking together and not let any of the Nanashi overwhelm them. They kept fighting until all of the Nanashi were slain.

They stood there for a moment with their guards up but after a bit of silence they lowee their guard just a bit. They move through the temple still waiting for another ambush to happen.

They then hear voices around the cornor so they look around the cornor to see the rest of Yumi's team forced to kneel by the Nanashis while a large and strong Gedoshu stood over them.

Rokuroneri: You humans are fools to come here at our temple.

Yozakura: Let us go!

Minori: Yeah your really noisy and ugly.

Rokuroneri: Enough! Any last words before all of you are killed?!

Yozakura: Yumi has escape and she'll bring help!

Rokuroneri: Oh and you will save you? No one. Kill them.

The Nanashi draw out their blades and they were about to cut their heads when an arrows hits the Nanashi and all turn to see Y/n and his team.

Y/n: Your wrong because we are here.

Rokuroneri: You!

They pull out their Shodo phones and called out.

Shinkengers: Ippitu soujou!

They draw their symbols then once done they tranform into Shinkengers as they draw out their swords and get into a battle stand.

Minori: (amazed) Awesome!

Shiki: (smirk) So they are the Shinkengers.

Yozakura: (surprised) Incredible.

Rokuroneri: Get them!

The Nanashi charges towards them while the Shinkengers charge and battles them. With this distraction Yozakura and the rest break free and make their escape from Rokuroneri.

Shinken Red: Gte out of here! We'll distract them while you all escape!

Yozakura: Right! Thank you.

They escape while the Shinkengers defeated the Nanashi and turn their attention towards Rokuroneri.

Rokuroneri: I will ensure you'll feel every singal pain on every singal body!

He then rushes at them while the Shinkengers charges at him but their blades was not enough as they didn't do any damage towards Rokuroneri.

Rokuroneri then push them away and hits them all with his fists. They fly back and roll onto the ground. Shiken Green summon his spear then rushes at him.

Rokuroneri tries swinging his fist but he dodges and swings his spear at his back but didn't work. Rokuroneri turn towards him and was about to crush him only for Shinken Blue fire his bow at him then Shiken Pink blast him with her fan while Shinken Yellow throws her Slicer which hurt him but just a bit.

Shiken Yellow: Damn it! How can we beatthis guy?

Shiken Red: We do this together! Never give up!

Shiken Red summons his Rekka daizantou then land some powerful slashes that dealt some damage. He then slides back and then pulls out his Shodo phone and draws a symbol and launch it towards Rokuroneri which a circle od fire appear around him.

Rokuroneri: This will not stop me!

He launches out of the flames and leaps towards Shiken Red which he draws out his sword and blocks his attack. He then move out of the way which Rokuroneri stumble forward then turn around as all five Shinkengers spin theie disk on their swords then all launch towards Rokuroneri and they each land strikes ar Rokuroneri.

Shinken Red lands the last slash then he spins around and pulls down his Rekka daizantou and slash Rokuroneri in half with a powerful force.

Rokuroneri then blows up which the explosion sent the back and they crash through the wall and land hard on the ground.

They get up and some were about to celebrate when suddenly there was a green glow. Then the temple blown up and Rokuroneri came back but grown info a gaint.

Shinken Green: Starting to get tired at this big monster thing.

Shinken Red: Still we have a job to do.

They pull out their Origami and write their symbols on them which they tranform and begin to grow big as well.

Shinken Red: Samurai combine!

The origami begin to combine the form into the Shinken-Oh which Yozakura and the rest can see in the distances.

Minori: (surprised) Is that a gaint robot!

Shiki: (surprised) Wow, they're lucky to have one.

Murakumo: Agree.

Yozakura: This is beyond amazing!

Rokuroneri let's out a roar and charges you Shinken-Oh and land some blows at Shinken-Oh. The Shinkengers hold on as they keep getting hit then Rokuroneri lands another punch that sent the Shinken-Oh back and crash onto the ground.

Rokuroneri: No one will not stop me! I'm unstoppable!

He walks over and goes for the deadly blow when Shinken-Oh draws out its massive sword and blocks the attack.

Then it kicks Rokuroneri back then gets up and Rokuroneri blocks Shinken-Oh's attacks. Then Rokuroneri catches the blade with his hands as he stare at Shinken-Oh.

Rokuroneri: Gotcha!

Suddenly the lions head shoots out fire at Rokuroneri which cost him to stumble back.

Shinken Red: No one isn't unstable. Every enemies has its weakness!

They then fire their combine beam at Rokuroneri which damage him a lot then Shinken-Oh dashes then with a singal slash he appears behind Rokuroneri.

Rokuroneri stood there for a moment then Rokuroneri falls and once hit the ground he blows up. Shinken-Oh stood up with victory while the rest of the girls cheered.


Back at base Yumi is pleased to see her team safe as they all hug. Y/n and the rest watch this then they all turn to them.

Yumi: (smile) Thank you. You and your team are truly pure of good. We cannot forget this.

Y/n: (smile) It is our pleasure.

Minori: You guys are amazing! You gonna teach us how to summons robots or even get cool suits!

Y/n: Sorry its something hard for you to learn.

Minori: Aww.

Yozakura: (smile) Still thank you. If you need any help just contact us and we can help.

Shiki: (smirk) Or maybe we can ask you out Y/n. You seem very handsome.

She wink at him which made Y/n blush a bit and qo they enjoy the rest od the day getting to know each other while the rest of the Gessen Squad recovers.

To be continued...................................................

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