Abaddons Creations Dark Nomus/D.M Nomus

"We are not the same Ones you saw that was just our Weaker Fleshling versions we are Not what we seem and Something more than you cant handle"-Dark matter hooder To Union academy

D.M nomus


Appearance: (have the same appearance of the nomus high ends near high ends and low ends mid ends upper ends but more terrifying and scarier with with their brains being covered in dark matter like void armor so strong it can't be destroyed unless something can there's also a hooder of this dark matter nomus race but this one has a larger fleshy hood that is covering his entire face and head with a large crack extending from his head left eye down to his chest with black ooze possibly dark matter dripping down he has a giant x shaped vertical mark in both of his hollow eyes)

Height:16.9Ft(Yeah they taller than the Ones from mha and even the grimous fall in comparison to their height)

Powers: dark matter and void energy related powers and abilities transcended strength speed durability agility reflex's dark matter/void physiology revival adaption Omni Invulnerability/Indestructibility

Other:these beings have one goal in mind implanted by their creator(Abaddon) and that's to destroy the entire multiverse itself they also have another goal and that's to adapt after each death these things have learned to not mess with strong enemies

Threat level:Omni/Triple SSS threats

Type of threats:Omni or multi threats

Type of race:dark matter nomus

Titles:the dark guardians creations the intelligent ones the nomus who are better than their predecessors the cosmic threats from beyond

Note: They're Created by Abaddon and Are on par with the guardians and their forms aswell

Battle mode(Activates when A guardian is about to use their full Power and The dark matter nomu will use their full power and Abilities to the max Turning them into a all black dark matter being with cracks Expanding and Dark ooze Dripping from the cracks and after a guardian is defeated by either the low or middle end The low and middle end nomu will die Due to Which the amount of power they're using will kill them but their ability to revive and and adapt will not work Anymore but for the upper near high and high ends it does work for them)
God Mode(Activates when a Guardian is about to use their full power and form in which the upper near high and high ends Use this form upon which grants them Unfathomable Strength speed and durability and reflexes making them faster and Stronger than A full powered guardian and Their appearance changes into a Glowing all black Dark matter Being with even more cracks appearing and expanding over their entire body and Abaddon says the upper near high and high ends are like  a Living supernova in this form due to the brightly glowing through the cracks on their body and will explode countless of times creating massive Explosion that level the omniverse and massive shockwaves aswell and once the guardian is defeated the upper near high and high ends will revert back to their normal form upon Deactivation tho they can self destruct killing themselves along with the guardian creating a massive explosion combined with dark matter eradicating and erasing anything within it's vicinity)

Now onto a Trick that only the upper near high and high ends can do

Dark matter High end fusion:
Super high ends(These are The fusion of The high ends in their god mode merging together resulting in a freakish powerful and stronger Being with the same abilities but different and altered with a altered appearance but now more terrifying and scarier with with their brains being covered in dark matter like void armor so strong it can't be destroyed unless something can there and have a larger crack extending from their head left eye down to it's chest with black ooze possibly dark matter dripping down it has a giant x shaped vertical mark in both of their hollow eyes and have dark matter/Void matter Armor over their body in layers and Have Dark matter/Void matter reformed arms due to losing them In a battle with an entity called "Sas-37"(An oc of Iampestilence)have 7 horns protruding from their heads 6 spiked tails Super high ends are As powerful as Omni being These fusion forms can only be used by the upper near high and high ends not the lower or Middle ends tho this is a permanent fusion The super high ends can also have constructed Their own Gaster Blasters With Dark matter Which Have the shape of a Nomus head and can Fire Mega powerful Dark matter infused beams Capable of Leveling and erasing the guardians and Even The gods themselves Tho The full Power of this is unknown to an extent)

Powers: dark matter and void energy related powers and abilities(Altered and different to an extent it has become even powerful and stronger) transcended strength transcended speed transcendent durability Transcendent agility reflex's(Altered and different) dark matter/void physiology(Altered and different) revival adaption(Altered to an extent they can now Come back as this fusion will remain permanent) Omni Invulnerability/Indestructibility(due to the fusion it has increased to unfathomable levels)

Moves:Nomu!Blaster(These also have Omega and Giga versions aswell)

Threat level(When Fusion is used):True Omni Being/Triple SSS Threats

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