Chapter 1: The Samurai clan
(Hundreds of years ago)
Explosions cab be heard follow by buring fires and screams as we see the capital being under attack by monsters known as The Gedoshu. Armies of Nanashi storm the homes and buildings, slaughtering eveyr Human they see and burning anything they see.
They attack anything they see and those who try to fight back gets overwhelmed by their massive army and get killed. It seems all hope is lost as we see one of the Nanashi breaking down a door and storm inside and sees a family stepping back as a Nanashi approaches them and then goes to attack.
Suddenly the Nanashi grabs its blade and falls onto the ground ad the family sees was hope. A Samurai warriors wearing a blue cloak appears in front of them as he stood up straight to face the family and nodes to them.
We then see more of these Samurais cutting fown the Nanashi. The pink, Yellow and Green Samurai warriors fought the Nanashi with their mighty swords and pushing back the army as best they could.
We then cut to the Palace where we see the leader of the Samurai battling against the leader of the Gedoshu name Dokoku as the two clash their blades.
They clash within the palace for hours until Dokoku managed to land a slash at the red Samurai and he stumble backwards and falls on one knee. He hold his wound while Dokoku let's out a laugh as he tells him.
Dokoku: This is the end of you. Once I kill you, Tokyo and the world will be mine to rule. All that training, all the hard work has wasted your life and now you will die here and now.
Dokoku approaches him and places the tip of his blade on to the Samurais neck as he ask him.
Dokoku: Any last words.
???: We may die someday......but as long evil is gone.....Tokyo snd the world.......WILL BE IN PEACE!
Suddenly he draw an ancient symbol and launch it towards Dokoku and moments later there was a large red light as Dokoku roars as he started to sink onto the floor along with his army from outside.
Dokoku: THIS ISN'T OVER! WE WILL......RETURN!!!!!!!
Dokoku and his army soon is sunk into the symbol and soon they were gone. Tokyo is saved as the citizens came out and see that it is over.
They begin to cheer for joy while the Samurai warrior picks up his blade and then said.
???: If you ever to return. A new generation of Samurai will rise and defeat you once again and hopefully end you......for good.
(Present day)
It was a bright day at Tokyo as we see the citizens going out their normal lives as the city has always been peaceful for sometime. We then cut to a park where we see two punk kids bullying a student as one punches the student in the face which cost him to drop to the ground.
Punk kid 1: (smirk) Man your so weak.
Punk kid 2: (smirk) Aaaww, are you gonna cry baby man?
They laugh while the nervous student is afraid to stand up towards them and before they can mess with him they heard someone called out.
???: I suggest you leave him alone.
The two punks turn to see a young man staring at the two. His name is Y/n L/n ashe drop his bag and approaches the two punks.
Punk kid 1: And what are you gonna do? You gonna fight us?
Punk kid 2: Better get back or else.
Y/n: People like you should be ashame. It's a dishonourable way to attack the weak. You have show no honour.
Punk kid 2: We'll show you "honour" right here!
They go to attack him but within seconds the two punks are laying on the floor unconscious and beaten up while Y/n didn't have a scratch on him. He dust off his hands and walks over to the student and helps him up.
Male student: (surprised) That was incredible! Thank you so much!
Y/n: (smile) Your welcome. Don't let bully's beat you around like that or don't stand by while they bully another. Do the right thing.
The male student nodes and he heads off to school while he goes to hid own. He arrived at Hanzo academy as we see him walking through the hallway of the school and arrived at his locker as he open his locker and places his stuff.
We then see three girls walking together and talking like always. There is Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Yagyuu and Hibari.
They were talking when they spotted Y/n at his locker.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Look girls, our favourite hoy guy 12 o'clock.
Ikaruga: Is it really necessary to call him "hot guy?"
Katsuragi: (smirk) What it's true. From all the guys here he's the most hottest one yet. Look at him!
Yagyuu: Although he is a mysterious person. No one doesn't know much about him or is life outside od school.
Hibari: (smile) Yeah but he is kind. He help out many homeless people and take injured animals to vets to get them all better. He's really kind.
Katsuragi: (smile) Not to mention hot. Best of all his singal so which is good for us.
Asuka: How do you know that?
Katsuragi: (smirk) Just a guess.
Y/n: You know I can hear you right?
That were surprised as Y/n turn to them which Ikaruga says.
Ikaruga: We're very sorry about this. We didn't mean to distract you.
Y/n: No need to apologise. I've gotten use to it.
Asuka: So how are things?
Y/n: Nothing much. Been studying and other things.
Katsuragi: Hey if you want us to study with you then that's okay by us~!
Katsuragi just smirked while the other girls just sigh while Y/n doesn't mind as he gets use to that as well from other girls in the school.
Male teacher: Have you heard the news?
Male teacher 2: No what?
Male teacher: There have been reports of mysterious monster attacks around Tokyo.
This gains Y/n attention as he listen in to the two teachers around the corner as they continue talking.
Male teacher 2: Really? What happened?
Male teacher: There have been murder reports and witnesses say they saw some monsters attacking.
Male teacher 2: Huh what do they look like?
Male teacher : They have these large mouths with sharp teeth and red blades.
Male teacher 2: That's scary.
Male teacher: Tell me about it.
Y/n knows what they were talking about so he turn to the girls but see they disappeared. He look around for them but nothing so he walks off to enter his class to start for the day.
We see him arriving at what seems like a small building as he enter and see everything is Samurai Japanese themed with old armor mounted and paintings as he walk down the hallway and soon enter a room to see his team training.
Hinata is seen aiming down his bow and fire his bow at the target. Akira is seen spinning his spear around and moving around as he increased his speed. Mako dances around while wielding two fans as she moves around calmly and swiftly. Kotoha is seen tossing and catching her slicers as she catches them with great speed.
Y/n: Shikenger clan, form up.
They all turn to see Y/n as they approach him and kneel down as he tells them.
Y/n: The time has come. An enemy from long ago is now return. Although unclear it is them, I think it is time for you all to be ready the responsibility as true Samurai.
He then picked up a wooden bock and opens it to reveal phone like paint brushes which they look at.
Y/n: These are called ShodoPhones. With these.....we'll become Samurai warriors of this country and the world. We will defend the innocent and we will defend justice. On this day....we will introduce Tokyo the new Samurai warriors of justice.
With that they each take their Shodophones and once they did they get up and look at with interest as Y/n looks at his team and then tells them.
Y/n: Now.....let us go and confront our enemy.
It's the middle of the night at the docks and everything seems find at first when suddenly a red crack open on the ground and Nanashi crawl out of the crack ground and started spreading. Seconds later an Octopus like Gedoshu crawl out of the crack and gets up on his feet and looks around and seeing things have changed.
Shitari: Hm it seems everything has changed. The humans have indeed involve. However it seems that the humans has no defences or anyone to stop us? Brilliant. Soon our force will rise and take over the world.
Suddenly ninja stars came down and hit some of the Nanashi which bounce off but they cost them all to turn and see Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Yagyuu and Hibari wearing shinobi outfits as the Nanashi growled at them.
Shitari: Ninjas? They sent ninjas to stop us?
Katsuragi: Ew what are they?
Ikaruga: Not sure but it's clear they're not good.
Yagyuu: Whatever they are, they came here at a bad time.
Shitari: How adorable. You girls wanted to fight us? Very well then but just to warn you, we won't go easy. Attack!
The Nanashi charges towards them while they pulled out their weapons and charge towards them. Asuka charges foward and tries to land a swing at the first Nanashi but her blade break immediately when she hits its skin.
She is shocked and before the Nanashi try to grab her she immediately move back while the other girls are having a hard time. They're shown to be powerful and managed to break their blades. Katsuragi tries to punch one but the Nanashi grabs her by the neck and lifted her up.
However Yagyuu kicks the Nanashi back which cost it to drop Katsuragi.
Katsuragi: Thanks. They are strong.
Yagyuu: Yeah, we're out matched.
They started to get overwhelmed by Nanashi as they were back to back as they realised they are done for while Shitari thinks this is easy.
Suddenly the Nanashi around the girls gets blown up which cost the girls to cover their eyes from the explosion. Then they open they noticed five figures within the smoke. As soon as the smoke clears they see five Samurai warriors wearing each different colour with a different mark on their helmet as they stare at Shitari while Shitari is shocked.
Shitari: (shocked) No! How is this possible?!
Asuka: Who are they?
Katsuragi: And did they save us?
Hibari: They're not shinobis.
Yagyuu: No.....their-
Ikaruga: Samurai.
All five Samurai each draw out their blades while each one did their roll call.
Shinken Red: Shinken Red!
Shinken Blue: Shinken Blue!
Shinken Pink: Shinken Pink!
Shinken Green: Shinken Green!
Shinken Yellow: Shinken Yellow!
Shinken Red: The Samurai sentai authorised by providence!
Shinkengers: Shinkenger! Going forth!
Asuka: Shinkenger?
Shitari: Nanashi attack!
Then more Nanashi came out of thr ground and charges towards them. The Shinkengers ready their swords and then charge towards them. They then battle the Nanashi as they swing their blades and cutting them down.
Asuka and the other girls are amazed how skilled they are and how ready they are as they each cut down the Nanashi with no problem. They block and swing their swords as they cut every singal Nanashi that comes their way.
Shinken Red cuts a few down when two Nanashi was about to jump at him but he quickly blocks and then cuts them down.
Shinken Red: Shinkengers, time to unleash your ability.
With that they each open a circular belt on their waist, revealing a disk and then insert it at the handle of the sword and they spin it. Eavh of their blades summon their elements which are fire, water, earth, wind and wood.
They then cut down all the Nanashi around them with quick reflex and speed and soon they managed to cut them down as the Nanashi blow up.
Soon they all turn to Shitari as he stumble back as he looks back the crack floor and then turns to the Shinkengers and tells them.
Shitari: This is only the beginning Shinkengers! The Gedoshu will rise again!
He leap into the crack and the crack close up. Once that the Shinkengers puts away theie weapons while Asuka and the other girls have no idea what to say however Ikaruga step foward.
Ikaruga: Thank you for saving us. Tell us....who are you?
They turn to them and stared at them for a while and the Shinken Red said.
Shinken Red: We are the warriors of Tokyo. Shinobis fight justice within the shadows while we fight justice out of the weapon. However it seems now it is the time to form an alliance.
Then they dehenshin and the girls is shocked to see Y/n as Shinken Red as he looks at the girls and then tells them.
Y/n: So......shall we talk a possible alliance?
To be continued................................................
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