Kill me yourself! [Hurt/Comfort]

Hurt/Comfort is my biggest love, thank you very much.

The video has nothing to do with this, i just really like the song and animation-

Canon timelines(at least i tried)
Tenko and Touya will be musicians!

-Suicidal thoughts
-Suicide baiting
-Impulse writing (which means it's prolly plotless)
-✨Not really a manga spoiler, but a manga spoiler✨(never mind, it's very much a manga spoiler as the story progresses)

Touya was absolutely out of control. Enji didn't know how to get it through his thick skull anymore.
,,You can't be a hero! Your fire is too strong and you are weak!" It was bad approach. He knew that, but what was he supposed to do? He didn't know what and that was the main problem. He didn't want Touya to hurt himself again.
,,You are a weakling Touya! You will not become a hero! You'd kill yourself first!"

The white haired teen cried as he pulled at his hair.
,,No, no, no!"he shook with every word his father has said. He cried fat tears, while Enji yelled at him. Why couldn't he be a hero?! It was his destiny! It was why he was born!

,,Are you even listening to me, you good for nothing boy?! I will not let you be a hero!" Enji showed the boy away and turned his back to him, as he did many times before. Maybe he just hoped that if he distanced himself and his dream from Touya, he wouldn't try anymore.
Touya cried harder, deep red flames danced on his arm and hair. ,,Than kill me! Why am i alive?! Why did mom gave me birth if i'm so useless?!"
That made the older man pause. He knew, what he was saying was likely really wrong, but he didn't know what to say anymore. Rei wasn't any better.

,,You come to Sekoto Peak, you hear me?! You go there and watch how good i can be! You'll see i can do better than Shoto!" "Touya!" The flame hero yelled behind the thirteen year old, but the boy already stomped away.
Enji sighed, what was he supposed to do now?

Rei came out of her room, with the other children in tow.
Fuyumi and Natsuo at least didn't strive to be heroes, with the young girl being mismatched as well as her older brother and Natsuo with his much weaker ice quirk.

5 years back a certain symbol of piece stumbled upon a traumatized child, when he went out for grocery shopping. The boy was covered in dried blood. His eyes were wide and terrified, just like the wry grin on his face.

He didn't mean to scare the old lady away... He knew he deserved punishment for what he did. He wasn't worthy of help. His hands were scratching away the irritated skin on his neck. Why didn't anyone help him? Did they know what he did? He didn't mean to... Or did he? He couldn't remember. His memories were slowly starting to fade. He just needed to keep his hands away from everything.

...Why? Why did he need to? Oh, right, his quirk. That's what it was, wasn't it? That terrifying villain after his family was him.
He wanted to touch something again. He wanted to see things crumble as he held them...

Tenko didn't want to kill anybody anymore though. Killing was wrong, right? He felt like puking, when he saw them crumble.

A terrible spike of guilt hit him at the thought of Mon-chan and Hana.... His mom wanted to hug him, but the, that's wrong, he killed her before she could.
Hana just didn't want to get in trouble, right? If Hana-chan told father it was her, who showed him the picture, father would surely hurt her too. It's okay, he wanted to be a hero, so he should be able to save her from father.

The wide red eyes teared up. He wanted to be saved too... He was no hero. Heroes didn't murder their families. Heroes didn't save villains either.

Tenko sat down, on the cold ground. He didn't bother wiping the tears. He no longer cried.
His hands were securely sitting in front of him, palms up. After all, there was no need to disintegrate the ground and cause more chaos.

Toshinori was perplexed from what he was seeing.
There was a child sitting alone and seemingly injured, and these people just walked over him, like he wasn't there at all.

He hurried across the street, disbanding of the grocery bags on the other side of the side walk. ,,My boy, are you alright?" He extended his hand to the child.
The bluenette lifted his head just a little bit to see a tall, lanky blond haired man in front of him.

'Will this man leave too?' small Tenko thought, wanting to reach out for the blond, but also knew how dangerous it would really be.

What's more, the man still wasn't leaving.

He clutched his hands close to his chest, clumsily getting up from the dirty ground. He slowly shuffled to the man, tilting his head up to look into the sunken blue eyes again.

Toshinori's heart hurt from the sight.
He kneeled down next to the boy and pulled him into a gentle hug.
,,It's okay now, I am here."

Tenko's eyes filled with tears once again as he leaned into the touch. Someone would really save him?
The manic, terrified grin slowly disappeared from his face.

...The ich stopped again...

Today, Tenko was ten years old. Him and his new dad - All might of all people - were out in the city mall, buying the aforementioned bluenette some new clothes, given he was quickly growing up.

He also heard, that somewhere near the number 2 hero lived too!
Tenko didn't like him all that much, but it was still thrilling to be nearby a hero.
It wasn't the same with Toshinori, given he was his caretaker and he was now more used to seeing All Might every day. Not that it was any less awesome.

They were about to enter the car, when a sudden yell distracted them. A distraught woman was looking up at the mountain further away. And looking up, Tenko could see blue inferno eating away at the once bright green trees.

His dad had already ran off, turning into his All Might persona. The child ran right after him.
He knew it was reckless and it would worry his dad needlessly....hell he would probably get really injured throughout this, but he couldn't help himself, but run into the blue flames. The manic grin, that hadn't been seen in years now was back. Any other person would be rightfully terrified to step on Sekoto peak, while the fire broke through. He was used to dangerous situation by now.

His quirk manifest. The centuries old villain, who for some reason wanted him, and his mad doctor being trigger happy to experiment on him. He was kidnapped twice by them now. There were also thieves in Toshinori's house once.

Toshinori will probably make him talk to his therapist about this random dash to fire. He understood though and would let her help. By now, he knew the kind woman wanted to help him, even if he was being difficult sometimes just for the sake of it.
He was a kid, who believed he was okay, after all.
When they told him, that getting chased by a villain or being regularly put down by your biological father was not okay, he broke down. It took him a moment to process, that Toshinori wasn't kind because Tenko was a stranger technically. He was kind, because he genuinely cared about him.

Dashing to the fire wasn't as random as it seemed though. He thought he heard someone scream. No one else seemed to notice it, as people were too busy recording the fire with their phones.
He didn't expect them to help injured even if they layed right in front of them.

It seemed he didn't even have to get himself into the fire, when he saw a figure walking, or more like awkwardly shifting his legs, by the side of the mountain. The person's legs were shaking pretty badly, and he was walking very slowly, looking on the verge of colapse. The fresh burn scars all over, made the person's body twitch in pain.
He ran towards the figure, catching them right as they passed out.

Somewhere in the darkness, a short round man with messy mustache and unique looking glasses frowned at the two. This certainly ruined some of his plans.

Touya's eyes opened and closed as quickly, when a bright light hit him in the face.

,,Touyaaaa!"he heard the booming voice of his father and he flinched softly at the loudness. Everything hurt and he wasn't sure what had happened. He was training, he waited for dad and than his fire turned from red to blue. Than everything went dark.

He could feel the large hands lightly press against him in an awkward hug given he was laying on something. Probably a hospital bed, given the pain.
,,Enji don't yell in the hospital!" He could hear his mother's trembling voice scold the man, before she apparently grasped his arm. It was hard to tell, because of the bandage separating their skin contact. Now that he thought about it, most of his body was either numb, the kind that happened after pain killers, or he could feel the wrapping.

Touya slowly blinked his eyes open again, silently looking around. He couldn't talk even if he wanted to, his mouth was covered too.
As his eyes scanned through the room, he noted, there on one of the seats further back sat a blue haired boy, few years younger than him, Touya assumed.
The piercing red eyes looked right back at him, and the kid waved. The white haired teen gives his parents a questioning look, making them glance at Tenko, urging him to come closer.

,,Touya," his mother smiled, ,,This is Tenko-chan!" She pointed at the boy, who again just smiles.
Enji nodded at him. ,,Tenko found you injured with your flames and decided to take you to the ambulance, that arrived on the scene." The white haired woman started petting his matted matching colored hair. ,,We were lucky he found you so soon, otherwise those nasty burns could have infected!"

The teen now glanced back at his savior. How old was that kid to even run so close to fire?
While his family wasn't scared, because there was fire element running in his family, he understood that other people tended to run away from fire, not into it.

The ki- Tenko's lightly raspy voice pulled him back from his musings. ,,I just wanted to make sure you're okay! Dad is waiting for me, as we were supposed to visit the doctor today anyway! Bye-bye, and get better Todoroki-san."
Touya frowned. No, he didn't like that. He didn't even get to know who the boy really is! That's unfair!

Rei seemed to sense his distress thankfully, looking back at the bluenette in question. ,,Well, I'm pretty sure Touya wouldn't mind a new friend, so if you want, you can come and visit him anytime you want!" None of the Todoroki's missed how those big red eyes glinted, before he nodded and left.

Next time Tenko came to visit the white haired teen, he could finally talk. His body didn't hurt that much anymore.

After a few days of being in the hospital it finally fully hit him. Everything that had happened. He wanted to kick and scream and cry. He wasn't able to, due to obvious reasons. So he just laid there awake in the middle of the night, crying his eyes out.
He hurt himself so badly, and his father had seen it! He really was weak, wasn't he? He hurt himself so much with his flames. He was never good enough!
His dad barely looked at him when Touya said 'hi'. Now, the child was sure he wouldn't get even the irritated look.

Touya didn't even realize he started crying. Barely shedding any actual tears, given his tear ducts were almost completely destroyed, barely saved.
He felt the back of Tenko's hands brush the droplets away, before leaning down to hug him.
,,It's okay. I know how it feels." The boy reassured.
,,You don't get anything!"he weakly showed the younger boy away. ,,I'm totally useless now! I can't use my quirk, because it'll hurt me again! I can't be a hero! I could just die if i can't be a hero!"
The bluenette frowned at him, before flicking his forehead to get him to stop wailing.

,,Ow! Why did you do that?!" Tenko rolled his eyes, before giving Touya a stern look. ,,You shouldn't want to live only for being a hero, stupid. It doesn't defy who you are. You can also help people in other ways, than punching villains in the face." The white haired teen gave him a baffled look. ,,Yeah? Like what? It's my destiny to be better than All Might! Dad said so! I'm going to be nothing! I want dad to see me! I want him to talk to me again! "
Tenko gave him a weird look.
,,Why should you be better than dad? A hero is a hero, regardless of the rank. Why doesn't Endeavor talk to you more?" The number two didn't seem to hurt Touya the way his father did to Tenko. Why was he unhappy than? Where was the actual problem?

The young bluenette pulled out his phone, showing him some video of art performance. ,,Other kids say they like when someone draws, sings or dances! They say it makes them happy! Some sad people in the comments also say it lifted their day! You can save people through art too! There's so many ways!" His face fell again, as he sat down, on the chair next to Touya's bed.
,,You're not useless just because you couldn't do one thing, Touya-chan..."

The teen hasn't said a word. What could he say to that? Dad always told him, that he would be the number one! That it's his destiny! At least until he was replaced by Shoto. And now some random kid tells him, that he could help people in other ways than becoming a hero? That he is more, than a vessel for father's dream? That father would dare to see him as more than see-through wind, if he in fact didn't become a hero? What a joke.

He apparently said the last line out loud, as he got yet another scolding look from Tenko.
The bluenette honestly looked like he was about to start bawling, and it started to concern the teen a little bit.
,,Tenko? Are you okay?"
The kid giggled and let his longish blue hair cover his face. Touya frowned.
What the hell was happening?

,,You...You don't dare say you aren't worth it!"he pointed his finger at Touya accusingly. ,,Who are you to defy whether you're worth to live or not? How about the people who love you? Your family? How about me? You don't care that i'd lose my best friend?" There were tears on the scratched face, which didn't match the wry grin on the kid's face.

The teen was seriously starting to freak out, because what the hell?
,,You'd rather die? Why? I don't get it! Why do you want to hurt them like that, when they obviously love you?"

Tenko aggressively wiped the tears with his hands.
,,Sorry, that must have been scary. I usually laugh when i'm sad, i don't know why..." Touya saw a much kinder smile now.
He didn't say anything, just watched Tenko with wide questioning eyes.

,,I'm...going to call Rei-san here...Be glad you have family Touya-san.."

With that he left.

It had been almost a week, since he came into the hospital.
These last few days, the people visiting him were mom and his siblings. That was fine. He was glad they came. He just really hoped father would too.
He cried a lot now, he realized.
He didn't really want to cry. Touya was now thirteen years old, he is grown up now! He shouldn't cry because his dad didn't want to see him!

It was okay. That's what he kept telling himself.

Today his siblings didn't come, because it was too soon and school was still up for them. So Rei came in all alone.
She placed a gentle hand on top of his head, softly patting the white hair.
,,How are you feeling, Tou?" He grumbled lowly. He felt shitty, but he wouldn't tell her that.

Actually, he decided he wouldn't tell her anything.
This was both their faults. If they just didn't make him go to doctor's, they wouldn't know he had quirk issues!

,,There's nothing wrong with my quirk... He just doesn't want me to learn to control it!"he murmured quietly.

He knew he was being petty, but oh damn, he wanted to cry again.

,,Touya... You know that isn't true."

,,Than why doesn't dad look at me anymore!? Why doesn't dad look at Fuyumi or Natsu? Why am i...Why doesn't he love me anymore...? What did i do? I...I was supposed to be a hero, dad could be proud!" He yelped and there it was. He started sobbing. The stitches on his body painfully stretching his skin with every shake of his body.

...What could his mom even do? She couldn't just make dad love him again. She shouldn't have made father to give him life too.

She left.

After a day of Rei no longer returning, he thought that even she had enough of him.
He wouldn't be surprised. He wailed a lot and she had so much work with his siblings already. He loved them all, but knew they could be a handful.

He should have known better than to annoy mother with his problems.
She should have just told him, like Natsuo did!
Now he didn't have anyone.
He was simply a bad kid.

And maybe he had one person.

His new best friend kept visiting him.
Tenko told him all about his parent, who was apparently All Might himself.
It was nice.

The bluenette didn't care if he cried. Instead, the ten year old held him and whispered nice things to him, until he calmed down. Tenko told him all about his school and what he was thinking about becoming when he was an adult.

Strangely enough, none of them talked about heroes, when they were together. And it made Touya question some things.
Was he actually supposed to be a hero? Did he really want to be one?

,,Ne, ne, Touya-chan! Dad said i could play an instrument if i wanted to! What should i play?" And it was so weird how natural the question felt. Just two teens trying to fit into society blinded by heroes.

He wondered if Tenko ever wanted to be a hero too.

,,...Uhh... I don't know these types of things. Violin would suit you, because you're always so precise and careful with everything you're doing... Than again, with the way you control your fingers you could play piano too..." The white haired teen muttered out.
The bluenette beamed.
,,I wonder if it isn't too late to learn violin though! It would be really interesting!"

A sudden knock on the door distracted them mid conversation.
The door opened to a smiling Toshinori.
,,Tenko, could you please come out here for a sec? Touya has a surely important visitor for him!" The bluenette nodded, jumping off the chair and running to his guardian.
,,Bye Touya-chan!"

He truly did not expect his father's large form to walk through the hospital room door.
And Touya didn't know what to do. He was so happy, that his father had still liked him enough to go check on him at least once. He was also terrified of what Enji might tell him. What if this was the last encounter between them, before father would focus all his attention to Shoto? Maybe his dad's disappointed glare would be the last thing he'll ever be given, before Endeavor completely forgets about his existence.

,,Dad!"he yelped, one bandaged hand already outstretched for father to take. Touya's small form was painfully turning over to his dad. ,,Look! I'm fine! I still can be a hero! I still can make you proud, i promise!! Please don't leave me behind!" He damn nearly fell off the bed. Thankfully Enji caught him, before that could happen and the teen immediately clung to him. The much smaller hands gripped on Enji's shirt with all their might, while the child gritted out plethoras of 'please'.

The older man gently placed his eldest son onto the bed and stroked his white hair.

He had a serious chat with All Might. And while it was humiliating to the number 2, the blond had surprising insight on how to take good care of a kid. Probably gained it through Tenko.
He made Enji realize just how close he was to completely loosing his eldest child.
Made him realize just how easily he could lose any of his children, he neglected simply to demotivate them from being heroes. When in reality? He just really hurt them.

And he had to ask himself, what kind of father was he?
He married Rei just to have a child, able to defeat even All Might. That didn't mean he doesn'tn't loved them all. Enji does.
But he has to admit, he doesn't show it well, now does he?

And so he settles on the only thing he could tell his eldest.

,,I'm sorry Touya. I won't let you down this time."

It was surprising how much better his family had gotten after Enji stopped focusing simply on his goal. Of course, he would still put through and try his best to train the boy to overcome All Might. But he would also be a better father for the rest of his kids.
Even a better husband to Rei.

Touya was now twenty-four and far, far away from his not so great hospital trip few years back. He still held the great friendship and maybe even something more with the, now twenty-one year old Tenko.

The younger practiced playing on violin late in the evening, while his white haired boyfriend listened from afar, barely touching the piano in the corner of the room.

,,You okay, hon?" Tenko asked stepping closer to Touya and putting away the instrument. Glowed hands cupped his scarred face, giving him a slow, tender kiss.
,,'was thinkin' 'bout memories... It surely is one crazy ass story how we met..." Touya murmured, arms wrapping around the bluenette. He hummed, taking the scarred arms in his and dragging Touya away from his practice room.

They both laid in bed. Legs and arms tangled around each other, with the blanket lazily thrown over them.
Tenko slowly played with his scarred boyfriend's hair.
,,I hope we could meet under better circumstances... I didn't like seeing you so hurt back then... I don't like seeing you hurt now." Touya smiled sappily, giving Tenko's cheek a quick kiss.

,,Who knows where would i be if it wasn't for you finding me..."

,,Don't really want to think about that."

,,Yeah, me neither... Let's sleep, huh?"

And with a sleepy 'love you' they did, not knowing what dangers could have awaited either, had the symbol of piece not saved Tenko and later Tenko done the same for Touya.

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