2. Midnight Investigation & Unleash the New King of Monsters!

No Pov.

=====>Midnight at the 2nd Warehouse<======

Ever since Jiro saved all of the missing kids from Devil guards of Gremory, he was waiting for Kirby to investigate the warehouse. He heard a vehicle pulled up as he saw Kirby got out of his car.

Kirby: Sorry I was late, traffic is killing me.

Jiro: I know, but there's something in that warehouse over there.

He pointed at the second warehouse, as he faces back at him.

Kirby: Okay, what did you heard yesterday?

Jiro: I heard a loud growling noises ever since I rescued those kids, its sounded like a creature all of a sudden.

Kirby: Hmm, let's go investigate. Find out what's Sirzechs is hiding?

They walked towards the second warehouse to investigate, they're sneaking inside of building as Jiro gasped to pull Kirby back and he shook his head as he pointed at the devil guards are playing chest.

Kirby: *whispers* Okay, now what?

Jiro: *tihnking* Hmm.......*idea* Ah ha!

They went sneakingly behind them as they nodded each other, they both karate chopped their necks to knock them out. They dragged them to the cages as they locked them inside, both Serizawa brothers went to the others cages. They looked around, as for Kirby looked at covered cage as he slightly uncovered it and then suddenly.........a scorpion-like kaijin popped out of nowhere as it screeches at them and it made Kirby jumpscared as he fell to the ground.

Kirby: *frightened* WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!

Jiro faces back at Kirby as he sees a scorpion-like kaijin chittering at them.

It looked at them with its six-eyes, Jiro looked at it as he stepped slowly towards it as he brought out his titan scanner to analyze it. He analyzed it as it revealed its name.


Kirby: *shocked* Titanus Scorpio, this ain't no giant monster to us. How did a giant-size titan got to human-size titan?

Jiro: My scanners say that there was a mystic radiation that mixed with dust, supernatural & radiation that mixes together into a atomic bomb created by General Ironwood that meant to destroy those titans. But, it failed back in 2015. But, it made all of the titans to change sizes into human sizes to protect nature, innocent humans or faunus, and brutally fight against bad humans. 

Kirby: That's why all of those titans got to human-sizes, no wonder why.

They looked back at Scorpio as it chittering at them, they covered the cage again as Scorpio went back to sleep. They kept looking around as Jiro uncovered the cage as a giant brown bat screeches at him.


Kirby saw Jiro standing in front of Camazotz's cage, he shocked & awed at the giant 50 foot bat as he walked towards him.

Kirby: *shocked* That's 'the' Titanus Camazotz, he is also known as the God of Night & Sacrifice, Death Bat and Father of all Bats.

Jiro: I bet DC based Batman's mask off from Camazotz.

Kirby: I know, the mask looks exactly alike. Titanus Camazotz is the most dangerous titan in the world.

Jiro: We might as well keep on looking for the growling noise I heard.

They covered Camazotz's cage as they kept looking around, and they did not notice that there was a hidden camera was watching them inside.

=====>Union Academy, Sirzechs' Hidden Room<========

He watched the Serizawa brothers on screen, he growled at them as he slammed his fist.

Sirzechs: *growled* Damn it, if they found out about my familiars. They will expose it to the law. 

He faces back at his guards as they both salute.

Sirzechs: *stern* Find those Serizawa Brothers, disposed Kirby and bring Jiro to me!

Devil Guards: *salute* Yes sir.

They teleported to the warehouse, as he faced back at the screen as he growled.

Sirzechs: *stern* Just you wait, Jiro. I'll find someway to kill you siblings and capture you & Kenji.

======>Back to the Serizawa brothers<========

They kept looking around as they getting tired, Kirby wiped his head as he facing back at his brother.

Kirby: Phew, Jiro there's nothing here.

Jiro: Kirby, I know it's here that growling noise. It sounds like Gojira-like titan, I know its here.

Kirby: But, how do we find the right cage?

They heard growling noises again, they both turned at the moving cage as it bursting the cage while it wanted out. Jiro & Kirby slowly turned at each other as they nodded together, they walked towards the wreckage cage as he slowly opened the covers as he sees two pairs of orange pupil eyes.

Jiro/ Kirby: *shocked* What. The hell-

???: *shouted* STAHP RIGHT THERE!

They turned around as they saw 10 devil guards pointed their spears at them, Jiro & Kirby got their hands up as the orange pupil monster growling at the devil guards.

Devil Guard 1: Dr. Serizawa, you're coming with us.

Jiro: *glare* I would rather die going some power-hungry people like you.

Devil Guard 2: *glare* You got two choices: 1. You come with us peace & quiet or your brother right here dies.

A monster growls at them and tries to break out of its cage, then a third devil guard uses its taser spear as it shocked a monster. A monster growls in pain and it glared back at them.

Devil Guard 3: *glared* Shut it winged-lizard, why would Sirzechs choose you in the first place.

They faced back at the brothers and pointed their spears at them.

Female Devil Guard: *stern* Which choice, the first or a second.

Kirby pulls a key out since they knocked out two devil guards, he sneakingly gives Jiro a key and he takes it. They nodded as they were facing back at the devil guards. 

Jiro: We choose...............not.

He unlocked the cage as the orange-eyed monster saw the cage unlocked, the devil guards charged at the brothers before they attacked them. Both Serizawa brothers jumped out of its way, as the cage doors burst opened as it revealed as a navy blue dragon titan.

A navy blue dragon growls at the devil guards as they pointed their spears at him, and then he felt a shockage that Sirzechs put a familiar spell on him as he roared in pain. Jiro gasped as he saw a dragon is shocking by Sirzechs' familiar spell, he looked around as he saw a familiar contract as he looked at it and he faced back at the dragon and he smirked at the devil guards. Their eyes widened as he yells and pointed at both Jiro & Kirby.


They flew towards them as Jiro ripped it apart and it felt a shock wave, then a navy blue dragon felt the spell disappeared as it looked around as it facing at the brothers and looked down at the familiar contract. It walked towards the papers as it growls at it and uses greenish flames at it as it burns into ashes, it faces back at Jiro & Kirby and it stared at them & snouted. Jiro & Kirby stood still as they stared at the 9 foot dragon, it looked at them as its ears heard groaning behind it as it turned around and growled at the devil guards. They shook their heads as they saw a navy blue dragon snarling, the devil guards were scared & gulped.

Devil Guard General: *nervous chuckles* Ha ha ha, can we call it truce.

Then it snouted at them, and it roars at them.



Then it pounced on them when the music started playing.


Jiro & Kirby hides behind the cage as they watching a dragon fighting all devil guards, but it appears to be brutal. A dragon grabbed two devil guards as it smashes their head to the ground and their blood splattered to the floor, it saw fourth devil guard charging towards it and it slashed the devil guard's body in half.

Then it saw every devil guards charging towards them, and it smashed its tail to the ground as it sprouted its wings out as well. Finally, it's spikes began to glow green and it flew into the air as it breathes deeply as Jiro & Kirby's eyes widened and they know what its doing and faced at each other.

Jiro/ Kirby: *shouted* RUN!

They ran out of the warehouse, then a dragon breathes greenish flames at them as it flies around the warehouse and began to destroy everything in its path. A Navy Blue dragon's wings began to glow as well as it using its green flames to burn everything in its path.

It roared at the moon for victory, all of the other creatures decided to escape from the burning warehouse. All of the devil guards screaming in agony while they're burning alive, Jiro & Kirby shocked at the dragons' victory and it is finally freed and it flies away. They both looked at each other in shocked.

Kirby: *shocked* Jiro, was that a-

Jiro: *shocked* A dragon!

Kirby: *shocked* But.....How!.....When?!

Jiro: I think our elder brother: Ishiro knows something about this, let's head back.

They watched the dragon flies away from the warehouse, but a puma faunus was watching them freeing a navy blue dragon at night.

???: They could be the key to help us, I need revenge on Blake for leaving me & watched my parents killed by Adam. I will teach her what the powers of the sacred Puma, then that'll show her.

He left as he went back where the humanoid-wolf lives.

======>Next Morning<=======

At the kitchen of Serizawa Mansion, Miki & Yuki cooked breakfast for them except for Jiro that he wasn't at the table. They watched the news as they were talking about the burned warehouse.

Lisa: Good morning, everyone. This is VNN news, we here on live that many reports that a warehouse was on fire at 3:00 a.m., this morning. Many reports saying that something flew into the sky that morning and it appears to be a dragon, nobody knows what type of dragon it is and some say it's just a legend. 

Miki: A dragon? 

Yuki: I wonder what kind of dragon it is?

Haru: Whatever that dragon is? It's got to any kinds of dragons.

???: Unless its not like them.

They turned around as they saw Miyuki sat at the table next to Haru reading the book of Titans.

Keisuke: What do you mean?

Miyuki: Well, when I was reading this book of Titans. There's nothing about this dragon, I have never seen an ordinary dragon that has a V symbol on its chest like that.

Kirby: *nodded* Yeah, me & Jiro saw that thing last night it appears to be it started to protecting us.

Yuki: I think ya freed him from Sirzechs' grasp you said.

Haru: She does get a point, we may not know what that dragon is doing. We have to find out before the FBI or CIA will find or capture him. Speaking of dragon, where is Jiro?

They looked at the empty seat where Jiro usually sits there, Kirby got up as he faced back at them.

Kirby: I'll be back, see what's Jiro is up too.

=====>Serizawa Library<======

When Jiro is looking for the right book to what kind of dragon he discovered that night, he packed 13 books on the table as he kept on looking for the right dragon and he found the picture who was worship by The River Goddess & her worshipers in Aegina, Greece.

Jiro: In the Golden Age of Aegina, The River Goddess and her people are attacked by Egyptians who were trying to take over their homes. They prayed their gods & goddesses to bring their own guardian titan to save their land, days passed by to surrender themselves. The Egyptians started enslaving the people, taking away their children & all the crimes is on the rise. The evil Egyptian Pharaoh wants the River Goddess as his queen, but she doesn't want to be his queen. The evil Pharaoh is taking her by force, but suddenly....they heard a giant stomping noise as they see a giant 359 foot tall dragon titan. It began to protect Aegina by killing all Egyptian armies.

=====>Flashback in Aegina 200 years ago<=======

A Navy Blue Dragon Titan starting to destroy all Egyptians who ruled Aegina, he breathes greenish flames at them.

All of Egyptian soldiers are afraid of the Dragon Titan, the Pharaoh is scared of the dragon who is cowardly running away.

Jiro: *narrated* Then after that, they heard one of the Egyptian Titan heading their way to fight against the guardian dragon.

They heard giant howling noises, all of Egyptian armies cheering for their god and then it was one of the Egyptian Gods of Underworld known as Titanus Anubis.

(A/n: I don't own this).

Jiro: *narrated* The evil Pharaoh and his followers prayed for their god known as Titanus Anubis to claim their territory, Anubis glared at his opponent as the dragon glares back at him.

Anubis roars at the dragon as he charges towards him, then a dragon roars back at him as it flew towards him and then it grabbed Anubis as he whimpered and slammed him to the ground.

Jiro: *narrated* The River Goddess saw his powerful might that a great dragon can take on any gods, she started naming the titan known as The Great Victorian Dragon, He Who Rules his Victory, Draconian God-King and Champion Monster.

Then a Victorian Dragon grabbed Anubis' jaw again as he uses his Green Flames at him to finish him.

Anubis roars in agony as he explodes into dust, all of Egyptian armies are now afraid of him as the Victorian Dragon glares back at them as he snouted at them. The Pharaoh and his army ran away to go back to Egypt, the Victorian Dragon roars for victory. The River Goddess smiled at him, as the Victorian Dragon growls softly at them. 

Jiro: *narrated* The Victorian Dragon saves Aegina and started protecting the humans from any threats. She named the first Victorian Dragon Titan known as Virion the Dragon King of Greece, a few years later, Virion found his mate and her name is Vernia. Virion led his Victorian Dragon kin alongside Vernia as they had 6 baby dragons, later Vernia protecting the babies while Virion fighting Ddraig & Albion for wrecking their home. The Three Faction Wars began as well, as all Victorian Dragons started having a deadly battle against them. 

Then all of Victorian Dragons engaging battle against all of Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Two Heavenly Dragon and Five Dragon Kings, Virion slammed Fafnir to the ground as he breathes Victorian Breath at Tiamat as she screeching in pain. Virion slammed Yu-Long to the ground, as he growls at the Three Factions and all dragons and he roars at them. They all flew away from him, as he roared for victory alongside his kin. A few years later, Gremory Clan started to kill all Victorian Dragon Kin, and a man who killed all 5 baby dragons as he left one baby dragon behind. 

Jiro: *narrated* The Gremory Clan, led by Zeoticus Gremory who led his devil kin to kill all Victorian Dragons. He captured the last Victorian Dragon to make him as slave familiar to exterminate humans, he refused to obey their orders and he will wait for several years to have his vengeance.

=====>Back to Modern Day in Serizawa Library<=======

Jiro: No wonder why this Victorian Dragon hatred towards the Gremory, all he wants was freedom & peace. And now...*stern* Sirzechs, what the hell did you do to him. If I find your father, I will kill him in person.

He looked at the files that Ishiro left behind, he was about to open it and a note from his older brother.

Ishiro: *voice* Dear My brothers & sisters, while you're reading my note. When you're reading about the new successor of Gojira, he is another key to save this world from corruption, crimes, rapists, power-hungry, greed, etc., I studied his father for many years, Titanus Virion's son can help us. 

Jiro: *confused* Virion's son? Who is he?

======>Flashback in 2015, Aegina, Greece<=======

When Ishiro Serizawa and Dr. Vivienne Graham is walking towards the cave, as they walking towards a 515 year old dragon as he growls softly at them. Dr. Graham smiled at him as she petted his snout, and she faces back at Ishiro.

Vivienne: *smiles* He's adorable.

Ishiro: *smiles* Yes, he is. A baby Titanus Parthenos, Virion's son.

Vivienne: Parthenos? Ain't that named after-

Ishiro: No, his name is different from a woman's name. Parthenos is a woman's name, but she named him with the I is silent. I believe he is a new key

Vivienne: *shocked* Another key of Godzilla!

Ishiro: *nodded* Yes, he can help every humanity and I believe he is the power as well.

He faces back at the juvenile dragon, as he sleeps and he smiles at him and petted him. 

Ishiro: We will call him Virgo, I is silent by the way. 

Vivienne: He could be a new Successor of Godzilla.

Ishiro: *nodded* Yes, he will fight against all evil villains, crimes, rogue titans, alien invasion, greedy people, power-hungry, etc., he'll take care of my siblings to keep them safe.

He faces back at Juvenile Virgo, and he whispers to his ear.

Ishiro: *whispers* Protect my siblings, my brothers are Jiro Serizawa, Kenji Serizawa, Kirby Serizawa, Haru Serizawa and Keisuke Serizawa. My sisters are Miki & Yuki Serizawa, they will help you to take back what's right.

====>Back to Jiro<=====

Jiro realized that Ishiro made a promise to the Victorian Dragon named Virgo, then he heard footsteps as he saw Kirby.

Kirby: Oh, Jiro. You done yet?

Jiro: Kirby, you won't believe what our brother discovered.

Kirby: *curious* What is it?

Jiro: Our brother made a promise to that dragon that we saw at midnight, he saved us and now he named him.

Kirby: What's his name?

Jiro: Titanus Parthenos aka.....Virgo!

Kirby: Virgo?

Jiro: I is silent, that makes Vergo.

Kirby: Oh, okay. So, how do we find him?

He walked towards the map where Ishiro kept it, he pointed at the red circle in the old lair of Tiamat's cave. 

Jiro: We can find him there, we can convince him and we can study his physical skills, agility, height, etc. 

Kirby: Then who's going with you?

Jiro: I know you, Haru, Yuki and Miyuki got work. Miki & Keisuke has a day off today, I'll be able to do this alone.

Kirby: Are you sure, brother? He's kind of......ferocious, brutal, vicious, unstoppable and invincible.

Jiro: *smiles* Don't worry, I'll be safe. While Keisuke & Miki can keep an eye on Kenji for a while, I'll be home safe.

He brought his ZECT Buckle & Kabuto Zector in his suitcase, he brought some fresh meat & steak and plenty of water bottles. 

Jiro: *smiles* Well, I'm going to see Virgo.

He walked upstairs to go on his adventure to find Virgo, Kirby is worried about him that Chifuyu might capture him.

Kirby: *worried* Be safe brother.

=====>5 Minutes Later<======

Both Miyuki & Haru drove off to the police station, Yuki & Kirby went off to Monarch HIgh School, while both Miki & Keisuke are staying to keep an eye on Kenji. But an unwanted guests: I.S. Pilots: Ichika, Houki, Cecilia, Charlotte, Lingyin, Laura and Tatenashi are ready to engage to invade Serizawa Mansion.

Houki: Okay everyone, remember Chifuyu said: Capture Jiro & Kenji alive, kill the siblings only.

Girls: *nodded* Right.

Ichika: *worried* Houki, we can't kill Jiro & Kenji's siblings. They're the only family left ever since Ishiro died back then.

Charlotte: Ichika, we need to do this. It's their own good.

Laura: Ja, they do not need more Serizawa Generation. Only the Orimura Generation, so we can win this war.

Ichika: Guys, I think what we are doing is wrong. When I first met Kenji's brother, he was a nice guy who always helped me. He's like a big brother to me as well, we need to abort this mission.

They looked at him quietly, and finally Lingyin spoke to him.


Cecilia: She's right, Ichika darling. We need to kill them before someone is here to stop us. 

Houki: Grr, forget it. Let's do it now.

Tatenashi: *smiles* Ooh~, time to kill his siblings.

All of girls flew towards the mansion except for Ichika as he sighed.

Ichika: *sighed* I wish I had a better family.

He flew with them as well, when they were about to fly towards the mansion. A teenage boy stands in front of them as he stopped them.

Ichika: *confused* Huh? Who are you?

???: Uh......A friend of Serizawa *nervous chuckles*..

They stared at him, right now Houki glared at him.

Houki: Then you're not our friend, move now!

Then he smirked at them as he brought out his Geartlinger, and he insert his Sentai Coin and he spins the lever.

???: *smirk* I don't think so. Change Zenkai!


He pulls the trigger as he transforms.


He becomes into Zenkaizer to introduce himself.


Lingyin: *glare* Tell us now, who the hell are you?

Zenkaiser: I am Owen Patrick, but call Zenkaiser. You may not believe where I came from, it's a secret.

Laura: *stern* So it's a secret were playing then, let's see how you will survive from us.

He got into his battle stance to face Houki & I.S. Pilots, but Ichika blasted Houki away as her eyes widened.

Houki: *eyes widened* Ichika, what are you doing?!

Ichika: *glare* I will never kill Jiro's siblings, we may be heroes. But that makes you villains, I'm joining the Serizawa side to join Monarch.

He flew next to Owen as he sees him landed.

Ichika: I'm Ichika Orimura, nice to meet you Owen.

Zenkaiser: *smiles* Nice to meet you too, Ichika.


Laura: *glare* Time to destroy our traitor & our new enemy once and for all.

Both Ichika & Zenkaiser got into their battle stance, all I.S. pilots got in their battle stance to battle them as well. 

As the screen fades black, Zenkaiser pulls the trigger to create a sign said: TO BE CONTINUED! And he walked off.


See ya in next chapter.

A/n: Owen Patrick belongs to JeymisPeixoto.

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