

O'brien(btw the other O'Brien is the original one as he resides both within the megaverse and omniverse at the same time and the darksphere of the original O'brien realm has transcended him into a whole new level than the Scp O'Brien and The DarkSphere is above the OmniVerse and from which O'Brien watches from above observing anything and everything that interests him)

Race: transcendent pre existential (beings that have existed before the "let there be light event" when god created everything)/transcendent elder god

Age:(he has existed before the let there be light event)

Appearance:he's/it's a faceless purple transcendent entity the original appears to those in the forms of various beings due to his true form when seen by normal beings expect for 3812 whom can view him in his true form due to him and 0'brien being transcendent beings and it can kill them bc he is always in the form of someone else when he appears to them However he wears a Grey cloak/Robe with several symbols and his face is obscured by a Black Metallic mask made from an Unknown primeval Metal and materials

Personality: (unknown) but is suspected to be nonchalant Stoic calm Collecting but underneath is manipulative And Twisted and malicious and Self aware of the fourth wall and knows he's in a Fictional world And knows The existence Of everything and everyone else is a lie That they truly don't exist and Kept this to himself And ever since his transcendence O'Brien has Watched over the OmniVerse from above Watching everyone and everything in his sight not leaving Anything that remains out of his sight and Controls those on his strings to do his bidding

Powers:transcendent pre existential embodiment of puppeteer evil and malice physiology transcendent strength transcendent speed Transcendent durability grand void flames transcendent absolute immortality transcendent absolute regeneration transcendent Absolute Invulnerability/Indestructibility puppeteer strings(he can use various types of strings one of which allows him to puppeteer those he has in his strings like a puppet) Meta Control adaption string Puppet creation

Special abilities:Divinity shift

Titles:the puppeteer the faceless entity of destruction the shapeshifting puppeteer the one who uses those on his strings to make them do what he controls them to do against their bidding(by death one of binos successors) the dark god of evil and malice the scarlet kings child one of the red khans children The Faceless Watcher from above The being from above and beyond The Transcended pre existential the one who knows the truth about existence itself




"Be warned My first form shows off a portion of my true Form But beings Beneath the level of a pre existential or Omni beings will be disintegrated Completely"-Original O'Brien

T.R.U.E P.U.P.P.E.T.E.E.R(In this form a portion of O'Brien's true form is shown as his abilities and powers have Infinitely Multiplied from his transcendence allowing Him to do Reality Breaking feats his strings have become even powerful enough to rip and tear apart Reality even His ability to control others who are on his strings has become powerful and his Void flames have been mastered and near the level of Grand void flames and is now Nearly boundless his appearance is the same but with a Black cloak with white stripes He now has eyes but they're blackened voids with sharp large claws and Posseses 4 Larger Grey wings that Are as large as the megaverse but nearly as big as half of the OmniVerse and still has his Mask on his face but it's been cracked with small cracks However while in this form he's nearly invulnerable to all attacks except The attacks of other Pre-Existential Omni beings can harm)

Moves:T.R.U.E S.T.R.I.N.G.S(His strings have evolved into even powerful ones now his puppeteer strings are able to Control beings that aren't on His strings)T.R.U.E V.O.I.D Blast(He can Fire Powerful Void infused Blasts that can Shatter MultiVerses MegaVerses and even Half of the OmniVerse apart however this pales in comparison to his Other form) Void flames(Mastered) Meta control String puppet creation

"Now now If that wasn't enough My second form might entice you as half of my true form is revealed"-Original O'Brien

O.M.N.I T.R.U.E P.U.P.P.E.T.E.E.R(Like The one before But Now half of O'Brien's true form is shown and Hsi abilities and powers have Infinitely Multiplied by a Quadrillion times making him even stronger than before making him Boundless and on the level of God(He knows God is boundless) and His appearance has changed now his black cloak has changed its now a White robe With black Symbols and scribes in the center of them and his eyes completely blackened voids With purplish White dots in the center of them with new blackish large claws and with 7 Larger wings now larger and bigger than before as half of the OmniVerse itself and still has his mask but it's been cracked completely and on the verge of shattering and However in this form he's now completely Invulnerable to all attacks except The attacks of another Pre-Existential and Omni being and Possibly a True Omni beings and now His void flames are on the level of Grand Void flames)

Moves:O.M.N.I T.R.U.E S.T.R.I.N.G.S O.M.N.I T.R.U.E V.O.I.D Blast Grand Void flames meta control(Upgraded in second form) String puppet creation

"onto my final form And lets just you need to prepare for this one as it's fully my True form"-original O'Brien

U.N.S.U.P.P.R.E.S.S.E.D P.U.P.P.E.T.E.E.R(This one is O'Briens true form and now his Abilities have infinitely Multiplied by a Septillion and Decillion times over making him even stronger than before and even more powerful than God himself and is still Boundless his Appearance has changed as He has a red Cloak like robe with Several Symbols and purple Stripes and now has 10 blackened void eyes 10 of which are on his 2 hands and Left arm in a straight line Covered by Bandages with purplish white dots in the center And still has claws but now they're even larger then before and even more sharper and his 7 wings have grown larger and Gigantic In size now dwarfing the entirety of the OmniVerse and possibly the nexus core aswell and now his mask is gone after being Shattered completely revealing his Face and in the form is able to go toe to toe with the other Pre-Existentials Omni beings and even true Omni beings themselves and Now his grand void flames have been mastered and near to reaching the level of supreme void flames)

Moves:O.M.N.I S.T.R.I.N.G.S O.M.N.I Void Blast Grand Void Flames(Mastered and Near to reaching the level of Supreme flames) Meta control(Now even more powerful in his true form) String puppet creation

Now onto the darksphere and what is it

The darksphere is a transcending realm created by O'Brien DarkSphere was made above the OmniVerse Directly due to how powerful O'Brien was and It transcended him Into Layers and layers of fiction to the point he became self aware and Is aware of the forth wall and Knows that Existence itself is all a lie

Appearance:the darksphere is a endless and Plain Wasteland Filled with nothing but larger trees giant watery Lakes And in the center of it all is a Throne Located Ontop of a Gigantic tree In which he sits upon and in the skies of this realm are endless Strings Attached to the ceiling with puppets of various beings(and Various of those are Other ocs of mine) O'Brien has full control over this Realm Of his


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