Chapter 3: Hanging out with Hanzo team

We can hear the alarm clock ring next to Asuka's bed as she let's out a small groan as she reach her hand over and shuts off her alarm clock. She begins to get up and once she Sat's up from her bed she let's out a cute yawn while stretching her body.

She leaves the bed and get herself change and once changed she walk up to the blinds and open to be hit with sun light which she let's out a sigh as she enjoys the sunrise.

She looks out of the window enjoying the sunrise when her phone goes off so she walks over and picks it up to see a text from the hanzo girls as they inform her that they are waiting for her.

Asuka: Oh crap!

She quickly get herself ready all awhile we see the other girls outside of her house and waiting for her. While waiting they hear things fall and slammed until Asuka burst out of the door with a heavy sigh.

Asuka: I'm here.

Katsuragi: (smile) Morning sunshine.

Ikaruga: At least your up just in time. Last time that happen we were standing here for an hour.

Asuka: (smile) Well at least I'm up right?

Katsuragi: (smirk) Yeah you are. Come here!

Then Katsuragi plays with Asuka's breast while Asuka wants Katsuragi to stop as she yell. The other three girls watched as Katsuragi just let's out a sigh.



At hand academy we see the Hanzo team at the hallways talking about things mostly about their training and when Katsuragi hears this she let out a groan.

Katsuragi: More training? Come on Ikaruga can we not just have a break just for a week?

Ikaruga: We can't. With a threat now shown themselves we should work along side with the Shinkengers to defeat this threat.

Katsuragi: That's true. After all i wanted to fight along side him.

Yagyuu: Your just saying that because you want to get closer to him.

Katsuragi: Can you really blame me?! Not only he's super attractive but he's also a cool Samurai warrior! A male ninja is one thing but a Samurai, boy that's ten times hotter.

Hibari: (smile) Not to mention his team are amazing working together. You seen how well they fought together.

Asuka: Yeah it's like they have been working together for a long time.

Ikaruga: I can't help but be amazed of his leadership and his teaching to his team. No wonder he is fit of being the leader.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Yeah! Hey how's about we invite him and his team to hang out with us?

Asuka: (smile) You know that's not a bad idea.

Yagyuu: Why not. I'm on board with that.

Hibari: (smile) I think it will be fun!

Katsuragi: What do you say Ikaruga?

Ikaruga: I suppose it won't hurt to hang out with them.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Heck Yeah! Let's do that girls!

(Sometime later)

We see the Shinkengers being given invites to hang out with the Hanzo team and so they follow the location and once there they see they are at a feld with a lake nearby as they look around.

Akira: Guess this is it.

Hinata: Agree.

Mako: (smile) I think this will be fun to be hanging out with another team.

Kotoha: (smile) Yeah don't you think Y/n?

Y/n: Agree. It is important to maintain peace between two clans in anyway.

Akira: Alright then.

Asuka: Hey all!

They turn to see the Hanzo team came over to them which they greet them back. Sometime has pass and we see them sitting on a blanket and chatting away with snacks that the Hanzo team bring.

Mako, Kotoha, Akira and Hinata were explaining how they each encountered Y/n and how they trained with him to become Shinkengers.

Hibari: (surprised) Wow amazing.

Yagyuu: So how long have you four been with Y/n?

Mako: Not for long but long enough to be ready for anything.

Hinata: Y/n is a good teacher and knows a lot of being a Samurai. If i remember he read all Samurai books in his free time.

Akira: You can say he is a fan of Samurais but he likes other things.

Yagyuu: That we can tell.

Kotoha: So tell us. Are we the only Samurai team in this country?

Asuka: Yeah. We never met any team that are Samurai. Actually Tokyo is may have a large amount of Shinobis.

Akira: Huh so I guess that is sorta cool then?

Hinata: Guess you can say that.

Then Katsuragi gets behind both Kotoha and Mako and grab each of their breast which she squeeze them.

Katsuragi: So how long have you two been with Y/n? Are you two in a relationship with Y/n and if so can you join?

Kotoha: (blush) W-Well a-aren't you friendly.

Mako: (blush) Do you always do this?

Katsuragi: (smirk) Maybe.

Ikaruga: Katsuragi stop that!

Katsuragi: (smirk) Okay~!

Ikaruga sighs while she shake hee head when Y/n hands Ikaruga a drink which made her blush a bit so she takes it and have a sip.

Ikaruga: (blush) Thank you.

Y/n: I can tell your a bit stress.

Ikaruga: Guess you can say that. It's sometimes hard to lead a team knowing how they are.

Y/n: (smile) Maybe but teams aren't always perfect.

Ikaruga: Well your team seem to be perfect.

Y/n: Not always. We make mistakes but we learn from that. One thing I'm glad is that I have a family. We're not blood related but I see my team as a family just like your team.

Ikaruga: Yeah true.

Y/n: Asuka told me you wanted to train her and your team hard so you can aid us in battle right?

Ikaruga: Yeah. We wanted to help in anyway we can so I figured if we train hard then maybe we can succeed.

Y/n: That is a good thing but being blind of training a lot will stress them more than yourself. Take some time to relax and enjoy things with them instead of training a lot. I let my team have breaks from training and have some enjoyment. (Smile) There was this one time Akira try to use hie wind element to cool himself down only to be blown away.

Akira: Hey! I told you not to talk about that!

Y/n: (light chuckle) My apologies but I can't help myself. The point being is to just take things slow and have more time with your team rather then training. Who knows you may miss out some fun.

Ikaruga: Guess so. Maybe I was a bit harsh on them.

Y/n: No you show care towards your team and that's good. Being a leader is a big responsibility and there may not be a good or bad leadership but if the person admits that he or she is wrong and make things right then that's a true leader.

Ikaruga smiles a bit and node as everyone is just enjoying themselves when suddenly they felt a shake so they quickly get up and behind them a crack open and they all turn and a large group of Nanashi came out along with a Ayakashi while wielding a massive sword.

Akira: Oh come on now!

Ootsumuji: I am Oootsumuji. Apologies if I ruined your nice day because your day is going down hill!

He swings his sword at then which a wave travelled and everyone moved out of the way as the slash wave destroyed their panic. The Shinkengers walks up in front of the Hanzo teams and pulled out their Shodo Phones and called out.

Shinkengers: Ippitu Soujou!

They each draw theie symbols and once completed they're transform into Shinkenger forms and draw out their swords.

Shinken Green: Your gonna regret this.

Ootsumuji: Oooohhh I'm scared. Time to die!

Ootsumuji and Nanashi charges towards them as the Hnazo team transforms into their shinobi uniforms and they join up with the Shinkengers and battle along side them.

They block the Nanashi's attacks and striking them back. The Hanzo teams use theie speed to flank the Nanashi allowing the Shinkengers to land a opening to them as the Shinkengers and Hanzo team continue their battle.

Then Ootsumuji soon charges towards Shinken Red and the two begin to dual as they strike blow to blow at each other as Shinken Red dodges and blocks Ootsumuji's attacks.

Disbite how large his sword is Shinken Red can see that it is only showing him down so he lands some strikes and blows at Ootsumuji with fast speeds.

He then lands strike that sent him flying and then land hard onto the ground as the other Shinkengers and Hanzo team took out the Nanashi and once that was done they came up to Ootsumuji as he begins to gets up.

Ootsumuji: I see you have gain some allies I see. Well that's nothing! No matter how many allies you may pull apon us. The Geoshu will rise and take over Tokyo and then the world!

Shinken Blue: That will not happen on our watch.

Shinken Yellow: Yeah this is our home and we'll protect it no matter what.

Shinken Red: Indeed. With our new friends by our side. We'll outnumber you.

Ootsumuji: Not until I'll kill you all first!

He swing his massive blade at them which they dodged it fast and then all the Shinkengers insert inert secret disks onto their blades and once they spin it they charge towards Ootsumuji and each land a powerful strike at Ootsumuji. Ootsumuji stood there for a bit as he drop his massive blade and then falls to the ground and then blows up behind the Shinkengers.

Katsuragi: (smile) Looks like we saved the day again.

Ikaruga: (smile) Looks like it.

Then they hear a echoey like laughter and at first they thought Ootsumuji will grow but then the flames form into a face of Dokoku and his appearance made the Hanzo team struck fear as Dokoku spoke.

Dokoku: Congratulations Shinkengers. You have defeated two of my weak Ayakashi's that I have. However this is not over. I have more Ayakashi more powerful than the last two just waiting to end your lives. Once your lives are gone then we will invade the human world and take over the city and the world! The Gedoshu will rise again!

Shinken Red: You can as many Ayakashi as you can Dokoku but know this. We will defend this world and we will not rest until you and the Gedoshu are no more.

Dokoku: Brave just like your ancestor. He was just like you so long ago. Perhaps one day I will face you in battle and end you once and for all.

Shinken Red: No that is you that i will end you. You will not pour evil into this world as long we're here to protect it.

Dokoku: Enjoy the best you can. Because death will soon come for you.

Then the flames vanished and Dokoku was gone which leaves the Hanzo team kinda stunned.

Hibari: Wa-Was that him?

Shinken Blue: Yes. That was Dokoku. Leader of the Gedoshu.

Ikaruga: He was intimated.

Asuka: No kidding.

Katsuragi: (smile) Well at least the job is done right? So jobs about we just go home shall we. Y/n can hang out with me.

Shinken Red blush white Ikaruga hits Katsuragi on the head which they laugh while Shinken Red suddenly has a feeling that someone is watching him.

He turn behind him only to see nothing. Soon the rest leave and return back home all awhile a figure step out and watches them leave as the figure look like a skeleton with a blade made out bones on his back as he watches them leave and then returns to the darkness and then vanished from sight.

To be continued....................................................

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