Happy Birthday, (y/n)!
Mey-Rins POV
this is perfect, yes it is! I cant wait to celebrate something in the manor, its been so long! she'll be ever so pleased.
I just hope that the young master enjoys himself for a change, he always seems so gloomy, yes he does. master Ciel hardly ever smiles anymore! he should stop being so sad and enjoy his childhood! after all, it doesn't last very long, no it doesn't.
bardroys POV
the party foods taking ages to cook! I would use me flamethrower if Sebastian hadn't taken it. I can understand him taking it of course; I just don't see why he had to chuck it out the ruddy window is all! its gonna take hours to find the beauty again!
ah well, at least they cant very well blame me if the meal aint ready on time. Sebastian didn't even let me cook the special dinner I was planning on making just for (y/n). I wonder why hes so over protective of her all the time, I mean, its not like they're even related. they are nothing like each other; other than shes as good at everything as he is. and they do like to take charge all the time. there is a connection between the two of them I suppose, I just hope it aint anything romantic. that's against the code for one!
I guess they might be sorta similar in certain ways. (y/n) definatly a whole lot better lookin than him. if it weren't against the rules, I would absolutely try at havin her as my one and only.
"ah! dammit! the cakes burning!"
finnians POV
I'm so excited! only one hour left until (y/n)s party! I hope she likes it! I would never be happy again if she didn't! the master ought to enjoy himself also, hes so sad all the time.
I wish Angela could be here. she is so pretty. I'm positive she would of enjoyed it. ah, well. at least I have my friends and Plu-Plu! they are all I need.
Sebastian told us that (y/n) enjoys the outdoors. so that's where the party shall be; in the garden!I trimmed the hedges and watered the flowers, arranging them to seem as if they glisten in the warm sunlight. the marble fountain has been polished to a gleam, and Plutos fur shines. its so fluffy. I have made little bouquets of bluebells and (f/f)s to put in vases along the table which had been waxed and a light, ironed, pearl white cloth covers it. there shall be cakes, biscuits, ice-cream, the finest chocolate, pavlovas, meringes, apple pies and (f/treat). Sebastian has given a list of non-sweet related foods to cook. Everyone is invited: Lady Elizabeth, her maid Paula (all the Midfords are coming in fact!), Prince Soma will come along with Agni, a few people I don't know have been sent invitations also, the only people that the master has refused to allow are the members of the Trancy household. I cant think as to why, coming from (y/n), Lord Alois Trancy sounds like a delightful Earl. apparently, him and the master are of similar ages which makes Lord Trancy only a young boy also. Sebastian says he simply wont allow people with the names of the following: Grell Sutcliff (he seems to have the name of poor Madame Red's butler, purely coincidence I have been assured), William T.Spears and Ronald Knox. I don't really know why they have been forbidden from the party, Bardroy, Mey-Rin and I have never even met those people!
Sebastian says that even One Hell Of A Butler such as himself can not think to put up with so much as one of them at a time. he told me that it bothers him to even know of their existence.
I must stop daydreaming at once! it is only 20 minutes until we are expecting the guests to arrive! after that, we shall have only but 10 minutes to finish preparations!
ceils POV
a party. how childish. I do not have the time nor the patience to run around playing party games and eating cake. its my maids birthday, so what. we all have one. every year, its not like that this is the only one in a lifetime. gifts and sweets, such materialistic things. "this party shall be such a waste of time, must I honestly go? I have work to be doing." I sigh to my butler as he pours my tea. he turns to where I am sat, cheek resting upon my fist, at my desk.
"have you considered yet, my Lord, that the reason you do not wish to go to (y/n)'s party is not only because you are hopeless at dancing --"
"Hey!" I interrupt angrily. I can dance just fine! but, regardless, he continues his sentence.
"-- but also because you are upset about her giving you the cold shoulder recently? that you don't want her to ignore you at the celebration?"
'of course not!' is what I wanted to shout. however, all I did was turn my head slightly and feel the heat rising on my cheeks. damn you, Sebastian!
he sighed, "you must go to this celebration. she is your servant and as your humble butler I request that you show up at this party."
"humble? you?" I scowled. this made him smirk as he turned to leave the room.
your POV
*sigh* I cant believe they all forgot. the day I claim as my birthday, and no one cares. even my own brother hasn't shown that he remembers. I sat, hunched up by my favourite tree in the forest before the Estate. "its your birthday my dear, holding by another year. Id like to tell, I wish you well. pleasant times shall see the day through. happy birthday to you." I sing quietly to myself. at least someone has.
I hear the masters bell ringing from the manor with my demon hearing, ugh, I do not wish to see him today! but I suppose, it is necessary. screw my life.
from homeless, happy girl to mansion residing, depressed maid. not a great move up if I do say so.
I climbed reluctantly to my feet and started to trapes my way back to the mansion. how I wish Alois was here, hes really not that bad. sure he can be an arrogant, insolent little brat but Ciel is no different! hes just a few levels more mature than the older blonde. they have such similar pasts; much like the colours navy and midnight blue. different and yet strangely familiar.
when I reached the garden, I was shocked to find it had been neatened up as if for a magnificent and festive occasion. I wonder if we are to have a guest.. I saw the master sitting in a chair amid the white roses, Sebastian beside him as always, "you called master?" I asked, bowing my head and closing my eyes as small waves of (h/c) hair that had escaped the messy bun of my uniform tumbled over my face.
"yes, it is my wish that you shall enjoy this day and ignore todays chores." he smiled. wait what?! enjoy the day? ignore my chores? the master smiling! this day just keeps getting weirder and weirder...
"Master? whatever do you mean?" I asked, genuinely confused. I swept the waves of hair behind my ears as I lifted my head.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!!" I heard someone -no, some people- cheer behind me and I jumped around to see a large banner with golden writing that read 'A Very Happy 15th Birthday to Our Beloved (y/n)', I saw the others stood below it (Finny, Bardroy, Mey-Rin, Tanaka, Soma and Agni). tears of joy sprung up in my blue eyes.
"Th-thank y-ou all s-so much!" I stuttered for yet the second time in my time here at the mansion. but before I could rush to hug everyone I heard a loud call of, "(yyyyyyyyyyy/nnnnnnnnnnnn)! *loud giggles*" before I was whisked up and spun round in what was most likely the tightest bear-hug the world has ever seen. as I was spinning, I caught a glimpse of blonde curls and 2 dark, emerald pools. it suddenly, the hug made sense!
"Lizzy!" I choked, "i cant breath!"
"oh, sorry! *giggles*" and I was then put down and I stumbled backwards as nausea hit. "Paula, ring the bells!"
and sure enough, the brunette maid replied with, "yes, my lady!" and closed her hazel eyes, smiled and sang, "jingle jingle jingle!" along with the golden reindeer bells she had acquired at the frost fair. I laughed at this.
"come on then!" smiled Finny as he dragged me into the woods along with everyone else for a picnic. this was where I received my gifts; an adorable red rose necklace from Lizzy and Paula, and a golden ring with a (f/c) sapphire in the centre. they were simply gorgeous!
"thank you my Lady and Master! all of you!" I smiled. and gathered them all in a hug.
"(y-y/n)! let me go this instant!" Master shouted, pulling away. such a poor boy, he thinks hes all alone. he just needs to open his eyes and he would see that many people would gladly sacrifice themselves for him. I was one of these people, once.
"my apologies m'lord, but not a chance." I smiled. "thank you also, brother."
"Brother?!" exclaimed Bardroy, Mey-rin and Finny in unison.
"ummm, well ---" I started, blushing and releasing everyone.
"Uhhhh! Sebastian is (y/n)s elder brother. now please, let us leave it at that." Ciel scowled as he brushed down his clothes.
"Ohhhhh. I had wondered why they were so close. I guess it all makes sense now!" frowned Lizzy.
"yeah, makes sense." I sighed. if only I could tell them the horrible drama of the last few months. then it would all make sense...
*****Timeskip brought by HUGS!!!!*****
we all arrived back at the mansion as the sun set, creating beautiful swirls of pink, orange and yellow in the once blue sky.
"This was surely the most wonderful day I have ever had!" I smiled/sighed as I flopped onto my crisp bed. everyone had left and Sebastian was preparing the young Lord to retire for the night. I placed the ring upon my set of oaken drawers and swirled the necklace around it. I then took down my hair, brushed it until it was soft and shiny, changed into my night ware before collapsing amongst the warm sheets.
"Goodnight, Mey-Rin." I whispered to the maid that I shared the room with.
"Yes, goodnight, (y/n)." I heard from the other side of the room and I then drifted into the never ending abyss. waiting for morning to arrive...
howdy yall! thank you all for reading this far into my story. I was honestly so surprised when I saw that I had 6.3K reads! thank you all so much! I'm sorry that I couldn't include all of the ideas in this chapter but I have planned on using one of them in the next chapter.
also, sorry that it took me a while to upload. the reason is that I finished typing this chapter yesterday but as I published it, I realised that half over half of it was deleted! so as a way to make it up to yall, I have written an extra long chapter for ya!
Love ya! xxx
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