Chapter 1 : Another Shepherd
"Hello." Victoria Shepherd greeted the woman at the reception. "Where can I find Doctor Derek Shepherd, please ?"
"Do you have an appointment ?" The receptionnist asked.
"No. But I don't need one. I'm his sister. Can you page him, please ?"
"I am sorry but- "
"Don't worry I got this." A man on Victoria's right told the receptionnist. "Hi. I'm Doctor Jackson Avery." He told Victoria before shaking her hand.
"Hi. Victoria Shepherd." She introduced herself.
"Doctor Shepherd's sister, right ?"
"Yes. Do you know where I can find him ?" The brunette inquired.
"Huh no, but I can page him here if you want."
"I would like that very much, thank you. What year are you in ?" She asked a couple of minutes after Dr. Avery paged her brother.
"Third year of residency."
"Big year."
"Isn't every medical year big ?" He replied with a smile.
"Yes, I guess you're right." The Shepherd woman chuckled.
"Are you also a- "
"Tory ?" Derek Shepherd walked to his sister interrupting their conversation.
"Surprise !" Victoria exclaimed.
"What-" He started, confused. "What are you doing here ?" Dr. Shepherd asked while hugging his sister. "I thought you were in Australia ? Why didn't you call ?"
"I came to visit my favorite brother." She smiled, ending the hug. "What else ?"
"When did you arrive ?"
"Last night."
"I can't believe you're right in front of me." Derek said with a bright smile. "I missed you."
"I missed you too, Der."
"How are you ?"
"Good. As much as I love you, I didn't just came here to see you. I need your help."
"With what ? What's going on ?" He asked frowning.
"I need a neuro consult."
"Why ? What are your symptoms ?" Derek questionned, worry in his eyes.
"It's not for me, Der. It's for a friend. He has a brain tumor. Could you take a look at it, please ?"
"Of course, follow me."
"Spencer, this my brother Derek." Victoria told her friend. "Derek, this my good friend from Australia, Spencer."
"Nice to meet you." Spencer shook Derek's hand. "Tory talks a lot about you, I feel like I know you already."
"The pleasure is mine."
"So, you're the one who's gonna operate on me ?"
"Tory says that you're the best."
"I am." Derek confirmed with a smile. "Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. I'm gonna take care of you and in no time you will be back in Australia. We're going to have a scan of your brain to know how exactly we are going to operate. The nurse is going to prepare you."
"Alright. Thank you, Doctor Shepherd."
"I was wandering..." The older Shepherd trailed off, once they left the room. "Why don't you operate on him ? It's an easy procedure."
"He doesn't want me to. He doesn't want me to have his death on the conscious if it went wrong."
"Is he- Are you together ?" He inquired.
"No, Der. He's just my friend. I don't date. I'm a free woman."
"Who is still married, may I had." Derek teased his sister.
"Shut up about it." Victoria replied as they entered the scan room.
"I noticed that you still had your wedding ring on."
"Yeah, and ?"
"If you are over him- "
"Derek, it's just a stupid ring. It's beautiful, I'm not going to throw it away. Besides it keeps annoying men away."
"If you say so." He said not believing me. "He is here you know." Derek added after a moment of silence.
"Who ?"
"Mark. He is working here." Dr. Shepherd revealed.
"And you didn't thought to mention it in our weekly phone calls ?" The brunette frowned.
"I didn't want to upset you."
"The fact that you didn't mention this to me is upsetting me. Are you back to being best buddies with him or what ?"
"I forgave him. And Addison. I forgave her too."
"Well, good for you Derek. But I didn't. In case you forgot I'm not really the forgiving type."
"I think that you should become it. Not for them but for you. Holding grudges is bad. Forgiving them will make you feel better."
"Derek. My husband, your best friend cheated on me with your wife that I considered like a sister. So excuse me but I think that I have the right to be of the unforgiving type."
"I'm worried about you."
"Where is this coming from ?" Victoria asked irritated. "I'm fine, Derek."
"You ran away to the other side of the world."
"You ran away too."
"To Seattle, it's not exacly the same thing."
"I needed space."
"You didn't come home for three years."
"I am here now."
"We were worried. You left, didn't leave a note, didn't call- "
"Derek, I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to save my friend's life. So stop it before I lose it." She replied angry.
"Doctor Shepherd." A female voice said while entering the room. "I'm on your service today. Huh." She said feeling the tension. "Do you want me to go ?"
"No. Sit Grey, you are directing the scan." He told the young woman.
"I'm Lexie Grey." She said introducing herself to the the unknown woman in the room. "Nice to meet you."
"Victoria Shepherd."
"Oh you are-"
"Derek's sister. One of the many others Shepherd. And Grey isn't it your wife surname, Derek ?" The youngest Shepherd asked her brother.
"Yes, Lexie is Meredith little sister." Derek informed her.
"Well, I guess we all come from two surgeons family." Victoria smiled at Lexie.
"Lexie is interested in taking neuro as her speciality. She is very talented. She reminds me of you." The neurosurgeon told his sister.
"Oh, you're also a neuro surgeon ?" The resident asked excited.
"Sometimes. I'm mostly focused on my job as a cardiothoracic surgeon."
"Wow. You're very impressive."
"What approach should we use, Grey ?" Derek questionned as the scan came up.
"Transnasally." She replied after taking a good look at the scan.
"There's some compression, that's worrying me out." Victoria said looking at the scan. "We should do that sooner than later."
"Right. Grey, book an O.R."
"Yes." She nodded before leaving the room.
"Can you get me a scrubs for the surgery ?"
"No." Her brother deny her request.
"What ? Why ?" The brunette asked not understanding the reason for his answer.
"You told me that he didn't wanted you to operate on him."
"And I'm not. I'm just going to assist you."
"You're my sister. My baby sister and this is your friend. If something goes wrong I don't need you in the O.R with does big sad eyes looking at me. You'll be in the waiting room."
"Are you serious ? I don't even get to observe in the gallery ? It's ridiculous, Derek."
"It's not. I never went in the O.R with you, I don't know how you are in there. You came here because you know that I'm the best so listen to me when I say that I don't want you in the O.R. I'm the one who will operate so I'm the one who gets to choose who is in my O.R. Understood ?"
"Yes." Victoria answered with reluctance.
"Good. I have to go, I have a surgery right now. But let's eat lunch together. I want you to meet Meredith."
"The slutty mistress turned honorable wife."
"You've been talking to Nancy ?"
"Yes. Well, I'm not talking to Amelia for obvious reasons, neither to Kate because she's bitchy, and Lizzie stopped talking to me since I missed the last three years of family gatherings. And I don't have friends since they are all traitors who knew that my husband cheated on me, so yes I'm talking to Nancy."
"Right. I have to go. If you see Mark don't kill him. See you at lunch."
"What are you looking at ?" Cristina Yang asked as she took a seat at the table where Alex and Lexie were sat.
"Meredith with Derek's sister." Lexie replied.
"Where ?" She asked taking a look around. "Wait. Victoria Maloney is Derek's sister ?"
"Who's that ?"
"Victoria Maloney. Two time Harper Avery Award winner. The youngest to ever win one. She revolutionned cardiology. Doesn't ring any bell ?"
"No." Alex Karev answered loudly chewing his food.
"Is she here to work ?"
"No, a friend of her is getting operated." Lexie revealed.
"In cardio ?"
"No, neuro."
"Crap. Meredith needs to introduce me to her. She needs to work here."
"If she is, that doesn't smell good for you Grey." Alex said.
"What ? Why ? What are you talking about ?" Lexie asked confused.
"She's Sloan ex-wife." He explained.
"What ?!" Lexie exclaimed, spiting out her drink.
"Wife, actually." Cristina corrected her fellow resident. "Meredith told me that they were still married."
"What ?!"
"Do you feel insecure ?" Karev asked. "You should, between you and her, my choice would be easy."
"It's true. She has everything. The brain and the looks." Cristina told Lexie in between two bites of chicken.
"You're screwed, Grey." Alex added before Lexie left the cafeteria in a hurry "Was it too much ?"
"No. She needs to get tough."
"It's nice to finally meet you, Meredith." Victoria told her brother's wife.
"Me too. Derek told me a lot about you."
"And you were the family talk for months." The brunette grinned.
"Tory." Derek intervened with a warning tone.
"I'm not saying that to be rude. But it's the truth. You've married a man who has five sisters, Meredith, so be prepared. Besides, you know I always rooted for the two of you." She said looking at my brother.
"So, you live in Australia, right ?" Meredith asked, changing the subject.
"Yes. I've been there for three years now."
"Are you planning on staying there permanently ?"
"I don't know. Maybe." She shrugged.
"I thought Australia was temporary." Derek said confused.
"It was."
"Then why do you 'not know' ?"
"Because, I'm liking it there."
"I thought that Australia was a way to put some distance between you and Mark, but I'm starting to think that it was to put some distance between you and our family."
"Since I've been there, Derek, the only talking subject that you have is Mark Sloan." Victoria said annoyed. "What is wrong with you ? Turn the page Derek."
"I have. But I'm afraid that you didn't, that you still have feelings for him."
"Oh my god ! You know what Derek, maybe you're right I did run away to put some distance between me and our family. Actually, between me and my controling big brother who has an opinion and a critic to make about every little decision that I make on my own. Guess what Derek, I am, my own person and not a creature that you created at your own image." She said standing up. "I'm 27 years old Derek, maybe it's time for you to let me live my life like I want to. And stop with your God complex. It was nice meeting you Meredith." The brunette told her. "Enjoy your meal, I'm gonna check on Spencer."
"You bastard." Lexie cursed Mark, after dragging him inside the an on-call room.
"Excuse me ?" Mark asked confused.
"You're still married !"
"Yes, but we're separated." He argued.
"She's here."
"What ?"
"Your wife is here."
"Vicky ?"
"Do you have more than one wife ?"
"No ?"
"You lied to me !"
"No, I didn't. What is she doing here ? Does she know I'm here ? I need to hide."
"What are you talking about ?"
"Last time I saw her, she bashed my car with a golf club. And I was in the car. She is crazy. And she scares me."
"You are unbelievable." Lexie told him pissed off, before leaving the room.
"Victoria ?" Meredith called as she was approaching her sister-in-law in the waiting room. "You're waiting for Spencer ?" She asked sitting next to her.
"Yes." The brunette answered with a sigh, looking at the wall in front of her. "I'm sorry for what happened at lunch." She said after a moment of silence.
"It's okay. Family is complicated."
"I know it's none of my business, but Derek wasn't trying to start a fight with you. He's just worried about you. I mean, out of the five sisters that he has, you're the one that he talks the most about. I know that you decided to be a doctor when you were three. That you're scared of clown ever since your sister Amelia made you watch Killer Klowns from Outer Space when you were 6. He misses you. And you leaving for those three years really got to him. He loves you with all his heart."
"I never met my dad." Victoria revealed. "He died before I was born. He died before even knowing about me. Derek raised me. He's a great big brother." She said facing Meredith. "He's the best. I would take a bullet for him. But the fact is that the more I grew up, the more Derek changed from being my brother to trying to be my father. I don't need him to be my dad. I need him to be my brother." The woman confessed.
"Then tell him that. Talk to him." Meredith advised her.
"Hey." Derek greeted his sister in the waiting room.
"Is Spencer alright ?" She stood up.
"There have been some complications. He is alive." He quickly said seeing the panic on her face. "But I'm not sure about him waking up. I'm sorry Tory."
"I- He needs to wake up Derek. I told his wife that he was coming home. Alive." She told him with tears in her eyes.
"Come here." Derek said, hugging his baby sister. "Don't loose hope."
"He helped me." Victoria told Derek as they were in Spencer's hospital room. "With the Mark situation. He helped me get over it. Because, I am over it Derek. I mean, I don't have feelings for Mark anymore but I'm still angry I'm not gonna lie. I keep the ring on because it reminds me the of happy times that I had with him. It reminds me that our marriage wasn't a complete failure. And I left to get away from Mark but also because I was ashamed. You told me that it wasn't a good decision to marry Mark, that he would break my heart and you were absolutely right. I didn't wanted to face you. I didn't wanted to see the look of deception on your face, I couldn't. The fact is Derek, I don't need you to be my dad, I need you to be my brother. I need you to support me and let me make mistakes, let me make my own choices and respect them."
"I'm sorry." He said taking a sit next to his sister. "When dad died, I felt like I had to take care of all of you. The others had a dad so I just needed to be their brother. But you, when you came on this earth you didn't had a dad, so I thought that I needed to fill this void. You were right, I guess I shaped you at my own image, like I was some god but it was because the world is a cruel place and I didn't wanted it to crush you. When I see you Tory, I still have this image of you a couple hours after your birth, opening your eyes and smiling at me as I was holding you. You were so little, so innocent. I wanted you to stay that way because then I was able to protect you, but you grew up. And I wasn't able to let you go, and let you be who you wanted to be by yourself. And I'm sorry, you're my little sister Tory and I love you. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy."
"So are you letting go ?"
"I'm letting go." He sighed.
"Thank you."
"Can I say something though ?"
"What ?"
"I don't like the hair."
"Excuse you ?" Victoria said with a laugh.
"It doesn't feel like you." Derek explained.
"I just wanted a change." She grinned. "I'm finally fitting with everyone in this family. They can no longer call me blondie."
"You've ineritated dad's blond hair. He had the same bright blond hair as you."
"You never talk about him." She pointed out.
"I know. It's because it still hurts."
"I didn't felt a void growing up, Der." The youngest Shepherd said taking her brother's hand in hers. "I didn't."
"Come on." He said standing up after a moment of silence. "Let's get you back to your hotel. I told the nurse to call you immediately if he wakes up."
Hi ! I hope you like the story so far (even if it's only the first chapter). I just wanted to let you know that english is not my first language so if you see gramatical mistakes or else feel free to let me know 😊. And if you like the story I would appreciate a vote and if there is some things that doesn't seem clear to you or advice or else leave a comment, I would very much appreciate a feedback from the readers. On that note, good day or night depending on when you are reading this.
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