Chapter 5 : First Day
Doctors live in a world of constant progress and forward motion. Stand still for a second and you'll be left behind. But as hard as we try to move forward, as tempting as it is to never look back the past always comes back to bite us in the ass.
"Hey. You paged us ?" Cristina Yang asked her boyfriend, Owen Hunt, upon entering into the scan room with Jackson Avery.
"I paged you. One second, Dr. Avery." He said before leading his girlfriend toward the trauma room. "Um, I know you think I don't understand you. So I got you a present." He explained, his gaze went on a patient in front of them.
"Come on. Come on, I don't wanna lose him ! What do we got ? Defib paddles !" A blonde woman shouted, trying to keep her patient alive.
"You got me a cardiac trauma !" Cristina exclaimed, excited.
"I didn't just get you a trauma. I got you a Cardio god. Or goddess." He smiled.
"Saline ! Lock and load to 50 ! Clear !" The machine beeped. "Nothing ! Come on. Come on." The Doctor exclaimed, massaging the heart. Slowly, the patient heartbeat's went back to normal.
"Nice to meet you. Jackson Avery." The resident introduced himself to the cardiothoracic surgeon, shooking her hand.
"Teddy Altman." She smiled.
"Teddy Altman ? I've never heard of you." Cristina told her.
"Cristina Yang ?" She squeezed her eyes reading Cristina's name tag. "I've never heard of you either. That makes us even." The blonde woman replied making Jackson smirk.
"Teddy and I, we served in Iraq together, and she's gonna be joining us for a little while." Owen explained to his girlfriend. "Ok. Come on, I'll introduce you to the chief." Owen said, grabbing Teddy's arm to escort her toward the hallway.
"Great. You look good." Teddy told Owen, sizing him up.
"You put on a little weight." She said touching his belly.
"I have not." He laughed.
"Have too !" She replied, as the pair disappeared from Cristina and Jackson field of vision.
"Who the hell is she ?" Yang exclaimed with a frown.
"Miranda, there you are !" Adele Webber stated. The woman was standing near the reception.
"Adele ? You all right ? Is everything ok ?" Miranda asked her worried.
"Richard didn't come home last night, and didn't call. Tell me he's not lying somewhere in a ditch, dead."
"The last time I saw him was last night, in his office- Working on the budget."
"Why didn't he answer his pager or his cell phone ?" Mrs Weber wondered.
"Ok, hold on. Hold on." Miranda told her before grabbing the phone who was on the reception's desk.
"And why doesn't anybody in this hospital know where the chief of surgery is ?"
"Dr. Bailey, have you seen the chief ? One of his patients needs an emergency chole." Lexie Grey asked, running toward the small surgeon.
"Ok, I'm on it." Miranda told her, hanging up the phone. "Uh. You go ahead and prep the patient." She ordered Dr. Grey. "You get yourself a cup of coffee. Decaf. I will find the chief." Bailey assured the chief's wife.
"You never told me how dinner went with mom and Nancy." Derek told his sister, Victoria, as him, her and Meredith entered in the hospital's elevator.
"I don't want to talk about it." The brunette firmly told him.
"Why ? What happened ?" Derek frowned.
"Kathleen happened."
"What did she say ?" He sighed.
"I'm not talking about it. Kathleen Shepherd is a despicable human being. I never want to hear or see her ever again. I hate her. I trully hate her."
"Come on. Don't say that. She's our sister." He tried to reason her.
"You weren't there. You don't know what she told me." Victoria retorted.
"Then tell me."
"No. I don't want to talk about that woman." She shook her head.
"Okay, I'll ask Kate, then." Derek suggested, knowing very well that it would trigger his little sister to tell him the story. Kathleen had a way of twisting the truth and make herself look like the innocent and righteous one in the story.
"She told me that she couldn't believe that I had just gotten divorced from Mark. Then she asked me if I thought that Mark had only cheated on me with Addison. And basically called me stupid for marrying him. Oh ! And also, telling me that this failed marriage was my fault. Mom didn't say anything to defend me, like always. Nancy didn't say anything to stop Kate from literally bullying me, like always ! That witch had the nerve to say that she had always supported me ! Who is she kidding ? I can't believe I'm related to her ! Last but not least she told me that I wasn't special ! Excuse me ? Me ? Not special ? I was always top of my class in every year ! I studied at Mayo ! I was chief resident there ! I won two Harper Avery awards ! I am brilliant ! I'm amazing ! Me ? Not special ? I'm more than special, I'm exceptional !" The woman ranted under Derek and Meredith's stunned look. "Great, Derek ! It's not even eight in the morning and you managed to make me angry on my first day of work ! Good job ! I told you, I didn't wanted to talk about it." Victoria Shepherd told her brother before exiting the elevator. She had a meeting with Richard.
"What just happened ?" The neurosurgeon asked his wife after his sister's sudden outburst.
"To be fair, you were the one to ask her the question." Meredith pointed out to her husband.
Cristina, Jackson, Owen and Teddy were waiting outside for an ambulance to arrive. In the meantime, the curly haired woman was on her phone trying to Google the blonde woman under the resident amused gaze.
"You heard from Casella ?" Owen asked his friend while putting his gloves on.
"Yeah, I heard he took another tour." Teddy told him.
"I'm sorry, where were you before ?" Cristina suddenly asked Teddy.
"In Baghdad with Dr.Hunt." The blonde surgeon replied.
"No, before that. Where'd you do your fellowship ?"
"With Paul Moak ?"
"Moak is in Rochester. I worked primarily with Joshua Moore." Dr. Altman revealed before turning back toward Dr. Hunt.
"Oh. You went to Mayo in Florida." She scoffed softly.
"Moore wrote that paper on retrograde coronary sinus perfusion ?" Jackson inquired.
"I worked on that with him."
"I almost considered Mayo-"
"Where'd you go to med school ?" Cristina cut off Jackson.
"Dr. Yang is a little thorough." Owen told his friend, embarassed by his girlfriend's behavior.
"UT Southwestern. I did my residency at G-W." The cardio surgeon replied to the curious resident.
"Have you published ?" Cristina questionned while a thunderclap was being heard. "According to Google, you don't exist."
"Oh, my God." Teddy chuckled. "It's raining !" She ran under the pouring rain, arms wide open.
"It's Seattle, it rains a lot." Dr. Yang told her with a snarky tone.
"Whoo ! Hunt ! How awesome is this ?" She cheered as the rain fell down on her.
"She's been living in the desert for a long time." Dr. Haunt explained to the two residents while the blonde was laughing hysterically under the rain. Cristina gave the trauma surgeon the eye before joining him.
"That is not a Cardio god." She told him.
"She is an incredible surgeon." Owen argued.
"This is great !" Teddy told them, twirling under the rain.
"So what's your story with her ?" Cristina asked suspicious.
"There's no story. We're friends."
"How long is she here for ?"
"The chief offered a limited contract to test the waters."
"Look, I really appreciate the gift, really I do, but you need to take it back."
"Take it back, and exchange it for a real Cardio god. Like Victoria Maloney. She is the cardio Goddess that I need and deserve."
"Just give her a chance. I promise, she's gonna surprise you." He told her as the siren of the ambulance blared.
The four of them were on the trauma room working on the patient that was in the ambulance.
"She needs a transvenous pacemaker now." Cristina declared.
"Dr. Yang, want to take this ? I haven't done one in ten years." Teddy casually said.
"Excuse me ?" Cristina asked shocked.
"I do." Jackson burst in, seizing the opportunity.
"Great. It's all yours." The blonde surgeon told him.
"You don't remember how ?" Dr. Yang enquired.
"I've been working primarily on soldiers, Dr. Yang, most of whom are well under the age of 70." Teddy explained.
"Use the right IJ, Dr. Avery. It'll give you the most direct approach." Owen instructed Jackson. Cristina looked astonished by Teddy's revelation.
"Dr. Altman, will you excuse me for a moment ? I just need to talk to the chief about something." The curly haired woman announced before leaving the room.
"Victoria, I'm very sorry." Richard Webber apologized to the surgeon. He opened the door of his office and invited the young woman in the room.
"Don't worry. I know that you're a busy man." Victoria replied, taking a seat on the chair that Richard pointed at.
"I was up till all hours, working on the budget." Dr. Webber repeated the lie that Bailey told him to say while searching through the papers that were scattered on his desk. "I put your contract somewhere but I can't seem to find it." He frowned, frustrated.
"It's alright. This can wait. I don't have to sign it right now." Victoria assured the chief.
"Right." Richard was about to add something when a knock was heard on the door. He gave a sorry look to his new head of cardio before telling the person to come in. Owen Hunt and Teddy Altman came inside the office. The first took notice of the Shepherd woman and seemed quite confused and surprised.
"Sorry to intrude chief, we came by earlier but you weren't in your office. I wanted to introduce you to Teddy Altman, the new cardio attending."
"Huh, yes." Richard replied, trying to organize his thoughts. "Welcome to the Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital, Dr. Altman."
"Thank you. It's very nice to meet you, sir." Teddy smiled.
"Dr. Altman let me introduce you to Victoria Maloney, our new head of cardio." He introduced the two women.
"Hello." Victoria smiled before offering her hand to shake to the other blonde. "Nice to meet you. I hope that we'll work well together."
"Me too." Teddy smiled back, shooking Victoria's hand. Another knock was heard at the door. Miranda Bailey stepped in the office.
"Dr. Webber, sorry to bother you but you have a surgery that can't wait."
"Huh. Right. Doctor Hunt can you show around and explained how things work around the hospital to Dr. Maloney and Dr. Altman ?" He asked, getting up from his seat.
"Of course, sir." Owen promptly responded.
"Chief ?" Cristina called Doctor Weber, running after him and Bailey in the hallway. "Can I talk to you ?"
"Not the time. Chief has emergency surgery." Miranda denied the resident's request.
"The Chief has an emergency cardio situation. New attending doesn't know how to put in a pacemaker." Cristina insisted.
"Yang-" Richard started, annoyed.
"Do not engage." Bailey ordered the chief of surgery. "Did you or did you not ask this man for a new Cardio attending ?" She asked the resident.
"And did he or did he not bring in attending after attending, none of whom seemed to please you, and all of whom you ran off ?"
"That is not a fair assessment."
"Dr. Yang, has it occurred to you that you might be the problem ? Yeah, right. Leave this man alone, go torture the new attending." Miranda suggested.
"Sir- "
"Yang, do as Bailey says." Richard cut off Cristina.
"And you are due in surgery." The petite woman told her superior, touching his arm.
"Bailey, what would I do without you ?" He asked while walking away toward the operating room.
"Let's hope you never have to find out." She replied as Dr. Sloan and Dr. Torres came over to talk to her about a patient.
"Is your trauma patient stable for skin grafting ?" Mark asked Bailey.
"With the pancreatic duct rupture ?" Callied added.
"Miranda ?" Adele interfered, walking toward the trio.
"Adele ! I'm so sorry. I sent the chief into surgery. Do you want me- ?"
"What I want is for you to tell me the truth. Are you having an affair with my husband ?"
"I- I am not having an affair with your husband !" Miranda denied, taken aback by this question.
"I saw the way you handled him just now." Adele stated.
"I did not handle him ! There was no handling. We work together !"
"You spend every waking moment together. You finish each other's sentences. You read each other's minds. You're more married to that man than I am."
"Yeah, but that's just because they're husband and work-wife." Callie jumped in the conversation.
"Excuse me ?" Miranda said, sending the woman a death glare.
"The chief is your work-husband. You're his work-wife. You look out for each other. You take care of each other. It's like me and Sloan." She explained.
"Excuse me ?" Mark asked, an eyebrow raised.
"Nobody's talking to you." Torres dismissed him. "He's my work-husband, but he has a girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. Nothing going on between us." She finished her explanation.
"There was at one point." Mark revealed.
"You're not helping." Callie snapped at him.
"Neither one of you are." Miranda told them. "Adele, I promise you, there is nothing going on."
"Something is going on because he hasn't been in his bed all week." The chief's wife divulge.
"What ?" Bailey asked surprised.
"Really ?" Mark added, very curious.
"The last time he acted like this, disappearing, sleeping at the hospital every night, he was with Ellis Grey. He may not be having an affair with you-"
"He's not. I promise you. I promise you he's not."
"Ok. But wife-wife to work-wife, someone in this hospital is sleeping with our husband." Adele affirmed.
"How we doing, Dr. Yang ?" Teddy Altman asked entering in the cath lab.
"Gary Clark, 57.ST elevation in leads one through four." Cristina informed the attending.
"Which would indicate ?"
"Anterior heart attack. Blockage in the LAD. He's ready for an angioplasty."
"Talk me through the procedure."
"Because you don't remember how ?"
"No, that was actually a teaching moment."
"Access the femoral artery, thread the catheter to the heart, inject dye, then open up the blockage."
"Good. Use the pigtail catheter to get a good-"
"Like this one ?" Cristina pointed at the screen. She already had done it. The resident was way ahead of the attending.
"Huh. Look at that. Dr. Avery, what can we infer from this ?" She questionned the resident.
"Wall motion abnormalities." He quickly responded.
"Yes, in the left ventricular wall. Let's get into the left coronary tree."
"Already there."
"Oh. Ok. Um well, you want to make sure you get images in many planes, so you have to shift the fluoro."
"We use rotational angiography. It does that on its own."
"Huh. Look at that. I guess I learned something today." Teddy happily admitted.
"Yeah. Look at that." Cristina replied, still not liking the woman.
"You don't think it's Bailey ?" Mark asked Callie as they joined Arizona in the cafeteria.
"No !" Callie exclaimed, sure of herself.
"Really ? I kinda like them together. It's not Yang is it ?" He asked, sitting in front of Arizona.
"What are you talking about ?" Arizona asked them, reading the journal, taking a sip of her drink.
"You haven't heard ? The Chief-"
"Mark, you are a terrible gossip." Callie cut him off.
"I'm an excellent gossip." He replied.
"Mind if we join you ?" Owen asked them, Teddy by his side.
"No. Have a seat." Arizona said with a smile."
"How's your first day ? You ready to go back to Baghdad yet ?" Mark asked Teddy as she sat next to him.
"I'm actually really impressed : the facility, the equipment, caliber of residents."
"Have you met Cristina Yang yet ?"
"Cristina Yang may, in fact, be the best resident I've ever seen."
"You think ?" Owen asked, looking pleased.
"Yeah. I do. I don't think she likes me, but yeah."
"Ooh. She doesn't like you ?" The plastic surgeon asked with a smirk.
"Mark." Callie repremended him.
"No, you're probably right. Just because Yang drove off the last three Cardio attendings-"
"She did not." Owen denied.
"Come on, that-"
"She had nothing to do with Hahn leaving." Owen stated.
"No, that was me." Callie informed her colleagues, in between bites, making Arizona and Teddy smile.
"Dixon." Mark continued.
"Cristina just needs a strong Cardio attending and she deserves a strong Cardio attending." Owen said, defending his girlfriend.
"Cristina ? Huh. Wow. So- So you and Yang ?" Teddy puzzling together that the two were forming a couple. "What happened to you and Beth ?"
"He didn't tell you ?" Mark asked, diving in. "Beth showed up at the hospital one day. She didn't even know he was- Ow !" Mark shouted in pain while Arizona was loudly slurping her drink. "Did you just kick me ?" He asked, turning toward Callie.
"That was me." The surgeon in front of him revealed.
"So wait. When you called me up and told me about this great job at this great hospital, you were just bringing me out here as a present for your new girlfriend ?" Dr. Altman figured out.
"It is a great job with great people, one of whom just happens to be- Yeah. Yeah." He admitted, defeated.
"That's ok. I'm not mad. I'm just gonna enjoy all the ways you'll have to make it up to me."
"Ok." Owen replied uneasy, making Callie laugh.
"So did you met all the chiefs of department ?" Arizona asked Teddy.
"Yeah. Actually, I just met the new head of cardio. It's her first day too. She was really nice." She declared.
"We have a new head of cardio ? Who's that ?" Mark inquired biting his apple.
"It's Victoria Shepherd." Owen announced after clearing his throat.
"What did you say ?" The plastic surgeon said pratically choking.
"Am I missing something ?" Teddy asked confused, not understanding Mark's reaction and Owen uneasiness to reveal the information.
"She's Mark wife." Arizona informed the woman.
"Ex-wife." Mark corrected.
"He cheated on her with her brother's wife." She added with a big smile, giving Mark a taste of his own medecine.
"This is going to be so much fun." Callie chuckled.
"So how do you like your present ?" Meredith asked Cristina after taking a look at Teddy, while the two women were sat with Alex at the cafeteria accross from the table fool of attendings.
"Who ? Private Benjamin over there ? Owen said she would surprise me. Well, guess what ? Surprise ! She doesn't know how to do surgery." Cristina answered.
"Leave her alone, it's her first day." Alex said.
"Why are you defending her ? She went to a state school."
"So did I."
"She's skinny and blonde."
"So is Mer."
"She's annoying."
"So are you."
"Where is your wife, by the way ?" Cristina asked him. Izzie Stevens had showed up this morning at the hospital after disappearing for months without giving any news to her husband or friends.
"Uh. What did you say to Owen ?" Meredith quickly changed the subject.
"That she's gotta go. He knows how important this is. I need someone to take me to the next level, and he brings me this Desert Storm Barbie who hasn't seen the inside of an OR in ten years ? I mean, if this is what he thinks of my talent, I gotta break up with him."
"Well, at least Victoria is here now, even if it wasn't Owen's doing." Meredith told her friend.
"What ?" Yang paused. "What did you say ?"
"Derek's sister is working here now." She clarified.
"Since when ?" The curly haired woman asked baffled.
"So, you're saying that all morning Victoria Maloney was in this hospital probably doing amazing, mind blowing surgeries and that I was following clueless G.I Jane around ? Why am I only hearing this now ? What didn't you told me sooner ?"
"I thought you knew. Everyone knows." Meredith defended herself.
"You're a terrible friend, Meredith. The worst."
"I didn't know that Francis left Hopkins to teach at Mayo." Arizona told Victoria as they enter the E.R for a consult.
"He did for ten years before going into retirement." The cardio surgeon froze when she saw that Jackson was attending the patient that she was paged for. She catched his eyes. Jackson was surprised to see her there. The woman didn't told him that she was back in Seattle or that she was working here now.
"Hello, Doctor Maloney." Cristina excitingly greeted the surgeon. "It's a great honor to work with you and to be by your side-" She started rambling.
"You guys paged me ? What's going on ?" Robbins interruped the resident.
"This is Casey, age eight, asthmatic. Nebs at home haven't been working." Cristina explained, finding back her composure.
"We added steroids but he's having trouble breathing." Jackson added not taking his eyes off Victoria who was adamently ignoring him.
"Casey, I'm Dr.Robbins. I'll look at your X-rays."
"Do you mind ?" Victoria asked Arizona permission to examine the patient.
"No, go ahead."
"Hey, Casey. Just gonna take a listen." She told the boy before listening to his heartbeat with her stethoscope. "Has Casey had any other medical issues ?"
"A febrile seizure at three months." Cristina eagerly informed the cardio surgeon.
"Ok. Can you sit up for me ?" She asked still listening to his heart. "Did he scream a lot when you brought him home from the hospital ?"
"Yes." Casey's mom answered.
"Has his asthma gotten better or worse as he's gotten older ?"
"Alright. Thank you, very much." Victoria joined Arizona and Cristina, while Jackson was giving Casey a breathing treatment. "Book an OR." The woman ordered Dr. Yang.
"Yes. Right away. But can I- can I ask why ?"
"He has cardiac asthma, Dr. Yang. That seizure he had ? It wasn't from a fever. He had a heart attack then, and he's having one now. Book an OR." She firmly repeated before walking off.
Victoria, Arizona, Cristina and Jackson were in the O.R operating on Casey.
"See the anatomy here ?" The cardio surgeon asked.
"Coronary artery is attached to the pulmonary artery, not the aorta." Yang stated.
"It presented as asthma, but it's ALCAPA." Shepherd explained.
"How did you know ? You only listened to him and asked his mom a couple questions." Jackson asked her amazed.
"I saw some cardiomegaly on his X-rays, and heard a holosystolic murmur through wheezing. You'll know for next time. And after today, Dr.Yang, you'll know how to fix it."
"Me ? I - I thought you and Dr.Robbins were-" Cristina stammered.
"Dr.Robbins, do you mind if Dr.Yang first-assists ?"
"Not at all." Arizona replied switching her position with the resident.
"Let's see if you're made to be a cardio surgeon, Dr. Yang." Victoria Shepherd told her woman before giving her a surgical instrument.
"Ok. Here we go. The moment of truth. Let's see Dr.Yang's handiwork." Victoria announced as Casey bypass was taken off. His ECG showed a fast beating of his heard while the machine started beeping.
"V-fib on the monitor." Jackson exclaimed.
"Thank you for that update." Cristina snided.
"The bleeding's behind the coronary anastomosis." Arizona informed.
"My anastomosis. What'd I do ?"
"It doesn't matter what you did. What matters is what are you going to do to fix it ?"
"Feel free to jump in here at any time." Cristina told her, starting to panic.
"You can do this. Tell me what you want to do." The attending calmly replied.
"I want to defibrillate."
"Then defibrillate. I'll unclamp."
"Charge to 20. Clear !" Cristina exclaimed. The machine hummed and thumped.
"Nice. Now, keep your eyes on the field and do exactly as I say. We're gonna try to fix this without rearresting the heart. You with me ?" Victoria asked the resident.
"Yes." She nodded.
"Good. You need to apply a suture proximally and distally. Good. Dr.Avery, are you watching this ? There will be a quiz afterward."
"Believe me, I'm watching.
"Guess what I did today ?" Cristina asked Meredith, enthusiastically entering the residents lounge.
"Whatever it was, it's better than getting surgeries stolen by Mercy West residents." The blonde replied.
"It was. I did a Takeuchi repair."
"You did not."
"Not all by myself. But Victoria Maloney did let me do the coronary artery anastomosis."
"Wow. So she is the Cardio god."
"Yeah, I know." Cristina nodded with a huge grin on her face.
"Here are tomorrow's surgeries. We can go over them in the morning." Richard gave Miranda the charts before walking towards the elevator.
"What ? What's going on ?" Callie approched Bailey after seeing the scene.
"The chief's taking some time off from surgery for a while." She informed Torres.
"Because he's having an affair ?"
"Because of the merger. He's not having an affair ! He's exhausted. Now, I've lost my work-husband and my husband-husband."
"So I'll be your work-husband."
"You already have Sloan."
"That's true. What about Shepherd ?" Callie proposed.
"Are you kidding ? All that hair ? I can't be looking at that all day." The petite woman joked.
Victoria Shepherd's first day at the Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital was over. It had left her exhausted but also exhilarated. For the first time since leaving New York, three years ago, she felt like she belonged here.
The blonde was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't took notice that she passed the blue eyed man that was waiting for her, sat on a bench outside the hospital.
"Tory !" Jackson called her, catching up with her. "So you're working here now." He stated.
"Yes." She replied, not stopping on her walk.
"It would have been nice to have the heads-up. I didn't even knew that you were in Seattle."
"I don't owe you anything, Dr. Avery." The cardio surgeon coldly replied to him.
"Oh, so, it's Dr. Avery now ?" The resident chuckled bitter. "I'm a little lost right now. I- I thought that we had a good thing going on-" He frowned.
"Listen, what happened between us is a thing that we have to bury in the past. I'm an attending at this hospital now and you're a resident. You're Dr. Avery and I'm Dr. Maloney. Clear ?"
"Crystal clear. Dr. Maloney." He told her before angrily walking passed her. Victoria deeply sighed before going in the other direction to get her car.
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