Chapter 7

~Amaya's POV~
It the next week and Amaya was laying in her hospital bed, listening to the heart monitor beep steadily, and the ghosts of dead patients moan sorrowfully. She put her arm over her eyes and sighed, suddenly an image came to her head, it was Koaru looking at her with the concern his his face. She blushed madly and coved her face with her hands.

Why am I thinking of him. I hardly know him! She thought, she moved her hands and sighed, she would be discharged soon, thankfully. But, what would she do once she got home, she most likely has a ton of make-up work to do, and she would be back to being alone.

"Miss Tanaki? You have some visitors."

Amaya sat up, Visitors? Did my parents come home early? She thought, "Bring them in."

The nurse nodded and walked out of the round soon came back with... Not Amaya's parents, but the host club. When they got inside, they all stood around Amaya, all smiling widely.

"I'm glad your okay!" Tamaki sobbed, grabbing onto Amaya's shoulders.

"I'm sorry we made you go to Lobelia." The twins apologized.

"Luckily, we got you here in time." Kyoya said, shifting his glasses.

"Maybe when you get out of here, you can have cake with me and Takashi!" Homey said.

"Yeah." Mori agreed.

"Maybe we should stop crowing her guys. She does look quite terrified." Haruhi said.

"Right sorry." Tamaki said, "All right, let's give the princess some space." He pushed everyone away.

Amaya found herself staring at Koaru, she blushed and puller gaze away and looked at Tamaki, "Why are you guys here?" She asked, looking around at the club.

"Well, you see," Hikaru started,

"We felt bad about making you go to Lobelia with us, like we said earlier," Koaru said.

"So, we decided to personally apologize!" They said together.

Amaya smiled softly, "Thanks! I greatly appreciate it!" She said.

"Also. We were wondering if you wanted to join the host club, as a hostess of course." Kyoya said, smiling.

"Kyoya! What are you thinking! She's literally in the hospital!" Haruhi said.

Amaya looked at Haruhi and smiled, "Don't worry about it Haruhi." She said. "And, you know what, I might just join. Though, if it's possible, could I work my way up to hostess? I could always start out as a waitress."

"Why would you want to start out as a waitress?" Hikaru asked.

"Well, I doubt any boys would come, since I bet some of them would most likely be scared of me." She smiled, "Once the word gets around, I bet I could upgrade to Hess once I got more popular with the boys."

The hosts looked at her, surprised.

"She sounds almost like Kyo-chan." Honey said.

"And, with a type, I bet you would be better identified." Tamaki said.

"Type? Oh right! I've heard of the types!" Amaya said, "Tamaki is the princely type, Mori, silent type, Kyoya, cool type, twins, The Little devil types, Honey, the boy lolita type, and Haruhi is the natural type!" Amaya put her finger to her chin, thinking, "how about... The dramatic type!"

"Man, now she's just like Kyoya-sempai." Hikaru said.

Then the two twins looked at each other and smiled, "It also looks like we have a new toy." They looked at Amaya and smiled widely.

"I am not a toy." Amaya said, "And don't you even think of trying to treat me like one." She sent a glare towards the wins and watched as the shuffled away.

"Good. If you guys want, I could start once I get back to school."

"That would be lovely, Miss Tanaki." Kyoya said, smiling.

I swear, that smile could give the devil chills. Amaya thought.

"Um.  I'm sorry, but, we have to run some tests." A nurse said, standing at the door, "Would you mind?"

"Of course not."  Kyoya said, smiling slightly and making the nurse blush madly. The club left the room, and the nurse walked up to Amaya.

"We just have to take a few tests, I think you'll be able to be discharged soon."

"That would be nice. This hospital couldn't be any more boring." Amaya complained.

The nurse just smiled and continued with the tests.

After the tests, the nurse left and a ghost appeared, this must be the room he died in, since this was his fifth time he had come into this room.

"Hey. Who are you?" Amaya asked.

The ghosts looked up, looked around, and then looked at Amaya. "Wait, you mean me?" He asked.

Amaya nodded, "Of course."

"You can see me?"

Amaya nodded, "I can see all ghosts. Mind telling me your name?"

"Sure, it's Paul."

"Pleasure Paul, name's Amaya. How did you die, if it's not to sensitive to talk about."

"Oh, no don't worry." Paul said, floating over and sitting on the side of the bed, "I died from cancer, though I'm glad I died, I was in a hell lot of pain."

"Yeah. I would assume so."

"Why are you here?"

"Well, I was beat up by some old classmates." Amaya said, "Suffered some blunt force trauma. Though thankfully I'm all better now. Thanks to some friends."

"Wow, you must be lucky to have friends like that."

"Well, I guess. Granted when they brought me here, I didn't consider them as friends. Now, I feel that they are."

Paul smiled, "Well, I can assure you that they're good friends. They did bring you to this hospital. And it's an Ootori hospital no less, the best in miles!"

Amaya smiled slightly, "Yeah..." She said. Then she heard footsteps down the hall, and she glanced at Paul, who had vanished. Amaya looked back towards the door, watching as it opened and a nurse walked in.

"I have som good news." She said.

"And that is?"

"You'll be able to leave in a couple days!" She said happily.

"Great. " Amaya said, "I'm actually excited to get back to Ouran For once."

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